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PAGE TWO [ GIFT CHOOSING j J W'hlle out selecting your Christmas presents, come in and T Z see us, and remember substantial Kilts, like we have, are most ap- * T predated. t + Silk, Velvet or Wool Dress patents. Silk, Lisle or Cotton |»os- ♦ ♦ lory, Mufflers, Sweaters, Silk or Linen Handkerchiefs, Neckwear X Etc. Etc. 1 THE BEE HIVE j 1 423 Commercial Street Trinidad, Colorado ? I Good Old ? Schneider Beer | The favorite drink of the community y for more than thirty years *j* Century Bottled Beer £ Light A i Muenchener Bottled Beer X | Dark X $ DEFIES COMPETITION Y I PH. SCHNEIDER BREWING CO. | o Phone Trinidad 54 Trinidad. Colo. •!• P <• must *«eoeo eeor- -k- e- oe 00 ©. 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 | Make electric- f | ity your willing | i servant I I BH=SS= “ I ! I 0 If men stayed home and did the ironiiiK. cooking and 0 washing* one thing is certain, everything would be done g *1 the electric way In the factory, store and office he is constantly on the jj J? lookout for labor saving devices* can’t blame him. J 0 it saves him money. ? $ Why shouldn’t women save time, labor and bother in £ O the home? 4 2 Life is too short to go on doing things in the old* j? -j fashioned way. g & With an electric iron, an electric percolator an elec* 49 4& trie toaster stove, an electric washing machine, an electric 40 46* motor with complete handy attachments you can be inde* 49 J pendent of a servant q Let us demonstrate this to you. Our office will be open £ 0 every evening until Christmas. $ $ , % |- J | The Trinidad Electric | | Transmission, Railway | | and Gas Company | 0 « 0 0 0000 00 00 0© iig® 00 00 aa aa a 1 aaa aaaaa CHRONICLE-NEWS 50c PER MONTH Lightfiyour Kitchen with a JBagj> Bracket Lamp Sometimes in the kitchen or elsewhere you need a lamp held high, where it will light the whole room, and be out of the reach of children. The Rayo Bracket Lamp is made for exactly this purpoae. It is one of the famous Rayo Family—the best kerosene lsmps made. A dear, white light, steady, diffused. A strong, substantial bracket, easily affixed to the wall. The lamp is inexpensiva. Economical. Lighted without removing chimney or shade. Rayo Lamps are made in various styles and for all purposes. Af DealerM Everywhere CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY _ Dearer, PuabU, AlkaMarqaa, Cheyeaae, Balls. Bel—, Salt taka City. MONDAY \ Santa Claus Letters My Dear Santa Claus: —I will lefl you what > want for Christmas. 1 want n little piano, a set of dishes nixl a little red rooking chair, firing mo a little bed so I can put my doll iu It. It is twenty-six Inches tall. Don’t forget mamma and papa and bring me some caudy and nuts. And don’t forgot my uncle Harry. Front your little girl—Thelma Helle Sprouts, Majestic. Colo. (S) Dear Santa: I will tell you what I want yor Christmas. I want u dolt two feet high and a doll buggy and a whistle, and a little red rocking chair, a table and a sot of dishes. That will he all for this Christmas. Don’t forget mamma uad papa and bring mo lots of candy und nuts, and also don’t forget my uncle Herbie. Front your loving little girl—Gcr trudo Mao Leplatt. Hoehne. Colo. (A) Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy six years old and I live ut Ho wen. I want you to bring me an en gine. andV cars, and a sleigh, and candy and nuts, and don't forget my little brother. He is three years old lit* wants a street car and an auto mobile and candy and nuts.—Sammy Wales, llowen, Colo. (N> Dear Santu Claus:—l am a good little girl. I am eight years old. IMenso tiring me a character doll, and a Kim slid some story books, and please bring me a stocking full of candy and nuts. Your ItA* friend— Frances Miller. 108 E. Sixth St. (T> j Dear Santu:—Please bring me dils year a dollic. a broom, an Iron and something for little Jack. I am a little girl two years old. I live at *• 19 Prairie avenue—Mary Walton. (A) Dear Mr. Santa:—l want you to Krlng me a coaster, a new cap, and someth lug for big slater. From your little friend—Ellsworth Walton, 919 Prairie avenue. (8) Dear Santa Claus: I am not go ing to be like other hoys. My little brother he ran not write so he told me to tell you what he wants. 