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Christmas Suggestions ior the Whole Family FOR BOYS FOR OIRIS FOR FATHER FOR MOTHER Pocket Knlfo Air Rif|«» Roller Skates flood Rarer Parlor Rug Hammer Coaster Wagon • <Jood Strop Nice Clock Uul, fa.ll tat Ch.l. ~ Knl, « *"• B»v.n,»r. Mom hall xlov* I'alr Bolaaora Hammer . fiol,d B,n ‘" - Muse Imll muKk Tooth Brush Saw Knlvea Forkg Pom ball suit Tooth Powder Rifle R*t Tea Spoon* Leather cilffM ... . Trank Shot Gun Set Tuhle S|K>ou* J.. n leather Cuffa Pair Scissors Kidlnic whip Nlre Dreaser Tooth Urilhh Sowing Machine Rolhr Skates Nice Clock Tooth Powder Dining Table Coster Wagon Itcdroom Rug Easy Chair Sideboard All these things and many more we have in stock with prices iih low qk good goods can be sold at. We Invltq your ln*|»ertiou. fllad to show you whether you rare to buy or not. Tm CASH BARGAIN STORE. 403 N. Commercial CL \ S3l FI ED X D» r v FOR SALE—FOR RRNT SITUATION AND GENERAL WANTS Jk. *** Khiiihl unit Niluatioti Ail*. Free Two luserthme ™ Wanted-Male Help For 11. S. army. Able bodied un married men between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits who rnu speak, read and write the English language. For liifiiriii.ition Mpply to Recrultlug Officer. 102 West Main St . Triuldad. C«lo. if. Wanted A ' '**••l do not rec<ite their. * li'mlih i. V..*vt. to iilintif Mils uftice between «00 and 7:00 the samel evening. Second hand furniture. farniirh a.*| and Co . Phone Trinidad 630. if • Your films to develop. lOr a roll at f!rccii*B Drug Store. into. When you want a good home cooked meal tills is the Itarhelors* home, 52 I State St. tf | Cash paid for cast off clothing,; shoes and hats. Call Trln. 426. Into Tile Lightning Messenger Service wants your liusimom Open duy and »i tvlit All calls 10c. \yalter McHenry •’hone Trinidad dll. l«ongenrckor j Rooming House. , 2, Woman or girl for general house- 1 work. Phone lines 172. tf Carrier hoc. Mur.t have horse. Ap- 1 ply nt Chronicle-News office. tf i Waitress at St. Elmo. apply at once Might coal miners, American pro jected. fall at 302 Codding or phone Trinidad (HO. \ tf Wanted, at once, dining room gill. SI per day. room and hoard. Daw ion I loti re. Dawson, N. M. f>• For Sale Sell off your stitplua stuff buy using C-N waut ads. They only cost 6 cents a line. «f For new and second hand furnit ure call on Carmichael and Co., 130- 132 Kim Street. Phone Trinidad 630. tf. Five room strictly modern house, j 3rd street. Inquire Mr. Ingles, Inter-j national State hank. tf. j foal ramp hoarding house at Green 1 Canon with ::u regular hoarders.! owner wants to go cast. A good op portunity for the right party. Ad dress Mrs. F. A. Woodruff, Beacon. Colo. 6 Ten shares Trinidad Milling and Mining Co. stock, photic Trln 251, tf Money to Loan On chattel security: reasonable rate#. G. C). Newnam, 1 HI \V. Main. tf WELDING »■■■ ■ ■ —■— ' Frozen and cracked automobile cylinders welded. Prices reasonable. Abbott Novelty Works, 118 N. Maple street. tf Found Sorrel mare about 10 years old. on my ranch near Hoehne. Brand II Y on left shoulder. Owner can have same for pn.vlng charges. Address, Joe Gagliardi, R. F. t». No. I: Box 10. - 5* Rctwccn the Troy laundry and the post of rice a hnufh of keys, owner may have same at this office. 2 l.ighltilng Messenger Service, day and n I gilt calls 10c. Walter McHenry. Phone Trill. 041. Longenocker Room ing house. 2 ABSTRACTS THE TRINIDAD ABSTRACT CO FiOOMS i) AND 10. POITREV BLOCK. PHONE THINIDfID .‘,41 WEDNESDAY For Rent. Three room fttmlahed apartment, I with hath. Also 2 rooms for $l2. ' light, heat and water furnished. 