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BUT FIVE SHORT WEEKS BEFORE THE CLOSE OF THE BIG CAMPAIGN Only Short Time of Effort Before the Valuable Prizes are Awarded j; ENERGY AND INDUSTRY ARE AT A PREMIUM Bury Bit of Effort F** Forth During the Next Feu Days Will Pay Big Dividends. Big , Special Offer an Aid to Every Energetic Candidate Contest Mathematics lift Think: Two IW 12-month utbocriptioM brine you 40,000 vote* Fix lIW 12-month luboeriptiau brine you 100,000 rote*, tiro ZTW lix-month luboeriptioni brine J ou 40,000 rote*. Rn IIW thico-month lubocriptons brine you 18,000 rota. USE ARE THE UOULAE VOTES ISSUED OK SUBSCRIPTIONS mOUOHOUT THE OOBTEST- Durinc the Bin Special Offer many thouaaSa of ntn vote* an to be fecund on all new itibecriptioni. 00 HOT OrSMSMX THIS OFFER. IT IS IMPORTANT TO TOUR SUCCESS. U there ia anything pertaiaine to the offer that yon do not nndentand, be eun to some m and hare it explained. By brincine your pencil into play you can alwnye fieure out wham you stand and just how mary eubecriptione it if going to take to piaoe you in the top poeition. The itißH i« *b«»rt and Is dally Crowing bhortsr. Just five wcrlcs from (bin time the Grand Popularity Campaign of the Chronlcle-Ncws— tho greatest newnpxpnr campaign ev er bold In th« xtate—will be brought to g elo«*. and thoxe who have not taken advantage of thix ebxnrc to win a splendid prise will have miiued an opportunity that comet* to hut few people In a lifetime. On January JR. 1913, the bandaomit 1913. com pletely-equipped five-pa»aengcr Foul touring car, the elegant upright 132•’» Kohler ft Campbell piano**; the hond aotne |IOO diamond ring*. the ladies' guaranteed gold watch** . and the complete buxine** course** in Trinidad and Dreber Ruvinmi College* will he awarded to the young women who have abown by their energetic and pewivsrini work that they appre ciated tha opprtonity placed within ‘ their reach and have finished tn the leadlog poeition* But no on»* will he a loser, for every candidate who remain* active during the context, thlt fail* to win any of the big prises, will be given u liberal cnmmKxion on her work. With the abort time left every mo ment grow* In Importance, and the wiae candidate —the one who expertx u> win and ix putting her best foot forward—will not allow a uingb* mo ment of the time which *h* ran ttac to advantage to entxipe her. Whut i* ta Store for You. Juat think of the value of the priz es offered and then stop a moment nod consider the amall ntnouul of ef fort necesxary to be a winner of the Grand Capital Prise—u 1913 com pletely epoipped •POIUV touring car —a mo»L splendid and bandnotn* prise—or any of the other splendid award*. And Just to think that you have the chance to claim an* of those haudaome prkM for your work dur ing a few abort w>*ek* I* not the prospect one wortli an effort? Would you not feel that your cup of hnnnl bmx bad been filled to overflowing should the final count prove you the winner of this car? Now Ix the time u> act. Everything 1* In your favor and with the 810 SPECIAL OFFER, about which we have written every candidate, to nxsist you. you have the opportunity for victory before you. And if you appreciate the opportuni ties of life, you will not allow thin Coupon Not Good oftor Doc. 24 Coupon