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r ruinro GIFT CHOOSING j \ | W’hlle out selectl ng your Cbrlstuiua presents, come In ami T • • seu uk. and remember substantial gifts, like we have, are moat ap- S ! predated. J • > Silk, Velvet or Wool Dress put emu. Silk. Lisle or Cotton lios- ♦ \ | lery, Mufflers. Sweaters, Silk or Linen Handkerchief*. Neckwear A i ' Ktc. Etc. X THE BEE HIVE j : 423 Commercial Street Trinidad, Colorado | Bl Old I ler Beer | of the community ? 1 thirty years ? yttled Beer | Bottled Beer i irk i M PETITION J ! BREWING CO. I Trinidad. Colo. O •> CHRISTMAS BOXES SI.OO TO $4.00 PER BOX FVE KILLED IN WRECK ('iiinlATlatid. Mil., Dot*. 12 Klvr' trainmen were killed KMiuy near UlriMK't iu the wreck of a Italtimon St Ohio trnlu consisting of two en glne* and forljr-two conl-I.idea ears, wlildi. Its brake* suddenly refusing 10 work, dashed elrlit mile* down a imiuntnlnside before both locomotlv*** and every tar leaped from the rails and plunged Into tli,- dltdi Four tither trainmen wore Injuretl. two pcrliap* fatally. ! i I I * j ! Christmas j I Suggestion | * __Z_ ft ft ———■ — i i ... i- ■ — i i i as a « * ft ft * ft ft ft | A dainty box of Stationery f | embossed with initial or • I monogram is always an % ft acceptable gift; these boxes | t are beautiful in design and g | filled with paper of the | | highest grade g | See samples at Chronicle- | * News counting room; order I J at once | i t * I t ft « ft •: ft ft * * •, ft 4 ft ft ' ft ::ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft«ftftftftftftftft« ! THURSDAY TO BRING ACCUSED MURDERER TO COLORADO FROM OKLA. Denver. Colo.. Dec. 12.—Governor .lolin K. Sbnfroth ttnlav rct|uested tlie governor of Oklahoma in liotue -\tradltlon papei* for tho return to Colorado, .igrd IT. now held prisoner at Edmnll. Okla. CSII !>«•: t la wauletl In Costilla county on n charge of murdering n:» unknown man near Alamosa D«*cember 2. Chronicle-News SOc per month. SALVATION ARMY DOING GOOD WORK The Salvation Army will bring a real Christinas to every poor and needy family in Trinidad. The army, aided by the kind hearted and char itable i»eople of this city will bring happlneaa and good cheer Into the homes that feel the plneli of poverty. Every little child that kuows not Sunta ('lnuh mid what Christmas menus will enjoy the day with the children of better clrcuiuataurea. tor Kiinlkii (’use of the Salvation nrniy Is going to see that there la a good Hubstanilal dinner provided und the other good tilings tlint go with It. Ensign Case lias placed one hun dred mite l*ox« s m storen and public places where everybody can contrib ute by druplpng In u nickel, dime or i|iiarter or any amount they wish. Next week the army will place Christmas |*ots 011 tile corners and the generously Inclined may eon tribute to the fund that will feed the jKjor 011 the happiest, meriieat •luy or all the yeur. Mr. Cave ex pects that between thirty mid fifty families too poor to provide :» Christ mas dinner will be looked after. A basket dinner will l»u given the poor. The basket will contulu a turkey, ehlcken or roast, with cran berries. potatoes and other vegetables and other essentials Uu Saturday night uffer Christmas. December 2Nth. there will he a Christmas tree for the poor children of the city and there will he the usual program, iwth gifts and randy and nuts und • fruit for the children. The Salva tion army will welcome all other do nations In the shape of clothing und necessities of life, that • the needy may be clothed und kept warm. I Mist year the Salvation army pro vided u substantial Christmas dinner for thirty families and there were 110 families kimwn to the army thut were not cared for. Ensign Case who Is also secretary of the Associated Clinrltlew will consider It a favor It* mix one known of a needy family and* will tell hint. "This is to be a merry Christmas for everybody.** he says. Certainly every i»ersott In Trinidad can afford to drop it pleee of change (into the Christmas boxes or the (Hit. Every penny goes to bring 11 happy Ichrlstmns to some worthy family In 'unfortunate 1 1 renin stamen that oth erwise might not have a dinner. The pennies and nlrkles and dimes and dollars will make little children happy. BABY HAS DELIRIUM TREMENS Dublin. Dec. 12.