Newspaper Page Text
Not Many Days Until Christmas DO YOUR SHOPPING NOW WTTIOTPV (leantlfni huts worth up to s.'• for Hat* worth up to 15.50 for Childrens felt lints that hoIU up to $2.uU for . . . . SO** Children*’ ItonnetH that hold up to $2 for 25<* Fancy trlmnihiKa and fcathera, half price. CTTTI maSALHES and °»c itreut lot of fancy silks that noIU for fI.UO now 09c WOMENS' UNION SUITS —Kln'c»il. iierfwt fuiilns. liiikli lons sleeve*. utiMi- touslll, *l*o :: I to H, Sand vai «5C SINGLE BLANKETS -I-XT- medium heavy lotion Uluuketa Bite value*. eucli Isr ITT. YIP AN DRAWN WORK— An Wf“l present. scarfs, center pieces dolllca and lunch hem All to he hold at 20 per c*-nt off. 2.7 c dollleh for 20<* *»oi* dollies .|Of 11.00 valuta MO<* » I f*o value* 51.20 *2.00 value* 51.60 *3.00 value* $2.10 value* *3.20 .00 value* $4.00 I All other* at satue reduction*. STATIONERY -•**ot In holiday boxes. Oenvelope* and paper. flood quality. Splendid for u gift Imx 50f Initial hoxed stationery, box tor I leather bund hag*, car * 75c DOLLS - Kill body and jointed. .Miiuiik eye*. All size*. Itlmidet I and llruuette* 25c $5.00 I DOLL CARRIAGES AND GO-CARTS Many to select from 50? and up. See the new actitiK animat* In lifelike motion. FURNITURE -The Most Practical, useful pre*euts. We hell life time furniture. Jamieson’s GIFTS FOR EVERYBODY ip Ink " th* tobaccoi fine) JUDGE BOOTH SLATED FOR CHIEF JUSTICE Washington. Dee. ll.—President Taft expects to send to the senate curly in January the nomination of Judge Fenton W. Itootli. of the court of claim-* as chief justice, suci-ccding Stanton .1. Peele, who will retire. The vacancy caused by the elevation cf Judge Itootli will he filled by the ap pointment of Henry S. limited, American minister to Switzerland. Chronlrle-XowH. 50c per month. We have winter excursions to principal cities in the following states: Alabama. Florida, Georgia. Louisiana. Mississippi. New Mexico, Texas and Boutli Carolina, also to Culm and Mexico. Mobile and return $58.00 Jacksonville and return .. $B7 50 Lake City. Fla., and return $75.50 Augusta. Ga.. and return . $50.35 Savannah' Ga.. and return . $6520 Thomatrille. Ga.. and return $44.50 New Orleans and return . $44.00 HeiMian. La.. and-return $44.40 Demise* N. M.. and return .. $63 90 Carlsbad- N. M. and return. $83.95! Charleston S. C . and return $65.85! Austin Tex., and return ... $31.50 i Beaumont, Tex., and return . $35.20 Brownsville Tex., and return $46-80 Corpus Christi, Tex.- and re .. turn .. $40.60 Dallas, Tex., and return . . .$28.50 El Paso, Tex., and return .. $33.90 Pt. Worth. Tex.- and return $23.60 Galveston. Tex., and return . $35.60 Houston. Tex-, and return . $33.30 Waco. Tex.- and return $27.20 On sal#* dally to April 510, 1913, Final return limit June l, 1013. Liberal stopover privileges. If you are contemplating a southern trip, have a little chat with Little about Jt. R. W. HOYT. Agent a 9 rimflirr m•. i • WEDNESDAY Friends Intercede for Young Newlyweds Friends may intercede between a stepmother and her sixteen year old daughter confined in the county Jail, and the marriage that was the > result of tt romantic elopincnt last Saturday may he recognized and pretty Jessie Kustcrbrook of Ludlow with her youthful husband Harry Klder may receive the parental bless ing. Mrs. Kastcrhrook the girl’s stepmother, is still obdurate how ever. and maintains that she will press the charge cf abduction against Klder and have the girl brought be fore Judge Itoss on a charge of he. |lng Incorrigible. Killer's hearing is .set in Justice flower's court for Fri day and the hearing of the girl wife tn the juvenile court Is set for the same day. Separated by a steel grating In the upstairs ward of the county Jail, the couple, permitted to converse to gether. are planning that little homo which the young man pictured to the girl when they were much to gether before the elopement and marriage. 