I! 4000
People do their banking with
this bank. Do you? If not,
why not?
i; ‘The First National Bank i
* 1 | *
A .even Room Home on Topeka avenue. Lance lawn, treea. alio
large barn. Only $25 a month.
A ieven-raom house on East First Street, three blocks from the
comer of Main and Commercial. Only $lB a month.
_ For Sale
house on Colorado avenue. A snap for $450.
$lOO doom and balance enay monthly payments.
A new live-room house on San Jnan near Colorada avenue- $2,150
$2OO down and balance on easy payments.
We have unlimited amount of money to loan. Try ns for yonr
neat loan. Oar apeoinlties are all kinds of insurance, bonde,
real estate, and loans.
The Home Security-Investment Company
Insurance. Lonnt* Beni Eitnte. Bondi.
8. C. HAM- President.
Ground floor. Firit Nationnl Bunk Building.
— A
KDWAItI) n. WtailT. President. D. P. Jones. Vlce-Pre«ldent.
tv. It. CHAPMAN. Cashier. 11. K. HOLLOWAY. V-Pres.
C. It lIAPP. A ..Islam Cashier.
*Pft Trinidad National Bank
Capitol ji00.000.00
Surplus and Profits »00.000.00
H. D. Wight. 11. K. Ilnllowny W. J. Murray
Phillip Schneider l>* F. J»ne» W. It. Chapman
We will be pleased to have your husiuciM and offer every mc
comniodatoin conslatcut with aafe hanking, lutcresi paid ou time
mid nil accoMories for flu* Automo
bile, Motorcycle and Bicycle carried
al all times. Vulcanizing our •l»oc
TkeTriiMad Novelty Works
Phone Trinidad 128.
When you have a lillloiik attuck
give Chainberlalii'a Tnlilota a trial.
They are excelcnt. For sale by all
dealers. /
Our Windows
What you see there is only an in
flttSnl tiinution of what awnitH you in- HW
Anything—Everything in grocer- S i\
I] | il les and meats for the holidays. Wd B\
phone ■QBpnrrnn 527
Trinidad North
546 ! Com’i St.
Fresh Eggs 35£ per dozen 35c We have nrrnugcil mo you can
caudle them yourself and see that they are O. K. Come in and try it
Three Three
Stores aTxjr' ul * mtX9 f m Jr Stores
Will convince you that tc
carry in alock
All the latest improved Elec
tric appliances
Hood Christman suggestions in
rcadiuga lump*, etc.
Trinidad Gas and
Electric Supply Co.
Fh. Trill. IS. 212 K M:ilu.
If you are troubled with chronic
countipiillon, the mild and gentle ef
fect of Clinmbcrluins Tablet* makes
them pm|»cdaily united to your case.
For Hale by all dealers.
Social Affairs
Mr*. .1. It. Me>erM of .\lord> id in
t be city on a day's shopping trip.
F. W. Clark left Hilh afternoon for
Deliver on a few* da)*' luisiiieKH trip.
.Mrs. W. K Hliriucr of Scguudo was
iu ilie city tduay Christmas shopping.
1». M. Harrington of Di-uver Is Iu
Hie city on a few days* business trip.
Judge It. It. Rom* left till* morning
for Denver ou a few days* business
Dr. Supero of Deuver is In tlm city
for a few davit vailing on local custo*
Mlhh Elizabeth KoUnoii of lieluguu
wan In the city today Christman chop
F. O. ttlldio of tile Itock Maud
tail mud. was in the city yesterday ou
a huvlneAH trip.
Miss Ague- Tweeddaft* left tills aft
ernoon for Aguilar where she will
spend a few days.
It. K. Twltchrll. attorney for the'
A. T k S. F. Is In the city today
•-uroute to the Hast.
Mrs. .1. F. Egan hux returned in
the dty after speiidlug a year In Calls
torn la and Oregon
W. K. Dauford. superintendent at
Segundo. was in the r|ty yesterday
on a short business trip.
Mrs. W M. Redding returned to
Lynn this afternoon after a short
shopping trip In this dty.
.Miss fieri rude Moses returned ti>-
dsy from Denver where she spent a
week visiting with friends.
Mrs. J. 11. Phillips and children
left this afternoon for Walm'nburg
where they expect to locate.
Mrs. George West of llerwind left
for her home this afternoon after a
short shopping trip In Trllndad.
