Second Hand Furniture
Hought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. 1
All kinds of Ranges, Cook stoves and llentlng Stoves, Just as
good as new and at n saving of one-half off now price. Wo air*
have a very complete line of dining room aud hed room furniture.
I*ook over our stock before buying.
The Cash Bargain Store
403 North Commercial Street
Wanted-Male Help
For U. 8. army. Able bodied un
man led men between ages of IS
and 35; citizens of United States, of,
good character and temperate habits
who can speak, read and write the
English language. For Information
apply to Kef+uitlng Officer. 102
West Main St., Trinidad, Colo. tf.
All wiiu do not receive tlicli j
between 6; 00 und 7:00 »li*- *>'.(*'
Second Hand furniture, Curinlcli- .
a«*| and Co . Phone Trinidad 530. tf
fill I for general housework. Apply
nt Cranecr llwd. Co. Musi .Main St. tt
Your films to develop. Hie a roll ‘
nt (Iroen's Drug Store. lipo.
Cash paid for cast off clotlilog. j
shoes and lints. Call Trio. 420. Into,
Carrier boy. Must have horse. Ap- [
ply at Chronicle-News office. tr j
For Sale
Sell off your sin plus sturf buy uilup j
C-N want ads. They only cost 5
cents a line. ef j
For new and second hand fiirnit
urn call on Carmichael und Co., I3u
102 Kim street. Phone Trlnldud
tan. tf
Messages mid papers of the presl
dents In ten volumes. Apply Chron-I
Icle-Nowa. 3 j
Fancy driving horse, new buggy
and harness Kargnln. Address * , ll"
C-N. 3*
Five room modern home. Colorado ,
avenue, excellent roiiditlon. Price
s2.Phil. Phone Red 1352. 3j
Three 11. P. gas engine for s2.'* If
taken at once, call nt (iwigltts Con
fectionery. 4 J
Ten -Imres Trinidad Milling and
Mining Co stock, phone Trln 251. tf .
Frozen and cracked automobile,
cylinders welded. Prices reasonable j
Abbott Novelty Works. lIS N. Maple
street. tf
Taxi Cab
Taxi day or night. Call Toltec llo
tel, Trln. 584. or Trln. 204. tf
If you need printing of any kind
come to the Chronicle-News. High
clsss work, Reasonable prices.
Small black mare, white saddle
mark, branded "I." on hip. 1101 San
Pedro. Howard. 3
At Cardenas hotel Friday evening
one long white kid glove. Finder
please leave nt tills office. I
Lady’s small plain gold watch
and pin. Vcrlle Gatlin's name In
side. Finder please leave sonic at C-
N. Reward. 3
IJp-to-duto designs of wall paper.
Large selection. Very lowest prices.
Joe Murk land. 109 Fast First. Phone
Racn 503. I guarnntee. tf.
On chattel security, reasonable
rates, private. O. O. Newman, 11(5
W. Main.
Clminlnß, proaning and dyeing.—
The Trinidad Cleaning and Dye
Worka. »
We buy and sell second hand fur- i
niture. CnII Trinidad 403. tf
i J- -Jgq
—— ,
For Rnnt.
Three room furnished apartment.*
I, Willi hath. Also 2 rooms for |l2.
f light, heat und water furnished. II
i L. L. Anderson. Anderson block, tf
|i Furnished housekeeping rooms, j
I mu I’nlveralty. Phone Red 1442. tf
Rooms for light houskeeplng at Lu
’ r erue. Phone Racs 383 or 418 Ileech.
One. two or three rooms for house-!
hooping, ronsonnhle, 508 Animas. tf •
Five room strictly modern lurnish- 1
<d house. Corner Till aud Ash. Phone*
lied 2012. tf|
Three rooms for light liousekeep* j
ling. 1004 Arizona. tf. j
Two furnished rooms for light J
;housekeeping. Phcuc Red 502 2* J
I'lirnlslied room in modern house- j
|. Id Grunt. if.
i Five furiilslied tooms for light
*ioiiskcrpliig. 6**2 Kant Ist St. Trln.
j 2. If.
