Newspaper Page Text
Heavy Set Work Harness Every at rap guaranteed. Our i»rce 935.00 I A new Hlilium-nl of biiccy whlpl. anil Ulnrk utiuliM Just re cellvcd. Prices from Of 1 up- I WANTED TO BUY Keroml ham! liuueeholii rooilh. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID Wo hove heatinff atovea frornh $2.00 up. See our epoluUiil line before buying. f 90.00 Mu Jostle Range, good us new, our prjr© (50.00 The Cash Bargain Store * . v,,.. 403 North Commercial Street WANT COLUMN Wanted-Male Help For U. 8. army. Ante bodied un married iii4*u between age** of IS and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits who can speak, rend and write the Kuglish language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer. 102 West Main St.. Trinidad. Colo. if. Wanted All who do not receive their Uhronlcle-Ncws t«» phone* ft '* »"'<t between 6:00 and 7:00 11»«* »ntne evening. Second hand furniture* Carmich ael nnd Co.. I'houe Trinidad 530. tf To buy, u cheap, gentle, driving pony. Call 790 Linden avenue. 3 Ctrl for general housework at 1.1 S N. Chestnut. - Plain or fancy sowing. Prices n*a so noble. Satisfaction guaranteed. Itooin 13. Albany Kootning House W. Main. ** Cash paid for cast off clothing, shoes nnd bats. Call Trln. -126. lino Colored girl for dining room work. Phone 3H or cull 335 Santa Fc Ave. tf. For Root Four rooms. modern escept fur nace. also nicely furnished apart ments. populnr prices. 11. L Anderson Anderson block, phono lied 2331. tf Furnished housekeeping rooms. ■lol* University. Phone lied 1 142. tf Seven room nouse, 1703 Nevada, rood place for chickens and cow. Phon«* Hod 2072. 5 Five room modern. unfurnished flat. Hot water heat, 512 Colorado Ave. Phone lied 1071. tf Three modern looms. Apply 14**9 Nevada. 3* Two rooms for light bouse keep ing. 1004 Arizona. tf- One. two or three rooms for hous* keeping. Heasotiable. -»0S Animus, tf Itooms for light houskceplng at Lu cerne. Phone tinea 383 or 418 Beech. tf. Furniture We buy nnd sell second hand fur niture. Call Trinidad 403. tf Cleaning Cleaning, pressing and dyeing.— The Trinidad Cleaning and Dye Works. ‘ tf - Printing If you need printing of any kind come to the Chronicle-News. High class work, reasonable prices. Papering Up-to-duto designs of wall paper. Large selection. Very lowest prices. Jch) Burk land. 109 East First. Phone Baca 563, I guarantee. tf. MONET TO LOAN On chattel security, reasonable rates, private. O. O. Newman, 118 W. Main. Situation Wanted Freo employment bureau, office of Associated Charities. 416 Commercial street. Phone Ited 2962. Help furnished and employment secured, tf Washing by the day, 706 Rio Ally Bt. Phono Red 1451. 4 " Young widow with child, wants work ns housekeeper or chamber maid. Address "O'* C-N. 4 Girl 16 years old wants work for room and board, apply R. It. Koss. Juvenile Judge. 3 Carpenter, will do any kind of re pair work as soon as called. Phone lteil r. 73. jl* ABSTRACTS THE TRINIDAD ABSTRACT CO ROOMS 9 ANC 10, POI.THtY .BLOC IS. PHONE TRINIDAL) t»4i FRIDAY For Sale Old papers tor putting on shelves or under carpet. 5 cents a buudte at tho Cbroulcle-Nsws office. tf ""Sell off your auiplua stuTf buy using C-N want ads. They only coat b ceota a line. •• Fur new and second hand furnit ure call on Carmichael and Co., ISO -132 Elm street. Phouo Trinidad 530. H Lost , A broaatpin made from f 5 gold piece. Liberal reward for return to C-N office. • & Coal chute from Bandera building. Reward for return to Simon Sanders 5* Sorrel horse, weight 850. blind light eye. brauded left shoulder. Dis appeared near Van llouten. N. M. Reward for return to Wiu. Azar. 2 Black pocket book containing \ money and "K. C." ring. Return to I Wm. lticd«*l. 201 State, reward. 2’ Embroidered towel—letter "F** Return to Mrs. Cushing, 333 Animas si reel. 2 Brown and white bull pup. Call Red 1714. Howard. 