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■'%.v\.i* •I.H;!’ V.J* •.*!* ... *... i j C;/v’‘HO*‘*&* osi ; Ov.: ...* -•' ... \. •' { .*•..; -1 ; * >-*’> v)K : O'* I* > i’i- •. O \.t\.r i.': ... § ; & & 1 t^fe ®PP° r tunity gf a. Lifetime f I Unequalled Array of Beautiful and Costly Awards Given f | Away Absolutely Free § I HOW FRIZES WILL BE ' STARTING' OPPORTUNITY] H HOW THE TERRITORY IS 1 1 AWfIRDED ~W~.I : divided i % THE GRAiJD CAPITAL PRIZE—I9I3 "FORD" AUTOMOBILE. ? i i H 4 i T . i.-: mi..,. ........ .1 i.y n.:. at «i. :.u in;.. .11.- Z 0 Compelely p(|Ul]i|icil with every feature of a perfect motor car, will * •>%**»• -* «* •» -8% *• OJS H ■« for the city of T.lnldad, end two for the uuli*!*!- terrltorv. § lu> awarded to the candidate who receives more votes than any candidate E CONTEST DISTRICT HO. 1. 6 In the contest, rer-rdless of which district she may reside in. gai r I y. S, k, *"uj|-m g*H B Will • onift of the City of Trinidad from the center of Comtne'-rlsl *(. .V; TWO $328 KOHLER AND CAMPBELL DPRIOHT PIANOS. B »trn and Arizona avenue, west. I I •;** Will bs awarded to the two candidates, one in the two city districts “ n CONTEST DISTRICT NO. ?v .**•. and one in the two ouleldo districts, who stand highest in their divls- H P .... .•**. if. lon. after the Ca|iit«! l»rlz« has been awarded. P _ __ __ _ _ 8 " 1,1 ot *h« City <f IVrtldud. froiu the router of Comroep 'al *£ 2 9 By I -* aml Ar no»» ■vr„ u «. e«.t. ::j FOUR $lOO DIAMOND RINGS I! 4 CONTEST DISTRICT NO. 3. Q « , "I" nvvnr'lM to four c.iiBld.t« on. In .Mh dUtrlct, wjo 1.7 p. m. with m Ibr*. month.- afo nw. DM, ’ 5 Will coul.t ot HutrOiDO countj and mil town. Id Lu Aalmu ro-<»<r 6 s \ stand highchi in their respective districts, after the ( iipltal Pruts and n r« <9 . r\ 'a the Upright I have been awarded. A 3 Aulm “‘ rl, ' r ' • >ut 1,01 '•*«■ " r ■«' rlu >^ n ■ dsiing on the river. ;i:- FOUR LADIES' GUARANTEED GOLD WATCHES i 5,000 Extra Votes DISTRICT NO. 4. | <> Will 1.0 awarded to the four candidate, who receive the next High- B * . , . 5 will roulil of Lota Aalma* w.intr or Colorado aautb of llie Lae Anl- ijj cut number of voter In their re»|.ec!lve .11.1r1c1., alter the Capital Prl«- U In addition tO the TCilular Votes B uaa rlvrr . | llc |„.n nK ,|| , MWI „ imrdlng on the river, end Union and Col- & 0 and the Plano, have been awarded. | f.x . auntie, of New Megleo. O £ FOUR BUSINESS COLLEGE COURSES. Nam.- or aubanlher fl REWARDS FOR EVERY CANDIDATE ;:j Two In the Trinidad Ituslnrus College and two in the Drohor Musi- * P i.’very candidate who remains active during the contest, and does six ncg's College, both Institutions of known and proven reputation, will he Address 9 not <H(e one of the above montloncd prises, will he given a sotn y. awarded to the four candidates who stand highest In their respective « m. if ion of u per cent on all business brought in by hsr. Til fa; it K AUK X I;; district after tlie Capital ITizo and the Picuos have been awarded. Contertnnt NO I.OSEUS—BVKRYOXB IH A WINN Eft. *.