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PAGE TWO | Why not buy useful gifts, the kind I I that are always appreciated? j T Table Ulnens and Napkins, Silks, Velvets, Dress Goods. Ribbons, 4 4 Neckwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Mufflers, Handkerchiefs, Underwear for £ ♦ Men. Women and Children, Slippers, Shoes, Sweaters, Hand bags. 4 X Suit Cases, Trunks, Men's Hats, Shirts, blankets, lied Spreads. Y | THE BEE HIVE j | 423 Commercial Street Trinidad, Colorado * t Good Old ? 1 Schneider Beer I Y The favorite drink of the community 4 V for more than thirty yean V X Century Bottled Beer | Light 2 % Muenchener Bottled Beer X A Dark X ¥ DEFIES COMPETITION 4 1 PH. SCHNEIDER BREWING CO. | y Phone Trinidad S 4 Trinidad, Colo. J **• ❖ *!> I TO TIIE CONSTANT KEADEK OF THE OiIKONICLE • N E\VS H flOerrv Christmas anb a flDost Ibapp? anb prosperous ’Hew ji)ear IS OUII WISH lt> 8. F. HUTTON, President. ‘lht New Albany Hotel 1 y. I’aokt. Manager. Company, Denver. Colo. eeeeee* a«o«oeoo-; »««««»$«»«««««« | ; | Labor Savers i I ==— I I The Ideal | * Christmas Gift g • * I s | Whether you employ a servant or jjj | not, laboring-saving devices in the * « home will pay g i i Household affairs run more smooth- » * ly—more work can be done. Situa- * f tions in such houses are more sought % | after and more persistently hold g on to » « * # Labor-saving, time saving, comfort % % saving devices pay in the end * §* You know the kind we mean o t ® Let us demonstrate them to you % » 1 3 I - | | The Trinidad Electric g | Transmission, Railway 1 | and Gas Company | ® « THURNDAT ELKS TO FURNISH TREAT FOR CHILDREN Tlk* children of Trinidad will be given n Christmas treat much beyond their expectations, next Wednesday afternoon, wlien they will attend the production of "Du Harry" at the West theatre, as the guest* of the Trinidad Elk-*. Complimentary ticket* are to he distributed among the children of the city which entitles the holder to attend the tqieclal matinee of "Uu Barry" on Christmas afternoon, at tlio West Theatre. The Elks have se cured the services of Kd Tierney of the "Du Harry" company, one of the flret class road shows, and are desir ous of making Christmas day a happy one for the little ones, and is giving tills special performance froc to the children that he might gludden their little hearts on the happiest day of tile year. No child need be slighted for tickets are being freely distrib uted nud Mr. Tierney wants them ull to be there. In the evening "Du Barry" will be repeated, and coming on Christmas night will be wehomed by the thea tre loving people of the «Ity. PEOPLE SHOULD GUARD AGAINST APPENDICITIS Trinidad people who have atoiunch and bowel trouble should guard :«gainst appendicitis by taking simple lu-kthorii bark, gl>ceritie, etc., as compounded In Adler-l-ka, the Ger man appendicitis remedy. A SINGLE DOSE relievos sour stomach, gas on the stomach and constipation IN* jSTANTLY because this simple oulv- Jturo ant lac pt I loses the digestive‘or gans and draws off the Impurities. The Han small Drug Co. BEN RONQUEO DIES OF INJURIES RECEIVED BY FALLING FIREPLACE Unconscious for more than a week. I Hen Itonqueo died at Aguilar yes ter* day from Injuries sustained on De ccmlier Kth. when he was hurled be neath the ruins of an old fireplare into which he had chased a rabbit. Itonqueo was found the next day and removed to his home near Gulnare. and never regained conaelousnesM only for a few minutes, lie lias never s|token a word aince be wus round with the rulna of the fireplace upon him. MRS. ROBINSON DIES Mrs. Fideli/ Itohlnsoii. for 17 years a resident of Trinidad, died at 11.50 last night at the home of her daugh ter. Mrs. V. I\ Easley, at * 30 Ne vadn avenue. Death was due to pneu monia. Deceased was till years of u.:e and Is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Easley and Mrs. Sarah Palmer of Aguilar. Funeral will prohnbly take place tomorrow afternoon from the Easley residence. ARMOUR CASHIER RESIGNS T. \V. Stone, for the past few years cashier for the Armour Packing com pany. bus resigned his position and leaves tomorrow for his former home lit Virginia where lie a ill remain. Mr. Stone's position will be taken by It. \V. Evans, of Chicago. AMERICAN MINE MANAGER HELD FOR RANSOM IN MEXICO Washington. Dec. 19.