3 TaxiCkb Tail cab for hire, any time, night or day. Phono Toltee Hotel or Trial dud 294. Ed Poplo. Millinery 500 hats on display. 1-3 off at th i Model Millinery Store. If. Rug Making Rugs made from old carpets and rag rugs woven. C. W. DeJean, Stark vlllo, Colo., Box. 233. ,6* Found At Crystal theater, a lodge pin. Owner may have same by calling at Chronicle-News and proving proper* t.v. 6 A tie piu at the Photoplay. Call at this office. —mamra i j raggMH ROOM AND BOARD Modern rooms with board. 40.» B. / 11 mas. Phone Red 671. tf CORSETS. Agents for Kabo corsets. Fit and c •'nr guaranteed. Model Millinery, tf Costumes Trinidad Costume Co. offers choice of any costume in the house for Thanksgiving hall 11.00 Come early and get beat choice. 428 W. First street. _6 GUNMEN HEADED WEST Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 22. —Sant Schepps. •‘Bridgle** Webber. Hurry Vallou and Juck Rose the four In formers In the Rosenthal murder case were said by the conductor and port ers to have passed through Cleveland today on the Shore's New York Chicago limited bound for the west. Now York. Nov. 22.—William Shapiro, driver of the "murder ear” in which the gunmen rode to nnd from 4he scene of the murder of Her man Rosenthal, was released from cusiody this nfternoon. Don’t complain and complain and complain against n man. and then tail to npi>enr in police court om plaining witness after he ha been arrested. Lenses Duplicated 50c. Compounds 75c. •knd anoKCN pi teg. to ctwrn AND 4 CtNTa IN STAMPt-NCW _ UCNS FIRST MAIL • LINCOLN H. NALL, OpOcUB TRINIDAD) COLO. r tut CHRONICLE-HEWS, TRINIDAD, COLORADO. DAILY MARKETS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE , New York’. Nov. 22.-—The sharp rise in stocks yesterday was followed ] by profit taking today and sale* of ' this account together with the lower range of American* 1» London. i totned to depress the market in the morning trading. Pool operation*, which were « conspicuous feature of the recent advance, apparently were ouspeuried for the time and specula tion nai rowed down to the well knowu issues. An additional engagement of gold < for import gave trade* an opportun- 1 tty 10 bid up prices against the shorts, but as soon as this buying ceased the list went off a.taln. Bonds were steady. Largo foreign selling of Steel aud rnlon I'arlfic. lowered them fi and U respectively and discouraged at tempts to bid up prices elsewhere. Trading in stocks virautlly ceoaed in the late afternoon. I**ng inter vals between transactions testified to the unwillingness of the professionals to enter on eommltments, pending the clesriug up of the fundamental factors bearing ou the market. THE MONET, MARKET New York. Dec. 22.—Money on call firm, 6HI 6 per cent; ruling rate 52; dosing bid PS: offered at 6. Time loans easy: 60 days 6 per cent; 90 days 5); ail months 5J. CLOSE: Prime mercantile paper 6 per cent. Sterling exchange firm with act ual businc-is in bankers* bill at 4.80H for COd ay bills r.nd 4.85 for demand. Commercial bills 4.801. Bar sliver 63. Mexican dollar* 482. Government bonds easy. Itallroad bonds irregular 1 THE METAL MARKET fct. IxmiI*. Mo.. Nov. 22.—Lead lower. 4.83. Spelter firm. 7.35. New York. Nov. 2*.—Copper fltm Standard spot t nd November »*• bid December 17.156} I*.■* »: Janu ary 17.1061 17.15; Elect roly tic and Lake 17.62 6117.87 castings H.SPfi 1 f. 31. Tin quiet, f. pot to Janue.v 4 9 T O ft 49 80. Lead quiet. 4.45ft 4.55. Spelter steady. 7.40ft 7.60. Antimony quiet. tTookson’a 17 50. Iron quirt and unchanged THE COTTON MARKET Galveston. Texas, Nov. 22.—Colton higher, 12 5-16. New York. Nov. 22.—CHton spot closed steady. Middling upland* 12.CO Middling Gulf 12.95. Sales 400 bales. New Yotk. Nov. 22.—Carton fut ure* closed firm. Bids 1 November 12.18: December 12.21: January 12.30; February 12.32. M-irch 12.35 May 12.33: June 12.35. July 12.34; August 12.23; September 1180: Oc tober 11.CO. KANSAS CITY GRAIN AND HAY Kansas City. Mo., Nov. 22.