Entered »> Stcond-Chsi Matter at the P.'itoffice of Triindad, Colorado
A- R. BROWN ••• »}»“
F. E. WINSOR Editor
Suhicription Katei
One mouth by mall * 'JJ 1
Sit Month*
Une Yt-ar lln aijvaueel
Weekly Cbronlcle-New*. year 1- 0 C
' whj ihould not Trlnlil d hat* a man on thi Mate board of Immlcra*
not. d, |Mir«:< thot u IlnanrMl to uilvrrtlee Colorado throtlKlnml 110
world * Why rlo old u t aouibern Colorado to* roiirtocnted in thl* Im-
I » bureau - *
■ The commercial exeeutlve* or aouLhern Colorado nr.- convinced that
ihlr (i-etlon of tlo Hate I- entitled to recognition on the ■.imp hoard of
imtuigratlon When It cornea to thoueanda of dollar* annually
t(>• advertlee thi tduatrh and n ircey () cl|mal and a nerj
of Colorado, and ending out mlllloue of piece* of literature to c.>-
tojrl.t. ol thi « irld. Inreetora and homeaeeker*. people ol aouthern
Colorado want to knov. that thl* particular part of the late .- aettlnu
ltd eh it re of advert ltd tut and exploitation nnd that I‘enter anil a few oth
er favored conitnunltlev are not aelllnc it all
At the uuartetlv meeting of the Colorado moot latlou Of rommerclol
exlrutlves to he held In Trinidad on |‘et emticr hit and hi. "if of th.
p-lnt'pnl n- 'tier* dial will he di-rueaed l» the matter of bavins eoint
:,tea from ■ nthern Colorado probabl] Trinidad—named a men of
die Immigration hoard It ha- be a etiga*-tfl that K J M< Mahon.
t.-tary of the chamber of Comm.-rve. or w M Jamb-on would he good
material for appointment. .
Siam 111. patter of retire-, illative fe.-t will be heard on the rapltol
► tep- .ay. th. 11. liver Kxpre - Sadder -dll their g. rlle pader will alro
1.- heard along the rail, and lie. whereon they were on..- wont to ride In
Pullman* on passe*. ___
in til, .in..' '• stei day •*! J Cur- J
njir«> by Zrk- .Martin, th.- p»li« huve
tody a man wunti 1 at Clayton. N M . ;
fur • a'tl« stealing air! f«»r whose
capture a reward SISO hnr been
of f et**d In Union county Curan* e
wa» arretted here for carrying weap
ons and yesterday afternoon wr
lls importance
ctvn hardly be
■■ h r r Jl t iTwv.l.Yw ■ *«if iiir iifi?.i L l
Shop early and avoid the rush.
We have the goods and prices.
Lincoln H. Hall
l psssssssssssssssssssssssssssssso
Christmas &*»**&*
is Coming Easy sho,,pins
We carry the AWS • « J
s'Jstj I adored
Ardc .,. r Suits
exch ”Sf,'K and Dresses
Your inspection cordially
l 5 Nemo on? Henderson Corsets
I nurd in jmiJl -o court, lie answered
In fvi ry *»*>pert to the dcMTlption of
I the man wanted at Clayton. lie will
!..• held hero to await the arrival of a
i Clarion c ffl. er
Mr* It It Ross entertained the
dull member* of the Pricvllla elub
thi* afternoon was apent In a social
, md musical way, and a delicious
i • •• •• 1 by the hoatd
I t •• i tillig ttie- production of
Wood* and Shalkcr's three act com*
i i|>-drama. “The fJlrl from I’. S A”
which hud It* premier at the Gar
rich theater In New York. Ashton
st.M int »ay* The Girl from r. S
\ ~i hh u.l what may be tiuthfully
called a signal triumph '' The flr. t
uightcr* who ventured out filling the
huge Auditorium of the Garrick
in spite of the warm weather, hail
grave doubt* aa to what wa* coining.
