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4000 I • I l People do their banking with | | this bank. Do you? If not, i I why not? I ‘The First National Bank l FOR RENT A mn Room House on Topeka avenue. Large lawn, tree*, also large barn. Only $25 a month. A (even-room house on East Firtt Street, three blocks from the corner of Main and Commercial. Only $lB a month. For Sale A new two-room house on Colorado avenue. A snap for $450. $lOO down and balance easy monthly payments. A new five-room house on lan Juan near Colorada avenue- $2,180 $2OO down and balance on easy payments. We have unlimited amount of money to loan. Try us for your next loan. Our specialties are all kinds of insurance, bonds, real estate, and loans. The Home Security-Investment Company Insurance. Loans- Real Estate. Bonds. 8 C. HALL. Pro.ldt.nL Ground floor, First National Bank Building. EDWARD D. WIGHT. President. I). |\ Jones. Vice-President. \V. It. CHAPMAN, Cashier. II K. HOLLOWAY. V-Prca. C. II UAI’I\ Assistant Cashier. t Dre Trinidad National Bank Capital 5i00.000.00 Surplus and Hrt.lits i 00.000.00 DIIUXTORS: K. D. Wight. 11. K Holloway W. J. Murray Phillip Schneider • D. P. Jones W. R. Chapman W«* will bo |iknist| to have your business and uUrr every ac* rommpdatoin consistent wltli safe hanking. Interest paid on time deposits. ■ A LOOK INTO 008 SHOW WINDOW Will couvlnco you that ive carry in stock All the latest improved Elec tric appliances Good Christ inns suggestions I» reading* lamps, etc. Trinidad Gas and Electric Supply Co. Pb. Trtn. IS. 212 E. Main. Cut out the worry about yester day's sorrows ard get busy with the Joys of today. ; OUR MEAT MARKET Is supplied with absolutely the freshest, ami best of everything in Mm} Turkeys, Ducks. Geese. Chickens I Corn fsd beef anti pork, fresh oysters. New York Counts, Selects J ■/ m 1 and Standards, Fish, etc., etc. fJ\ ] EM Mf Extra preparations for supply V\ll ml 17 Christmas trade, I\l —. Pay Cash—Save Money Meatiow Gold flutter, two pounds for 7!>C Diadem liutter. two pounds for White Clover liutter, two pounds for 65c Swjit m Premium lluttcrlne. per pound 25* Marigold Itutterine, per pour. J 25c Dieomnrgnrine, per pound 20 C Three Three Stores Stores .w ■ roopco. * WZDNESDA. I ATTENTION ELKS lt•*Klliur iiicctiug Tiiuinduy night J Ml members should be present I. It. | ■ Gottlieb, Kx. Ruler. A. J. Sanders. I I Secy. 4 j i I A lies Moines man hml an attack of muscular rheumatism In his shoulder. A friend advised him to go to Hot Springs. That means an exjHMise of $ 1T,(i.00 or more. He sought for u quicker and « hooper way to cure it and found it in Chamber lain's liniment. Three days after the first application of thin liniment he was well. For sale by all dealers. j A girl who remain's faithful to her i : Ideal 4 is likely to break Into the!, j spinster cluss. PERSONALS I Enrl Cooby left this afternoon for E Axuilnr on a short liuhlucsh trip. r Mr* 18 M. Curry of Halting* 1* In P the city on a day's shoppiug and vis t illng trip. r Mrs. lames Strut her of Woottuu Is f in the city visiting with friends for ► a few days. C D. D. Dodge of Coketlale will leave 5 tomorrow for Delngmi on i* few days' » busiiiesN trip. 5 Mr. ard Mrs. .left Jones of Guluate P are In the city on a short business L and shopping trip. I .1. \V. Itartlett, the tailor, left this 9 afternoon for Weston and Primero on 9 a day's business trip. Arthur Straub of Raton, former resident of this city, win in Trini dad today on business. .Mrs. George Edwards returned to IlnatliiKH this afternoon after u short shopping tri|t in this city. Roy Richards letf this morning tor Ludlow where he will spend a day attending to huslue.s matters. Miss Mae Dennison of the Famous Department store Is confined to her Lome on areount of sickness. Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Cowdery «»f Majestic spent the day in this city shopplnx and visiting with friends. Mrs. It. A. Snyder returned to Be gundo this afternoon after n few days* visit in this city with friend* Oscar Vnndcrbur of Dclagiia re turned to the ramp this afternoon after a short business trip In thi:i city. Mrs. 1,. V. Shultz of Aguilar was in the city today shopping, return ing to her banie on the afternoon train. K. T Kolmiw of the Folsom Supply j Co., of Folsom. New Mexico. nrrlved j in tho city this morniug on a day's i I business trip. C 11. Smith salesman for the In- 1 gram-Powder Clothing company left ] • hla afternoon for Wnlsetiburg on a 1 day's boainrae trip. .Miss Gertrude Mooee. of the Co Jo-1 ratio Supply company left today for ■ Denver where she will *p«nd a week Waiting with friends. C -1 Da we returns*. | this morning from Clayton and other places In New Mexico, where hu spent a few dav.« attending to hu'diies* matters. Ml** Eugenia MrAnatnnd. sister of Mrs. W. F. Tucker of Colorado avenue will leave In a few tlnvs for nor home in Washington, D. C.. aft er spending the pust year In Trim '.ml visiting at the Tucker home. I*. W. Munroe and son Eugene, ■ left this afternoon fo: California I where they will locate They expert Ito make their home in San Diego or j Dos Angeles. They will be Joined | lu a few weeks by Mrs. Munroe and Fra nl(. •Mrs Jit I ins Nicholas left this morn Im: for Denver after spending n abort time in thi* city visiting with friend*. Mrs. Nicholas will remain in Denver a week heron, leaving for Arlxona where will join her hus band and make their permanent home. Mrs. Julius Nicholas left this morniug for Denver after ►pending u short time in this city Wilting with friends. Mr* Nicholas will remain in Denver a week before leaving for! j Arizona where she will join her bus-j I band and make their permanent j home there. ! Talent Drown of the llrowu Livery jeompany left thin morning for Galcs |biirg. lllinoiH and vicinity, where he ■will spend the Christians holiday* 1 Malting with relative*. Mrs. Drown has been visiting In Illinois for three weeks and will return with her hus band the first of the year. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oxley of Ra ton left this morning for Sunnysldc. I’tab. where they will remain until after Christmas visiting with their ! daughter. Mrs Ray Kirkpatrick. Mr. f and Mrs. Oxley have been In Trinidad , for the past week visiting with their t daughter, Mrs. John Dcshoar. The j trip is being made for the benefit of ‘ h Mrs. Oxley's health which has been „ had for the past few months. JOHNSON’S ATTORNEYS REFUSE TO SERVE t'hlcago, floe., 11. —Jack Johnaon’s attorney*. W. (i. Anderson a nil K. II. Wright. both negroes. asked the United Staten diatrlct court tidin' that holr namcH lie stricken from tlio records as counsel for the fight er. Tin* lawyers said that Johnson’* recent marriage to hurtle Cameron, a white girl, was disa proved by them to an extent that hey do not enre to be any longer associated with him. Wright and Anderson repre sented Johnson in the white slave cases yet to be heard. Johnson appeared in the munici pal court today to answer to a charge or assault and hnttety brought hy a newspaper photographer whom Johnson Is alleged to have struck j with