—Cash: Wheat unchanged. No. 2 hard 80 If 861: No. 3 796181: No. red 96ift 99. No. 3 901 Cl 971. Corn unchanged to \c higher. No. i 2 mixed 431ft 44. No. 3 42ft 421; No. 2 white 46 ft 46; No. 3 4 4. Onts unchanged. No. 2 while 321 ft 8*4; No. 2 mixed 32 ft 321. Rye 63 ft 631. Hay unchanged . Receipts: Wheat 90 cars. CLOSE: Wheat. Dcrember 78; May K4ilfti: July 812. Corn. December 43fift 2: May 35ft 351; July 452- Oat*. December 321; May 331 ft |. the wool market St. 1-otils, Mo., Nov. 22.—Wool steady. Territory and western me dium* 2 1 ft 23c. Fine mediums 18 ft 20c. Fine 13 ft 17c. THE LIVESTOCK MARKET Chlctfo Livestock. Chicago. Nov. 22.—Cattle receipts 2,500. Market steady to strong. Beeves 5.25ft 10.55; Texas atercs 4.30ft 5.60: western steers 5.40 ft 9.10: stockers and feeders 4.25ft 7.50; cows and heifers 2.70 ft 7.36; calves 6.50ft 10.25. HOGS: Receipts 25.000. Market dull, 5c lower. Light 7.33ft 7.824; mixed 7.40ft , 7.87 6: heavy 7.35ft7.90: rough 7.35ft 7.55: pigs 3.50ft7.40. Bulk of sales 7.60 ft 7.80. SHEEP: Receipts 12,000. Market slow, weak. Native 3.40ft 4.50: western 3.70ft ' -1.50: yearlings I.73ft5.90: lambs, I native 5.50ft7.45; western 5.65ft il'”- — Kanaan C‘« livestock. Kansas City. Mo., Nov. 22.-Cattle I receipts 2,500, including 300 soutli- I erns. Market steady. I Native steers 6.50ft 10.85; south- I ern steels 4.25ft7.23; southern cow* |* and heifers 3.75ft 0; native cowg and heifers 3.50© 8.50; blockers and feeders 4.75© 7.30; bulls 4©6; calves 5.50© 9.50; western ateres 5.60©9; western cows 3.75© 6.50. HOGH. Receipts 7.000. Murket 5c lower. Bulk of rales 7.50© 7.90. Heavy 7.70© 7.85; packers and butchers 7.55©7.80; light 7.40© 7.65; pigs 6.25© 7. B11EEP: Receipts 2,000. Market steady. Muttons 3.75© 5; Inmbs 5.50© 7.50: range wethers and yearlings I ©6: range ewes 3© 4.50. Denver Livestock. Denver. Colo . Nov. 22. —Cattle re ceipts 9,000. Market steady. Beef steers 6.76(17.50; cows and heifers 4(26; Stockers ..nd feeders 5© 6.75; calves 6 ©8.50 HOGS: Rerei'»ts 400. Market low er. Top 7.80: hulk of sales 7.75© 7.80. SHEEP: Receipts 3,000. Market steady. Yearlings 4.50©5.50; weth em 4© 4.40; lambs 6© 6.75; ewes 3.35 ©>3.80. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Chicago, Nov. 22.—Wheat prices dropped today as a result of north western receipts more than double those of a year ago Opening quo tations varied from 4 off to a shade advance. May started at 90 \ to 2. n sixteenth lower to a like amount up and fell to S9J© V The close was steady at 904 for Mnv. 4© 4 under lust night. May corn, which started at u shade decline to ;i similar advance, ragged to 47Hi 2. The dote was easy, u shade net tower for May at 47’,. May oats opened within a six teenth either side of last night s fig urea at 324© 3J| but receded to 32 WHEAT: De-ember, opening 844: blvhebt 845: lowest 814; closing 844 I May. opening 904 ©2: highest 908: lowest 89 J© Z: timing 904. July, opening 874(7 8; highest 87J: lowest 87',. dosing 87 4 CORK; December, openln; 4Mi 4: highest 48© l. lowest 47ft: closing 47 L. May. opening 174**3: highest 472© 2: lowest 174© 2: closing 374. July, opgp'nc 184© 2: highest 484; lowest 484: closing 482. OATBf December, opening 301© 31: highest 31(7 31ft: lowest 302 closing SOftfl 31. May. openin'; 324© I: highest 32 4 : lowest 32: closing 324 (???) Chicago. Nov. 22. Lower prices for hogs led to a backset in provis ions. Firs - sales were five to l«c down, with January 19 30 for pork; 10.75 for lurd and 10.25 for ribs HESS PORK: January, opening 19.25© 30; highest 19.30; lowest 19.15(7174: closing 19.20. May. opening 18.50(1 624: highest 18.524: lowest 16.45; Hosing 1 *<.47ft. LARD: iveemher. openlnT 11.07 ft; highest 1 1.074: lowest 11.024: Hos- Ing 11.024. January, opening 10.75; highest 10.75: lowest 10.70: closing 10.7*1. May. opening 10.20(7 221: highest 10.224: lowest 10.15(717); closing 10.17 J. SHORT RIGS: November, opening 10.624: closing 10.60. January, opening 10.25; highest in.3o: lowest 10 25: rlos'ng 10 25$ 27|. May. opening 9.874©‘90 highest 9.90: lowest 9.871; closing O.S7>. The market closed Itoivv. Kf forts of shorts to cover In final hour did not mcc, with much sm eevs and the traders promptly about and sold the list rather freely. Steel touched tte lowest an! there 1 1- «*o waa nemo active selling c»* nu etUly strong industrials. New York, Nov. 22.