Newspaper Page Text
Second Hand Furniture I (ought and Mold. Highest cash i»« !«•«•»» paid. All kinds of Enugcs, Cook stoves and Heating Stoves, Just as good new and at a saving of ouc-hnlf off new prior. Wo also have a very complete line of dining room and bed room furniture. l.ook over our stock before buying. The Cash Bargain Store 403 Horth Commercial Street WANT COLUMN Wanted* Male Help For U. 8. army. Able bodied un married men between ages of is and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits who ran speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer. 102 West Main St.. Trinidad, Colo. tf. Wanted All alio ilo not receive theli Uhrtmlide-New* t•• mli«>mi* »»••* between 6:00 and 7:00 the * evening. Second hand furniture. Carmirh n« I and Co . Phone Trlftldnd 53u. tl Girl for general housework. Apply ni (’rancor Hwd. C’o. Kant Main St. tf Your fllhim to develop. lUc u r«»l 1 at Green's Drug Store. lino. Waitress at People's Cafe. North Couinierciul street. 6 Cash paid for cast off clothing, shoes and hats. Call Trlu. 426. Imo Carrier boy. Munt have horse. Ap ply nt Chronicle-News office. If r or Sale Old pupers mr putting on shelve* or under csrpet. f» cents a bi.ndb nt llie Chronicle-Nows ".fflce. t Sell Off your SOI pills ►•luff buy ust'i* C-N want ads. They only cost L tents a line. ef l*or new and accond hand furnlt uro rail on (*nr!n|ehae| and Co.. 11(0 11(2 Kltu street. IMione Trluldtd 630. tf High grade buggy ami saddle horse cheap. I'hoiie Trlnldatl 2SO. 6 Messages and papers of the presl tlcnis in ion volumes. Apply Chron- Iclo-News. 3 Fancy driving horse, new buggy and harness. Bargain. Address 11 II” C-N. 3* Five room modern home. Colorado avenue, excellent condition. Price 17.000. IMione l(e«| 1352. 3 Two second hand boilers, one 60 II IV and one 100 11. I*, both In fa*r condition. Address Town Clerk or (‘layton. New Mexico. 5 Three 11. I*, gas engine for 92b If taken at once, call nt Dwights Con fectionery. 4 One Kirtlcy 700 pngo ledger at n lingula. Iturhlwmlt S. and 1. Co. 3 WELDING Frozen and (tracked automobile tyllntlcrs welded. Prices reasonable. Abbott Novelty Works. 118 N. Maple etteet. tf Taxi Cab Taxi day or night. Call Toltec Ho t-1. Trin. 684, or Trln. 294. tf Printing If you need printing of any kind come to the Chronicle-News. High class work, reasonable prices. boat Small black ninre, white saddle mark, branded ”1/' on hip. 1401 San Pedro. Reward. 3 Lady's small plain gold thatch and pin. Verlio Gatlin's name In nido. Finder please leave same at C- N. Reward. 3 ' Papering Up-to-date designs of wall paper. I.nrgo selection. Very lowest prices, .100 Iturklaud, 109 East First. Phone llnca 563. I guarantee. tf. MONEY TO LOAN On chattel security, reasonable ratos, private. G. O. Newman* 110 W. Main. Chronicle-News, f»os a month. A B S T RACTS THE T R! NID A A&I^'GO. ROOMS 9 AND 10, POITREY BLOCtS. ‘'PHON E TpiNIDAD 641 r UEfIDASJBg*' For Rent. Three room furnished apartment, with Imtli. Also 2 rooms for $l2. light, beat and water furnished. 11. L. L. Anderson. Anderson block, tf Furnished housekeeping rooms, too University. Phone Red 14 42. tf Rooms for light houskceplng at Lu ‘uruc. Phone llaca 383 or 418 Beech. tf. One. two or three rooms for house keeping. reasonable, 508 Animus, tf Five room strictly modern furnish ed house. Corner 7th and Ash. Phone Red 2042. tf Three rooms for light housckcop* lug. 1004 Arizona. tf. Five room modern bouse, otic block from car line. Red 2362. !