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Do your Christmas shopping in Trinidad and shop early KSTASLISHED 1877 $3,257.90 FOR COUNTY IN COURT FINES Cennty Coffert Receipt Their Largest Fine CmtrihatL **** MOREMA) BE FINED WXAT ROOM Til OAMBLHS WHO lUOtOILR: Mebfrt Bruacb, 4 cum .. .1137.60 Jokfc Beck, 4 CUM 233.30 LoMarelll. 4 cum 237.70 101 l Room, 4 cum 361.10 V. O. Busier, 4 cum 237.49 CksrlM Carter, 4 cum .... 237.70 J«ke lafu 3 cum 130.90 Umle Roeel, 3 cue. 139.90 A. 64 Potaluro. 3 case. .... 173.30 Jaluu wiliuas, 3 cue. .... i30.*0 Wtsaa Martelll, 3 caeca ... 131.30 AVelo Perlecone. 3 cum .. 133.30 A- Brau, 3 caeca 113.90 More Mast 93.46 Start Patrick 46.90 Liddell 34.30 Sato Mcisao 93.90 W3I. Mltckell 90.43 MB* Cbaubera 30.45 P»10 Berta 69.65 MBS Knacketil 61.66 It* Carter, -39.06 Jake Piper 63.66 Tom Btaaceto 69.66 Tekp Norsk 69.66 Heats 'Better 69.66 Mbs Cover 39.66 'The total soar or 53.367.9a mil he SfM to Clark or tlio county court to Uo totnty Ntrti mKxw ■«• cud MTUM *|o yitorduy outorod pious to#Mltr lu tto oouuty court to ttoo rkurgi or *A9#fag Dublin rooms. Till Is th Isrgsst sum or mousy ever rcrotrsd st out Urns lu Iks county omivt. Tbs üboso list shows tbs amount psld by such defendant on bis plea of guilty. representing tbs fins Imposed of 930 and costs. In cluding docket too of 9S. The fine and costs oo snob esse was about ISI.Ii, In some cases higher. Twelet entered pleas of guilty yesterday morning, the remainder of tbs twenty-seven naked for continu ance tor the term, but in the after boon, after tbs first batch bad been rtasd the minimum under the stat ute, tbs moat of them withdrew tbelr former plena of not guilty and waived tbelr. right to trial and took tbelr medicine. The few who did not plead guilty asked for a continuance, but *m>b tbs objection of District ▲ttoruar McHandrle, the court set tba oases for trial In January, out ICmIImH o» |>a«. eigkt). DYNAMITE IN BARBER SHOP, OWNER ARRESTED, EXPLAINS, RELEASED, EVERYBODY IS HAPPY For four hours yesterday a pack age containing enough dynamite to blow the First National Bank Into Union County, X. M.. lay cached in the White Front barber shop. The buodle of eaploalve* luy in s corner as unconcernedly as though it were a pair of machinist's overs lln just back from the wash. For four hours police officers watched the Scaiffe tonsor lai parlors, making descriptive notes of every person who entered and came out. Rumor spread that mem bers of the McNamara dynamiting gang bad slipped Into town and were planning a aeries of explosions. When Epctein on the corner heard the story be trembled and D. J. Penno started for Europe for the benefit of his health. Jake Paul, bartender of the White Front, secluded himself in the cellar and locked the door. About five o'clock in the evening Dr. Henry Dillon, a prominent veter inary surgeon of Den Moines. X. M . was'arrested by officers Mulnix and Martin and taken to the city jail. Tbu dynamite was removed from she barber shop and taken to the Jail where the veterinary surgeon made a confession. He confessed to pur chasing the dynamite at the Branson g Griswold hardware store yesterday morning and that he wanted it to blow out some rock to dig a well. The alleged dynamiter being b reputable citizen of the balllw'lck of Des Moines, the chief released him after confiscating the dynamite. Dillon did purchase the dynamite and caps at the hardware store. He first asked for nltro-glycerine and THE CHRONICLE=NEWS ONLY AFTERNOON LEASED WIRE ASSOCIATED PRESS PAPER IN SOUTHERN COLORADO ALLIES DELIVER ULTIMATUM TO TURKS London, Dec. 18. —The peace plen ipotentiaries of the llalkuu allies onme together In Informal meetings today to decide on their plan of ac tion In the eventually of Turkey de clining to ratae her boycott of the t Hellenic delegate# unless Greece ’ signs the armlatlce. The allies In the course of yester day's meeting of the peace confer ence at St. James Palace made It clear that they would not en *r 'gotiatlone without Greece /# %ed to participate and Dr. B. Da. the leader of the Bulgar ian delegation is quoted as saying: "If on Thursday the reply of the Ottoman delegatee is not satisfactor ily we will break of' negotiations and meet again at the fchaulja lines That will be the end of Turkey lu