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♦ » 4 * 44 4*4 1 4000 | | People do their banking with | ♦ this bank. Do you? If not, | s why not? | I *lhe First National Bank j FOR RENT A seven Room House on Topeka avenue. Large lawn, trees, also large barn. Only $25 a montb. A seven-room house on East First Street, three blocks from the corner of Main and Commercial. Only $lB a month. For Sale A new two-room house on Colorado avenue. A snap for $450. $lOO down and balance easy monthly payments. A new five-room house on San Juan near Colorada avenue* $2,150 $2OO down and balance on easy payments. We have unlimited amount of money to load. Try us for your next loan. Our specialties are all kinds of insurance, bonds, real estate, and loans. The Home Security-Investment Company Insurance. Loans* Real Estate. Bonds. 8. C. HALL. President. Ground floor, First Rational Bank Building. = nmmmJ KIIWAKI) l>. WIGHT, President. 11. I’. Jonru. Vlcc-PrcalilonL W. It. CHAPMAN. Ca.liter. II K. 1101.1-OWAY. V-Pre«. C. It HAPP. AMllUnl Cashier. The Trinidad National Bank Capital $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits $00,000.00 DIRECTORS: K. D. Wight. 11. K. Holloway W. .1. Murray Phillip Schneider l>. !*• Jones W. R. Chapman We will be pleased to have your business and offer every ac commodntoln consistent with safe hanking. Interest paid on time deposits. FRESH M FINE IFy Tempting list of good things Just received. All sizes Oranges, Cal- W ifornia Grapes, Grape Fruit, flil * Cranberries and all kinds of B ■ Figs in bulk, package antl^ars. Dates In Package ami Hulk. UojflJ ■j m | New* nuts. English Walnuts. Il\ I JJ Almonds, Pecans, Filberts, Largo ! TIRES, TUBES and all accessories for the Automo bile, Motorcycle and Bicycle carried at all times. Vulcanizing our spec ialty. The Trinidad Novelty Works Phone Trinidad 128. Homo fellows never go to work till they are convinced they can’t make a living any other way. HOT CAKES AND SYRUP We can furnish the mateiial for making. Best quality. Differ ent variety. Ask us. Three VaS Three Store 1 S h* ' Store * WEDNESDAY' GENUINE MAZDA TUNGSTEN LAMPS Bnp«rior In Quality Not So Easily Broken Coat, No More. 1 |S Hot Point Iron, For 13.50 Thia Week- Trinid&d Gas and Electric Supply Co. Ph. Trio. 78. 212 E. Mala. I When a woman docs resort to cos • meties she generally makes up for lost time. TBS OHRONICLE-NIWS, TRINIDAD, COLORADO. PERSONALS Jeff Jones of Gulmtre is in the city on a day’s business trip. F. A. Iludio or Denver is in the city on u few days’ business trip. Mrs. It. Wllmunder of El Moro Is in the city on a day’s shopping trip. Herbert Kalin left this morning for Pueblo on a few days’ business trip. Mrs. A. E. Woodward of Ludlow was In the city today on u short busi ness trip. John Mllllken of Foloem, New i'exlco. is In th«t city looklug after b mines* mutters. Ed. Owen left today for Aguilur. where lie will spend a day looklug after business matters. John Stein, superintendent of the Harvey system. Is in the city on u lew days’ Imslm-SK trip. Mrs. M. A. Meyers who has been confined to her borne on account of an attack or grippe is improving. I). .1. Petiuo left this afternoon for Denver, where he will spend a foW days looking after business matters. D. L. Taylor left this afternoon for Denver, where he will spend a few days looking after business matters. Mr. and Mrs. James McVoy left today for Sun Diego where they will spent the greater part of the winter. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lee* ami baby of Poso spent of the day In Trinidad shopping and \ 'siting with relatives. Mrs. Ed. Cook Ingham left this morning for Raton for u few days’ visit with her brother. Dr. Lyons and family. C. K. Halley of Denver arrived In the city yesterday and will spend a few days here tailing on local cus tomers. Mrs. George Mars returned this noon on the D. Ac R. G. from Denver where she spent a few days visiting with friends. Mrs. John Keith. Miss Elsie Run yon and Mrs. Mary Itamey left this] ’ aft« moon for Ludlow after a short j • \ Islt In this city. Mrs. R. G. Davenport and son have 1 returned from Denver where they spent a part of Thonksglvlng week visiting with friends. Mrs. If. If. Sanderson and son will return tonight from Denver where they spent Thaksglvlng week visit ing with relatives and friends. Mrs. J. W. Burdette left for her home in Grand Junction this after noon after a short visit in this city with .Mi's. M. M Graves of Nevada avenue. 