Newspaper Page Text
f CHRISTMAS HANDKERCHIEFS Handkerchiefs of Every Kind and * * :n ' : 91 *25 nßOQKercnivn Ol bver/ x%ino ABU Embroidered lornor, pure linen. aborted design* Quality for Women :: in iivo box 151.^5 embroidered ornor, pure llm m, assorted ci<-.'i:;;i • I'lrilr. hemstitched linen, 5<S lOC- 15«* C in attractive hex 92.00 Kmbroidered. hand and macblnc, «u !ln«* pure Iln* 1 n it: *t I ami pew side el feet cm: r<ii. i •' All :•»! r«- en and IrlHli lawn, dainty and fancy patterns, beau- ,*{ i„ |„, X 91.00 tliul collection to choose from at reasonable prices* | tl uiul and embroidered, all Iln. C in box »t.OC 10* 12150 20« S 25c* 35« S 50C* -initial on |..NI, lawn, in hr 50c ami u|i i" —Colored border novelty, warranted fast color. Uuet rimmed lO*. 13<*. 20<S 25C* 35* a"' l Blu*or and silky flulsli. i a sort id In box si as *>tfC . —Childrens plain bandkorebiei-. .. In faiov box.. Linen embroidered and plain initials, lOC to lOC arid |.3c SO«* Fancy borders and ryinc*., In box I*>C I I ... . . „ a tv* « Child Initial handkerchiefs, pure linen :: in box Women’s end Children's Boxed 25c Handkerchiefs -Child initial liandkercniets. cotton, 11. S 3 :i In box 1,3* —Seal pnckoicliier In neat package. Ladies' all pure linen, :: in pnckiiße 25r Men’s Handkerchiefs ?In |mckuge 25*. ~ l » package 50c uml 1 1,1 —Men's Initial hnndkcn-tilcrs. fine pure linen. « package. 25C in box SI 50 —KmhrolUered, aln neat white box •-••••• *so* colored initial handkerchiefs. fine pure —Corner Btnbroldored on pure linen, 4 in neai lUk whii.. 1,,.v 7.-./* i* no n. •* iu mix Iternese Kmhroidcr* don pure linen. :i iu pretty 'J**" 1 P«ekerchlef, lln puckago lOC l.lclurod box *l.OO l»"k<r<-Hl..r. J In pmknK.— 2W -Kmbroldered hnndkerchlols. «i assorted designs Seal puckerclilei. :i In puckugc 25* in lx,* yi 2ft —Seal packorclilef, :t in package, lim n .-30* —Embroidered corner, pure linen, assorted designs Soul packerchler, 1 in packuge, linen ....25* PHENOMENAL SALE WOMEN’S and MISSES’ COATS, SUITS AND DRESSES How read; for your chcorins the creates', values ever oifered. Come early nnd secure the Garments vou like best. A sale iu December instead of Jnnuaiv. Better select now while the stocks are most complete. The reductions are onc-foerih to one-half Women’s and Misses* Fine: Tailored Women's tneTMisses’Silk Dresses Suits, Great Variety of S'ylcs Newest M&tcrials and Styles Sir. to sen Tailored Suits Stir *11.75 »k.’-o Silk l)r' -u l-'i'. . Sl.tia sl!“.uU ami f.K Tailored SuitH l-'or 91 gtii.ut) Silk liroMp.i r.»i 95.0111 I 1-7 nnd p:iO tailored Hull* For . .. fi.s.oo ?*lil !ir*u>. * ••• 97.50 531* and fin Tulloretl SuitH For . 921.50 r.-ju on silk Inc**. •*•»-. 910.00 si:..uo Tailored Sultn For 932.00 *:..uu Silk l»n . **h '•• 912.50 yr. 0.00 Tailored Suita For 931.50 Silk Dfcettcs I ** r . •••915.00 Tailored Coats in Newest Mixtures Evening and Party Dresses and Plain Cloths for Women for Women and Misses AND MISSES i'.. "•» ami ;!* .*•» Dr »• .» For . SI 1.75 I j 11and flto.oo Coats Kbr 91*.75 -t. ... and su.OO l)i - Pol SI 1.50 »**•"«:««'»;;* *r g» ••2 , . > »»d Dr. :. . s..r . . .sis.7s 925.n0 nnd f-'* .s*l Coals lor . sJ9.7*> . . „**••# •-•w f.tu.utl mid $3-*.UU Coat* For 922.50 nod 9*»t'.Ufi Urctu lot ... 92a>.«>0 One lot Women'* fljiu cklrts worth up to 910 for All Children*** Winter t oat*, ng. - to 17 hive bt -i. greatly r.*uui-d In price. No garments will be laid aside. N*i w boim* or rfuudv. Non. .. at out 011 uppit t»l BRING THC CHILDREN ant) ENJOY TOYLAND Kid Body Dolls Slwii * Coas ‘ cr * nnd s,ei « h# .- l’l.-nl y 10 i'lii '.i' rn in .1 (Isf* *° Sta.fiO .Millie „t the l«e,t. mast c.irerully .etc. ti-.l K . W1 .,„, , 1:ld i..... iO<- SD.OI* with full .lllrlieil net. uhoulilerii ami arm., biau- w „, i. IHi.l lieailK mill wl B ». Dianne, and l.runelte,. St-l- ''•!«••" • Ir " ' lug eyes. Many to select from at reasonable price* i:eni . • • ■ 92.25 *° 9Io.t»0 25* to 95.00 —Automobile* nnd handcart* >.1.25 1 > 98*00 in tier get your doll beads now while tin* line t* -To wm*i I b.iiro ’.H . <»;»*• fill* most complirie, large nsaortmcnl lO* “tui »*!»