—Tlio Mines company of Mexico reported to the state department today that its pro|H>rtv at Las Azulafl Chihuahua was captured liy rebels Tuesduy and that the mauager. Joseph 11. Calhath. an American has been held for ran som. HOUSE ADJOURNS Washington, Dee. 19. —The house today adjourned for the holiday re rcss until January 2. without re ceiving President Tuft's messuge. The message, however, was sent, also to tiic senate which remained in ses sion. NEW DEFINITIONS OF BASEBALL TERMS Squeeze play—The gathering of players around the umpire to try to force liiin to change his decision. Fielder’s Choice—To risk break ing a leg trying to make a difficult play, or to get the fans sore on him. Playing safe—Roasting an umpire or player from behind the big screen Pinch hitter—A policeman using his baton in a riot. Perfect throw—One in which the hall lilts tlie umpire oil tile shins. Wild pitch—The star hitter's throw of a barwhen the Umpire lias called a ball the third strike. A sacrifice—Letting supper tool in order to see the finish of an extra inning game. An error —The umpire, when a de cision is dose, calling a runner of the home team out or a runner of the visiting team safe. Reamed run—One tliut is obtain ed by the rooting of the fans. Dear! ball—One that hits the um pire. but doesft'f. hurt him. SSiS PwSR imiuuiuji »$r * iga gft j « jSXSIy IS* J •llNog# lIKANtt IMI.T*. f.« • . m f**-*known A» Itrst, raft*.!. Al-*,’, Krlil'ih —ri SOLO « DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE IHR CHRONICLE-NEWS, TRINIDAD, COLORADO. MORE SPECIFIC DE GREE IS ASKED (Continued from page on*) "would expose them to u serious loss, and possible irreparable Injury.’* The offering for sale upon the open market of the Union Pacific holding of the Southern Pacific’s shares, ag gregating $126,500,000 would not only Inflict great injuries and ir reparable daiuuge upon the Union Pa cific and ita shareholders, hut also would cause a serious financial dis turbance by oversupplying the mar ket demaud for securities of this chaructcr and consequently depress ing the price, not merely of the Soul hern Pacific's shure* owned by the Union Pacific, hut also of the allures of Southern Pacific held by others, aud even the Heciiritiea of other corporations dealt in on the market and ror a long period after tile offering of tlie Southern Pacific shares for sale. Attorney General Wickershutn filed a memorandum with the court in op position to the railroad plan, attack ing it as an unwise restriction upon the power conferred upou the district court to dissolve the combination and prevent Its renewal. !lo expressed a willingness that the Uniou Pacific ! tcckholders lisoiild lie permitted to share lu the distribution of the Southern Pacific slock with the Southern Pacific stockholders. "The effect of a mere pro rata dis tribution of the stock umong the Un ion Pacific stockholders,’’ sHid Attor ney General Wickersham. "Is wholly problematical. The slock lists af ford but little clew to the real own ership. It is a well known fact, which an inspection of the stin k list confirms, that lurge amounts of stock stand on the books in tlie names of banking aud brokerage houses. It Is true the stock is distributed among ionic 22.000 stockholders, but Mrs. K. 11. Ilarrlmau. Kuhn, laieb ft Com panv and the directors of the Union Pacific Railroad company (Including the Chicago ft Northwestern Railway company, represented on the board of directors by Mr. Marviu llughlettt together hold 111.252.M0U of its ,tock: 161 bankers and brokers each holding I .000 wham. 4 or over 9133,- 787,800. ’’ Washington. I»ec. 19.