'I Just won’t go to that school, that’s all.” says Mrs. Klder, with spirit. "Harry and 1 are mar ried ami We love curb other, so why should anyone try to pull us apart." Klder is a hard working fellow and is spoken of in the highest terms by those who employ him. He Is able to provide for his girl brido and looks [upon their imprisonment as a great [injustice. " C. & S. DIVIDEND New York, I Dec. I.—Colorado Southern railway today declared an annual dividend of one percent on the common stock. This is a reduc tion of one percent on the dividend paid a year ago. The company had been jaylug dividends of 2 per cent on the common stock since Decem ber. 190 ft. MIDDIES BET ON GAME Annapolis. Md.. Dec. 11.—Four hundred midshipmen violated Super intendent Gibbons' order forbidding hotting on the recent annual inter service football game at IMiiladel phia. it lias been disclosed in an in* THE CHRONICLE-NEWS, TRINIDAD, COLORADO. CZAR RICHEST MAN Income Exceeds $30,000,000 and Is Growing Rapidly. Rebuke for Treasurer— Emperor An gry at Baron Menehikoff for Hie “Undignified Comparisons.” Bt. Holer*burg.—While lluotia la a Sequent and large borrower amons th* notion* of the earth. Emperor Nicholas, according to a statement presented to Ids majesty by the imp* rlaJ treasurer geoersl. Is the richest man In the world. The statement Is couched ta fanciful language, but the facts which It recites ore said by St Petersburg bankers to be beyond die puts. "Tour majesty,” says llsrou Maachl koff, "need have no fear of ever com lug to suffer rbv stings of poverty. Financially you are aolveaey Itself With one hand you could buy out the American multimillionaires. 11 oik*fel ler aud Morgan, sad still have iuQ rlent In the other to talk busln«ss with Kanin Itothschlld. Or. If you prefer, you can take over the Krupps although I would not recommend the Investment.” The rsar le very angry with Huron Menehikoff and his playful ways, and rebuked him soundly for indulging In "such undignified comparisons. * Th* rear’s civil list amounts tc nearly two miliums sterling. Including th* amounts paid to the grand duke* and of this turn more than a million !s avfillehl* for his own private pur pom *. Then lie owns lands In Kussls In Kurope which cover an area equal in that of the whole of Nevada, ol which the revenues reach the vast sum of S2o.oaa.Muo n year, of which IS.noo.nqo is paid to tin* grand ducal families. The esar'* lauds In Siberia bring him In another t7.Soo.omi. al • hough they ar« at present largely un developed. Altogether, Including In irrent on saving*, the rtar’s Incnnit exceeds ISO.AOo.aoo. and Is Increasing rapidly, lie sets aside each year a large sum for each of hla four daugh tera. so that If any one of the royal prlncee contracts a marriage In that quarter he will do eitremely well from * worldly point of view—though, of course, the exact disposition of the ctar’s huge fortune Is known only tc himself and hla financial adviser. ODD SUIT AGAINST DOCTOR ! Surgeon Mutt Pay for Accident to Patient During Op eration. Paris—A curious action against a doctor considered of great importance from the standpoint of the responsi bility of surgeons has Ju*t been fought out In tha Paris law courts. A few w-oeks ago a doctor was call ed upon to perform an operation for appendicitis on a hospital patient The latter * body. In accordance with the general rule in such rases wn* previ ously rubbed over with alcohol, but owing to the peculiar conformation of the man’s side, some liquid remained In a small hollow instead of being wiped off again. Before using the scalpel the director decided to burn away a small outer turnover, which might have Infected the wound, but In doing this he set fire to ths spirit, causiug the patient severe