The Chronicle-News Trinldit, Colorado GRAND CIRCULATION CAMPAIGN This Coupon Will Count for 10 Votos For Addrexa . . Town i District No Good for 10 votes wbea filled out aud sent to The Chronicle-News of fk— by mail or otherwlee, on or before expiration date. No ballot will altered in any way or tranxferred after being received by tho Context Man ager. rules* ballot is carefully trimmed around outside lines it will not be counted. BATTOSAY 1 chance to escape you. Something about the Prizes. "To see lx to believe” Is un old saying, and those who have already \iewed the splendid prize*, of the Chroniicle-New*. where they uro on dlxpluy, have away xatUfled that everything promised nr «aid in regard to the prizes has been an ab solute fact. The splendid 1913 "FORD” touting car Is a car well known and iV.ngnized everywhere as 'one of the first class and the young woman who claims it as her own **n 'January lx will he thrice happy. The S3:'s Kohler A Campbell up right pianos, on display at J L. Cooley's local agency of the Knight (’ampbell Musi* Co., have proven magnets for candidate* and their friends .during the past week. Those liandxom** Instrument* represent the clos* of the musical world and consti tute prizes which any young woman ' would be proud to own. A piano, ee- ■ pcciullv one of the class represented ! by Kohler A Campbell, is a vital no- j ccxftlty in every home. Not every one has the opportunity to win such j a reward. Call at J. L. Cooley'*. Music House and judge tor yourself ; the value of these rewards and what, the possession of one would menu to I you. What yming woman would not he willing to receive such a splendid award as a 9100 diamond ring, per fectly mounted and constitution ;* handsome prize? The winners of Jhrs* ring* can c’.waya look buck to the winning of tbetn and appreciate their • •*.** value, especially as they were m-vtired through their own ef forts. These rings are on display at K. L. Allen's. L. II Hall's and \V. K. Waiter *» jewelry establish meats where they have attracted much m>- tlco because of their beauty and clearness. The ladies' 20-yenr guaranteed gold watches whirli will he awarded in each district, are being exhibited at H. Hnir* nnd E. L. Allen’s Jewelry establishments. These watches nr* not only perfect time keepers, but are also exquisite ar ticles of Jewelry and well worth the effort of any young woman entered in the campaign Recognized ux thorough and re liable business Institution*. the Trinidad aud Dreher Business Col- nm ononcn-Kiwa. nmnuAs. Colorado. lege* have been chosen as the pities of intt i Ui lloii for the candidates who Win the business course*. Imm.-uukc the siitiiculum of these Itißtitittlous cm brace.* every branch of business j knowledge uml instruction, uud be cause tlu* stiideut who finishes any I course in either of the*** ln»titutions i has no difficulty iu baudling any ! work given, for every student gradu ated by the Trinidad and Dreher Hu.