Do your Christmas shopping in Trinidad and shop early ESTABLISHED 1877 THREE SONS ARE DISINHERITED BY JOHN HART Three sons are cut off with Jf dollar each In the will and teata of the late John 8. Hart of Trin ** which wva filed for probate in county fourt today. Hart left an ra fale, Including real estate and prop erty. personal and mixed, valued at about 920,000. The will recom mends the appointment) of John K. H her man and F. K. Griswold an exe cutors and autborisea the executors alter all dehta are paid to turn over the estate to one daughter. Mrs. Ger trude Hlgnet of Trlnohcra, who the deceased wishes, shall have all that ha left In the world. The will pro vides that the children of thia daugh ter ahatl participate In the benefits of the estate and a proYian la insert ed that when the youngest child shall reach the age of 20 years, the aatate shall be divided, one-half to Mrs. Hlgnet aud one-half to In; di vided equally between the children. The sons who were cut off with oue dollar are Andrew B. Hart. Na (hauls! J. Hart of thla county and Charles 11. Hart of Council Grove. Kami. Another daughter. Mr*. Mary Hart Kiddle, a widow, resides in Oklahoma. Thia daughter is also cut off with oue dollar. It Is declared that for souie years lhere had been a breach between the orts indicate thut arms and ammunition, allowed to cross the border fron* the United States for the purpose of pro tecting American Interests and placed in the hands of the miners to use against the rebels are being turned upon the American mine managers and foremen. James S. Colbatb. manager of the Mines Company of America at l/os A/.uelev Chihuahua, who was capt ured by the rebels December 17 and held for ransom, was released De cember is. according to a consular report to the state department. Nothing has been heard of the American, J Morrcys, roadmaster of the Mexican Northwestern railway, wno was abducted by bandits when h<» tried to extinguish n fire they had kindled on a bridge. MONDAY LAST DAY FOR SANTA LETTERS I .ar k of space prevents the publication' today of a large number of letters to Santa Clans These letters will he published tomorrow. Remem ber that Monday at six p. tn. the last hour that Santa will receive letters for* publication These will be published Tues day. Tuesday night he starts the work of distributing the presents. TRINIDAD, COLO.. FRIDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 20. 1912. PROGRAMS MARK CLOSE OF SCHOOL FOR THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS Today is the biggest day of tbo year in the* chord child's mind, un less lit! Is bushful. and appropriate exercises will be given in the differ ent schools of the city in keeping with the holiday season. It Is an annual custom among tile local schools to observe the luxt duy of si liool In-fore the students art* dis missed for the Christmas holidays, anti splendid programs were g|\eu in the different grades. The Columbian school <1 id not ob serve the holiday. Imt devoted time to study, on urcount of haxing miss ed a week of work when the school was float'd last mouth on in-count of an epidemic f scarlet fever. The high tchool had a short pro gram this morning which was given during the usseinbly period, anil consisted of several musical number* by the high school orchestra aud Glee club. With tlie closiug of the Trinidad schools tills afternoon another suc cessful school year will go down in history. At the High School The following {rude program will l»«* given in the High St boot auditor ium . Soug ('hri*tiuu* Hells—bill grade It *cltutlon nut! Song Christmas Candles—lot grade. Song Christmas Lullaby 2d grade. A Hu(itan anti Indian Folk lane Dance—3d grade Song: Christmas Bella - First grade. .la pa lie te Motion Song 2d grade. Song Santa’s Reindeer- Ist ami 2d grade t. Play: Christmas In Toy la ml *>th grade A Dutch Folk Danee ltd and 4*li grader. Souk \ Christman at K»-j ttili grade. Flay:. A Christmas .Wish 7th grade Song. Clirlsimaa Bells 7th and kth grades Play, tn iv.n acta: The i. .. I.ln. So cletjr—fitli grade Duet: Christina* Tide Mastet Price Dunlaw and Mbs Lela May Ault man Rice School—Grades 1 and 2. Song: The Nina* Star—lst