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PAGE SIX Interest is Already In tense in the Big Campaign Many Splendid Prizes OHered by the Trinidad Chronicle-News Prove a Great Inducement to Effort. Country Candidates Start the Campaign in Real Earnest and are G6ing Forward With Rapid Strides. Many New Candidates are Starting Each Day Three or Four Subscriptions Would Place Any Candidate in the Lead. Why Not he a Leader? Everyone Willing to Help Those Who Show Their Earnestness. Large gains in both city and couu tiy feature today's vote standings of candidates in the Dif Popularity cam paign of The Chronicle-New*. It In gratifying to witness the wonderful Interest already aroused Itt the con test. and evrywhero throughout the city and the outside towns candidate are keenly alive to their opportun ities and are putting forth efforts that are bound to land them in the front rank of winner* at the close. Contest Mathematics. Did you ever stop to think how few subscription* would be necessary to place your name among the lead er*? For Instance, one NEW yearly subscription earns 20,000 vote*. An old subscription for one year earns 10,000 votes. One or two of these subscriptions would put you on top. There Is not a candidate In the list who could not secure three or four subscriptions in a few minutes* work Do you not think these splendid prises are worth a little effort? Now is the time to act. A Word About the Prises. What prise or gift can you Imag ine that would givo you more real delight and pleasure than a hand some automobile? An automobile owner Is a person of distinction. He or sho is not obliged to wall for cars or trains, but Is at liberty to go and do as she pleases. There is not a sport or enjoyment equal to auto riding. and with such a car as we are going to award within a few short weeks, your cup of happiness would be filled to overflowing. This Orand Capital Prise Is the latest and most up to date product of the mod ern auto manufacturers. It Is a ••Ford" completely equipped, five passenger, 1913 model touring car. a reward worth years of endeavor. When we say completely equipped, we mean equipped with the very lat est devices that make auto riding the enjoyable sport it Is. Extension top. automatic wind shield, speedo meter, perfect lighting equipment, generator, and in fact, everything that adds to a perfect car. Ford cars arc noted for their utility and ability to go anywhere and every where. A description of this car would be Incomplete without noting tho fact that the "FORD" car Is of vanadium steel construction throughout. Van adium steel is recognised by compe tent authorities th world over as not alone the best, but the most expens ive steel known to the world of steel making, hut the tremendous resist ance It gives against the action of vi bration makes It the Ideal stool for automobile construction. This is on ly one of the many features that makes the "FORD” car the premier of the auto world. No homo is complete without a piano. Hut there are pianos and pianos. The instruments we are of fering an division prises are the famed Kohler & Campbell pianos, val-ued at $325 each, and known throughout the country aa perfect ln rtrmnents. They nre practically guaranteed .