-t --lie4a Colleges is guaranteed to hove thoroughly mattered the work taken. And tiie universal success of .heir* students in the business world is am ple proof of theft* I borough Stamped with the Soil of Succcw. Tlit* large number nt votes alieady east for candidates and the unprece dented interest shown iliroughoiit the territory covered by the Chron icle-New*. stamps this campaign with the enl of unqualified sue* ex* From all parts of the territory embraced candidates wlto have entered the race art* now doing valiant work ami are receiving .he loyal xuppott o! the Jnetuhers of their home communities. The filg spe« inl Offer, which has Just opened, affords a candidate a gold* *n opportunity to secure thousands of extra \otes with lout extra effort Remember, the reg ular vote* ate ulso issued on these xulixrrlptlon*. In Addition io tb*-o extm on ox, and the candidate who |m*as.-s*i* energy and ambition can j secure the vote* uow that will enable t her to go clear through to the finish i *u«*< ••s* fully Every new subscript j lion of 3 month* or over count* on | this offer. nnd a little effort, propor ly expended, will enable you to mid a subctantlnl figure to your prunem vote total. This I* an opyortulnty that no candidate can afford to over look as it mean* too much toward I final hui re**. This is the offer iu substance: To every candidate who turns in • five NEW twelve-month subscrip (tionK between n«»w and December 20th, ut J* p. nt . we will give an ex it rn ballot of 30,000 vote*. To every candidate who turns in ifive NEW six-mouth* xtib.-cripilona between now un i iVretnber Mill, nt 9 p. m.. wo will give an extra hsllot ■ of 25,000 vote* The**- otc* arc In additiou to the regular vote Issued on all mihti rip tious. I EVERY NEW SUBSCRIPTION OF I |THREE MONTH OR OVER COUNTS ON THIS OFFER. It is not necessary to turn in an entire club at one time, but subscrip tions should be turned in as secured, and after the offer close* an extra ballot, for all extra votes due will he mailed to each candidate. doting of Cont Mt. The contest will positively close on Saturday night. January 18, 1913, nt 9 p. m., and not one minute of ex tension will be allowed. Promptly at the hour named the doors of the contest office will be closed and the Greatest popularity Contest, ever seen in Southern Colorado or Northern New Mexico, will be brought to n close Rear this in mind anti remem ber the closing date. It in import ant. ContMt Office Hours. The Context Office Is open all day up to 8 o’clock in the evening. Can didates. their friends or anyone in terested in the content, are welcome at all times. For the benefit of those who cannot come during the day we remain in the office in tho evening, if you cannot make your visits during the day. do not hesitate to come in the evening before 8 o’clock. You will he ns courteously received and assisted every bit a* much as any other candidate. Future Subscriptions. In many cases candidates will meet people who desire to assist them by subscribing for The Chronicle- News. but are already taking a dally paper, which is paid in advance and do not desire to have two daily papers coming Into their homes at the same time. To assist candidates in every way and to enable them to secure the benefits of such assistance, we have arranged to accept all such subscrip tions. with the amount of the sub scription, and hold them for delivery nt any future date named by the subscriber. Something Important, 2nd Payment* Here Is an important, tip that every candidate should take advantage of. You have probably approached ninnv I persons for subscriptions uml these • have obliged you with suit cription* |for one, two or three mouth* Now, 'lf you induce these people to extend II heir subscript ions, for longer periods, ■and they undoubtedly will after see ling what a REAL newspaper the j Chronicle-News Is. you icceive the 'benefit of many i.dditloiiHl ’votes For example A person who •ih-.