- -Ani.iUnmat rd 85g; Sugar 1203: Atchison 1*173; Great Northern 138*: N*w York Central 1142: Northern Pacific 1247 Reading 1722; Southern PnHf.c 1115: Union Pacific 1727 Steel i'i; Steel preferred 112. ESCAPED CONVICT FOUND IN WOMAN’S GARB El Paso. Texas, Nov. 22.—Dressed in the height of feminine fashion. Andreas Callea. a Mexlcan-Amerlcnn. was taken from a Juarez electric ear here today by Mexican Immigration agents. He admits having escaped from Jail in Santa Fe, N. M . with an American prisoner. Banta Fe. N. M.. Nov. 22—An rtreas Calles and Ben Wyant, cooks at the state prison hero, escaped Mondav morning by sawing the Iron hats to the kitchen, climbing the prison walls with a ladder nnd drop* ping a distance of twenty-five feet to the earth outside. The men took with them cooked meat, hut drop lied It In their flight. When the bloodhounds of the prison were plac ed on their trail shortly after their escape, the dogs sniffed tied pepper which the convicts had scattered ncros their trail and the animals could no longer follow the scout. The men went south along tho Rio Grande. NOVEMBER 22. 1012. $500,000 AVAILABLE FOR IMPROVEMENT OF COLORADO ROADS Douvur, Colorado, November 22, — 1 'I'll« statu highway commission. It the bill affecting It In tuuml to have passed, will, on Jauuary I, have a fund of between 9l.uu.uuu and uOu actuhl> available for urn*, accord ing to Chairman C. I*. Allen of the commission. The trcaaurer'a of fie*' tlxes the aiuount ala little less than l&OO.OOU. At present there la more than 94uU.000 on hand Tor the work in available funda from all sources. The laud bourd turned over slK,.'t. r i2.63 on the leaaea and land oold for Octo ber, recently. The receipt* for No \umber and December will nlao be turned over, averaging probably fK.OOO each mouth. The last payment to the fund waa from the government- a $1.'.,3.1 payment off» per cent of the net proceeds from the sale of public lunU* having becu received at Treasurer Keuehuu'a office. The government pay a about twice u year on lands, mo that the atate laud board provided the only oource available /or further funda. The fuud oil band la actually in the treasury, uvailnblo at once. The 91*»ti,000 due from the cnpltol board la not included, although tin* high way commission had been endeavor ing to obtain the fund ever idncc it wan created. The interest on the money now hi tin* treasury goes to the state wlifle It Is lying Idle. While there are sev eral sources from which funds are ' dm* or may come which would raise the total higher, there ran he hard ly more than half a million dollars nttunlly available for instant use u ; the rads. I The total amount depends on the 1 ,laud hoard anil the sale* and leases (cannot be estimated In advance. ,| Don't wuste your tuouey buying strengthening plasters. Chnmber : lain's Liniment la cheaper and bet s ter. Dampen a piece of flannel with It and bind It over the affected parts I and It will relieve the pain ami sore ness. For sale by all dealera. HER $50 HAT SOLD IN RUM MAGE RUSH FOR TWO-BIT PIECE Steubenville. 0.. Nov. 32.- If .Miss Nannie Green ever attends an other rummage sale she will go bare headed. 