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PAGE TWO !! Blankets,Quilts, Sheets, | !! Underwear, Rubber i CL/u. Protect your bodies while l :! ijnoes i n an d oat of bed | THE BEE HIVE j ! 433 Commercial Street Trinidad, Colorado X I Good Old ? Schneider Beer | The favorite drink of the community T for more than thirty yean ¥ Century Bottled Beer * Light 2 Muenchener Bottled Beer x Dark 2 ; * DEFIES COMPETITION T ii PH. SCHNEIDER BREWING CO. | 4 > Phone Trinidad 54 Trinidad. Colo. o CHRISTMAS BOXES SI.OO TO >4.00 PER BOX DON'T KNOW THEY HAVE APPENDICITIS Many Trinidad people who have chronic appendicitis, which la not very painful, have doctored for year* tor gas on the stomach. sour stomach o r constipation. The Hausman Drug I C’o. stales If these people will try ; simple buckthorn hark. glycerine, j etc., ns compounded In Adler-l-ka. the German appendicitis remedy. they I TED|! ition e terrmat- C»n * » w on machine, 4 the lampt, and < , snt. Willing to I bout the honte, , 1 and to he tub- 4 ( : of the day or * > I night. Do not want any afternoon* ( I or evening* off.. I am clean, neat 4 [ and reliable in my habit*; I do not < ( “amwer back" and I never get tired * 4 or complain.. V my grandmother'* 4 1 uncle'* *i*ter-in-law ihould have a < , big funeral- I would not care to at- % tend—neither do I entertain com- ( ► pany on the plaoe, or tote a bucket 4 * home.. I am bright and quick in my < , manner, and am willing to work for ’ - reasonable wage*. 4 * If you employ me I will promiie to i do my best, and never quit you. * 4 Please address. , Elite Kricity ; 1 Cnre 4 [ j: THE TRINIDAD ELECTRIC j; I TRANSMISSION, RAILWAY AND : | GAS COMPANY MONDAY will be surprised at the QUICK benc • tit. A SINGLE DOS IS relieves these troubles INSTANTLY. | Two I’ennsylvaaisns have patent , etl u run opener In which the cul -1 tine blude slides on the handle bar. I making ns neat a Job with a rcctan , I gular rau ns with a round one. . I Some nun wuu«d rather go to law ■ I than to heaven. Happy d#* since Valvrt HflSjpiMH to town! BHHWHMBB i lO*TINS CL H. S. STUDENTS WILL DEBATE UPON COMMISSION PLAN Out of the three questions for de bate presented by the principals of the hitch schools nl Hockv Kurd, l«a Juntu and Trinidad to the Kntcllah professor at the University of Colo rado who has charge of debuting in the stutc school, the question sent in by the local high school was chosen; This question will be used In the trl* angular debate between Itoeky Ford. Li Junta and Trluldnd which will oecure the Inst of February or the tlrst of Murch and Is "Itesolved, that commission form of government is a better form of city government than the mayor nml aldermen sys tem.** This is the first debate of this kind that lias ever been arranged In the Southern league of high schools, but It is certain that this first attempt will be u success. The plan Is for carh of the three schools represented to have two teams, one affirmative and one negative team, t here will be » debate in carh towu ti|»oii the same question the aante night. The affirmative team from each school will go away to debate, while the negative team will remain at home. The preliminaries to choose the members for the two teams will he held during the flnt two weeks after the Christmas holidays. START CONSTRUCTION WORK ON D. N. & P. LINE Denver, Dee. 9. —M. A. Wogan who recently secured the contract for grading the extent lon of the Denver Northwestern and Pacific railroad fifty miles west of Steamboat Springs, nrrlved in Denver today from New* York, und announced that construction camps will be estab lished immediately. POWDER HOUSE EXPLODES Chicago, Dec. 9.—The powder house at lie Olxnighlln quarry at ItHlwood near here blew up this aft* ernoou. The quarry hands wero at lunch and while otic man was Injur ed. none was killed New German Ambassador to England Holds Position of Mach Importance Ijonrion, Dec. 9.—Prince Tdchnowaky, the new German ambassador to Great Britain. Is Just now a figure of great importance bemuse of the war situation. He ennto as successor to Baron von Blebersloln. In the event of a general war the relations of England and Germany will be extremely Interesting and critical. TEX CHRONICLE-NEWS, TRIED AD, COLORADO. EIGHT “ZONES” FOR NEW PARCELS POTS Purcclta post la only 3 weeks away. After Jan. 1 mother will he sending new dresses to daughter at rollege wlille sou will send socks home to be darned. For months the | tstoiflco depart ment bus been working out the com plicated details of parcels |*o*t. The country lias been sliced Into eight '•cones.