11. i I*. I*. Anderson. Anderson block, tf Furnished housekeeping rooms. 400 University. Phone Red 1442. tf Rooms for light houskeeping at hu -erne. Phone Bara 383 or 418 Beech. ■ “• i One. two or three rooms for house keeping, reasonable, 608 Animas, tf Five room atrirtly modern furnish jed house. Corner 7th and Ash. Phone Red 2042. tr Modern furnished rooma for light housekeeping. Inquire 213 Colorado J a venue. «; j Furnished room modern house, one or two gentlemen. Red 1793. 5 | i Furnished room In modern house 1 iH! Grant. tf ; i Five room modern, furnished house | - Phone Trln. 278. 3« Nice sunny sleeping .oom, suitable' • tor ladles or gentleman, everything I furnished. $» per month. Close In. .Phone Red 1784. ;; [ Three rooms party furnished close in. J. 11. Hines. I Id W. Main. 3* Strlcjtly modern seven room house. ‘Phone Red 1872. 2 Four room house with water at 121 W. linen. $l6. Apply 622 Robin -I*oll. i; Three room house, with water $8 Apply 822 Robinson. C i Three room furnished house. In quire To I Atchison street or Phone 'Red 1862. ;i Modern room bungalow. Apply .M. A. Easton, 317 \V. Topeka. tf. ; — .. .. - I Furnished front room. Cll Pine. Red 1074. tf. Modern rooms Tor light house keeping. 2oi State Street. tf Situation Wanted I Free employment bureau, office of i isso<dated Charities. 418 Commercial I •«fret. Phone Red 2962. Help | uruislied and employment secured, tf Woman wants work by day. En quire ••II" this office. 2 Young married man wants posi tion driving team. Can furnish refer ences. Address C. A. Ilelstand, gen. del. ;t Young girl 16 years old wants to do housework. Address Soprls. Ilox. 90. Work In store or office by com petent young map. Phone Red 3736 19 year old boy wants work with privilege of going to school. Will work for hoard. Phone Red 2062. 2 Printing If you need printing or any kind :nme to the Chronicle-Xewa. High-' Furniture buy aod nail acrouil band fur nltiira. rail Trinidad «n 3 tr Taxi Cab Taxi day or night. Call Toltec Ho tel, Trln. Trln. 291, tr Cleaning Cleaning, pressing and dyeing.— The Trinidad Cleaning and Dye Works. tf THE MARKETS Fl/LL ASSOCIATED PRESS DAILY REPORTS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Now York. Dec. IN.--'Trading op eration* on the stock market today wo»e on u diminishing scale and ex cept for spasmodic selling of Union Pnelfle, the Coalers and Copper stocks, npeculation wuh featureless. Bear operators did not follow up their advantage with any show of force * «**d coveted hastily when it becutne * evident that their selling had not pro voked liquidation. Attempts to mar ket stacks in which the public Inter »**l Is slight, caused severe recessions, a case in point being a 20 (mint drop In General Chemical on one transac tion. t Bonds were eusy. l.ittle interest was manifested lu •he movement of the market and the slight Inquiry was sufficient to ab sorb the Intermittent Kdling of Read ing it lid I'nlan Pacific, which ruled about a point below yesterday's close. Call money rates went down to 37 per cent without helping the market which reached a lower level, particu larly Rending. The market closed heavy. Announcement of a Reading divi dend Increuse converted the ranrke. from apathy to furious activity, with widely varying pi Ices Reading Jumped 4 points in us many truan - actions and touched !7n ufter pre viously selling as low as 164 2. It subsequently dipped below 167 ugaln Other stocks ulso bounded up. Un ion Pacific. Southern Pacific and Le high sold a |»oint above yesterday's final figure*. These stocks dropped back later nlmos. as rapidly. Union Pacific fell to a point under last uight and other shares also closed with slight lows. Amalgamated 712: Atchison 106* !Northern Pacific 1194; Union Pad 1 He 166: Great Northern 133; Read ing 1662: h.eel 66; Ku.jar 116{: New York Central 1»9: Southern Pnrifh I 166 J: Steel preferred 109 hid. THE HOMEY MAIKET New York. Dec. 18.