Newspaper Page Text
Christmas Suggestions for the Whole Family FOB BOYS FOB 01BU FOB FATHER FOB MOTHER Pocket Knife Air Rlfl* Holler Skate* » Good Razor Parlor Itug Hammer > Coaster Wagon S Good Strop Nice Clock J ttW » , Rock I iik Chalt • Knife Nice Davenport Base ball bat . * , ' * Watch Hafl „ How bull klov*> Polr fVlwor. Honnicr . KBg Base ball inn*k Tooth Brush Saw **at Knives Fork* Foot ball unit Tooth Powder Rifle B*l Tea Spoons . Leather cuff* Nlr „ Trunk Shot Gun Set Table Spoon* Watch * ' _ I-eather Cuff* Pair Scissor* Kidlnir whip * 1 ureßß r Tooth Brutdi Sewing Muchlne Roller Skate* Nine Clock Tooth Powder Dining Table . Coster Wagon Bedroom Rug Easy Chair Sideboard . All the*e thing* and many more we have In atock with prices a* low n* good goods can he sold at. We invite your in*|wction. Glad to *how you whether you care to buy or not. fftr CASH BARGAIN STORE. 403 N. Commercial WANT COLUMN Wnntod-Mule Help For If. 8. army. Able bodied uo murrled men between ages of It and 35; citizens of Untied Bla tee. of good character and ternperata habits who can apeak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer. 192 Weat Main at. Trinidad. Colo. If. WaatoS All who do not receive tlteir t brnutele*.News to plume tins miiiiv between t:AO and 7: no the same evening. Second band furniture. Carmich ael and Co.. Pbooe Trinidad 630. If Any kind of huullng. Price* reas onable. Phone Red 1402 or Trini dad 30. 3 Vour films to develop. 10c a roll ut Green's Drug Store. 2 mo. When you want a good home • ook**d' nicul this ia (lie Bachelor** home. 621 Mint** St. tf Men and women. 920 per week and pxpeni<eM, {local and traveling for an ea*terti wholesale hou*e Ex perience unnecessary. Give phone or residence number Address **l.’*. care C-N. I* Cash paid for east off rlnthlng. »line* and hula. Call Trln 426. Imo Carrier l»oy. Must hsve horse. An plv at Chronicle-News office. tt Wanted, at once, dlnlug room girl. <1 per day. room und board. Daw ion lloiiue. Daw-on. X. M. C* Wanted. sl;| for ’general bouse work, family three adult*. German or Swede preferred. Reference* and experience desired.—Mrs. G. M. Hun *oll. Duwson, N. M. 3 For Sole Sell off your surplus stuff buy ualng C-N want ads. They only < oat b cants n line. af For new and second band furnfi nra call on Carmichael aad Co.. 130- 1.12 Kim street. Phone Trlaldad bin. tf Five room strictly modern house. 3rd street. Inquire Mr Ingle*, Inter national State bank. tf. Coal rump boarding house at Green canon with in regular boarders, owner want* to go east. A good op tiortuulty for the right party. Ad drrßM Mr*. F. A. Woodruff, Beacon. Colo 1; High grade Golden Oak furniture of 1 room flat at 11 bargain. Party purchut.lng furniture can rent flat very reasonable. 203 South Animus street. Phone Trinldnd IST. 3* Flat top office desk und chair, I mission table, hall rack, sideboard, I nice as now. cheup. Inquire of F. A. Williams. Bunk Bldg. 1 Ten shares Trinidad Milling and Mining Co. stork, phone Trin 251. tf • Remington typewriter. Monarch typewriter, two pianos, one surrey inapt, one gas range, office table, roll fop desk, office dictaphone, com plete. Dunlnvy Agency Co., Poltrey Itlk Phone Trln. 64 I. Christmas trees, reasonable Phone Ited 14 02 or Tlin 30. 2 Money to Loan On chattel security: reasonable rates. O. O. Newman. 116 W. Main. tf Found Sorrel mure about 10 year* old, on my rniic.h near llochne. Brand II V on left shoulder. Owner can have same for paying charges. Address, Joe Gagliardi. R. F. I). No. 1: Box 16. S* ABSTRACTS THE TRINIDAD ABSTRACT CO. lIOOMb ' AND 111 l l/l IMI v Hll)< t\ HM ONI 111' NMI A D *.4' SATUBPAY For Rant Three room furnlahed apartment} with bath. Also 2 rooms for 912. light, heat and water furnished. 