Init it did not take them long to rea
.( '• that .Mtiigr*. Woods and Chuklcr
had evolved a p!u> which I' bound to
prove Immensely popular and a box
j office wlnnei. The piece offers an
exceptional! v fine meuiunt for the
(display of clcgaut costumes and fine
scenery. The lines are strong and
vii lie, and th*- dramatic- elements
crop out In every net One rurely
f. more stirring dialogue and the
praises heaped upon the play were
limn; Miss On Inn M a cion a* the
•girl' showed the hand of a muster
In select lug her for the part.”
Atylie West Saturday night.
h endld Oise < lub baa Ik
gnnlzed I re under the direction of] 1
Prof. lame and Is making rnpld pro-I*
gross. Theie are some splendid j
voices In this vicinity and we have
:u P-* for a first class musical treat!
(In the near future.
| Some contemptible Individual. J
through inulice, shot and killed one ‘
of the Oak l»ale wolf hound* valued
at fliod. The feeling of the wind i
| cump against the guilty party Is in-j
, I • US' |
The mine here 1* working every
day and the prosj>ecta are very en-
Icou raging.
1 Th. masquerade dunce to he given
I Saturday evening promise* to be a
hummer. Kvervoiie I* preparing for
the event Prise* will be given for
[the most grotesque costume. A Jolly
good time i* anticipated. Music will
iho furnished by line’s orchestra.
Mis* Mary Mnrtlnollch of thl**
camp I* a contestant for the auto,
land I* doing some very romtn»ndnhl •
| hustling, and to nil appearances,
the nuto will l»e at Oakfleld when
'the content ••ml*. In fact* tlio chntif
(tcur ha* already been engaged.
For a Long Life.
This Is the prescript lon for n long
life given by an old gentleman In
Conn., who I* '.»!♦ years old and still
well nnd cheerful —"Live temperate*!
ly. l»e slow- to anger, don't worry,
take plenty of exercise In the fresh
air. and above nil. keep cheerful.”
Should the system get run ddwu
digestive organs weak—the blood
thin nnd sluggish take Ylnol. which
I* n delirious rnmtiluntlon of the
medicinal hodv*hulldlng properties
of cods* livers, with the useless
grease eliminated and tonic Iron
added. We regard Vinol a* one of the
greatest body-builders and strength
creators in the world for aged poo-
j Mrs. Mary Ivey of Columbus, Gn..
en.vsr "If people only knew the gr.od
| Vinol does old people you would lie
unable to supply the demand; It Is
the finest tonic and strength creator
I over used.”
\\ ♦* wish every feeble old person
In this vicinity would try Vinol on
our agreement to return their money
If li fall* to give satisfaction. The
illausmnn Drug Co.. Trinidad, Colo.
( I*. S. If you have* any skin trouble
try Saxo Salve. We guarantee It.
Mineral services over the remains
of tlio lam Mrs. Mary Given*, who
■ lied Wednesday evening at the San
Raphael hospital in this city will be
held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock
from the parlors of the Trinidad Cn
dertaklng Co. The interment will
[he in the Musonle cemetery.
| Mrs. Givens was 25 years of age.
She Is survived by her husband,
‘seven children, six sisters and four
i brot her*.
Regular meeting of Major McCon
ville Camp, l ulled Spanish War Vet
erans at Castle Mail, Friday. Decem
ber t». at 8:00 p. m. Klectrlon of of-
Ileers and other important business.
Visiting comrade* welcome —John J.
Gannon. Adjutant.
Ilorax in the water In which they
are washed will free light colored
storking* from leather stains.
Effective Home Remedy
for Tuberculosis
It Is a serious limit* r wlioti tin* Iiiiik*
nr*- nlTo*-t*sl. A trip nw.-iy *>r *<> n smi.i
torlmn In not only oxp.-nslvo. I>ut It In
v«>lv*s M , p:.nilIon finin lioiin- nml frit-mis.
