Take Advantage of Our
Reductions that are Convincing
$20.00 Tailored Suit* SI2.AK |
$26.00 Tailored Hulls S 10.08 I
»3i.DO Tailored Hull* 924.98
slo.oo Velvet and Bcrgo DroriM *O.OB I
In black and fancy mixtures. An oxlcmlvc lltjo to twice t from. ]
$l2 ;.u Coats 90.08 l
$16.00 Coats 911.05
$20.00 Goat* . 910.05 i
$26.00 Coats #lO.OB $
Fur*, fur *.*t* jiml fur .unis. 3» jut cent dlsrout from reirular **ll*
Ini! price*.
Nemo and Henderson Corsets
Afraid of It? Co To Your Doctor
Afraid to use hair preparations? Don’t know exactly what to
do? Then why not cousiiit your doctor? Isn't your hair worth
it? Ask him if he endorses Ayer's llair Vigor for falling hair,
dandruff, a hair tonic and dressing. Have confidence in his
advice. Follow it. He knows. fc.
Th«- Chronicle-News wll pub- 4
llsh nrnln thin year tin* Santa 4
Glaus letters for the little boys i
and girl* «>r Trinidad. Tho ehll- 4
dren will be writing to dear old 4
Santa. telling him of tho gifts 4
they want and the C-N will no** 4
that the letters cot Into the 4
band* of the good old man. who 4
la very busy et this time of the 4
year Tin* Santa Claus lotfhn* 4
will begin to appear about I>e- <
eemhor Ist. 4
These Ist** hatched t hicks may be
made profitable If one has a separate
pen for them. CJootl fertile egg* ran
utualy be secured In September or
early October at n reasonable com.
The chicks will feather out before
cold weather #•• * in and the cocker* Is
attain salable size at a time when
they command good prices l.lce nre
not likely to be trouhle<mnie at this
time of year.
The pullets will begin laying ns
soon as they are old enough, which is
Just ns the nnturnl breeding season
arrives In spring. They nre no" ma
ture enough to make good breeding
stock, but will lav well all summer
sad fall when other fowls have large
ly Stopped
If you have accommodations for
them set a few bens or start an incu
bator and atcr you will be able to re
port good results.—Sylvnnus Van
For dyspepsia our natiotinl ailment
use Murdock lllood Hotters. Ilecom
tnended for strengthening digestion,
purifying the blood. At nil dtug
stores. SI.OO a bottle.
Table Linens
A special discount on
Table Linens for Thanks
giving; a pleasure to show
Regal -no Sorosis Shoes
Kuppenheimrr Clothing
Here Is a recipe for an Insect pow
der and It can bo made a great deal
...up.-r than It can he bought.
Take one pint of crude carbolic
add and thr-e pint* of gasoline. Mix
in nn earth*n crock or granite ware
dish. Sprinkle In plaster or Paris nnd
thoroughly stir so that every par
ticle «*■ tt will i*e wet Use enough of
Pnrls to absorb all the liquid. Spread
out on a paper for extra gasoline to
cvnpornte- then tun through a sieve
and the powder Is ready lor use.
F»r chicken* that will grow fast
and inaturt early we know of no
f t.r rd superior t'» the White Plymouth
■| or White Wj in loti - Thej
have plump bodies and are attractive
in tlie market. You will find It much
leafier to breed birds of solid color
and keep them true to types and
marking* than to breed the colored
'breeds. Stick to one breed anti pure
bred at that and you will g t more
eggs and have much greater succcsj
In every way than you will to breed
mongrels.—C. M. It.
Worcester. Mass., Nov. 20. —John
Wood, a grocer’s clerk, killed his
wife, hi* four mouth* old baby ami
himself with chloroform during the
night. A note found by a 12 year old
daughter when she awoke today tol*l
of the crime.
$25,000 LOSS IN FIRE
( Aspen, Colo., Nov. 21.—Fire be
lieved to he of Incendiary origin
'early today destroyed the gallery and
stage of the Wheeler Opera House.
I.css $26,000.
Denver. Colorado. Nov. 21.—Aus
trian Consul Chevalier M. Destrnz
ewskl. has Instituted an In vest I gat in
into the arrest of Paul Koccla in
Colorado Springs November 16. Ko
ccla has filed complaint with the
consul that he was fined S6O and $4.?
additional whs taken from him. The
original charge against Koccla was
; Thousands Have Been Helped
By Common Sense
| Women suffering from any form of fe
-1 male ills nre invited to communicate
! promptly with the woman's private corre
spondence department of the Lydia E.