Four rooms and three rooms on
ground floor, furnished for light
noimckccplng at 111 West Ist. 3*
Modern 5 room bungalow. Apply
M. A Easton, 317 W. Topeka. tf.
I Furnish'd front mom. fill Pine.*
Red 1074. tf. ’
Modern rooms for light bouse
i beeping. 201 State Street. tf
Two nice furnished rooms for
|Hullt housekeeping near C. and 8.
i.hop*. Alicyta Ave. Red 211. 112. tf
Situation Wanted
Free empm*iu* n« littroiiu. office of
\»*o«-iatcd Clin Titles. 4 1C Commercial
, street. Phone Red 2962. Help
'furnlslied and employment secured, it
Young married man wants posl
jtlan driving team. Can furnish refer
'cures. Address C. A. lb Ist aud. gen.
j del. 3
Young girl lfi years old wants t<»
it** housework. Address Soprir. Itox.
1 Work in store or office by rom
||otont young man. Phone Red 3735
1 »!i year old boy wants work with
in Ivilege of going to school. Will
1 v *rk for.hoard. Phone Red 2062. 2
tins range for coal rnnge. Tel.
lira 541. 3
Embossed Xmas Stationery.
Tlte Chronicle-News this sca
><iu is showing a beautiful line
of Christmas embossed station
ery. Orders filled promptly.
Call and make your seleiHons
nt. onre.
Seattle Wash . Dec. ll.—Two gui
lt .i pips innoL'Ulntcd last week with
germs front the University of Wash
ington gymnasium to determine
whether the mat lined by the wrest
ling squad was the source of bacteria
from which student athletes con
tracted blood poisoning lire dead.
Kxaminntioti of the germs obtain
ed from the mat showed that tit*’
padwas inhabited by COO germs to
tlte square inch, lno of which wore
blood poisoning organ lhlsiiis.
I London, Dec. 11.—lOlsle Howey,
milltnnt suffragette, was sentenced
today to two mouths imprisonment
Tor turning in fills? alarms of fire
last night.
It mi.zht help II little * f the '•"'»•
| leader could hear himself as other*
hear him.
ij — 1 "
New York. Dee. 11.—Today's stuck
market dm lug the fiist trading pre
sented u decided contrast to that of
the lust ten days of activity and full
ing prices. The urgent liquidation
movement seemd to hate exhausted
Itself and quitatloiis were generally
higher but bullish traders had not
recovered their confidence and hesi
tated to take a definite position
Money rates continued to soften,
loans being made us low us 4',' pei
cent. Lear operation* encountered
moie formidable opposition wheu
they attacked prices. The market
began to love ground ugaiu shortly
before noon with moderate selling
on the decline
Ronds were iiregular.
Kxtenslve selling of Union Pacific
broke prices wide open after midday
when it fell to 157 compared with
D*2J. the highest of the forenoon.
«»id 1034 at yesterday*# close. Pric
es of other storks also melted away
rapidly. Reading broke to 164 2
compared with ifis| earlier and
Amalgamated touched 74 2. Steel
• 4howe«| relatively better resistance
than loose of the other leaders hut
even that issue went down to *54 2.
Semi-panic conditions prevulled In
tlie etock market in the afternoon
«?*d the wltcle list crumbled under
jgn avalanche of celling order*. Liqui
dation was on an enormous scale and
’the.r were uggrcKtlhear attack*
yp iinpottan: Danes which ilenionil
jl*-.l the market. The break In Un
iftu ucifle reached 8 points: Reading j
jfi; A met Iran Tobacco 5; Canadian I
,uc!!.. 41. ÜblKk Valley 3*J; Amal-1
, ipiiii a ted Copper 32*13?; and Steel
«• I
' f 1-**r, ti I rl . ....... .1.. . ’
Organized mppott was given when
Jth- muikei seemdd entirely out nt
hand. Sp< nlntinn grew quieter and
prices rallied 1 to 2 points.
The marker elotrd steady.
\ nerewed acsault on Union pa
eirie deprerfed it 1533 and caused
:»noiher downward dip In the mur
ks’* hut only in a few isolated In
states did prices go lower than
pir.ioosly. Support was again ex
tended an«l there were quick rallies
of 11 to 32 with general .'pecula
tion showing considerable feverish
’ tuw.
Amalgamated 7 4J: Sugar 1132:
Atchison 1554: Great Northern 133:
New York Central 108?; Northern
Pacific I 181: Reading 1644: South
ern Pacific Union Pan fir 1.15;
Steel 65; Steel preferred 1073.