—A motion for a more specific decree In the Union Pacific merger dissolution was made today in the supreme court by Attorney General Klekersham. Chief Justice White stated formally that the court would take It under consideration. Attorneva for the Union Pacific and the government Joined in a re* quest that the court determine at once what rights the Union Pacific stockholder* should have in the dla*£ ltonal of the Southern Pacific stock held l»v the Union Pacific in viola tion of the Sherman anti-trust law*. AVIATOR CHUTES HAVOC IN TURK FORT; DROPS BOMBS Paris. Dec. 19.—A veritable bail of bomlm were thrown Into the Turkish fortress of Jniilna by the Greek military aviator Moutoussls. and an accompanying comrade who yesterday flew over that city iu a biplane, accordlngUo official advices received here. The bom Ids were hur led down upon the principal build ings. to which they caused serious damage. The population was ter rorized. STAGE COACH HELD UP Silver City. N. M., Dee. 19.—The stage coach between this place and Mogul lon. containing United States mail and a sack of money for miners' pay. was held up and robbed last night by three highwaymen. Federal officers, however, had received Infor mal lon that the hold up was to be |x*rpet unted and were on the scene at the time. The. three men were cap tured and brought to Silver City by federal Inspectors Ralph Smith of Denver aud Patrick Moran of Santa Fc. RANCHER IS MURDERED louder. Wyo., Dee. 19.—Tlie fro zen body of Hen Volkcr. one of the most prominent ranchmen of Pine Dale country was found in the barn yard of his ranch today, with a bul let through liis head. Volkcr was shot from behind, say tlie authorities and an attempt was made to hide hi* body iu u hay stack. BODY OF BAVARIAN PRINCE LAID AWAY Munich, Bavaria, Dec. 19.—The body of the late Prlilee LeithpoUl of Bavaria was carried this morning to its sepulchre behcath the altar of the church of the Theatlnes in this city where it was laid beside that of King Maxitnium II The king of the Belgians, the king of Saxony. Archduke Francis Ferdi nand. heir apparent of Austria-Hun gary, and a number of prices repre senting the royal houses of Hurope, followed tin* coffin in the procession which passed through streets crowd* ed with silent mourners. WEST THEATRE SI)IIO*T, DECtMCEH 221 U L. 8. SIRE PRESENTS X Iht International Comedienne MAY ROBSON Direct front a successful cn* gngeuiriit at the HIJou Theatre New York. Jti the fiiunlest of all Plays. A NIGHT OUT By Muy Robson and (*. T. Ditzey Prices, 60c. 75c. $l.OO, $1.50. Seat sale Friday. l STOP! : » You've Paid Kent Long ♦ i Enough' f Here Is your rhauce to buy a J 9* home at a low price and on 4 T easy terms: 4 Z, $2.300.00 —A new, five-room J ♦ modern cottage. $3OO cash •• X and $26 per month. * T $2.760.00 —A new* ala-room 4 T modern cottage. $360 cash | ♦ and $3O per month. J ♦ Money to Loan e ♦ hnnide —Abstracts Bondi • | McGlashan Ct Gow • f Suite 4 Elk. nik. Pit. Trln. 547 4 Bid Bargains In unredeemed diamonds. rings, watches and oilier Jcwrclry. LOAM OFFICE POLIAK BROS. 20C North Commercial StL 1 HOTEL CORINADO Announces to Its friends and patrons that It has installed a first class A* la Carte service, with exceedingly moderate prices and a cultsliie sec ond to none. In addition to our A* la Carte hill we serve from 6 a. m. to 10:30 a. m. special Club breakfasts. Prices tang ing from 16 cents to 60 cents. A feuture Is our noouday luncheon ror 35 cents. An especially attractive Table IP Hole dinner will he served on Sun day from 12:30 to 2 p. m. for 50 ccuts Your patronage respectfully so licited. U6HTNIN6 MESSENGER Dnv and Night Calls, 10c. WALTER McHENRY | Phone Trin. (Ml. Longcucckcr Bldg. SMART FUR FABRICS Now tliis year is a Mark and while striped coating with a vicuna face. The stripes are at least one-quarter of an inch wide. Last of all. lint by no mcuiis the least Important, are (lie handsome fur cloths. It