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PAGE SIX BIG SPECIAL OFFER MEETS APPROVAL OF ALL CANDIDATES Splendid Opportunity Offered Every Candidate to Secure the Votes that Will Bring Her | Success Commended by Practically Every Candidate CAMPAIGN EXPECTED TO SOON REACH GIGANTIC PROPORTIONS ENERGETIC AND AMBITIOUS YO UNO WOMEN ARE STRIVING WITH MIGHT AND MAIN TO SECURE THE VOTES THAT WILL WIN SPLENDID PRIZES FOR THEM ( Contest Mathematics Just Think: Two NEW 12-month subscriptions bring yon 40,000 votes Five NEW 12-month suboeriptions bring you 100,000 votes. Five NEW six-month subscriptions bring you 40,000 votes. Five NEW three-month subscriptions bring you 18.000 votes. THESE AXE THE REGULAR VOTES ISSUED ON SUBSCRIP TIONS THROUGHOUT THE CONTEST. During the Big Specisl Offer mnny thousands of extra votes are to be secured on all NEW subscriptions. DO NOT OVERLOOK THIS OFFER. IT IS IM PORTANT TO YOUR SUCCESS. If there is anything pertaining to the offer that you do not understand, be sure to come in and have it explained. By bringing your pencil into play you can always figure just where you stand ana just how many subscriptions it is going to take to place you in the top pcsitiou. Wednesday wn* another blit day in Tho Chronicle-New*' Great Popular ity Campaign ami the number or vote* received for the various candi date* shows that they are leaving no stone unturned to secure the prlsea they have set their heart* upon m»- curl iik. and that their friend* are Just a* much interented a* the candi date* themselves, and are ready and wlllling to render every potwlhle lilt of assistance to aid them* young wo men to realize their ambition*. In both city and rountry the conteit In crowing daily and each day witnemi cm tho birth of a new cnthuidaßin. Tho city candidate* are doinic ef fect Ivo work thU week. Many friend* of candidate* are In the city visiting and the majority of those approached by the live and energetic candidates have signified tlo-lr willingness to a>4*l*t. In thl* way the ambitious one* are receiving help that will Maud them In good Mead Inter on. when the race grow* warmer. Special Offer Meets with Approval. Practically every candidate from Whom we have heard since the an nouncement of the lllg Special Offer ha* expressed her mthujila*tic ap proval of the opportunity glten her to Necute thousands of extra vote* that will make certain of succour and for the benefit of those who may want a little additional explanation, we will state the term* of the offer. .Thl* Ih the offer In substance: To ever/ candidate who turn* In fPve NEW •twelve-month subscrip tion* between now and liecentbcr Sbtli. at !» p m.. we will give an ex tra ballot of r.O.Onti vote*. To every candid nc who tiirnts In five NEW hl\-niontl.: i between now and December 20th, at t ft P in . we will gi\o an extra ballot of 23,000 votes. These votes are !n addition to the regular vote Issued on all Hubscrlp . (lons. EVERY NEW SCRSCRIPTION OF THREE MONTH Olt OVER POI NTS • ON THIS OFFICII. i It Is not necessary to turn In an , entire • lull at one time, hut subset|p tlons should he turned in ns seen red. and after the offer clone* an extra ballot, for all extra votes due will lie mailed to each candidate. Outside Towns Woiking. In tin* outside towns candidates i are in many ca. - receiving the sup- i Coupon Not Good after Dec> 22 Coupon The Chronicle-News Trinidad, Colorado GMIO CUM CUiniGl This