a cane when tin* photographer! nied to take a picture when John- 1 son was locked in the county jail. Hearing of the ease was deferred. Printing or every description neat ly and quickly executed at the Chronlele-.News Job rooms. Sample* and quotations on request. Use the telephone. Trinidad 410. tf THE CHRONICLE-NEWS, TRINIDAD, COLORADO. Most People Earn all the money they can. Some *| end h!I they earu. Many huve a Havings account, it makes saving easier. You can't affuid to spend all >uu earu. but you can profit by saving money. Start a saving-- uecouni wit It us A small sun>- wilt i open au account in YOFR | name. ! W« pay FOl It per «cut on sav ings. *lhe Commercial Savings Bank j WBWgBBg~ .. | i Pub. I>ee. 9. IfHi* lan. ||, lPin. NOTICE Healed bids will be received for the construction of the Las Auinia* County Court House, until II o'clock a m. January 15. I!»i:i. by the Hoard of County rommi-smuera of l.a* Ani mas County, Colo. m their office, corner Main and Chestnut Streets. Trinidad. Colorado, according to pUna and flpeelfhat ions on file with I. 11. and W. M. Rapp company. Ar chitects, Masonic bulldlug. Trinidad. Colo. All bids to be marked bids on Court •House, and addressed to the Undersigned. The Hoard reserve* | the right to reject any nod all bids G. F. lIAItLAN, Chairman. | ♦ The Cbronicie-Newa carrier ♦ ♦ boya bar* been supplied with ♦ ♦ new whittles and will blow #1 ♦ when making delivery of paper*. * ♦ Listen for the whittle + ♦ # # Embossed Xmas Stationery. Tho Chromr'o Nuwa this sea son Is showing .» beautiful line of Christmas rin bossed station ery, Orders filled promptly. Call and make jour selection* at once FORGERY CASE DISMISSED In the district couil today mi or der of dismissal was entered in the c.tac against Leon Carr clturged with forgery. Carr was alleged to have; uttered and passed at .Mike Merger's on October I'Mh. a check for Sit drawn on K E •>©**. for whom Carr « la lined to have worked. A nolle was entered in the again*: Ray mon do Gonzales 'barged with horse Mealing. Gonzales was alleged to have got uway with a grey mure In- 1 longing to Salvatore dl Main on Au gust .11. CARD OF THANKS i We wish to thank the frlcna* who •o kindly assisted us snd whose sym pathy was extended to us in our snd lieteavetm nr. the death of our little daughter. Mi and Mrs. F C. Dot-! llehtich oi Jan- ii j TINKER TO HEAD REDS, CHANCE THE YANKEES Chicago. pe< 11. —American lea gue magnates .■• their annual meet ing today were <-xpccted to "waive” on InHelder Coniden of Detroit upon whoso release if. Cincinnati depends tho many-nngled deal planned to put Joe Tinker. Die famous Chicago shortstop in command of the Reds and make Frank Chance, erstwhile "pecrles lender' of the Cubs, manag er of* tho No-a York Americans. Frank Farrell, owner of the Yan kee*. Intimate'! that Chance would be his mnnagt r. but stated that an the latter ha: not signed lie must maintain silcm • on the subject. It wae pra '! rally arranged that Tinker, aceomi an led by Loudermilk and Chapman • r some other Chicago battery will go to Ciuclnnuti as luanager In . change for Mitchell. IMtclan, Corriden, /Humphreys and ICnisnly. To procure « orrldini, Clikugo hav ing Insisted on getting a shortstop before letting i nker go- Cincinnati was to release (.'banco to Detroit and Farrell pin mid to buy the “pocrlee* leader” from the Tiger club. BAVARIAN PRINCE IS CRITICALLY ILL Munich Da\ in. Dee. ||.