Sntim nt»- I■••iicxltI. i nt f«-w i mi sifi'lv r**-
turn. Kokinnu'* Alt*n*itlv** is «• for tri'iitini'iit. For oxiiiiiiiIi*:
•-Ml S At Inut I. Am-. I l:ii|il<iiilli-lil, N. .1.
••«:* lltlOlll*'ll III tile toll Ilf I'.HIo I roll
tm.-t.-il :i vt-rv si-v. «-o|i| wltlcli soltl.-.l
on my lunus. At Inst I l o«nn In nils*-
spilti:in. .mil mv pliynl.-l: II ili.-n mo I
lllU-t K«> In in’If*.Ill III I III nil'll i:ll. ly. At
fills timo I nils :i*l v is«m| to Ink.- I'.-!;
tillin'-* Altorntlv*- 1 stityri! ;.t li*-:•!<• nml
no II i inoiiooil t ii Ik I ii xc It tin- 1 .:* iv.-ili I
OotlllM-r. I Im-UII ll 111 IlllprnVo. mill If
tlrst work In .fiiiitinry, tliinl. I rosnmco
my roKulnr iK-oiipntIon. Imvlntr Kiilnnl '.V.
pounds, fully rostor*-*! to In-nltli. It Is
now tlvo yours slum my roonvory lm» l>«-«-n
o(Tontoil. nml I c-jinnot prill-*- F.-ktnnn'it
Altorntlvo too hluhly. I linvo roc-mn
"".nil'"l II ivl'l,
• SI il 11*'11 I \- . ' a. I A I I * At.
Knktiinn’s A It *-rn I i\ •* Is nflfootlvo In I troll -
i-liltls. Astlnim. I in v l-Vvor: Tltront ami
I.non Troiil.los. mill In uplmlldliiL: the
system. I loos not i-ontiiiii poisons, oplntcs
or hulill-forming druus. Ask for Imoklot
tollliijj of ronovorlc—■. nml writ.- to i:.-l:uiuii
l. il.orntory. I’liiliidelplil:i. I’m.> for m*.ro *-vl
doiuo. For sole l*.v nil londltiK drmrirlsts
For buIo by Opera House Drug Co.,
and \V. S. Green, Co.
it i* ea*icr to preserve the color of
the itair than to rcator. it, although
ir i* |-osb!l - !•* to do both. Our grand
mothers understood th- t- ret. They
made a "sage tea.” and their dark,
glossy hair Jong after middle life was
due to this fact. Our n iiher* have
gray hairs before they are fifty, but
they are beginning to appreciate the
whilom of our grandmother* In us
i:.g "cage tea” for their hair and are
Cat folowlng suit.
Tlio present general'un ha* tin*
advantage of the past lit that it can
get a tmid y-10-use preparation called
Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur Hair
ttonied). A* a scalp toni and color
restorer this preparation 1h vastly
superior to the ordinary “sago l* .t”
n ude by our gaudmothcr*.
The growth nnd h* auty of tlio
Hair depend* oil a healthy condition
ot the scalp. Wyeth's Sue and Sul
phur Hair Remedy qui< kl\ kill* the
d; ndruff germ* which roll the h ilr
jo; It* life, color and lustre, make*
I tin- scalp clean and ii* altiiy, give*
| the hair strength, color and beauty,
| iutl make* it grow,
j Got a 60 cent bottle from your
druggist today, 110 will give your
r'oney huik if you at-* not satisfied
after a fair trial. J. It. Hughes.
»r-nt. City Drug Store. Trinidad,
Cattle: Heredity and Kugeuclca.
Houle: Synonym*.
Ruriuiti*: The Making . f Colorado
Flunk!in: Autobiography.
Young: Somebody's Utile Girl,
firyson: Tan and T* kle.
Dawson: Hotoes and Greathcart*
Parrish: Gordon Crnlv
l.ittle* l.ady and Sndu San.
Uenson: Reside Still Waters.
Henson: From n Coll- - Window
Manly. Knglisit Poetry.
