Newspaper Page Text
EMBROIDERY ART GOODS You osn Find Here Many of the Needed Articles for Your Embroidery Stamped Linens and Cottons, Art Linens, Plain Table Damask, Cotton and Linen Muck Toweling, Stamped Towels and Pillow Cases. Heavy Linen and Cotton Cluny Laces, Fringes, Pillow and Bath Kobe Cords, Pillow Scrim and Kitibon Kuflles, Sunlight Yarns, Embroidery Silk and Cotton Floss, Kings, Needles and Crochet Hooks. Cllfe PlAtt OsttfSfta —Splendid selection of stamped buck towel*, •mall, 9UIC f IOSS lemMOidery UUIuIS medium and largo sixes. each . . as* «> ei.66 —Many new cli-slkiih In pillow top«. enter piece* Stamped (toll lie. »<»rl», center piece*. etc., etc., scarf*, apron*, rubber cases, pin cußtilon*, whlak neat and pretty design*. broom holder*, head rest*, button bags, work bug* —Grecian Milk floss. A medium slsed, loosly twist vanity, darning and laundry bags. Prices range from « d thread. The most popular thread for general package outfits from 15£ to 50£ each fl°ral niul conventional embroiredtng. We have 100 —Duchess oval and plain embroidery hoops. All shade*. C skeins for— Heal linen cluny luces, linen fringe, YiraS fles. silk cords, ribbou ruffles, art linens, bleached —Germantown Zephyr. 4 and 8 Told. Colors, black, and nutural, fine liucu hucn, pluin and lancy, per *i»ite and c ream, sk« In lU^ yard to —Saxony, black, white, cream and colors, 3 skeins —Kmbroldery needles crochet hooks, bone, steel f° r 25*. acb km i.. 15* and celluloid. —Shetland floss, colors, black, white and crenm, —Reis' foundation letters. Old Kngllsh and Script. ■*®** l ; .• 10<? washable. 1-2 to 4 Inch letters, euch 2t to 10«* —Eiderdown wool, plhk, navy and light blue, car —Rcla* foundation scallo|>s, washable, assorted de- dlnal. bluck aud white, skein, each IfiOf sign*, each -Richardsons' Mercerized Cotton floss. ••New —D. M. C. crochet cotton, silk finish, (urge skeins Process." White only. Size* A. 11, C, I). R. 2 skein * Colors. White and black, each 50#* ,or ..••••';; —Small Hkoius I). M. C.. white black and colors. 3 —Ryletta hmbreudery ‘ ton. White only ball lO* Mkelns for —Richardson a Crochet Knitting allk. 1-2 o*. spool —Small skeins. twMsted. colors, black and white, Rf Koch 40* -lull u m. c. No. lo »0. . urn. 15 e u, 25,. Pillow Tubin* Embroidery --M. N. T. 1.u.1r.' I-Ollon. lolora. Illxk, while aun _K|n,■ quality linen tublnii. I2lnch DO* 1 15-lhch cream, t» spools 254?* enrh ruk —“"fl’ In w . |,T 'e. lame .pool. cucli 15«‘ *siJMard quality .niton lul.lnn —lull knlltlnK cotton, each 5r Ineh wi. It>-lncli .e,* —l5O .hade. RlehataiiO",- Urand '■.•lao Ureclan 'sianillir.'l quality Tialnu. •Ilk lloaM, r, akclna 25*. epeh 5* ,2-ll.cli, yard 15c ta-lnch. yard ..-20* —"Sitka" Ivory ring*, black and wblto. ull size*. per dozen • ; ■ lOt .... . . —"Ebor Ivory ring*, white. All slzrs per doz. Jfcg* —»0-lnch fine quality plain table damask. Pure —liras* rings. per do*, and two dozen for Linen, per yard 51.2£.» c .. . • • —72-lnch fine satin finish plain table damask. Pure SlAuipQQ Lrinens Linen, per yard si.*- Pillow rases, good assottment. new deslgus. —luiktsh wuali clothes n|u| towels, ready to be stamped on good quality casing nhd tubing, per trimmed with your hand-made luce. Wasli cloths, pair each 5<%. Towels, 2 for 25* Our Infants* and Children’s Ready to Wear Apparel PRACTICAL AND DURABLE GIFTS FOR THE LITTLE TOTS. I* very Interesting, both In price reductions and the splendid vsrioty to select from. COATS FOR THE LITTLE TOTB AND LARGER KNIT BOOTEES AND SOFT SOLE BHOEB GIRLS _ Good showing of childrens* pretty fur* at prices * »!«<** t hat will please. ..... CHOICE LINE OF CELLULOID GOODS —ln velvet*, corduroys, chinchilla*., bear skins. white (ilueh, many fancy ■ weave, and plain mater- I'nwder, puff and noap lioxca. Comb and bru.u lala. Anna from ;lo 14 *2.50 »ml up Kt * “ 1 " 1 All rraionahly prlcod. NEAT ATTRACTIVE DRESSES THAT WILL INFANTS' AND CHILDREN'S BONNETS —ln hoarywol«hl^h S maT®rYal,. norlolk and Hoaullful atilt. hand omtfroldorod, pluahom lolla, plcltad aklrtn, ono ilrcao,. Anon it to n “ imil ' ll ,rlcc * r " n *" ,ro "> 19* up. year.. Prlcoa range from $1.50 1“ *6.00 nmnnn mm. aim Good show ing of wool dresses that arc stylisn blliLuaMi a rUifl UAI9 and well made. —ln *ort felt, velvet* and corduroy, fancy ahapes. KNIT AND CASHMERE SACQUES rlblKin mid braid trimmed. Reds. Illues, llrownx I —Very pretty and dntntly made. Price 75* >u »< Tans, lllack and White. Priced for quick sell- I •2.50 I