—The condition of tin aged Prince Regent of llavaria. Pi • Ltiilpold. who has been ill for time, has become J worse during ' • past few days, ac cording to an "tfffcinl bulletin Is sued by the <• t physicians todav. lie Is sttflerin~ from an attack of bronchial nit; - h and a gouty af tectlnn of the r glu hand. Or late vein- fewer Statesmen try to look like Miraham Lincoln, who was good ami souioly. ANNUAL MASONIC BANQUET TONIGHT I The officers of I It«• Trinidad an*! jl.i Autumn lud ;r* of Masum* will be jointly liihtnllcd at (lie MaHOllle lodge I rooms tonight which will be followed hy a lmiii|iiet. An luteretitlng pro thill has been arranged with Fred t'lark as ton*! mu ,vi\ Tonight* program. I Invocation Kumlolph Cook i Song Star Spungb d Danner. Add rex* . .fhtib || Jacobson, Urn ml Sec’) a tltli oss (oltn H \Vobol ‘.ulig Dixie l.aiol {itetntirkH by outgoing Master No *.'x Ketnnrk* by outgoing Master No SP Song*. iCeiuarks by Incoming Master* Souk I toned |ct lon Dev It. K Chandler lamt nuht Trinidad Isiilk<' No. m* lit Id its annual election The offic ers chosen were: W. M—II. II Handerhon. | Senior Warden Nels llenston. I Junior Warden W. (I. Ilerry. Treasurer k. I*, t’onser Secretary -Elmore Floyd. Trustee— Will Mcllendrlc. Hep. to Maionic Temple Aw *n— A. 1.. ItratiHon.' Senior Deacon —L. It. Horn. Junior Deacon—l.eo Kahn. Senior Steward Arthur Norris. Junior Steward—T. C\ Harper. Tyler—W W. Jones . i i < ENTERTAIN AT BRIDGE Mr. and .Mm It Doveton enter talred the members o| their bridge • lub lait night at an elaborate seven o’clock dinner The dining room was attractive in It* decorations of rod and green. Christman hells and cut flower* being u>ed an table decora tions. After the dinner bridge wan ( played an«l the prizes were won by , Mr* F J. Had ford, and \V W Tny- , lor. Those to whom Mr and Mrs , Doveton extended their hospitality wete Mr and Mrs. F J. Itndford. Mr. and Mrs. W W. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs «» L. Davis, Sr., and Mr. and I Mrs. t* II Nichols, Mr and Mrs. John Ma< llaln and Mr uiid Mm A. I. Du In. 7*" _ I WESTMINSTER GUILD »ii \ \s Low Is ••■ llit i stroot I coteitnlnrd the meiuberu of the Went , :• in-ter f»ill I*l last evening, some .1 teember* being prexent. M n. T. S. Mnvvley opened the evening': pio pram with hhoit devvitonal service*., and Mm F W llretunll spoke dur- 1 ■ lug the remainder of tin- • veiling 1 ion "Turkey” Mrs. Ilretuall wan at • one time m tiiisnlouaiy in Turkey. un«i {she gave a most interesting lecture Jon the foreign country, speaking « f j their customs, dre*s ami religion • Mis l,ew|s. by Mi* Hawley • and Mis'* Margaret Hawley served a I delielou* repast. C. & S. OFFICIALS HERE \ special train p.«n-d through J Tilnidad thi* morning, cu mule from . I Texas to Denv er, and carrying (’. & S officiate .1 It. Welch, general .superintendent of the (\ & S . and \ D. Parker, vice president of th»* Colo rado £’ Southern, wer on their ttali. •in their private cam, !»0| and 900 j (They were Joined in *I In city by J Superintendent J. II Abrams, who j will accompany Mr Welch and Mr , Parker to Denver. CARD OF THANKS We w!*h to express our sincere and 1 heartfelt thanks to the friends who J so kindly extended their sympathy! and assistance In our sad bereave*» meiii. We thank all who sent flow*, ers. — Mrs. Keating and family. TRINIDAD CLUB BRIDGE TOURNEY The Trinidad Hrldgo Tournament will he held on Thursday evening In the Trinidad (’lub rooms In the Dank building. Much interest. Is being takdit in the tournament by the club members. MRS. W. W. TAYLOR HOSTESS Mrs. W. W. Taylor entertained the mem hers or her bridge club yesterday afternoon at their regular