‘or a life time, and for beauty of tone production and rella hility have no equals. Candidates Coupon Not Good aftor Dec. 16th. Coupon The Chronicle-News Trinidad. Colorado MO CfRCUUTIOH CIIKI This Coupon Will Count for 10 Votes For Address •Town District No Good for 10 votes when filled out and sent to The Chronicle-News of fh— by mall or otherwise, on or before expiration date. No ballot will be altered in any way or transferred after being received by tho Contest Man ager. Unless ballot Is carefully trimmed around outside linos It will not be counted. TODAY and their friends are Invited to visit the establishment of J. W. Cooley, lo cal agent for the Knlght-Campbell Music Co., where these Instruments arc on display, and try them. In ap pearance. quality of Interior con struction and tone quality they stand In a clans by themselves. A handsome diamond ting is a prise appreciated and desired by ev ery young woman. Diamonds are the matt valuable of stones, and tbeir beauty makea them the most desired. Tho diamond rings which we will award in each disttlct are perfect stones, posacoslng all the qunlitieH of perfect diamonds—brilliancy, clear ness and perfect cutting. No more beautiful a gift or award could be chosen by any young woman, and the ones to whom these prises will bo awarded will value them at their true worth. These rings have the fa mous and beautiful Tlffafiy settings, which only serve to en.phaslze and bring out the real beauty of the stonea. These rings are being dis played at th Jewelry establishments of Is. 11. Hall. E. L. Allen and W. E. Hauer, of whom they were purchased. Call and see them for yourself. In the same proportion as the other prises, so too, the gold watches, which will be awarded in each dis trict, are prlsea of real worth and value. These watches are handsome ones, bearing guarantees of 20 years, which Is practically a lifetime, and every one la a desirable prise They are beautiful to the eye. and perefet In their tlme-k»eplng qualities. Education la one thing that we ran never receive too much of. and especially a business education, which Is every day more and more being recognised as a virtual neces sity to the young woman who is obliged to make her own wav In the world. Tven for those who never expect to have to do this, a business education comes in most handy. An acquaintance with the ways and methods of the husldess world Is nnce.tsary to every one, and no bet ter qualification for life and Its bat tle* could be named. The Drehcr Hnslnesa College, in which two of these courses will be swarded, has during the time of Its establishment in Trinidad, been known as an Insti tution of thoroughness. No Instruc tion Is of much value unless It Is thorough and complete. It has been the aim of this college to prepare Its students In such away that they would be able, upon being given their diplomas, to Immediately step Into positions and be ready and cap able of llfllng them. The Trinidad Business College. In which we will award two complete courses. Is known as the oldest es tablished institution of Its kind In Southern Colorado, and its years-old reputation for preparing students for tho business world and the battles of life, stamps It as one or the best. Future Orders. In many casus candidates will find that prospective subscribers are now paid up In advance for a dally paper, and do not desire to have two dally papers* coming into their homes at the same time. In order that candi- datea may receive the full benefit of such subscriptions, we have arranged to accept nil such subat i ;..tions and issue votes, when the subscriptions are accompanied by the amount, and hold thorn for delivery at any future date designated by the subscriber. Securing Subscriptions. Candidate* in any certain district are not restricted from securing sub scriptions in any place they wish. For instance, a candidate in District l may secure votes and subscriptions in any other district, or anywhere rfhc chooses. The wide world Is your 1 field. Subscriptions will be accepted ' from any part of tho United States, 1 Canada or anywhere. Hours of Counting Votes. Votes received up 12 o’clock noon each