11. 11. Sanderson of the firm of Dnnford and Sauderson returned yesterday from California and Old Mexico, where he speat three weeks on a business trip. Cliarb*s Samuel left this afteroon for Denver, where he will spend a day. Mr Samuel will return In j K. Katie’s 191.1 Huomoblle, which he recently purchased. h4|| Mrs. f-'runk Casey and Miss lies ter MrCash left this afternoon for llcrwind and Tohasco on a few days’ business trip In the interest of the Dennett and Wilson Insurance Co. j F. 11. Cordova of Weston, who at jtlie recent election was the Fusion {candidate for county comnilssioner ,of the first district, is in the city to- I day attending to business matters. J Mrs. Carl Von llruddenbrock and baby left today for San Francisco. California, where they will sjiend (the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Von Hruddcnhrock’s sister. Mrs. L. <’. Miller. I Clarence M. Kinney of Denver, rep j resenting the Travelers’ Insurance [Company of Conecticut, Is in the city calling on his local agent, S. C. Hall, of the Home Security and In vestment company. Mrs. Will Illooni of Hrush, Colo., and sister-in-law of Mrs. James Es pey left this morning for Moulder after spending a mouth in this eity with relatives and friends. Mrs. Illoom will visit in Moulder until after Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Price. | . “THE GIRL FROM THE U. S. A.” Players of reputation are promised | in the big comedy success "The Girl from tho U. S. A.’’ which will be presented at the West Theatre on .Saturday, December 7th. The splen did types of characters in the piece will please, especially our American girl, whose resourcefulness and cour ugc, under danger nnd difficulties, can not fall to inspire you. Miss Guinn Marion, a young and talented lacress, has the leading role. METHODIST BAZAAR The Methodist Ladles’ Hnzaar Sat urday afternoon. Sale begins at 2 o’clock In the basement of the church. 1 EPISCOPAL GUILD The Ladies’ Guild of tho Episcopal church will meet tomorrow* afternoon at 2:.10 with Mrs. Robert Lake. We wish to call your attention to the fact that most infectious diseases such as whooping cough, dlptheria land scarlet fever are contracted when the child has a cold. Chamherlnin’s (’ougli Remedy will quickly cure a rold and greatly lessen the danger of contracting these diseases. This remedy is famous for Its cures of colds. It contnins no opium or other narcotic and may be given to a child with implicit confidence. Sold by all dealers. Most People Earn all the money they can. Home spend all they earn. Muny have a savings account. It makes saving easier. You can’t afford t u spend all you earn, but you can profit by saving nione>. Start u saving* account with iih A small sum II 00 will open an account in YOI.’R name. We pay FOUR per cent on sav ings. The Commercial Savings Bank BIG POWER CONCERNS MERGED INTO FORTY MILLION CORPORATION Salt Lake City, Utah. Dee. 4. Fourteen of the lurgeNt water power electric plants In Utah, Idaho and Colorado have been merged In a forty million dollar corporation which will supply railroads, mines, in 11 In and smeters with power Announcement was made here today that the deeds completing the merger were signed yesterday In New York by tho Elec tric Bond and Bhare tontpnny. At the same time the nrti'h*s of incorpora tion In Utah of the I’tah Rower and Light company were amended to in i'reuse the capital stock from f 1.000 to $40,000,000. D <’. J tickling, a {prominent mine operator and bank er, Is president of tin* new company and its headquarters will he main tained in Salt Lake City. The larger of the eotupanles In cluded in the mere r are the Tcllur- Ide Rower rompatiy. A me* and Ilium Hydro-Electric plants In San Miguel | county Colorado; Durango Gas and Electric company, Colorado; The Grace Riant. Ilnn'ock runty, Idaho, and the Knight < . olidaD-d Rower company Utah. Denver. Colo., 4—At the general offices or the Denver and Rio Grande ra I Iron 1 It was stated to day that no positive announcement could tue made is to whether the Utah Power ant Light company would furnish power for the pro posed elertrlt