— Money 01 call firm. 3?#l 6 per cent: ruling rati 4,'; 1 lining lild 3«i3!: offered at 4. Time loans steady: 6n and 90 dnyi 6 per cent: six months 62 per cent. Close: Prime mercantile paper 1 per cent. Sterling exchange strong with net tial business iu bankers' bills a 4.1816 for 60 day bills and 4.866 foi demand. Commercial bills 4.Mi?, liar silver 62?. 1 Mexican dollars 4 9}. 1 Government bonds easier. | Railroad bonds easier. LIVERPOOL GRAIN I Liverpool. Dec. IS.— Wheat, spol ! steady. No 1 Manitoba 7s 6*d; No 2 .Manitoba 7s 4Jd: No. 3 Manitoba 7s 2id. Futures firm: December Tf 41« J: March 7s 4d; May 7s 22d. Corn, spot steady. American mixer] old 6s 2id: American mixed old 4s; Galveston. 6» I'd: futures firm: Jan uary 4s lid: February 4s 92d. KAIIBAS CITY GRAIN AND HAY Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 18.—Cash: Wheat Jc higher. No. 2 hard 824 ft 871: No. 3 814 ft 934: No. 2 red 1.00 4i 1.03: No. 3 96 1.01. Corn i*l i higher. No. 2 mixed 461; No. 3 4614(461: No. 2 white 17: No. 3 461 4i 46. Oats steady. No. 2 white 34 ft. 35: No. 2 mixed 334( 331. Lost j Small hlnrk mare, white saddle 1 mark, branded "I." on hip. 1401 Sail Pedro. Reward. 3 At Cardenas hotel Friday evening one long white kid glove. Finder please leave nt this office. 4 Lady's smaii plain gold"watch and pin. Verlie Gatlin's name In side. Finder please leave same at C- N. Reward. 3 j l ost between Commercial and Con |vent one pair linesman pliers. Liber al reward for return to Trindad Elec tric Trans. R. and G. Co. Package containing two pennant* of old high school. 1 pair men's gloves. Finder return to this office. 1 Reward. 3 Wagon end guto and coni fork. Finder please notify BaJdy Coal Co. . Reward. 2 Package ten h|k>oiih. Kinder please return to this office. 2 Somewhere, either near postofflce I on Walnut, Chestnut, fir Maple street pocket hook containing a sura of mon ey and other articles valuable only to the owner. Finder return same to lIP N. Maple. $lO Reward. Pattering Up-to-date designs of wall papar! Cargo selection. Very lowest prices. •lop Burk land. 11*9 East First. Phone I Kara $B3. I guarantee. tf. THE CHRONICLE-HEWS, TRINIDAD, COLORADO. Hay unchanged; choice timothy 13 ft 13.50; choke prairie 12 41 12.60. Receipts Wheat 71 tars; corn 43 cars; oat* 9 cars. Close: Wheat. May 83“ 4i • ; Jolv 1 822. Corn, May 162: July 47'. Oats. May 352. THE METAL MARKET St. loOtils, ,\|o.. Dec. ik -Lend dull. . 4.15. Spelter dull, 7.15. New York. Dec. 18.—Copper dull. Standard spot and December 16.76 bid; January anil February 16.75 ft 17. Electrolytic 17.62 f- 17.87; Ijtke 17.624 i l?.'*! Castings 17.25 ft 17.37. Tin uqlet. .Spot 49.8741 50.26; De cember 49.86 ft 60.26: Jnnutirv 49 76 ft 60.16. Lead quiet, 4.26 ft 4.36. Spelter quiet, 7.20 ft 7.40. Antimony quiet; Cookson's 10&. Iron barely steady and unchanged THE COTTOH MARKET | Oolvekloh. I)-, is COllOll hlsli »r. 13. New York Dec. 16. —Cotton spol 1 * !o*ed stead; .Middling upland -13.10; Middling Gulf 13.36. New York. Dec. 18.—Cotton fut* ! ures closed steady. December 12.73: ; January 12.78; February 12 7v ! March 12.83; April 12.83; May , 1*2.84; June 12.79; July 12.79: Aug ust 12.67; September 12.09; Octnliet ! 