-i ilicil for one month nnd paid f»n cent*, gained for you 500 votes, if a uow subscriber. If you secure this per iwig’s subscription for an additional I II mouth*, or one year hi ail. von \ receive the boo**!lt of these votes gl\ eu on u regular new yearly MitiHcrip llon, 20.0(10, 11*—*4 Hie 3on :ilr*:td>‘ re ceived. or 19.591* for the mm-oiiil Payment of $-1.50. while the sub scriber. by paying the additional R1 50 received the paper for a full year This ruling also applies t«» mix ’Second Payment** you may secure, but always be sur** tn mark the ‘■tubs "Second Payment” when turning In subscription*. Remember, .that ii •cutiM'rihcr who was "NEW ' nt the start of the contest i** "NEW" throughout tha conies* no matter how muny puyifc* nt* he *.i she may make A**************** ♦ DISTRICT HO 1 ♦ ♦ Consist* of the CRy of Tilnl- ♦ ♦ dud. fiom ihe center of rammer- ♦ ♦ < lul street aud Arizona avenue. ♦ ♦ west ♦ lli'l’ Pellet l, Topeka It vclitle. V.*|B«) (Initl'e Johnson, 6|!» W.ilow s*«||n Blanche IJutton. 311 . tup**ka 5495 m Alice Bray, 427 Neva. . 5361* Auguctu Moser, 123*' Blvd. . Verlle (intliu. 12* J- -t street 191 10 Anna Malouf r . t»**2 W Main 4889** Edna tfeobce. 219 W Kansas -ISMU Leah l)e\Y|tt. 329 Short . . I 1210 Mr*. It. Mayfield. it’.l Park 1.1731* l * ul*e I'lxher. 512 Nevada. . 124t}n Julia Fellar. fi«»2 Pne»|M*t t. . . I23#»n Edith Soder, 20S Aml-runn . 11529 Rnfuelita Seuu. 521 state . t**22o Goldie Jett, 4 13 Nevada 400S0 Minnie Butler. .*»*•:: Pine. . . lOOOu Anna Ruttl, 513 Nevada. . 299K0 Irene Hughe*. 313 W Baca.. 3993" Edith Carter, 121 Johnson. .37110 Mrs. Bonnie D Horton. 7B** j Dot Sunders. 214 Colorado. . . . 3*i94(• : Atchison street 308UO Mary Roaato. 915 stale street. 36620 Susie Child*. MOW Itacn 35910 Marjorie Holdsworth. 'ill Willow street. ...... .35620 Nellie Sullivan. 4**o Cniverilty.3ssoo j Nellie Adamson. 33rt Cnlv.. . . 3394" Helen Walker. Fan Ju.m, 8aca.33300 May me Browning. 365 College. 31590 Kffle Roper, 323 S. I in 31740! Maud flo*ebMiigh. 735 Park ... 31650 ■ Virginia Easton. 317 Topeka'. 29260 j Katherln Goodrich, -4l*ark.2XKso| Grace Green. 311 Nevada 25650 Mr*. E. P. Kane. 425 State... 285 to Francis Curto, 312 College. . . .27560 Nellie Bpworoy. S2I \rlzonn . 26990 Zelln Irwin. 711 Pine 26410 Clara Marty, Baca street 22540 Laura Herring. 316 s Anintns.2ooso : Jessie Overstreet. 622 \tchlson 163s** i Kate Jacobs, 724 Grant Ave.. . 15940 I Eva Richardson, 5*H Couvenf. 1 1360 | Esther White. 401 Short 1215*1 j Nina Anderson, Tillotson street. I6KO| Gladys Plttengor. 3ls Tillotson . 3460 j Mr*. J. W. Bartlett. M 2 Washington. . 3360 j DISTRICT NO. 2 Consists of 1 lie* City of Trini dad. from the eentei or Commer cial street and Arizona avenue, cast. Bessie Archer. Chestnut street.62Soo Bessie Rupp. 311 K Topeka.. 604 I o Elizabeth Rankin. 1213 R051et.56170 Krcseh McPhall. 21" Frost. . .552K0 IjO.v Clarke, 800 Ai izona. . . . 50220 Teresa Resch. 21 1 Goddard. 