1 Miss Green, active In charitable and soclul work, was one of the pro moters of a rummage sale last night to give poor folk a chance to buy coat- off articles cheap. She served as u clerk uud laid her 9SO hat near a counter where sec ond-hand millinery finery was beiug sold at 2"* cents. An Italian woman picked up the beautiful creation with the query. "How much?" The hurried clerk re plied "Twenty-five cents." The triumphant daughter of Italy walked out with her bargain. When Miss Green looked for her hnt on going to supper the blunder was discovered. A handy pocket for IroniuK holder, wax and sponge can be made on tin ironing board where the sheet turns bark. Slip a kid glove finger nr a thim ble over the end of a small curtain rod if you wish it to go easily through the material. Nothing On Earih Like ZENO for Ewotna, Try H' Just Apply It On Any Imm Bpo or Skin Botch—That'll Provo It Every single ecxrma soro you've gc on your body, nil pain and unn-achabl Itching, every ekln blotch will nb*olut« ly vanish as you nevor before believe It possible by the use of tho new remc ' ' Hi ' PF' • Everybody Leeks at Yee When Yee Have Ski Trouble*. Use ZEMO and Get Rid at Thom All Right Away* dy ZEMO Tlicro’s no quotlon abot 1 It. no doubt about It. It docs t!V work. It docs it In a remarkable wnjl You never used anything like It be fore. You can’t find anything like I) simply becauno there’s nothing Ilk: ZEMO known or sold today. ZEMO will be a surprise to yc* Just as It has been a surprise to tlioi. Minds who have already tried It. Youl first uec of ZEMO will bring Instan; relief, pain and Itching will stop. It leave the skin clear us though you never bad ecActuu In your life. And you ought to see how It goes after dandruff, too! Dandruff, you know. Is merely eczema of the scalp. Ho. away goes dandruff, all eczema, all I lotclics, all spot i. Don’t mins It for 25 conts. When you huve proven with a 25-cent bottle how remarkable ZEMO Is to your own satisfaction, then you can buy a fl bottle, which contains six times aa much as the 25-ccnt bottle. ZEMO is sold and guaranteed by druggists everywhere, and in Trini dad by llausmnn's three drug stores. Some Growing Children arc under size—under weight. Some grow tall and thin, others arc backward in studies— pale and frail —improper assimilation it usually the cause. If your children are not nigged and fntddy and rosy—bubbling with energy and vim at all times, you owe them SCOTT'S EMULSlON—nature’s cancan tratod nourishment to build body, bone, muscle and brain. CfciUna ami SCOTT’S EMULSION tv pipw. TtaMUik Scott & Downs, Bloomfield, N. J. IH4 -> BROWN HAS MADE $81,000 IN 26 MONTNS New York. Nov. 22. —"Knockout" Itiown. the terrible New York light weight. has a record to which any youth of 21 might well point with pride. It was only four short years , •go he was working In an east side pencil factory at 9* r «.. r iO a week, lie was Just plain Valentino llraun then and he was unknown to fame. To day lie has accounts in seven banks. .h making money faster than any col lege president, is known and re spected from ocean to ocean, and lias a record of having pulled down with pis two rists 9-** 1.000 in the last 20 months. K. 0., as may already have bean suspected. Is of course of German parentage. It lias often been said of tho Germain that they haven’t the nerve to make good fighters, hut the young New Yorker belles the asser tion. for a gamer hoy never donner the padded mitts. If “Knockout**" mother had had tnything to any about It In the he- 1 ginning It Is doubtful If the young ii an ever would have been heard of | outside the pencil factory. For Mrs. Frauti was nt first sternlv onpo-u-d to ’jer son's entering tho fistic arena, •nd It was only when she saw the money pour like n flood In the fam ily coffers that she became reenn -llcd. Even when her hoy fought Matt \V»-||s In New York and secured 9?*-- :t«0 ns Ills end. Mrs. llraun had not come to regard fighting as the best line of business fur her boy. K O. aas In the habit of bringing homo all of bis earnings t«* his mother, so after the Well* fight he planned n little surprise lor her. He secured several 9l«mi bills and live 91.000 ’•Ills, and aecompanled by Ills man ager. Dan Morgan, went to the fam ily home. lie handed hi* mot her the roll or greenbacks and she started to conn one hundred, two hundred.'