Newspaper Page Text
Second Hand Furniture Untight ami Hold. Highest rash price* paid. All kinds of Range.-. *'o*»k stove* ami Heating Stoves, Just as g*»o*l as now ami at a saving of olio-half off now price. Wo also have a very complete lino of dining room ami hod room furniture. Look over our stock before buying. The Cash Bargain Store 403 North Commercial Street WANT COLUMN Wanted-Male Help For IT. S. army. Able bodied un married ni«'U between ages of IK nud 3f»; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate bablU who can apeak, read uml write the Kiigllsh language. For luformatiou apply to Recruiting Officer. 103 West Malu St.. Trinidad. Colo. tf. Wanted tit w ii.. .to mil riHi be tbelr i t'bionleb'-.Vcws t** pliom* this oflloc . betwr.-n C:00 nud 7:»0 the same evening. Second band furniture. Furml'h a*-l ami l*o.. Phone Trinidad r»HO. tf To buy. a cheap, gentle, driving pou>. Fall 799 l.lndcn avenue 3 A gl.l tor chambermaid and d.n lii'i ro» i: . $33..Ml per mouth, board phi ii' I* iig it Hole II • «L Mon and women to n il our F.irl*'- I’.as ;to«*d«: make *pl<u*!l«l gift * fur no n. uoinen. children Sell on sight l.nrv.e ptrf||;t Kvp-t !• lire uun***e j :tJ \ \Vc S*i'»W you lll. tv. Addrens Quaker Knit. 3000 Cheat nut 81., I'ltlladolphla, I’.*. •’* i raui wln • Pi i . a.ihl. Sitisfa* lull *tn until' ■ 1 I toot VI bn i (looming d •• .Main. Fash paid for earl 'f.‘ rlolbln . i hoi .i ami lints. Fall Trlu. 13*5. Into Colored girl for .lining room woik. I' *. I l oi call 33.'* Santa Fo Av« . if. For R«nt *" Four rooms, modern except fur nace, ulho nicely furnlahed apart* merits. popular prices. 11. L. Anderson Anderson block, phone Itcd 3331. tf Furiilslied housekeeping rooms. 4ou I'nlvcrsity. Phone lied 1443. if Five room modern. unfurnished flat. Hot water heal, M 3 Colorado Avc. Phone Red 1071. if Three modern rooms. Apply 1409 Nevada. 3* One, two nr three rooms for house keeping. Reasonable. .‘»08 Animas, tf Rooms for light houskeeplng at Lu cerne. Phono Hnca 353 or 418 Beech. tf. Rooms for light housekeeping. 317 Frost Avo. Phone Red 1771. 3 Four room llungalow, rail Barn 4 I 3 Four and five room modern house, close la. Trinidad 318. tf Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. M l Arlzonn Avc. 1* Three and ton room modern house Phone Re«l 2f»9S. £* Furnished rooms Tor light house keeping. 419 State. Phone Red 1834. 4- Papering Up-to-date designs of wall paper. Large selection. Very lowest prices, .foe litirklnnd, 109 Bast First. Phone Itnca r.G3, I guarantee. tf. MONEY TO LOAN On chattel security, reasonable rates, private. (I. O. Newman, lit! NV, Main. Situation Wanted i Free employment bureau, office of Associated Charities, 4lf! Commercial street. Phone Red 2962. Help furnished and employment secured, tf Washing by the day, 706 Rio Ally St. Phone-Red 1451. 4 Young widow with child, wants work ns housekeeper or chamber maid. Address "O” C-N. 4 (Till 1 6 years old wants work for room and hoard, apply It. It. Ross, juvenile judge. 3 j Carpenter, will do any kind of re pair work as noon as called. Phono Rod 57::. M* ABSTRACTS THE TRINIDAD ABSTRACT CO .lUOMS <-* AN'*' to. MOntttV BLOCK. PHONE TPiIN I D A D 541 • SATURDAY For Sole Old papers lor putting on shelves or under carpet. f» cents u bundle at the Chroulclo-News office. tf Sell oif your sin plus stuff buy using C-N want ads. They only cost l* cents a line. ef For new und second bund fur nit jure call on Carmichael and Fo., 13U -133 Kliu street. Phono Trinidad; |D3O. tf I Our home at .