Doesn't it make you happy and thankful to put on a coat,
suit or dress and feel confident that It is correct in stylo, fit. work
manship und quality, and especially so when you can buy it for
much less than our regular low price.
Values to $15.00. Your selection $-1.05
Flue Silk and Chiffon wulsts Values to $0.50. Choice $1.95
Silk Messaline Petticoats $1.95
Quality— COßSETS— Fit
ICamille, Ilolmer, Madame I. ra. I.:* Grccque. Modart, Lnce Front
It. and G.. American Lady and the famous Ideal Corset Waists for
Women, Mltso* and Children. Prices range from $1 to SJ»S
- >
Second Hand Furniture
Bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid.
All kinds of flanges, Cook stoves and Heating Stoves, Just ns
good as new and at a snvlng of one-half off new price. We nl-’o
have a very complete lino of dining room and bed room furniture.
Look over our stock before buying.
The Cash Bargain Store
403 North Commercial Street
Wanted-Male Help
For U. 8. artuy. aoio bodied un
married m« n between ng«*n of 18 «
and 35; citizens of United Stater. of
good character and temperate habits
who can speak, road and wrlto the (
English language. For Information (
apply to Recruiting Officer. 102
West Mulu St., Trinidad. Colo. If.
. .... •
All wSu» do U'»L receive Hon
Chronlrlc-News t«* » ' »•»>•• this »M!r.
between 0:00 and 7:00 the same *
event UK- hand furniture. Cartnich- .
s«'l and Co.. Phone Trinidad 530. tf '
A girl for chnmhormald and din- t
lug room. 122.50 per month, hoard
and room. Phone Dclngun Hotel. Red
3631. ,r -
Cash psid for cast off clothing,
shoes and hats. Call Trln. 4 26. Imo
Color'd girl for dining room work. -
Phone 214 or call 335 Santa Fe Ave.
Sewing of any kind by day or piece
Phone Red 1192. 2
Taxi Cab
Taxi caii for hire, any time, night
or day. Phono Toltec Hotel or Trial
dad 294. Kd Pople.
500 hnta on display. 1-3 off at th
Model Millinery Store. tf.
" Agents for Kabo corsets. Fit and
wear guaranteed. Model Millinery, tf
Trinidad Costums Co. offers choico
of any costume in the house for
Thanksgiving ball $l.OO Come early
and get beat choice. 428 W. First
at root **
A breastpin made from $5 gold
piece. Liberal reward for return to
C-N office. 5 I
A plain gold locket with 2 photos I
Inside. Finder return to this office.
Howard. 2 (
Black and tan hound with harness |
Return to 311 Beech, Reward. 2 |
On the 17th~*of No V. 4 pound pack- |
ago containing coil parts, nddrossed
to The Trlnidnd Novelty Co. Reward I
tf returned to The Adams Express |
“* t. If. 8. 1912 gold pin. Reward.
Notify this office. 2
For Sale
Old papers tor putting on nhelvct
or under carpet. 5 cents a bundle <
ut the Chronicle-News office. tf
.'-•.II oil \ ;r -uiplu.* buy ualtiK
c-N want They only cost 6
cents a line. cf
- i
For now and second bund furnit
ure call on Carmichael and Co., 130-
132 Elm street. Phono Trinidad
530. U !
Best located rooming liouse In th«
city. Call at fill Nevndn. s*|
Furniture of four room flat. 203 .
Animas St. Phone Trln. IH7. 6 ,
Household goods, Including piano, j
Call 311 Beech. 6* j
White machine, nearly new. 612
Colo. Ave. 3 i
Modern rooms with l*onrd. 405 8.
Animas. Phone Red 671. tf
Up-to-date designs of wall paper.
Large selection. Very lowest prices.
Joe Burklnnd, 109 East First. Phone
Baca 663. I guarantee. tf.
For Rent.