*• Modern 5 room bungalow. Apply M. A. Easton, 317 W. Topeka. tf. Five furnished or unfurnished rooms. 6117 E. Ist Phone Trin. 7. tf Fm: iiMn d front room. 611 Pin**. Red 1074. tf. Modern rooms for light house keeping. 701 State Street. tf 1 Two nice furnished rooms for light housekeeping near C. and S. simps. Abeyin Ave. Red 711. $l2. If Four and five room modern bouse.* close in. Trinidad 318. tf, Cleaning (’leaning, pressing and dyeing.— . •I ho Trinidad Cleaning and Dye j Works. tf Furniture We buy and sell second hand fur- I nil tire. Call Trinidad 403. tf Situation Wamec 1 Free employment bureau, office o. Associated Charities. 416 Commercial street. Phone RcJ 2962. Help furnished and employment secured, i: Young married mail wants posi tion driving team. Can furnish refer ences. Address C. A. Ilclfltand, gen. del. 3 | Young girl 16 years old wants to do housework. Address Sopris. Box. "0. Work in store or office, by com- 1 I lent young man. Phone Red 3735 19 year old boy wants work with I rivllege of going to school. Will ' ork for hoard. Phone Red 2062. 2 TO EXCHANGE (ins range for coal range. Tel. I'aca 541. 3 Heartburn is a symptom of Indiges tion. Take a dose of HERIIIXK in *uch eases. The pain disappears in stantly. The bowels operate speedily tml you feel fine, vigorous and cheer ful. Price 50c. Sold by llnusman Drug Co. PIANIST PREVENTS PANIC IN “MOVIE” BY PLAYING ALL DURING FIRE Chicago, Dee. 7.—Fire in a five cent moving picture theatre in the down town district caused n panic among the two hundred men, women .• ciilluien, attending the perform ance. Mrs. P. S. Doyle, the pionist. remained 'playing “ragtime'' though almost overcome by smoke, and calmed the crowd so that no one was seriously hurt. ~ CQUGH ! KwSors '','CATA^fI'HAI fa*?!', -s‘ ■! IHi 1— , m > THE CHRONICLE-NEWS, TRINIDAD, COLORADO. DAILY MARKETS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE New York, Dec. 10.— Prices’ crum bled today under persistent attacks by the bear faction in the stock mar ket. No resistance was shown at any iMiints. Momentary checks which tlie selling encountered were due os • tonslbly fo a large degree to let the market digest stocks thrown overboard before a renewal of llqul dnilon. Comm lesion houses closed out many weekly margined accounts and hurried calls from bauking Insti tutions to remedy impairment of loans led to a further sacrifice of se curities. Standard Issues were In the fore front of the downward niovemout, but the largest losses were inflicted on the lessor known stocks. Lacka wanna slumped 15 itolues. National Ills ult 11. American Snuff s amJ/H large number of other shares of this class from 2 lo 6 points. At noon the market was rallying briskly with ac tive Issues up 1 to 2 (Miiuis from the lowest. Ronds were steady. Shorts were impressed by the ready übsorptlon of the Hill stocks which lifted Northern Pacific and Great Northern 2 points above yes terday's closing nml they scrambled to cover. Tills buying. In addition to tonic demand, aroused by the severe fall iu prices, soon carried the lead ers up materially, Steel and Reading telling a point above last night. Pliers held well ou the recovery bill the demand was limited on the higher range and trading came al most to a standstill. The market closed easy. The ao vote losses of the forenoon were con verted into gains ruunig from I to 2 IMiints in such stocks its the Hill ls ritcj. fit. Paul. Reading. Canadian Pacific and steel, and there whs more of an effore to bolster up Individu al shares. The tobacco group showed noni< buoyancy