Manly KiiglMi Pro--
Cobir Chemistry of Daily Life.
Thompson: Biology <> the Season*.
Halleek: Psychology and Psychic
Salmi ire: I.lfe of St. Francis of As
\ddam«: The Spirit of Youth li
the City Streets.
i Cheney: The Ilarkground of Ameri
can History.
White: School Management nn<l
Moral Training.
ltlK« rb(dl: lee Qu«eli.
Ingersoll: Wild Nqiylihors.
I I’nger: K{dtaplis.
Wailc r: A Cry in ,R»e Wilderness.
Gtietber: The Story of the Great
j Republic.
Gin rber: Story of the English.
, R:yce: South America.
Garner: Apes rind Monkey.*: Their
Life and Language.
Connor: Corporal Cameron.
Dickens: Story of Little Nell.
Dickens: Child's David Copperfleld
nnd Oliver Twist.
Gordon: Twelv# t’lirlstmas Storie-
Stephens: Robinson Crusoe.
Johnson: l/ead. m and Hattie* of
the Civil War. (S vois.)
! Rush! Rush! To the New York
'Fair if you want real bargains.
I?a:ikiupt sale starts tomorrow. I
The regular teachers’ examination
for La- - Animas County will he held
at the office of the County Superin
tendent of Sellouts in Trinidad, on
Thursday and Friday, Dee. 10 and 20
- County Sapt. of Schools.
♦ The Chronicle-News carrier ♦
♦ boys have been supplied with +
♦ new whistles and will blow ♦
♦ when making delivery of papers. ♦
♦ Listen for the whistle. ♦
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
r *
Chronicle-News. ."»0c per month.
We are pleased to announce that we
have just received
25 Women’s and Misses’
Bought at manufacturer’s prices
and they will be sold at very
reasonable prices
Brad's Bit o’ Verse
If you want a good example of a
proud and haughty inutt, Just Con
or -I i!' ■>■ with his world
compelling strut. Il«* was horn ot i
lii'iu.'Rt parontH, utid was raised ns,
imitmun'ti p«t; hut he always fussed
and hollered for the things lie could
n’t get. ’Now Aloe.” said hla daddy.
ihe times are awful tight; the price
of hucoit’g goln’ up. and egg* are out
o’ sight; if you would make your
mark in life, and occupy a throne
you’ll hotter go and hustle up u few*
worlds of your own So Alee pulled
tiis snickersnee and shouldered up
his gun, and swore hy all the nine
..... hi d n iko U rascals run.
He put the Thebans to the bud and
hutt« red down old Tyre, he bluffed
tlie countries round about with spear
and sword of fire; bill when he'd
conquered all the world and put It
n the skid, he snt him down upon
ho* throne and blubbered like a kid
tie got a howling thirst for booze
and went off on a toot; the Keeley
'Hilda i atop him. and lie hit the
morphine route; the fever got Into
Ms veins- all day and night lie cried;
poor lovely Thais threw a fit. and
i nch Alec died. And there be many!
folk today who elimh up to the top. |
nud because there's nothing to It.
Just h i go their hold and drop. Am
bit lon is a false alarm that causes
many a fall: and the world Is full of ;
Idiots who sigh to ow’u It all.
Report of the rendition of the
at Trinidad, in the State of Colorado,
at the dose of business, Nov. 2G.
Loans and Discount* .. $379,211.53 j
Overdrafts Id.GO I
Other Bonds, Stocks and |<
Securities 90.231.39 j
Other Real Estate 1.G51.3S |
Due from Ranks or i
Rankers 97.MG.53
Checks'and Cash Items ft,0.73 i
CtSb on Hand 22.-to2.ft7 I
Total $597,400.83 I ;
Capital Stock . $50,000.00
Surplus Fund 0,000.00
Undivided Profits (less
expense and taxes paid) 1G.238.ddj
Time Certi
ficates of t j
Deposit.. $137,175.81
Savings Ac
counts . 300,349.03
IVposits. . 57,110.75
Demand cer
tificates of
Deposit ... 500.58 525,1 12.17
Total 8507.400.5 S
■ State of Colorado. County of Las Anl-j
1, .1. 11. Drury, cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that !,
the above statement is true to th<- , (
best of my knowledge and belief.
