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Newspaper Page Text
Christmas Suggestions for the Whole family FOR BOYS FOR QIRIS FOR FATHER FOR MOTHER Pocket Knife Air Kiflo Holler Skates „ Good llaaor Parlor Rug Hammer Coaster Wagon • <!ood Strop Nice Clock W"e bull but Hocking Ch.l. *■«}“» K 0, ,« D**.n|M.rl Hone bull Blovt Hair Scluora Haairacr 0o “ l * R *"** Buw bull musk Tooth tlruib g, w Set Knlvn Fork* Foul ball ault Tooth Powder Mite B*t Tea Spoon* l-.-ntlie l i-iiffK ... Trunk Shot Gun Sot Table Spooua n. a .'. cll ' Kin, nr*au> l>»tb*r Cuff* Fair SelMora niillni; whip " lce nre *** r Tooth Bruah sawln* Macbluo ltoller Skatea Mu Clock Toolh Powder Dining Table Coaler Whkuu lledrootn Itug Kaay Chair Sideboard All tbeae tblnga and many more wo have In atock with price* ““ low na good gooda cap ba aold at. W* Invite your Inspection. (Had to abuw you whether you care to buy or not. ttr CASH BARGAIN STORE. 403 N. Commercial CLAS S I FltP AP5e #rOR SALE-fOR RENT SITUATION AND GENERAL WANTS S Lost, Fuuw<l end Situation Ada. Free Two luwrtiuue Wanted-Male Help For U. a army. Abla bodied un* married men between ngee of 18 end 36; citizens of United Btatee. of good cheracier and temperate habits who <an apeak, read and write the English language. For Inforaialiuo apply to Recruiting Officer. 102 Weet Main 31.. Triatdad. Colo. If. Wanted Mi wiiu do ii>»t rect-lv* iiie*lr Chionlclw-SVwp t«s phono nfilce between 6:00 and 7:00 the tame evening. Second uand furniture. Carmich ael and Co.. Phoae Trinidad 630. tf Your film* to develop. 10c a roll at Qrern's Drug Store. agio. When you want a Rood borne •-nuked rural ihh la the Bachelors' home. 621 State St. tf Cash paid for cast off clothing, •boca and hata. Call Trln. 438. Imo Team* to haul coal, apply 303 r;o«ldaril Ave. nr phone Trln. ti«. tf Carrier boy. Must have horse. Ap ply nt Chmnlrle-Newe office. tf Wanted, at once, dluing room girl, 5 1 per day. room am! board. Daw mil House, Dawsou. N. 31. t* Per Sale Sell off your surplus stuff buy ualap c-N want ad* They only coat 6 rents a line. ef For new iui arcond hand furntt ure call on Carmichael and Co., ISO -133 Kim street. Phone Trinidad 630. tf Cleanup Mile on fiuMtard Corsets. 36 per rout off while they last. 428 Went First or Phone Trln. 70 0 Ton shares Trinidad Mllllug and Minina Co. stock, phone Trln 261*. tf Money to Loin On chattel security: reasonable rules. (J. O. Ncwnam, 11C \V. Main. lf wKjmo Frozen and cracked automobile «> tinders welded. Prices reasonable. Abbott Novelty Works, 118 N. Maple street. tf tast At Cardenas hotel Friday evening one long white Kid Klove. Finder please leave at this office. 4 Package containing two pennants of old high school. I pair men’s gloves. Finder return to this office. Reward. 3 Wagon end gate and coal fork. Finder please notify llaldy Coal Co. Reward. 2 Package tea spoons. Finder please return to thlsvofflcc. ' 2 Somewhere, cither near postoffice on Walnut, Chestnut, or Maple street pocket book containing a sum of mon ey and other articles valuable only to the owner. Kinder return same to 110 N\ Maple. $lO Reward. From Sugar I*oaf Coal mine, 3 miles north, a rail bender. Reward fur return. C. N. Rlsaell, Phone Red 632. • * Taxi'Cnb Taxi d*r or night. C*ll Toltec llo tel, Trln. 584. or Trln. 294. tf Cleaning " oieinlng pre«*lng and dyeing.— Th* Trinidad Cleaning and Dy# Work*. ' ; ¥ ABSTRACTS TH TWINIDAD ABSTRACT CO. H. I’OiTi.l* BLOCK H H M I f'IINIDM) '•*’ FRIOAT ; For Raw. Three room furnished apartment, with bath. Also 2 rooms for |l2. i light, heat and water furnished. 11. ll*. U Anderson. Anderson block, tf Furnished hotteskeeping room*, j 400 University. Phone Red 1443. tf Rooms for light bottekeeping nfilti cergt. Phono Baca 383 or 418 Beech. ! » One, two or throe rooms for house keeping. reasonable, 608 Animas, tf Furnished room moderu house, one .ur two gentlemen. Red 1793. 