Newspaper Page Text
TOYLAND IN THE BASEMENT Mechanical Trains 50c, 75c. tI.OO, 92.00 With racks to run on ODD Pieces IN CHINA We have arranged six tables laden with beautiful eliilia. con sisting of Plate*. Howls, I'iiehera. Sait ami Pepper Shaker*. Ilrcail and Mutter plate*. Nappies; In fuct, everything imaginable in fancy china. They uro extraordinary value*, being marked much Ics* than the regulur price*. Just a look will he most convincing of their real value. The price* will be 10<S aud 08c STOKE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. JAMIESON’S WILSON THREATENED AGAIN Newark, N J.. Dec. is. Another letter threatening Woodrow Wilson with death if he failed to dcpo*it money In u designated place was re* reived recently by one of hi* secretar ies. It was unsigned and was mailed in New York. December 12. Thin became known here thD af ternoon at tlii* arraignment of War ren und Jacob Dunn, brother*, and Neeley Davenport, all of Wharton. N J.. arrested recently by imstofflre in spector* charged with sending threat ening letter* to the pre*ldent-el*ct. For Sewing and Reading give* a clear, steady light, soft and mellow; the ideal lamp, ac cording to beat authorities, for all work requiring close attention of the eye* (far superior to gas and electricity). The R&yk) Lamp Lighted without removing chimney or shade. Raay to clrao and rewick. Inexpensive. Economical. Made in various styles, and for all purposes. itrrnrk<vp CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY Dwtf, PMbk AhwMWM, Ctnyiw. *•«•. Bwm. s*k L*k« Cgy. ; _ === _ i^zir —" [ e I | mm HHB 11 M aignxixc**- 1 - 11 ....... ■ j BII The KOHLER & CAMPBELL PIANOS Twin pianos exactly like the above sold to The cMironlcle-News to lie given away in their subscription contest. Absolutely tellable mid the best value on the market today. Steinway. A. M. Chase. Ho bart. M. Calilc and other makes at special prices and terms for the Christ inns. Some speelul bargains in used pianos. Mest Player pianos on exhibition nt Knight Campbell Music Co. store. See the Twins at 1.18 K. Main street. The Knight-Campbell Music Comp&ny 135 East Main St J. H. COOLEY, in Charge J WBDMISDAT WOMAN ARRESTED FOR LIFE INSURANCE FRAUD I.oh Angeles. Doc. IS Mr*. Mlnta Jordan, who collected $5,0U0 life In surance after she hud buried a man, a suicide, a* her husband, was arrest ed here at the instigation of three fruternnl organisations charged with having obtained money under false pretense*. Jordan was *uppo»cd to have committed suicide lu*t April at Ocean Park by banting himself to a girder tinder u roller coaster, but he returned yesterday. Chronicle-News SOc per mu otto. THE CHRONICLE-NEWS, TRINIDAD. COLORADO. Santa Claus Letters Dear Sautu Claus: —I am a little lK»y four yours old and would like tor you to bring me an automobile, u suit of clothes, und tool chest full of tools. Also u rubber bull with a small bole In it so I can squirt water with it. As I um a little boy 1 will not u*k for much this time. You must not forgot to come around und boo me. I live iu the upper end of Itnmey camp ut Ludlow*. Do uot fear that I will spy for I always go to bed at eight o'clock. I am your little boy.—Oscar O. Ferguson, l.udlow. Colo. :X: Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl I 7•• mouths old. Well Hanta vou can hr lug mo what over you have left over, I will leave you u nicklc iu mamma's pocket book. Please don't forget to come.—Nellie Fergusou Itumey camp No. 4. P. 8. Remember all of my little friends. : X: Dear Old Kant*: lam a little girl II years old and am In the fourth grade. I want a set of dlaties, u big doll, a pair of Ice skates, a signet ring and some nuts aud caudy. And Santa do not forget the |»oor little children. Your little girl—Hulh I .ora in<- Jett. 413 Nevada avenue. :X: Dear Santa Claus: —Just a few lines I want to write. I am nine years old aud In the third grade at school. I want a pair of shoes, with black patent leather buttons, and white tops. I want a doll and * sack of candy und nuts. Remember your little girl—Kunlce Jett. 413 Nevada avenue. :X: Dear Santa Claus: — Please tiring me an air gun. aud some shot, a Imttle of paste, n bank, soun* story Inioks and a watch and chalu. Your little friend—David Cecil. SIT R First street. :X: Dear Hanta Claua: —1 am u little girl ami I am 11 year* old. I want a girl's bicycle for Christmas und In* sure It has a coaster brake and a bell on It. Mamma wants a pair of bed room slippers, nice and warm ones, bring papa some lied room slippers ton firing me lots of candy and nuts. I guess this will lie all for this time Do not forget my three bro thel*. Your little friend —Addle llutler. I*. 