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■—; -—— - Bring the Girls in and | Fit Them Out 1 FRIDAY and SATURDAY We offer you these extra good values for less then the regular price- Might as well take advantage of the saving. Remember wc offering many speoials during our Thanks giving sales—Everything for the house. Norwalk Corsets —For the crowing Kirin. Splendid wearing quality. 05c value, for «•«■•** 69* / Children's Bonnets Large assortment to select from. Values up to $2 for one 350 Children's Fine Hose —Gencvu silk, fast block, Topsy hose, double heel and too. All sizes, (tegular price 20c, per pair too Children's Acorn Waists —Worn over uuderwear. Knitted, flattie, substantial. Made to give service. Ak**h 2 to 12 years. Special, one 12* Children's Winter Coats EVERY ONE GREATLY REDUCES ” You may choose from our entire stock, uny coat at much less than the regular selling price. JL ~~ Children's Wool Dresses AT SPECIAL PRICES Absolute choice of any wool dress in the stock at quite a saving. They've all liven marked lew for a quirk clearance. Children's Felt Hats —Values up to $2.50. for only 19* .am© assortment- good styles I and shapes. All colors. V Children's Hair-Bow Ribbons flood heavy quality that will stand out in good shape when tied* 2fic quality, 5-Inch taffetas, satins, moire, colors, black white 10£ 25c quality 5 1-2-inch, satins, taffeta and moire, black and •*iT7To I 2s* 45c quality, *» 2—l-inch Taffeta. Illark. white and colors .. . 33* I 50c quality 8-Inch satin in colors, blsck and white, yard . . . 38* firing the Kiris in and fit them out. Children's Play Rompers Materials, plain and fancy jtinghants. 05 and 75c values for 49* I BUY YOUR THANKSGIVING LINENS AT Jamieson’s BETTER QUALITY FOR LESS MONEY l -J HUNDRED YEAR CLUBS Btlieve Life May Be Prolonged. .Men who nre devntiriK their lives to tile study of longevity believe that in days to come a man of ninety will lie in his prime, and old age will be gin long past a hundred years. Scientists have proved thut the simple life, temperate habits, exer i ise, and an active mind am essen tial to a long and happy life. When t lie blood gets thin und slug gish and creeps lazily through the veins, and the arteries begin to hard en, (hero is nothing that will enrich the blood, improve the circulation und restore strength to every back sliding organ in the lmdy so quickly as our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, Vinol. Here is proof: Mrs. Michatf llloom of Lewiston i'a., at 82 years of age was so weak ATTENTION! Teachers’ State Convention Denver, Colorado ROUND TRIP RATE $7.20 §#l $7.20 Dates of sale November 23rd and 24th Return limit December 1, 1912 R. W. HOYT, Agent C. B. LITTLE, Ticket Agt. - u L_B —a FRIDAY she had to be wheeled around in an invalid's chair—she writes that after taking a few bottles of Vinol she * could take long walks ami do her t housework. That shows how* Vinol I strengthens old people. Try Vinol on onr guarantee that it will do you good or cost you noth , lug. The llausman Drug Co., Trln . bind. Colorado. I*. S. For children’s Kczeinn, Saxo Salve is guaranteed truly wonderful. * "You ran reach a man's heart ■ through hit stomach," quoted the i Wise Guy. "Well, I’d hate to be a i miKsiona r v and have to reach a can ■ nihnl'H that way," murmured the ’ Simple Mug. i It’s all right to speak well or the i dead, hut don't do it at the expense : of tl»e living. THE CHRONICLE-NEWS, TRINIDAD, COLORADO. It Is Really a Misfortune When a Women's Hair is Red | Ucd L lit# fashionable color for I woman's hair Just now, but iu many periods ami countries to have red I hair meant to test the depths of mia |fortune, even of deulh. We know now that ted hair i* an added beauty I from the artist's point of view, for | it is ulmoKi always accompanied by a bcuutiful complexion, and the red haired woman is the cynosure of all eyus at tin* opera or the reception. Queen Klizubuth considered that >he was most attractive when wear ing a red wig, and others have shared her predilection for this color, so that now no one with u wealth of auhum tresses would dream of try ing to alter their color, j A great German doctor let it be krowu that he was blessed with a wife "who could make red hair as white as a Illy," but uo modern wo man would wish to patronize her. A story is told of a woman whose lover hud an unconquerable antip athy to red linir. so site applied to a quuck to have the color altered. He replied that this was li lk wife's de partment. and thut would