New tork. Dec. 11. Money on
cr.ll strong. Mr 5 per rent: time
loans weaker; fin days 6 4ifi» per
• enl; !*u days fi; six months 5.2fi
•5 per cent.
Close: Prime mercantile paper fi
i'er cent. Sterling exchange strong,
with actual buelnru* in hankers'
bill# at 4.801 for fiO day hilts and at
1.848 for demaiitl.
Commercial hills 1.80',.
Ile.r silver 84.
Mexican dollars 49;.
Government boride steady.
Railroad bonds heavy.
Chicago Livestock.
Chicago. Dec. ll.—Cattle receipts
26,000. Market slow to 10c lower.
Reeves 5.50+10.75; Texas steers
1.504*5.50; western steers 5.4049.15;
stockers und feeders 4.4047.C0; cows
ni’d heifers 2.7047.80: calves 6.504
IIOGS: ’Receipts 48.000. Market
dull, 10 to 15c lower.
Light 7.1047.4 5; mixed 7.15
7 55: rough 7.15 4> 7.30; pigs s*l 7:
bulk of rale* 7.40 7.55.
SHEEP: Receipts 35.000. Market
strong «o 1 ftc higher.
Native Mr 5; weitern 4.20(55;
yearlings 5.40'a 6; lambs, native fi.2
'Sr 5.15; western G.304f M. 15.
Kansas City Livestock.
K.ip;us City. Mo., Dec-. ll.—Cattle
receipts 6,000, including 400 south
ern.-. Market steady and weak.
Native steers 6.5010.75: south-,
ern s»eers 54i 7.40; southern rows
and heifers 3.75(5 6.50: native rows
and heifer.* 3.75(5 9; stokers und
feeders .’Mr 7.50; bulls 4.50166.50;
calves 6*i 10; western steers 5.50(fi
8.50; western rows 4*16.30.
HOGS: Receipts 15.000. Market
10 fit 15c lower.
Bulk of sales 7.35 4f7.53; heavy
7.50(ft 7.60; packers and butcher*
7. 154/ 7.60: light 7.30(ft 7.50; pigs
6.25 4/ 7.
SHKKP: Receipts 10,000. Market
Muttons 44/ 5.25; lambs 6.25 (o'8;
range wethers and yearlings 4.50(ft
7; range ewes 3.25(0 4.63.
Chicago. Doc. ll.:—-Lightness of
offerings brought about a firm feel
ing today in wheat. Pit traders
were playing for a rally hut not much
new buying power developed. Low
temperature# northwest, helped the
bulls. The opening was u shade to
|c higher. May .nrtod nt 893 to
892. an advance of .1 sixteenth to i
<f/ \c, and rose to so 2 *1 2.
The close was steady with May |
(ii Jr m.l yower, a. 892.
May corn n;. nod a shade off to
2 up at 481 t *• l .-i and mounted
to 4 82 (<f £•
Tilt* clone "'.is firm at 48'. 'n ± ftn
May, the saute ns last night.
Muv out* which i>laiied uiivhuuged
ut 321. ascetidi-d to 33
/Chicago, D< .11 - Rig supplies of
liogs at the yards weakened provis
ions. First transaction* varied from
22ic 22*- advance, with-May
at 18.47218.50 for pork; 9 **7 2 to
10 for lard ami U.SOfi 9.53 for rib*
hi. Louis, Mo. Dec. 11.—Wool
sleudy. Terr it 01 y und western me
dium* 2Mi 25.
Fine mediums I 8 6i2oc.
Fine I Sty 1 7c.
uKnsas City, Mo., December 11.
Cash: Wheat uiu-hangt-d to 2*’ high
er. No. 2 haul .*7: No. 3 802
•1 822; No. 2 red 97 2*i I Ul . No. 3
red hS2 4i 98»
Corn unchitiiged. No. 2 mixed
472: No. 3 47 No 2 white 174 i 172:
No. 3 47.
Oat* tuiehunjed. No. 2 while 31
4135; No. 2 mixed 322*1 33.
Huy unchanged to 50c higher.
Choice tlrnoth* !2*t!2.5U; choice
praliie 13ft 13 *•"
Receipts: Wheat 3v cars; corn It*
cars; oats 10 cn-s.
Close: Wheat. May 832. July SI
(*3ru. May 4624*2: July 4«J
Outk. May 3M'i3U.
Denver Livestock.