*»37 Colorado avenue, .upon any rottsouuhie offer aim term** • IlouKcliold. dining loom und kitchen luiTiltiire, Including writing desk. * 'look iuse. parlor set. lounge, two; [dining tables, chairs, buffet, and .•■ulna closet three tied room sets, one ■ [upright piano and one automobile .fall an* time or phone Red *.'3. M and Mrs. \V. It. Morgan. 3 Hist located rooming house In t’i** r ii :■ i qi i Nnrtitln Lost A bre:otpin trade from S' gold o.cee 1.1 herul reward lor return «•* F-N office f i | chitte from Sanders luilldln? R.'.vaid I*.r n turn to Simon S.niihr* Fnrrrl horse, weight s“n, blind t If;III i• e, lirailded left should*" Ids •>;»;»eart 1 mar Van llonteii. N M R. w. . :*d for return to Win Atrtr. 3 Bind. pocket Ih»oK coutnlnlug 'money nnd *’K 4*.” rlfit Return to •Am. Riedel. 3*H ftnio rewn-,!. 2 I J Ktnhrobtered towel -letter "F" Reiu.u to Mrs. FnslF .g. 233 A til mas jstrAet. 2 J Itrown nud white bull pup. Fall | Red 1714. Reward. 2 I* " j T II S. 1913 gttlil pin. Reward, j Notify this office. 3 ' Taxi Ctb ' Taxi cab for hire, any time, night or day. Phono Toltoc Hotel or Trlnl* dad 29 4. Kd Pople. Millinery :»U0 lints on display. 1-3 off at th Model Millinery Store. tf.! Rug Making Rugs made from old carpets nnd |:ng rugs woven. F. W. DcJcan. Stark , Hie, Folo., Box, gr. 3. 6* Found [ At Frystnl theater, a lodge pin. 1 Owner may have same by calling at clironlcle-News nnd proving proper" r_ ! j A tie pin at the Photoplay. Fall at jt llls office, ROOM AND BOARD Modern rooms with board. 4*»5 s. |.\nlmns. I'hone Bed 671. tf CORSETS. Agents for Kabo corsets. Fit and wear guaranteed. Model Millinery, tf Costumes Trinidad Cost 11 ino Fo. offers choke or any costume in tin* house for Thanksgiving hall $l.OO Como early and get host choice. 42S W. First street. 6 Furniture We buy and sell second hand fur niture. Call Trinidad 403. tf Cleaning (’leaning, pressing nnd dyeing.— The Trinidad Cleaning nnd Dye tf Printing If you need printing of any kind come to the Chronicle-News. High class work, reasonable prices. XHX CHRONICLE-NEWS. TRINIDAD. COLORADO. NEWS FROM THE FOREIGN CAPITALS London, Nov. 33. A luxuriantly appointed club for 'logs has been es tablished on Plcndilly. Here, com fort that might ho envied by the av cingr business and professional nutu will If a!forded the pets whose own ers are able to meet the portal re (|ulrcmciits and pay the duos. The doge will share the us** of their quarters with their masters and mls tlessen hut the connection *>f the lut it-r with the club will bo dependent upon the membership of the on nines. The Initial expense of equipping th* place was $7.*i.000 and the cost of maintaining It will he considerable. A uiatiou and four assistants will lock after the ordinary needs of mem bers ami a veterinary surgeon will call twice each day to provide such medical attendance as may he neces sary. I.npdngr> will l»e permitted to lounge In the library ami smoking rooms while tin* larger breeds will lie accomodated In a suite of rooms • quipped with cushioned stalls and brass linings Fnlformod attend ants will meet the dogs at the door and conduct tli*m to tlirtr favorite | corners The club, to Is* known as the Fail ed Traveler* and Counties Flub, -..irt. with a membership of l.’»u hu man.*. of whom 27i» have tcrognlxed pedigree. Willi title*. Lord and l.nly Tentetdcn formally opened the liuiiir.ii iciihn of the club, while R*tuning Blunderbuss, .he ehamplnii bulldog, /mod /,»on*or for the fours legged part of the enterprise. One of the feature* of the club will he the • it** of fancy dog*, which can l» •••it to Jhe house by out of lotvu i.»iiiil''i- lc» *afc kepelng dining the hi.