Newspaper Page Text
Second Hand Furniture Nought nnd Bold. Illk host cavil prices paid. All kinds of Jlanges, Cook stoves and Heating Stoves, Just ns good as new und at u saving of one-liulf off new price. We also have a very complete line of dining room nnd lied room furniture. I«ook over our stock before buying. The Cash Bargain Store 403 North Commereiol Street WANT COLUMN Wanted-Male Help For U. S. army. Able bodied un married men between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of United Btates, of good character and temperate habits who cau speak, reed and writs the English language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer. 103 West Main St. Trinidad. Colo. tf. Wanted All win. do not rvct-ive llicii Chronicle-Nows to phone »M« of (Nee between G:00 and 7:00 the *suie evening. Seroud tiand furniture. Carmich ael and Co., Phone Trinidad 530. tf A girl for chambermaid and din ing room. 932.50 per month, board ond room. Phone Delagua Hotel, Red 3031. tr. Hood girl for general housework. Address 318 8. Chestnut. " 3 Your films to develop. 10c a roll nt Green's Drug Store. Into. Competent girl for general house work. Phone Trln. 218. tf Waitress nt People's Cafe. North Commereiol street. 6 Cash paid for cast off clothing, shoes and lints. Call Trln. 426. lmo Carrier boy. Must have horse. Ap ply at Chronlele-Newa office. tf We pay 4 cents per pound for clexn cotton rags. Ilrlug to Robinson w light Printing Co. •• Lady bookkeeper nnd stenograph er wanted **N” care C-N. 3 Girl for general nousework. Mrs. .!. C. Coulson. 259 4th Ave. Phone Trinidad 152. tf Lost Eastern Star pin between 3rd and Ash St. and First M. E. church Sun day morning. If found phone Baca 415. 2 Open rng muff, grey wolf. Finder return to 112 W. 2nd. Reward. 3 Hold cuff button, engraved "If*. Finder return to C-N. Reward. 3 Uidics black braid hat. almost new on North side, Sunday, Return to C-N Pair of lineman's pliers. Return to 383 W. Topeka Ave. Phone Trinidad 4 10. 2 Tor Sale Old papera tor putting on shelves or under carpet. 5 cents a bundle nt the Chronlele-Newa office. tf ~Scll off your suiplus stuff buy using C-N want ads. They only cost 6 cents a line. ef For new and aecond hand furnit ure call on Carmichael and Co., ISO -132 Elm street. Phone Trinidad 530. U One fine Buff Orphlngton rooster. Call Rbd 1071. 2 High grnde buggy and saddle horse cheap. Phone Trinidad 280. 0 C Jood buggy horse, gentle, cheap. 1024 Nevada. 4 Chickens. Apply corner 2nd nnd Baltimore. ,r> * STORAGE Fine Inrgc room and basement for storage —anything—everything. Very reasonable price. Babcock Com. Co., 122 Elm. [> Taxi Cab T»xl cab for hire, any tlnw, nlfht or day. Pbono Toltec Hotel or Trini dad 204, Ed Pople. Printing If you need printing of any kind come to the Chronlele-Newa. High* class work, reasonable prices. ABSTRACTS THE TRINIDAD ABSTRACT CO. ilOOM'y 'J AND 10. PO'TRFV H LOG K PHONE TRINIDAD 641 WEDNESDAY Papering Up-to-date designs or wall papsr. ; Large selection. Very lowest prloss. - Joe Uurkland. 109 East First. Phons , Baca 563. 1 guarantee. tf. ! For Rent. Three room furnished apartment, with hath. Also 2 rooms for $l2. light, bent and water furnished. 11. 1.. L. Anderson. Anderson block, tf Furnished housekeeping rooms. 4UO University. Phone Red 1442. tf i - Rooms for light houskeeplng at Lu ’ cerne. Phone Baca 383 or 418 Beech. tf. Three or four furnished rooma for I housekeeping. Inquire 411 W. Ist 3* Desk room with phone. See Dun lavy. Poltrey block. 4 Modern rooms for light house- J keeping. 