11.95. THE LIVESTOCK MARKET Chicago Livestock. Chicago. lv. 16 Cattle receipts 18,000. Maik‘ t Steady to 10c lower. Beeves 5.16 ft 9.76; Texas steers j4.4oft 5.66; wes.ern steer* 6.25 ft 17.6(1; stockei and feeders 4.20 ft J 7 "5; rows and heifers 2.70 ft 7.60; 'calves B.Boft 10 HOOK: R«S*olptH 30,000. Market ; *low, steady. Light ti.Mift 7.15; mixed 6.90 'ft 7.25; heavy 6.85 ft 7.25; tough !B.RSft 7.26; pigs sft 6.80. Bulk of aalc* 7.10 ft 7.20 SHEEP: Receipts 25.000 Market ! slow, steady. Native I.9mft 5 ; western 4ft 5; I yearlings f1.4nft6.65: lambs, native! 1.5.754( 8; western 6ft 7.90. Kansas City Livestock. I Kaiika* City, Mo., Dec. 18. Cattle jiecelpts (.**oo. including 600 snuth -1 eritF. Matket steady. I Native steer* 6.80'«i 10; soutli’>rn J t-ioers 5 •.( 7: southern cows and heif ers 3.254( 6: native cows and heifers 3.60 ft 8.6 m; stockei k and feeders 4.75 ft 7.15; hulls 4.50 ft 6.50; calves 6ft 10; western sleets 5.50 ft 8.50; western cows 3.504(6.75. HOGS Receipts 8,500. Market weak. Bulk of sales 6.904 r 7.15; heavy 7.10 ft 7.20; packers and butch ers 7.03 4( 7.20; light 6.85 ft 7.10; pigs 6ft 6.75. SHEEP Receipts 5.000. Market steady. Mutton- 3.75 ft 5; lambs Oft 7.65; range wethers aud yearlings 14» 6.85; range ewes 3ft 4.50. Denver Livestock. • Denver. Colo.. Dec. 18.-—Cattle re ceipts 500. Market steady. I Beef steers 5.75 ft 8; cows aud helf * ers 44( 6.50; stockers and feeder 5 754( 6.75: calves 6ft 8.50. HOGS Receipts 500. Marke steady. Top 7.13. '! Bulk of -ales T.Ooft 7.15. SHEEP; Receipts 100. Market ' steady. ear!Digs sft 5.50; wethers 44 ( (.60; lambs 6.75 ft 7.25; ewes 3.50 ft 4.25. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Chicago. Dee. 18.— Board of trade markets opened dull today with little change in prices. Wheat was un changed to 2c higher, a few shorts covering on higher rabies. May opened unchanged to $c up at 90J to 902. and declined to 90*. Alav closed 2 over vesterdav at 91*. Corn opened unchanged to a shade up. May starting at 482 and advanced to 4S£. The close was firm. May Jft 2 up <*t 48Sft 49. Oats were stagnant and opening prices unchanged. May selling at 33c. PROVISIONS Chicago. Dec. 18.—Provisions sturted firm. There was some sell ing of anuary and buying of May. January products opened unchanged Ito 7i down and May futures from 7J lower for pork to 2-1 higher for lard. Opening prices for May were: Pork—l7.97J. Lard—9.Bs. . Ribs—*9.62l ft 9.6 M. TWF, WOOX «fSRFTT St. Louis. Mo., Dee. IS.—Woo! steady. Territory and western inedl tuns 21 ft 25c. Fine mediums 18ft 20c. Fine 13ft 17c. Dr. PRICES CREAM Baking Powder Purity in food, lower cost of living— n these are the demands of the day. Pure food is health, and health is economy itself. We can not have health without healthful food. , The most healthful foods are the quickly raised flour foods— ‘ biscuit, cake, muffins, crusts and other pastry when perfectly made from wholesome ingredients. Dr. PRICE’S baking powder makes these foods in specially attractive, appetizing and wholesome form, and for both economic and hygienic reasons, such foods should be more largely substituted for meat in the daily diet. } But bear in mind that alum, or unwholesome baking powder, can never make pure, wholesome food, yfr Hfl feuraons J W«• have winter excursions to principal cities in the following I states: Aluhama. Kioriilu. *mlii. | Unilnianu, Mississippi. New Mexico. Texas uimI South Carol I mi. iiIho to Culm ami Mexico. Mobile and return $58.00 Jacksonville and return $67 50 Lake City. Fla., and return $75.50 Augusta. Ga.. and return $60 35 Savannah* Oa.. and return $65 20 Thomasville. Ga.. and return $64.50 Mew Orleans and return $44.00 ■endian. La., and return $46.40 Denting. N. M.. and return $33 90 Carlsbad* N. M.. and return $23.95 Charleston S. C.. and return $65.85 Austin Tex., and return $31.50 Beaumont, Tex., and return $35 20 Brownsville Tex., and return $46 83 Corpus Christi. Tex.