110 nays that he wanta a drum, and a pair of shoes, and a pair of stocking* and a little dog. I want a pair of short and a pair of pants. And I wish you would bring me u toy dog and a toy drum and a toy engine. , That Is all, from—Theodore Scbuy , ,cr * f A) Dear Santa Claus: -I would like | lor you to bring nte u doll an iron. some dishes and a little broom so I ‘ can sweep for mamma. Your little ’ friend Lyllth Walton. 919 Prairie • avenue. , (N) i Dear Santa Claus:—Plc-ose bring ,me a doll, a kimnuu attd some kid . gloves, some candy and nuts. Ilrlng my sister just wha* you bring me. f Please remember the poor children. • From—-Viola und Gladys Will lams. ■ P. S. Please bring me a story hook *o I 1133 Colorado avenue. i IT) , Dear Santa:—l want you to bring . me a little horn, a wagon, a rocky horac and something for l«co Curry. Mv name Is Clarence Dorton, 820 ’ Vine street. i Al Dear Santa Ctaua:—l want you to i bring me a little rocky horse, a gun , and a little wagon. lam a little boy two years old. and live at 820 Vine street. fS> Dear Santa Claus: —I thought 1 would write you a letter to let you know what I want for Christmas. My* mamma is siek and can’t come down town to see you and she said I was , a good little girl. I want you to , bring me a sewing box, and some goods to make some doll clothen ns 1 have lots of dollies und I have on or two dollies to spare for some poor children. 1 hope you won’t forget them. I was seven years old my last > birthday. I wish you n Merry Christ mas and a happy New Year. —Emma F. Paul, 51<i Animas street. (A) My Dear Santa:—l ant a little girl live years old and I want to tell you what I would like to have for Christ mas. Please bring me a little sewing machine, a sewing box, a big painted doll, a writing desk, and do not for get to bring my little bother Jack a rubber doll. 1 ant your little girl.— Anna Hagan, 323 Topeka Ave. <N> Dour Santa Claus: —I will tell you what I would llko to have you bring tun for Christmas. I would like to have a nice little wush tub und a little wash board, and a pair of gloves. A good little story to read, and some nicy little doll clothes for my little baby doll. A nice little dresser and some candy and nuts.— Leona Shaw. I live at f»ui \V. Dana street. 1 am ten years old. Don’t forget.mamma and papa and my brothers and my little ncice, Vlrgle lee Herbert, she is two years old. (T> Dear Santa Claus: —Please bring me a set of dishes, doll und buggy. A locket and chain, and don’t forget to bring me some candy und nuts. And I have a little brother six years old, his name Is Roy. and he wants a hcebe gun, a wagon a drum and au aeroplane. Please don’t forget XHX CHRONICLENEWS, TRINIDAD, COLORADO. candy and nuts. Your friend—Elsie Harmon, Doweii. Colo. (At Dear Santa Claus: --Please bring tue a pair of roller skates, a suit of elothts and a knife and a ball. Your little friend. —Gilmore Biel, t»44 Robinson avenue. (S) Dear Santa Claus: I uni a little boy seven years old und I want to tell you what I would like to have for Christinas. Please bring mo an automobile, a tool box, a cowboy’s suit, and a writing desk. Please bring my llttfe brother Jack a rattle. I am your little friend —Leroy llagau, 523 Topeka avenue < A» Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl nine years old. 1 would like for you to bring me n post curd album, a story book and any other thing that Is good for a little girl nine years old. Ilrlng Robert a little wugon- u ball and a doll, some nuts and fruit. We will be ut Aunt Elsie’s Christ mas. From your friends—Ella und Robert Broyles i N» Dear Santa Claus. I want a little toy pistol and some caps to imp in It. and I want a little track and engine* Yours truly—Eddie Gillespie, • T) Dear Sunta Claus: I am u boy six years old. I have been good and 1 want you to bring me ii knife, n story l*ook, some nuts und randy. Your little friend- Floyd Gillespie. • A) ENGINEERS ACCUSE (Continued from page on*.l meni from our superiors. They