Injuries. .Medical experts, who Investigated the affair for the hospital authorities, t sported that the burns were due to the patients abnormal shape, were, so far as the doctor was concerned, a pure accident. On the ease being tried before the Paris courts, however, the latter de cided that fer the patient's body to be of slightly different shape from normal Joes not relieve the surgeon from any of his responsibilities, sinoe he has every opportunity of observing what these differences are. and therefore awarded the patient 93.000 damages. WAY TO TEACH CHILDREN American Women Vlelt Rome to Loam Montiooorl Methods of Train ing Youngsters. Rome. -Dr. Mlllari W. Johnson of Memphis. Tenn.. an authority on ed ucational subjects, is In Home with Miss I-’oa of Chattanooga, having come to study the system of training young children introduced by Dr. Marla Moa tlssori. whose institute at the Porte San Pancrazlo has a Kuropean repu tation. The fundamental idea Is to let each child develop without re straint according to Its apodal apti tude and to make the acquirement of know-ledge a pleasure instead of a pain. Clever children advance with greater rapidity and backward ones show unexpected powers of develop men*. In branches of self-chosen study, it is *atd. WOMAN GETS $500 FOR SMILE Wife of Essex Bank Cashier Is R» membered in Will for Being Pleasant. I^ondon. —Among bequests by the late Miss Allow Johns Hodgaa ol rhelnisford. Essex, is one of SSOO tc Mr*. Walker, wlfo of a cashier at the local branch of the Capital and Coun ties hank. Mrs. Walker roceivod the legacy simply for smiling pleasantly at Mis* llodges a* they left churoh. When told of hor good fortune, the said elm used to sit near Mias Hodges In church, and a* they camo out ahe Santa Claus Letters My |hul' Old Santa flail*; I hope , \oti ure comiug to see me ('Urlhtuius. I want you to bring me a little table and a set of little dishes, so that I can have n lltth- tea party. Aud I want a Idg doll that will open anil Hull Its eyes like Folly. I am a little 1 gill three year* old and li\e ;ii 111.10 1 Alta street —Aimu Hell Lee. ♦ ♦ —♦ 1 Dear Sautn Claus: iMuam- bring tile a dull and a doll bugg). a set of Itir* and a sled and some leggliih, a little table and some chairtt aud a set of dishes I utu a little girl IS year* old uud live at the corner of First ami Convent street My mime is llrownle lleuutt Dear Swutu Clous Please biiug me a big and lltth* doll, a hugg> and a writing desk and a little stove uud some < amly aud nut*. that I* all Good bye, youi little friend lb-r --thle Davis. ♦ ♦ ♦ M> Hear Santa Claus' Will tun please bring me a nice doll, aud a lint ami dris* and bed lor her. and a ( rocking chair, a dog and a wash du> set. A wagon, a little sew-iug inn-‘ clilue, a set of il.»li<-». a lot of candy 1 uud nut* In m> -tie king and a uii-* ttee With lots nf love, from Allll.i Hose MclAouuld. Ml L Second St. ♦ ♦ ♦ Dear Santa Claus I am a lltth* hoy 111 the sm-oud guide, aud I want • toil to pleuse hi lug me a sled, a' train ami a lioin A slot) book, ami my little brother Kdwlu wants some J lmils, and a ilium, a street car and i we both w'aut lot* of rand), From lour lit III* friends llernnrd ami Kdwlu Gayer, 1’."! Nevada ♦ ♦ ♦ Dear Santa Clan- I am writing to tell you whu: 1 want for Christ-’ litas. I want u doll inigg). u locket' and • lialn, u ties!., uml t lint Ik all' I II ask for this Christmas. I live at 1 I nun Nevada avenue Your little friend l*orett» Klllolt. ♦** ♦ Dear Santa Claus. I thougnt I would write ami tell you what I want for Christmas. I want a doll' bugg> Hint would fit a doll about j 21 Imhes high Candy and unit- If, you will bring me that I won’t asi. i lor ani more this Christinas. lam I a girl ten years old I live at 921 Nevada avenue. Yout lltth- friend' —Sylvia Marty. ♦ ♦ Dear Santa Claa: --I