8. He sure and look on the dining room table. 329. Kansas avenue : X: Dear Sutitu Claua: —1 mu a little boy four yeara old. I want you to bring me u coaster, a tool chest a gun and a bolster t« keep It in. I guess this will lie all for this time, lie sure not to forget mamma and papa and tu vslster and two brothers Mrlng me lota of candy and nuts Your little friend. Albert Butler. P 8. Itriug me some story books. :X: Dear Santa Claua: —Please bring me hii air rifle, some shot and n pen bolder for school. Please bring me Kome neckties, and u story book, that Is all this time, (fond bye—A. (2 Cecil. 917 ». First. : X: Dear Santa Claus: —I am now go ing to tell you what I want for Christ mas. I want n water gun and a pair of cowboy chaps and n general suit nml what belongs to it. and a pair of logglm*. and lots 'of candy aud lints. t*cona wants a big doll 21 inches long nud some candy and lints. We are Frank and Leona Colby, 701 Atchison street. :X: Dear Santa: —I will be in Trini dad for Christmas and I want you to tiring me a train, an automobile and top, some candy and nuts. From your loving little boy.—Alfonso Adamson I1 t Nevada avenue. : X: Dear Santa Claus:—l am writing my first letter to you. I am a little girl eight years old, now I am go- WHAT SAVED HER LIFE Mrs. Marita Tell* Abort a Maftd Experience that MI|M Raw Ended Serioi|«y. RltmtMc. V. V«.— Mn. Dorm Martla. la a letter from Rlvssvllle. write*: "For three years. I suffered with wo manly troubles, and had pains In mf beck and alda. I waa nervous and oould not sleep at n!(ht. The doctor could not help me. He •aid I would have to be operated en be fore I could get better. I thought t would try using Cardul. Now, I am onttrely wall. I am sure Cardul saved my Ufa. I will norer he without Cardul In my heme. I recommend It to my frienda." For fifty years. Cardul has been re lieving peln and distress caused by wo manly trouble. It will aurely help you. It goes to the spot—reaches the trouble—relieves the symptoms, and drives awsy the cause. It you suffer from ady symptoms df womanly trouble, take Cardul. Your druggist sells and recommends it Get n bottle frofiti film tbday. N. n.— Write ta: Lasts** O#W.. Ctatta; moor* M#«k Inn ChillanaOfa. Twin., tot Spinal IntU-HCtitmi, and M pin lx**. ' lt«M TrarttaMl tar Womb," mm la slats wtappai. os rHtata lug to tell >ou w 1 bitt I want for ChriHtmas. I want two su»r> book*, candy, nuts, apples am! orange*. This is all I want for thin time. From your loving little girl—Stella Shelly, Agu ilar. : X: Dear Santa I'lau*: I am *cmliug >oil a list of thing* to bring me for Christmas. I want a necklace, a set of dishes, ami a doll. nut*, candy, oranges. lam Ju*t K years obi um! live at Itaniev camp near Ludlow. Your little friend—Wllln Fergusou. I*. 8. Don't forget papa ami mam ma. my little *lstrr nml brother, my uncle and nephew. ulho my little friend In Delagoa, her name I* Helen Kilns William*, house number 30. flood bye Santa We live iu liouhc No. 4. : X: Dear Hanta I am writing Mil* letter to let you know what I want for Christmas. I want a little doll and a set of dishes and a table. I want some candy and nut*. I want five handkerchief* and u trunk for my dolly clot he*. A piano for my doll. Don't forget uiamuiu and papa anil *latcr Hud brother, ami don't for ge* my little brother ffcorge, lie wanta a train of car* that run on a track Your little girl—Mildred Prosser, SI7 Prospect street. ROY AT ROMERO HOME Mi. and Mr* Joan It. Romero of .’•IH Fast Ninth street are the parent* of a baby boy horn till* morning. This Is (lie third child of the family aml the second boy. Both mother and • hlld are doing well W. O. W. Members of Caiup 32 should be present tonight ut Castle Hall Ini tiation ami oysters. J. J. Jucobs, C. C. HELD FOR ASSAULT Jasper Bolreu of Hoprls was bound over to Hie district court on a charge of assault by Justice Stone today. Bond was fixed at SSOO. The de fendant is alleged to have used a gnu on K. 8. Copeland nml to liuve threat ened to kill him Printing of every description neat ly and quickly executed at the Chronicle-News Job rooms. Samples und quotations ou request. I'so the telephone Trinidad 4IU. tf FUNERAL OF INFANT The funeral of Leal in Jones. In rant sou of Mr. nud Mrs. K. K. Jones of 020 Pierce street was held yes terday afternoon at tlic family res idence Rev. F. W. Bret nail offi ciating. The body was shipped m La Junta last evening, where Inter ment will take place. FUNERAL OF MINE VICTIM The funeral of Tony Harris win* died at tlie hospital yesterday front Injuries received a week ago while working in Hie mine at Hastings t«mk place this afternoon from the chapel of the Trinidad Undertaking Co. A Greek priest of Denver officiated at the ceremony nud members of a na tive fraternity marched in tlie fun eral procession to the cemetery, where the body was laid awu>. CLEGHORN ACQUITTED Canon City, Dee. 18.