furnish tin- lady with u leaden comb und the autl-Krythaeiiii unguent which "after [two cr three a| plications will make you an fair or «•» dntk as you please," j Prejudice agailiNt red huir runs I back even to Kgyptian times, for in | that land of decided opinions ami [strong prejudice It was the custom jto hum alive *oniu unfortunate In dividual cursed with red hair, ho it [was decidedly uncomfortable to have red hair in Kgypt, u» no one knew I whose turn would come next. That the Chinese shared this pre judice ngulmit red hair Is proved by their epithet for the Ktiglikh, whom they called "red-headed barbarians" or "red-he&ded devils." The gtcai exception to this rule among ancient nations is the Do main.. for since the time of Ncrulhey have praised red halt in the highest ternir. They preferred a dark red. almost brown, such as we term au burn. and modern Homans share this liking, it is said that among the pa trician families of Home und Flor ence there i* an abnormally large number of red-headed women. Mod em Greeks share tills predilection with the Romans and they heighten the rrddirh effort of the hair by wcating dull gold ornaments. Petrarch’s Laura is described as having had golden red hair, so the poet wrote: "The snare was net amldit those threads of gold Tn which l«oYe bound me fast " One of the m* st frequent causes of Silence Belts in Fogs. In Washington rorently. in the course of a hearing on petitions usk ing that a lightship he placed off Monhegan Island, on the Maine coast, Capt. Frank llrown, of the steamer Camden testified concerning peculiar conditions that exist in the neighborhood affecting the transmis sion of sound. Captain Brown said that the whistling buoy off Manana island, a small sea rock lying to the north of Monhegan, Is frequently inaudible and when this happens in foggy weather vessels approaching the en trance to Penobscot liny from the west and south arc in dnitger of los ing their hearings and going to smash on the rocky shores of the islands or the mainland. There in n fine hig light cu Monhegan, visible many miles at sen in clear weather, but in that region of frequent and heavy logs the pilots have great dif ficulty at the season when passen ger tinvel is at its height in picking up the Island and getting n new point of departure owing to their Li ability to hear the whistling buoy. In calm weather, of course, n whistling buoy Is of little account, as the volume of its sound depend': upon the movement of the sea, but It is a peculiarity of the Monhegan whistle that even when the sea is rough it cannot lie depended upon, being mysteriously silent sometimes when its warning note l«* most need ed. Tills is attributed to the exist ence in that neighborhood of "silence belts," or. ns sailors call them, "ghosts of Hie sen." These areas, impenetrable by sound, shift about in a strange way, occupying one segment of a circle today and nnother tomorrow. Thus on Monday tlie Monhegan whistle or the foghorn on tile island may lie distinctly nudihtc in the southwest, but not to the south east. while on a Tuesday the condi tions may be reversed, and the next day a still different distribution of sound may prevail. In such circum stances, a vessel might he almost up on the rocks before her people heard the whistle or the foghorn. One of tho explanations given for It ho peculiar conditions controlling sound distribution off Monhegan is that the sound waves are deflected by the fog-laden atmosphere and sent upward when hut a short distance from the whistle or horn, und then, after traversing a space at high al tlie prejudice ugaluM i.-d hair in Christian count l ies uiid nihiedl v goes buck io tlie tradition that Judas, the betrayer of Jexu*. had red hair, end most of the artists paint him thus Shakespeare refers to t hip In "As You Like It", when Rosaline says Of Orlando, "Hi halt . i the dip ambling color, and Celia mis*.-. "Something browner than Indio- V The Brahmins wett forbidden t marry a red-haired woman, and n has beeu said: ' Hu* populate of most countries, confoundin'; mmal with aesthetic lmpr«-s.-don . u .tip.