- I. hem h shows. The strict ccusershlp exercised In 11. rt » • ot- military "••ret 1 ha* l «\.*:i.rd the* leading public from • *i!nr ni'»* ■ • ( th** Id ’iitlty *f th* principal artoi » In tin* Balkan stnic V. . Id. one • mil' will'll • 111- Ilke to l*i -onie r.s as Kuropat- I '. Oyamn. Kurokl nnd Nogl, Is Put uik. Conceal Puiulk U commander -111 -* liluf of the HvrvUn forces which , hate keen operating around Yakub. 07 him « correspondent at the Scv -1 - lan headnunrter* writes; t "Boners! Pntnlk Is a military gen- I .us to whom much of the success of jllie wnr Is undoubtedly due. As I Isaw him for the first time at Kosto j wit 7, I was s.ruek by the extraordin ary likeness which he boro to General | Grant, hot Ii In feature nnd hull*!, j lie has 01 gnu I zed the marvellously successful plan against the Turk. “Placid nnd gentle-eyed, one of the kindest of men. I should think. li«* is adored by Ills staff and by all the tanks H** I* the •'Bobs” of the Scr vlan army, and every soldier I have talked to speaks of him In terms of highest devotion and admiration.” The Influence of the late William K. Filmlstone on behalf of the Chrls tlon* in the Balkans still lives. Mrs. Drew, a daughter of the statesman, having In mind her father’s friend ship for these people, has sent a do nation in Ills name of S3OO to the Balkans relief fund. This fund, inlscd by the Bnlkan committee. Is growing rapidly, and besides eontrlp- II ting to It many people are offering their personal services ns nurses, reveral delegations of nurses have al ready been despatched to the front and more will follow. The claim of publishers that you can get most anything you want by advertising has received further sup port. Dr. .1. .1. Scanlon, who Is In vestigating the monetary loss In volved In injuries to the hand In connection with the Workingmen’s Fomponsntlon Art, published tin offer •»r %■> for a workingman who. having lost the thumb, index, middle and ring fingers of one hand by acci dent. was back at his work. William iSPanlford, a railroad employee, claimed and was given the reward. Nineteen years ago St an l ford lost all the fingers except the littlo finger, of his right hand, but he not only proved that he had since continued his duties, hut demonstrated that he could paper, paint nnd mend shoes, play the organ nnd write with the maimed hand. An organization of all shades of political opinion has been formed in Scotland for the promotion of higher education in the rural districts. In building up technical schools and universities in th** towns and cities there has been a tendency to neglect higher education In th** sprasely set tle*! rural districts, with the result that many capable students have no opportunity of completing their stud ies. The new organization is gath ering evidence of this condition which will hi* placed before Parlia ment. Lisbon, Portugal. Nov. 23. The famous (larger of the Dukes of -Bra ganza, long coveted by wealthy American collectors, has been re turned to the state as mysteriously Cfetarrh Cannot Bs Cured With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, an they CSIIIU't l« IW ll I • s ill Uf l‘.«* (i'.HrAjC-. Ott tarrli lx a bh* -l *-r • ••iiuiuuilonul oral in •>nl< r in « ur>* ii y«*u iiicnl tak<* In ternal i.-imdl'■*. llnll'ii Catarrh Cure fa t*ki n lnt>mu:: w a. •! a. Im directly upon the Mood and in ;• •• ik Murfuros. I» ill's Cat-nth Cur. w ii- t it •pit i. un-dlrli!.-. It true pn-srrll**d I- ■ «• •• of the la st phy sicians In tt.ountry f* r and lx a r*-su!:ir i*( tipiloM. I* |h ( '>ini».vd of the •***•; I. Mown. 1 nmtdned wttli lha beat Idood punii* rn. a<-iln*r dlrectl** «"i the muoeux surfa • - Tt.