day are counted and published ' in the paper of the following day. Votes received after this hour do 1 not appear until toe recond day fol lowing their receipt. What Candidates Should Do. As soon sa the young woman as pirant makea her candldaey known | to her friends and acquaintances, ' they will begin to save for her tho ' ten-vote coupons which appear In each Issue, and send In their sub- j scrlptlons or givo them to her to ob tain the votes. A new subscriber for | one year earns 20,000 votes., while a new subscriber for alx months earns 8,000 votes. One-half the above number ere allowed on old subscriptions, and a candidate who puts forth a little sincere effort can place herself in a vei> advantageous position right now. Make up your mind today that you arc going to be one of the fortunate one* and strive to attain that end. You can do It If yon will but try. Do not wait until the last moment, hut start rlnht away. If your name la already entered in the Hat and you have not done much. BEGIN NOW. You will never regret the time and effort spent in winning one of these splendid sward*. At present Un- candidates nre Just beginning to get started, and feeling the pulses of their friends to find out what support they ran expect. Votes are being brought In and sent In dally for various candidates, and In large numbers, and many more will be added to these as candidates show that they are In earnest In their desire to win. Division of Territory. District No. 1 consists of the city of Trinidad from the center of Com mercial street and Arlxona avenue, weet. District No. 2 consists of the City of Trinidad from the center of Com mercial street and Arisons avenue east. District No. 3 consists of Huerfano county and all towns in La* Animas county north of the La* Animas riv er, but not including towns or terri tory bordering on the river. District No. 4 consists of Las Ani mas county of Colorado south of the Las Auimas river. Including ill towns bordering on the river, either north or south, and Union and Colfax counties of New Mexico. Contest Office Hours. The Contest Office is open all day up to 8 o’clock In the evening, for the benefit of those who cannot visit us during the regular business bouri. Do not forget this, and if you can not visit us during the day. make your visits In tho evening, but it is important to keep In as close touch as possible with this department, In order that nothing that will advance your campaign may be overlooked. DISTRICT HO. 1 of tho City of ?rini <Ud, from the ooator of Oom meiciol itreot and Arigono Avenue, weit. Louise Flaher. SI2 Nevada 184*10 Hii.te Childs, 440 W. Baca 10040 Virginia Easton, 317 W. Topeki 15960 Katherine Goodrich, 406 Park 14000 Jennie Flaher, 512 Nevada 5600 KI7IC Uopcr. 322 9. Com. 22050 fU OHROHIOU-KXWS, TWIIIAD, COLORADO. Zeta Reeves. 205 Frost 2*200 Kate Jacobs. 724 Grant Ave. 10040 Eva Richardson, sot Convent 8040 Meyrae Browning. 356 College IttOo Esther White, Prospect Bt. *OOO Dot Banders. 211 Colorado *I4OO Elsa Richter. 727 Pine *BOOO Nellie Sullivan. 4»n University 2*460 Mrs. K. P. Kan**. 425 Mate Bt. 4070 Bee Pallett. Topeka Aveana , 146*0 Editk Mar. 208 Aaderaon *»ooe Rafaellta Sens. 521 State SOSBO Roe# Wolcott. 65$ Pine 2400 Zella Irwin. 714 Pine UO6O Maud Reaebaugh. 735 Park 10*60 Grace Omen. 21) Nevada 7070 Clara Marty. Baca etreet 16060 Minnie Butler. 503 Pine tnm Gratlce Johnson, 618 Willow *6680 Edith Cartdr. 121 Johneoa 18*40 Mrs. R. MtfflHd. 401 Park mt ‘ ■* Blanche DuOM. 11l W. Top. *IBO it Verlle Oatllif. 4*B Pint 9t. *1609 Nina Anderaot. Tillotaon Bt. 3020 Edna Scobee, *l9 W. Kansas 39840 Augusta Mosar, 1239 Blvd. 35990 Irene Hughes, 345 W. Bata 33000 Goldie Jett, 413 Nevada 39140 Julie Feller. 