11. l«. L. Anderson. Anderson block, tf Furnlahed housekeeping rooms. 4(iu University. Phone Red 1442. tf Koomu for light houskeeplng at Lu cerne. Phone Raca ixi or 418 Beech. If. One, two or three room* for house keeping. reu«ouahl*, 60K Animas, if Five room strictly modern furnish ed house. Corner 7th and Ash. Phone Ited 2042. tf Three rooais for iignt house keep* ing. 1004. Arizona. if. Two or three toots furnished apartment. (But range, furnace, downstairs, private entrance, rinse in. rcuNonuhle. Phone Red I?K4. 3 2 Room* for light housekeeping, modern house. 624 Colo. Ave. Phone Red 1072. " 1 Two furnished room*. Phone Red 1711. * 3 Modern furnished room* for light housekeeping. Innnlte 311 Colorado <p*enue. 6 | —. Four room house Ift I Goddard Ave. Cull Mr*. IfenJock af Centen ;Dial school 1 Furnished room In modern house. «'ld Grant. tf. Five furnished rooms for light houiikeeplnß. rt« 2 Fast Ist St Trln. 2. tf Modern 5 room bungalow. Apply M. A. Easton. 317 W. Topeka. tf. , Furnished front room. XII Pine Red 1«74. tf. I _ Modern room* for light house keeping. 201 State Street. if Two nice turniHhed rooms for light housekeeping near C. and H. whops. A bey t a Ave. Red 214. 912. tt Situation Wanted Free employment bureau, office of Associated Charities. 416 Commercial street. Phone Red 2962. Help r trnlshed and employment secured, tf Woman wauts work by day. En quire »ir this orfice. 2 Voting married man want* posi tion driving team. Can furnish refer ences. Address (\ A. llelatand. gen. del. 1 Voting girl 16 years old wants to] do housework. Address Soprl?. Box. \ Work in store or office by com jpeient young man. Phone Red 3715 j Ift year old hoy want* work with privilege of going to school. Will | work for board. Phone Rod 2062. 2 i Papering Up-to-date designs of wall pnpsr. Large selection. Very lowest prices. Joe Burk Und. 109 East First. Pkons tfsca 693, I guars'n tee. tf. Panning Cleaning, pressing nod dyeing.- The Trinidad Cleaning aud Dye Works, tf Furniture We buy nod eell Second hand fur rflturs. Call Trio I dad 401 tf Taxi Cab Tnxl day or night. Call Toltec llo tel, Trin. 584, or Trln. 294. tT Printing v h If you need printing or any kind come to the Chronicle-News. Illfh clnss work, reasonable prlQ—. THE CHBOmCIt-HlWIi TBIHJDAJ), COtOBADO DAILY MARKETS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE •New York, Ore. 14 —The market dosed «*iwy today. Speculative oper ntlons were on n much smaller scale. There was an absence of the recent •ever* selling pressure, but traders were not confident that the market had definitely recovered Us poUe und hesitated to make extensive commit’ mentrt. Dealings were restricted further by unfavorable advices as to tbe European financial sit nation and by the fact that another supreme court "decision day" was close at band. Horn#* uncertainty was evinced when business begun and the tone soon became heavy. Weakness de tdoped in speelul stocks. Lehigh Valley aud Southern Pacific were tiilneiabtc to pressure and the oil stocks also yielded. Itonds were irregular. Amalgamated 73: Su.tur 1I8£; Atchison 195JJ; Great Northern 134; New York Central 1072; Northern Pacific 119; (leading I83|; Southern Pacific 10*2; Cnlon 1534: Steel 85 J. Steel preferred 1«9. / THE MONEY XANXET New York, Dec. 14.—Mon-> on cull nominal: tlm** loans easier; tin aud 90 days alx per cent; six months 5} ft 5] per cent Close: Pi line mercantile paper 8 •per cent; sterling exchange stroug. with uctuul business in bankers' bills at 4.81 for GO day bills and at 4.933 for demand. Commercial bills 4.802. liar silver «3J. Mexican dollars 49£. Government bonds steady. Kailnsul bonds Irregular. Chicago Litectack Chicago, Dec. 14.