Europe." The concensus of opinion here, however. Is that the present obstacle will be surmounted by the delegates and that the real danger point will be over the future possession of the fortress of Adrlanople. As far as can be seen at present only media tion by an outside (tower can solve this problem. Bervla took an Important step In the declaration of peace today by in timating her wllllugness to leave the matter of An outlet on the Adriatic nen entirely In the hands of the great EnropsAn powers. lu Announcing the decision of the tier v lan government to take this step the head of the Servian peace dele gation added that Servin's attitude waa a perfectly moderate one and that relying on the Justice of her claim and the sympathies of the Eu ropean governments, she had decided to take the coarse Indicated. la regard to the tension between Auetrln-llungary and Servim, It Is generally expected that direct nego tiations between those two nntlonn will begin Immediately. These will take the form of conferences be tween the Austrian foreign Minister and M. Jovanovltrh. the newly ap pointed Servian minister st Vienna and the object aimed at will he the realisation of the mutual desire of the two countries for the clearing up of the situation and the removal of misunderstandings Constantinople. Dec. 18. —A great victory by ihe Turkish troops over the Greek army near Junlnu on Sun day la reported today bv the Turkish commander there in n telegram to the war office. He usserts that 400 Greeks were killed and 120 wound ed. Several field guns, numerous rifles and a quantity of equipment were captured by the Turks. SURVEYOR GENERAL OF ALASKA NAMED Washington. Dec. 18.—President Taft today sent to the senate the ap pointment of William Dlstln, of Illi nois, as surveyor general of Alaska. this aroused the suspicions of the hardware salesman. Before leaving the store Dillon remarked nonchal antly that be was going to "do a cou ple of Jobs". He talked about blow ing safes and getting away with a few thousand for Christmas spending money. The hardware man became concerned and notified the police. Dillon needed a shave And a haircut ao he entered the burber shop and af ter he hod been wltchhazeled and bayi-urnmed he handed the bundle to Scaiffe and asked that it he kept for him. Scaiffe thought It was an old pair of shoes or something and made a motion to toss it into a corner. "8top! Be reasonable! ejaculated the stranger, "that package contains dynamite. If you drop It it will blow your barber chalra up on Simpson's Rest and there will be Fitch’s hair tonic running Into every storm sew er In town." Before Scaifc could re monstrate the stranger was gone. But the barber was game. Wrap ping the package in hot towels he laid It carefully away and put "Ne mo," John Beck's bull dog, to guard It. Ten cents admission was charged for the "curious public" to come in and gaze upon the bundle with eyes of awe. When Nate John came In and naked for a shave, someone sug gested that the dynamite be used to blow the hairs off his faee and thus save time and the wear and tour on the razor. But Dr. Dillon explained every thing at the JnII and returned last night without the dynamite. TRINIDAD. COLO.. WEDNESDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 18. 1912. Spillway at Gatun Dam and Big Light That Will Guide Mariners on Way Through Gatun Lake The vast quantity of water tha t is now dnshlng over the spillway n t Gutun dutu makes it a rival of Nl agra. This water will ultimately lie u«e<| to generate power for operating tin* locks. The power plant is now being constructed. The lighth nt*e shown in the picture is to Im* located between the chamber* of the Gatun locks ami will serve as a ben con for vessels pas-tug through Gutun lake. ROCKY FORD BANKER FREED OF CHARGE Denver. Colo.. Dec. tv .1 It fun- • uinghatu. president <>f the defnii. . i Flrgt National Bank of !(•»• ky Ford, j was found not guilty today In the' United States district court on the charge of misappliestU.i* of the f«nd> of the bank. The Jury disagreed on four other counts, charging false en tries and reports to the rnuiptroller i of the currency. United States dis trict Attorney llarry K. Kelly an nounced that Cunningham will lie rearrested on these four counts at the j January term of court. On the four count* the Jury stood eight fiir con viction and four for acquittal. SUFFRAGIST REFUSES TO PAY FINE: GOES TO JAIL London. Dec. 18.