201 State Street. tf Three nice furnlahed rooms for light housekeeping near C. and 8. shops. Abeyta Ave. Red 214. tf. Four nnd flvo room modern bouse. close In. Trinidad 318. tf MONEY TO LOAN On chattel security, reasonable i rates, private. Q. O. Newman, 116 W. Main. Furniture Wo buy and sell second hand fur ■ nltura. Call Trinidad 403. tf Situation Wanted Free employment bureau, office of . tssoclnted Charities. 410 Commercial it reel. Phone ReJ 2962. Help* ; ruriilanea aud employment secured, if r Washing by the day, 706 Rio Ally • St. Phone Red 1451. 4 (iirl 15 years wants to assist at - housework, small family. South side 1 preferred. Phone Red 952. 2 ( i Colored hoy wants work of any ! ! kind. Inquire "A" C-N. 3 , Young widow with child, wants • work as housekeeper or chamber . maid. Address "O’' C-N. 4 Cleaning Cleaning, preening and dyeing.— , The Trinidad Cleaning and Dye Worka. tf i CONVINCING TESTIMONY i Given by Many Trinidad People Experiences told by Trinidad peo ple—. Those who have had weak kld i neys— ■ Who used Doan's Kidney Pills — Who found the remedy effective— Such statements prove merit. You might doubt an utter stranger You must believe Trinidad people. Here's Trinidad proof. Verify It. Read. Investigate. Be convinced. You'll find why Trinidad folks be | Hove in Doan's. Mrs. A. M. Richmond, 115 S. Ani mas St.. Trinidad, Colo., says: "I can praise Doan's Kidney Pills, as high , ly today as I did In January, 1907. Years ago f suffered terribly from kidney complaint and In the sum mer of 1906, 1 had severe acute at tacks. 1 was finally obliged to take to my bed owing to the pains In the small of my back. I knew that niv poor health was caused by disordered , kidneys and I procured Doan’B Kid ney Pills at the llausman Drug Co. They did me a world of good and I have never had serious trouble from my kldneyß since." For snle by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan's — and take no other. Lenses Duplicated 50c. Compounds 75c. •END BROKEN PIECE. SO CENTS AND 4 CENTS IN STAMNO-NEW LENS PINOT MAIL • LINCOLN ■. HALL, Optician TRINIDAD. COLO. THE CHRONICLE-NEWS, TRINIDAD, COLORADO. DAILY MARKETS NEW YOKE STOCK EXCHANGE New York, Dec. 4. —Opinion as to the probable status of Southern Pa cific In the dissolution of the llarrl man system seemed to have ebauged over night mid a rather eager early d« maud lifted the stock two poiuls. Elsewhere the movement was frac tional und Irregulur for a time but hesitation graduuly gave way to an upward movement. The improve ment was checked wheu the market encountered the flood of liuqidation aud shoit telling of Americati Can. The common stock broke to 33ft unit tlie preferred to 11V$. Sharp losses were recorded in the remainder or the list. Union Pacific, Reading. St. Paul, Amalgamated and Lehigh loti one or two points and Smelting one. Bonds were easy. Liutdatiou was arrested shortly after midday and the market became dull on a fractional rally. Money rnt*-s were much lower but banka dis criminated agaiust certain collateral in loans which accounted for the urgent forenoon selling of various rpeclalties. Hasty liuldatlon of Union Bug pre ferred on the passing of the dividend cost it 62 and Induced some pressure agaiust other lew paid Industrials. The genorul movement of prices show*d little feature, speculation becoming quiet aud important stocks ruling close to their low figures. The market dosed weak. Liquidation of Steel depressed it to 711, the lowest for many weeks, und undermined a rather smart advance in the general market which had carried some iernes a point or more above the lowest. General selling then ensued with particular preasure I against the copper group and some | low priced railroads, such as Erie and Rock Island Amalgamated 82g; Sugar 118$: Atchison 1061; Oieat Northern 1361. New York Central 113$; Northern Pacific 123: Reading 1711: South ern Pacific lUK: Union Pacific 169$ Steel 70J: Steel preferred llu. THE MONEY MARKET New York. Dec. 4.