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PAGE FOUR The Clironiele-New» A PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER—FAIR—FEARLESS. PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY Entered u Second-Claw Matter at the Post off ice of Triindad, Colorado JESSEE G. NORTHCUTT Preaidoat FRANK C. LAWLER Manager A- R. BROWN ... Ml tor F. E. WINSOR „ City Editor "übaeription Rates One mouth by mall • >t*o Ono Month by carrier 60 Six Month* *.OO Ono Year (In advance) 6-00 .Weekly Chronicle-News one voar . 1-00 JOE LAWLESS AGAIN Speaking of the hen rotnhilint Uni. Mrlleiidrie and Hendrick, it tmiHi be remembered that it wan Mcllendrle who put the hunt in 11 »»»»- ter, while it wan none oilier than .lack Hendrick who put tin* idiot hi lleudendiot. I.ninnr Spinks. CHRISTMAS FIRE HAZARDS Chrlhtniiis and its joys should not he allowed to blind nten to the ordinary rules of safety for the protection of homes and lives of the family. At holiday times parent* who try to keep their children free from even the possibility of danger will liutll In the heart of their homes where it is mi re to be the renter of attract inn for the little ones the most Inflammable thing tli • ever enter* it the ordinary everjiroen Christmas tree. While It grows more dry and dangerous in the warm rooms It thoughtlessly is draped with cotton for snow tissue paper loops and tin sels for decoration* —candles are attached to It. then toys are tied to Its houghs that every child will endeavor to grasp and then trust to provi dence from tfliosnid that tnttv prove us dangerous mid deadly as an open k..g of guii(**Avder Th" Panto Claus often surround* himself with pil lows. pu.»on cotton bait -r<l whiskers and makes himself more of a men ace than a help In case of a fire should start, and fires DO start—every holiday * .eon Firemen look forward ro a run of Christ mas-tree tires Just as they did to Fourth of July fires before the rone Fourth movement put an otul-u* Utctii. Why not a sane Christina* as well as a sane Fourth? Christmas tiers should lie decorated with asbestos Instead of cotton and where it is absolutely necessary to Illuminate the tree mlnattire electric lights should be In* installed liy an experienced electrician for illumination Instead of randies. It is much better to he safe than sorry—especially with the little «»ne- at Christmas time. FATHER LEFEBRE, OF WALSENBURG, DEAD Walhcnburg. Colo.. Dec. Id. Hast ened by,his devotion to duty. Fnlhtlf Ruxene 1... Feb re, pastor of the local Catholic church and one of the most hived clergymen in Colorado, died ui the Glockiier -anitnrium In Colorado Springs Saturday after a four months Illness \ Father l«e Febre won prominence here during the recent campaign. When h* left Ills sick bed to wage a fight atalnst the fiolitical fortes In lluerfaqo county, which he believed to be corrupt, and to oppose the |f«i uor Interests. Always- delicate, his health had been undermined to an extent that made It dangerous for liitn to leave his bed. hut he was working hard and actively to the la » His exertions, it 1- believed, shortened his life Father l.e Febre was born in the province of Quebec, Canada, In 1K73, and was ordained as a priest there, his fitst work lielns in Montreal and New Hod ford. Ten year* ago he was forced to come to Colorado for his health and at once became greatly beloved by all who met him. lie served Hit hop Man's secretary for five months while Father Phillips was away. He also acted as chaplain of 20 year cast, 17 jtwel, $ 14.00 WE REFUND YOUR Aw railroad Sm 1 AND (M pH URFARE fIKP sjr jffRPPBPP SI 0 ° 10 SlOO.OO Stylish and Effective • 50c to $3.00 Evening. Lincoln H. Hall Evening. Jeweler and Optician Frauds* hospital at Colorado Spring* and St. Mary’s at Pueblo, i Five year* ago he came to \Yal*en-| Izurg. During hi* residence here he Jiecured the fund* that built the I**-. ' sell Memorial school, a $35,000 Insti tution. lie was exceedingly public jspirited and was one of the most Hon ored nod best loved men In south eastern Colorado. The body was sent to Denver and the funeral services were held at 10 o'lrock till* morning. Bishop Mats taking charge of the services in per son. Hu rial was at the Mount Olive cemetery. CLAY HOWLETT DEAD Word was received here Saturday of the dentil In Denver. Friday of JClav Howlnt. formerly a well known resident and business man of ihls I city. The new* of his death come* las a shock to a host of friend* throughout the county. The nature •of the Illness of the deceased was not stated lu the advices received here. J Hewlett was a brother of Mrs. {George W. Ed kins of 234 Fourth jstreef and was sixty years of age. ; You will find that druggists every jwhere speak well of Chamberlain's Cough Itemed.v. They know from longexpcricnce In the sale of It that In cases of roughs and colds It can always he depended u|*oii. and that It I* pleasant and safe to take. For sale J*y ull dealers. MONDAY > Brad's Bit o’ Verse By J. C. BRADSAW COUNT YOUR RLESBINGS When the keen-edged UUtlltllll breezes come with hint of snows mid freezes, when the landscape in the morning wears a coat of frost and rime, then we mortals, how we shiv er How our very inwards quiver, how we long, with sighs