am a little girl ten year- old and I would like] lor you to bring me a doll buggy and a desk, some candy* and nuts. That I Is all for this time. Your friend— j Iml lie Klllott, lOU 3 Nevada avenue. ♦ ♦ My Dear Santa Claim: I am a little girl six tears old and nm writ-f lug to tell >ou what I want for ■ Christmas. I want a Idg doll and want u se tof dishes, and a piano, some candy and nut*, uud that is all. I want for this Chrlatiun*. Your lltth* friend —Maxine Klllott, 1003 Neva-, da avenue p S Don’t forget mamma ' aud papa. ♦ ♦ My Santa Claus:—l want a wheel; barrow, a Idg engine like grandpa's . a horn, a wagon, a drum band, a 1 street car. a stocking cap, a book a | tool box. and some candy and mils, and oranges in my stocking. Little I Charlie and Katherine want a sled.' a doll, a train, a hand, a Idg tree with lots of prettv things. Don't forget the baby, lie can't talk, so bring him some little to>* Good bye. I am aj good boy Thomas A. McDonald Ml Second street. fp. S. Don’t forget ray nmmniu and papa and my grandpa and grandma —Good bye Santa Claus—Thomas. Deni- Santa Claus:—Please bring me a Heebe gun. some llcebe shot*, a horn sod a whistle. Please remember little brother two years old, lie wants I a rocking horse aud aouw- toys. Your little friend. Harold Street, 130 ft! II uc nn Vista avenue. ♦ ♦ —♦ Hear Santa chair.; I want a new dress, a sewing box. and ribbons. My brother Mario wants a wagon uml hu fndliftt suit and liat. That will he all for this time, with best wishes to dear Santa Claus, from- Olgu and Mario Gentllini, 825 Ari zona avenue. ♦ 4-4 Dear Santa Cluus:— Please brim; Pernio and ni«- a beebe gun and a . cow boy suit and a good rocking horse. Al*o bring us two tetter tot tors. and a little horse and a few more toys like those at Kress’ Clnudcand Pernio Foster. ♦ ♦ —4 Dear Santa clans:—l am a little boy three yours old ami I want n[ rocking horse and an engine, a gnu [ and lots of randy and nuts. Please conic to grandma'* house, I will he' there on Christmas eve. Good bye— J' James C. I’attiwui, 708 Cottonwood avenue. ♦ *—♦ Dear Santa Claus:—-I want to tcjl;■ you what I want for Christmas. J i want a little train, a little battle , ship, a story hook, a pop gun. some , candy and nuts and oranges and a sled. lam five and u half years old. Don't forget little sister. From Jack'' Lund. GO $ K. Second street. DECEMBER 11. 1012. for 4‘)i llst ui;ih. My sister want* some , white furs, I want u suit oX cowboy I pm 11 Is, a new sled, like my old one. only bigger. Aud my sister wants u bolt lift too. iKju't forget iuuiiiu and papa.— Quciitou Ilrower. ♦ >-♦ Dear rant a Chius:—Pleuse hrlnu me a trunk and a doll buggy so in** good* for a doll dress and some dishes and randy and nuts. I will he good.—Marie &Verdeu, ddG W. Kansas avenue. ♦ ♦ I>«*ur Santa.- -Please bring me a I stove aud some dishes and a dull .buggy and a story book, and some eaud) and nuts. I am two years old -Itutli Werdeu, iio Kiinsas Avo Dear Santa: —Please liriug me a doll and u sled aud some goods to make some doll dresses ami a story hook. Some randy aud nuts. Your little girl Yeluia Werdeu, ttttG Kunsas avenue. ♦ ♦ ♦ Santa Claus Will you please hi lug me these thing'- a row bo> suit, belt aud gnu. a pair of skates, that will be all for this Christinas, anil utils uud candy. I live at Ml:.' Nevada avenue. M . name It Jack Cochran. ♦- ♦- ♦ Dim i Sunni Claus: Will youj pleare bun/; me u pair of ribbons, a !rrd sweater, a pair of skates. It you Will please liliiig me this that will' •he ull for this Christinas. Some nuts and randy I live at .