Four rooms, modern except fur- \
nacc, also nicely furnished apart-1
meats, popular prices. 11. L. Anderson 1
Anderson block, phone Red 2331. tf
Furnished housekeeping
400 University. Phono Red 14 42. tf
Five room modem. unfurnished
flat. Hot water heat, 542 Colorado
Ave. Phono Red 1071. ,r
Rooms for light houskeeping at Lu
cerne. Phone Baca 383 or 418 Beech.
Modern rooms for light house
keeping. 201 State Street. tf
Rooms for light housekeeping. 217
Frost Ave. Phone Red 1774. 3
Four room Bungalow, call Baca
415. 3
Four and five room modern house,
close in. Trlnidnd 318. tf
I Furnished rooms Tor light house
keeping. 419 Stnte. Phone Red 1834.
i i:
I On chattel security. reasonable
[rates, private. G. O. Newman. 116
| \V. Main.
We buy and sell second hand fur
nlturo. Cali Trlnidnd 4i)3. tf
“flee! That 2EMQ „
Feels Goad, Mai”
Fur Prickly But, Pimplu, Blotch!*
Bl*ckh««<U, Beuma aid Dandruff,
ZEKO If a Haw Wonder.
At last, a remedy for akin torturos
that make a everybody stall* and aay.
•Tioo-ray. I'vu found It at lastl** ZBMO
la really extraordinary, as any »m or
vomaa mb provs Immediately, at a «Mt
Of only a few esnta. If you have Brisk
ly haat. sesama. Irritated or Inhamad
■■in. blotches, pimples or blackhsada.
you will marvel at tka reanlts of ZKMO
after a few applications.
Yon can’t reallts It until you havo
it* ed It. Get a *>ccnl bottla Oral, to prova
to youraelf coneluelvaly that you narar
beard of or bought anything like 1% la all
your Ilfs.
ZKMO glvas Instant rallaf. pain dis
appears, sores and rasbas laava you.
Vvben you apply ZKMO, It sinks right
In r.nd dlaappaara Then, bah old. your
skin troubles vanish I A few applioa
tlona of ZKMO will stop dandruff.
ZKMO Is absolutely oafs. It will
make your skin feel as balmy as a
Juno mornln*;- Try It aftsc shaving*
It gives the skin a treat.
ZBMO Is sold In lf-cent aSK 11 bot
tles. or ssnt direct, on raeolpt of prise,
hr B. W. Rosa M-dlclna Co* flt. Louis.
No. Try *a U-cmS ha«tfo and whan
convinced, get a fl bottle which con
tains six times as much as ths 21-oeat
bottle. d
ZKMO Ih noli] mill guaranteed by
ilruggiHtH every where, and In Trini
dad by Hauamnp’a thrM drug stores.
A» iht» morgue In Aguilar lien the
Imdy of Mrs. Bnrros, nn aged resi
dent of ltnu>>« In Huorfano county,
who dlcil early this morning from the
effects of nn alleged hrutnl assnuß
with nn nxo made on S.iturdny morn
ing by Jose Romero, who was arrest
ed Sunday and who Is now being held
In the Walscnburx Jail charged with
murder. Mrs. Barron wr.s 77 years
of nge and conducted a hoarding
house at Rouse and Romero Is n na
tive of Old Mexico.'
Romero, employed In the mine nt
Rouse had been Imnrdlng with Mrs.
Burros. About a month ngo he lost
I Ills Job and was unable to pay Ills .
| hoard hill nnd trouble arose and Ro-
Impro. Is raid to have nttneked Mrs.
Bnrros. Itoniero was arrested for ns- ,
Unult nnd sentenced to serve thirty >
days In Huerfano county Jail. Oti
Friday he was reloosed nn-! returned
to Rouse. On Saturday It Is claimed t
tint Romero attacked Mrs. Barros
with an axe. cruahlng in throe ribs
nnd breaking her right arm. Mrs.
Bnrros died this morning.
One son of the victim. J. M. Barros
resides nt Aguilar.
El Paso. Tox.. Nov. 26:—Two
thousand federal troops arrived nt
Mortczuma. on the Mexican Central
rnlirond southwest of Fl Paso today
nnd will proceed overland against
rebel forces operating along the
Northwestern rnlirond. The troops
• were sent from Chihuahua after fed-
Irral commanders In the northern
part of the state had repeatedly nak
ed for reinforcements.