* p.-rf< • t combina tion of tin* tw<. InetcdlcntM lx what r**>- du*’« s such wonderful r - itlx lu luring CBtitrrh Hcnd for t- lltuonlalN, free. F. j CIIHNRV A• r*j. I*rups.. Toledo. O. geld by Druggist*, price 75**. Taka UnU’s Fsmiljr I'dU fur ccuxUpaUoo. us It disappeared from tin- Royal Pali**'** «»f N* • --Idiidoi on the night of o*t**h**r 4. 191**, when King Man uel fl**d from Ills castle to find ref uge on Hr it I-1* shores. Th** weapon, studded with precious stones and homing clilselmniishlp attributed t > Bellietiilto Fellini, is attributed to he worth s.‘.u,*io*i. Many foreign* I- have MUiglit to pur * hasp It. romautl*- tale- associated with the lilad* having added a histor ic wotili to in Intrinsic value. At th** time of the revolution the republican |. .*!* .• \|«.|ie*l th** desert ed palace au*l t«M»k posre-sion *if **ll the Jewels ami works of art that the Royal family hail left behind. The dagger and nine other valuables fulled, how* .or. i<> find their way into th** hands **f the new authori ties. Some tlitu ago the government de cided that all the furniture. Jewels and other piop«*rty seized at the pal aces, but which belonged to tile fall en inouarch and hi* mother. Queen \turtle, should Im* io:uiiied lo them a Loudon, and the old Inventory f of th.- llrngnnza fumlly are S"ln . exm*il: "1 t*» »eparat what be longs light! IP - to :hf R * -il amll> 1 r n m what coii«l*h*ied as th** . r rjlstf vof • tie Replllllle. Re- itlllv 1 rji* dagger v.* ic'iv i-t't'ed pi th letter »• of the f.frirtnt who I :*.di*tlu* the Inventory. The** w * nothing to Indlrnt by whom It •i d been •• t.»r*«l. The unto »* • Sp.MiL2i hi gain! , • I |ef, Ha. oat 111. whom th** gov ernment hn* |ep*Mtle* . * • I Sited f' l ( two ypnts. L *l* *• «l y'lh hi* own din ner In III* Ik' i*l He died with 1.1 - ha* k •* the writ! flcli.lng bn *!\ in Hie lasi and snr-| . * mk t inn u if lor he hni Le«*n h!« irhol • hand w!p d «»'.it Fl'* of Ills follow**! bail li'-eti killed. «*l* v-j t .u riuiltiAd hrtplcis from wound • xr.4 fotirJrn marie prisoners. Faxalla. A rnllilr*s robber and nu*n,( r S :-.lPWHr:l«i<Hwrtr n certain feaown because of his phys ical prowess and unquestioned cour tly**. UfAiently In* operated in th** district of Klv.i**. where he was sur prise*! by a strong military force re inforce*! by many armed peasant*. In the flgnt that followed four soldi**!h anil two peasants were killed and ten others of the attacking force were more or lew seriously wounded When all of the brigand* except the chief had been killed or overpow ered Cnznlln, a perfect giant, club bing his rifle, broke through the ring of soldiers nnd escaped. Hotly pursued he took refuge in an aban doned windmill. There he held off his assailants until Ills ammunition was exhausted. Then, when a rush upon him was made, realizing that all hope was gone, the chief stabbed himself in the heart, dying instant ly. Start Right Now to Banish Catarrh Spray* und douches can’t destroy tin* devilish germs of Fatnrrh. If you believe that liquids reach tnc air tulies, try to swallow a little water the "wrong way " Booth's HYOMKI Is an antiseptic soothing, healing air. made chiefly from Australian Kucalyptus. Its so easy to use: Just pour a few drops Into the hard rubber iuhullcr nnd breathe It: that's all. You'll know in five minutes that IIYO.MKI |s reaching the sore mem brane and its soothing Influence is bringing you most comfortable relief. For Futurrh. Froup, Sore Throat. Coughs, Folds and Asthma The Hausman Drug Fo.. is authorized to guarantee HYOMKI or money back. Complete outfit. SI.UO: extra bot tles, SSO: at all dealers. MICROBE OF BALDNESS AND CURE ARE FOUND Palo Alto, C’nllf.. Nov. 23.