—Money ou call 5 6iS per cent. Ruling rate 8. clos ing hid 4; offered at 5. Tome loans strong; 60 days sft® 7 per cent: 90 days 6 per cent; six mo. 6 per rent. Close: Prime mercantile paper 6 per cent. Sterling exchange steady with actual business In bankers' bills at 4.81 for 60 day bills and at 4.866 for demand. Commercial hills 4.801. Bar silver 63 ft. Mexican dollars 495. Government bonds firm. Railroad bonds steady. 1 THE COTTON MAMET Galveston, Texas, Dec. 4.—Cotton unchanged. 12 13-16. New York. Dec. 4.—Cotton spot closed ulet. Middling uplands 12.76; middling Gulf 13; sales none. Cotton futures closed steady. Clos ing bids: December 12.30; Jnnuary and February i 2.42; March 12.48$ April and May 12.44; June 12.41; July 12.40; August 12.30; September 12.85; October 11.70. THE METAL MAEEET St. Lou!*, Mo., Dec. 4. —Lead weak, 4.20. Spelter 7.25. New York, Dec. 4.—Copper quiet. Spot 17.10 bid; December 17.10® 17.25; January and February 17.05 dr 17.24; electrolytic and lake 17.62 (ft 17.87; castings 17.25^17.37. Tin weak. Spot 49.22ft49.42; December 4 9.12® 4 9.4 2; January 49.12 ® 49.37. Lead steady, 4.26® 4.40. Spelter uqiet, 7.20® 7.40. Asntimony quiet; Cookson's 10$. Iron ulet and unchanged. BUTTER AND EGGS Chicago, Dee. 4.—Butter steady. Creamery 28® 3f $; dairies 26® 31. Eggs steady. Receipts 2,062 coses. At mark, caies included 22® 25; or dinary firsts 24c: firsts 275. THE WOOL MARKET St. I*ouis, Mo., Dec. 4.—W00l steady. Territory and western me diums 21 fi 25c. Fine mediums 18 O' 20c. Fine 13® 17c. KANSAS CITY GRAIN AND HAY Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 4.—Cash: Wheat unchanged to lc higher. No. 2 hard 82® R7; No. 3 80®'82; No. 2 red 89® 1.00; No. 3 88® 98$. Corn 1 ® lsc higher. No. 2 mixed 45$® 465; No. 3 450; No. 2 white 4C$ ®47 : No. 346 ® 465. Oafs $® $c higher. No. 2 white 34*-: No. 2 mixed 32$ Qt 33c. Hay unchanged. Rye unchanged. Recniots. Wheat 4 9 cars. Corn 6 cars. Oats 17 cars. Slose: Wheat, December 80$; May 85®855; July 82JJ. Corn, December 465; May 46$ft 47; July 4 7ft. Oats, December 321: May 33J. THE LIVESTOCK MARKET Chicago Livestock. Chicago, 111 , Dee. 4—Cattle re ceipts 19,000 .Market slow, 10 to 20 cents lower. Beeves 5.60® 10,90; Texas steers 4.40®5.65; western steers 5.40®9; stockera und feeders 4.35® 7.65; cows and hoi fen. 2.70® 7.45; calves 6.50® 10.25. HOG 8: Receipts 38.000. Market fIOW, 5c tower. Light 7.20® 7.60; mixed 7.25® 7.65; heavy 7 25® 7.675; rough 7.25 ® 7.45; pigs 5.25® 7.65. Bulk of sules 7.50® 7.65. SHEEP: Receipts 25,000. Market strong. Native 3.65®4.65; western 3.90®' 4.60; yearlings 5® 6.25; lambs, na tive 5.75©7.65, western 5.75® 7.60. Kansas City Livestock. Kansas City, Mo, Dec. 4.—Cattle receipts 7,00". Including 4no south erns. Market 5 to 10c lower. Native steers 6.50® 10.50; south ern steers 4.50®8; southern cows and helfera 3.50®6.25; native cows and heifers 3.50®8; stockers and feeders 6.50® 7 25. hulls 4.25® 6; calves 6.50® 9.25: western steer* 5.50 6 8.25: western rows 3.50 ® 6.90. HOGS: Receipts 5.000. Receipts 5,000. Market 5 to 10c lower Bulk of tales 7.40® 7.70. Heavy 7.60® 7.75; packers und butchers 7.45 <. 7.7"; light 7.35®’ 7.G0; pigs 6.25® 7. SHEEP: Receipts 8.000. Market steady to strong Muttons 3.7'® 4.60; lamb* a.75® 7.65; range wethers and yearling* 4.2566.25; range ewes {®s. Denver Livestock. Denver, Coin, Dec. 4.—Cattle re ceipts 3,000. Market steady. Href steer* 5.75® 8. cows and heifers 4® 6 5". stackers und feed ers 5®6.75; calves 6® 5.50. HOGS: Receipts 500. Muikct low er. Top 7.65; hulk of sale* 7.60® X SHEEP: Receipts 1,000. Market strong. Yearling* 5® 5.50; wetter* 4® 4.50; lambs 6.50® 7; ewe* 3.50® 4. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Chicago, D»< 4. Disappointment with early cable* made wheat trad ers less disposed to work on the buy ing side. Fin. weather for the Ar gentine harvest was an Influence against the hulls also. On the other hand export demand at Kansas City tended to steady the market. The openlng varied fiom $«• lower to $c advance. May started at 90$ to 90$. ranging from ftc off to $r up. and sagged to 901. The close waa easy with May ftc net lower at 90$. May corn opened u shude lower to a like amount up at 48$ to 48$ nnd fell to 48$ to 482 c. The close was steady at 4Ssr for May, a net loss of a shade. May outs which started a sixteenth down to a sixteenth advance, at 325 to 33, touched 33 and then reacted to 32$ ® Jc. WHEAT: December, opening 84ft ®>s; highest 84$; lowest 84$; clos ing 84$. May. opening 90$<r$: highest 90$; lowest 902; closing 90$. July, opening 87$; highest 87 5® 88; lowest 87ft® 9; closing 87ft. CORN: December, opening 48$: highest 495; lowest 48$; closing 495. May, opening 48$®5: highest 185; lowest 48ft; closing 48$. July, opening 492: highest 49ft® $; lowest 4 9s; closing 4956 2- OATS: December, opening 31$® 3; highest 3126 32; lowest 31$; closing 31$. May, opening 325® 33; highest 33; lowest 32|®2; closing 32J. July, opening 325; highest 335: lowest 325; closing 335. PROVIBIONB Chicago. Dec. 4.—Despite larger receipts of hogs the provision mar ket rallied owing to the limited stocks here. Earliest transactions were 2s<fise lower, with May is67£ for pork: 10.15 for lard and 9.87$ for ribs. MESS PORK: January, opening 19.25; highest 19.35; lowest 19.22$ it 25; closing 19.27ft® 30. May. opening 18.575: highest 18.675: lowest 18.57 ft; closing 18.65. LARD: Pceettiber, opening 10.85; highest 10.925?; lowest 10.85; clos ing 10.875. January, opening 10.55; highest 10.625; lowest 10.525; closing 10.675. May, opening 10.15; highest 10.225; lowest 10.15; closing 1017$ ® 10.20. SHORT RIBS: January, opening 10.17$; high eft 10.256275: lowest 10.17$; closing 10.225® 25. May, opening 9.975; highest 9.95 6 975: lowest 9.875; closing 9.90® 9.925. Self control is easiest when you aro under somebody else’s strong rule. ' ItKPORT OF TIIK CONDITION OF THK FIRST NATIONAL RANK Ho. 2300 «t Trinidad. In tha State of Colorado, at the dot* ul liu*iue»« N'onrinlirr JtJth. 1012. RESOURCES I/OHU* and Discounts.... |l :.V\JM W Ovrrdriifta. arcur«M| a' <1 unsecured dona U.H. Honda to secure cu ••illation .... fift.dOO «i Iktud* to wcur* I'.iMnl Saving* HUM)«» Hotxla. .e.-urt(i«>, e(< .... tvn.TW til liankinir-house, lurultur" and Dittoes 7.UK) * Ota* from national iianka (uot reserve Agents i.... ti.;-| 47 Doe from State and I'rl fata Banka and danker*. Triut ('oni|>anie* and Having* Hunk* 2.H-V. »> I>IM from appro* ru it> aarve agents v.a civ V- Checks aud other cash Items W Notes of other National banka I'-i.auu to Fractional paper etirrea cy, nickels and rents.... roo Ji UwrcL soaii aasaats I« BAMB, VIS J Specie fcl.Uil Ul Lugal laodar notes «" <■<» do V70.*.!« M Redemption fund attn IT. 8. Treaaurer (ft per cent of circulation) a.jjw oo Dun from U. 8. Treaaurer 3.’<u» UU Total $2,914,648.11 LIABILITIES Capital etoek paid la 200.000 oo (•undue fund ftO.OOO On Undivided profits, laaa as* pause# amt tarns paid II Si National Bank notea Otil' standing W ono on Dde to otbar Nat. Banka | 21 Due to State aad Private Hank*end Bankers ... 11.'.M 3i Due to Trust Companies aud Havings Hank* vnu *8 Individual depueiu subject to check |,t| mi Demand e-rllAcelae of de poait ?s;o; r. Timeeertlßealee of deposit 7Mf(| si (’ashler* check* nut standing... .. 