§? - vir - o t!T. v District No 0 | CONDITIONS, RULES, REGULATIONS | NCW ing a circle around word old or new 11 NOMINATION BLANK I I I’ mnn for 9 non votfs ® uUui# lun ju fu ito i ■ ■ ■ __ — zn ......... ■ viiiu •ii. k iiujm iiiio uiauiu ivuuuw, iiiifi | |, o uj| n t •\|, <>r M , O nominated, will all votes received. No candidate will be permitted O to transfer votes to another after receiving them for herself. m Purchased and The right I* reserved to withdraw tho offer In any district where Ladies’ f vr on dUnlsv * I I A(l(ir * u I I I •*|> only one candidate Ik nominated, or voted for. . ° ais P*®y Kaltots sent in for mimes not properly nominated will bo destroyed EvnuiCi }/> O uncounted. I [ EfAquisiic E. L. Allen's I l)« > n tow n add re**, if way I I \Je I Every eamlldnte must be regularly nominated on a blank ptintoi s s and 0 in tills paper, or n similar blank furnished by The Chronnels-News. vOIU gjj T,. J HtSll'd •>' ! {i; ‘ Candidates may nominate themselves or their friends may do It for jß Tevvelrv * **“ •?;> •fa Ihrin. Nancs of candid.- les who have hern nominated properly will be W s?7 ' .<•. :}.} publlshccf every day, I.* ; »Hslble, with tho number of votes each candidate f f OtLllwa otores n sltlrt o (.'■>e Hxirlt t Division- • & has received. If tiio nmne of the young woman you want to vote for l« I I I I .1, not lu the list, nomlnati her properly when you send in your hsllota, or I I x\ i % hoferr-. If pnaolhl., • . Uy Addr-.s ) .Jl A coupon will be p '.riled In this paper every day duiluj th* life of- "" * jjfy k the COIIIMI. until furtlu: notlie. 'lhl. .-milwn will oouut for 10 vat,». All D CT A VA/ I M MC P Only th. fir.t n.miaatloa h.llot r.r.1v.0 for . ' ...Ildat, will j\ S ...upon, will ho dated a ! will ho void unlcrs r.c.lvr.l at Tho Chronicle- DC,. H JM ! IN _ H for 2.#00 vole. P-11l .m .11 th. Iln.. of tbl. ballot very ..r.fully .;.} pi New. offi.e on or before the expiration dalo n. printed thereon. Alt b.l- aud mall AT ONCR ,o the Conte«t M.eager. The Chroalele-New.. Trial lots mtiF.l be sent direct : i the Contest Manager of The Chronicle-News, . R j Colorado | "“‘To :t,:;: : :;f 'ti,.. or Four Complete lnstruction " ' Th . a,, • c- fnnilly will he ollglblo n* a candidate. In the Trinidad Cttltl l.Tcher Busineii Colleges natton.. "W j Any iiueetlnm; or contrnverrle, that may arl.e are to he nettled by The EDUCATION PAVES THE WAY* TO SUCCESS ' nil out thi. blank, write plainly, and urnt It t« I n' M.uiiner I! j •;•* C.hronlcle-Newr, only. WINNERS OF THESE PRIZES ABE ASSURED A COMPLETE BUSI- with your name or the name and nddr. nr your favorite candidate. The I In cases of tics, prizes of equal value with the one tied for will be NESS EDUCATION names of persons making nnmmaiiutis will not be divulged. If so requested. X awarded contestant* tying. BUSINESS SUCCF.S3 DEMANDS TRAINING. THESE INSTITUTIONS S *•* Tho Chronicle-News reserves the right to make any changes or addi- HOLD ENVIABLE RECORDS FOR THOROUGHNESS OF IN- ... vr vottp wnvTrATinv TnD*\Y •X* lions to the above conditions that may be deemed necessary in the Interest STRUCTION GIVEN STUDENTS. IUUIt v.> of tho cnndidnten. Get Busy and Win one of these Handsome awards. Only a limited *?• In accepting nominations, all candidates, must accept and agree to . a- -Man / p-. « number of nominations will be accepted. Be sure your name is on this W abide by the above conditions. | | \/\f CJ |NJ • list. g : I | I Telephone FOR FULL AND COMPLETE INFORMATION Telephone I Trinidad CALL, WRITE OR PHONE Trinidad 1 410 „ The Contest Manager 4 IP— 1 ! DAILY CHRONICLE - NEWS ! I x TRINIDAD, COLORADO £ o . i i - -■ - ."■» 1 ■ .• 00000000O00OOOO00000000000f00000000^000O0 f »00t»000O0C. » 0000 OC- 00OO «-*>v -HOO vH': e ''PC v :'HXSC:: TUESDAY TITE CHRONICLE NEWS TRINIDAD. COLORADO, NOVEMBER 26, 1912. PAGE SEVEN