Coupon Will Count for 10 Votes For ; Address T* own District No Oooil for 1(1 vote when filled out noil soul to The Clirotilcic-Kewa of fir- by mail or otherwise, on or before expiration dale. No bullot will be nllereil In any way nr transferred after bollix received by ilie Contest Man lIK'T Unless tiallot Is earefnlly trimmed .around outside lines II will not be counted. i port of the entire communities in which they reside, and the entire citizenry has apparently taken it up on themselves to we that the proper i support I* given the home candidate, u* a matter of town pride. These outside candidates nro going to fig ure prominently In the prize-win ning. Judging by the work being done, and their energy sjienks vol-1 unie* for their ability to do thing- i when their mind* nrr once made up. I Opportunity for Late Starter.. i Those who have ,i* yet done hut > little to advance their cause*, or who are Ju*t entering, and tbon* contem plating entrance, should now realize that there is no time like the pres ent for Martins to work. No better opportunity to enter and conduct n successful campaign will ever In* of feretl. and with the Ilia Special Off«r to assist In the securing of n sub stantial vote-total, it Is the “bargain period of the contest”. Thn«c who enter anil start to work now have the benefit of the work done by many others, for the contest ha* lieen placed uppermost In the mind* of people by the energy of early can didates. and ftom tills time on It will b«* much easier to secure votes and Mthscrfptlon!*. Those who ure now leading have most probably covered a great part of their fields, while those who are Just starting have a field that Is virgin soil to work. “Opportunity." says the old proverb, “knock* at your door but once**, and what Morn splendid <>p|»ortunity to win a prize of great value or secure a biiHiiies* education will ever bo of- 1 ferod you? Think well before de ciding to pass up a chance that may ' mean for you a successful future. I New Nominations Received. Kaeli day aces the addition of new name; to the list of those who will !.«• chosen nr the icripients of the handsome prize* on January Ik. This alone prove* that the opportuni ties we are placing within the reach of the young women of Southern Colorado and Northern New Mexico are fully appreciated and that these young women who are now entering, as well a* those who have been in since the Mart, realize that their chances nr«l ns blight. or even brighter than they have ever been before. Nothing succeeds like suc cess and nothing I* so cutitugious a* tin* determination to succeed . Ily THURSDAY convincing your friend* that you are P going to succeed and keeping this »j thought uppermost in your mind at all times, yo ueannot help but spread thl* contagion and this mean* that your success will become a most \im| matter to many, and their effort* combined with your own, will enable yon to come through victorious ut the flnlMi anil attain your goal—-the I winning of one of these hand-onie prize*. Cloting of Context. The contest will positively rime on Saturday night. January is. 1913. at ft |». in., and not one minute of ex tension will he allowiml. Promptly at the hour named the door* of the contest office will be closed and the Greatest Popularity fontesl ever Keen . in Southern Pointndo or Northern I New Mexico, will lie brought to a : close. Itear thl* In mind r.ud reruetn- Inr the rloslng date, it |* Import- I ant. j A Word About the Prize*. Every one of the -plend.'d prize* ; that will, within a few short weeks, ,’be awarded by The Chronicle-News I* : worth a world of eff.Mt And these j prize* will he awarded In exactly the I manner we liuve announced they woul I Ev. ry candidate will be g!v --• n an cqua-l opportunity to win. The 1 imputation of the Chronicle-News for {reliability arul square-dealing In all matters, stand* back of the rand!