—Kitty Marlon, n militant suffragist today indignant ly refured to accept the alternative of a fine of sl2 f» instead of a month's imprisonment on the charge of giv ing false fire alarm*. In reply to the How street magistrate she de clared that If she (tosaessed "a hun dred million* she wouldn't pay a penny," and wns thereupon sent to prison WILSON IS BUSY New York. Dec. 18.—Governor Wilson was up early this morning In order to hold conference* with a number of prominent Democratic leaders who are In the city nnd who heard hi* speech ut the Southern so ciety dinner Inst night In which the president elect promised to provide "a glblet of public disgrace" for any man who should attempt to start a panic lu the United States. Chief among thoso whom the gov ernor expected to see were William F. McCombs, chairman of the Demo cratic National Committee: Vice! Chairman McAdoo, Colonel E. M. j House of Houston. Texas and A. MIC chell Palmer, Democratic Xationul j Committeeman from Pennsylvania, j THE WEATHER PHILOSOPHICAL PHELIX SAT! Pete got arrested He hit Jimmy Smith with » hunk o’ ice an' Jimmy's paw had him pinched for carry in' con gell ed weapons. Weather Forecast. Tonight and Thursday fair, with rising temperature cast. Yetterday'a Temperature,. Maximum 11 Minimum 24 Mean .12 Prcciiptation —. Pnrt cloudy. TODAY IN CONGRESS SENATE: Convened at noon Senator Kenyon concluded I*l* [speech on Interstat*' liquor *l»lpino*ni. ' Committee Investigating campaign i fund contributions continued l*« | hearing. with fmnu r Penn tor Foraker ten Hying Court of Impeachment resumed trial of Judge Archbold with expec tation of concluding testimony of de fense before adjournment. ! Democratic caucus reached decis ion to permit only confirmation of army and navy nominations before i holiday recess. j Senator Horn nr elected chairman of joint congressional commission to ||itninot<! federal aid in highway con struction. HOUSE: Convened at noon. Money trust investigation commit tee resumed hearing*. Banking nnd currency sub-commit tee decided to report unfavorably the Levy bill to relievo stringency in money market by placing 9A0.000.0nn from treasury in National banks. Passed Bourne literacy test Immi gration bill not to admit Immigrants over If. who cannot rend. Resumed consideration of Indian appropriation bill. Tries to Clear Pal; Convicts Himself Salt Lako City. Utah. Dei:. IS. | Dick LI I Icy or San Francisco, under loath in the distil- 1 court here today, while trying t,» - bar a friend <»f a theft charge, practically convicted himself of a felony, according to the district attorney. He was arrested as lie left the court room. Li Hey mine lieie to testify in be half () f J. .1, Ky an, accused of steal ing $ i 4from Samuel Walker of Al berta, Canada. Unconscious of impll cHtlnz himself. LI 1 Icy testified that he had won the money from Walker wimbling and that therefor Itynn could not be guilty of theft. Before he left the witness stand, a warrant for his arrest had been is sued. By a recent state law gambl ing In Utah wsa made n felony. MEXICAN MINERS STRIKE Cananen, Sonora. Mexico, Dec. IS. I—Seven 1 —Seven hundred and fifty Mexican miners struck for more pay and shorter hours at the miner of the Cnuunea and Dcniocruta companies today. FORAKER DISPUTES HEARST STORY TOLD CLAPP COMMITTEE ! Wellington. Dec lv Former Si uatoi Foraker today produced - i» • Hbtunciil befoic the : crate ■ smpalnn expenditure* iuv r»t Igntlnx commit ' let*, prepared by Glh'hrist Stewart. ' purporting to l<4- bared on a dcserip ' Hon by W W Wlnkfield. of how ! Winkfleld and Charles Stump took tlto • \ rob bold letters" from tbt Standard Oil offices and rnld them to lu representative of William It j Hen rut "Mr. Ilearst said yesterday that lie 19|i<| not know bow the letters were piocuted," declared the former Sena tor. ''Such a preposterous story ns that you might tell to tin* murines, hut to no one else.' Senator Foraker requested an op* poitunity to appear before the Inves tlgntii'K roramittep. Several of the Arehhold letters prt'vlously have been published by Mr Ilearst and Inter identified by Mr. Arch