- i d huired people •-! various shortcom ings." Hence, superstition ha as signed to hair < t a coppery tinge, when it adorns a w mum's head, the worst traits: mid nil petty vices, nil tin* lamentable shortcoming/ t« wbirh feminity i* heir, have been •aid laid to lit'- reddish crown It is most unfortunate when r young girl with i.d'i-h hair hemim* too self-conscious, for »• h•- is thu apt to mistake looks of admiral inn for gaping criticimi. Site may in deed use the precaution of nit standing by a pink--haded lamp, which accentual, the «olor of In. tresses too highly. hm i la a pity it she think herself the obso»v*d of 'I obsorvorSt and I • her chorroli n const iousneis or observation lies'des tile old tindilion of ludio having been red bedded aiding to create the p'-jtdl.e exi-tiug in niHttv lands, tin- fact of .he feeling agninst red linid in Knglaiid Is ret down to tlie red-haired Dan -. who could not be n irded ire aa Invad ers and barbarians. I It is the siigg* si ion of eiiarnetct I being Implied hi the injur «t the huir that has lufluen<«d mo . persons in this connection The idea tiiat i*« haired persons high tempered h very general, hut it is far front be ing true, and many hinek-holred per sona are Just a- hot tempered nnd even more cruel No one should worry because 1 . nr she is adorn >1 with red halt, no matter how ctirtoty the led liait mn} l»e. The war to fight prejudice is to prove Us Utility, and If all the red haired peisons would make - compact of amiability tl supondtinu about them would rn 'idly disanpc.i. Tin person with r<d hail* can *• keif control Just as mlly us any oin else, and lit.* nttHletTvefteiOi Af tin* hrll limit cpluted tnav he made to Increase Iter popularity. As men grow wiser they do not Judge by externals and ted hair i tio exception, otherwlre It would not i he so fashionable. tlt tide ate again deflected to water level thus • i.-ating the so-called sil ence belts. It frequently happens that the whi'tle, while heard plainly on deck, is inaudible to a man aloft, and vice versa. Tlie lighthouse hoard has experi mented and triad to learn the enure of this condition, hut tints far no sat isfactory explanation lias been found Homo years ago, during experiments at White il.-ad light, a confusing condition was found to exist. Three steamers were used in these experiments, moving bark nnd forth on different courses, uiul their pilots found tiiat at times it was impossible to hear the fog signal on White Head, although they could distinctly see the steam escaping from tlie horn. Sometimes nil sound would cense for 1" or 15 minutes at n time to he picked up again later. At oth er times no sound could be heard on could plainly he heard hv a man 50 j deck, while tho blasts of the wnistk feet nloft. Under certain atmospheric condi tion* sound can he heard at great ; distances, and frequently it occiii; that the n remarkable difference ex- 1 ists under the sntne apparent condl- 1 tions. A fog signal may be heard i faintly for several minutes, and then will come a heavy blast, as if close j aboard, succeeded by more faint sounds. It has been noticed that just 1 before n rainstorm these signals may ( l»e beard at much greater distance* ; than under usual conditions. THAT TERRIBLE ITCHING Can Be Quickly Cured by New Inex pensive Treatment. Don't suffer any longer with skin > troubles, but go today ami purchase 1 a Jar of llokara, the grcasoless and ; antiseptic skin food, and see for yourself bow quickly it relieves anti cures all skin discuses or Irritations., iiokarn not only cures pimples, j blackheads, acne, etc., but the worst ' cases of eczejna, salt rlicum. ulcers, etc., are quickly cleansed and honied by tills wonderful treatment. Hangman Drug Co., local agents, are selling a liberal jar tor -3c, and they guarantee to refund the money if llokara docs not do what is claimed for it. Larger sizes 30c and $1.00. Not a few cats must regret that they have nine lives. I NOVEMBER 22, 1012. Fill your pipe with. “Ve lv© \ when ike camp fire is aglow—S?,;- *. story follows story; :</' J J v/.N "-‘ -• •• HHHBK \ V A B '^ >/ g ■ ' \ MC & s<ba j| Dr. Alexis Carrel, Winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine N't!! y< '. .. 22 ' Carrel 11 • wlnni of I ! ibli , . of s.*!!•.oit«) for di:u ovorl in m<-I dm ind u ho on tiu past week on j* I ana and i i ..