- jdates in this contest. ui*l every ran d Plate will h«> given an equal oppor tunity for success. Thl* was the aim of the Chronicle-New* in !«%> augural lug this campaign and this Idea will he in mind throughout. Every Candidate Ha* Five Chance*. Every candidate, no matter where she stands now, has five chance* to win a handsome prize. Even If she does not win the handsome Capital Prize. "Ford" automobile, lias ntill four other rhanre* to win u hand some and valuable award, and a little [effort, rightly expended, will place i her w here she cannot help hut be I successful Real effort never goes 'unrewarded and the more sincere the {effort, the greater the reward. Contest Office Hoars. Tin* Contest Office Is open all day up to s o'clock in the eveuing. Can* dldutex, their friends or anyone In terested in the (onte-.t, are welcome at all times. For the beuefit of those who cannot come during the day we rent tin In the office in the evening, a ill if you cannot make your visits during the day. do not hesitate to come In the evening before R o'clock. You will be n* courteously received and assisted every bit as much a* any other candidate. Fntuie Snbacriptioni. In many cases candidates will meet people who desire to assist them by subscribing fo.* The Chronicle- News. but an- already taking a dally paper, which is paid In advance and do not desire to hove two dally papers coming Into their horn*** at the same time. To assist candidates In every way and to enable them to secure the benefit* of such assistance, we have arranged to accept all such subscrip tion*. with the amount of the sub scription. and hold them for delivery at any future date named by the subscriber. Something Important, 2nd Payment! Here is an important tip that every candidate should take advantage of. You have probably approached many person* for MUliPrrl|ii|onH and these have obliged you subscription* for one, two or three month*. Now. If you induce there people to extend their subscription* for longer periods, and they undoubtedly will after see ing what a REAL newspaper the Chronicle-News Is. you receive the benefit of many additional vote*. For example: A person who subscribed for one month nrd paid GO rents, gained for. you GOO votes. If a new subscriber. If you secure this per son’s subscription for an additional 11 mouths, or or.e year In all, you receive the benefit of these vote* giv en on a regular i ew yearly subscrip tion. 20,000, less the &00 already re ceived, or 10. GOP for the “Second Payment'* of $1.30, while the sub scriber, by paying the additional 94.G0 received the paper for a full year. This ruling also applies to any •Second Payment" you may secure, but always be sure to mark the stubs "Second Payment" when turning In subscriptions. Remember, that a subscriber who was "NEW" at the start of the contest is "NEW" throughout tho contest, no mutter how many payments he or she may make. DISTRICT NO. 1 Consists of the City of Trini dad, from the renter of Commer cial street and Arizona avenue, west. , Rlanelio Dutton, 211 Topeka 54480 fSratlce Johnson. Cl ft Willow 53600 Alice Dray. 427 Nevada GO6JO August A Moser. 