60S Prospect 19830 I yeah DeWltt. 3*9 Short 29130 Auna Malouff, 502 W. Main - 374*0 Anna Raul, 616 Navada 26850 Mrs. Bonnie D. Horton, 706 Atchison Street. 25300 Alice Bray. 427 Nevada 27510 Laura Herrlng.AlO 8. Animas 1268 r Helen Walker. Ban Jaun, Baca 12400 Marjorie Holdsworth, 611 Willow 1C390 Nellie Pomeroy, 730 Nevada 8230 Jessie Overstreet, 622 Atchison 10040 Nettle Adamson, 836 University 6990 Msudp Logan, 76* Pine 10069' Mary Bonato, 916 Btate St. 10270 . DISTRICT MI S Con list, of th* Crty of Trini dad, ftftm the os*6r at Cam menial Street Adsoaa Avenue, east. Teresa Resell, flOVOdddard 23 400 : f. Atleen Daugherty, Walnut St. 2330(1 i Carrie Smith, 616 Arisons 29200 Myrtle Martin, 21C ft. t)ak 24280 Luple Rent. 602 First St. 20240 * Anna Bute, 308 Johnson 14 530 Mrs. Jas. Thompson, 419 Maple 14350 Bessie Archer, Chestnut 9t. 18140 Zoo Young, 412 Maple 20740 •Mrs. John Drury, 511 Maple 19900 Mrs. Chne. Hailey. 000 Maple 8990 DBOSIfBME 6. 1912. n ► Mrs. O. L. Davis, Jr., ► 1111 Ban Psdro ► 31910 . . ► Mrs. B. Floyd. 131 K. First ► 36490 ► Lor Clarks. 90S Arisons ► 33300 ► Mildred Thompson, 112 Arls. ► 19390 ► Msbs) DsUttors, 1025 Ban Pedro ► 34630 ► Veda Karris. 819 Ban Psdro ► 30140 ► Bessie Rupp. 311 K. Topsks ► 20810 ► Ruth Perklhs. 315 B. Topeku ► 18790 ► Mauds Glahn. 619 B. Second 6 eiooo t Besale CaoMT. 434 E. 7th ► 39860 ► Ruth Rogers, 4201 N. Con. ► 16960 ► Anna Haro, Baa Pedro St. ► 15490 ► Elisabeth Rankle, 1214 Roelet ► 30900 * Mrs Chonita Fierce, 3SB Johnson ► 99140 ► Pearl Ashley, 1914 Linden * 23360 ► Kate Sherman, 318 E. 7th ► 13690 * Mias Deanlaon. 400 Spruce ► 15640 ► Wilmer Chanter. 413 E. 7th * 16600 Bdna Hatton, Chestnut Ft. ► 2400 ► Ruth Harris, 7th A Baltimore 22000 Hop# Barnes, 926 Spruce 19100 Mary McCoy. 7th and Oak 30540 Mabel Caskey. 424 E. 7th 9400 Julia llenaoa. 620 E. First 4040 Kress McPhall. 201 Frost 36780 ► Thelma Coppers. 308 Johnson 14200 ► Ada Bmlth, Eoglevltle Hill 2540 marxicT mo. s C—silts of Haarfano Gonmtj and all Towns in Lns Animas Csiblv, north of the Ino Ani mas river, bit net iadadinf towns or toyritory hordariag on the rtm. Rnby Floyd, Thatcher 29190 Aaaa O'Nell, Rouse 28900 Hmma Capps, La Vets 21600 Margaret Alloa, Aguilar 12270 Vera Lining. Rugby 30040 Mary Martlaotlch. Oak view 38270 Kite Drlarol, Pryor 26720 Geneva Snodgrass, Delagua 21410 Blanche Vmfug. Walaenburj 26720 Llsale Lody. Rugby 9280 Dora Moss, Aguilar 10680 Annie Rogers, Rouse, 26060 Lela McFarland. Vets 20430 Maggie Ray. Aguilar 12460 Paulina Mauot. Rugby 11 ISO Hotel Matilden, La Vets 19410 Lucy Boggto. Aguilar 33860 Lila Longhead, La eta 10310 Marie Ksleaar, Aguilar 17640 Jean Cad dell. Aguilar 12620 Maraolcte Feurlal, Sharpadale. 19840 Mary Stack. Malachite 32000 Virginia Poller. Tolierburg 3.0390 Bessie Ryan, Ludlow 31630 Tssbelle O’Neill, Tabssso .8630 Goldie Miller, Berwlnd 7880 Lareta Sprinter, Malachite 15200 Margaret Woodward, Lbdlow uaoo Lola Klbg, Tolierburg 19660 Jennie Wytas, Berwlnd 4200 Kate Blcksrton, Tabasco 'iidale Woolfs, Ludlow 22120 Petri Waters. Tolierburg $l6O Nellie Tbomaa, Berwlnd 2j»40 Hotel 94uk. Bowen 14160 May Thoidpaon, Forbes .13400 Etta Brvdao. Delagua 15430 Lillian D. Baker, Delagua 13360 Anna Siiktlgneaay, Hastings 2*1140 *Loree Muth, Aguilar 8500 NOMINATION BLANK 0000 FOB 2.000 VOTES 1 nominal* Mr». or Mitt Addrtet Downtown nddrou. II eojr Occupation DUtrlct No (See Dl.trlct Dlvlalona.) Nomlnatod b» *ddn- Only the flr,t nomination ballot received for each candidate will count for 2.0110 you*. Fill out all Iha llnei of thle ballot very carefully and mall AT ONCE 10 the Content Manager. The Chronlcle-Newe. Trini dad, Colorado. The management reaerve* the right to