The bumble hoe, you ,inny 1 ave ob
served. doesn't make lion •> In pro
portlon to B*' noise.
Situation Wanted
I reo employment bureau, office of
Associated Charities. 416 Commercial
street. Phone Red 2962. Help
furnished and employment secured, tf
Washing by the day, 706 Rio Ally
St. Phono Red 14 51. 4
Young widow with child, wants
work ns housekeeper or chamber
maid. Address "O" C-N. 4
Girl” 16 years old wants work for
room nnd board, apply It. It. Itosn.
Juvenile judge. 3
Carpenter, will do any kind of re
pair work as soon ns called. Phone
Rod 673.
~~Cloaning, pressing and tfyeing.—
The Trlnidnd Cleaning and Dye
Works. t.f
If you need printing of any kind
come to tlie Chronicle-News. Hlgh
rlnsq work, reasonable prices.
Lenses Duplicated SOc.
Compounds 7Sc.
■ END a.OKCN ..ICC. *0 etNT.
(Continued from pare one.)
t*» in asking ; niokatlou of the
restaurant llccu.. i f Rhodes and tlto
Monte Cristo imd discriminated
ngulnst those two when tlioro wore
others Just ns had. IJ. taUod utteu
tiou to places further up town auu to
tho Rod MIR 1 bj Alderman
Kahn. SoprK who suggested and
voted for the r« yoking of i it• • ialoon
license of the former owner, of tin
Monte Crltto stood firm In
defense of tin pin*. now conduct*
by Mike Curto and Clarence Rhodes
Ho said that tin ■ men had promised
him they would run the place In tin
right *.vny and had bceu doing so.
"Why make an example of this
place,” he asked. "No one visits
thlH rcstuurant but denizens of the
west end. He intimated that Alder
man Kahn had m*.t
lation of the v int* Crlato to throw
the business to the Red Mill, being
that he owns the building.
This Inspired an outburst of phil
osophy and the t,-. nernl turned hack
the calendar to the early days when
lie and the May r t. • <! to 'ittend the
Mexican '•bnlll* Tho* • dam •
were 1 in i mu-h l»«-tt**r
manner than the American dancea
are now," he sai ! "Since the Anicrl
cana got in h with their cook
stoves and tele; lines and other
Improvements nndlllon ; h a v e
changed." he dc lared.
The Mnyor denied that he had c mt
attended the « -I* day Jambourecs,
nnd elmuged th* ■ 11»J ■« t
Soprls dedar* I that It was no use
for the Mayor to deny It that he had
been "like the I of them in tin
roui,li days of tin early southwest.”
But th*» reform report was adopted
ind Soprls. very much disgusted by
the action of lit • tin' 11, asked to hr
ex* Used. Out *•: tile sidewalk Ihe
general said, “It !•* cheap and petty
Full Text of Com
mittee's Report
To th** Hon. Mayor nnd City Coun
cil of the City of Trinidad:
Gentlemen:—Your *poeial rotnmP
tee, appointed nt the Inst meeting of
this council to Investigate the man
ner of conducting public dances In
this city ami the reported evils at
tendant there* ■. beg leave to salmi:;
the follow!n : port:
We have per onally visited all of
the dance hall’ In the city.
As to the dances conducted by Mr
Mcrrlflcld at K. of I*, hall and Mrs
Mndden at West theatre, wp an* un
able to distinguish any mat- r< I in
ference ns to the genera! manner of
conducting th* l two pin - •«, anil the
character of their patrons, and be
lieve that botli are fnlrlv attempt lug
to conduct th*'l places in compliance
with the provi.-ions of the ordinance
concerning public dances.