123 ft Blvd ..48800 Verlic Gatlin, 42k First street 48220 m OKZONIOM-HBWg TRINIDAD, COLORADO. re Anna Mftlouff; *O2 VV. Main 473G0 I* Elsa Ricbtdr. 72? pine 46200 «t Edna .Vcohge, 210 \V. Kansu* 43600 id Mrs. It. Mayfield. 401 Park . . .43210 it I.eah DeWltt, 329 Short ... .42740 i| Edith Ruder, 208 Anderson . . . 11820 is I.olll*o Fisher, GI2 Nevada ..40280 le Goldie Jett., 413 Nevada ...39690 e Rofoellta Rena, 321 State ....39620 e Irene Hughes. 345 \V linen . . .37960 e Edith Carter. 121 Johnson . . 206601 Minnie llotler. 303 Pin** 36950 Mr*, linnuie D. Horton, 760 c Atchison street . 367601 , Dot Sanders. 214 Colorado ..36480 - Susie Child*, 410 \\ Itacn ...355901 f Anna Haiti. 515 Nevada ... 38420 1 * Marjorie Holdsworth. Oil I • Willow street 343301 i Julia Fellar, 602 Prospect ...319201 i Effie Roper. 323 H. Com 31740 I i Nettle Adumnon. 336 Cnlv. . ..31380 I Maud Rosebaugh, 731 Park ..30320 1 Helen Walker, Ran Juan. Itacn 300|0| lllee Pellett, Topeka avenue ..294801 Mary llonuto, 915 State street 291701 Mr* K. P. Knnr. 423 Slate ..28450 1 Grace Green. 311 Nevada ...280101 Net lie Sullivan, 400 I'niverßlty 27420 1 Virginia KuMon, 317 Topeka 252001 Katheilnn Goodrich. tOC Park 21240 I Clara Marty*. Haca -trect ...22840 j Nellie Pomeroy. 821 Arizona 21340 1 Mavine Drowning. 30G College 21200 1 I-a lira Herring. SIC S Anitna* 19910 1 /ella Irwin. 714 Pin- ISCGoI Jessie Overstreet, 022 Atchison 16000 Kale Jacob*. 724 Grant Ave. IGOGu Maudo*Logan, 732 Pine 15380 Francis Curto, 355 College . . .15200 Eva Richardson. 501 Convent 9020 , Nina Anderson, Tl llot son street 4080 Mrs. J. W. Hart let l. 512 Washington 3040 Gladys IMttenger, 31' Tillolsou 2180 Ituth Mi-Kwan, 141 Tlllotson 2000 Esther White, Prospect St. .. 20001 DISTRICT NO. 2 Consists of the City of Trini dad. from the renter of Commer cial street and Arizona avenue, east. Bessie Rupp. Sit K. Topeka .57090 1 Ilessle Archer. Chestnut street 36620 J Elizabeth Rankin. 1213 Roslet 54700 Ktm MrPhall. 210 Frost . . . .34450 1 Ijoy Clurke, 800 Arizona ....487101 Teresa Reach. 214 Goddard ...48580 I l.uple llent. 602 First street ..42480 Hope Barnes, 926 Kprure ...417401 Pearl Ashley. 1314 Linden ..409301 Zoe Young. 412'lAipIpe .... 40740 j Mary McCoy. 7th and Oak ..397901 Veda Harris. 81 ft San Pedro . . 39260 I Ruth Harris. 7th 4 Baltimore 39260 I Mr*. C. Floyd. 131 E. First 3942» Mrs. Chonita Flores, 323 John-on 390601 Zctta Beeves, 203 Frost 38280 I Mrs. O. I«. Davis. Jr*, I 1623 Hun Pedro street ....38140 Currie Hmlth. 616 Arizona .. .37970 Mnudc Glahu. 616 K. Second 36731* , Alleen Daugherty. Walnut St. 36300 .Mrs. Jns. Thompson, lift Maple 33390 Thelma Coppers. 1111 Arl*. 33410 Myrtle Martin. 214 J-. Walnut 33080 Mabel Deiamore. 1023 Ran Pedro rtreet 34820 Kate Sherman, 318 E. Seventh 33910 Huth Perkins. 313 E. Topeka 33820 Ruth Rogers. I2OJ N. Com. . .31680 Bessie Caskey. 421 E. 7th ...30420 Margate! Dennison, 406 Spruce 30030 Wllmcr Chanter. 413 K. 7th . .29430 Anna Hern, Fan Pedro street 29420 Mildred Thompson, 112 Arlz. 26400 Anna Ilutz, 30.8 Johnron ....23280 Julia Henson. 620 E. First ...16180 Edna Hatton, 614 Chestnut .14660 Ada Smith, Englevllle llill - - 4120 * DISTRICT NO. 3 * ► Consists of Huerfano County ► and all towns in l«as Animas ► county, north of the I-a* Ani- • ► mas river, hut not Ineluding 1 ► towns or territory bordering on « ► the river. 