and American tobacco soM ten points above its lowest. Ynrioti other Indimtfal Issues also moved up in spirited fashion. The market was under some pressure again Just nt the dose. THE MONEY MARKET j New York. l)cc. 10. -Money on • ail steady I i: ruling rate ij. | closing bid •: of feted at SJ. > Time loans weaker: 60 day* and J "i days 6ft 6J per cent; six month* • 54ft 52 per cent. Close: Prime mercantile paper 6 per cent. Sterling exchange steady, with act ual buslrcsi in bankers’ bill at 4.80} for 60 day bills and at 4.5065 for dc | niand. Coinnierclal bills. 4.>0 liar silver 6 11. Mexican dollars 491. Government bonds steady. Railroad bonds heavy. Kansas City Livestock. THE LIVESTOCK MARKET Chicago Livestock. Chicago. Dec. 10. —Cottle receipts 6.500. Market slow, steady. 1 Reeves 5.60 ft 10.50; Texas steers I. |n <T( 5.75: western steers 5.50 ft !•.25: Stockers and feeders 4.40 U 7.65; cows and heifers 3.704(7.50: calves 6.501* 10.25. HOGS: Receipts 28,000. Market •inlet. 5c lower. Light 7.30 ft 7.70: pigs 5.25 ft 7.771: heavy 7.35 ft 7.80; rough 7.35 •7.55; pigs 5.254 t 7.20. Hulk of sales 7:55 ft 7.55. SHEEP: Receipts 25.000. Market steady. Natve 3.751? 1.55: western 4.00 ft yearlings 5.25 ft 6.60: lambs, native 5.90 ft 7.90; western 6ft 7.90. Kansas City livestock. W'ansns City, Mo., Dec. 10.—Cattle receipts 16.000. Including 600 south erns. Market steady. Native steers 7ft 10.75: southern steers sft 7.50: southern cows and heifers 3.75 ft 6.50: native cows and heifers 3.75 ft 8.50: Stockers and feeders sft 7.60; bulls 4.501*6: calves 64(10; western steers 5.501 t 8.50: western cows 14(6.50. HOGS: Receipts 19,000. Market 10” lower. rlulk of sales 7.55 ft 7.75. Heavy 7.70 ft 7.50; packers and butcher* 7.604*7.70: light 7.50 ft 7.70: pigs 6.50 ft 7. SHEEP: Receipts 1,000. Market it ron «. • Muttons 4 (ft 5: lambs 64* 7.75; range wethers and yearlings 4 4(6.50. Range ewes 3 4/ 4.50. Denver Livestock. Denver. Colo.. Dee. 10.—Cattle re ceipt* 1,000. Market strong. 10c higher. Reef steers 5.75 4(9: cows and heifers 4 4/ 5.60: stoekers nml feeders 5.50 4/ 7.35 : enl ves 6ft 5. 50. HOGS: Receipts 1.200. Market lower. Top 7.7 5; bulk of sales 7.60 4r 7 70. SHEEP: Receipts 2,700. Market strong. Yearlings ' 50: wethers 14/ l.'O; lambs 0.504/ 7.25: ewes 3.50 @ 4.25. TIIF. WOOL MARKET steady. Territory aud western me diums 21 4t 25c; fine mediums IS4i 20 cents; fine 13 4? 17. Boston, Mu**.. Doc. 10.—Trading lu domestic wool is reported to be very light but holders refuse to shude values. Tile bulk of sales In terri tory stock with Moutuna staple* bring 26 cent*. Fleece wools are firm, Ohio fine washed Delaine sell ing at 34 cents. Medium fleeces urc in small supply und selling at 30 to 31 cents for Ohio. The demand fur pulled wool is fair. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Chicago, Dec. 10. — Although wheat touched a fresh low price rec ord today lor the season, going under 89 cents, the dcrlluo proved slight and the market soon rallied. Trad er* genrally sccmd to have anticipat ed the bearish effect of the govern ment crop report. There wer ralio* in northrn Argentina, nu inrrease in the European visible supply and a less favorable outlook t>-gardlug for egn crops. The opening varied from \c lower to a shade advance. May started nt 8K2ft894. ranging from A 4t ',c off to a sixteenth up and stead ied at 89J. The close was firm with May |c net higher, at 891 *t 2 May corn opened unchanged to n shade down, at 47Ift4s und rose to 4K *. Till* dose was firm, net higher for Mny at 181 ft 2. May ont*. which stalled the faun as last night to n sixteenth lower, nt 3214* 2. sagged to 321. PROVISIONS Chicago. Dec. 10. —Helling by long* weakened provisions. First trail ac tions were 21 </ 10c off. with May 15.604i/65 for |M>rk: !