tell us that they have nothing to do with i the law, and that If It does not suit J us w® can leave. *’l«ast Friday there appeared ■ niong all of the men In the service j of the C. 4k 8. a stranger who had a , petition for the repeal of the 10- hour lay. This is what gave us the j tip that the company was really be- j hind the forces that were making ev erything so disagreeable for us. I«ast I Thursday there were not less than six engines ‘dead’ on the main line and on the line that guru Into Greeley And this same condition applies upon every road In the state. ’’They tell us to eaten late about ; when we will be at the lti-hoiir limit, and then ‘strip' the engine, leave it and go to Che nearest telegraph or telephone and report. Stripping con sumes about'an hour and a half. At a glance one can wo that It's abso lutely impossible to muke such u cal culation. This responsibility falls upon us as Individuals, and places all of the responsibility of wrecks und that SSOO fine upon us. without a chance to get out of It. We will not stand for the repeal of the law, and they might as well know this. "The government bus also filed thousands and thousands of dollars, claims of fines against the C. F. a* I. company for rebating on coal ship ments." PEACE ENVOYS MEET IN LONDON (Continued from Page One.) resistance by Austrian und Ueim.iu support. The principal conditions of peace demanded by the a Hie* comprise the immediate surrender of the Turkish fortresses of Scutari, Adrianople. and Janinu. whose garrisons will be granted full military honors: the cvartintlon of eastern Europe by Tur key as far east as Tebatalja toni lino to be deliminated on the spltXtho cession to Greer* of all the Aegean islands; the annexation of Crete to Greece and the payment by Turkey of a war indemnity and of the ex penses Incurred by the allies on ac count of the Turkish prisoners. The allies in return are prepared to grant complete amnetsy to the .Mussulman population in the' terri tory they annex for any acts of hos tility during the war: the return of all prisoners; the recognition of the spiritual sovereignty of the Sultan over Ottomans becoming subjects of the Haßchu states and the free ad ministration by the Mussulmans of their pious foundations iu tile Balk ans. To those conditions lias now been added the taking over Jijr the Balkan states of that part of the Ottoman debt. corroVpending to the erritorlcs which hey annex, unless the powers controlling the Ottoman debt allow them to deduct that part from the war indemnity imposed upon Turkey, which would thus remain the on!* debtor. The peace delegates adjourned Im mediately niter luncheon until tomor row. L has been arranged that the choir shall be taken alternately by the delegates representing the five na tion* concerned. and this is to be done a I phk ban cany.: *'B til garltt’will thus be first and Turkey Inst. A* m tea-UrtiWraM Beat. Mtot.Al»a)r«Ktllil<U BV MHIG6ISTS EVERVWNEia THE WEST WEDttSBOT, OK. Illli GEORGE EVANS “HONEY BOY” MINSTRELS SIXTY PEOPLE INCLUDING John yiiy Sun Lee Vaughn Comfort Chnrlee lifer Chnrlei Billierd John Butt Janie. Meehan Jim Doherty Joteph Oilletpie Tommy Hyde Raymond Mazon Jack Kennedy CONCERT ORCHESTRA OF TWENTY SOLOISTS E. V. CtIPKItO, Director Price*, 50c. 750. *l. *1.50 Seat Sale Tueaday December 17 Big Bargains In unredeemed diutimiiil* r t :ik». watches and oilier Jewelry. LOAN OFFICE POLIAK BROS. JiMJ North Commercial St. HOTEL CORINADO Announce* to It* friend* and patron* that It ha* in*tallcil a first class A* In Carte service, with exceedingly moderate prices and a cuisine see* oud to none. In addition to our A* In Carte hill we serve from «• a. m. to 10:30 a. m. special Club breakfasts. Prices tang* Ing from 15 cents to T>o cents. A feature Is our noonday luncheon for 35 cents. An especially attractive Table I)' Hate dinner will lie *crvcd on Sun tiny from 13:30 to 3 p. ui. for 50 ccuts ! Your patronage respectfully so licited. | STOP! 