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si ; ——— 11 | *rhe Opportunity of a Lifetime I | —^——■ i i Unequalled Array of Beautiful and Costly Awards Given I Away Absolutely Free I • o J ■■■■ - i —-— —anaa i HOW POIZES WILL BE !A STARTING OPP33TUMTVI HOW THE TERRITORY IS I 1 ™ Reihifp This ““ I 2 , ... A Ala #1 *3. j 2 irl*i . two for the «Ity of Trinlilml. nn<l iwo f«»r the outside territory Z 9 l ompetely equipped with every feature of n perfect motor car. w.ll g u v..* A be awarded to the candidate who receives more votes than any candid tt" E CONTEST DISTRICT NO. 1. ft} Z lu the contest. regardless of which district she may reside In. E fiT; <*n «e ai/T*. •!> ■ fc, A 'fAA •fi "W - irf \n' 111 eon Ist of the City of Trinidad Irom the renter of Commercial . g TWO $325 KOHLER AND CAMPBELL UPRIGHT PIANOS. 2 lupun ■-1 o Will he awarded to the two candidates, one in the two city disirlc *" I 1 ** 1 | COHTEBT DISTir*CT NO. I & A and one in the two outside districts, who stand Inchest In their Ulvis- H , . , ft} . , .... . i Pi ' ; H consist of tin* City cf rt in I dad. from the renter of Comm «T O ° n * nr ter the Capital rlx.. hu. HwnnloU. H g DECEMBER sth ® FOUR $lOO DIAMOND RINGS jj " CONTEST DISTRICT NO. 3. r > I £ Will he awarded to the four eaudldntes, om- In eqch district. "• • jH 7p. m. with ; t«.t •n • a. •» I- • «t ; * .1 Vt -,,j oonwlspi of lluerrano county and all towns In Ijih \nlnta» .. n»*y ft} Q .1.n.1 hlghret It. Ihnlr rnpwtlv* .M.1r1.1., ..ftrr the t'npltnl Prlx- N .xf iiorll, '..f the l.n« Anln.ti. river. but not I ..lint: ...»... „r't. rrll..r ' - <2 0 tho Upright I'lnnoft have horn awarded. 5 - ,1., Ing .... tho rl. or. <2 || FOUR LADIES'GUARANTEED GOLD WATCHES SOOO VotfiS CONTEST DISTRICT NO. i. .Jfl} Will lie awarded to the four candidates who receive the next high- U .... . Will consist of lain \ n Imn- county of Colorado tnuth of the !..». Anl- ft} est number of votes In their respective districts, niter the Caphnl Prl** n In lIC- QlllOll to tI7C rCyUitif VOiCS mQH r i*,. r . inrltullnt: all towns liordlng on the ilver. and I nlon and Col- ft} ft} and the IMnnos have been awarded. « mx eonnties of N* w Mexico. v£ FOUR BUSINESS COLLEGE COURSES. 1 N..«. • ..f .üb. .II«t REWARDS FOR EVERY CANDIDATE sTwo In the Trinidad lluilness College nnd two in the Dreher Itusl- R Every eandldate who remains active during the contest, and do«* tgy ttess College, both Institutions or known and proven reputation, will >• H Addi • . n :,„i rtnelve one of the above mentioned prises, will be given a com- awarded to the four candidates who stand highest in their respective i. (salon of per cent on all brought in by her. TIIBUK AIM* G uistrirt after the Capital Prize and the Pianos have been nwaidcd. C . • i an t ». . NO I .OS KUS -KVKHYON'K IS A WINNKII % _ |( n ‘ | - { conditions, rules, regulations m f | READ CAREFULLY “OlfllNA I lUN IILAIvIV ? ? Any young woman, murried or single, over !.*• years of age. in CkP 8 f£\ TT* I GOOO FOR 2,00 f VOTES f eligible to compete, provided <otidltlon* set forth below are complied |N | 1 1. I -- -■ - g Candidates must reside in the district or territory from which nomi- 5* ¥ nated. Candidates removing from this district or territory, after being —I nominal.