1901" Veda Harris, 819 San Pedro. . .46160 Mrs. .la*. Thompson. 419 Maple... 4 5900 Lit pie Bent, 6)2 Fir«t street.. 424 SO Ru l.h Rogers, 420 J N. C0m.... 4 I 900 Hope Barnes. 926 Spruce. ... 4 I 740 Pearl Ashley. 1314 Linden ... 4 1460 Mary McCoy, 7th unit Oak... 40870 Zoe Young. 412 Maple 10810 Margaret Dennison. 406 Spruce street. . . 40460 Ada Fowler, 723 Grunt 17350 Bee Pellett, Topeka uvenue. . 29450 n/.etia Reeve*. 205 Frost 39790 Mr*. It Floyd. 131 East First 39680 Ruth Harris, "til & Baltimore.3949o I Ruth Perkins, 315 B Topeka 30300 Aii mi llutz, 3**s Johnson.... 39000 j Mih.O. 1.. Du via. Jr. j 1623 San Pedro *trent 3S|s*» • Carrie Smith. 616 Arizona.. .:5390 (Mabel Dotnmore, 1025 San Pedro street. . .3792" .Maude Gluhu, 616 K Second 3789" Wllmei Chandler, 113 B 7AU. 87030 AlJeen Duugiieriy 214 Walnut . 37650 Thelma Coppeif. till Arl/.*. . 368*m j lt«*»n|«> Caskey. 424 E. 7th. . .35910 •Myrtle Martin. 214 S. Walnut. 35iim* .Mildred Thomp-on. 112 Aiiz .:tll7<> Anna Hern. Han Pedro street. 20420 | Edna Hatton. 614 Chestnut. 2227** Julia Henson. 62** K. First 2157" | Ada .Smith. Eugleville Mill 1120 DISTRICT NO 3 Consists of Huerfano County and all towns In L:ih Animn county, north of th» Las Ani mas river, bn* not Including towns or territory Itorderlng on the river. Hazel Mnuk Bowen • >9200 Murie l«ngau. Bowen . . . . .57530 l.uey llogglo, Aguilar . ...5612*1 Kate llii'kerton. Tabnx**o . .52150 Marie Kii lean r. \gulliir . . 55260 Blanche I’mfiig. Wal»«*riburg 52830 Murv Martlnollch. Oakview. 51580 Dora Mors, \giillar ... 19870 Virginia Toller, Tollerbttrg .49590 Lillian D linker, D*'lugu;i. 18131) Kai«* Dr is. .d. Pryor 16*150 Moggie liny, \gullai i*'-.'." I Etta Bryd'i*. D< iagun .1441"' Glnilyc Miller. W aim nlmrg 13930 lletrzk* Ryan. I.udlow* 1367** Nellie Thoma*. Ilerwlnd . 1305*' , May Tliompsoti Forbes . 4 252" Margaret Lloyd, I.** ter . 10600 Jsiiee Muth. Aguilar 10250 Emma Cupp*. Vela 40160 Is-la M'*Fnrluu*l. La Vela... .39820 \nr.. Sliaiighn-.-a> . llllHllia*. 396*1*1 Lai eta Springer. Mulaehite 37500 Psillii.e Main.t. Hugh) 37520 | Ruby Floyd, Thateher . . .3926*) (lolill.- Millvr, lUuwintl . »M I« i x'eru l.!ei*lU4. Rugby . 35660 ! A unit Rogei v Rottse 35500 Ijennle Wyl.llerwlnd 31610 j Mury stack. Mnlueliln 3ussu Lit* King. Toilet burg . .30800 .Muriuilete Fiuirial. Mmrpsdnle. 2990** Margin el W<M)dw.iid. Ltullow. 28480 J Nellie Vasquez, Hicks 25990 | lla/..*l Maulden. La Vein . 20||o Isabelle O'Neill. Tab:*>.« 1 *»*.7•• i,issle Lody, Rugby • 20 Pearl Water*. Toilet burg . .. I 1300 Lila Luilgliead. La eta . . 12690 DISTRICT NO. 4 Consist* of La* Animas * min ty of Colorado smiili of the La* Animas river, in* hiding all towns and territory bordering on the river. 1 nd l'nion and Col fax counties, of New Mexico. 1 Ethel Prosser, P <). Box 122 58310 ! Dorn Fourot, Starkvllle 505901 Mrs. Robert Powell, Fol om 5.0540 I blay Wilson, Starkvllle . -5563*1 | Marie Mat h ling. Weston 54 120. Maude Werdeman. Jansen .50920 Rnfnelitn Garcia. Sopris s*U»lo Elsie Fpahr. Cokedale 50610 Nora Hensley. Folsom. N* M... 50180 May Filer. R. F. D No. 1 19670 Rae Coe, Terclo 1668 0 Beulah Barnes. P O. Box 169.46540 Mis* Me Neal, lloehne 15690 Elizabeth Da we, Sopris *1730 Wllntn Hardin, Clayton. N M . III2*»| [Kern Ferguson, Jansen tni.'