* and re • turn $40.60 Dallas. Tex., and return $28.50 £1 Paso. Tex., and return $33.90 Ft. Worth. Tex.* and return $23.60 Galveston. Tex., and return $35.60 Houston. Tex-, and return $33.30 Waco. Tex.* and return $27.20 On sale daily fo April .'10, |«»| :s, j Clou I return limit .limp | f 1913* { Id hern I stopover privileges. ir you nrp contemplating n soutliprn trip.! have n little chat with l.ltilc about It. R. W. HOYT. Agent C. B. LITTLE* Ticket Agent. iPhone Trinidad 36. Trinidad. Colo! Embossed Xmas Stationery. The Chronicle-News this sea son Is showing a beautiful lino of Christmas embossed station pry. Orders filled promptly. Call and make your selections at once. This is an unnatural con dition —a little rest each clay and Scoff’s EmuUion after every meal gives nature the material to restore strength. ScottEmuUion is a strength - building, cu ra ti ve food and tonic to overcome weakness and fatigue —contains no alcohol or drug. It doesn’t stupefy the nerves, it feeds them. Expectant and nursing mothers always need Scott’s EmuUion. Scot! Ik llowttr. Moomfietil. .V j i.»-?s * i' DECEMBER 18. 1912. GOLDS GO OVER NIGHT If your head Ik stuffed up and you bn;•• a hard mid you ran «ini«*kl> | x*-t rid «»f tbr minor). Hrm. l»*ok nftor Iho ImwelH; nny komil eat hurtle will do. tliou breathe I tootli’h IIVO.MKI lilt'll promptly Mils germ 1110 and bon In tho ini-iu brinic. Itrealhe HVoMKI (pronounce It ( !likli-ii-iii" i iii ilio dii) iinn* through ! flu* little* hard ruhhor Innnlcr. mid i jum lirforo going to hod in nlk ill *'•l ihi-, jm hir :• .-ram teaspoonfiil of il VO.MKI Into a klirln u bowl of boil liik water, rover bead and bow. I with towel mid breathe for several min uli*m the soothing, healing \apor that ;* Im> This treatment lh als-o fine for sore throat and rntarrh. (’oinplrie IIVO.MKI outfit. Ineludinx Inhaler. SI .*>•»: extra bottles If needed. :.(ie I'be llausiiinn Drug Co. I.» authnr:/ed to refund your money If dismiti .led. BANK HAD MOVED: ROBBERS ARE FOILED i Tremonton. I'tali. Dor. Is \fter j ! I:*.boring half the night to break Into! the old ronerote money vaults of tin !Stato Hank of Tremonton. four rob i hern were dismayed to dim-over that I Lhe hank had moved away tin- dn> I I prevlotiMly. I Tin robbers escaped after a pistol I | battle with Marshal Brown. I I | | Reaching for an Ideal 1 Xmas Gift § I'm- nnyonc who wluhrao to »<•<■ tho WORLD LOOK BRIGHTER— ! a < ♦ liv our new gold mount lugs and otir deep curve Torec Lenses, m Helcntlflcall.v fitted by one whose time Ik Riven exclusively to this 3 work. This is not our side lino ♦ ♦ | Our work is done br the World’s 1= Greatest Factory | Prescription work delivered in forty-eight hours. ■ J ♦ ARITFICIAL EYES FITTED f SPECIAL CHRISTMAS PRICES I J. G. GATES I ! Room 10, Opera House Blit. SCIENTIFIC OPTICIAN | PAGE SEVEN BODY OF WHITELAW REID TO BE BROUGHT HOME IN BRITISH BATTLESHIP I .on don. Her. is. Mrs. Whltelaw | Held ha- derided to an-ept tin- offer by the llritlidi government of a win ► hip io convey the body of her late hindmnd to the t'nlted tSnte*. Tin* 111 raignimiit Will be completed be tween tin* Hr 11 Ikli foreign offlre n nil the American state department. Among tin- first wreaths to rein li Dorchester Moure was one from Queen Mother Alexandra Hundreds »f nppllintloiiH have been received for sear in Wo-tminster \bhey for tin* nn-norial service for the late nm hassndor, which .■* to he held on I-*: I - day. It » loiirli win'll .i man Is asked in tender bis resignation <0 COHMiS^ CO mliißjP' -S in 2A^