6 Furnished room In modern bouse |"I6 Orant. tf. Three rooms for light housekeep ing loot Arltona. tf ; Five room modern, furnished house Phone Trln. 278. 3» l Nice sunny sleeping room, suitable lor ladles or gentleman, everything !furnished. 89 per month. Close In j Photic Red 17ft. 3 Three rooms party furnished does |lu. J. II lllties. 146 W. Main. 3* Furnished rooms for light house keeping. :»06 K. Ist St tf —. • i j Four room house with water at ,121 W. llaca, $l6. Apply 622 Roblp- Von. 6 Three room house, with water $B. j Apply 622 Robinson. 6 Three room furnished house. In quire 761 Atchison street or Phone | Red 1862. 3 i Modern i. room bungalow. Apply 31. A. Kaston, 317 W. Topeka. tf. t Modern rooms for light house jkeeping. 301 State Street. tf Situation Wan tad i Free employment bureau, office of i associated Charities. 416 Commercial j«trect. Phoae Red 2983. Help . urnlshed and amploytqeot secured, tf Work In store or office by com* !potent young man. Phone Red 373.7 2 | 19 year old her •wants work with ! rirllege of going. to achbol. Will |v ork for board/ Phone Red 3062. 2 I ~ Msttag If you need printing or any kind •‘iime to tho ChrOnlclC-Newa. High ciaaaworlc^reMonabtoprlcew^^^ Furniture Wo buy and anil second hand fur «nture. Cali Trinidad 403. tf Found lletwecn the Troy laundry and the postofficc a hunch of keys, owner may have sumo at this office. 2 i Two mile* dowu the river a black lirnrc. branded "BA” on left hip. Call Hoy-Patterson Meat Co.. 3 Up-to-date deelgna of .wall* paper, barge select lob. Very lowest prlcea. Joe Oitrkfand, 109 Bait Flrtt. Phone Bacn 683. I guarantee. tf. CHICAGO CLUB WOMEN IN EGG BUSINESS Chicago. Dec. 20.—Chicago’s Club women became egg merchant* to day. They planned to sell a million eggs at 24 cents a doten In their campaign against the high cost of that commodity. As soon as the women opened their sale retail grocers plastered the front of their stores with signs offering eggs nt 32 cents a dozen, two cents less than the price asked by the wo men. 4 t . V jit, j,. , ttXCMROWCTJAHEWB, TRINIDAD, COLORADO THE MARKETS MILL ASSOC I AT,SO CRESS BAILI DXfQRTS NEW TOIX met EXCHANGE New York. Dec. 20.—Evidence of growing speculative confidence was rurnlshed by a striking array of ad vances on moderate dealing* during the forenoon session of the stock market tfday The Improvement was attributed to cotislderation of favorable factors which ban been disregarded during the recent unsettled market. The general trade situation, railroad earn ing*. record breaking foreign busi ness. easing Of the strilu In Europe snd « more optimistic view of the monetary, situation combined to in fluerre prices. : Buis operated more confidently and pushed up quotations materially and there was a romptr bcnslrs demand for all classes of stocks. Bonds wen* firm. Forclgu gains were extended and the prominence of nuttrrdiß Indus iris Is Indicated pool operation*. Un ion Pacific led the rise In the rail roads with a gain of three points, while Amalgamated beaded the spe cialties with Ift Bidding up ceased and the market beenme dull but prices held sturdily. The market closed strong After s prolonged period of Inactivity the marked livened In the last few min utes and best prices of the day were established. Some notable advance* «erc achieved among Industrial Is sues. many of which were up t» 3 points or mofe. National niw-ult gained 6ft. Atchison lt|6|: Northern l*atlfl« 123: Union Pacific I88|: Amalgam ated 76ft; Great Northern l.l.lg: Reading IC9|( Steel bag; Sugar 118!: New York Central 10*4; Southern Pacific 107; Steel preferred 1091. TMEMOttr MARKET i NrW York. Der. 90. -Money uu call firm, t| ft 5 per ernt: ruling rate 12: tlualng hid 4s: offered at f». Time loam* weaker. 80 and 90 days Clute:6 per cent 6 six months 6ft. . Close: Prime mercantile paper 6 per cent. Sterling exchange steady with act oai b«N|pe«« in banket*’ hills nt 4.81 for .60 day bills add f. 864-7 for de mand. Commercial bills 4.80 ft. Bur silver 63. Mexican dollars 49J. THE COTTON MARKET Balvcstou. Texas. Dee. 2o.