•> 15 for lard and 9.871 for ribs. UNFILLED TONNAGE OF U. S. STEEL CORPORATION New York. I)ec 10 The unfilled tannage of tl»<\ United State* Steel •'orporation November 30 total* .852.882 ton*, an Inert- • •• of 258.052 ton* over October 31 Till* is the largest tonnage ever re ported on the hooks ol the corpora • ion. THE METAL MARKET St. Louis. Mo, D0r..,10.- Lead un changed. 4.20. Spelter dull, 7 26 Copper steady Stsndatd pot 16.87 bid: December 16.87<i 17.37: January and February 16.78 it 16.52 J: electrolytic 17.87. take 17.62 ft 17.87: castings 16.25 ft 17.37. Lend easy. I 25 4* 4.40. Spelter easy. 7 2n4i 7.40. Antimony quiet: Oookson'* 101 Iron quiet and unchanged. THE COTTON MARKET Galveston. Doe. 10.— Cotton un changed, 122. Liverpool. Dec. 10.—Cotton spit In fair demand, price* steady. Ameri can middling fall. 7.53: good mid dling 7.10: middling 6.99; low mid dling 6.51. Cotton futures «loscd firm (’los ing bids: December 12.39: January 12.50; February 12 51: March 12.59: April 12.56: May 12.56: June 12.52: July 12.51: August 12.39: September 1 1.96; October 1 I >O. Cotton spot closed steady. Middl ing uplands 12.95: middling Gulf 12.30: sale* 100 bales. KANSAS CITY GRAIN AND HAY Knsnsn City. Mo. Dec. 10.—Cash: Wheat unchanged to 1c lower. No. 2 hard 82 4* 871: N 3 80}ft 83: No 2 red 9714( 1.001: No. 3 BSft9K. Corn Ift 2c higher. No. 2 mixed 47 4/ 474; No. 3 17 No. 2 white 161 @47: No. 3 46. Oat* ttnchangi d No. 2 white 31 ft 35; No. 2 mixed 324 @33. Rye 60c. Hay stronger. Choice timothy 13 ft 13.50; prairie 1 i 50 ft 12. Receipts: Wheat 37 ear*: corn 8 cars: oats 10 cars. Close: Wheat. May 84: July 814 4? SIJ. Corn: May 46i1; July 4CJ. Oats: May 34e. Wheezing In the mngs Indicates ejected. Price 25c. 50 and SI.OO per bottle. Sold by llnusman Drug Co. that phlegm Is obstructing the air passage*. BALLARD’S IIORE* HOUND SYRUP loosens the phlegm so tl|at it can be coughed up and AMERICANS IN MEXICO JAILED FOR MURDER CHARGE El Paso, Texas. Dec. 7.—J. Long nnd Oscar LnngemloiTf. American mining men. arc in Jail at I’nrrnl, Mexico, accused of murder, accord ing to letter* received today in El Paso. The letter* explain that the campaign of the two men'was at tacked by bandit) nnd they sent to Parra 11 for aid. The Parrall chief of police and a band of civilian* re sponded and when they arrived without uniform* the Americans thought they were bandits und fired upon them. The chief of police was killed and the Americans were ar rested. Long i* n brother of the American consul, James I. Long, at !»•> 11 I DECEMBER 10. 1013. W. N. Ferris, Next Ruler of Michigan HU Itupids, Mich . V Wood bridge N. Kerri*, who will he tnniig iirated governor of Michigan iii .lan uary. Ik the first Democrat to hold the office *ltice IKUI and the necond alnco the war. Ho la Hoad or an odu rational Institution in tllls city. TRADES ASSEMBLY URGES THE USE OF HOME MADE GOODS The Trinidad Trade* Assembly l* ; conducting a *|drlted • iiinpulgn to j 'Hirourtiße the u-e ot Trinidad and Colorado made itiNiilh With iiilh end > in view the numbers have ehoaen a eoinmlttee to wait upon the Chnm hcr of Commerce, rotifer with that orgn-itrntiou and dovl*o way* and mean* to bring about thl* •ml. The local iiianufnrtureni are urged to em phasise the fart that their good* are made In and local rrtallerK are urg.