.o PMts. G. J. Church. Trinchera. .40050 [Mrs. Walter Sherman, Rat0n.39890 [Anna Meek. Starkvllle 39780 I Fay Teneycke, Jnnaeu 3SSOO Clara De Armond. Cokfdnle. .38600 Mrs. Beva D'Ambroslo, Sopris. 38460 Florence Morgan. Folsom. . 35190 • Kathryn Hollenbeck. Trln chern 34 470 Ltteile White, Folsom, N M... 33000 Mattie Richardson. Coketlale. . 31620 Virgin llitKOtt, Des Moines ... 277 I 0 'Elizabeth Rothmel. Simpson ..21360 Laura Crow. Folsom. N. M... 20710 Mrs. Margaret Walsh, Valdez. LC29O Mrs. May llendersou, Des Moines. New Mexico 12200 Grace Hendricks. Cokedale .. 1 "59-rt I .Mrs. I C Cooper, ."Impson . ... 2410 I Love at first sight doesn't usually lasi long. INSURANCE IN THf WOHIOS HIS’ COWf’ANIfS DUNLAVY AGENCY CO. I'OIIKI T HI O('K Phono Trill. f>4 1 OTmtBER 14.1912. NOMINATION BLANK 6000 FOR 2,000 VOTES 1 nominate Mrs. or Misi Aildres* '. .... Downtown uddrmtx. If any occupation ...... District No (Fee i» tu t Divisions ) j Nominated by Addrc *i Only tiie (list nomination ballot received for candidate will I count for 2."n0 \o|es. Fill out alt the liio-h or mi? ballot toiy caiefniiy nnd *•• ill \ 1 ONCE the *onld t Mnu •> •1.1 citron , dad. Colorado. The management reserve: the tigiit to reject .mi obj,. omh.. noml nailoii*. Fill out this blank, write plniuly, and out it to Contest Manager with your nan tiie name and addre--. of yn- . r.tioiite • andl'l.ife Tho names *»f persotiH making noniinatlon* will not be IRI ulg.-d, if ...1 teipie.ied MAKE YOUR NOMINATION TODAY Get Busy ami Win one of tliex 4 . liitndsonte awards. Oalv a limited number of nominations will b» nceepted. Be jure your name is on flits lUt.f VOTING POWER OF SUBSCRIPTION PAYMENTS DAILY CHRONICLE-NEWS Am«*UHt Vote* Given Price New 01*1 One Moiilhs S 500 250 Two Month* 1.00 1,500 7.50 Three Month* 1.5*) 3.000 1,500 six Month* 3.0 n 8,000 4.non Twelve Month* lin ailvnnie •.«»0 20.000 10,00*) Two Venn* 1 in advanv -* 10.00 .',**,(loo 25,(H)0 WEEKLY CHRONICLE-NEWS Aroouut Voter. Gn-n Price. New old l Twelve Months . ... ... $ l." 0 1,500 750 Two Years 2 4.000 2,000 Changing ftotn tiie Weekly t»» the Dally Chronlcle-Neivs will be con sidered a NEW Niib.M’rtber. Subscription*' may l*o Ment by mail, paid at tb«, Chronicle-News *>ff|e#. «»r paid to the candidate in person. (Vnnriidntes are furnislicd with rer«*!pt books, ami will receipt* when accepting payment for xuhxcriptlonx. What is a New Subscriber? For the belief it of nil candidates, we wish to clearly explain what will be considered a NEW subscriber. Any prison who was not taking the paper at the tune the con test started, November 25. is a NEW subscriber- rhangitif; the Name front on** member of the family to another at the same address is NOT NEW. Otdeling another paper and stopping the one now going is NOT NEW Special Ruling Every subscription will be carefully certified and checked dur ing the Big Special Offer, as well as throughout the contest. Hint any votes secured on « subscription marked "NEW which is in reality "OLD", will be cancelled. In order to he fair to all candidates this rule will he rigidly enforced during the contest. Smoke Commercial 111 t? * Boquet Cigar Trinidnu. J BIG SALE NOW ON LADIES’ CO A R PARTY SLIPPERS A. H. BUTLER SHOE CO. 10S North Commercial St. CHRISTMAS BOXES Sl.oo TO $4,00 PER BOA PAGE SEVEN