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(HVCD^^ffSA wHiSiyf Do not stingily pinch out money to your itood wife. She bus more non ho of economy than you have anyhow. Give her a hunk account—so much each month. This wl!l nave you lota of trouble ami Rive her the Independence she DKSKKX’KS and will enjoy. Tills will save you money, been line* if your wife feela that she Im your PARTNER she will help you wive, ho this and hoiui* day when YOU NKBh money SHE will have it for you. Let OUR Bauk be YOUR Rank. The First National Bank FOR RENT A ma Room Home oa Topaka arcane. Lai(e lava, treca. aiao larfe ban. Only ISC a aioath. A KVrn room honae on Eaat Rut Street, three bloeka from the corner of Main aad Commercial. Only $lB a month. For Sale A new two-room house oa Colorado avenue. A snap for $450. $lOO down and balance eaojr monthly payments. A new five-room hoase on Son Jusn near Coiorada arcane- $3,150 ssoo down aad balance oa easy payments. We hare unlimited amonat of money to loan. Try us for yoar next loan. Oar speeialtiei are all kiads of iniuraacc. bonds, real estate, end loans. The Home SecuritHnvestmont Company Insurance Loans- Beal Estate. Bonds. 8. C. IIALL. President. Ground floor. FI rut Batioaal Bank Baildiar —p——M——p—^ EDWARD I). WIGHT. President. D. I*. Jones. Vi.-e-PreMdent. W. R. CHAPMAN, Cashier. il. K. HOLLOWAY- V-Pres. C. It RAPP. Assistant Cashier. *Hk Trinidad National Bank Capital * i 00.000.00 Surplus and Profits *60.000.00 DIIIKCTORS: IC. h. Wight. H. K. Holloway W. J. Murray Piilllip Schneider I>. I*. Jones W. 11. Chapman We will he pleased to have your business and offer every ac commudatotn consistent with safe banking. Interest paid on line deposits. WATCH Our Windows FOR THE LATEST CHRISTMAS TLa GOOD THINGS TO EAT % MkaV Wlmt you see there is only uu Ma\ tlnmllon of what nwaits you in- IM Jl/ Anything—-Everything in grocer- ®i\ | I fii Ich and meats fur the holidays. a ’ Phone KSnHnTfnr] 527 Trinidad sMOTTTiTjjafIH North 54tf | I Com'! St. | For Christmas Let 111 iupply your table. We can furniih everything ne ceasary for your Chriitmai feast and for lest than you oan buy it elsewhere. Highest quality. Lowest prices we guarantee. Three Three Stores y I’Ty Stores BATDRDAT tm €—BKMHraW, TRUTH)AD, COLORADO. PERSONALS K. W. Holmes of t'okedale was In tu« city last evenikg visiting with friends. O. E. Bailey, left this aftcruoun for Pueblo and Cauou City ou a short' business trip. Miss Williams of Pryor spent the. day in this city shopping and visit ing with friouds. Joe Parsons returned to Catskill this uftcruoon after a day's buaiuess trip in this city. Bcu Johnson of the Model City is spending a day Jn Trinidad attend ing to business matters. . Mrs. Thomas Ryan returned to Be gundo this arternoou after a short stioppiug trip in this city. Miss Ida Wolcott, school teacher at Hcgundo. is In the city spending a tew days with her parents. W. W. Taylor and wife returned to Hustings this afternoon after u day's shopping trip in this city. Dr. uud Mrs. A. F. Stanley of Pry or were in the city today ahopplug aud attending to burn!ness matters. Miss Anua Cameron left this after noon for IlHKtlngs where she will spend Sunday vlsitiug with her par ents. Miss Maude Husebaugh left this alter noon for Scguudo to play for u dauce to be given at that place to night. Lester Buudri* is confined to bis homo on Bench street ou account of sickness, lie is Hufferiug with peri touious. , Mrs. 11. Roberts and daughter. Vio let May. left thin afternoon for Hast | lugs after u short shopping trip in this city. Mrs. Hoy Llttrel of Seguudo, was in tho city shopping this morning, returning to the camp on the ufler nuon train. A. P. Handersou returned this morning from Denver, where he spent a few days attending to business of a legal nature. Mian Mary Hcburman left this aft ernoon for He gun do where she will spend Sunday visiting with friends and relatives. 11. 