I Denver, Cole. Dee. 11. t’attle ie
cel pin 500. Market » low
Ih ef Mterr* 5.754jy; rows and
heileru t4tfi.s*i. /lockers au*l fredei:
j c-ulv.- >.s, '
HOGS: Receipt- •;•••» Market low
Top 7.70; hulk of sale* 7.5*i4r
SIIKKP: Re • l;.t* 7.500 Market
Yearlings 5vi3.5*»; wether* 44*
4.40; lambs »;..*• *r 7 iy: ewes 3.4*»
4 1 1.15.
Gnlvezton. D* ■ ll Cotton High
er. 12«. ,
New Yotk. Dec II Cotton closed
ktcady for spot. Middling upland*
13. middling Gulf 13.23. no #»!«•*.
Cotton futures closed steady Clos
ing I*l *1 e: D* uinher 12.52: January
12.62: Felirary 12.62. March 12 7**.
April 12.66; May 12.66. June 12 63;
July 12.63: August 12.51 September
11.99: October li.s»
St. Louis. Mo., Dei 11 Ivcad
weak. 4 171 •*
Fpelter dull, 7.2**.
New York, Dec. 11. Copper
steady. Standard spot 17 hid; De
cember 17 4f 17.37: January and Feb
utary 16.57 *i 17.12.
Kleetroiyth 17.624* 17.87: Lake
17.62 4i 17.57; castings 17.25 4i 17.35.
Tin quiet; *|»ot 49 254* 49.75; De
cember. Jnmtury and February 4 9.25
4* 49.62.
Spelter steady, *.204i7.U*.
Antimony i|t*let: Cookson * 102.
Iron quiet and unehanged.
Washington. Dec. ll.—Prenident
Taft I* considering uu offer of the
Kent professorship at the Yale Law
school. The place, which ha* been
vacant for several years and was
lust filled by Professor Phelps, at one
time American minister y> Great
llrltiuu. has been formally tendered
to Mr. Taft and he has talked over
the offer with Ihs cabinet, but Ar
rived at tic* decision.
The Kent .ndowment pays $5,000
a year.
Denver. Colo., Dec. 10.—The trib
ute of the State of Colorado and its
eitizens was paid today to the life and
work of Mis Julia Welle*, who died
suddenly of apploplexy Sunday night.
From 12 to 2 o’clock today tin*
body of Mrs. Welles He* In Htnte In
the rotunda the capitol surround
ed by n guard '-omposed of women as
soelated with Mrs. Well* in her rlvlc,
educational and philanthropic work
of the last '2O years.
Kansas City. Mo.. Dec. 10.—Men
with blue ey*v- make the most unre
liable husbands, according to statis
tics announced today by E. .1 Flem
ming, superintendent of the Kansas
City Free Legal Aid Association.
"Durint the Inst year.” he said.
”wv had 323 < arc* of wife abandon
ment and non-support to dispose of
and in nearly every I nst an re the of
fending man had blue eyes. I cannot
explain it.
Printing of every description ncat
lv and qMi.kly executed **♦ »h-
Clironiclc-N' "* Jo l * room*. Samples
and quotations cm request. Use the
telephone. Trinidad 410. tf
Baking Powder
Has a dietetic value greatly beyond the
conception of anyone who has not used it.
It will make your food of a delicious taste,
a moist and keeping quality, and a diges
tibility not to be obtained from other
baking powders or leavening agents.
But more important than all else, Dr. Price's |
Baking Powder, being a pure, cream of tar
tar powder, carries only healthful qualities
to the food —no alum, no lime phosphate.
It is noticeable that the advertisements of the
low priced (10c., 15c., 20c., 25c. per pound)
baking powders give no information as to
ingredients. The fact that such powders are
> made from alum is stubbornly concealed, their
proprietors going so far as to issue prohibitory
contracts against exposure in the newspapers.