--‘-The offices of Prof. Frederick Mlgge, as sistant in the anatomy department of Stanford university, have become more popular to the haldheaded mem bers of the college community than tli«* front rows at a musical comedy. II is all because of ills reputed dis covery of a method for killing the mi crobes which prey upon human hair roots making two hairs grow where none grew before. His method Is to make a chemical analysis of a live member- -pulled out by the- roots—-decide what par ticular species of microbe Is at work on the cranium and then treat the scalp accordingly. Lenses Duplicated 50c. Compounds 75c. SCNO SROKCN PIECE. 60 CENTO AND 4 CENTO IN OTAMPO-NEW tENO FIROT MAIL • LINCOLN ■. HALL, OpUdaa TRINIDAD, COLO. NOVEMBER 'if, 1812 STOLEN JEWELRY IS RECOVERED BY SLEUTH Th« visit lien* tlit* oarly part of this week of .1. Ward Krli of tin* I'inkrrton «l* t«*«-11v«* #ervlee of |>«*n ver, resulted til tin* reeovery of Will til of Ktolf II JfYWelO, mostly ring*. which an* alleged to have been t|i*|M»ei| of liore hy K. Hell. who represented himself to a representative of a large Jewelry house of Kansu# City waa the guest of the Columbian hotel from October I!• to 2tt. A few days ago Cell wiin ii nested In Oklahoma City hy Pink erton detect I vea for the theft of tile jewelry, part of which lie sold here. Hetectlvc Kib before departing from Trinidad on Thursday of till# week vial ted different pawn shops and jewelry More# and purckn#cd about f 1.. Mia work of rings. It I# Ikyllqvcil that wealthy relative# of Cell have come to hi# aid and furnished the money to buy back the alleged atol eii stuff which Cell i* #aid to have di#|ioM>d of here, to save him from prosecution. On October lb. lull registered at the Columbian hotel, lie wa# a lib* erul Kpender and a natty dresser and k< pi in hi# room u stock of rings and oilier Hiuall Jewelry valued at sever al thousand dollar- This Jewelry lie hold or pawned In lurgc loth, reulix ing law Ilian one third llieir value No NUMjdcion wut attaehed io him duriiiK hi# #tay here, but on Monday of till# week detective Krb came here and located the Jewelry that Cell had 'Hold. The IMnkerton tunn recovered I the stuff hy buy loir it outright and a day or two uko departed lor lieit ; ver. TURKEY TROT IS FIVE HUNDRED YEARS OLD Wa hlngton. 11. C . Nov. 22. The • . . |tu lied *t in kin 1 • 1 j liei U tlnnied lo the mill red of a j*o'nge tribe In i! lie: 111 of Corneo for more than 500 yearn Several . ton a a women of one of \Yn«»hliigtoii * ie\i limlve *»•! • were 0»to ind< l when | I'rnfchor ICdward Dr.vhlnui. a dan: Ing in » : this • m i|l t •hem du r I nr. n lecture on »h * hlftor: of dnnrlng. Prof Davidson mid hat thl t * ;t«»i'‘ ! rm» of the liolv of liolle** jln the rellaloa of the savage Mur tut* When tfc *ie hiiu 1 n prolonged dry spell the#* head hunting natives perform the trot ds> lu nnd’dav out until the *re«t rain ?