—Not guilty was the verdict returned by the Jury in the trial of former warden, John Cleghorn. and four co-defendant* on charges of conspiracy to defraud the state nml obtaining money under falre pretenses. The vordlc twits reached after 72 hours' deliberation MR. AND MRS. BAYLES TO ENTERTAIN Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Hayloft will en tertaiu Rev. Ferris and his fanul.' tonight at an informal seven o'clo-U dinner. Red and green will Do used in the table decoration*. Cover* will he laid for Rov. and Mr*. Ferris. Amy. Josephine and Sidney Ferris nnd Mr. and Mr*. Bayles and chil dren. W« wish to call your attention to Hie fact that most infectious diseases such nm whooping rough, dlpthcrla aud scarlet fever arc contracted when the child has a cold. Chamberlain* Cough Remedy will quickly cure a cold and greatly lessen the danger of coutractlug these diseases. Thl? remedy is famous for its cures or cold*. It contain* no opium or other narcotic and may ho given to a chi hi with Implicit confidence. Sold hy all dealers. DECEMBER 18. 1012 UNION VICE-PRES. ON WITNESS STAND IN DYNAMITE CASE Illdli'llUpnlls, lull.. Dec. It John T Duller, Buffalo, N Y., vice I ill-ill of lln- International Ar>»o<|.itmu or llrhlge ami Si rui I urn I Iron NVorl. pin, testified iiH n il«»f«*iiil:im in tin "dynamite conspiracy Mini t Aa tin* mo-1 prominent! next to I'rosdlent Frank .M llym'i, Itutlci is charged \n lili sanctlolling nil allowance of $ 1.000 a iiinntli to J J. M< Nomura to pay fur explosions. Im hiding those at Isis Aiikpli^ Itutler testlfli'il hi* 10-aril of four explosions In lluffalo on the work of "open »hop" rontrnctoi*. “I was in lluffalo when only on** of these explosions occurred," ho sold. **l learned of tlo* other only through newspapers and I never I knew who cauif-tl tin* destruction ot the work. Dynamite or violence m-\ er was considered in tin- council. of the union In connect lon with an explosion of ilie Municipal buildings at Sprlng fold ,\« . . m April, i?♦»i. it'iii• accused of meeting Itynn. Mlchio-l J Youni: of llostou and other offh lals, at Hurt?, id. (‘(inn., to illkcumh cx plcsicii • DEAD DESPERADO IS NOT IDENTIFIED Santa Am, Calif., IT The unusual pallor of tlo- desperado who was shot death hv militiamen after 1 he stood off a sheriffs posse for* lion i». killed fndrr-Hherlff Squires i and wounded three deputies led to, the belief today that lie was recently , released from a penitentiary. Till was strengthened by the nrmninent found on the dead man and his evi dent prepured tiers for ileapernte ad ventures. He carried a high jaiw.-r rifle and revolver and a Ida supply of ammunition. l*p to noon today, however, no I i ogress toward the identification or the desperade had been made. It j was hoped vnrlou* postal orders and | scraps of paper bearing names c*f Oregon towns found in Ills pockets would aid in solving the mystery Albert Itralpe.. one «»f the wound ed deputies, may die of hi- Injurh-i hut ihe otlicr two will i• cover Tilt condition of Myrtle Muff, the Kiri at tacked by the unknown man before his battle with the deputies. was said today not to bo as serious as at , first reported. Kxaminatlon of the body of Squires today showed that while the offleer lay fatally wounded, under the rifle of tin- desperado, the latter used Ills I body us a target, sending bullet after , bull at Into It. SCENE FROM “A NIGHT OUT," AT THE WEST THEATRE DEC. 22. *§* Christmas Suggestions Mgf FJiryjf FOR LADIES’ DIAMOND Kings special lot solid gold IlloiiUtlllK s!£.*».OO Up OI’KKA GI.ASSKS several kinds with p.-arl ami gold mountings sa.r>o I.OVKI.IKKS some beuutlei-. appreciated more when st*;.DO JBWBb cases nowost shapes for this seasons trsdo r»o<* TOILET BETS comb, crush, mirror, storllng sllvor up I Al lilt l-'IJ,AS the fatuous Hull detachable handle- S2.