11. Handersou left this after noon for Gallup. New Mexico, where he will spend a week attending to business matters. Leopold Handers left this morn ing for Wnlsahburg on a day's busi ness trip lu the interest of the San d« r* Wholesale tiou^r. Mrs. T. McPblll left this morning (or Dawson. New Mexico, where she will spend a few days visiting with U»t bio baud mho is located there. Mayor D. L. Taylor left this after noon for Arliona and California, where he will spend a part of the winter for tho benefit of his health. Edmund Bradley of Cincinnati. 1 Ohio, is spending a few weeks In Trinidad visiting with bis uncle. George ItauMnan. of tho Hausmau Drug company. L. W. Ilerry of the Colorado Sup-' ply company will leave next week for Oklohomo City where he will s|»ciid the holidays with his pa routs aud other relatives. L. H llucbnell, cashier for the .Mountain Mates Telephone and Tele graph eumptny left this morning for the camps north of the city on a short business trip. Mlsh Marjorie Holdawortb left this afternoon for He gun do where ahe will spend Sunday visiting with Miss} Margsrite Robinson who 1s school | teacher at that camp. i Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cahn and son passed through the city thin morning enroute from the east to California, where they will spend a few months. Mrs. Cahn is a sister of Mrs. U. Cohen of this city. Mrs. F. 8. Grlawold returned to Colorado Springs this afternoon aft er a few days' visit in this city with her husband. Frank Griswold, of the Brunson and Griswold Hardware company. Mrs. Grlawold stopped In Trinidad enroute to the Springs aft er a two months' visit In Oklahoma. Miss Case of Chicago arrived In the city this morning and left later in tl»e day for Yermejo Hark, where she will spend the holidays, tho Ruest of Mr. slid Mrs. C. W. C. Deer lug Mr. and Mrs. Deerlng who have been in the city for a few days re turned to Vcrmejo Park with Miss Case. ... TO ENTERTAIN CLASS 8. S. flkadden will entertain the pupils of his telegraphy clasa and a few Invited guests tonight, at his homo on Grant avenue. Games and music will be the feature of the eve ning and a light repast will lie serv ed by Mr. aud Mrs. Skadden. FUNERAL Of J. M. JUDKINS The funeral of J. M. Judkins, who died yesterday at the hospital, will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 from the chapel of the Trinidad Undertaking Company. The funeral will be under the auspices of the lo '•al Barbers' Union, aqd a car will be in waiting at Pine and Arizona streets t ooouvey people to the K. P. cemetery where the remains will be laid away. f . MISS KING HOSTESS Mit> Lois entertained the members of her sewing club th'a af ternoon at her home on Cheatnut street. The afternoon wan spent in the usual way and light refreshments were served by the hostess. dottPeople Earn all the luuiiey they can. Boue spend all they earn. , Many have a Kaluga aceuuut, it makes aaviiiK easier. You can't afford to speud ull you earn, but you rau profit , by saving money. Htart a savings account with uu A small sum.—f I.oo—will upon an account in YOUR name. Wo pay FOUR per cent ou sav ings. Vhe Commercial Savings Bank. MISS CALDWELL ENTERTAINS Miss Clsra Nell Caldwell enter tained the 8. 8 K Kirin last evening at her home on Grant avenue. The evening wu« spent in pla>iug games and a musical way. and light re freshments were served by the host ess. The Chrotilcle-Newa carrier i boys have been supplied with « near whistles and will blow < when making delivery of papers. < Listen for the whistle. * Embossed Xmas Stationery. The Chroniclc-Newa this sea son la showing a beautiful line of Christmas embossed station ery. Orders fl)|«-«| promptly. Call and make your selections at once. BANKRUPT SALE Ten thousand dollar** worth of Clotlilug, Hliovm and Millinery bought $f 40c on the dollar to lie sold at any price.