1 Pinkham M edict no Co., Lynn, Mass.
1 Your letter will Im> opened, read and
an iwered by a woman and held in strict
confidence. A woman can freely talk of
her private illness to a woman; thus has
been established a confidential corre
spondence which h n s extended over
many years and which has never been
broken. Never have they published a
testimonial or used a letter without the
written consent of the writer, and never
has the Company allowed these confiden
tial letters to get out of their possession,
os the hundreds of thousands of them in
their files will attest.
Ont of tho vast volume of experience
which they have to draw from, it is more
than possible that they possess the very
knowledge needed in your case. Noth
ing is asked in return except your good
will, and their advice has helped thou
sands. Surely any
woman, rich or poor,
should Ik glad to
take advantage of S / l| \ r
this generous offer || Tf 1]
of assistance. Ad- 11 Hp ¥ II
dress Lydia E. Pink- U\ jrr In)
ham Medicine Co.,
(confidential) Lynn,
Every womnn ought to hove
Lydia E. IMukhnm** NO-page
Text Book. It In not a book for
general distribution, as It In too
expensive. It la free nnd only
obtainable by mail. Write for
It today.
The Princess Marie
Another of the Grecian nobility
who went to the war as a Red Cross
Kingston. Jamaica. Nov. 21.—A
great tidal wave Is reported to have
practically wiped out the town of Fa
vann La Mar on tho southwest coast
and Lucca on the northwest coast of
Forty-two people were Trilled by
ihe hurricane In Montego May. ac
cording to a brought by a
fruit vessel which arrived at Port
Confirmation has now come to
hand of tho groat destruction caused
by the recent hurricane In the west
ern end of the island. Floods which
accompanied the storm caused Im
mense damage. Hundreds of house?
wore blown down. Telegraphic com
munication is still suspended.
Tho governor of Jamaica has left
on a special train accompanied by n
detachment of artillerymen who
have taken with them 200 tents and
foodstuffs, as In certain sections the
people are homeless nnd destitute.
The sterm began on November 16
and continued In increasing fury Tor
several days. Vessels arriving in
port reported that tho wind was
blowing over 100 miles an hour.
Lucca is a town of two thousand
inhabitants on nn inlet on the
northwest coasi of Jamaica, while
Savann I.a Mar is n seaport with
about the same pcpulation «>n the
southwest coast almost directly
• across the island.
Ft. Louis, Nov. 21— The hydro
aeroplane of Tony Jnnuus wa; de
stroyed hv fire this afternoon just
aTtcr .famine was starting on his
flight down the Mississippi river
Horn S'. Louis to New Orleans. .1: :i
--nus and hi - eompnnlon, \V. 11. Trnft;.
a photographer, jumped and escap
ed Injuries. I
Thanksgiving Dinner Will Cost
Mach Less Than Last Year
With Thanksgiving n week away,
th«s Industrious house wife Is busy
planning her annual dinner and mak
ing preparations for the family
feast, which, fudging from picHent
indication, will be abb to h<- eaten
for less cost this year than a year
Although prices may vary a little
iu the next week, the cost of (lie ma
jority of Thanksgiving “eatables**
will remain unchanged. Turkey, the
essentiul thing :in Thank . riving day.
lias had a reduction of eight cunt
and will sell for 22 cent- a pound
this year Instead of the former prlci
of 20. This reduction will unable
tlte small wage earner to enjoy and
participate in the day of Lasts. In
the same manner as his more fortun
ate neighbor.
There Is n marked reduction in
some of the other “fixin’s" of the
Thanksgiving dinner, for Instance,
the price of sugnr Is $1.66 for 16
pounds in comparison to last year’s
•.rice of SI.OO for 12 pounds, enabl
ng the housewife to sweeten the
Malt (more. Md.. Nov 21.—“ Tho
building of the future city Is not In
our hand*, hut In the brainu nnd
hearts of America’s children," cald
Walter I>. Moody, man .ftin ; director
of the Chicago Plan Commission, at
the conference on city planning held
••ip today an a part of the sessions
•f the American Civic Association.
“It Is not opposition which retard*.