• Ho|jb> iiorrc ;al»op t a «d rorklug hoi . _„ _ , , „ .. ' 91.25 to 822.50 Doll Beds and t urmture nocking si nut 75c 92.50 Ik. 11 goeart* and carriages . 30 C lo 910.00 —Hlarl; bo:. ;« and He. k. OSC ° 91.50 | z e“'i T i; | '"^^i PRACTICAL GIFTS FOR EVERYBODY Itch! Itch! Itch!—'Scratch! Scratch! Scratch! The more you fcrntch, the worse the Itch. Try l>onn*H Ointment. For eczema, any skin Itching. ftOc a box. I^i«. TWS PpgggwoM It means a lot to I a cosy,well-warm cd room awaiting A Perfection Smokeless Oil Y( Heater is the very thing to drive W away chill and damp in a hurry. No smoke or smell with a Perfection. Just clean, glowing warmth at a minute's notice. A Perfection Heater gives nine hours’ com fort on a single gallon of oil. Handsome, yet inexpensive. Dealers everywhere, or write for I descriptive circular. I Cat n Perfection Smof-.tleta CH Healer now. and be C I comfortable all the reel of the winter n CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY 1 | D*iv*r. Pueblo. Albu'iuerquo, H I Cbertu*. Butte, Uoiiu, belt Lake City* lg| S]|e— —i——uamPKiitui— ne——»|R TUESDAY Printing of every description neat ly nnd <iult*kly executed the Chronlcdc-New* Job room*. Sanipl* •» ami cpiotationH on renuest. t’*o the telephone. Trinidad 410. tf THE CIUIONICLr-NEWS, TRINIDAD, COIORADO. STOCKS SELLING CAUSES BIG CROP New York, Dec. 10. —Order* to fell stuck* poured in on brokers today and for the first hours of trading th * stuck market was in a Hcml-dcmori:!- lzed condition. Prices broke sharply tu the low level of the pre.-. nt down ward movement which has been In progrer.A for more than a week, flu average for the leading railroad and Indtistiinl stocks fell to less tnan :i points aln>ve the low average for the year, reached iu February. United States Steel dropped to Oil. Amalgamated copper to 751; Itead ;ei»: to 1055: Lehigh Valley to 107: and Union Pacific to 101. losses ol nearly .*! points on the day. Among the less active stocks, declines were more severe, running as high ns If* <i* tie case of Lackawanna and 11 in National Biscuit. At noon there was a sharp rally and the losses were made up. 1 i* ■ prof* nt downward movement began on Monday of last week on the announcement ef the United Staten .ipivni court ric. irlon against th* llnlrrlman railway companies In the merger case. The expected revision inf the tariff nnd prospects of a money I stringency n the end of th*; year al ign' havo operated against the market Cvon the egotitl m:*v have th* wool pulled over his I'a, PtJnflng of every description neat ly and quickly executed at the Chronlclo-News job Sanipl*:* and quotations on rcci’inbt. Use tin | telephone. Trinidad 4in. tf i Only a fool will take h's holidaj j betoru he earns it. SUSPENDED ON AN ICEBERG Most Thrilling Escape In the History of Arctic Exploration Told by Explorer. I,ondon. —“This lx the moat remark able escape from Imminent danger In the whole unnal of Arctic* adventures,** said Sir Clement Murk hum. the ex plorer, In describing a thrilling Inci dent to Illustrate a lecture on Icebergs berore tho Royal Societies' club re cently. It concerned, he said, their Hteam tender, the Intrepid, commanded by Lieut. J. 11. Caton. A vast Hoe drove her against a berg with a frightful crash. Destruction seemed certain, when the little Teasel was seen to rlno from the floating fh»«* running ten feet above the bulwark, then the plied up mass from the llo** sank down, leav ing tin* ship suspend*-*! en the side of th*- berg, her only supports to keep her stationary In this dangerous posi tion being two small wedge pieces, one at tho stern and the other at the l*ow. Bho was In Imminent danger of fulling over on her broadside from that height. Tho boats had been got out. but they were smashed to ph-rea by the Ice. Three times the Ice floe pressed ugoinst tlio berg and with the boats gone the loss of tin* ship would have eutnlled that of all on hoard. Hud* detily the pressure eased off and the Intrepid was launched Into the sea from her lofty