grade. Song: The Xina* Tree—2d grade Song A Xmas Lullaby—lst grade Concert Recitation: Xmas Bells 2d grade. What Makes Christman-- Ist grade Song: Away in a Manger lstand 2d grades. Dramatization of Same: ChrlMuia*- Toy*—Twelve Children Song: Who Is Coming O'er the Hills —Ist unr! 2d grades Christmas —S*lx 2d grade children. Kong: When Good Old Kris Comes Dow n —2d grade Bong: Hong Up the Baby's Stock ing— Ist grade. Rice School—3d Rnd 4th Grades. Song: Santa Claus la Coming—2d grade. Overheard at Christmas —Gerald Northcutt Trouble in the Doll House Jam*' MeHcudrlt*. Stocking Drill —Fight boys. Fair Warning to Santa Claus— Thomas Mlera Song: Christmas —Itli grade itecltation- —Frances Miller. Drill: Waiting for Santa —Twelve girls. Recitation —Delbert Prosser Kris Krlngle—Kthcl Coy. The Round Year—Bernard Strom berg. The i/ookout Man—Vesta Owen. Bvergreen Drill—Fight Girls. Song: Christmas Bells —2d grade. Rice School—sth and 6th Grades. Sons The Olden Christmas—uth grade. The Little Town of Bethlehem Atnbrosio Gallegos. Song: A Christmas Carol—Oth grade girls. The Leftover Dolly—Elsie Heaps. Christmas Song— 6th grade. Through the Telephone—Edward llubbert. Jest ’Fore Christiuu.*v Irwin Hare. Winter—Nellie Stafford. Little Jim—Lenore Skecls. Seng' Holy Knight Ten Pupils. sth grade. Ring Out Wild Bells—Lelu Jones. Christmas--Catherine Bell. The Marriage of Santa Claus —Es- tclla Baer. Dialogue: Santa Claus’ New Out fit • -Cotnyn Castle aud Hazel Zttiek. Two I/It tie Stockings—Edna An derson. Song: Christmas at Sea —sth grade Rice Schcol—7tli Grade Song: Christmas Bells —School. Recitation: The Children’s Tele gram—Alice Blrkett. Rfcitation: The Christmas Tree— Ernest Lloyd _____ Chorus: Hail. Kveniiig Bright Twelve Pupils. . Recitation: A Christina* Wish Waldersec lleudrcy. Song Angry Words M-iiool Recitation: Who W. Sant i Clan* Helen Stevenson Kong Caroling Bell .*•'« liool Chorus Norse t’r.idb- Song Twelve Pupils. Recitation: Harry’s t ir.rtma- M* sage I'erlnn o**anutt. Kong Christmas at s».i- S*ho«d. Reiitatlon: Tile Thte.- King Itiidie Bnwtdeii Chorus Evening l’we|»e i*u nils Reeitntion: Long M<. • I Knitted Who Santa Claus \Vu* ' lenn nt Sut ton Clients The Mill -Twelve Hup i Recitation William Doubt Wllfied Anderson. Snug Abide With I S« liool Rice Building—GUi Rnd Bth Guide*.. Song ChrUtniHs- -Mtii grade A Christ mas Wish l**o Vigil Souk The Olden Christ mat tith grade Joe Fall \llldil*»ky Soi.g Ring. Roll . R»n" MU gradde. The Weight of u Word Carlos Stratton Song Caroling Hell* nth grade The Marriage of Sant i Clam Fed Bay lew j Sons At the Dance Mli grade | Long before I Kn> n Who Santa iContinued »»(* t»'f*' »«*•»» BOISE EDITOR FILES ANSWER TO CHARGES OF COURT CONTEMPT I Boise, Idaho. Dec 2» The ans wer of It. S Sheridan, publisher, and C. O. Broxen in a nag"- uud editor of the Uo'ac Ckp'vil Nvj; v. fie#-»on tempt of eourt rase was filed lii the supreme eourt here toda* A de murrer to the iiliswt-r was filed hV I Attorney General MrDougnl and ttils j was taken under aUvlMment by the ourt ! Tile defendant representative * of •tec publishing company were cited !for tin.* publication nr tin* message of j Colonel Theodore Roosevelt to the people of Idaho relating to the deri sion of the supreme court barring tbe Progressive candidates for pres idential electors on tbe Idaho ballot, together with editorial criticism of that derision The company admits responsibil ity lor publieation «»f the articles In the Capital-News, and in explana tion says that the) were published in the belief of Its privilege to do so. ill.dir the right of tree speech. COMMERCIAL EXECUTIVES OF COLD. IN SESSION HERE Tonight's Prop-am Address: "Good Commercial Work 111 New Mexico 1,. S Wtlnc.n "( Union "Fake Aflverttaing”— IH-s.x'-r <7inml.. r ol Commerce. „ , -Flro Insurance Kates”—C. E. Daulels. Secy. Fort Collins ( luimber or Commerce. •‘Freight Rates I*. A. Gray, Commissioner of Transportation. I ucti b» Commercial club , Address A V' Henderson of Colorado Springs, president of State nssocintion. • Commercialism ' — Judge J. G. Northcutt. The boosters of Colorado—the men - who have put Colorado on the map! in big bold letters