lug nt 50* id up TH s E ro G K I c FT Jamieson’* buying early ! WOMAN’S FOOT MUST NEVER TREAD UPON THE MOUNT OF MONASTERIES For thousand* of years Mount Ath o*. the monastery covered eminence on one projection of the Chalcldlcc peninsula, In the Aegean sea, which has Just been occupied by the Greeks, ho* been a center of religious activ ity. Centuries before the beginning of the Christian era a sanceutary of Zeus t.lupllcr) stood on the moun tain. It Is the mountain that the architect Dlnoerates offered to turn Into n statue of Alexander the Great with a city on one hand and In the other a perennially flowing spring. Its chief modern Inteest lies in the fact that nt least since the begin ning of the middle ages It has been the home of a little monastic repub lic that still retains almost the same autonomy granted a thousand years ago by the Christian emperors of Constantinople. In 1905 the many fortified monasteries and hermitages on Mount Mhos contained , 7,53| mynks, Including Greeks. Kdatlkno^ EjasSXZ? our K/tro driving lamp V*/ is the most compact and efficient lighting device for all kinds of vehicles. Will not blow out or jar out. Equipped with thumb screws, so that it is easily attached or detached. Throws a clear light 200 feet ahead. Extra large red danger signal in back. It is equipped with handle, and when detached makes a good hand lantern. Strong. Durable. Will last for years. At Dealer! Everywhere CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY Denvsr. Puobtn. Albuau«»quo, Cheyenne, Quito. Boise. Salt Lake Clt*. WEDNESDAY ' Mulgarians, Roumanians. Georgians and Servians. Tho domestic govern ment of the monasteries was reguatlc ed in 1046 by Constantine Mouoma chOM, with the nid of the patriarch of Constantinople. By the imperial document which he Issued wotn«<n are forbidden on the peninsula, a prohi bition so strictly observed that even tho Turkish agn, or official who re side* nt Karyacs, may not take his harem with him. To such an extent is this prohibition carried that even the females of animals arc not per mitted the peninsula. On occas ions when women are forced to land there in storms they nrc at once placed in huts and shut away nt the first opportunity. The Paleologi emperors of Constan tinople and Slav princes of the Balk an peninsula enriched the monaster ies of Mount Atbos. Occasionally a Bytautine emperor took refuge there frokl the cares of state. Amid the political disasters of the Greeks dur ing the fourteenth century Mount Athoa appear* ns a kind of Holy Land, a place where the Hellenic spirit was cherished when it was threatened elsewhere, and even to day it is one of the most sacred pil grimage sites of the entire Greek Church and the feasts of the princip al monasteries are a!w*ays celebrat ed with great pomp. The fall of Constantinople in 1453 brought no modiflration of the condi tions on the Holy Mountain. The monks, who stubbornly opposed nil attempts at reconciliation with the Church of Rome, submitted at onre to the domination of the Osmanli and, with rare exceptions, have never been Interfered with by the Turkish au thorities. As a general rule tne monks hold their property in common. They are divided into two classes, the "idio rhythmle" and the "cenobltlc." The latter lives nre of great monastic rigor, their chief occupation day and night being solemn public prayer. The others enjoy a little more free dom and practice minor industries In nid of the common support.—New York Herald. CHANGED From Judge. No longer does he say “Goldarn!" "Gcwhlttnker!" nor .vet * , Consarn! M Nor does he chew a wisp of straw. Or laugh with rasping "Haw-haw haw!" Or dress in clothes that do not fit, Or with fool schemes get ofen bit. Ho drives no shaggy, limping “skate'* Mis motor cur is up to dote. His clothing now is in the style, Sophisticated is his smile. His wife wears costumes in the mode. And modern quite is his nbode. Ills children all to collego go, And system lets him profits show, lie works, and yet has time to play— This is the farmer of today. — J. A. W. When n man does a good deed ho thinks it's much more than it is; when a bad one. much less. It's a luxury to s|>end money on a girl you're enguged to, and a ne cessity on one you're married to. Clnoulcle-News wnut ads. 5C a ’lne THE CHRONICLE-NEWS, TRINIDAD, COLORADO.' STEVE’S LUCKY TUMBLE By OSCAR DAWSON. X once called on ray old frlond, Steve Col lard, and whilo tbero tho conver sation turned un courtship; uud at my request the old gentleman told me au Incident In his own love uffuirs, which I give In hlti own wordu: “Wall, seeing It'* you, I don't mind telling ypu übout a scrape that hap pened to me when I was courtlug Nancy here. That nre is something that 1 never tell unybody. But ye shall havo It!