Is this because the alum people know that pub- ml
RX licity would stop their business ? Of course no
[m prudent housekeeper would use an article of food V
I in which she learned there had been concealed I:
rations of express companl* * who
• hcihllili; i*iiitm for
Christinas should Ii ii vc tin iu in the
hands of the company not |nt*»r limn
lll** ISth of December. Thor. I* noth
.lilt; quite so disappointing to till* do
nor iik tin* dolny of a present after
Christmas day. |t takes nwn\ the
sweet sentiment embodied :n th<se
gifts and very chatty dlsnppo.nt*
the receiver. Express «ompnnle- .ire
furnishing patrons with labels .end
ing Do not open until Christmas."
which may he pasted upon your
packages. I’se wooden boxi k for
paeklng when |tos*lb|e. This
the risk of loss and prevents dant* j
Write the address plainly with ink
nr crayon, giving street number and
enmity. Write your name and ad
dress on the package following the
prerim from. giving your street J
and number, and also enclose In thej
package one of your cards
HO NOT enclose money or Jewelry
in packages of merchandise. Such
articles should ho scut in a separate,
package through th.- money depart
Insist upon your receipt and have
the value of your package placed
.Mark the paid If so In
Write the word "perishable'' on;
your package ir }t contains matter of!
a perishable nature.
Her Health and Strength Back
Again by The Use of Cardul.
Tampa. Fla.—In a latter from this
city, Mrs. E. C. Corum writes: "I was
all weakened and worn out with wo*
manly troubles. My husband brought
me Rome Cardul as a tonic. and, from
the first day, it seemed to help.
1 had almost lost niy reason, but, I
thanks to Cardul. I did not. Soon, I
felt and looked liko a new woman. I
think the remedy la wonderful. I
recommend It to my friend*, for l taavo
received great benefit from it.”
Cardui acts specifically on the weak
ened womanly organs, strengthen lug
tho muscles and nerves, and building
them up to health.
It help* to refresh the worn-out ner
vous system and relieves tho effects of
overwork, both mental and physical.
Fifty years’ successful use fully
prove the merit of this purely vege
table, tonic remedy for women. 1
In every community, there live some j
who have l>een benefited by Cardul.
The beneficial effect* of this time ,
tested woman’s remedy, soon show
themnclves in many different ways.
Try it.
N. B.— Write to: Ii’iUe*’ AdvUory Drpt.. Ohatta*
itnov'i Madkina Co.. Outunnoc*. Tjfnn.. tor Special
J’Otruclum*, and M-pace book. "Home 1 ■ ««in.«at
tor WwuiM," plain wrapper on K411UL
DECEMBER 11. 1012.
Since the old-fashioned theory of
curing eczema through the blood bis
been given up by »•« i*-nilet ■•. mm.'
different Hilves have been tried for'
skin diseases. Put It lias been found
that these salves only « |og tin* i- res
and cannot penetrate to the Inner 1
skin below the epidermis where the,
eczema germs are lodged.
This tho quality of ponotratii
probably explains the tt < mention
stores of tile well known liquid
eczema remedy, oil of wintergM cn
thymol, glycerine, etc., as compound
ed in Prescription.
Wo have sold other remedies for
llausmau Opera House Pharmacy. It ivcislde Drug Store
Winter Tourist
Ft. Worth and Dallas. Texas* and return $23.60
Galveston and return $35.30
Huston and return $33-30
San Antonio and return . . . $34.60
San Angelo and return $25.70
Pecos and return $27 95
Waco and return $27.20
El Paso and return $33.90
Corpus Christi and return $4O 60
Brownsville and return $46.80
Carlsbad and return $23.95
Roswell and return . $19.95
Mineral Wells and return $25.90
Charleston South Carolina an d return $65.85
Columbia. South Carolina, and return $62.15
Gulfport, Mississippi, and return .$58.00
Meridian, Mississippi nnd return . . $46-40
New Orleans, and return $44.00
Mobile* Alabama, and return $58.00
Jacksonville, Florida, and return $67.50
- Tickets on sale dally up to April 30. 19i:b Final return limit
Juno 1. 1913. Liberal stopover privileges. Faros to many other
points in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi. AJnhama, Florida, Cuba,
(Jcorgla and South Carolina.
• ‘The Colorado & Southern
skin troubles but none that we i.*i:t
leroinnieiid iim> ns tills for w«*
know that It D D Mops the Itrh at
once. \\« just want you to give
D D D a trial. That will lx- enough
to prove it.
Of course all other druggists have
ill Prescript lon go to them If
-.•hi can’t come to us hut don't ac
cept come big profit substitute. If you come to our store, we
tire so certain of v.-iiat It will
do for you that we offer you a full
si/e bottle on this guarantee: -*|f you
•I. find that It takes away the Itch
AT ONCB, it costs you not a cent.