'll £ You’ve Paid Kent Long ♦: ♦ Enough! f| £ Here la your chance to buy a f 1 r home at a low price and ou + T easy terms: £ 53,300.00—A new, five-room T ♦ modern cottage. $3OO cash T a and $35 per month. £ r 3" 750.00—A new six-room ♦ T uicJern cottage. $350 cash X ♦ and $3O per month. ♦ Money to l/oan— ■— ♦ Insurance —Abstract* Bonds 7 ♦ McGlashan & Gow •: ■i 4- Z Suite 4 Elks Rlk. Ph. Trln. 34 7 1 <8 4444444444f4444444444444m THAT'S WHAT WEI) HAVE YOU IX), TO THE FACTS ABOUT OUR Bakery Goods WoTo alwayH telling You. We tell you here naught but the truth, And. reuding what we say. Wc hope you will not hold aloof. But Come Here Every Day. Choleo tilings for Xinas. Apfel The Baker 421 N. Com’l. IT you are troubled with chronic constipation, the mild and gentle ef fect of Chamberlain's Tablets makes them especially suited to your'case. For sale by all dealers. I DECEMBER IG. 1912 VI CRYSTAL Where Everybody Goes m vaudeville » MONDAY TIL THURSDAY (If thi* i.n't a fifty cent show for a dime- we are no judge-) The Beautiful Two Reel Society Feature Film THE STOLEN SYMPHONY starring Arthur Johnson, every body'* favorite That big Orpheum Team 00T AND WALT STEELY Talk Funnily Play Prettily Sing Charmingly MELBA’S DOGS The Animal Act Aristocratic Dog* with n College Education GRAND HOTEL ! Aro you experiencing them? Ix*t us show you how wo keep busy, ntid how we In creased one huslne** 125 per cent In eight months. We have plenty to do; *o have our cli ents. Why? FUTATURO BROS. Advertising Expert*, Cornea M«in «nd Santa Fe- JEfTRYES ; COAL & MINING COMPANY I i Dealer* in Bloom, Forbe* and I Morley lump coal,. For *um mer u*e try Jewel and Morley Nut Coal- Phone Trinidad 225. The Arcade Saloon - i on? i Corinado Bar Robert Branagh. Prop. Manhattan Cafe C. F. KIRKPATRICK. Prop. OPEN NIGHT AND DAY EVERYTHING IN SEASON And up-to-date. Drop In and get ac quainted. Assuming One's Risk IS THE MATTER OF Fire or Accident, Is a dangcrou* policy, Jet ub fully Insure you |u a strong old-line policy. Bennett 6 Wilson AGENTS Suit 1 McCormick Bldg. Phone Trinld&d 103. *lhe Coleman Coal Company Is now in operation with the Farrell and Gibbs Mine. Our <oul will bo on the market Monday. MINE RUN $3-00, LUMP COAL *3.50. NUT COAL *4.00. PHONE TRIN. 940. \ Eighty Acre 1 Tract | Fine Kt) acre tract border- & 9 Ing city limits and one of the ?,* \ largest snaps w« have had since sv 6 we have been in the business. « X If you aro looking for an in- S) v vestment, it would puy you to « >s Investigate this. See us at ouce Hubbartt. I | Agency Company » « ROOM 3. COLO. BLDO. V » Phone Trln. 295. « SS WILLIAMS Transfer ud Storaga Company 231 CHESTNUT ST. linen 87 Red 2893 THE HALL-McMAHON Undertaking Company —UNDERTAKERS*' » 137 E. Main St.—Phone Trin- 595. Telephone Trinldud 418. TRINIDAD UNDERTAKING CO UNDERTAKERS 321 WEST MAIN ST I). 11. 3II*B :: :: Mineral Dlnrlur FOR 000 D THINGS TO EAT AND DRINK 00 TO THE Z Bar and BIG O Cafe | Palace Cafe and Bar ■ • OEO. CLERCI, Prop, j; 119 Wort H*in Street. MERRILL’S Carpet Cleaning Works w We Cleaase Carpet*. Feath er. and Mattrenei, ud Do Upholitering ud R*poiring. Carpet Work ■ Specialty— i Wrote Boca 415. 511 E. 3d Rowland Plumbing and Heating Company —Phone Baca 23$— 120 WEST FIRST ST. ■ Estimates Cheerfully Famished F. W. CLARK Attomey-at-Law Suite 3, Colorado Building t Pfe Pierce Lumber and Manufacturing Co. & Everything in Building Material Mill ud Job Work o Specialty STOVES an* FURNITURE NEW AND SECOND-HAND FURNI TUBE BOUGHT AND SOLD POLIAK & RATNER Phone Trinidad 416—418 N. Com I P'URNITURK NEW AND) SECOND-HAND Bought and Sold A. M. CLEAVINGER Telephone lines 1-0 NO. :nn WEHT MAIN STUUKT Call JORDAN FOR QUICK Parcel Delivery and Messenger Service Hunt Main 8t or Phone Trln, riril WANTED TO GIVE ESTIMATES and rignrcH on Edward* Mcttc roof* ami ceiling*, anything In shoot metal |*ntnt. cement block, anything in ce ment. Wi? manufacture; build uii'l re pair. Circulars mailcd.\ CAST STONE CO. I*l lON 1C RED 151 I ■ |» O, BOX I7 s J. G, GATES Scientific Optician Ail work done natiefactory Trinidad 89 |{ C( | |y, :- BOOM B—OPERA HOUSE BLOCK AUCTION OF FURNITURE. CARPETS, DKAi’KII EltiES every Tuesday, Thursda . Saturday. THE J. R. WARD FURNITURE AUCTION COMPANY 311 W. Main St. Trinidad, Cole.