reject any objectionable nomi nal lona. Fill out thla blank, write plainly, aud aent It to Content Manager with your name or the name and nddreea of your favorite ramlldatr. The nemea of peraona making nomlnfttlor.B will not he divulged. If ,o reutiuated. MAKE TOOK HOJQHATION TODAY flat Buay agd Win oae of theta Handsome awards. Only a United ■■—Hyv ,f neninatisns will be accepted. Be sure your name it on this litt.l VOTING POWER OF SUBSCRIPTION PAYMENTS DAILY CHRONICLE-NEWS Amount Votes (liven Price. New. Old one Month. * • :>0 ; 'OO ;“® T _„ Unßth, 1.00 I ...00 i.O Three Uoolba 1.5° 3.000 I.s*® Twelve Month.'. In advance' 5.00 20.000 10.000 Two Year, fin advance. »»■«» 50.000 26.000 WEEKLY CHRONICLE-NEWS Amount Votes Gltcti Price. New. Old. Twelve Month. ..a *lOO '- 500 75 " Two Ymri’ * ®° :: • 00,, Changing from the Weekly to tho Dolly Chronlcle-Newi will he ron aide red a NEW tubeerlber. Subeerlptlone may he eent by mall, paid at the Ckroalele-Newa office or paid to tbe candidate In person. Candidate, nr* furalahed with receipt book., end will inaue recelpta when accepting perineal for anbacrlpl 10r... 00 000 00 a* ooo*** **•»**«* DISTRICT HO- 4 Consists of Ui Animas Coun ty of Colomdo south of the Las Animas River, including nil towns and territory bor derdering on the river, nnd Union nnd Colfax Counties, of Maw Mexico. Nora llanaley, Folsom. N. M. 24960 Rac Coe. Tcrclo 35730 May Filer, R. F. D. No. 1 30690 Beulah Barnes. P. O. Box 169 34550 Ethel Proeacr. P. O. Box 422 20220 Dora Fouret, Starkvllle 38570 Marie Merhllng. Weston 20420 Kathryn Hollenbeck, Trlnchcra 30000 Mrs. Robt. Powell, Folaom. N. M. 39280 Rafaellta Garcia, Soprls 31260 Anna Bwek, Starkvllle 10640 Maude Wardeman, Janaen 30790 Bisla Spa hr. Cokedale 26600 Marlon Tlttrell, Raton, X. M. 24710 Grace Hendricks, Cokedale 5750 Fern Ferguson, Janaen, 29080 « Mrs. Beva D'Ambroslo. Soprls 32610 Mrs. G. J. Church, Trlnchera 28190 Doctors Use This for Eczema Dr. Evans, Ex-Commissioner of Health says: "There la almost no re- 1 Ist lon diseases and the blood." The akin must be cured 1 through the akin. The germs must be washed out. and so salves have 1 long been found worthless. The most ' advanced physicians of this country 1 are now agreed on this, and are pro scribing a wash or wlntergreen, thy- I mol and other ingredients for eczema ; and all other skin diseases. This i compound Is known as D. D. D. Pre- ji scrlption for Eczema. |l Hauaman Opre House Pharmacy, Riverside Drug Store. h Laura Crow, Folsom. N. M. 20100 ► Mrs. Walter Sherman. Raton « 35600 ► Lizzie Hamilton. Starkvllle 2360 ► Miss McXeal. Hochna 29700 ► Elisabeth Davies, Soprls 24930 ► May Wilson, Starkvllle 5930 ► Mattio Richardson. Cokedale • 14180 ► Clara De Armond, Cokedale 23710 ► Fay Tenych, Janaen 10460 ► Florence Morgan. Folsom. N. M. • 14990 ► Luclle White. Folsom. N. M. 11090 ► Elizabeth Rothm**!. Simpson 2680 ► Mra. J. C. Cooper, Simpson 2000 1- Wilma Hardin. Clayton, N. M. 20780 ► Virgle Hltson, Dcs Moines. N. M. ■ ► 2000 ► 31rs. May Henderson, ¥ New Mexico. ► 2000 That he discovered the cancer (Term and a cure for the disease is claimed by a French physician. Insurance , S . . I. I>- I . M•AS if V DIINLAVY AGFNCY CO. I 1 1 1 I 111 V HI 111 K I Ir l r 1 SI 1 Dr. Holmes, the well known skin specialist writes: "I am convinced that the D. I). D. Prescription lb much a specific for eczema as quin ine for malaria. I have been pre aerbing tho D. D. D. remedy for years." It will, take away the ltc!i the instant you apply It. In fact, we are so sure of what D. I). D. will do for you that we will be glad to let you have a fl bottle oti .out* guarantee that it will cost you nqthlng unless you find that It doou !the work.