Is quite remarkable how* these have risen in importance In the last few years— partially due. no doubt, to the per fection of their imitation of the real furs. In the finer grades It Is ncccs* sarv to actually feel them to tell the. difference. This year the manufacturers have added a new corded seal plush to tile seut. astrakhan, Persian lamb, ha by lamb, caracul and pony. It is $N a yord—s3 cheaper than the plain seal plush—but not nearly as good looking. Strange to so.v, these fur cloths, it: most cuscs, outwear real furs, and they are almost as warm and thor oughly impervious to weather. COLLA^t CLUETT PEABODYfr COITROYM-Y DECEMBER 19. 1912. TSCRYSTAL Where Everybody Goes w~vaUdeville 0 Four D»yi. Star-tints Thursday Dec. 19. THE GREAT STEEPLECHASE Moat Exciting Horse Race Pic ture Ever Shown. Two Part, FRANKsESTELE WINNINGS The Teacher and the Pupil- Singing. Dancing and Yodling GEORGE s GOTT Blackface Comedian. I GRAND HOTEL| Are you experiencing them? I>et us show you bow we keep busy, and how we Jn rreased one business 126 per cens In eight months. We have plenty to do; so have our cli ents. Why? I FUTATURO BROS. Advertidng Expert!, Comer Main and Santa Fe- REAL ESTATE DUNLAVY AGLNCY CC. 1 'H IHf v tU 01 k - HOV T HIMUAIJ i i JEFFRYES COAL & MWIH6 COMPANY Oealen in Bloom. Forbei and Morley lump coals. For ram mer use try Jewel and Morley Hot Coal- Phone Trinidad 228. •the Arcade Saloon aS Corinado Bar Robert Branagh, Prop. Manhattan Cafe j C. F. KI UK PATRICK. Prop. OPEN NIGHT AND DAT EVERYTHING IN SEASON And up-to-date. Drop in'and get ac quainted. Assuming One's Risk IN THE MATTER OF Fire or Accident, Is n dangerous policy, let us fully Itißuru you in a strong old-line policy. Bennett & Wilson AGENTS Suit 1 McCormick lildg. Phone Trinid:;d 163. I *Pfe Coleman Coal Company is now in operation with llie Farrell and Gibbs Mine. Our | coal will be on the market | Monday. MINE RUN $3 00. LUMP COAL I $3.50. NUT COAL $4.00. PHONE TRIN. 640. \ Eighty Acre I I Tract I ’< » E Fine 80 acre tract border- s> >) lug city limits and one of tbo ft & largest soups we buve had sinco >5 we have been in the business. ft « IT you are looking for an In- SS $ vestment, it would pay you to ft << Investigate this. See ub at oucs Hubbartt 1 | Agency Company » >< ROOM 3. COLO. BLDG. » Pbons Trin. 299. <> WILLIAMS Innsfer ml Storate Company 231 CHESTNUT ST. Kaca 87 Red 2893 THE HALL-McMAHON Undertaking Company —UNDERTAKERS— -137 E. Mam St.—Fhoxe Trin 595. Telephone Trinidad 418. TRINIDAD UNDERTAKING CO. UNDERTAKERS . 3SI WEST MAIN ST- H. 11. BII»K :: :: I'-uiK-ral Dlrvctur FOR GOOD THINGS TO EAT AND DRINK 00 TO THE Z Bar and BIGG Cafe I Palace Cafe and Bar! OEO. CLERCI. Prop. X | 118 Wot Mala Street. t MERRILL’S C*rp«l Cleaning Works v Wt aeUH Carpet., Feath tn ud Mittremea, ind Do Upholeterimg *nd Repairing. Cirptt Wort • Specialty— Phene Been 415. S!1 E. 3d Rowland Plumbing and Heating Company —Phon, Haca S3!— I*o WEST FIRST ST. | Eatimatca Cheerfully Furnithcd. F. W. CLARK Attorney-at-Law Suite 3, Colorado Building Lumber and Manufacturing Co. # Everything in Building Material Mill and Job Wort n Specialty STOVES lid FURNITURE NEW AND SECOND-HAND FURNI- TUBE BOUGHT AND SOLD POLIAK- G RATNER Phone Trinidad 416—418 N. Com'l. F'URNITUKB NEW AND SECOND-HAND Bought and Sold A. H. CLEAVINGER Telephone Baca 124 NO, 301 WEST MAIN STREET Call JORDAN FOR QUICK Parcel Delivery akd Messenger Service 216 East Main St or Phone Trin. 423 WANTED TO- GIVE ESTIMATES and figures on Edwards Mctte roofs and rollings, anything in shoot me till paint, mmont block, anytlilng in ce ment. We manufacture, build and re pair. Circulars mailed. CAST STONE CO. PHONE HKD 1514. P. Q, BOX ITS J. G. GATES Scientific Optician All work done satisfactory Trinidad 89 Red 1832 BOOM 8— OPERA HOUSE BLOCK AUCTION OF FURNITURE. CARPETS, DRAPER FRIES every Tuesday, Thursday Saturday. THE J. R. WARD FURNITURE AUCTION COMPANY 311 W. Main St. Trinidad, Colo.