—A two years' old baby suffering from delirium tremens discovered here unearthed the amaxlng fact that many Dublin Infants are given Stout to drink. XXX CHXOXICLE NEWS, TRINIDAD, COLORADO. CALAHAN’S ENEMY GONE; DEFENDANT ESCAPES WITH COSTS The concluding «liapter in the feud between K. E. t'alahan und Os car Thompson was written In the court of Juatlco Stone today when Calahan appeared to answer to the charge of iiMsuult to kill the latter. The case was dismiss--d owing to tin* failure of the carapui uiug witness to appear. Calahan p.< d the of the cate and also p.nd expenses at tendant upon the Injury of Julius Ley bn. of Jansen, who was shot through the leg by 11 bullet Intended for Thompson. Tile court was ad vised Hint Thompson had left the city und Ills wticr* ■ bout a are un known. A week ago CaliiWui 111 a fit of Jealousy encountered Thompson, a former boarder a. Ill* liotr-e, In float of the Castle nail drug ••tore, on the north tide. I’hompson start ed to run and Caliban fired five idiots, none of with lilt Thompson, but l<eybu. who w ■<- standing In front of the Trinidad Lumber eom -1 an) office, was >1 through tho left leg. Thoiup»' II sought safety lit the llowinn 11 slim The wound In the leg of Ley ha healing rapid ly ARMED MEN GUARD YARDS TO PREVENT FURTHER OUTBREAKS New Yorkfl Dec 12.—Two hun dred men armed with rifles and aid ed liy a searchlight. remained on guard all night at Hi* 1 coal yards of, the Susquehanna and Western rail road, a subsidiary of the Erie, near Shadyside, N. J.. opposite lo9tli* street. Strikers lu n elnsh with whom last night two guards were killed and a doxru wounded, still hung übout the place today but aside front a hand-to-hand conflict between two small groups In which 110 one was seriously Injured, there waa no dis order. Every precaution waa Ih'liik taken this morning to prevent further riot ing and It waa said .1 request for the Jersey state militia would be made If the situation did not improve. The strikers, mostly Italians. demuiid higher wrages and have liecii seeking the prevent strike breakers from taking their place- AI huh two hun dred men are 0111 GOVERNMENT AFTER THE HORSE SHOERS TRUST Detroit. Mich . Dee. 12 The fed eral government filed a civil anti trust suit here today uguinst the Horse Sho«n> trust. In u |M*titloii 111 equity. Attorney 0 General Wicker sham, seeks Injunction iignlnst the Master Horse Slioers National Pro tective asMOi-lmioii, Its officers and manufacturers of drilled horseshoes, adjustable calks and rubber hoof pads tnitn continuing an alleged combi nation and conspiracy to con fine the sale of these articles In (bis country uud Canada to liorseshoers and prevent their sale direct to horse, owners. 1 BIKE RIDERS GROW GROGGY New York. Dec. 12.—Kaggeil out by the terrific grind that kept them ahead of the records since the start of tin*.six day bike race at midnight Sunday, the leader* today fell be iiind the old mark for the first time. I’he lapse came at in o'clock, the K.2ooth hour, when the twelve lead ing teams were tied at l.ttlO miles. . laps. The record of I.CIO miles, N laps made in I dug. "I Take Dari Cara at My Faat w •Mfetr Vmu'i PUlaMpky that Yn ■ad I and All of UiHan Thought of Sot Imt Pot Into Word* too* Or fm Trial TU raakac. Todar "D» your Im. rula your ouatff Think about It. Before I used TIE, my fast were a constant source of fretting and worry; those pesky a hoc* were blamed. Corns, callouses and blatter* ran riot and my entire existence was centered In feet I Bow ridiculous when you come to really think about It. Rut alnc« using TIZ, I have no aching feet, no puffy feet, no , corns, my feet were only human feet, the I same ns your feet, anyone's feet." TIB Is rertalnly the most wonderful remedy to draw out tho acids and poinon* | that swell the feet and cause all foot troubles. Re sure you get TlZ—only TIZ. ■ TIZ 25 cents a box. sold at all drug stores, department and general stores. I Write today to Walter Luther Dodge A Co.. 1223 8. Walsxb Av».. Chicago. 111., for free trial package of TUB and enjoy real l (Oot relief. > WANTED SITUATION !