-d to make It known when they are olferin;: for sale Colorado products. Tin- committee. In conjunction with the Chamber of Commirrr I* Instructed In find nut' Firm. - Finding out what produ :*» tire manufactured in Trinidad and the state of Colorado: Second—How many more perron* would he employed If the Roods that are consumed here that can he pro duced here, were made here; Three Ah to the difference in the cost and the quality of the import ed article compared with the home made product: Fourth—As to Its probable effect, on the general wellbolng pi - rit and huildliiß up of thl* city and *t it • Thomas J. Fox, of the local Trade* Assembly submltes the following In connection with the work that has been Inaugurated "The assembly believe- that in or der to have a prosperous city and state that the people should us* home made Roods, thus lending to provide more steady employment lor those who live here and also make It possible for an Increase in population, thus encouraging trad and business in till its branches. ■ If you buy goods made in other places, plain duty you are shirking, fry Colorado wares and keep the other fellow working." "The label stands for home Indus- , try. the protection of the Interests j of the laborer, the protection of Just and honorable employees from com-, p< titloti by cheap labor rivals; fair j wages lor the tollers and better trade conditions generally for both employer and employe. It guaran tees the workers a better living, shorter hours, butter conditions and mqrc money for the necessaries of I life. The true foundations of goner-j jal lasting prosperity and the symbol, Believes This Hill "Cure Long Troubles" f'ormiiinptlon I* u tin(f<*rlndlsonse—> i lb it Ih ••ii.* of im rlil. f tlniiKer* Tim** who have If are rarely willing to nr- 1 knowledge the fail. If ltd* tioiildo Is pr.-M-nt. ir i*• no time for triiliie If i so >-.dli'il "rolif Inis lontr per-Uteii: If u roiiiih Is pr«**.-nt llmt k«*.#.4 rmi nrivlnm, or nay of the nyinitlotii* are pivaent, sii. li ns f.-vi-r or iitulit *\ve;it-. w .'.ikin'- mnl los4 of n|ip.'tlti'. iiihl pa-rlinps «oiik. ridsliiK of tnneiis— do tin- sen -I lih' tlilnu: - lake i:«-kiii:in*s Alterative ns Mr. Il*-t• tersworth did IlonliiiK tJns'ii. »'y.. |{. \o. -I "fteiitlenien I wish to snv for voiir Alf era live flint I believe It lo he ;1 nirtl | ■ l ine of ntieipnileil value for nil Itroin Ida) and l.ting Troiilde. The Sprinc of Iptis. I had a severe eotijrh for slv months I tried all file medh-liie that my doctor* recommended to me. Imt no results eain<* , for the better. I luid tilcht sweats, and i! would eoimh and spit until I ko| so I weak I could hardly do mi.vlhbig. Hut. nf last, .tames Ileering, of Ohisifow- .Inn.- : t'ou. Insisted that I try your liiedielue. ‘ 111 on* week's time there was quite nil i Improvement In my londltloii. and after I had taken several hollies, I felt us well • as ever lii my life. I <h sire tin- world to know that t firmly believe that your I Vkiiian's Alter ative will cure any ease of luuir trouble If taken before the last •Unite. I will uladly write personally /to any party wniittnit In- 1 formation In regard to your wonderful medlelne."* (Sworn Altblavii » A. lIF.TTFItSWOItTIt I'- kman v Alterative Is effeetlve in llron ehltls. Asthma. Ila.v Fever: Throat and l.utig Trim Me*. and In iipl.nlltllng the system. lits-s not eoiitabi poisons. .