weekly meeting. Tho club prize was won by Mrs. Fred Clark, nnd the guest prize was awarded to Mrs John Turner. Mir. Taylor nerved a deli rious lunch ut the card tables after the game. The giie.its of the club for the afternoon were Mrs. John j Turner, Mrs. McKennon and Mrs. I Frank Dunlnvy. TRINIDAD CIRCLE Trinidad Circle No. 16.3 Woomcn i of Woodcraft will meet in regular* Nession tomorrow afternoon at 2 ’ o’clock. FUNERAL OF WADE BRACKETT j The funeral of Wade Bracket’ of Itaton, who died Sunday afternoon J jin Denver, was held this afternoon : I ill 2 o’clock front the llniekelt home |in Haton. A large number of sor rowing ft tends were present and the I Moral offerings were numerous and beautiful. Interment took place in the Haton cemetery, beside his wife, j who died a year ago. DECEKLTR 11, lflU. •*llow did the bird know that” - v . • Ulore-than-you’re-iibcd'to ut the .^rytjL^jy* price Is the busin oil which we v J want your buHljietu*. $ Bath Robe. Itit the spot 1 j? J 60 do Smokini; Jacket! and jrj those lon*, comfortable Loung £" I in* Robei! p e’/ I Oive HIM something from » £ j man'! stole—somethin* he can f V wear and think of every day he puts it on! Gloves, for instance »...fftT’ Au order or he can eschanqe them afttr Xmas if the use isn't quite right' STREET GLOVES-DRESS GLOVES—EVENING DRESS GLOVES! 1100 to »HSO Fine Linen Handkerchiefs—with his initial—a wide variety. .Handkerchief Cases—Collar Cases—Glove Boxes Pullman Slippers—Surfs—Hosiery A Waistcoat for his Dimmer Suit or Evemn* Suit. How about a Full Dress or Dinner Suit! Or a nice Overcoat! Ingram-Powder Clothing Company ••HOME OK SWELL ATTIRE.- I tires, tubes ♦ Santa (’lnn* Uttar*. received # * ♦ hy rhrontclo-XewM after *lx ♦ ♦ p m.. Moudny. Dw. 23. ratinut ♦ ♦ be published. It will be too Ut* + ♦ niter that tlm- to flnllver ilium • ,nd “ n a«caaaorl»a for ih» Autsmo ♦ Santa C'lnu* belong* to the runk* ♦ idle. Motorcycle and HlrrrU rarrlad ♦ of the Karly Shoppor*. and. un- # .it all tiuiea. Vulcanizing our ap«y ♦ |e*« hi* utile friend* hurry up ♦ laity ♦ with their letter* he will do hi* + ♦ buying without t eliNugxevtlon* ♦ : c ;„;r n na!s: The Trinidad Novelty Works ♦ ........ * Phone Trinidad 12*. i Xmas Footwear • . What shall I give for Christmas < This is alwnys the problem of the Christmas season. We come to vour rescue and say ■ Give Footwear There’* nothing tiiui will tualte more practical gift* and noth- Ing that will be nppreriateii more. Here arc a few good »ii£g*t- FOR MEN /v S;A \ Shoe*, llit*.|| Cut Root*. Dieigi / : 1 fA l\ Pump*- Slippers. Honieo««, C*ia- I Her*, etc. 1 I • • / - |t(W| FOR WOMEN J J Drew Shoe* r.ud I'liuip*. H>nm / Shncit, Comfy Sllppar*. Fur U*' ' p\ ' jf Trimmed Juliet*. Knit Blip* (1 /£/ per*. Hondo!r bllppura. etc. U l \ ‘ // FOR THE BOYS AND OIRLS ) \ f S‘ li*m»l Shoe*. Dre*H Shoe-. High \ \\j 'if Cut Storm Hoot* nn»l Slipper*. \ \\e /r Wo'll make any exchange* do- y j Hired niter ChrUtmaH. The P. & W. Shoe Co. 11. J. PAI.MQUIST J. C. CALDWELL Some International P Ie State Bank Send their money away - from Trinidad and buy their goods from outsiders. By so doing they take the profits away from the homo mor- Jk / chant curtailing hi* bu*l //J ness and reducing hi* pro ' fils, thus injuring him, the town and t In-nisei ves. PAID ON TIME DEPOSI I S Do your hanking liusl* | i ness with the only bank In Trinidad that is owned .and controlled l". home capital. The profits of the bank will SAl'fc.l N IHvI OSI I ! p,. upont iii Tfitiidad and BONKS KOK KI-NT j I not sent to outside owners. | I PAGE FIVE