—New York Fair. I 0. E. 8. MEETING. TUe Kant era Star held their an nual election of officers last night in the lodge rooms in the Masonic Temple. The following offle* ra were elected for the ensuing year. Mrs. I.ixzle Sharp, worthy matron; Guy Hobson, worthy patron; Mrs. Jessie Cook, oaaistaui matron: Mrs. Clara MoKnys emiditstress; Mrs. Klanor* Miller, saMtlsnt conductress; Mrs. Mary Stoke secretary; Mrs. Etta Pierce, treasurer The appointed of ficers will be Installed at I lie next meeting. R. A. M. ELECTION At til* annual election of Trinidad chapter No. 33, Royal Arch Mason*, officers were elected as follows: High priest—W. R. Lewi*. King—\A k . J. Murray. Scribe—s. T. Uurkhanl Treasurer—W. 8. Keeney. Secretary—Ed C. Bast. C. of H.—F. C. Miller P. 8 —K. W. MetkelJnhu. It A C—Claude Shy. M. 3rd V.—W. M. Ogle M. 2nd V.—J. F. Miller. XI. Ist V.—Julian Krlon. , Sentinel—XV. XV. Jones. Director Masonic Temple Associa tion Holier! Lake. Trustee —T. I). East Catholic Ladies Holding Bazaar The tallies of the Catholic church held their annua! fancy w*ork ba zaar ami home cooking sale today in the Jamieson Department store. An upron counter was the feature of the sale, aud aprons of every description and size, including the kitchen apron and the fancy little sewing apron, were on display. Home made cakes, cookies, bread and delicious candy was another feature of the sale. A neat sunt was realised from the sale and the money will be used for charitable purposes. A committee of Catholic ladies were In charge of the sale. Men's shoes worth *3 for $1.75. Ladies' shoes worth $2 50 at $J.39. New York Fair. 1 Pub. Dec. 9. 1912—Jan 11. 1913. NOTICE Sealed bids will be received for the construction of the lout Anintas County Court House, until II o’clock a. in. January 15, 1913, by the Board of County Commissioners of Las Ani mas County, Colo., at their office, corner Main and Cheat nut Streets. Trinidad. Colorado. according to plans and specif lout ions on file wit h I. H. nnd XX f . M. Rapp company. Ar chitects, Masonic building, Trinidad. Colo. All bids to be marked bids on; Court House, and addressed to tbo undersigned. The Board reserves tho right to reiert any nnd all bids. G. F. HARLAN. Chairman. DECEMBER It. 1912. DECEMBERTAKES PLACE OF JUNE AS MONTH OF BRIDES lii'cuiubcr. instead of June, hccuih to be the bride's month. tills year, (or a half a dozen or more weddings are to take place during to holldur KcuHon. and a number of wedding ceremonies have already taken plnie this month. When the happy Yule* tide Mpirlt predominates throughout the laud, and another year Ik comiuK to a clone, a number of Trinidad hridea will he led to the altar. A wedding of Interest will tak«. place at alx o'clock Christmas morn ing ut the home of I). It. Ilaudniiu ou Topeka aveutie, when bin •laugh ter. Florence Helen, will he united in uiurrlnge to lamia It. l>ouglu*. The ceremony will he performed by Itov. It K. Chandler and will he wit nessed by the immediate family. A wedding breakfast will he nerved following the ceremony, ami the newly married couple will leave on the early t\ and 8. train for Denver! where they will spoilt! their honey moon, returning to this city to make their home. The bride elect Ih the only daugh ter of Mr. ulid >lr». I». It llliidnian and waa rained and educated in Trin idad. and liuh a host of friends. Mitts llllidiuau Is popular in tile mimical circle* of the city. Mr. DotlgluH Is thu HOU of Mia. F. O. Dougins niul i* a graduate of the State Agricultural school at Fbrt Collin* lie Ik iihko elated with the firm of Dauford and Sanderson. engineer*. Sunday morning, December 2_*d. ut II o'clock in St. Mary's Kplwopnl church In Aguilar Mlkm Florencc Anlla Pearl and John Graham Cad del will h«> iiutrricd. The ceremony will lie wltuetwed hv a few of the moat Intimate friends and relative* of the couple. Mian Pearl la the daughter of Mra. F. h. Pearl of Aguilar uml la well known 111 thin city, aa well aa having a large circle of friendH in Aguilar. Mr I'nddell la well known in thia vicinity and la at present connected with one of the urge fuel companies In the north ern part of the state The wedding of n farmer Trinidad girl. Mii.a