«*»o - UItACKhETI'S over .'»ou lo select from, a good one FOR GENTLEMEN KINDS, signet ring-, more appropriate than ever, 5!5..*»0 RAZORS, Gil lots pocket also, safety Roxora r $-1.00 up WATfIIKS we carry nil reliable makes, L'ti year «IT jew. I |oi SIMIO IM-T.NS Conklin'- self filling fountain fens, gtiarante.d #2.00 op SHAVING stands with adjustablo mirrors Just what lie want- s:s.7r» up SMOKING sets many different kinds, one at JSU.JsO 11 l-'OIIS wo have so ninny, belter look them over . . JT, | ,fR> up FOR GIRLS NKC’K chains long or short kind with charm . . . SJ..'»D up I.(it• KKTS wnne beauties, plain or with settings . . • 1 RINGS o'er .Mill select from nr plain one . special f.o #** . |. \ >ii.-rn.i-: with sterling sllvct handlo <i .".Dr TOOTH BRUSH flnl h wRh atari Ink sllvoi handlo, ipeclal T,Or lIRACHI.KTS oxer 100 to sel.-. t from prices a* low :« «o , , lIAT-I'INS Brilliants that shine like diamond . -p« - ml 'jrif* up. FOR BOYS WATCHES special one for the Itoys S2,pO CHAIN'S a Idg Urn* to select from and everj one gnatanteed $1 • . FOBS Just tin- kind for the l*oys iSf.oO tip CCFI-* buttons. for Initial, special p*-r pair . oOr* up. STICK I’INS Our stock numbers over I oti. apcclnl one Hr»G KINGS a Idg assortment oi Signet. Special on- . #?..'»o URI 3HRS •• mil tsry In Btmay for • 82,00 E. L. ALLEN The Jeweler Look For the Big Street Clock- TIN WEDDING CELEBRATION The tin wedding lias |»oMlhIIItles, and the couple who have be* n mar ried ten yens and want to celebrate the anniversary can find numerous ways In which to make merry. The affulr may he n dinner or an informal supper, followed by bridge nr dance, with a supper later. The invitations should he Issued on white * arde or paper edged w ith a sliver or tin effect. Ask the guests to ap pear if possible iii their bridal attire nr at hast some part of it. and also 'remind them lii a |K»stscript not to forget the wedding gift When the | guests assemble have them leave jtlielr presents In a large tin illslipaii ,with ribbons on the handles or on a I idg tin tray placed In the hall The simper menu may liteludn a hott i I lon. Jellied meats, coffee and hid desserts, with cake mid bonbons. As (or th<- table appointments, if one does not care to use tip dishes, sliver • an be utilized and tlo* tin idea car ried out by having a centerpiece of *-lir\sail thorn tuns in a spreading tin bucket. My having bundles put on a bring! new milk can a loving cup (could le* supplied. Yellow or pink lik pretty with the tinware. For place cards a tinsmith can cut live Inch squares of tin, with two holes nt tin- top for a broad rihhou to go to I lie hacks of the chairs. Tin panics call lie painted op in colors. For favors there Is a large assort ment to choose from. The attrac tive snappers nro a wise selection. The silver paper variety should lie selected. Tile mimical toys wrapped up iii tinfoil would also do as favors. If the guests all happen to he old iieqitaiut Alices and it is possible to obtain their pictures taken ot differ* ji-nt periods, as children or In school .•■lili* or wedding groups, it would In* |intcicsting to have ilu-m reproduced PAGE THREE for us In a steroptlcon If p.oihh have the pit t lire ;• .1 lb y .. irlso to all present. At the conclusion of tin- ••vetting let tho In il man, if In liapi oi to In tine of tin* number, present the gifts, rending aloud the attach *-d to each. GERM LADEN DUST CAUSES CATARRH (’uturrh. which is hud enough in itself, often result.. lii loss of t istr. 8111**1 1 and hearing, and lends to - tons throat ami lung trouble:* if not promptly checked. The seat of turrh is usually in the back of tin* none, and its natural course H down ward. Into tiiu throat and thence to the lungs. Don't tako any chances. If you have any symptoms of catarrh sitiifed ti|i feeling in tlo* head, nnst- <li • barge from the nose, sore iliorat. or dry, hacking cough, go* u flrt;• • • ut bottle of Ely's Cream Malm from your druggist, and begin 1 1» ■ • 1 * «t ment at once. This remedy i.. not a mil” or "drying up" prnors It Is simply u cleansing, healing, until't-- tio balm, tak* n through tin- me-tril back into the head and thi >.'' v. m-i* .t instant ly i• at lion tl of *ho trouble. That’s tlo- roil'- w. to •; feetually and permanentl> < ; 1 •- turrh. Catarrh makes you offensive to out elf and friendSturt ndug Kly’s Cream Malm t d.i>. . mi short time you will lie permanent I - cured of this nai-.t.v. di t.ustu ; ’li , .... r. D. Hug \ • « Store.