*' "No, don’t Steve!’* broke In tho old woman. “I should think you would be ashamed uf yourself telling your love aorapea to everybody." “If you can’t aboar to hear It." said Steve, "you may go out of doors! So here goes. “When I was nigh about twenty-one I came up here alone and built me a cabin. “I hadn’t n naber nearer than five miles, so ye see I didn’t quarrel much; but as It grew to be near winter 1 got kinder lonesome, and begun to thluk I ought to have a womau to keep me company; ao one morning 1 started down to L<enw(ty to lake a look at the girl*, to aee If 1 could find one to suit me." “Whan I got down to the village 1 asked a youug chap If ho knew of a girl that wanted to get married, und bo told me that ho guessed that Nancy Knox did, and if I wanted a wife 1 hud better try and hitch on with her; and be said that if I wus agreeable he would go to old Knox's aud make me acquainted with Nancy, and he was aa good aa bU word; and 't wasn't uu hour before Nancy and 1 wore on the best of terms “Afore night I had hired out with old Knox for two pound* a month with board and lodgin', and I was to work all winter. “Wall, for about two months 1 felt aa neat aa a mouse In a new* cheese I courted Nancy every Sunday night a&d I won determined before anothet month to pop the question, and I hadn’t a bit of doubt but what Nancy would be overjoyed at becoming my box on. co moan km. •Wall, about this time there came s fellow from Ixmdon to keep school and he hadn't b««in there more'n s week afore I found that bo bad a net ural hankering nrter Nancy. "Wall, one Sunday night, BUI Bm!th for that was tho critter's name, cam* In Jeat at dusk, and when the clock struck nlno he didn't seem ready tc go. Old Mrs Knez and tho younp uns all west off to bed, and there wen oono left but old Knox, Bill, Nancy and I, and there we oat, round tho fire without saying a word. “Always aforo old Knox had gone off to bed add left the coast clear foi Nancy and T/and I kept ’spocting ev ery mlnnlt that he would toll Bill tc clear out, but he did no such a thing; but Jeat as the clock struck tea be ris op. “‘Steve.* says he. ’let’s go to bed, for we must bo up bright and airly. “Wa’nt that a hint, oh? 1 looked at Nancy, but she turned away her bed. and at this I up and marched out Into tho entry, and up tho ladder to bed. 1 was boiling over mad with creation—Bill, Nancy, and old Knox In particular. I got Into bed and klvored myself up. but 1 felt so bad that I couldn't go to alsep. Like a* not, tho schoolmaster was kissing Nancy down In the kitchen, and 1 couldn't shot my eyes for tho Ufa of mo. "Wall, all at once It occurred to mo that there was some big cracks In the floor over the kitchen, and I could watch and soo all that was going on below; ao out of bed I got. and crawled along close to tho dhlmney on all fours, and finding a big crack I looked down through. Bill and Nancy were sitting about two feet apart, though every now and then Bill would hitch his chair a little nearer to her. How I oould have choked him then! "Wall. I watched them for about a quarter of an hour, anil by that time 1 was near about froze, aa It was an aw ful cold night. But I wouldn't go tc bed, for 1 waa bound to know 11 Nancy was true to me. By-and-bye Bill hitched up hla chair a little closor, and 1 could sue that he had made up hla mind and was Just going to kiss her. "How It riled me! But 1 was bound to aeo It through, so 1 moved a little to get a better view, and that mlnnlt tho plank I was on tipped up. and down 1 went right atween Bill and Nancy. “Bill thought for once that Old Nick had come, and he bolted out o' doom, and I started out of the kitchen ns quick as you could say ‘scoot.’ and as I waa going up the ladder I heard old Mrs. Knox holler, ’Nance, scoot the cat down, or she will break every dish on the dresser * "The noxt morning, when we wont to milking, I popped tho question to Nancy, and sho said she would havo mo, for she didn't caro for Bill Smith, and we have been married forty yours cum June.” Electric Light Canes. Some canes are fitted with electric lights. In the case of canes made with the ordinary bend or crook for a handle the light apparatus is set In the body of the stick just below tho handle, with tho lens in tho sldo. Most of these canes are mado straight, with the light equipment In the upper end and tho lens set in the cane's top, this form of electrlo cane being more convenient to use. There Is a button at the side which la pressed to make the light show. Th# only battery by which the light !