1 Hazel Mauk, Bowen 36090 Marie Knlesar. Aguilar 35120 Marie Logan, llowen 52020 Blanche Fmfug. Walsonhurg .31600 Kate Bickerton. Tnhn*eo ....51340 Lucy Itoggio, Aguilar 50030 Lillian D. Baker. Delngua . . . 16430 Mary Mnrtinnlirh, Oakvlew ..46420 Dora Mohr, Aguilar 46060 Virginia Toller, Tollerburg ..43170 Maggie Ray, Aguilar 147t0 Etta Br.vden, Delagua 43210 Margaret Allen. Aguilar ....41260 Kate Drlsool, Pryor 41060 Anna O'Neil. Rouse 40370 Emma Capps, La Vota 10160 Bessie Ryan, Ludlow 39930 Jennie Wyles, U-rwind 29900 Lein McFarland, La etn ....,39500 May Thomuson, Forbes 39420 Anna Shaughnesay, Hauling* 38890 Gladys Miller, Wnlsenburg ...38630 Ruby Floyd, Thatcher 36200 [Goldie Miller, Berwlnd 36110 Vera Litislng, Rugby 35410 l<oree .Muth, Aguilar 35180 Annie Rogers, Bourn 34 910 Nellie Thomas. Berwlnd 32850 Margaret Lloyd, lister 31590 Mary Stack, Malachite 30110 Loin King. Toller burg 30000 Marsoletc Feurial. Sharpvda|e .29*50 Margaret Woodward. Ludlow *7480 Pauline Mauot. Rugby 27400 Laveta Sprinter, .Malachite ..22480 Nellie Vasques, Hicks *U«O lHaael Maulden, La eVttt 20410 Lltile 1-ody, Rugby it.*,2o Pearl Waters, Toller burg .... 14300 Lila Lout bead. La Vela ....11420 laabelle O'Neill, Tabasco kt!3o 0 ♦ DI8TBICT NO 4 ♦ „ ♦ . ♦ ConsUi* bf Animas ooun- 4 (| ♦ *>’ of Colorado south of the ♦ „ ♦ Animas river. including ull ♦ 0 ♦ towim and territory bordering 4 u ♦ on ilia river, i ntf I’nlon and Col- 4 4 fa* counties, of New Mexico. 4 44444444444444444 Mario Merit 11 nx, Weston ....52330 May Wilson, Ktarkt llle 51300 Mrs. Robert pmvell, Folsom 50490 Nora lleiiKley, Folsoiu, N. M. 50020 Dora Foil ret. Stark v II |« .. ...49X30 ( Rae Coe, Terclo 10090 Maude Werdeman. Jansen ...43420 ( B'ulah Barnes, l». o. Box 109 4 2X70 Kittle Spuhr. Cokedale 42010 Kille| Prosser. P. O. Box 422 4 2470 May Filer, It. F. D. No. I . . .11440 Wilma Hardin, Clayton. X. .\l. 41120 Miss McNcnl, (Iodine 3997n Fern Ferguson. Jansen 39710 Ilnfncllet Oarclu, Soprls 39710 Mrs. Walter Sherman. Baton 39050 Anna Meek. Stnrkvllle 394X0 Mrs. CJ. J. Church. Trinchera 38KXO Mrs. I lev a D'Amhrosio. Sopris 3X460 Fay Teneycke. Jun.sen is | NO Kllxaheih Dawe. Soprla 2i573o Florence .MorKnn. FoRom ...35190 Kuihryn Hollenbeck. Trln chera 31170 Clara De Arniond. Cokedale . .3147« Mattie Richnrdson. (‘okedale .30500 Virile llltsou. Dcs Moines ..21290 laiura Crow. Folsom. N. M. ..20620 l.nclle White. Folsnm. N. M. 19970 Kllxaheih Itothmd. Simpson .19150 Mrs. May Henderson. Des Moines. New Mexico 10150 Brace IJendriekrt Cokedale ...6X40 Mrr. Margaret Walsh. Valdez .6260 Mrs. J. r. Cooper. Simpson ...2410 I 1100.00 DIAMOND KINDS—ONE CIIVEX IX EACH DISTRICT Embossed Xmas Stationery. The Chronlt le-Xews this sea son Is showing a Inuautiful line of Christmas embossed station* ery. Older™ filled promptly. Call and make your selections at once. BILL SEEKS TO RETURN FIVE MILLIONS TO THE SOUTH Washington. Dee. r m . —More than 95,000.000 derived from anlcz of property taken from owners in the south after the Civil war would he repaid to the Southern claimants by the terms of a bill passed by the house yesterday. The hill would amend the codifi cation of laws relatint to the Ju diciary so us lo dispense with the allegation and proof of loyalty In those claims, affecting only proceeds of property taken after the date