>|.i - 1 1• s or ha till forming ilrutr* Ask for booklet telling of recoveries, ami write f.. |;. kmnii l.aboratory, I hllade!phla. I’a.. fur more evi dence. For sale by all leading druggists : Opera House Drug Stoic, \V. S. Green a f'n Keep Ahead By Telegraph In the Holiday Rush No time to write letters and wait for mails during this busy season. Western Union services will enable you to speed up your business. | . Use Fast Telegrams rR-Wflljl'jkl Day Letters Night Letters THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY No Suffering Yets! The unniiliiml MifleriiiK of so many women at times can be relieved hy a little care and |>ro|>er help. Itcecliam's Pills (live just the assistance needed. They net (jenl ly hut surely; t hey correct faults of the system so certainly that you will find better conditions prevail Amongst Women Who Take this renowned and effective remedy. Bcechatn’s Pills will help your digestion, reKulntc your Iniwcls. stimulate your liver. Headaches, Imckaclics. lassi tude, and nervous depression will trouble you less and less after you take at times —whenever there is need—. BEECH AM’S \ PILLS Wmbch Wiakbm to rtiM itMir ywsMi4 t—k« mtA to fr«l at lh»ir Ut( ihwM be tui. to read I too —octal Aroal—aa orWto avant bam. 9»U ortriwher*. la Imim lOc.. Sta. •of living wages and humane condi !ilull* Its presence Is tho death cer tificate of slavery and starvation, ,nM. It should he sought and enroll r agrd |ti every honorable wav. If the luiminlxed toilers theuiselvim do not >:tpporl and uplift it. who can lie looked to support and uplift it? It is the duty of every union man, woman and sympathlaei of oltboi • t -1 i buy nothing lull what be.ire the sterling mark of liourst workman ship and living worcm. "It is the only protection of the :tidier and Hie foundation of the en tire catejory of the benefit* lie |* deriving from being In the union ranks. Don’t forget tills whan you are again buy lug. no matter what '* i*xluting of every description neat ly and quickly executed at the Chronicle-News Jolt rooms. Samples and quotations on request. l*se tho telephone. Trinidad I in. tf Winter Tourist Fares Ft. Worth and Dallas. Texas* and return ... $23.60 Galveston and return $35 30 Huston and return $33-30 San Antonio and return $31.G0 Son Angelo and return $25.70 Pecos and return $27.95 Waco and return $27.20 El Paso and return $33 90 Corpus Christi and return $40.G0 Brownsville and return $40.80 Carlsbad and return $23.95 Roswell and return $19.95 Mineral Wells and return $25.90 Charleston South Carolina an. .d return $05.85 Columbia. South Carolina, and return $62.15 Gulfport, Mississippi, and return $58.00 Meridian, Mississippi and return $46-40 New Orleans, and return $44.00 Mobile- Alabama, and return $58.00 Jacksonville. Florida, and rctuni $67.50 - Tickets on sale dally up to April l!H.*!. Final return limit ,luno lj 191 a. I.iberal stopover privileges. Fares to many other points In Texas. Louisiana, Mississippi. Alabama, Florida, Cuba, Georgia and South Carolina. • ‘The Colorado & Southern Railway PAGE SEVEN PRINCETON GRADUATE GETS LIFE FOR MURDER Italdwln. .Mich . Dor. P* »> M Auerbach «>f Cb i -ro. •• Princeton graduate wn- ye* • rday s-ntcnccd to life Imprisonment for the murder o hi.* employer, Harry Fisher, former Chicago promoter. Fisher whs kill ed while Ii ii nt iit g with Auerhiii Ii and the Uofandant clalmod tho killing was accidental. Embossed Xmas Stationery. Tha Chronlt It Nt a thl n I* showing a h«nutifiil line of Christmas embossed station ery. Orders filled promptly. Call'and make your selections nt once.