** or section* The rates will depend on the number of “zones" the purcel must traverse before n iching its destination. Puim-Im weighing as much R« eleven pouml* may be scut by panels i*OM. providing these ure ritual I enongb for u Hiring seventy two Inches In length >o be wrapped around both lengthwise and width wise. The "zone" in which lives the sender of the package is divided Into two parta, providing It is a city or town, tin a one-poumi package in the first or home •'nine' the rate Is cents, with one cent uddltloual for each added pound Thus the maxi mum or eleven-pound package would «o»t If* cents In Denver. In the fifty miles in which Denver In located but outside Denver the rate Is the name on the first pound, but increase to 3 cents on each addi tional |Kiund. In the second "zone which Is flf t) to 150 miles, the mtc Is C cents for the first itound und l cents for each additional i»otind. In the third zone**. Tram la‘* to 3"0 miles, the rate la 7 cents for the first and D cents for uddltlonul pounds. From 300 to tiOU miles the rate is 8 cents for the first and '*.* cents for each additional |»ound. From 1,000 to 1.100 miles the rate Increases to 10 cents on the first and 9 cents on ad ditional pounds. From 1,400 to 1,800 miles the rate Is 11 cents for the litMt and Iu cents for cucli addition al iioiind. All territory beyoud 1,800 miles In embraced In the eighth "zone", ex cepting the Philippines nnd foreign countrlca. The rate Is 13 cents for the first pound and 13 rents for ad ditional pounds. This is the same aa forclgp pared.- i*ost rules, so the now* stystem will fit in with that used nbroad. IMAGINARY TALKS IN FRANCE Attitude of Rich Americans Toward French People le Said to Be Thue Revealed. Oil Dlaa report* an Imaginary con versation at the Deauville Casino, the participants being William K. Vander bilt. Prank Gould. Clarence H. Mac key and James Gordon Bennett, says the Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. "What attracts me to France," says one, "Is the charm and ease of life the traveler finds here, which, how ever, Is not at all real French life. Do yon suppose all French people pass their time as we do during our visits, dining amid flowers and black coats?" "Certainly not,** replied the second, "French life, except at the gay re sorts. Is moat quiet and well regulated —even economical. Tbw Wench know bow to live at home, and very pru dently when It Is necessary, but they know bow to live outside of home amid elegance and gayety when they chooee." •Then the real Frenchman Is not here In Deauville?" comments the third member of the party. "If only Frenchmen, such as we see here exleted." said the fourth, "there would be no more France. This same Frenchman whom you see favored by fortune will go home In the evening, quietly put on his slippers and dine on a round steak and a bottle of min eral water. The Frenchman knows how to enjoy life without going to extremes. I remember many restau rants la foreign countries where Rue elans, Englishmen and Germans Ig nore the art of hearing themselves with grace and neatness. Not so with the Wench. Amused, gay and frivo lous at times In appearance, they nev er lose their gracious smile and air of distinction. Whether at a luxurious place like this or on the boulevard during a popular fete the Frenchman always preserves his good humor, for ho knows how to live." Gil Bias leaves the quartet, saying. "Guess which part of the conversation belongs to each?" and Incidentally re marks that the expressions represent the combined wisdom of 93.000.000,- 000. Qualities of a Lady. One of the first qualtles of a lady Is a low voice. Not a whispering voice, one must speak loudly enough to be undentood. One reason why some people have to talk loudly In order to make themselves understood la that they do not articulate plainly. Pro nounoe your words clearly and careful ly. round out each syllable and even though you speak in a low voice you will be understood. Do 'not talk too rapidly. A lady never gives the ap pearance of being hurried, and be cause she Is leisurely the cultured woman never forgets the little courte sies which she owes to others. The courtesies are shown In n very qntet. unassuming manner, for the lady never cares to attract attention to her own actions. Neatness of dress Is one of the hall marks of the lady. The girl who wears fashionable top clothes and torn, untidy underclothes need not expect to earn the title of lady. The refined girl keeps her per son and her possessions nest, no mat ter If they are not seen by another person beside herself. Bhc always dresses In good taste. Both her dress and hsr manner are quiet and re served In public.