—Cattle receipts' 7oo. Market weak. ItecvcR 3.7041 10.70; Texas steers 4.50 ft 5.5(1; western steers 5.40<rt 9.15; Stockers and feeders 4.4041 7.85; cows and heifers 2.85ft 7.85; calves 8.75*i II. IIOOS: Receipts 8.000. Market steady to strong. | 7*t 7.37J; mixed 7.95** 7.45. {Heavy 7 41 7.45; rough 70 7.30: pigs 5 ft 7. Hulk of sales 7.204i 7.35. HIIKKP: Rece|pts 1,000. Market steady Native 4.10 413.10; weatern 4.39 *f 5.10; yearlings 5.89ft 8.90; lambs, native 8.40418.35; western ti.&nO 8 no. fanui City Litettock. Kansan City, Mn.. Dee. 14.—Cattle terelpfs 300, lurludlng 200 south |erns. Market vteady. Native steers • 8.754* 10.75; southern steers 5ft 7.40; southern cows and heifers 3.75 •t 8.50: native cows und heifers 3.75 ft 7.25; stoekers and feeders 5*f 7.80; bulls 4.50 4* 8.25; calves 8 'a 10; iwestern «teers 8ft 8.50; western cows j 4 •/ 8.30. | SIIBKI': Receipts none. Market (strong. Muttons 4*15.25; lambs 8.25ft 8; tange wethers und yearlings 4.50 ft 7: range ewe* 3.25 ff 3.50. THE METAL MANKET New York. Dec. 14.—The metal markets were dull and practically nominal. Lake and eleetroljnic rop ier 1 7.82 J 4* I 7.871: castings 17.25 ft 17.37$. Iron unchanged. I — ISt. Ixmlr. Dec. 14.—Lead firm, 4.174: Spelter firm, 7.12$*??.15. PRonKom Chicago, Dec. 14.—Firm ties devel oped in provisions owing to hog receipts beta; less than expected. Sales varied from 2$c off to 24 up, with May 18.374 for pork: 10.05 for lard and 9.924 *(85 for ribs. THE WOOL MARKET St. I.nuis, Mo., Dtc. 14.—Wool steady: territory and western me diums 21 4* 25c. Fill- mediums I8ft20e. Fine 13si 17c. WELDIMO Frozen and cracked automobile cylinders welded. Prices reasonable. Abbott Novelty Work*. 118 N. Maple street. tf Lost Small black mare, white saddle mark, branded "I." on hip. 1401 Bao Pedro. Reward. 3 At Cardenas hotel Friday evenlug one long white kid glove. Finder plca*e leuve at this office. 4 Lady'* *mall plain gold watch ond piu. Verlle Gatlin’s name In side. Finder please leave same ut C- N. Reward. 3 l.ost. between Commercialud Cou vent Otto pair linesman pliers, liber al rctourd for return to Trlndad Elec tric Trans.. R. and «. Co. Wagon end gate and coal fork. Finder please notify Raldy Coni Co. Reward. 2 K AMBJkB CITY GRAIN AND KAY Kansas City. Mo., De.-. 14. —Cash: Wheat unchanged to It higher; No 2 hard 83 ft*7'; No. 3 814 4184; No. 2 red ft ft 1.03; No. 3 90 ft 1.00. Corn $ftl‘c lower; No 2 mixed 484: No. 3 45; No. 2 white 47: No. 3 454. Oats unchanged. No. .* white 34 ft 33; Mo. 2 mixed 324 ft 33. Rye unchanged Huy unrbuuged. Receipt*; Wheat 8 7 ears; corn and outs ridhe, I Close: Wheat, Muy 892. July 81$ ft 8- Corn. May 40|4» 1: July 48. o l. Oats. May :i4$ft ',. ' THB COTTON MARKET i* ” . GdIranian. Dec 14 —Cotton tin* • hinged. 12 13-18. NVy York. Dec. 14 —Cotton closed steady at, a ner advance of 5 to 13 point*. Cotton futures closed steady. Clos ing bids: December 12.74; January 12.79; Febrnry 12.M; March 12.90; April 13.99: May 12.90; June 12.87: July 12.36; August 12.75; September 12.10; Octover 11.97. Spot cloned steady: middling tip lauds 13.30; middling Gulf 13.45; no sale**. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE CHICAGO, 111. Dec. 14.