We find that Mr. Merrlfleh' hai
been using colored light 3 nn.' for
certain dances has been turning lhe|
light low so as to nearly darheii ih n
room and that lie lias difficulty in
distinguishing and excluding p i ons
of Immoral nnd disreputable charac
We recommend that he he ord* ,r **d
to use only white lights, which shall
he kept burning at full capacity tinr
ing tho entire evening when a dance
Is being given, and that lie h.: re
quired to etnpe.y a special office- to
assist him In Identifying such
sons and excluding them from hi:*
At the (Inn hall conducted by
Elias Lcyba n No. 208 West Main
street, we found the place locate:!
over n saloon, poorly managed *.nd
tlint Intoxicated persons nr** admitted
to the dance.-; >1 practicnlJy no ef
fort being mad- to comply with the
provisions of our ordinance. Wc
therefore recommend that Mr. Bey
lin's license ho revoked.
Honest Advice to
Somehow there • xlHtw a vnst uiii'innt of
fo'i-pi| «■ Imiii a* i'■ " possibility of • urliiK
t'otisumptlon. "• '■tale none loii i .
ninl nre Himi re l "lint w»* ■«.
If we were nliti •••I With I nl*» i «-uto-l*>.
We Hho'llll it 'r‘ V ,".‘ k
others to ito I .' I.ekninn !* Alterative
ptoinplly nml fn'' 1 'oll.v. The i* ""
should «1« Mil- •! "arrant we ha'”
f..r asking si11 « -HiHUtiilUlve- lo H*ko
It. In Hint we hi ', tin; reports Of t»nu>
recoveries. ' " lllell follows:
lill'i SiHM|iti'h Ave.. 1 hil l . I hi.
“fi.’iit leineii: I"' i wo years I was of
filet..I will- In " • hliprs of III” lin-K-.
the number tot... nearly one himdivd.
Our 1 a lolly I h’ "• advised M Ii"t 1.ier
el,male. a*, to m :t would he il llmveve: ■ malned, and • let"
runi v of li «»»*':" ' vl |" 11 s " v, ' r V
llttllek of pil. IT. Will'll • r.vo. •red
Ml 111. tell 11V lo "*■ it»out the house I was
i,.ft << it>, m !*■»:! I*iu KIntr 1 .'HH' 1 .
wiiich no lin'd lei ii” ! hml tnketi eonld all”
vl te |i was : • ' i" lime. Mar. h. r '
Ihil I learned ■ nnd start* <1 lahint:
I'..’* man's AH.' In n short time
mv eoinrli "ii" f "««1 1 wn* pronounced
w. II Slnei* Hint it mi* I linve hed two
attacks ..t euimniln ami I have
reunited l * no o'.!. medicine to effect »
r "”l'.,t„ ; ,| present n excellent health and
fee' that a- Ion as I ran otil.ill! I'Yh
man's Mteratlve. I have no fear *-r «'”i'
sumption I i . i sneak too hlft' >. - tor
n'nWA'Iin l„ Kr.OTjf
I'.'U'iiui'i's Ml* : ,M effective In Urnn
chills. Asthma. Ilav Foyer: and
I.'im: Tnnildi ."'d Iti Uplni Mil I'. p Hie
KVKtem. lilies II"' litnlll poisons. opl lt*-<
or liahit f.'iinlni: •'•mrs. Ask for booklet
l. Hi- .• of I'.' im 1 and write t<> K- ktuan
l. il oratory. I'MIa.I. I|*hla. I'n.. for more evl
deuce. I'i sa'” • all Icndlnf? drup^lsls
1'or snft' by Opera House Dnuf? Co.
nnd \V. SI Green, Co.
Wo linvo also visited tin* so-cnlU*!
wine rooms In the various parts of
the city. We believe theso plnccs
aro conducted for immoral purposes
mid aro a menace to the young girl*
and young men of the city
Wo rocommend that nil v.rn
rooms In ruinous or re taurains be
t In-. (I
We find that n numbe r of n*st:uir
ants have private booths In will'll
patrons nre concealed behind cur
tnlns or closed door a.
We recommend that all ■ h places
bo required' to remove the doot* mu
cut tains from private booths
Wo find tliai. the close proximity
of th*' bar and the restaurants and
the manner of conducting the lino
•»t both W. It. Rhodes' plan. No
I*OS West Main stroot, and tin* M .«r
Christo, No. 110 Suntii Fc u venue,
lend* to many evils which shoo'd uo
Wo therefore recommend that the
restaurant licenses for both pin* ••. !.*
rcioked. and that the use of the . 5:
dOOrt of both places by the OUbllc
bo discontinued.