who are adver tising the state throughout the world and making "f every commun ity hii empire In itself, are here to attend the quurterl> meeting of the Colorado Association or Commercial Executives. The advance guard ar rived this morning wad many others, arrived on the D A* R. G train this! ‘noon. The work of the association : .will conclude at ih« membership ■ meeting of t.ho Chamber of Com- 1 tmerco tonight, and tomorrow the |visitors will be taken over the senile [highway to Union where they will meet the live boosters of the new state. There will be no dearth of entertainment during the two days) that the commercial executives so journ In this city. The earliest arrivals were <’. M. j Klttrldgc. Jr., assistant secretary of j the Denver Chamber of Commeitoe. John F. Reardon, ot the Reardon j fAdvertising agettcj of Denver and | secretary-treasurer of th«* assoeiutioii I fund G. E. Colllsson secretary of the Auto Bandit an Active Churchman i Chicago. Dec 20 When Arthur Lewis, alius I/Oil is Forbes, suspected 'of being all automobib* butidlt, was I searched today a card was found in Ins pocket showing that In- is ii mem ber of the Tuesday Evening club ol the Trinity Episcopal church on South Michigan avenue In unolhor pocket a letter wiih found front the pastor acknowledging rcclept of a contribution of flu for mimilouniy purposes. Morris Wolfe. S 4 re I and Joseph Wilde, 22 « ir* old. compiin jiotiH «»f Lcwln, are said to hav«* con li-ssed to tin police that tlie> had 'planned to r«d» several restaurntilN wlti*i till.e|i into • listed) Lewis denied Hie charges and Js|H*nt Ill'll Ii Of tile day reading llie llilile in til* cell. Ogden Mills Reid Will Inherit Vast Wealth from Father Whitelaw Reid in l/oudon arouses luter«*st in the |M*rsonallt> of Ills son. Ogden Mills Reid. lie is now on the ocean enroute to England lie 'was graduated from Yale some >eni*| ago and then Joined the staff of his' father's paper, tin* Tribune He now the president of the corpora tion that publishes the Tribune, of which he is tnutiaging editor. MOROCCAN REBELS ACTIVE Rabat, Morocco. Dec. _••• - Moroi mil icbcl* in the M.igard.i dlstrot have surrounded a detai hment c*f I’rett Ii troops cotc 1.-tltig of two 'im panles of Zouaves, aecordlng to na tive adelcea received li«*r<- .Denver H.'.tail Merchants association Rev. Harvey M. Shields, of Dawson. m . one of the most noted good roads boosters i»r the southwest and I!,. S. Wilson, president of the Raton I Automobile club are here to take an (active part in tin* work that is being done A W Henderson of Colorado Springs, president of the state asso ciation of cenitnerelal executives ar-{ | rived at noon The attendance Is I not ns large as nnt ieipated, but the 1 [meeting is one of the most' import lint in ths history of the nrguiil/.u --t ion. | A proposed law to do nWny with fraudulent advertising, to make It a I mhdeme.mor for advertisers to make (false, deceptive or misleading stilt** Intents and providing n penalty for | prosecution was one of the several | important matters discussed at the opening session or the Commercial Executives at the Chamber of C’oin ! mere#, rooms tills afternoon. The I mutter was carefully presented by G. E Colllsson of Denver, who has (Continued on I’nne Three) TURKS YIELD A POINT TO GREEKS fount uutl no pit*, I >••• L'o Tim In ► mictions for war preparations by tin* Uttoiiiiiii government to Itech ed I‘a-»li u, tin* leader of tin* Turkish pear* delegation In l«oudou, authorize Ittin to tr**ut with tin* firi'i'k dele gates willioiit tln*lr previous siguui uri* of tin* artnlHtlii* protocol. Tlii* Turk lull delegation i~ ordered to apply ilurlnic tomorrow - meeting lor p**imi-Mon lor th«* rev Ictuullng of ill-* foriptsof Ailrlnnopli'. To' TurklHli flagship Klicy rli-Kil Inn Itarhaio*. which, accenting to re iHirth from YHiciim, w;ih practically •|i-iro)i*il l»> tsri***k shells during I In* r«* cm fight off t lie- Darclanclloi* straights, wan presented toilny by tin* Sultan of Turkey with tin* historic 1 il. ;• Mown Itv ihi* battleship Maliuiu |i!|ili at tin- bom bard no* tit of Sebanto . pol lii 1854 lli. caplinii of tin* flniodilp was ; pi«- .