mentioned. The bill has not vet passed .the senate. "BRIDGIE” WEBBER DECLARES HIS TESIMONY WAS TRUE Xew York. Dec. 12. Rrldgle” Webber, one of the four informers In the Koseutlml murder case who was quoted as repudiating his testi mony given at the trlnl of Decker and the four gunmen In saying that there was no plot to slay Herman Rosenthal, sent a lette rto District Attorney Whitman yesterday, saying that statements attributed to him were "absolutely false." "Any time you wish nie to make an afidavit »o this effect," he ad ded, •*! shall he glad to do so. Mrs. Webber will corrolmrate me." AEROPLANE ALTITUDE RECORD IS BROKEN Tunis, Dec. 12.—The world’s alti tude record for aeroplanes was brok en yesterday by Roland Cl. Harris, Hie French aviator, who ascended 5.801 meters (approximately 19,032 feet high) the flight lasted 11 mln uies, 0 seconds and was carried out In clonr went her. ' The best previous accepted rec ord was 17,881 feet, made by George le Cngneux on September 17, last at Villa Oouhlay, France. m W HUfffISTS EVWYWNIN DECEMBER IS. 1912. i NOMINATION BLANK GOOD FOB 2,000 VOTES , I nominate Mrs. or MI in ► * Address Downtown address. If any Occupation District No tFee District Divisions.) Nominated by ... Address ~ Only the first nomination ballot received for each candidate will count for 2,00 u votes. Fill out all the lines of Ibis ballot very carefully aud mail AT ONCE to the Context Manager, The Chronicle-News. Trini dad, Colorado. The management reserves the right to reject any objectionable nomi nations. Fill out this blank, write plainly, and sent It to Contest Manager with your name or the name and address of your favorite candidate. Thu names of perrons making nominatlonn will not be divulged. If so requested. MAKE YOUR NOMINATION TODAY Oet Busy and Win one of these ilandsotne awards. Only a limited jjJtj r nominations will be accepted. Be sure your name it oa this eeeoe so oe os> o&c-o *>?> ooshsshs oo VOTING POWER OF SUBSCRIPTION PAYMENTS DAILY CHRONICLE-NEWS Amount Votes (liven _ Price. New. Old. On- Month* r ,„ son 250 Two Months 1,00 1,500 750 Thr— Month* 1.50 3.000 I,ton Ptx Month* ; 3.00 1,000 4,000 Tw-h- Month* (In advance 500 30.000 10.000 Two V-nr* lln mlviinr-l 10.00 50.000 »r,|ofln WEEKLY CHRONICLE-NEWS Amount Vote* Price, Mew. DM. Twelve Month* | 1.00 1.500 ;:.o Two Yearn •00 4,000 r.Oon rimnolntt ftom the Weekly to the Dolly Chronlrle-News will be ron • hlered a NEW *ub*erlber. Subscription. may be lent by mall, paid at the Chronlcle-Newa office or paid 10 the candidate In peraoo. Candidate* are furnished with receipt bonks, nod will I,sue reeeipla when accepting paytnent fnr suhsrrlpilnr.v. I | Two Handsome $325 Kohler & Campbell Pianos Purchased and on display at Knight-Campbell Music Co. J. H. Cooley, Local Agent OXE OF THE HANDSOME HOLD WATCHES OIVEX IV EACH DISTRICT. (Junllty printing anythin;; •MeryihliiK at Hie Cliroiilcin-News office. Work ddivernd when prom ised. PANAMA CANAL CONFERENCE Atlanta, (la.. Dee. 12.—" The Southern Panama ('anal conference" hus been organized hero by southern business men In preparation of the opening of the waterway. Wlltncr I*. Moore, president of the Atlanta ('hamber of Cofnmerec. was chosen president. The conference hus for Its object the development of trade with Central and South American countries. INSURANCE '** ’ •* •'l n•• ■( ■ ’ • v •. | DUNIAVY AfitNL'Y Cl) f' l >l IHt I HI !K K. I''-,,, . | ■ ■ :,,J |