*11!! Nevada M> name Is (ieiirvu Cochran. ♦ ♦ ♦ Dear Santa Claus I want a little Ironing hoard, and a little Iron, a writing besk. and my doll) fixed I ran nut think of any thing else, onl |sinall doll • lothes. Lovingly Dor-, oth> latwler, Sail I'edro street. ♦ ♦ i Dear Santa I will write )oii thin; letter to te|| von wluit I want for! , ‘hrlrtmas 1 want a big doll, some clothe* for it. a doll buggy. and b•! sure and bring lie* some randy aud i nut Don't forget the poor little j rhildten Your friend Stella llar 'rls, KtS San Pedro street. Dear Santa Clnus I am a little |glrl feui muis old, and want you to IPleast* bring me n blue velvet bon- 1 Juet trimmed in white fur and some pink hair ribbons and a doll buggy. - | Some little dishes for me to play ' I house with, and if >oii have nny | doll’s to spare you can W ave me one I ,too, and lots of good cundv and nuts and orange*. I am niaiitma's onh'l I little girl and your little friend Della McKnlpp. •are Stafford’s Sec ond Hand Store ♦ ♦ ♦ Dear Old Santa:-—Will you please bring me u wagon, an Indian suit, |nitd a nice dress soil to wear to Hon da) school. And lots of nice randies' and nut*, and frui:. I am your little! $0 000 00 0000 00 0000 00000000000000000000000000000 s* 0 * % t 8 l 0 » # ► f » 0 5 0 j Christmas f | Suggestion 1 l = I if f I 0 l A dainty box of Stationery I embossed with initial or l monogram is always an » acceptable gift; these boxes k are beautiful in design and « filled with paper of the f highest grade « Sz3 samples at Chronicle l News counting room; order I l at once * > 2 . 0 l 0 : 0 * I ; I l ip t Two things that count in buying Diamonds ( lu.-ility dI the Stone—Reliability ol the Dealer Pure white Diamonds. Tillany sellings #15.00. #50.00, #35.00 These are values E. L. ALLEN, The Jeweler ft lend Purler McKinney Mv age is< ion wn Addrcai fttiffonl’i Second j Hand Store. Kast Main St With love | to you. ♦ ♦ ♦ j Dear Hama Please bring me a llleebo gun and a tied, •< pali <*i rollai ' skate*, and a pair of warm gloves J • and lots of nice randi***. .1 am I-, I years old and go to <cln»ol Hoed by*-; j Hugh MeKlnnev. Hast Main Si lCure of Stafford - Set ond ll.iud Store • ♦ ♦ I lie ir Old Santa Will you please ■ bring me a hobby horse, a pair of jslioes, slue eleven and a halt, an In • dl.tii suit and express wagon and lots |of candy lam * years old mid a j good l»o» Kioto your little fitetid . Peild) HcKlnnaj Utvt mj toj *. at •sinfford'r Second Maud Htor* ♦ ♦ ♦ I Dear Santa Claus: I am a little ‘girl four years old aud I want you jto bring me n doll, a (101 l buggy, a I little red rocking chair, a llttlo red (able, it little doll suit case and some I unis and cand) Please bring my little ileter Mnay a rubbei doll Your 1 1: 11 1 girl—Theta l«ccdhnm. 1017 State street. ♦ ♦ ♦ 1* . Santa Claua Please bring ‘tue some little dishes with flowers on them, a little red chiilr, a doll and • doll buggy and a doll lied Please Hiring me some nuts and candy too. jCtire of S PAGE THREE • I nm .1 little girl six years old, tuy name Is Iterille I awl h am. and I live | H| 1017 Stale si reel ♦ ♦ ♦ Dear Santa Clnus: Please bring me an Indluu sill'., on air ship, a 'train, a little engine you can put fire I Into ami a coaster, and a little auto |mobile. I also want some nuts and ; land). I .mi eight years old Krvl* I.**•‘(l 1017 State street. ♦ ♦ ♦ Dear Santa Clans: I hope you won't forget tue Ibis year. I want you to bring tin* a tub. wash board, and soiim- clothes pins, and a Idg doll A bed for h'*r to sleep ill and dear Santa If you don't forget me I will be a good git I Kmiii Prnncea Anna I'lsher. Don't forget Ccahic. You will Mini that druggists every where speak well of Chamberlain's Cough Keinedy. They know from longex|M*rlencn In the sale of it that In eases of coughs and colds It can always lie depended upon, and that It is pleasant and safe to take, Cor sale by nil dealers. Printing ol •.•■* description neat* ly and quickly e.xertlted at the Citronlclc-Xowi j<«t> room Samplei and quotations on request. t’se the telephone. Trinidud 110 tf Chronicle-News, 50c a month