Miss Myrtlo Martin has accepted a
liobition in the Dwight Confection
ary store on Commercial atrect.
Mr. and Mrs. X. J. Twcedale and
baby left this morning for Wootton
where they expect to make their
Mrs. K. Ilallis of Delagua was in
the city shopping today, and return
ed to the ramp on the afternoon
Mrs. A Jacobs of Tabasco wan In
the elty slioplpug today and return
etl t« the camp on the afternoon
Mist* Lizzie Watson ami Miss Jean
llell returned to Delugiic thin aftcr
iiooii after a Mini I shopping trip In
thiw dty.
Mrs. Fliuer Mayer and children of
Delagua arrived In the rltv tills
morning for u short visit with Mrs.
Fenton Dovetnu.
Frank Duulavy left ou the aft
ernoon train for Denver where lie
will spend a few days looking uftcr
business muttern.
E. J.'Wilson of the Wilson Pro
ducing (omiNtny left his afternoon
for Walseiiburg and Pueblo on u few
days' business trip.
Mrs. Frank Campbell of Walseti-
Imr; was in tlie dty toduy Christmas
* hopping, and returned to her home
ou (he afternoon train.
W. .1. Murray of Denver and gen
eral manager of the Victor-Atueri
can Fuel comitany is In the city on
a few days' busineas trip.
Mrs. It. F. linker and Mrs. O. E.
Mathias or lleslioar spent the day in
Trinidad today attending to business
Trinidad Christman shopping.
John Stein, superintendent of the
Harvey System, was in the city to
day attending to business matters In
iu the interest of bis company.
Miss Sadie Murray of Denver who
lias, been iu the dty for a week vislt
i«fk with Mrs. F. W. Munroe left
this afternoon for the capital dty.
B. D. Wight of the Trinidad Na
tional Hank returned this morning
from Denver where he spent u few
days attending to business mutters.
W. C. Warren left this morning
tor lajs Angeles, California, called
there by the serious tineas of his
wife, who is visitlng with friends on
the coast.
H. F. St. John of Lakewood. Now
Mexico who has been In the city for
a week looking after business matters
left this afternoon for the camps
north of the city on a short husinctss
Mrs. W. F. Uttrroughs and chil
dren left this afternoon for Ronce
verte, West Virginia, where they
will spend the Christmas holidays
visiting with Mrs. Burroughs par
Mrs. C. W. Beatty and daughter,
Kate, of Guthrie, Okla., are in the
city visiting for a few days with Mrs-
John Beck of 220 Ash street. Mrs.
Beatty and daughter are on route to
California where they will make their
home. |
Mr. and Mrs. S. Caye of Louisville,
Kentucky, who have been in the city
for the past few days visiting with
Rev. and Mrs. ii. F. McChesney, left !
this afternoon for Ix)H Angeles, Cal- j
ifornia. Mr. and Mrs. Caye expect to <
spend the winter on the coast. |
Mrs. E. Curran of Delagua win*
iu Hie elty today shopping, return
ing ou Hie afternoon train.
Mr*. J. R \Vceden and Mrs. J Dor
sey of Bowen wort* in Hit* city today
shopping und visiting with Mends.
Joseph W. Hawlm. register oT thr
f. S. laud of I ice of I’liehlo, spent
11lie day in Trinidad ou a buuliics-*
Mrs. Cliiii'lcm O Nell uus| daugh
ter Mrs. Lawrence Klson returned to
Tubnsfo this ufteriioou after a short
-hopping trip.
Harry Kelly left this afternoon for
Denver, where tic "ill spend a few
days attending to business in the in
terest of the Home Security and In
vestment company
F W. Griswold of Ho* Branson,
Griswold Hardware coiupnuy left
this afternoon for Colorado Springs,
where he will remain until after
Christinas, visiting with his wife
and duughter. who reside there
Orlando and Forrest Northern!,
sous of Judge and Mrs .1. G. North
cult will arrive In the «-|tx Hie last
■of the week from Denver and Itoul
der where they attend school. They
iwlll be accompanied home b> Mr.
McClelland, n student in the State
F ill versify, who will spend a few
da \s iu Trinidad.
The local chapter or the Interna
tional Sunshine society has complet
ed It's annual repoit und show* an
Increase In every way over last year's
report. The Hunnliliu- society, as the
name Implies. has done many char
itable acta and has spread much sun
shine among the |*oor of the rity.
und has aided many little blind chil
dren whoa re without funds. Tl»e
society has increas'd It’s member
ship to :|0 member.- during the last
year. The following report Is what
hAs been accomplish* d during the
pant year:
Money apent by society for Sun
shine work at horn*- 128.7.1.