*:d on- heard the north Island several years a no. He nays he saw Mirm dnnre around the Image of the god for an entire night la front of the huge Idol was a vase containing sandalwood and other apices, which were burned ns incense. "You you hr women now see that there I# nothing new under the sun." raid Prof. Davidson to lilt class. What you thought was some cute CWlc fad of todnv turn# out to he n religious dance of the ancient orien tal people.” SACRED CONCERT A splendid program is announced for the sacred concern to lie given at the first M K church tomorrow. The anthems and hymns will be ren deiod by the choir under the direc tion or Prof. Lewl*\ The program of the concert will he as follows: Organ Prelude, March Solemnellc, l.emnrgc. Hymn No. 4 01. Portugese Hymn. Prayer, followed hy chant, "The lord’s Prayer.” L T. Downes. Anthem. “Glory to Thee, My Ood. This Night,” Gounod. Praltor 47th Sunday Kven- Ing. Gloria Patrl, Charles Mcineko. Hymn No. 5.1(1, "Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving lleart”s. Westcott, Joseph Hamby. Hymn No. 100. "Load Kindly Light.” Lux Uetilgna. John C. Dykes. Hymn No. 90, "Hod Moves in a Mysterious Way," Dundee. Scotch Psalter. Hymn No I'.x. "Jesus I My Cross llnvo Taken.” Kllcsdlc, .Mozart. Hymn No. 272. Just A# I Am." Duustan. Joseph Carnby. llynin No. 020. "One Sweetly. Sol emn Thought," Cary. Tousjee, ar ranged by J.,. Franklin Snow. Offertoire Solo. "The Heaven#, are Tolling.” • Mendelssohn, Wm. Wlott hroe.r. . . • Hymn No. Mil. "A Mighty Fortress K Our God,” Kin Fes to Burg. Mar tin laither. Male Quartette, M .le#us I .over of My Soul.” P. Ilrlhorn. Hymn No. 279. "Rock -of Age#.” Topi ad y. Hasting#’. • • Benediction. Printing of-every description neat ly and quit kly executed* *at the Chronicle-New* Job rooms. Sample# and qtfotatlrins On request. Fse the telephone. Trinidad 110. if As soon ns n woman marries a iuan Fhe hgitiH to tlisoovor tlie flaws in hint that* love made *lfer* too blind to see.' epjffissaw CiTrlltHert I'OOto In Brd and UkM '■*3 > ■•<<»• Wiled with Jili.e .RiUin>n. Y/ \ V B ytJirk»K7»n s. It. .t. safe-.1. Al-a>l K«liU>le -^—r SOU) ov druggists everywhere Serviceable, Safe. THE most reliable lantern for farm use is the RAYO. It is made of the best ma terials, so that it is strong and durable without being heavy and awkward. It gives a dear, strong light. Is easy to light and rewick. It won't blow out. won’t leak, and won't smoke. It is an expert-made lantern. Made in various styles and sues. There is a KAYO for every requirement. At Dealers Evrywhtrm CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY D>fiw, PwafcU. AIbaVMfRM. Butt*. Rum. Sah Dl>« City. MISSOURI HIGHWAY BOOSTERS ORGANIZE AN ASSOCIATION Jefferson City. Mo.. Not 22. Th« Missouri Highway nssoelution. cm lirneing in lu memhcrnhlp good rtutd# enthusiast* f»«>m every section «»f the rule, was erganixed liere hint week and more than s2.non wn# paid into lih treasury to defray the preliminary expenses nf the propaganda for good road# legislation thi# winter. \ |egi#latlve committee, the duty of which will he to draft the hill# and coilalilUliniuil amendment:'. In he I submilled to the legislature, wii# ap-j pointed 1 rii. i on-it;ui|cii and by-law# pro-1 ! \ ide for the election of a board ot | id lecto: • ecmi»o#ed of twenty per-J I Hon# Till ewer not eloi teil. It be-j I' ing fii-t nice vary in get in com-1 UMinleath n with : >nie of tlie men i . *i 1 .i: i \ c|y elected »Hefldqtini lem j lo' tin a--o. intlon will i»e maintained J 1 iu.lefleiMin Cl»v and annual meeting# In.' pr.n Ided foi mi the -••loud Mon-, '•lay in December of each year | Tlli** n-;;. I 101 l |s the lliont com- j tpichen-'.e ill it" scope whir'll hit# e\- •• uuklcd ilie ptoporllion «f mn •HmlHng the muddy toad# of Mlt- ( j. miil. Cm I: of It tire a In rite mini- ' : r of men w'th money, tlie members Jef automobile nf-sec Intton* of the ivtate, the state hlgliwny engineer.; I the lml u.At rial •!