position, without In jury. Lieutenant Union nnd others had walked under her keel while she was suspended on the side of the Ice berg. The present Admiral Hlr V. Veaev Hamilton Is the only survivor of those who were actually on board ber at the time. PAYS FOR OLD FLATIRONS Former Servant Girl, Now Married and Wall-te-Do. Rem.ts a One- Dollar Bill. Sioux Falla, 8. D —The "conscience fund'* of tho family of Mr. and Mr* tit M. Albert, living In Lyman county, hnn been enriched to tho extent of a one dcllar bill as the result of an In cldeut which occurred shout twenty year* ngo and which had long since been forgotten. Among the utensils In the Albert kitch* n twenty years ngo were a set of plater: flatiron*. During the win ter. when the house was healed by ■ hare-t urner stove. Mrs. Albert em ploy* d a hired girl The girl In doing an ironing thought tin* kitchen stove tor* slow and dumped tho flatirons upon th»- coni* In th** haxo burner. In a for. minutes the Iron* were melted to such nn extent as to ruin them. I the spring th** girl left and Mr*. Albert bad forgolt* n her until a few d iya ngo. wh**n *»!>•• n-aa rurprlted to recelro a letter from a California town containing a one dollar bill. The letter and money were from her hired girl of twenty years ago. the girl now being married and quite wealthy. In the letter aim stated that her conscience had troubled her dur ing tin* Intervening years because thv Hat Irons were ruined through her carelessness. She stated further that she wanted to make good the lots and believed one dollar would replaco tbs Irons now. RICH BOY WON'T STAY HOME Thraatana Suicide If Raturned to Hit Parents—Juvanlla Court Puxxltd. Washington —Twolvo-yearold Aaron flrcgman for threo days baa defied the Juvenile court. Although his father Is well to do, Aaron was said to have persisted In going about In rag* and waa charged with trading on the credulity of tho sympathetic theater crowds Ills father bad punished him for staying nut Into, and when arrested for peddling without a license be re fused \o be paroled In the custody of hla parents, announcing that he would commit suicide before returning home. Two days In tin* house of detention did not alter bln attitude, and even when his mother fainted In court he would not weaken. Judge Dol*ocy. fearing that the lad In n spirit of braggadocio, might at tempt to Injure himself If ordered to accompany bis parents, turned him nvtr to the Children's Guardians. They aro now seeking away out of the situation. EAGLES FIGHT; ONE CAUGHT Hugs Birds Wage Ttrrlflc Battle In Midair—Doth Fall on Ranch. Rants Rosa. Cal.—A abort distance from tho city the unusual apcctaclo of a flerco battlo in midair between two big eagles attracted considerable at tention on tho K L. Crane ranch. All of a sudden the eagles fall to the ground and ran up and stran gled one and dragged it away. Tha cagla measured seven feet from tip to tip. WIFE IS TOO BEAUTIFUL jersey Man Said to Hava Blashad His Helpmeet's Dree* to Koop Her Indoors. Jerery City. N J —Because hla wife, buxom, middle-aged and mother of six children. Is "so beautiful It la danger oua for ber to go out alone," James J. Fryer Is said to have slashed ber clothing into ribbons. Before Judge Butler Mrs. Fryer raid her husband bad locked her fine clothing In a chust iiaving five padlocks. The Judge put the case over for a week. DECEMBEB 10, 1912. Santa Claus Letters Dear Santii (Maim: I am a little Kill ten jrcam old. and I live in Coke* dale. I want you to bring me a doll, .1 doll Inißty, a set of dishes, a pair of patent leather shoes and a lan a pair of kool gloves. some candy and nuta. Hear old Santa he mire and don't fnrjtet the little |hm>i* children. Ymii*s Sincerely. Opal Catim*. Cokedale. I>car Santa Claus:—l am u little Kiri II years old I live In Cokedale* I want yon to hrliiK me a signet ring and a pair Of patent leather shoes, and also a iwlr of wool gloves. Dear old Sauta, ho sure and don't forget the little poor children. Youry truly, Vlece Oahms, Cokedale. Dear Sauta Claus. I um a little girl S years old and I don’t wan’t jniueli. Imt I am erasy Mhout a doll and doll clothes and a doll buggy, and my aunt Marie Herring wants the same. Wlllomae lattice. 