•till'd to tli«* Sultan, who rongrut- I ii|s;* d him anil the rest of the Turk* Inli navy on the outcome of the a« - ! tloti It appear* Hint the Turkish 1 flagship wan struck by two Greek ..hells hut the dainuge done to the i vmirl waa irislfnlflt ant I Onh man was kill'd and elalit oth- I «*r*» wounded During the no-tailed battle the command**!* of the Turkish and ( Qreek fleata ext haagi d pit ■ ntrlt Iby w-lrelern telegraphy The Greek telegmpiled • We have occupied the Inland of Tetitdo* and await your order*.” to which the Turkish admiral replied Your ihell • are falling m Ida I. would recommend you take better; aim ” i I 'el till Je. Montenegro. I tec -** I Au«lrl*-llunnorl»n military iirr|wr-| at ions continue without relation. numto'M* «it iioon.* early I fn Oairtiitla. have been converted Into transport* and extensive fortification* are un . I tier construction j Ijondou. l»er 2u The Turkish | plenipotentiaries to the peace confer* j i i'ure have h<**'n Instructed to break! neKotlatloiis If llulxarla Insist* on the j siirrendi-r or Adrlnnople. according *•» I the Temps cor respondent at Gonstan-I Itlnople. who says hr baa bla Informa 11loti from tin official aource. ! Having renewed confidence in her military strength. Turkey, the correa i (indent way*. I* ready to admit Glee - *' to Hi. peiie#. conference with .nit lor JoinltiK l« the armistice. It Grceie . hoiild now ask for an armh l|ce, he conclude . Turkey would re fuse Tie* :;x great Kuropean powers Hngland. I*imice. Germany. ItiiMla, \uslrlu •* nd Italy, h ter opted *hr j principle of an autonomous AI Imn la. with a prlvllcje guaranteeing to Sei ji hi tommerclal iicohs to tin* Adrlath 1.-, a This h. the first definite result Li the amhasmirtore' ••onversatlons”. ': im third ol w lalr i waa held thl af • ternoon. I’ari*. !»•• 20. \ustrlu-liuuguiy j is spending a day to defray! the expenses of the mobilization of J her army, according to an estimate made l»y a correspondent of Hh> Temps, Just returned from Gulleli*., A list l ilt The whole or th- commercial and industrial life of the country This been disorganized, lie adds. In Oul |e|n no money nor food Is to ho had and the wealthy part or the popula tion has fled from the country*. At the Maine time the fenr-HUt-icken peasants are becoming the prey of speculators. Groups of these men aro cornering all the gold awd silver coin, with which they buy alj the paper money they can find ut a heavy discount and then hand It 4o Austria proper, where it Is good Vor Its face value. . London. I lei Th.« pejice plen ipotentiaries of Turkey and or the Ha I kan allies were the guests or hon -lor at a lunch given by the l days in jail hul hart »m rved non** «>f his sentence. 110 ap pealed to tho •supreme court of the : tilled State, but that appeal was •numbs* d today, coincident with his pardon by the president. Tho court’s dismissal was on the ground II nut Ik had not printed th* proceed | mgs ol the lower court j Tiles übstance of tin offense for Which Hall Fran - :ces J. Ileney. was that the district attorney had failed »•> prosecute a land company In Oregon, chargad with fencing government lands and tbut when he did prosecute it waa through civil Instead of criminal pro .. edings. Two attorneys Invuall -1 gated Ho* ease for Attorney General Wickersham and the pardon today was hated on their finding that Mali was Innocent and shauld nev»jr have been prosecuted The pardon of Hall makes a total •it Hire* pardons by President Tnf* in contiectiou with the Oregon and Ira ltd eases. FOUR SUFFRAGETTES STILL ON MARCH TO STATE CAPITAL Fishkill. N V . I)ee. Kxllltust ed by yesterday 's _J mine trump, the four suffragette pedestrian- ciiroute to Albany, sl(>eut jatet his morning. With a walk of only eight miles to Wappitigers Falls ahead of them, they decided not to start until noon . w Ibb llosalle G Jones, It idol of the pilgrimage, announced on bell.ill' of her followers that, alcohol rubs for stiffened joints and salve for blister ed feet “had done wonders'' and that "today's hike will be nothing but a little jaunt "They ure going to give a hull in our honor at Wappingers Falls to night.” she added, "and we are alt going to dance.”