2,41 4 Ml Postal Hevi hit* d< |«»it- J.rtl 2.127,701 g: Reserve for tales . .. i.vil id Accrued interact on cert ■ ficetea ri.J-V IV Total $2.914.648.11 State of Colorado. County of La* Annus- ae: l J C Mu ieieoi cashier of the above earned tank, do eolemolv avveer that tbe above vtatemeot la true to the heat of my knowledge and belief. J. I*. Iliuei.eos Cashier. ■uhecrlbed aad sworn to before me thia 3rd day of Dec.,l9l'.'. William Lim.i.riai.u |*KAL| Notary Public. Cor.cet Attest: M D. TnaTraga. i K. il. ; Directora Kli Jasmins. I KKFORT OF TIIK CONDITION OF TIIK Trinidad National Bank Mo. 3450 • t Trinidad, iu Ilia Htuta of Colorado, at Um rioaa of bu>ih«M Kutnuhar 1*12. Mcsomtcm. Loan* and Jiaeoanta li.f «*< io Uirnirilu. Mcural ana oa savored ail 71 0, H. Hood* to *ecure circa latioo lon.fflo or Other llotoN to mm* 1‘m tai Hatiwo <.NM (JO Mrurilia*. ate..— li.UU3 <4 okiBt bona*, furnltor* _ aad Bstares..... S.ikJOW Da* from National bank* taot rasarva acaaia) .. n.t!l •*» i)iH>(R<m Nalraml frltala bank* and Hanker*. Tra*t • «MB|>ania* and Savin** I’a-ikx a.SI2 VI Dn* from a|>|»rm#d r**»r*e •run 113 si J li Cheeas and other ca*h llama UM U Not** of other National •••nw* i;.;is on Ssebaac* for -laanna bon** ;ai ii 11* »• h*i nrnuti, Nickel*. and cent* I.W-’ • 0 Lawful moan* rasarva in Hank, vis: Specie 22V77 30 Lagai tender note* ..... lo.n.iuu 2ST-.2SO 2u iedamptiao raadwIlbU.S. Traasarar |i par eaotof elrcalatioo) ?,Q* tt $1.024.till’..27 LIABIbfTIK* Capital Mock paid In.... fiwvm o Harpies food '.0,000 on Undivided profits, leas ns pansaaand tasna uaid.. 17 7"l :o National bank not«*out standing louow- Dua to other Nat. Hank* 4t*.wV» IV Dim to State aud Private Haul* Mini Hanker* 17,677 83 Dos to Trust CoiniMma* and Savina* Rank* 26.401 M Individual deposits sub- Jactto cheek...... 431.244 73 Demand certificate* ut de posit '<0 ou Time certificate* of de posit Ml.-VB tat Certified Check* l.lSutat Cashier'* Check* Out standtnc I .°C7 tv Postal Savin** ile|«ltv ... 1.233 81 717.840 07 Referred for Tam* . . 3.601 00 Arcrnnl intnreat <>u Cert if-} ieataa >,0M» W) $ 1 .OlMItfllT STATB or CULDIA DO, | County of A niuiaa. t I. W. R. Chapman, (’ashlar of the above named baak, do *4>leiatdy sweat that the above atstam ml t* true to the beat of mv k unwind** and be ief. W. ft. CHAPMAN Cashier. Subscribe-! and sworn to before me this 3rd dap Of Dm*.. 1012. W ii.LiaM I.tiii.brist.n. [ilti.] Notarv Public- My commission aspires Fnb. 20, ft 10 f'4 it *<*t— A »»*■•.». D. P JON KH. } PHILIP STHNRIDBU { Director* K. D. WIGHT. » SILVER SERVICE GIVEN TO NEW BATTLESHIP Now York, Dec. 2.—A silver ser vice, consisting of 16 pieces, was presented today to the buttleshlp Wyoming at anchor nt tho Ilrooklyn navy yard, by (Jovernor Joseph M. Carey speaking for the people of Wyoming. BRITISH SHIP ASHORE Seattle, Wash., Doc. 2.—The Brit ish whip County of Linlithgow in bal last from South American ports to Social Roads. B. C., is ashore on Van couver island and in u had position. The vessel has a crew of 25 men, but it is believed they will be saved us a tug and alifcsavingsteamer stand by. Seas were breaking over the ship at Istst reports and it seemed likely she would be n total loss. PRACTICAL TEMPERANCE From Stray Stories. John.” she said gently, "you are interested in temperance movements, are you not?” "Of course I am," he answered. "Well, suppose you go and make a few of them at the pump-hande. 1 need n pull of water at once." DECEMBER 4, 1912. REPORT OK CONDITION OK THE international State Bank No. 220, at Triuiilad, in the .Stain of Colorado, at the close of business November 26, 1912. REBOURCES l*oaus aud Discounts . . . 