-— Unset 1 led weather !u the harvest sections of Argentina gave wheat today an up ward turn. The inurkei. however, noon reacted. influenced by receipts double those pf a year ago. Ilusineita was coihparhaivel) small. opening prices x were u * shade to 'r higher. May started at 904ft \ and declined m The claw »> easy with May at 892, a loss of Jc net. May corn o|»eiied unchanged to u • ixteenth up tit tsju ; und fell to 4M. Mhy closed at 4k $. u setback of 1 '«t 4<* from last night May oats which started ut 33. touched 33k and fell i<» 322 ft 33 COTTON REPORT Washington. Dec. 14 —Cotton con sumed In the I’nited States during November nmoiiuted to 475.210 run ning bales, roiiuting round a» half bale*, computed with 51 1,285 bales for October, according to tbe census bureau monthly report issued today. Cotton on band, in manufacturing and Import warehouses October 21 amounted to 41.798,430 bales com pared with 3.743,210 hale* on Sep tember 30. Exports duiing November amount ed to 41,798,439 bales compared with 3.743,219 bale-* on September 39 Export* during November amount ed to 1,731,887 hales compared with 1.515,74 1 I>ales in October and im ports were 9,452 hales, compared with 19,570 hales. Of the <ouon consumed 243,054 hales wer used in cotton growing Mutes und 23.188 hales in all other Mates. Of the cotton 011 huud October 31 that In manufacturing establishment* amounted to 1,355.979 bales, of whlc 771,70* hales wer in cotton growing states and 584,287 bales tn all other states. Cotton in independ ent warehouses amounted to 3,440.- 489 bub . of which 3.355.855 bales were in cotton growing states and 104,895 bales were in ull other states. HONEY BOY MINSTRELS Georg* "Honey Hoy" Evans, who, with bis 1 lever troupe of minstrel stalilteH, will be the attraction at tbe West Dee. 18. bus a most pecul iar hobby- -the visiting of historic graveyards in towns In which bis productlou Is presented. Probably no other thcsplun in the country has a favorite pursuit that is as un usual. Recentl> some of the member.-* or bis company who were aware of this freak trait of the popular little star atctnptud to play a Joke on him. On* of them. Vutighhti Comfort, tbe In terlocutor. has a detective serve <1 fake warrant on the "Honey Floy" on the charge of helug 11 ghoul. The paper had been drawn up by Comfort and Evens easily recognised the chirograph»• Of his cupabic interlo cutor. Il« turned the Joke back on his assistant by securing another of ficial to take his assistant to the j*>- lice station and lock him up for a lea* minutes on the charge of im personating a magistrate. After he narrowly -scaped being put back in n coll, Evans gave the word [or him to be released. Tme petulant inter locutor returned to his hotel only to he greeted with the tormentings of his fellow' actors. Embossed Xmas Stationery. The Chronicle-New* this sea son Is showing a beautiful line of Christman embossed station ery. Order* filled promptly. Cal! and make your Belertion* nt once. Printing of every deaorlption neat ly and quickly executed at tin* Chronicle-New* Job rooms. Samples and quotations on request. Use the telephone Trinidad 41ft. tf SEEKS WHITE SPOUSE Mian Quaan Hopti to Marr> Outside Raoe. Juanita Ta-Ta-Mg. tk# UliftMt MM MaJlhan In Okla- Iwiw. Own Valuable Oil Wells. ■*PUlpk. OkU.‘-JUMiltI T»-ÜBI *Queeu of tli* I'ebNt." Is declared in bs tk* rtdisst Indian girl In Okie bolts Tbs queen is l? years old. a wlrailat and belle* «a that '‘llae feathers laafes flue birds ." dbe le rale lag peacocks for tbs starlet Her peacock raueb. situated els utiles southwest of Mapulpa. lea little gold ■due. ttoveral male bird# are valued at 9200 eaeb. Jsaaita liras with bar father, but hopes spats day to starry a white aiau and learu to dries au automobile, dress like her paleface slaters and take as active part lu woman's battles for equal rights dbe was crowned “queen*' of the lichee Indians at a re sent corn daaee near this city Her suing of beads. ooaslsUag of 126 elk toatk. is valued at 910.0*0. • The Indian queen owns a qaarter section of land lu the heart of the oil