lent ion of the railroad between Helper, t'tah and Salt laike City. Officers of the railroad stated that the question of securing power had not yet li''''n derided. "THE CONFESSION” "The Confession", a new drama di rect from the Hijou Thentre. llrdnd wny. New York City, will tie the of-j ferlng nt the West Theatre Sunday. I»ee. Nth. The plnv |y n four net drama. wrife ten hy James linllerk Kcid and in one of the strongest plays seen here this Henson. The cast la made up of people of exceptional ability. The plot eonslsts of n priest's brother belnK accused of murder whieh another man has rommitted and confessed to the priest, knowing that the priest Mould not Impart the knowledge. The brother Is only saved hy the dying confession of the true murderer at the last moment to the governor. Many strong scenes are enacted but the conclusion of the third act In which the true bill has been found against the prisoner and the real murderer, n French Canadiun es capes,, is the most pathetic. Chronicle-News. flOc a month. Sewing Machines Singer and New Home Pattern Price* $l7 to $3O 10 Day Free Trial Warranted Satisfactory Guaranteed 10 Tear, Try One Crancer Hsrdware Company 117 Ea,t Main St. Ph. T. 86 MISS HAWKINS HOSTESS Miss Kern Hawkins entertained the members of the W. A. S. club last evening at a slumbering party ami taffy pull. hTe evening was spent In taffy pulling, the girls remaining for the night at the Hawkins home, where they were served with a deli cious breakfast before leaving for school this morning. Those to whom Miss Huwklns extended her hospital ity were Misses Gladys Logan. Pearl Conger, Rose Staley, /.ella Irwin. Margaret Robinson. I.llllan Hayes, Mae Wilson, Kay Phillips. LAS ANIMAS LODGE NO. 28 A. F. & A. A. M. ELECTION At the annual meeting of lais Ani mas latdge No. 2S A. K. A: A. M.. held last night, officers were elected for the ensuing year. Arrangements have been made for u Joint installa tion of the officers of Las Animas and Trinidad lodge* on December 11. A hanuet followed the business of the session last night and short talks were made. The officers of La* Ani mas lodge are: W 11 Julius Erlon. Sen. Wardon— Roger Sherman. Juii. Wurden—Guy llohson. Treasurer —Meyer Manstmch. Secretary— Sol 11. Jaffa . Sen. Beacon Roy Campbell. Jun. Deacon—Carl Richardson. Tyler—W. W. Jones. Sen. Sleunrd - J. \V. Tennyson. Jun. Steward —Win Guyer. SEWING MACHINE NEEDLE PENETRATES FINGER Mrs. K. J. McMahon of 910 Chest nut street, suffred a painful Injury yertordny In runnlg a sewing mu chine needle through an Index fin ger. It required the immediate at tendance of a physician to dress the Injury. MINE DRIVER KILLED Squeezed between a enr and the ribs of the mine at Segundo yesterday. George Vigil, a driver, sustained in juries which resulted In his death nn hour or two Inter. The coroner was notified and took possession of the body. PIERIAN CLUB "The Pennon’s Greetings", by Mr*. W 11. Cooley, president of «he Pier ian Club, opened the afternoon’s pro gram at the met ling of the organiza tion yesterday, in a few words she told of a dell{htful Thanksgiving i pent In the Sunflower Valley. The meeting was held at the homo of Mrs. L. 11. Peters. The roll rail re rporses were magazine articles Mr* A C. McChesnev gave a reading on "Public Markets in Different Cities." An aitlcle on "Hoy Seoul*" was read by Mrs .1. J. Marty, and Mrs. K. D Wight gave a hook review. Mrs [Peters served light refreshment* at 1 1 ho close of the program. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH The Unlltlr Union of the Congre gational church will he entertained hv Mrs. Tolzlen and Miss Huntley at the home of the latter. 150 T! Hot - son street, tomorrow afternoon. NEW DELIVERY SERVICE George Apfel, the Commercial [street baker, today placed In com mission. a new delivery wagon, and iwill make deliveries promptly to any part of Trinidad. Phone your order* and Apfel will do the rest. Phone Hncu 201. - Published Nov. 27-Dec. 9. 1912. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING The regular nnnunl meeting of the stockholders of the International Stnte Hank of Trinidad. Colorado, will he held at Its banking rooms in Trlnidnd. Colorado, on Monday. Jan uary «, 1912, nt iho hour of three thirty o’clock In the afternoon for the election of directors for the en suing year and for the transaction of such other business as may prop erly come before said meeting. Dated this 27th day of Novombor A. D.. 1912. THE INTERNATIONAL STATE HANK. By \VM. G. P LEST ED, Cashier. (Published Nov. 27-Dec. 9. 