* etc. Shortly she came up to the thousand dollnr babies. Morgan and "Knock out" could scarcely contain them selves for laughter when they saw her eyes bulge out as she saw the figure one followed by three ciphers. Winter Tourist Fares Ft Worth *nd Dtll&s. Texas- and return $23.G0 O.ilvciton and return Huston and return *33-30 San Antonio and return J®’-®’ San Angelo and return ‘, Pecoa and return f**'®? Waco and return El Paio and return Corpua Christi and return *’3 ®0 Brownaville and return *’®“r Carlsbad and return Boswell and return **® “” Mineral Wells and return $25.90 Charleston South Carolina an d return $65.85 Columbia. South Carolina, and return $62.15 Gulfport, Mississippi, and return $58.00 Meridian, Mississippi and return $46 40 New Orleans, and return Mobile- Alabama, and return $58.00 Jacksonville. Florida, and return $67.50 —Tickets on mile dally up to April HO. 19111. rinal return limit Juno I. mi:. I.iliernl stopover privileges, l-’nres to many oilier points in Texas. Louisiana, Mississippi. Alabama. Florida, Cuba, Georgia nnd South Carolina. ®*Pre Colorado Southern Railway PAGE SEVEN "Was 1st?** she yelled. *'Bln tou nand. twei tousnnd. drel toimnud. vicr lousand. five touHaii'! arh liiinni«‘l! So much money. More you Valentine, sit right down here to your ziimn**- k indie mid knffee." And K. O. did. Hut Mrs. Itrnun thinks there Isn't another l»o>- in tin? world quite like her Valentine. Most of his earning** in the ring have been Invested In real estlte In and around New York. Recently he l»ouitht a piece of land for $f..20ft. A few weeks later lie wan offered fn.000 for It. That show* that he Iibn a wise lo ad on his shoul ders despite his 21 yeais. ChruntiIv-News, f.Or a month. Benefited Many Who Bad Tnberenlods Tliow who mffrr from Coaauuiptton are generally iron bled with night eoentv. fever. Imu **f strength ami <•• tie or no a|,|M*t|te Freak air. a I fond. and Hie |,ro|M-r ear* of Mis- ar<- •entlal ts. a res-overy. I*ul la many •«»•*•* aom.thltig I* needed Okuiaa » Al teratlvs* I* *s tnesllelite which li.t* te-.-ti in.»i •mvs-w-ful In -topping night -went-. rs-*lu. lag fever and promoting it a pell to. nu<l many wig* have u-s-d li. .P.lire It aaved their live*. Investigate what It dpi 111 Itlla ra-e “Gentlemen. For four year* I wn* trssiiPle.l with essiigli. which grn.lunll v Pswame trarw; I hail night *ncai* nnd pallia In my cheat t loalng my up ■M-tlts. and had become 'n lliln and ws-nk I could not attend to my honasdosld -In Ilea. A phyaplitn pronounced my sn««- t'tsu-ninptlon Not tis-lng -all-IP*.I I *i'< riamliii'l by tin* pliyalelana of tin* I*•* * > • eiinP* Hospital, raoj also pitmonnrei tile dlae.las* I *otial|||l|lt 1011. Wills-1) hie proven later liy an evamlnallon <•( -pu ami. na Tule-r* u lonia Ituellll were found I ph, ordered to n i'••n-nmptlv.. 1 1*»- pital My nephew would not allow in • to go until I had tried i:< Lilian - Alter allVs* Itsjfor*- 1 had taken tin* medlrlm* thrsH. w«*s*ka I hml marked relief, nigh* aweslta craned. p.illi 111 Ihe 1.i.-.i-l re llrvrd. rough Iscs-ame l<so« • and fever left Hie niul I romim-IK ed gelling well. My health In-nine normal. I nm In evs-rdlent health now nn*l have Peru completely curs'd for ten >**nr« I atroiig ly recommend It.” iMIIS ) MAItV WAHSiiN « re IM.tlrrtn. 1722 * 17th >’t . Phil • I‘n Kr-kuinn’a Alterative la effective In llinti chill*. Aathm.i. Iloy Fever: Tt,,-.,i nnd l.ting Tmuhlca, and In iipl..illdliig ih.- pist.-m |toea not contain tmlaon-. opln'-'s or habit forming rlruga A-U f..r lomklet telling of rrcsiverls— an<l write to P.-kmau l.nlmratory. I'lilladclnliln. I*a . f-.r •' i ds-B<c For aale try nil leading drugglaia For sale by Opora House Drug Co., nnd W. 8. Oreon. Co.