Jcuuuette Sc ot t of l.aa Ve ga*. will take place Wednesday, the I Nth of thia month, when *he will become the wife «f Cecil Flowcra of Denver. The ceremony will l»e per formed In lout Vega* at the lion* of the bride elect'a parent*. Mis* Scott waa educated In St. Joseph's Acad emy in thia city and has been a fre quent visitor in Trinidad alnce fin tailing from the arndciuy. Mr. Flow er* la a candy aaleamau of Deliver and ImM been coming to thi* city for the |Ntnt few yearn, and I* well know n aiiiing the traveling public. Mr. Flower* and hi* bride to he will jupeiid the kolldaya in Deliver and will he at home to their frienda after [the flrat of tlie year, in the capital I city. j Mlkm Kiuiua Clark of thi* city and jCrutidill 1,. Moad of Scgtiudo. are to j*»e married during the holidays, the (exact date of the wedding is being j kept a secret, bill it j* rumored it iwill take place before Christmas day. .Mrs. Clark Ik one of the most popu lar teachers in the city and Ih ui pres ent principal of the Columbian school |nnd her resignation will take effect next Friday. The bride to he |h the daughter of Mr. anil Mrs. 11. P. Clark of this city and has many friends here. Mr. Moad I* yard master at Seguudo. where he aml his bride will make their home after a short honeymoon trip. Great Bankrupt sale now on at the New York Fhir. 1 TIBES, TUBES and all accessories for the Automo bile, Motorcycle and HJcycle carried at all times. Vulcanizing our spec ialty. The Trinidad Novelty Works Phone Trinidad I'JN. A LOOK INTO OUR SHOW WINDOW Will convince you that wc carry in stock All the latest improved Elec tric appliances Good Christmas suggest ions in readings lamps, etc. Trinidfcd Gas and j Electric Supply Co. | I’ll. Trill. 7K. 217 13. Main MAKE YOUR GIFT HIS BEST PRESENT The useful present is always thankfully received Why not a hat, a late style soft or stiff hat. $2.50 to $5.00 A practical present—give him a nice shirt or two. prices $l.OO to $2.00 Show your care and good taste by select ing one of our handsome house coats, prices $5.00 to $15.00 Ingram-Powder Clothing Company • lIOMK UK GOOD VALUES'* H V * SUNSHINE SOCIETY L. A. TO B. OF R. T ELECTION I Mrs 11)111011 entertained the mom- The L. A. to tin- It. It. T. held Im r* of the Sunshine society yenter- their annual election of officers yes day afternoon at their regular loud- terday afternoon and the following ness meet lug. Flection of officer* officers were elected, look place, and the following offl- Mary Kugdherg—Past president, rent will *er\e during the ensuing Loulso Coerc*— President, year .Mrs L. A Itraggett. president Mary Poerler Vico president. Mr*. 11. Crank vice president: Mi*. Kutherine Gulvln Secretary. M A Knstou. secretary. Mrs. J. W. Mary Crozier Treasurer. Compton treasurer. Itnrliuru Hoover—-Guard Cliroulc|e-Xrw*. f»«c per month. 1 Chronicle-New* ~oc per iii"ulh Style Our Christinas Mr ; Shoe Exhibit (J|!'|| Ih now* in full swing What Is new in shoes in New York is simply* auUher way «»f saying wh. t I* new in Cousins Shoes made in New York. A va rlcty of fashionable leather Is employed in llielr making. Among the newest Is the Grey lluek / Hutton lloot, the rage of tilt* Kant. Fxtremely j popular for winter and Spring year. An ideal and / sensible Christmas gift. Moderately pritidut !-• p pair. i P. 6 W. Shoe Company BETTER SHOES I Some j International P k State Bank Send llielr money away | from Trinidad and buy tlicir goods from outsiders. ity no doing they tako the profits away from tiie homo tucr- Jk eliaut curtailing li is Duel - ness and reducing his pro * / fit*. injuring iiiin, the • town and themselves. I PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS Do your hanking bus!* I ness with the only hank in i | Trinidad that is owned ami ! controlled hy homo capital. ! j 'i'lie profits of the hank will ! SAl* El N DEPOSE l | he spent in Trinidad and i BOXES FOR KENT J not sent to outside owners. J 1 iinai—UiiMiiMiiii iwsiwsininiiitoiiMi-ni-r-T —— . PAGE FIVE