—Exchange. Laws Govern Austrian Service A new law for lower Austria, con taining various regulations concerning servants, has gone Into force, replac ing one over a century old. The first provision of the new law decrees that servants must no longer be called "servants," but "employes." The em ployer must feed the servant proper ly, and the servant la forbidden tc chatter or gossip to other servants about the private affairs of the family. It Is not stated how this provision shall be enforced. Girls are legally entitled to go out for seven hours once n fortnight. The nT*tress of the house Is no longer forced to write a "character" of "truthful, honest and Industrious" In the "book" of s dismis sal servant In the past failure tc do this meant possible proceeding! for libel. The mistress may now leav# "character*’ blank. New Potato Disease. A serious canker disease Is reported to have developed in the potato crop of Great Britain and Continental Eu rope, which Is not only affecting the farmlands on which potatoes are grown, but Is also decidedly Injurious to the health of the consumers of af fected potatoes. The disease Is char solarised by nobnlnr excrescences, which are often larger than the po tato Itself. Bolling does not destroy the Injurious properties. It Is known that n potato canker has found Its way Into Newfoundland with potatoes Imported from Europe, but no such disease baa yet appeared In Canada, nor, eo far as known. In the United States. Woman’s Misdirected Talents. Ex-Chlef of Police Byrnes, the fa mous New York detective, says that he "never knew a better man" than Miss Ellen E. R. Peck, which, trans lated from the police vernacular, sig nifies that In all his varied experience he never had to do with a more skil ful swindler than the woman, now in her elghty-eecond year, whose latest sentence of ten years Imprisonment was been commuted by Governor Dlx. She would probably have made a first class "captain of Industry" If her tal ents had been so directed. DECEMBER 9, 1912. T®CRYSTAL Where Everybody Goes M VAUDEVILLE * MONDAY. TUESDAY, AND WEDNESDAY Swell Vaudeville Bill ELECTRICE 80th Century Bensation. Bee Elect r let) Imvc 1,800 volts liukimml through her hotly while sitting lu THE ELECTRIC CHAIR. DAVEY AND EMERSON Merry Manipulators of Melody ALKALI IKE’S CLOSE SHAVE AND SAVED OY FIRE • GRAND HOTEL Aro you experiencing them? Let us show you how we keep busy, end how we in creased one business 125 per cent In eight months. We have plenty to do; so have our cli ents. Why? FUTATUBO BROS. Advertising Experts, Corner Main and Santa F» JEff RYES COAL & MINING COMPANY —= Dealers in Bloom, Forbes and Morley lump coals. For sum mer use try Jewel and Morley Nut Coal- Phone Trinidad 888. The Arcade Saloon and Corinado Bar Robert Branagh, Prop. Manhattan Cafe C. F. KIRKPATRICK. Prop. OPEN NIGHT AND DAT EVERYTHING IN SEASON Ami up-to-date. Drop in and get ac quainted. Call JORDAN roil QUICK Parcel Delivery and Messenger Service 215 East Main 3t or Phono Trln. 423 Assuming One's Risk IN THE MATTER OF Fire or Accident*, 1h a dangerous policy, let us fully Insure you In a strong old-line policy. Bennett 6 Wilson AGENTS Suit 1 McCormick Bldg. Phoue Trinidad IG3. Cruelty to animals Is Inexcusable, nud one should try to Hike almost as good rare of litnn.olf n« of his horse, j I Eighty Acre i; Tract Fins 80 acre tract border- ]j log city limits and one of tho <j| largest snaps we have bad since ve have been In the business. If you are looking for an In- Jj vestment. It would pay you to Investigate this. See us at once / Hubbartt | Agency Company ROOM S. COLO. BLDO. \ Phone Tria. 399. WILLIAMS frontier ud Stofiia Company 231 CHESTNUT ST. liars 87 Roil 2893 THE HALL-McMAHON Undertaking Company —UNDERTAKERS— -137 E. Main it—Phone Trix- 895. Telephone Trinidad 418. TRINIDAD UNDERTAKING CO. UNDERTAKERS 321 WEST MAIN ST II. B. 81 PB :: :: Pttneral Director ' FOR GOOD THINGS TO EAT AND DRINK GO TO THE Z Bar and BIGG Cafe f Palace Cafe and Bar I GEO. CLERCI, Prop. } 119 West Main Street I MERRILL’S Carpet Cleaning Work* a W# Cleanse Carpets, Feath- , an aad Mattresses, aad Do ’* Upholstering and Repairing. Carpet Work a Specialty— Phom Sac* 415. 511 E. 3d Rowland Plumbing and Heating Company —Pbona Hses 238 12W WEST FIRST BT. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished ! —a. F. W. CLARK Attorney-at-Law i Suite 3. Colorado Building The Pierce Lumber and Manufacturing Co. dr Everything in Building Material Mill and Job Work a Specialty STOVES aid FURNITURE NEW AND SECOND-HAND FURNI- TUBE BOUGHT AND SOLD POLIAK 6 RATNER Phone Trinidad 416—418 N. Com’l. PURNITURK NEW AND SECOND-HAND ■ Bought and Sold A. M. CLEAVINGER Telephone lines 124 NO. 301 WBBT MAIN STREET COAL for snip, mine run 92.50. lump 13.25 J. B- COLEMAN 302 Godding. Phone Red 2912. Cash, 15 days only. WANTED TO GIVE ESTIMATES nnd figures on Kdwards Mette roofs n'nd ceilings, anything in sheet metnl pnlnt, cement block, anything in ce ment. We manufacture, build nml re luilr. Circulars mulled. CAST BTONE CO. PHONF RKD 1514. P. O. BOX ITS J. G. GATES Scientific Optician All work done satisfactory Trinidad 89 Red 1832 ROOM B—OPERA HOUSE IJLOCK AUCTION OF FURNITURE. CARPETS, DRAPER EltlES every Tuesday. Thursday, Hnturdny. „ THE J. R. WARD FURNITURE AUCTION COMPANY 311 W. Main St. Trinidad, Colo.