district, and her royalties front oil are aald to amount to several thousand dollars every mouth. One of the larg eat oil wells ever discovered was drill ed on her allotment recently, which adds like a day to her lueome Twen ty million cable feet of oatural gas ts drawn from this well each day. and esparts predict It will couttaue to sup ply that aaMMtiu for the nail ten Her aHotmeat was selected by her through mistake Her fatker. st tbs time allotments .were being made, in tended to Me on n tract adjoining hie own. but the description given to the allotlag agent was for a tract els miles dlmaat. which has proved to be worth more ‘‘My peacock ranch le merely a hobby.** said Queen Juanita, “although It promisee to ho s profitable Indue: try The peacocks are great weather prophets One of my prise birds fore telle a etorui with accuracy 1 value him at 9260 “Would I marry? rertelaly. 1 hope some day to marry a white man. pro vided my Ideal comes along He must be an educated gentleman of the high set order, a strict prohibitionist and total abstainer of tobacco He must love outdoor sports, he a good wtog Shot, bandy with tbo lariat sad own n bid automobile “He need not be rlcb la dollars and seats, but wealthy In those things which go to make for real happiness With such n man I could live contest “ MOTHER 100 YEARS DEAD Frenchman Has Mass flats far Mela tlve Whs Serves in Napo leon's Army. Paris—An Inhabitant of Flat* nee iewOlivlers. lu the Ardennes, has bsd a mass celebrated on the occaelou of the centenary of bis brother's death which took place at Moscow on t>cto her 16. IKII. owing to wounds received when a soldier In Napoleon's srray. The explanation of this strange event lisa In the fact that the brother who died 1M years ago was only a half brother. Arsene l«aplarhe. bee die of the church at rialgnea. Is the •on of Flores tan I<aplarbe. born, as the mayoralty registers show, in 1769. The fatbsr married In 1791 and had a son la 1799. This was the son who dlad In Moscow 100 years ago Becoming a widower In 1k34. he married the following year, when aged 9S. and became the father of the Ar sen* lAplacb* 7t. who has Just rale bra ted the death of his brother, who died 100 years ago. or 24 years be fore he was himself born ENGLISH CLERGY POOR PAID Only Nlneissn Ministers sf Qlewoee tsr Ara Paid Over $3,000 a Year— Cndewrmcnt System Faulty. Ixmdou.- "Only 19 of the clergy In the diocese of CJlouceater receive 92.000 s year. or. In other words, only lb are as valuable as an ordinary member of parliament." said J. D. Hlrchall at a confsrsnce of tbo of England Man's society at I*eeds recently. The conference was discussing the remu neration of clergynsen. Another speaker aald It was wrong that one man should receive 916.000 a year for three months' duty and a bouse to live In while others were receiving such poor stipends. The archbishop of Yord said that the endowment system of the Church of Rugland wae full of old abuses. Nothing but Parliament and a long proeeaa of lobbying and agitation can procure the desired reforms, hs said BOY HURT BY POWDER BLAST Heat Frem Awtemebile Headlight Causes Fatal Injury to a "News Is.** Hammond. Ind.—A peculiar accl dent will cost twelve-year old Psrkei Tipton, a newsboy of Madison coun ty. hie life Parker bought five rente* worth of gunpowder and put It lu his Itocket. While he was warmlug his bauds In trout of a powerful hand light on au automobile the best from the light converged on the powder and It exploded. The boy wae so burned that ha cannot live. DECEMBER 14. 