• par Snien! -of tlie, itnllrond# and n number of torpors-I linns. It r-TPcne* to cutlet the Sid I of th c women, the school" tearhets.J 7he pregiVcr*. snd t hoir Jkwo tloui. the new*paper* and the member# of eongre**. Slnfe l . ei 4, member# of the legislature, and patriotic nrsnrintlon# Probably seventy-five men. repre senting over quin ter of Missouri, turned out for the convention. Con gressman W. I* Corland of Kansas City acted as chairman; Jerome 11. Grigsg of Joplin m ted as secretary. Tlie legislative committee I# likely to report two nieasuteo—<ll a con stitutional amendment providing either for the Issuance of bond# for permanent road construction or for levying an annual tax for the benefit I Lungs Weak? * Co To Your Doctor We have had seventy years of experience with Ayer’s I Cherry Pectoral. That makes us have great confidence in it for 1 coughs, colds, bronchitis, weak throats, and weak lungs. Ask your own doctor what experience he has had with it. He knows. He can advise you wisely. Keep In close touch with him. Winter Tourist Fares Ft. Worth and Dallas, Texas* and return $23.60 Oalveston and return $35.30 Huston and return $33*30 San Antonio and return ... $34.60 San Angelo and return $25.70 Pecos and return $27.95 Waco and return - $27.20 El Paso and return $33.90 Corpus Christi and return $40.60 Brownsville and return $46.80 Carlsbad and return $23.95 Roswell and return $19.95 Mineral Wells and return $25.90 Charleston South Carolina an . d return $85.85 Columbia. South Carolina, and return $62.15 Gulfport. Mississippi, and return $58.00' Meridian, Mississippi and return $46 40 New Orleans, and return $44.00 Mobile* Alabama, and return $58.00 Jacksonville, Florida, and return $67.50 -—Tickets on sale flatly up to April ISO, 1912. Final return limit June 1, 1912. Liberal stopover privilege*. Fares to many other points In Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi. Alabama, Florida, Fuha. Georgia ami South Carolina. ® c Tbe Colorado & Southern Railway PAGE NINE of rout!*; I2t a measure ereatiug a state highway eommiHsion. who#* flu ty it will he to generally Hiipervl** tlie construetioii of permanent roads in .Missouri and the expenditure of state road funds Till# mearure ron tenipltites the appointment of a high way eommimloner and a highway en gineer. these to lie Kalurled officers, devoting their entire time to the work. A measure suggested by Jerome It Griggs contemplates tlie division of tin* state Into four tliNtrlet# and the nupointuient of an engineer In enrh: also the appointment of hy the county rourts of a county engineer to Mupervlse ceuniy work Griggs* plan prnjKMe# to eliminate the tie tneiidqus cost of pa\in: an army nf Inexperienced ton n to oversee the working of road** 11•• estimated Mint the employment of Itiexp* : leuied [men to pitch up the road cost annu ally $ 1.200.0(10 I For dyspepsia our nitional nilnisiit ; ll#e llurdoek Itlood Hotter#. Iteeora mentied for strengthening digestion, purlfvltig the blood At all drug 'stores. S’l '(*• a hottl*’. I \ TEN YEAR OLD GIRL BECOMES A BRIDE Thibodeaux* l.a„ Nov. 22 - Agnes |('allahati. H> year# married I today ami q*H Jhs «,n\'. |u "‘ J'Uir ■"jbikjfooi iS' (Hang. It jrssrs md. em ——;/fora! mercantile cstjib- The gill wKce short ilresHe** during f*ie ceremony.\n immefllntely after wards annnuntfk »he would have her gowns lengthened. The luiflegrnom. a# » wedfling present to hi# youthful bride, gave her a huge dolt that would open and cli*e it# eyes. Nearly all the wed ding present# were toy#, hilt the lirlfle declared slie would not play with doll# any more The wedfling was the result of a courtship begun when the bride wn* aim ist a baby