1912.) NOTICE OF SPECIAL STOCKHOLDERS’ MEETING Notice is hereby given that there will be a special meeting of the stock holders of THE CHICOSA FUEL COMPANY, held nt the office of said Compony in The First Nntlonnl Bank Building. Trinidad. Colorado, on the 12th day of December. A. D. 1912, at 2:00 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of considering and voting upon the proposition of authorizing. Instruct ing and empowering the Hoard of Di rectors or said Company to borrow the sum of Ninety Thousand Dollars (90,000.00), and secure the payment of the same by mortgaging nil of the real estnto, and machinery and per sonal property of said Company, nt which time and place all of the stockholders of said Company are re quested to he present and vote upon suid proposition. WITNESS my hand nt Trinidad, Colorado, this 27th day of Novem ber, A. D. 1912. NELLIE W. WOOD. Secretary. DECEMBER 4. 1912. A Bath Robes • A Every man that sees wjgjfr | our bath robes wants 'He j onc — no won^cr y.' ft -jV ■ There Is no garment a muu cuu jV h M * 11 own that will ufford him so much \ I II luxurious comfort ns u good warm jl 1 BAt Eiderdown hlnnket robes In the a* W* a B <3l most attractive of the now patterns ‘ W al and color effects nt $2.50, $4, $5 and The choice things In haherdusb- I cry ur *‘ always to he fouud ut this Ingram-Powder Clothing Company • HOME OK SWELL ATTIRE." I LOOK AS MUCHAS. TO&T YOU LIKE 11 You'll find nothing that's \ better for Chrlstmns gift* V ■»>. for that hoy, tlinn n pair of our high cut hoots, 92.25 \ I to 94.25 « pair. A most * P. 6 W. Shoe Company .11 J HALMQCIST. J. C CALDWELL SANTA FE SIGNAL SERVICE MEN HERE G. It Cowherd ot l.a Junta. K. Wlnans of Ist* Angeles. K. V. Itrown of Topcku. and J. E. Sanders of To pekn, of the signal service depart ment of the Santa Ke, are la the city and will spend a few days here in the Interest of the company. It is the custom of the signal service men to meet in Trinidad twice a year and discuss plans und Ideas pertaining to their 'department. The meetings nr.* being held In the Cardenas Hotel, and after the adjournment the men will return to their various homes In the east ntid west. ATTENTION O. A. R. We will meet at 1:2.0 o’clock Thursday afternoon at Sipes Under* inking parlors for the purpose of attending the funeral «»f Comrndo Georg Drury to Be held at 2 o’clock. A. E. Hicks, Host Commander. 2 The Chronicle-News carrier boys have been supplied with new whistles and will blow when making delivery of papers. Listen for the whistle. . Some International p eop i e State Bank Send their money sway from Trinidad and buy their goods from outsiders. By so doing they take the profits away from the home roer- Jk chant curtailing his busl 4*ness and reducing his pro- fits, thus injuring him, th* town and themselves. PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS Do your banking busl* I ness with the only bank in _ Trinidad that is owned and controlled by home capital. The profits of the bank will SAI' Ef V DkPOSI 1 be spent in Trinidad and BOXES KOK RENT not sent to outside owners. : i PAGE FIVE TOURIST CLUB Mrs. Randolph Cook entertained the mem tiers of the Tourist Club this afternoon at their regular weekly meeting. "China" was the subject discussed during the afternoon and Several interesting •inpers on the country wero rend. Roll call re sponses were current events. Mrs. A. D. Kastman read a paper on "Re forms in China." and Mrs. K. W. Drelnull gave a rending on "Mission aries in China." The customs of the Chinese, their religious life and their industries was discussed hy Mrs Stratton, which brought to a close a delightful afternoon. EPOWRTH LEAGUE The Bp worth l.eage of Iho First M. E. church l»«*l«l a I»iisIihh.h anil ito rial meetitig last evening at the home of Mr*. .1. A. Dopp on Colorado ave nue. The earlier part of the even ing was <Jevoted to the business of the society, followed by a social hour spent in playing games and music. Mrs. Dopp served a delicious lunch during the evening. Chronicle-News 50c per month.