1912 r FOR SALE The nicest things in the world— Player Kviry rnni|.l-l- homo .lioiilil 1.i.v0 „ p |„ V o r lUnno. horau.o “ hn ll "“ "Mimlo In II,» Soul" 511l | imorpr.l • \loo»l Miihlo In il,o Worl,l Tlio ho,I lino ~lnnii». nhivor plnnoil Vlrlrnlnn mill rorm-iN ovor Hlniwn In Trlnhlml l„« uimo ini hnrjtnlus In used phi mm The Knight-Campbell Music Company 135 Cast Main St. J. H. COOLEY, in Charge * : stop! : » You’ve I ’aid Kent Long ♦ » Knou)*ir ♦ 0 Here In your r banco to Imy 11 f * Ixuii*' at n low price mid on + easy forms: f — A nrw, five* room ♦ modern cottage. |:ioii mb •• f and »2f. per month. f £ f2.7fi«MMJ—A tit!w six-room ♦ • modern cottage. f0 cash * and |::0 per month. f Money to l«oati- — •• ♦ Intursurc —Abstract* Bondi • f McGIftshan 6 Gow • * Silll.* 4 Klkn lllk. I'll. Trin. ?IT i TO THE LITTLE FOLKS ♦ Santa Chinn Irttora, tocolYctl # ♦ hy the Chronicle-.News after six ♦ ♦ |i. tu. Monday. |>ec. l’.I, ran not ♦ ♦ In* published It will lie too # ♦ late alter that time to deliver ♦ ♦t Iti'ln Santa Claus belong* to # ' ♦ i h«* rank* of early shoppers and. # ,# union ilia little friends hurry • [• up with tbeli letters in* will <i«» ♦ i ♦ Iiin Inning without the ntlggcs* • i ♦ tloiiN lie usually rereive.s Send • ♦ in your Santa Claim letter right ♦ ♦ away • Printing of every description neat - ' Iv and qtilekly executed at the Chronicle-News Job room*. S*imr*l« • . and qimtntiouH oil request. Csn the telephone. Trinidad tin tf . SIM Reward, SIM The renders of thN paper wilt be pirord to hnrn Hint there in at li-ai. one dre.nhd dluvaae Unit science has been able tu ruie In all Its staim. uml that I" Catarrh. Ilall's Caiurrh Cme it the only 1 positive curs now known to tin* nn-Ulcal fraternity. Cotnrrh b*-ing a coinultuilonat dlsejNe. requlr* a u «ori«tuuth>i> >1 treat* | incut. II ill’s Catarrh t'ure In tukc-i in* ternally. u«-tlnir dlietily upon He- hl -od and mucous suifa- m of tin* nvni< iii th-re* by destroying the foundation of tin* «l! - - care, and giving the path nt strengt , uy building up the ■ ••n«iitulloti and u«-inlng nature In ilolng lt**Work. The pr<>prh>t.irN have no much faith In Its curative pow ers that thev off* r One Hundred D-dlarx for nnv ca<e that li falls to cure. rP'nd for ll.*t of teNtlrnonlnts. Address r J. oilKNIiY * CO , Toledo. Obis. Mold by sit Dm nri We. Tsks UsU't. rsaaUjr rills for coontipslios. Piano Cash Sale Cash Day Monday, Dec. 16 Any Piano in our for one day only It pays to pay cash, this gives you a Piano Upjpl A $450 Piano for $315; A * 4OO Pillno for * 2HO: A s3o ° Piano for $210: A $250 Piano for $175. Think of it. We are closing; out our stock on hand for the year at Factory Cost and less. Buy now while you are saving from $9O to $l5O Only one day—Remember—Monday. w. K. LOCKE 310 Castle Hall PAGE NINE ; HOTEL CORINADO » Announces t» it* friends find patrons t that it has Installed a firm cion* A' lu Carlo service, with nxceedlngly * moderate prices and a cuisine hcc i olid to imne i In addition to our A' la Carte hill * we servo from ft a. m. to 10:30 a ni ’ special Club breakfasts. I'rlce* tang > log from lf> cents to .'•« cent*. i A feature is our noonday luncheon | for nr. cents. » An especially attractive Tallin l* , Mole dinner will |»c Nerved on Kun ( day from 12:30 to p. in. for SO cents , Your patronage res|»crl fully so -1 Belted. Among th* good thing* • to eat White House Coffee Must not lx* overlooked. It is always sitisfactory; if not. your money hack. New shipment of Fresh Vegetables lor Friday White House Mercantile Co. ♦ 4 * Embossed Xmas Stationery ♦ •fr ♦ <• The Chronlclo-.WwH thin <• <- m)ii l< Hhowing a hcnuilfiil line 4 <• of C'hrlKtniaH rmhosNed station 4 4 cry. Orders filled promptly. 4 4 Call and make your selection 4 4 at once 4 4 4 4444444444444444 irhronicl*-Nc\v», f»nc a month.