■ produced can be renewed in theso 3anes, Just as it can be in pocket or >ther electric flashlights. DECEMBER 4, 1912. Makes the Food Finer, j i More Tasty, Wholesome, Economical I { ' v - The economy is absolutely positive. { H A housekeeper said:“ Of course I know Price’s Baking ! Powder makes better food, and I always use it for fine cakes and Sunday food, but for ordinary baking I use another powder because it is lower priced.” The following statement is easily verified: In making a dozen tea biscuits the difference in cost betwer n the use of Price's Baking Powder, a pure, healthful, cream of tartar powder, and the low priced or alum powder is one fifth of a cent. To Save one-fifth of a Cent do not risk having the biscuit tainted with alum, inferior in taste and unwholesome. 5 u It pays best in the end to use 1 DR. PRICE’S, r . J; a P ure ’ cream tartar powder. L^ - ,4} k xX 1 ■ ■■ LAJ FIRST APPLICATION DARKENS THE HAIR A SIMPLE REMEDY GIVES COLOR STRENGTH AND BEAUTY TO THE HAIR- You don’t have to have pray hair or fade dholr If you don’t wmt to. Why look old or unattractive? If your hair Is gray or faded, you can change It easily, quickly and effect ively by using Wyqth’s Sage ;«id Sulphur llalr Itcmedy. Apply a little tonight, and In the morning you will lie agreeably surprised at the results from a single application. The gray hairs will lie less conspic uous. ahd after a few more applica tions will he restored to natural color. Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur also quickly removes dandruff, leaves the s.-nip clean and healthy, and pro- j motes the growth of the hair. It , is a clean wholorome dressing which may he used at any time with p< r fect safety. (let a fifty cent bottle from your druggist today, and see how quickly it will restors the youthful color, and beauty of your hair and forever) end tin* nasty dandruff, hot, itchy scalp nnd failing hair. All druggists A SECENE FROM "THE CONFESSIO N” AT THE WEST SUNDAY DEC. 8 rail it under guarantee that the money will he r« funded If you are not satisfied after fair trial. J It. | Hughes agent. City Drug Store, Trln | bind, Colorado. , And the light- r a man’s head Is tho blghor bo I able lo birry it. A hero Is a man who does dis agreeable thin: s from a sense of duty When some people talk we are re minded of n dictionary with the dcfl- I unions missing. A girl with a plain face has lots ( f time to cultivate the beauties of her mind. Revenge may In* sweet at first, but It is sure to acquire a flavor that Is anything but ngiecable. l/»ve has a. big enough appetite when It's normal. A very loud voice iu an argument will nlwa>s convince Its owner whon ill won’t anybody else.* Preferred creditors are those who ■ - never trouble up. - Kver notice how easy it Is to get I things you don’t care for? PAGE THREE Manhattan Cafe C. F. KIRKPATRICK. Prop. OPEN NIGHT AND DAY EVERYTHING IN SEASON And up-to-date. Drop In and g ; ac quainted. Call JORDAN FOR QUICK Parcel Delivery un? Messenger Service 215 East Main St or Phono Trin. 125 Stiff Joints! Sprains, Bruises I are relieved at once by an applies- H tion of Sloan's l.iniment. Don t B rub, just lay on lightly. Ej “Slotui's IJntment In* ( more B good 11 ..wi iii.ytliu.rf I I. no «-v«»r lrle*i K for ftitt Joint*. I got my lian»i hurt *o ■] badly Unit I had fto|> »*»rk rt*e»i* in IB the busiest limo of tbsjreai : t at Urat that 1 Would have to !..»»« 111/ ■ It it,.t taken oK, but I got u liottle of ■ Sloan's Llnltni ntamli in I tuybantl W WlLTOii \Viim.Li.n, >lurii», Ala. ■ Good for Broken Sir.cws ■ o. <l. .lovkm, Maldwin, h. 1., wri'. * : M used Sloan's l.iiiilmi.t l»i brok< n ■ tlnoa« almso tin* kliSti cn|> caun -I 1-v a ■ tall ami to my great satisfaction • * M ulilo to resumn w-.rk In losa than three H weeks alter tbo Occident.” B SLOANS LINIMENT Fine for Sprain Mb. TTrviir A. *1 Somerset At.. I'lnlmlHl.l. N..L. writ..-: A friend niralncd )i!« nnklo Im-.1. that It went 1-1 i<*k. II- -"lt.-- wl"-i; ( told him that I would has- him «>'it in a week. I applied Moan’* l.lnlment mid In four day-* ho waa work-' * and Mild Sloau'fl wait u inent.” poultryrsout lros. H