Ity betterment work In America,"
*ald Mr. Moody, “but rather It Is
non-education and Indifference. Th*
solution of nil the major problems of
the American city Has In the eduen
tlon of our children to a reallzat!' n
of their responsibilities as the future
owners of our cities. The regenera
tion of the Ameflcan city must come
fr6m the efforts and the wills of nn
educated and civlcally enlighten*
Chicago’s efforts to educate chi!
Iren In city building, said Mi
Moody, had resulted lr. "turning ou*
:to,noo city planning enthusiasts ev
cry year.”
Heal estate developing firms a
nn important fnctor in -Ity planning,
when they work on proper lines
"’ere the subject of an address by J
C. Nichols of Knnrns City. Mr. Nlch
ola declared new subdivisions of a
ity should be developed In such ii
wav as t« safeguard their desirability
as residence centers.
“Problems of city planning rest
primarily upon the street system.’
•aid Joseph W. Shirley, chief onsln
•er of the Maryland Topog-r.phJ •
Survey Commission. “We rhould be
gin at our front doors. If ou.* fore
fathers had only had tho tvlidnm tt
provide a certain number of main .
terles from the heart of the tow:
to the outlying settlements, on:
problem for the readjustment of ou: j
street systems would have been :
comparatively easy one.’’
He urged that American rltiiv t.
“extravagartly liberal” In providin'
such main channels of traffic for th<
The afternoon session of the con
ventlon today was devoted to a “sym
posium on capital cities,” participat
ed In by Henry IS F. Macfarl.tnd,
former Commissioner of the District
of Columbia; Mayor Charles Hope
well of Ottawa, Canada: and Walter
M. Griffin, Chicago. winner of the
Australian competition for a design
for a capital city.
Denver, Colo., Nov. 21. It is re
pot icd that tho Rocky Mountain Fuel
company Is negotiating for the pttr
haao of the controlling Interest in
the St. Louis, Rocky Mountain & Pa
cific company, which owns exton
sive coal fields in Southern Colorado
and northern New Mexico. In 1905
the majority stockholders of the St.
Louis, Rocky Mountain Pacific
placed their holdings In a voting
•rust which was to remain operative
until 1915. Last week the voting
trust was dissolved and tho
trUnited to five trustees, who are
given the right to sell tho entire’
amount for $7,500,000. The trus
tees hold 75 per rent of the $10,000,-
000 stock of the corporations.
Recently the Rocky Mountain Fuel
company increased its capital stock
from $8,000,000 tr $10,000,000
nnd Its bonds from $4,000,000 to
$10,000,000 It is pointed out that
tills increase in stork and bond hold
ings U approximately equal to the
figure at which the majority of
'he stockholders of the St. Loula,
Rocky Mountain and Pacific nre will
ing to sell their holdings.
A household remedy In America
for 25 years—Dr. Thomas’ Electric
Oil"! For cuts, sprains, burns, scalds,
bruises. 20c and 50c at all drug stores
c ranberry sauce lor a little less cost.
Tho festal Thursday will find
fiults much o'lieuper, oranges are
selling for about the? emie as |njt
year, and appl**s aro the
they have been In years, and are
bringing tho grocer 25 cents for
eight pounds.
The Thanksgiving “fixings”, con
sisting of celery, nuts and oysters
| for the turkey dre cslng, remain about
tin? same price ns lust year uitu a
i slight clßferc-n-.. in cranberries. The
favorite berry i. j 'riling two iiunits
for 25 cent*;.
1 Pot a toes have been reduced near
ly one half in the !: t year, nnd arc
sell| ng tor $1.25 n bundled pounds,
the lowest they have been in the lust
three or four years.
Eggs anti butter remain little
changed in prlc-.*. anil unless there la
some fluetuutlou iu the market.
Thank: giving edible* will be served
In nearly every home iu the nntlon
| on tlu* eventful Thursday of next
I week.
Mrs. Rosa Szabo's
Brother Eager to
Prosecute Gibson
New York. Nov. >o. ...iz Mena*
chlk, brother of Mra. Iloaa Menaelilk
Sxubo (has arrived from Austria and
announces thnt he will stay a« long
a* Is ncceaaary to prosecute Burton
W. Gibson, who li* in jail In Goshen,
N. Y.. on the charge of murdering
her. Mensehlk, who is nine years
younger tliau his sister, brought
pictures of her taken when she was a
girl, and these *vi 11 be used to iden
tify her as the woman who lost her
life while boating with Gibson at
Greenwood Lake.