hold as genu ine. had been addressed to Senator Foraker nnd relnt*-il to legislation or subjects not fully by the eortespondence. Four of the letter* Mr. Ilearst gave the senate commit tee yesterday also purported to hr* from the Standard Oil man to Sena tor Foraker. Mr. Foraker. taking up Ihe two rertlfleatcs of deposit for s2'*.o(lrt fiotn the Standard Oil company to him reiterated that the money was for services as attorney in Ohio liti gation. Senator Foraker repented bis previous statements that the Stand ard oil "employment" had nothing to do with legislation in congress. Hi* charged that Mr. Ilearst in later re producing the Arehhold letter to Senator Foraker about defeating the so-called Jones corporation bill, gar bled bis statement. "Any letter Mr. Arehhold has vvrit ilen no* since the Standard Oil litiga tion in Ohio has been Just as any one might do and as thousands have done about legislation that affected them," declared the witness. "And right here I might say Mr Ilearst did not produre here yesterday a single letter that had not been pub [ lished over nnd over again, except one which lie confessed he had In his pocket and which showed that I had returned tile s.”»o.don to the Standard Oil Cocoauy. and about which he talked .mi much, lie concealed that letter.” The witness took occasion to suy ho would leave the original of his let ter with the committee. CHANCE NOT RELEASED: HITCH IN ARRANGEMENT Cincinnati. 6.. Dec. 18.--That there is a hitch In the much talked of ararngement by which Frank Chance, former manager of the Chi cago National League club would be come manager of the New York [American team beenuio- known tod“y when President August Ilerrmati of the Cincinnati club stated that he had not released Chance. Axman Kills Two Lonely Women Coiunibln, \10.,* ik is—Mr< George Moore, is l years old, and ner mother. Mrs. Mary .1 \Vllm>i«, 82 y«*aiH old. were found dead In 'heir home her today. their head* ertidiul with mi axe The ill wo very w.m made hv f.eo Moore, n son. who hml eotne from Mo hotly to lire pare a t hrUtinn* far tlo* women who lived aloneon the out skirts of Columbia. Moore'foil in' tin kill hen door stnndiiiv open nt..l or th kill hen floor lay the lusty of hln mother with the t hacked. On » In-.| in unoOicr room liU am rid mot ti er. ..’I th n sin I liar woi r.d. was found The uxe, with which the women hud he«*!i slain. w.u oa the floor. M's Wlls hi <ii-4l ,\li * M-» ire were last seen alive ntjout dusk yesterday. NeiK'ihoiH heard no noise ui tin houMe Inst uiKhi. mid no one called thee this morning up till the Mon. ; who mine on a morn in; train from Moheily with f'hrlstinns package? and went out to the limine at in o'- •'lock Tile police are without a clue. The women had no money mol were known to he dependent Upon neigh bors and rein liven. A pocket hook containing a "mall mini of money was found on the kitchen floor From the |misltlon of the hollies the police believe the murderer prMwbly went to the kitchen door mol when | Ml's Moore opeued It struck her down . and then attacked the elder woman! a» she slept W. E. LAWEER IS OUT FOR P. M. JOB William K laiwlcr. iii.mugcr of the Southern Colorado Mercantile company and one'of (he bcnC'known biisiioss men and residents of the city, hus an non need himself a candi date for tlo* uppoiutment of postm-is let The friends of Mr larwler are already active In Ills behalf mol nr*- circulating « petition addressed to j President-elect Woodrow Wilson, en i dor-dug the name of Mr luivvler Mr. Imwler has 10-en a resident of [Tilnidnd -1 years mid has always ihecn a slatitoh Democrat mol a-live in Ho* party ranks. He held tlo* of fice of city treasurer for two terms. [He Is in every way qualified to fill the position. LOS ANGELES CITY ATTORNEY ON TRIAL I-os A nudes, Cnllf., Dec. IS.