1306,625.20 Overdrafts 11.40 Other Inindn, Stocks aud Securities 9,719.94 Furniture and Fixtures 7,500.00 Duo frotu Banks and Bunkers 63.i65.16 ('hecks and Cash Items. . 3,136.00 Cash on hand . 23,803.75 Total $414,574.56 LIABILITIES Capltul Stock $100,000.00 CudlvldiMl Profits (less expense) 14,396.98 Time Certificates of Deposit 112.210.22 Individual Deposits . .. 153.863.57 lb-maud Certificates of Deposit 2.976.75 Certified Checks 27.03 Cashier’s Checks 100.00 Tout $414,574.55 Slute of Colorado. County of lots Anlnn* kh. I, Wm. 15. IMtsted. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to tlie best of my knowledge and belief. WM. (!. PLEBTED, Cashier. Subset Ibed and sworn to before me this 3ml day of December, 1912 (Seal) MILLIN’ S. ATWOOD. Notary Public. Attest Majority of Directors: JOHN AIKLIA). / JOHN J. HENDRICK. A. E. MrOLASHAN. JESSE O. NORTIICIJTT. Report of the Condition of the COMMERCIAL SAVINGS BANK at Trinidad, in the State of Colorado, lit the close of business, NOV. 26, 1912. RESOURCES Loan** aud Discounts .. $379,21 1.53 Overdrafts 16.60 Other Bonds, Stocks and S4H'urltlcH 90,231.39 Other Real Kntate 1,651.38 Due from Banks or Bankers 97,146.53 Checks and Cash Items 6.740.73 (’ash on Hand ... . . 22,402.67 Total $597,400.83 Capital Slock $50,000.00 Surplus Fund 6.000.00 Undivided Profits (leas expense and taxes paid) 16.2 58 66 Time Certi ficates of Deposit.. SI 37,175.8 1 Savings Ac counts . ,’100,249.03 Individual Deposit*. . 87,116.75 Demand cer tificates of Deposit ... 500.58 525,142.17 Total $597,400.83 .State of Colorado. County of Lan Ant mas.—B*. 1. J. If Drury, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly *wuar that the above Ltnirment Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief J. H. DRURY. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me (Ilia 3rd day of Dec., 1912. WILLIAM LITTLEFIELD, lSeal) Notary Public. My commission expires Feb. 20th. 1916. Winter Tourist Fares Ft. Worth and Dallaa, Texar and retain $23.60 Qnlveiton and return $35 30 Huton and return $33-30 San Antonio and return $34 60 Ban Angelo and return $25 70 Feooa and return $27.95 Waco and return $27.20 El Pa*o and return $33 90 Corpua Chriiti and return $4O 60 Brown.ville and return $46.80 Carlibnd and return $23.95 Boiwell and return $19.95 Mineral Well* and return $25.90 Charleeton South Carolina an. d return $85.85 Columbia, South Carolina, and return $62.15 Oulfport, Mii.iliippi, and return $58.00 Meridian, Mii.ii.ippi and return $46-40 Hew Orleana. and return $44.00 Mobile- Alabama, and return $58.00 Jnckionville, Florida, and return $67.50 —Tickets on sain dally up to April 30. 1913. Final return limit June 1, 1913. I.lhernl stopover prlvlloaoo. l-'arco to many other points in Texas. Louisiana, Mississippi. Alabama, Florida, Cuba, Georgia and South Carolina. ®*Pfe Colorado & Southern Railway \ PAGE SEVEN ft totyf-l rW&rniekel 1-elastigT Ibookgasel I feiHl I pjflg I \ r *fdA s / 1 A USEFUL# ICONVENI ENTJv 1 HELPFUL, f IATTRACTIVEf U Appreciated f k by the entire! slrio system I ■of units and ■ ■grows with m ■ your library^ I fitted with I PERFECTION \ fROUER-BEARINCI #OUST-PROOF DOORuI m An idetl a Book-Cose M (he Home^r m CALL X m «miTa X # f youe ■ - CHRISTMAS k SHOPPING ‘ EARLY JAMIESON’S Attest Majority of Directors. J. C. COULSON. «. L. DAVIS. .1 C. 111 DKLSON. D P. JONES. You will linti that ilruggiMts every where -peak well of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. They know from longexperlcnco In the sale of It that In cases of cough* and colds It cun always he depended upon, ami that It I* pleasant and safe to tnk«\ For sal by all dealers. A woman expects all manner of blessing*, but slu* never gives up be cause she doesn’t get any of tin m. Chronicle-News. 50c per month.