regretful, tor the good old summer time. Yet three moons have scarce passed by iih since we needed precepts pious to make smooth the rocky pathway for our worn and weary feet. We were paining and perspiring, we were languishing and tiring. we were grumbling at the weather man. and swearing at the heat. Oh the-autumn tints the wildwood with the fairy scenes of childhood, and the glory or the hilltops ought to rest our weary lione*. but the crisp and frosty twlight rusts a gloom ncross our aky ! light, and we fill the glowing atmo sphere with ugoiilzinx groans Tims we flounder through the seasons, al ways giving sundry reasons why all things are brighter, lletter, than the blessings by our side; we go hoping, longing, tearing, toward (the land to which we're steering, we are Ideal beyond deserving— hut we’re never satisfied. A Des Moines man had an nttaek of muscular rheumatism In his shoulder. A friend advised him in go to Hot Springs. That nieuun an exjiense of s|'>u.Uo or more. He sought for a quicker and cheaper way to cure It and found It In Chamber lain’s liniment. Three days nfter the first application of this liniment lie was well. For sale by all dealers. P. E. O S PLAN XMAS PARTY The members of the local chapter |of the I*. E. O. society arc making plans for a Idg Christum* party, to tie given the 26th of Deeemlier nt the spacious home of llrs. W I*. Dun lavy on Colorado avenue. A Christ mas tree fairly laden with presents for the members of the society mid their husband*, will be an attractive feature of the party. The decora tioos will he In keeping with the sea son, and the Dunlavv home will he made brilliant with Its decorations of red and green. The gueats will be the members of the F. K. O so ciety, their husbands and sweet hearts. and tho evening will un doubtedly he a most Jolly one. The Christmas party is an annual affair with the F. E. O. members and they are busy making the liunl ar rangements for the Christmas enter tainment. FAIR ASSOCIATION’S ANNUAL ELECTION The Trin!dnd-!,nK Animas county Fair Association, organized for the* fourth year at its annual meeting held nt the office of James McKeough Saturday night. Keport* of the third annual fair were read and the direc tors were much gratified by the showing. The fair was a success fin ancially and nt the meeting the af fair* were cleaned up in shape for the new hoard to take hold. The next meeting will he held the second Sat urday In January. The same officers were elected and the board of direc tor* I* made up of the same with the exception of Dr. R. J. Foreman. The directors expressed their appreciation of the efforts of all individuals in boosting the fair and passed a resolu tion of appreciation nlso to the local newspapers for their etforts in pro moting the success of the fulr. The Officers of the Trinidad-Las Animas County Fair association are: President Caslmiro Barela. First Vice President—James Mr* K cough. Secretary—Charles Bailey. Treasurer —H. W. Bowman. Board of Directors—Caslmiro Bar ela, James McKeough. H. W. Bow inun. R. S. Gregory, T. A. Thompson. \V. L. Wills, K. G. Du I lug. Clyde Whltesrarver, S. D. Patrick. E. E. Cooley, .1. H. English. W. J. Gibbons, Charles Bailey, J. S. Grisham and A. G. Brown. Houseful of Good Stomachs No More Stomach Miicry or Indiges tion in the Home where MI-O-NA Stomach Tablet, are always Handy Gas. heaviness, sourness, belclitna’ and misery from undigested food vanish In a lew' minutes when one or two MI-O-NA Stomach Tablets ia re taken. Keep a box in your home. Carry |a few with you wherenver you go ami you are mighty certain to con qnc indigestion the minute it begins to start a disturbance in your stom ach. MI-O-NA saves lots of misery and many lives every year because If tak en regularly It will make the stom ach so strong and energetic that you can eat anything you want without fear of distress. Druggists every where, fiO cents. The Haustnan Drug Co. will refund your money if dis satisfied* Fra* tMal treatment of MI- O-NA from Booth s MI-O-NA. Buffalo N. Y. THE CHRONICLE NEWS, TRINIDAD. COLORADO. jlpF ipi imf THE EMPORIUM f THE BIG STORE Wholesalers and Retailers in HEADQUARTERS FOR SANTA CLAUS f / / J , The largest "ind most up-to-date line ol Xmai /j // / flliinlClr l V **" Goodteverihown in Trinidad. Aik to be ihown / u iju' lhron * h onr Basement.** Big Cut on all Ladies' /JlfH SALE NOW ON I lMul’' \ mmm We Will place on tale all of onr Lndiea' Tailored •*'** .1 10 p-r n.l / WE HANDLE THE CELEBRATED PRINTZ'S LINE ‘ ™ JMRtW, i 0F SUITS and c ° ats the vest ° n east®. mmmm Partial Listfif CJkl C \\| MSKm/I U What the Eli ° hLL ! j * re arr * e * LASTS I/ I fllll '! I ///I I HiIII Home-made Bakery Oooda, TUIO I / /Ml II I 111 I 1111111 lit Heady-to-wear for Ladiea | ||||J 1/ iJ n II I I Il l I Gent,’ Fnmiihingi. Shoe,, BlNm# ft / //if I t ' 111/111 111/1 II Furniture, Cnrpeta, Bnga, IAILLIf . n / llj Il| j j 111 !j 111 I Olaao nnd Tinware, Crook- TT LLIm 1 //1 Iff All Mail Orders Promptly Filled aSrsb the EMI DisTiiKTKM in dress D.R. Hindman, Manager BIG SALE NOW ON LADIES’ <fcO AQ PARTY SLIPPERS A. H. BUTLER SHOE CO. 108" North Commercial St, DECEMBER 10, 1913 CHRISTMAS BOXES SI.OO TO 54.00 PER BOX ' Smoke Commercial £ W Boquet Cigar rSM** ** I