Sent to llllnd Balden Home. New
York City. 59.09, This home is for
blind babies u| i| ths ago of f>
yean* of age.
Bouquets sent oat by society. 21
Work done in members of th« so
ciety: Coal, on*- half ton: dinners,
HI: milk. :tj* gallons: cream, two
pints; vegetables, four cons; nient,
1.1 pounds, chickens three: blankets,
three: Xmas baskets. -»»; bread Mi
loaves; Je||>. 21 gfnaare; money.*9l;
fruit, four dozen oranges, one basket
apples: l*ooks and magazines, I!• .V
garments. 77: sick calls. 52: bou
quets, *!»: flu's work, seven and one
half; cookies, six and one-half dozen:
eggs. 21 1-2 doaeu: butter, two
pounds: fruit, c.mtind. two quarts:
nuts and randies, eight pounds:
dalotles. seven: phis 17; cakes, six
and one-half, stockings, four pair;
gram* Juice, eight pints; fresh vege
tshies, 2« pounds; pickles, two and
otic-half iMjunds.
In making holly wreaths, evergreen
wreaths and roping for your Christ
mas decoration. Our mistletoe and
California piper sprays are extra nice.
—The Trinidad Floral Co. IMioiie 21*5
or 431.
Miguel Maya was arrested today
charged with stealing coal from the
Santa Fe railroad lie entered a plea
of not guilty in the court of Justice
Rowers and liis hearing was set for
December 2.1
For the Home. U.cful and Greatly Appreciated.
Univerul Percolator! $2.50 to $4-00
Cervine Set $l.OO to $lO.OO
Pocket Knives 10c to $3.00
Safety Razor. $lOO to $6.50
Boys' Watton. 90c to $6.00
Boy.' Folding 81ed9 $1.25 to $3.00
Rifle, and Shot Gun. $4.50 to $35.00
DECEMBER 18. 1812.
Is I lie best i liiii' to start » 8a v-
InAccount for yourself, wife
>•011 or daughter.
Opens an account
We extent! with 0111 llolnluv
Greetings to >Oll. our promise
to give theiu special tit tout loti.
Savings Bank
I lin lire for sweet Charity's alike
{iiiii! Ii•*1 1 • the little kiddles lnive n
I Jolly Christmas. with a I>|r ('hrlitinnit
jtiee ftilrly groaning from the weight
of toys, initi*. eumly anti fruit, anti
|n real live Sun in Claus. It Ih for the
little tiilltlren who otherwise will
not find their stocking filletl with
goodies on fli rim in us inoruliiß. for
Christinas tin\ Ik like uny other tiny
tti them, ami Santa Claus well, lie
ih ouly a tlreain. Hint never eotneh
| in
-1 A elmrlty hull Ih to he Riven Thum
tluy even Ihr by Aim. .Madden at her
aeutleiuy In the Weat theatre hall .mil
the entire proceeds of the evenltiß
will he iihetl in making Christmas
seem a little more real to the rity
Itoor tiilltlren. Mr* Aladd«-n haa do
nated her hull anti miihle for the
raalon nntl Ih Riving her untlivltlrtl
time in promoting the affair, ami all
that la left for the public to tlo, Ih to
attend the tlaurc Thtiriulny evenltiß.
nnrl feel rluil that they are helpinß
turn a long cherished fahle Into
something real a Christinas with a
Santa Claus.
The money realised rrom Mr*.
Afatltlen'it rhnrlty hall will lie used
in huvlng toya. and plenty of gm>dir:;
to eat. ami on next Alondnv evening
at 7:.*to in the old Learned More rooni
on Alain street next to Ila Usman's
Drug store, the poor ehiltlren of the
•it> v. ill ctiehratc their Christmas.