- Mr or .Mi- ... nominated, will lose all votes received. No candidate will be permitted ' ***\\ *•*’ 0 to transfer votes to another after receiving them for herself. * Vv £s&-/, Purchased Olid ft The right is reserved to withdraw the offer in any district where j* t v Vddress 0 only one candidate is nominated, or voted for. 011 a,s P ia y v.t Hallots sent in for names not properly nominated will he destroyed V*Yfllfflttt. *** 4P uncounted. E. L. Allen** llowntßiwn address, if any § ft Bvcry candidate must he regularly nominated on a blank printed /x ii eril \ and II II O ftP in this paper, or a similar blank furnished by The Chronncle-Ncws. Wia k-Mern&££*■ m L- H. Hull’s I . I f Candidates may nominate themselves or their friends may do It for ra«K Lwelrv ft them. Names of candidates who have boon nominated properly will be Jpff • . tH X q published every day, If possible, with tho number of votes, each candidate Store* D-nin \,» ( w (l| , i»,{ s i. t lUvI-loiih ) $ jar has received. If the name of the young woman you want to vote for Is not in the list, nominate her properly when you send in your ballots, or *">} S lM>,or ''- lf I®""* 1 '- .WmilnnW.l by ...... g j*. A coupon will be printed in this paper every day during the life of g the contest, until further notice. Tbl. coupon win count Tor 10 votes All □p- A \A# |MK| F* R Only the flnt non.lm.tton ballot re ived for cu. I, -an.lldn.c will & S coupons will he Uatetl and will be void unlcwt received at The Chronicle- D U M VV I IN IN L H f„ r v „t„. pill out all the lines »r this bullot .erv eitn-rtillv © Z New. office on or before the expiration date nv minted theieon. All bal- ' nml ntnll AT ONCK in th, Contest Mens-:..., The Chronicl.-N.■»■,. Tilnl- & lots must he sent direct to the Contest Manager or The Chronlclc-News, ( j ni j c o | ora ,|„ I • FourQvmpleteCouraeseflnstniction " T ,„. I ft family will he eligible as a candidate. In the Trinidad and Dreher Business Colleges nations. •-& jS Any questions or controversies that may nrlsc nre to he settled by The EDUCATION PAVF.S THE WAY TO SUCCESS PHI out this blank, write plainly, nnd sent it in Conti-t Manager S » Chronicle-News only. WINNERS OF THESE PRIZES AB E ASSURED A COMPLETE BUSI I itii your name "■ tho name arid add ret ol youi favorite candldati The 1 I V In rases of ties, prizes of eqttal value with the one tied for will be NESS EDUCATION names of persons making nominations will not be divulged. If so requested. 'ff g awarded contestants tying. BUSINESS SUCCESS DEMANDS TRAINING. THESE INSTITUTIONS ® The Chronicle-News reserves the right to make any changes or addi- I I HOLD ENVIABLE RECORDS FOR THOROUGHNESS OF IN- I I vavp vmtr MnuiWATiniff TMIAY I I X tlons to the above conditions that may be deemed necessary in the Interest STRUCTION GIVEN STUDENTS. MAKE YOUR NOMINATION TODAY ftp of the candidates. . Get Busy and Win one of these Handsome awards. Only a limited ® In accepting nominations, nil candidates must accept and agree to ■ _ . mm* \ . a number of nominations will be accepted. Be sure vour name is on this I *';> ft} abide by the above conditions. | | |\| CJ yy \/ J list. ft} ft} i | I Telephone I FOR FULL AND COMPLETE INFORMATION Telephone I I Trinidad CALL. WRITE OR PHONE Trinidad 11 | The Contest Manager —4lo— DAILY CHRONICLE - NEWS 1 I TRINIDAD, COLORADO 11 i <BH3f ft} ft} ft} ft} ft} ft} ft} ft} ft} ft} ft} ft} ft} fti ft} 0 ft} ft} ft} ft} ft> ft} ft} ft} ft; ft} ft} ftt- ft? ft? ft; ft’} ft?! go xxooZ'&xoqoo&ox \ ~~ SATTRDAT v THE CHRONICLE - NEWS, TRINIDAD, COLORADO. NOVEMBER At 1912. PAGE SEVEN