—A throng was attracted to court today when the flrrt testimony was taken in tlo* trial of tiny Kddic, tlo* hiis petoleil dtv prosecutor. who Is ac cused of an offense against Mrs. Al ice Phelps, a 20 year old woman Then* were few women in the crowd, however. j l>. F. Mcl-außhlin, Humane Offic er. who directed the action of the of ficers when they broke down the door of l-Mdie*s office and arrested him in the company of Mrs. Phelps, was the first witness to testify. One of the first questions asked hint up on cross exam hint ion was why he sent Mrs. Phelps hack to Eddie's of fice again, after she had reported to him the indignities which It Is al leged Kddie offered her upon pre vious visits. This query indicated that the de fense would rely strongly upon the supposition that Kddie was the victim of n “frame up” concocted and car ried out by political enemies. NOTORIOUS PHILIPPINE OUTLAW IS KILLED Mnnlli., lK>c. IS. -The career of Arranie, the notorious outlaw chief in the Philippines and murderer of ut least seven persons was brought to an end today when lie was killed In a personal encounter with Kieu tenunt E. 11. Johnson of the Philip pines constabulary. Two other out laws of the same hand also were kill- THIRTY-ONE MINERS KILLED IN COAL MINE EXPLOSION Doorltiioitnd, Germany, Dec. 4 1 8.-—Thirty-one coal miners arc 4 believed to have been killed bv 4 an explosion of black dump In 4 the Acelihuch mine today. Six 4 bodies have been recovered from 4 the pit and 2f* miners stll! are 4 missing. 4 EIGHT PAGES PRICE 5 CENTS “INTERLOCKING DIRECTORATES” NAMED IN NEARING Names of the “Money Trust” Heads are Given in Charts MORGAN WITNESS Washington. Dec Is I |». Mor gan took tile stand before the llou-c money trust committee at 2 20 ihiM after noon. ?-*imn• • i rntertneyer, coun sel for Hu* i ouiriiltlee, immediately begun Ills examination. The money iiust committee lute lodav took a recent until 2 p m tornoirow when Mr Morgan will again lake the stand. Chairman Ptijo said tin* adjourn ment was to enable members to take cure of private business before Irov iug for tin* holidays. Mr Moikuii held whispered con ferences with IMuncey Nieol and If S l-indabtiry. of lit*, counsel, ns ilia committee pro* eeded Kenning back in u small cane-lent |**d * hair lie watched Mr ricuddcr and .the questioner closely ||.- wore his I usual stilt of Muck with a black < ravnt under u -pleading wing col lar the great mass of statistics wan - Sow |) pm Into tlo. record, Mr Mor gan relaxed in bis chair, clasped his bands on bln lap and closed his eye*. The crowd of spectators gradually in creased j* the afternoon wore on. When Scudder finished Mr I’nter myer «ailed out “Mr Morgan, will you taka (ha •land?” » • ~» The fliiniu ler walked to the rßilr at the end of the committee table and was sworn l»y Chulrmou Pujo. In response to the utunl qualifying questions be said be was n hanker in New York f'lty. "Arc you u member of a l*hllad*-l --i bln firm: asked Mr I'lilennyer “Well, that’s the same firm.” an swered Mr Morgan \ separate house?** “They are all the sonic house The firm is in New York with branches In Philuth Iphlu. Paris and Kondnn.” I-aid Mr. Morgnu. Who arc the members of th* firm?** Mr Morgan furnished the follow ing list : .1. P. Morgan. II I* Davie-on. W |il Hamilton, T. \Y Kauiont, II F. Kloyd. I I* Morgan. Jr.. A. A. New bold. William H Porter, f'harle* Stecb*. K. T. Stotslniry nud Temple liowdoin. Mr. Morgan -aid the same part ners were in all the houses. Mr. Fntermyer asked Mr. .Morgan whether his house carried deposits of “interstate corporations” Mr. Morgan said he did not quite undervtnnd what tlo- attorney meant, and Mr. Fntermyer explained that lo» meant companies transacting btisl ness in more than on© state. Mi*. Morgan said his firm accepted (Continued on page eight). POLITICIANS BLAMED IN ARGUMENTS IN DYNAMITE CASES Indianapolis, hid . Dec. I*. -‘•Poli ticians standing between labor un ions nud the courts” wer blamed for the McNamara dynamite plots at the outset of the government's argument to the Jury at the trial of he 11 ac cused “bomb plotters” today. Pronouncing the series of explos ions scattered over the country an ;t conspiracy more dastardly and more threatening to society than the crime of nn Individual.” James W. Noel, special assistant attorney, told thev Jurors they were called on to ren tier verdicts In the most important, trial in recent years. •'Organlxod crime has here ap peared to amnzing degree,” said Mr. Noel, “and it was carried on and it grew because locally the arm of th© law failed. Had local authorities done their duty this conspiracy could not have spread. But it appears that politicians for obvious reasons stood between labor unions nnd criminals and the local courts.