Wo find that the Colored il"'' on
Caibon avenue l. being cond • ted in
a disorderly and Immoral manner wid
recommend that the same In* rb
In addition to the forcgol**!;. we
make the following general r in
That the city marshal be Ins'r i. t
od to see that all room In- h*ji,-es|
ate conducted in a decent, unl.-rly
ms rit or and to prosecu to
found using rooming bouses or pri
vate rooms for immoral parpen >
That all public gambling be order- 1
• d discontinued.
That the use of all money slot ma
i limes be ordered discontinued, and
the machines removed from places
where they nre r.ow In u**.
That ail pool or bllll. <! hall bt
cb-ed at 12 o'clock mldnlgh' ami
that all names of chance or for
money be prohibited therein.
Wo have Riven the subject nl this
report mm h careful ihotißlit and
e.tudy and believe that the ii«for«c
m* nt of the n.iulatU.ns inggvlcd
will place the mornl standard ot this
community on n higher plan* and
*\lll lie n protection to our law abid
ing citizens and will especially lie
l!i» means of removing main temp
tations and pit falls from those* who
are Just comltiß Into their young
manhood and womanhood.
We sincerely hope this eouucM will
adopt each‘and every one of the above
Dated Trinidad, Colorado, Novem
ber CCth. 1312.
Respectfuly submitted,
('lilrngo, Nov. 2G.—J. C. Groen
dyke, although declared to be a wit
11*811 in sympathy with the Internn
tionnl Harvester company today h -
tore Special Examiner Robert S.
Taylor, in the government's dissolu
tion suit against the company, testi
fied that the international each year
since its formation has fixed the
price In hinder twine. The? witness
admitted he was under contract to
supply the company with hinder
"There was no fixing of prices
prior to the International's forma
tion in 1902," testified Groeiidyke.
"Sales were based on the cost of th •
raw materials.”
"When this method changed?"
asked Attorney Grossovener.
"In 1902 and 1903," replied the
George W. I’erklns* part In the
formation of the International com
pany Inter received attention. Rich
ard !•'. Howe, director of the Interim,
t Iona I and former partner in the
Peering Harvester company, testified
he went to New York to see Mr. Per
kins to negotiate the sale of the
Peering company in 1902.
"Did Mr. Pork I ns tell you what
other companies were going Into the
combination?" nsked Government
Prosocutor Grossovener.
• l knew lu a general way what
the companies were," replied Mr.
"I Infcrcrd Hint there were other
manufacturers In New York at the
time because Mr. Perkins said he had ;
to confer with others about the prop
osition:; submitted."
"In other words, Mr. Perkins was
the go-between?" said the prosecut
"No. I would hardly say that." re
plied the witness.
"He negotiated the transactions."
Can’t look well, ent well, or fool
well with impure blood. Keep the
blood pure with Murdock I Hood Hit
ter.-. I*T:it slmpy. take exercise, keep
clean and good health In protty sure?
to follow. 91.00 n bottle.
p.-nvor, Colo., Nov. 20.- -Reports
of state offh ials and committees were
the features scheduled for today at
the Colorado Congress of Mothers In
session here. At noon 100 delegates
were entertained at luncheon at the
Wolcott Club house. The afternoon
was scheduled to he taken up with
Inspection of exhibits.
NOVEMBER 20, 1012.
Duffy’s Pure Whlskay !
Fort Worth, Tex., Nov. 20. .1. It.
Sliced today r«int« d to the Jury which
Is trying hint on the « barge of mur
der. how he killed Captain A. G.
Ifoyca here nearly a year ago.
Sneed said after ho recovered Ills
wife from Canada, where she had
doped with Captain lloyce's son, Al.
tie was informed by John Pace at
Clayton* N. M . that Captain Hoyco
and Henry lloycc, a brother of Al,
both bad communicated with Mrs.