Former Magistrate
Who Represented
New York Gunmen
San Francisco, Nov. 21.—Sir
Thomas Upton's challenge for an
International yacht race here In 1915
was accepted today.
At a luncheon of the Fan Fran
cisco Commercial club, given in hon
or of Sir Thomas, the following letter
was read to hint:
“On behalf of a syndicate ycl to
bp named, permit me to accept your
challenge for a raco In the 22 meter
clar.s to bo sailed here in 1915.
“We will meet you with a boat de
signed under the universal rule,
built and sailed by San Frnnciscoans
any may the* best boat win.
“Thomas L. Miller.”
Any skin Itching Is temper test
er. Tthe more you scratch the worse
it itches. Dorn’s Ointment is for
piles, eczema—any skin itching. 50c
at all drug stores.
NOVEMBER 21. 1912.
Great Interest
Has hecn taken so far in our November sale, and as the sale pro
gresses we will try and make it even more interesting for you by
offering good, seasonable merchandise below the standard prices.
Here's a Good Waist Value
—White lingerie waist with high neck ami short sleeves. Trimmed
with val Insertion and heavy lare. And tailored waists of white
mndruH and flannel in grey and fancy stripes. These waists are in
all sizes and gqod clean, fresh stock. Knsilv worth $1.50. Wo offer
them at .* 88* ■
Your Christmas Handiwork
Will he initc-h easier this year If you shop where you can get
what you want whon you wan It. Ours is a most complete stock.
Pin Cushion Fancy Ribbons
F*OffllS 'he most beautiful you ever saw
Covered with heavy imistli. In From No. so to 150 In mesas
squares, long shapes. JO<S lines and silk warpo. 2>V'
15* 20* 35f «nd 50*
Other arresorles are, heavy art linen in natural and white,
embroidery cottons, art tickings, wool yarns In all shades, slipper
stamped muslin underwear for embroidering, pillow lops, pil*
low cords, and goose* down pillows.
Women's 75c Union Suits 49c
Finest White Cotton Ribbed self
Women’s ft. oo finest lieeeed union suits, hand finished
white wool vests and nocks and sleeves,
pants ribbed Children's union suits fine cotton
ribbed self fleeced, good uud warm
| Women’s Heavy cotton ribbed vests
——^———^— and pants 25* I
New Votk, Nov. 21. —Sentence of
death on the four gunmen convicted ,
of nmrdetltiK Herman Rosenthal will
bo pronounced by Justice Goff on
November 2C. j,
Joseph A. Shay. attorney for j
Charles Becker, has filed with Dis
trict Attorney Whitman not lee of ap-
I peal from the verdict of the Jury j
which convicted Ills rlient of procur
ing the murder of Herman Rosen
thal. The notice acts as a stay of !
execution. 1
Rlieims, France, Nov. CJ.—Andre
Frev. the well-known aviator, wan
killed here today. While flying
around the aerodrome his noroplnnc
collapsed ami he fell a distance of
150 feet.
nrc headquarters for
Turkeys, Ducks
hilled ns ordered.
\ Fresh stock of everything
1 for >'°'> r Thanksgiving dinner.
1 We satisfy our costumers.
a Tholburn
6 Bowen
Native Turkey. Corn-Fed. Telephone Trln. 601 and 602.
Every winter morning you will think about purchasing warm
er underwear, here it an unusual opportunity for your winter gar
Nice Warm Shirts and Drawers,
any size, extra heavy
fleeced, per garment
We want every man in Trinidad to have some of these gar
ments and will limit each customer to four garments only.
It will do more: If after using two
bottles of PARISIAN Sage you don’t
l think it Is the finest and most de-
Rightful hair tonic and dressing you
lever used—money hack. Can you beat
that offer?
Young women who neglect their
'temples, grow old before their time,
jlf your hair is thinning at the tem
ples: If it is losing Its natural color,
j fading or turning gray .nut your faith
In PARISIAN Sage and you wont, ho
disappointed. Large bottle 50 rents
at The llnusman Drug Co. and deal
ers everywhere. Girl with Auburn
hair on every package.
"I have been somewhat costive, but
Donn'ii Rcgulcts give Just the results
1 desire. They act mildly and regulator
the bowels perfectly."—Geo 11.
Krause. Altoona, Pa.