J. H. DRORY, Cutalar. I'
Subscribed and sworn to before j<
me this 3rd day of It.-.-,. 1912. ,
(Seal) Notary Public. j
My commission expires Feb. 20th. j *
19 Id. <
Attest Majority of Directors. <
Mrs. O. L. Davis, Sr., will preside -
at dinner tonight, complimentary to ,
her house guest. Miss Helen Kelly, of
Las Vegas. Fruit and autumn col
ors will form the table decorations. >
Following the elaborate course din- j I
nor the guests will attend the Anl-I
mas club dance to be given nt the
Cardenas Hotel tonight. Covers will
he laid for the most Intimate friends
Of Mi s K-lly.
DECEMBER 0. 1912.
KinrhbaumOcjthej. “KiRSCHBAUM” |
'Vs 1m Him password which admits
J 1 ff’ you to our Clothing Dopart
jL ment, where you will find the
* -.'IJV best styles and lowest prices on
mons* all wool
Mmttk suirs and ° vercoats
V - We are exclusive ngents for
ji Die guaranteed Klrschbaum
jt . .Jfl Partial List qf
What the Big
Store Carries
e® Dry Goods. Crocerie*. Heat*.
' i Ilomc mndc Bnkeiy Goods,
■\o ftiSi Ready-to-wear for Ladiaa
1.1 jjQfcy and Childien. Clothing,
LA Gents’ Furnishingi. Shoe*,
mL Furniture, Carpet*, Bog*,
j Glass and Tinware, Crock
eryware, etc., etc.
Cf t> 'V'-. f,/l. A. H. AWJSmh CV, *
‘The Emporium j
D. B. HINDMAN Manager. Tel- Trio. 44-45 218-318 Welt Main, I
Smoke Commercial
* Boquet Cigar Trinidad, j
Six new styles in Ladies* Shoes
ms North Commercial St,
■- 1 - -
4 You’ve Paid Kent Lon" f
♦ l£nougli! f
4 Here is your cltanro to buy a ;
r home nt a low price and on ♦
T easy terms: 4
T. 12.300.00 —A new, five-room
♦ modern cottage. $3OO cash •
4 and $25 per month. .
g $2,750.00 —A new six-room ♦
i» modern cottage. $350 cash 4
♦ and $3O per month.
♦ Money to Loan
♦ Insurance —Abstracts Bonds •
♦ McGlashan & Gow -
♦ Suite 4 Kites 111 k. Ph. Trln. 217 ,
Steinway Tone
Often Imitated Never Equalled
Ww llrtfn /jCzJMET if.
• UrtVf; ” •
A. D. Chase; the pin no' for the iniUionnirs home. Kohler & Camp
bell, Hobart M. Cnbel and other pianoH for the musicians who know
Just the "tone and touch" they are looking for but "seldom find."
Victor Vlctrolns, the "Steinway" ok all "tone reproducing" machin
es. Juat now a few especially good values in lined pianos. Let us
show these at Knight-Campbells. 138 Eust Main Street.
J. H. COOLEY. In Charge
t i Announces to its friend* nnd patrons
■that It has installed n first class A*
; la (’arte service, with exceedingly
► 'moderate prices and a culsino scc
► Jond to none.
* | In addition to our A’ la Carlo bill
► we servo from 0 a. m. to 10:30 a. m.
special Club breakfasts. Prices rang*
lag front 1 cents to GO cents.
I A feature is our noonday luncheon
; lor 3G rents.
An especially attractive fable I)*
• Hot© dinner will be served on 8un*
► day from 12:30 to 2 p. nt. for 50 cents
■ Your patronage respectfully ao
; licited.