When he walked Into the hotel In
the owning on which ho killer Cap
tain Hoyco, Sneed testified, ho met
by appointment Culled Slates Dis
trict Attorney Atwell, a brother-in
law of Mrs. Sneed. l*p to this time
be did not know Boyce was In town.
Sneed dcolsrcd. As they started out
of tho hotel, Atwell slopped and
talked with Captain Hoyco. Sneed
and Henry Hovvmnn walked on and
l iter Atwell Joined them at dinner.
Sneed testified that Atwell said,
Captain Hoyco bad wanted to talk j
about tl.« "whlto slave" charge
against you Ag Hoyco whic h grow out
of the elopement.
According to the witnesses Sneed
said that he would spend tho re
mainder of hi t life "dragging Sneed
land his wife through the slime they
had got themselves Into.”
lu telling bin story Snood talked
direct to the Jury, bringing out the
most trivial incidents.
When he went bark to tho hotel
Sneed said he was thinking of Cap
tain Boyce and supposed he had left.
As ho passed through the lobby
Sneed said lie heard someone say:
"There goes the now.”
Ho turned ami saw' Captain Boyce
and Edward Throckmorton.
"When I heard that epithet I know
it was applied to me. AH that hap
pened went over me. I knew Boyce
bad been helping his son to take my
wife away from mo to keep her away
from me and tried to take my cbil
Cold Coming? - Go To Your Doctor
You may cough tomorrow! Better be prepared for it when it comes.
Ask your doctor about keeping Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in the
house. Then when the hard told or cough first you have
a doctor’s medicine at hand. N our doctor’s approval of its use
will certainly set all doubt at rest. 1 )<> as he says. *t-- < •>* •
Hot House Leaf Lettuce, two bunches for 15<!
Head Lettuce
Cauliflower, per pound
Radishes, per bunch
Cucumbers, two for lor
Parcel Celery, per bunch 5c
Hell Poppers, per pound 24^
Fancy Sweet Potatoes, per pound
Carrots, per pound
Parsnips, per pound *<■"
Cabbage, per pound
Pears, per basket
Extra fancy Winesap, Roman Bentitles and Jonathan apples, 1 l |!
for 25<s P«r 1)0It 33.50
Choice Jonathan apples, per box SI.OO
Wo will nialto one delivery at 0:T50 and storo will close at II
o’clock on Thursday.
: stop! :
j» You’ve Paid Kent Long *
» Enough! f
i* Here Ik your chance to buy a *
home at a low price and on 4
catty terms:
♦ 12.300.00—A new, five-room
♦ modern cottage. $3OO cash •
v nod ?2f» per month. *
♦ $2,750.00 —A new «lx *n 4
modern cottage. f-‘*'*o i dt
♦ aid $3O per month.
♦ —Money t«» Loan ■*— •
♦ Insurance —Abstracts— Bonds .
♦ McGlashan & Gow ?
T Suito 4 Elks Hlk. Pit. Trln. 247 2
•Iren away from mo and I knew of
hit* slanderous statements. I be
lieved then tbit lie would attack
A whllo after tlmt. Sneed said,
some one, whom ho later foun 1 w -a*
E. 11. Powers, of Waco, seized hltt\
and Ills brother-in-law, Henry How
man, took Ills pistol from him. Thai
was after the shooting. Then ho
described liM arrest.
Sneed In In good health. He ap
pears calm and confident and hi
facial expression changes but llttlo
as he watches the trial’s progress.
Cuero, Tex., Nov. 20. - Governor
Colquitt of Texas and mrmlrn of h:
staff headed what probably was the
biggest turkey trot of the year today,
when they led a procession of 18,000
turkeys through the streets of Cuero.
Practically all the birds will be
slaughtered for the Thanksgiving
and Christmas holidays.
Chicago, Nov. Miss Julia \.
Sullivan, one or Chicago’s few licen
sed women chauffeurs was found
shot to death In her apartments ear
ly today. Although ti" police were
*>!i sho < omn t• • I il
lives wore detailed to Investigate.