3I« Animas St. Dear Sauta Claus. —I am a 11|t!•* I girl eight years old. I want you to I please bring me a doll, aotne clothes 1 for it. a set of dishes, a pair of nice I warm glovrs, and n sweater, as I have 1 a Iron ways to go to school. And lie sore and bring my litlle sister Har riett four years old. a baby doll, a 'little Iron, a sweater, a new cunt nud bonnett to match It. And candy and nuts for both of us. Hut dear Santa Claus, don't forget to bring these things to my Crnminin’* as we art going to spend Christmas there. My Crnndmn lives in Cokedale. Your little friends. Muriel und Harriett Heard. I*. S And also be sure and don't forget all the other boys and girls. — + — Dear Santa Chius: I want you to bring me n wagon, auto and bicycle for Christmas. If you please To Albert Keller, 1721 Arizona Ave. I Dear Santa Claus:—l wont you to hiring me a rihhy doll and Mime randy Joseph Kclier. 1721 Arixona Ave. —♦ — i Dear Santa ('lans:—l want a muf* end fur. dal! and buggy for Christ mas Kmtna Krher. 1721 Arixona Ave. Dear Santa Clnus:—| want some > kitten nml a baby doll, and n little dreaaor. a little commode, a story bool:, fontc candy and uti orange, a sowing t»ox. n pair of scissors a gold ring, a muff and fur. set of dishes. eoooooaoliioovaoooocoasooociooooooesoowooosoosac' $ o 0 0 fit 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Christmas I 0 ® Suggestion 1 0 ■ ■ .... . 0 0 0 0 » •*t o 0 0 | A dainty box of Stationery § | embossed with initial or 2 I monogram is always an ® | acceptable gift; these boxes | I are beautiful in design and I | filled with paper of the § | highest grade • 0 g See samples at Chronicle- | % News counting room; order I 0 at once 2 0 0 0 9 ® 9. 0 . » 2 I | 0 2 g. | S 00 000000000 @@ ©@ooooooooo ® ® 0® 0 0000000000 Buy An Umbrella Whose Worth is Nationally Knou)n Umbrella ban to f i on i one those iii giftn them ALLEN’S, The Jeweler A Store of Quality Prom Idalia Nelson, it:: \v. liar.i St. —♦— Dear Sunta clans:—l live at f»2l Hast First street und go to school nud I am a good little boy when I don't have to stay Indoors, then 1 tense my little sister, but grandma suys tshe lives with usi I am good enough. She never loved a goody goody Ik>> . »o I want a tool chest. horn. soldier's suit, sword, Indian tent, candy nud nuts. Il.inlv I'llklngtoii Hello Sunta Claus:—Send me please a suit cam* full of doll clothes for my old doll ruiisos lie Is still pret ty. a doll bed, doll go cart, set of dishes, doll furultiiru and a soft rub* tier ball. Kxcuse this letter as It lx my llrst. Ob. I almost forgot to tell I like nuts. Knmm (Sene IMlklngtnn. —♦— lienr Santa Claus: I want you to bring me a bee be gnu. and some beetles and a roaster brake for Christ mas. Jtmiule Kclier. 1721 Arixona Ave. Dear Hantn Claus: I want a roaster, a drum, n horn, a story book, a music box. a little engine and a strong of cars and also a base ball. From Herbert Nelson. PAGE THREE —♦— Dear Santa Claus: I hope you won’t forget me tills year. I want a little table and four chairs, a set a dishes, a little dresser, a doll and some randy, nuts. (Hipcoru and noiii" oranges. Your little friend. Corn Hello Nelson ♦ ■ Dear Santa Claus:—l want you to bring nie a doll and buggv. some dishes for Christmas. Angcleiin Kclier. • 1721 Arizona Ave. Dear Santa: I want some skates, a haliy doll, n litlle doll biiagy. « rubber ball, u little dresser, a com mode, a story book, some candy, some nuts nml an orange, sewing box. pair of scissors u gold ring, a muff and fur, nud n sec of dishes. From. I.urretla Nelson. (Ft \V. Ilucn strent. Deep-seated roughs that resist or dinary remedies require both exter nal and Internal treatment. If you buy a dollar liottln of HALLAItD'H HOREHOUKH HYHITI* you get the two remedies you need for the price of one. There Is u IIKRKICKS HKD I’KPPKR I*OKOUS IM.ABTKR for the chest, free with earli bottle. Sold by Hauusnian Drug Co.