.Two large IMnlon tree*. Illlmunnteii
with hrllllnnl light*, and ladened
! with the tilings ilea rest to a child's
heart will he atrlppetl of their Imr
•lens ami distributed among the
voungHtera, hy a real live Santa Claus
he of the long white heard, and n
smiling fare. Karh child present
will l»«»■ given an orange, an apple,
some randy anil nuts ami a toy
providing a large erowtl attends the
•iiarlty hall, for it takes money to
liny these things. It Is urged that
every needy eli lld lie present at the :
tree next Monday evening, and all 1
those knowing or any are asked to
see that they are brought. It is es
peciully ask*d that all mothers see
that their children do not accept the
presents unless tiny are in need, for
many an Innocent child would accept
a toy when they are well provided
with gifts at home, thereby musing
some of the needy children to do
Any money left from the Christ
inas treat will he given to the Char
ity Hoard of the rity. and it Is up to
the public to attend the charity ball
and swell the sum and make this
Christinas one to lie long remember
eu in the minds of the poor little
I ts ” Why not one of our fine suits
for HIS present ?
WA Thoughtful people give
| / iL> £7 \ ( —thoughtful presents—we‘re sell
lot* of »itits anti overcoats
I -1 m J There are “h thousand and
one things" for men in tlua
Jfc- J stoic—think* that men like in
/Sr this store—a thousand and one
think* that HE want for
tti Silk Hok—Fancy Wai.t
-.... „ . coati—Silk Scarf.—Reefer.—
,l " "“l 1 '"“ L Muffler.—an o|«ra Hat—or a
lj.yi.ry rnf, i. a tok.-u of Hat for bu.ine..—Tie Holden
«'"• "" catlinnlilc value —Collar Bo*«—Neckwear
Will, uv.wy purrhaao li.i-. Holden—Handkerchief. and
Holders —Shirts—Rutty boxes
No! Smokiug Jackets don't of Scarf. Tie and Hose to match
smoke! But— —Oloves—Silk Sustienders—
Smokers do like Smoking Traveling Cases—Rocei—UlW.
Jackets—and so do lots of men brellas—Canes—Dress Shirts
who do not smoke. «nd 900 other think*.
They’re so comfortable and He’d probably buy it hero
so much appreciated. himself.
Ingram-Powder Clothing
i Pub. Dec. •*. IHl2—Jau. H, I Hill. I
I Scaled bids will Im received fur .
I the construction of the lain Animas
County Court House until 1 I o'clock
la. in .liniuary 1.*., mi::, by the Hoard
of County Commissioners of l.us Ani
mas County. Colo., at their office. ]
corner Alain and Chestnut Streets
: Trinidad, Colorado, according to
JpluiiH and specifications on file with
I 11. and \V Af. Itnpp company. Ar-
Chltects. .Masonic hulldiug, Trinidad.
All bids to be marked bids on
Court House, and addressed to the
undersigned The Hoard reserves
tin* right to reject uny ami all bids.
♦ Embossed Xmas Stationery. ♦
♦ +
♦ The Chronlrlc-News this sea- ♦
♦ son Ik showing a beautiful line ♦
♦ of Christmas embossed station- ♦
♦ or)-. Orders filled promptly. ♦
♦ Call and make your selections**
♦ at once. ♦
♦ ♦
for Christmas! They're band
some, too! Comic, see our great / j i TBHul
spread of m<*n'.s Christman slip-
AVc'vo slippers in black oi liiii
cite. faiist, cavalier and romeo
with soft padded tolcii felt ro- J 1 r*
iiiocm. traveling slippers, with N r
leather case. Slippers at 9|. , | . *^r* w t‘9L. r-A 1
81.25. 91.50. 91.75 $2
92.50. .93 “"i «»»» “» 93.50
•"-■r. XV; s
Sec us for Moll's slippers.
P. & W. Shoe Company
11 .1 PAI.MQt'IST J. C. CAI.L>WKI.I»
International p eop { e
State Bank
Send their money away
from Trinidad and buy their
goods from outsiders. Ily so
doing they take the profits
away from the home tner
jk /j J chant curtailing his bus!-
ness and reducing his pro-
fits, thus injuring him, the
town and themselves.
DEPOSITS Do your banking husi* I
ness with the ouly bank Hi
Trinidad that is owned and
controlled by homo capital.
The profits of the bank will
SAL* K f Dhl J OSI 1 ne spnnt in Trinidad and
BOXES I*OR KENT I not sent to outside owners.
' ,
to he preparing for Christmas.
The completes! stock of staple
and fancy
make up our assort incut of good
things to cut.
White House
Mercantile Co.
Will he given hy the Christian Kn
deovor Hoclcty at the Christian
church. Thursday December lit, 1912
K o'clock. Adults '.'fir Children 15c.