<■ combination home tenant- Can cook, wath- iron, tew on machine, (an the lick, attend the lamps. and ftive manage treatment. Willing to 1 do any lyeful thing about the home, i to itay on the place, and to be sub iject to call any hour of the day or| | night. Do not want any afternoon! or ereningt off.. I am clean, neat | and reliable in my habita; I do not | "antwer back" and 1 never get tired |or complain.. If my grandmother’! uncle'i litter-in-law ihould have a big funeral- I would not care to at tend—neither do .1 entertain com pany on the place, or tote • bucket home.. I am bright and quick in my manner, and am willing to work for reaaonable wagei. If yon employ me I will promite to do my belt, and never quit you.! I Please addreat. Cllie Kricity Cl re I THE TRINIOAO ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION. RAHWAY AND 6AS COMPANY I■- 1 ■ Among Utt good things to eat White House Coffee Must nut be overlooked. It is always satisfactory; if not. your money back. New shipment of Fresh Vegetables for Friday White House Mercantile Co. _______________ THE WEST WEDNESDAY, DEC. 18th GEORGE EVANS “HONEY BOY” MINSTRELS SIXTY PEOPLE INCLUDING John King Bam Lee Vaughn Comfort Charlea Ufer Charlet Hilliard John Barry Jaiuei Meehan Jim Doherty Joieph Gilleipie Tommy Hyde Raymond Maxon Jack Kennedy CONCERT ORCHESTRA OF TWENTY SOLOISTS E. V. CUPEnO, Director Price!, 25c- 50c, 75c, $l. $1.50 Scat Sale Tueaday- December 17 DECEMBER 12. 1912. Til CRYSTAL Where Everybody Goes dTVAUDEVIILE * MONDAY. TUESDAY. AND WEDNESDAY Swell Vaudeville Bill ELECTRICE 20th Century Senaation. Bee Electric© have 1,800 volts panned through her body while sitting In THE ELECTRIC CHAIR. DAVEY AND EMERSON Merry Manipulator! of Melody ALKALI IKE’S CLOSE SHAVE AND SAVED BY FIRE j GRAND HOTEL| Are you experiencing them? Let us show you how wo keep busy, nnd how wo in*' creased one business 125 perl } cent In eight months. Wo have! plenty to do; so have our cli ents. Why? PUTATURO BROS. 1 , Advertiiing Export!, ; Corner Main and Santa Fe- JEFFRY EO COAL A NNjjjD COMPANY i Dcalera in Bloom. Forbes and Morlcy lump coals. For sum mer use try Jewel and Morley Nut Coal- Phone Trinidad 225. )L- .. i aaaaaaaaaaaaaadaaaaaaataa Iht Arcade Saloon and Corinado Bar - Robert Branagh. Prop. Manhattan Cafe < C. F. KIRKPATRICK. Prop. OPEN NIGHT AND DAY EVERYTHING IN SEASON And up-to-date. Drop In and get ac quainted. Assuming One's Risk IN THE MATTER OF Fire or Accident, is a dangerous , policy, let us fully Insure you in a strong old-line policy. ‘ Bennett 6 Wilson AGENTS 1 Suit 1 McCormick Bldg. Phono Trinidad 183. U. S* BATTLESHIP IN HARBOR AT VERA CRUZ I Vera Cruz. Mexico, Dec. 12. The . booming of the guns or the American wArnhlps today announced the ar rival off Vera Cruz of the battleships .Minnesota. Kansas. Michigan and * South Cnrollnn, under command of * Rear Admiral Fletcher. A strong ••norther" was blowing with occa sional showers. e, | Eighty Acre | I Tract | X Flu. SO irru tract border- X » Ins city limit! and one or Ibo !' X Inrgwt maps w. have bad alnce » wo hav* been iu the bualneai. <> X If yuu are looking for an in- S> » rritmcat. It would pay you to ft << Inveatlgate tbla. See us at once X I Hubbartt 1 1 MSS Company » « ItOOM J, COM. HLDO. f; » Pboue Trio. It*. WILLIAMS Transfer and Storaio Company 231 CHESTNUT ST. linctt 87 Red 2893 —' * THE HALL-McMAHON Underutlting Company —UNDERTAKERS 137 E. Main 81—Phone Trig- 595. Telephone Trluidad AIM. TRINIDAD UNDERTAKING CO. UNDERTAKERS 321 WEST MAIN ST II. 11. HI l*K :: :: Ivimial Director IFOR GOOD THINGS TO EAT AND DRINK GO TO THE Z Bar and > BIG O Cafe ( ■<•»•••!-• »-f > 4-4-# • a • . a . 'll Palace Cafe and Bar f GEO. CLERCI, Prop. ; 119 Weat Main Street. . aaa•p*a « a • . . . a-«a* • U-a.!tH • • MERRILL’S ! Carpet Cleaning Works « Wa Cleanse Carpets, Feath ers and Mattresses, aad Da Upholstering and Repairing. Carpet Work a Specialty— Phare Baca 415. s<l C. 3d Rowland Plumbing and Heating Company —Phone Baca 238 120 WENT FIRST NT. | Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. F. W. CLARK Attorney*at-Law | i Suite 3, Colorado Building | lhe Pierce Lumber land Manufacturing Co. 0 Everything in Baildiag Material Mill aad Job Work a Specialty STOVES and FURNITURE NEW AND SECOND-HAND FURNI- TURE BOUGHT AND SOLD POLIAK Ct RATNER Phone Trinidad 416—418 N. Com’!. PURNITURE NEW AND SECOND HAND Bought and Sold A. M. CLEAVINGER Telephone llnca 124 NO. 301 WEST MAIN STREET Call JORDAN roll quick Parcel Delivery and Messenger Service 215 Flint Main St or Phone Trill. 423 WANTED TO GIVE ESTIMATES nnd figures on Edwards Motto roofs nnd ceilings. anything in sheet metal paint, cement block, anything In co ntent. Wo manufacture. build nnd re pair. Circulars mailed. CAST STONE CO. PHONE RBD 1:»1 |, p. Q BOX L7S J. G. GATES Scientific Optician All work doqe satisfactory Trinidad 89 f Red 1832 ROOM B—OPERA HOUSE BLOCK AUCTION OF FURNITURE. CARPETS. DRAPER FRIES every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. THE J. R. WARD FURNITURE AUCTION COMPANY 311 W. Main St. Trinidad. Colo.