• on • i ii ill ovoi I world. Ho in connected with Hi- Rockefeller Inatltuto, |* of I’r.u.h lilrih and i* thirty-nine yi-ar* l i 110 was graduated from the Univer sity of Lyon i up original research work Involving laboratory experimentation similar to that fo tlio Noliel prl/o. Hit uroi k ■■>* an otig- Inal Invistlgat m b • m a It i • known in hi lentifle • •l< h l»> tin* announce me •< i that be n! Inti r cliaiig* d til* main nrten and jugu lar vein of n nmii with no deleter ious io-nit i. As n lima •. ho told of having grafted the l« of ad ad fox terrier on to the body of a living niilnm lof the mime variety. In June of this year a warm eontrovemy wiih started among le idlng • I ii lit - i■ i Carls by Hr. Carrel's nr.Hi-rtlon that lie had k«-i»r port inns of animals' hearts alive for months while ini tiicrted in a special antiseptic holii* j Hun and that tlHxe portioin after I a short time surrounded themselves with m w eells and grew to more than sixty tin; a tir original size. “IN OLD KENTUCKY” I Without "lu Old Kentucky" no’ (theatrical season rooms quite coin-, iplete. This remnrUable play goes on. ’its suercssful way \cnr in and war | out. • ompi til Mit Ii the ) 001 |y out put of new dramas with the stamp 61 recent New York approval, yet iholding Its own with the newer of- | firings that happen along. Soemlng i!\. the vogue of "In Old Kentucky" •i— us great o\ •. and tho aim ice iiuent of its nppcuinni •• Is certain of local approhation on the part of : heater-goers, young and old. Who i t Imt has over witnessed n perform ance ol “In Old Kentucky** can for get brnvi Had Rrlorly,** the ■ mountain heroine of the piece, or [tile unetous Kontllrliv Colonel or do-j I iightful Aunt Alnlhcn or scornful! Iturharn or manly young Luyson or j laithful old l irle Neb of the com-, ileal little pickaninniesThe 20th year of the presentation of "In Old Kentmkv" om t lie A merit ait stag - Is : |b< in fci lebiati I this soa ■ a won- | [dcrful record of succoss. "In Old Kcntuck •- announ d r api tr« once hero tonight, November 22nd. The boy's appetite Is often the source of amazement. If you would 'have such an appetite take Chambcr ilnin's Tablets. They not only create a boalthy appatite but strengthen jtlie stomach and enable It to do its I work naturally. For snlo by all ! dealers. BURDENS LIFTED Troj.. Ti inidaci Backs—Belief Proved by Lapse of Time. liaekncho In u heavy burden; Nervousness, dlzzilirzs. lieadiielo*. Itbeunmtle pains: urinary ills, AH wear one out. Often effects of kidney w< iktiess. No us'- to cure the *>mpt.iun*, IteJl.-r !.» but temporary if the ( cause r«*umliiK. • I: H i the kldnnys. cure the cause, i Doan's Kidney I’illh are f«*r kldm y | til*—- Here's proof of tlndr merit from j this vleinity: Mn C P. • ould, 30 1 *!a« • v• . Put blo, Colo e\ - i n tiling ly confirm all ( have . v* r said ulMiut 1 |» • ihcr niemners of my familv hav** 1 -r this ren 1 . nhei bavin k• ney trouble and it alwayn brings u-J relief ’ For nali* by all dealers. Price 30 «**nts. Foster-Mllbiirn Co., Itiiffnln. N*w York, sob* agents for the l*nlt«d . States. Remember the name—Doan's—| ind take no other. AMERICAN HELD FOR RANSOM BY MEXICAN REBELS Washington. Nov. 22. The state di partnieut received word today that V. illlnni M. Fink, an Aiuerleau cltl /'ii. superintendent of Sail Toy Min- « ■ . company whose camp I-. about 1 miles from Cliihunhtia is being held tor ransom by the Mexican i-'.i band that captured Santa Ku luliu WiMlnesday. BLOOD HOUNDS CAPTURE OUTLAW COAL STRIKER • ton, \\ Va Non •mu i ic «•« 1 1. alii god 1 Ii • . band of coal strigor sympathizers v. ho : bet up to iwn of High <*oal >•*•»- j | terday. was run down in the inoun-ii talus by blood lioundn and iiitn** > I guards and taken to military head-1! quarter.- at Paint Cr< > k .liinetiou to-I 1 (!••••>■. The strike zone is quiet today. I DENVER & RIO GRANGE R.B. Reduced Rates Denver and Return $7.20 I^IQS9^^BSHIHHHfIS3SS£fICS j Tickets on sale Nov. 24th arid 25th Limit December Ist B. E. GREGORY. Agent PAGE THREE 50 TEACHERS WILL ATTEND MEETING i teachers <d Trinidad and l.u- Anlmu* eoutity 11l laavo tbo (I omo ow Sunday for Hem.-r where they will : ■ • j ing of (lie Colorado T»iu iiorr' a o- I elation. This is to h.» the ntoM im portant session of th » Jatjon and jSupt J. It. More >ii and Conn nr Stt|ii. I .1. M. Madrid will take leading parts ill til* di-* u .-i*' I. Th • • boots lon d ! this afternoon for one week Hint the j teachers might attend the lonvcn- It lon. Heretofore the schools were given but two days* lioUduy at Thanksgiving tin.* I RULING ON COAST COMMERCE WITHDRAWN I Washington. No., 11 The Inter jslatf eomill'-ree ion ill.->:<u tid i lanuoiineed its withdrawal nf i *»t {administrative ruling tlitii -hlptn. nts i Porto R Philipp mere*.. Knforcctneni «»f t • 11n•*. would hav** barred foreign ••Inpi ' • ru earrylng Am* rlcun coniut* rrc to tli••-*• territories. The man who clozes to hi I ' • buries Its bend in tbc sand anti im agines that no one can »••** It. All tnt n thlnl t hey . mpnl '" r Hie majority are entitled to aiiutlicr ••htlmat*-. INSURANCE DUNtAVY'AqEf^I^