—Cotton unchanged. 13c. New York. Dee. 2u. —Cotton *pot closed quiet: Middling uplands 13.10: Middling Gulf 13.33; sale* 200 bales. Cotton futures closed steady. Clos ing bids: December 12.66: January 12.71 i February 12.61; March 12.67: April 12.66: May 12.81; June 12.68: July 12.55; August 12.44: September II M: October 11.90. CSIOAOO MUlltt UP TRADE Chicago. Dec. 20.-—Repotted raius over the entire Argentina Wheat bolt steadied wheat at the opening today, although the volume of trade whs not impressive. May opened a shade higher to a «badc lower at 902 to 907. ranched 90g and then recovered to 90ftft91. Tito market became active and (tong later. May touching Mi and •■loKlng 2«- over yesterday at nisti’?. Ma> corn started unchanged to ft down, at IB| to 48! and sold off to 182. The close was firm. May Jt up at 108. May oats op< uctl a shade down at 33ft i.nd sold to 39ft4M PROVH6MB * * Chicago, Dee 20. Provision* were linn in sympathy with bigs. May pork opened 7ft to lift Ub at ls.2ost 1.4.16’: May laid .7c higher; at 9.95, and May riba SR adtatUe al 9.7.7. THE UVEATOCR MA&RET CUatßv thrtileck Ciiicagn, Dec. 20.—Cattle receipts 2,000. Market steady. Beovcs western steers 5.25® 7.50; stockers and feeders 4.20® 7.50; rows and heifers 2.70®7.50: calves 6.30® 9.75. HOGS: Receipts 16,000. Market j strong to 5c higher. Light 6.80®’7.25; mixed 6.95® 7.37 ft; heavy 6.904*7.10; rough 6.90 (ft 7.0.7; pigs 5® 6.75. ' Bulk of sales 7.10® 7:30 i SHEEP: Receipts 7.000. Market I steady to 10c up. Native 3.90® .7.15: western 4®.! •7.20; yearlings 5.75®6.85; lam Dm. I native 5.85('•*8. 1 5; western 6.25® • 8. to. j Kansas Oily livrxtonk. Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 20.—-Calllo racalpta (VO, liicliicllur ton suuilutii. Market ateady Native alevi> ii.liutt ID: .uutlierit -t—lt t.Tltt i III; cove uuil tielfcre S.IORS.tft: nan., cove and heifer* 3.«»<**: atockcre nad feeder* Gft bulla 4. u at c. 25: <atvee liti tu; wettaru alter* :, :,i. j, Weelcrn cow* i 3.7&04.50. i I too*: Kecclpts 4,000 * Market ; »lron, to Se lilxhcr. Bulk of Mlc* 7.100 7-30: tieavy ■ ;.sr.sr7.«o: Pjucker* mill butcher* 7.U57.(3: litflii pi,* .V7SSD.GO. HHKBP Iticclpt* ;,iioo. Market •tahdy. Muttou* :t.7.‘-s 17.': lamb* (IS 1 7.7.': range wetber* and yeartlnu* . 4.7.'.® 6.75: 1110,0 owe* 3S 3, Denver Lirettnck. Denver. Colo., Dec. 20.—Cattle re- I ««ipls 500. Market strong. Beef Mrem 5.73 4* S; cows and lielfcrs 4 4* G; stockers and feeders 4 4*6.75; calves 6® 9.5 u 110Gb: lU-cdpu 350. Market Strung. Top 7.2t>; bulk of sales 7.15 4* 7.20. SIIEEP: Receipts 2uu Market . r-trong. Yearlings .7.25®-6.75; wetherii 4.25®3; Ismle* 6.75® 7.2.7; ewes 3.75 ** 4.25. THE WOOL MARKET f»t liiub, .Mo . Dec. 7<i. Wool steady. Territory and western me diums 210 25.. Fine mediumt lh®2oc. Fine 1942 17c THE METAL HA BRET St. laiill , Mo. Dec 70. -Uiiil low er. 4.|o® 4.15* Spelter weak. 7 15. Neg York. Dee. 20.- -Copper firm er. Standard >pil and December 16.87 A/. 17 37; January. February and March 16.87 ft hid. electrolytic and lake 17.62® 17.87: ca»ttpg* 17.23 d 17.87. Tin quiet. Spot 49.48 b 502.0: De cember*5u.2u: Januahy and February 4 k.7 54* su. Spoiler quiet. 7.2u® 7 |u LfM quiet. 4.25®4.25 Aatlmooy quiet; rooksoiin loft. Iron quiet and unchanged XAirsAs cur oßxnr and hat Kiia-ae City, Mo. Due. 2u. Cash: ■ Wheat unchanged to ftc highei No. 2 hard ‘'3(f67ft; No. 3 82ft ft ßs: No 2 red t.uufrl 03: No. 3 864 t 1.02. (’• in umUang J to ftc higher. N’iv 2 mlßfd 47ft ® 48: No. 3 457 4* 46J; No. 2 white I?ftf*4B. No. .7 457® 46*,. Oait riuchsiigcd No. 2 white r.4'*« 1.15: No. 2 mixed 33 f* 33ft. • Rye 61 4b62. i Ilav uochaiigcd. Choice nrolhy 113® 13.50; choice prairie 12®!?..70 Receipts: Wheat 10-7 c*w: r-o'-'i 24 II cars: oat.- '7 4 ca»-n. • Clorc: Wheat. May soft.’ 4isoi: '.luly TUI Corn: May 47&; July 18® 18ft. (kits. May 33. 1 CAUSE OF m>PBE BLOOD DrtKgiit Tellti of Bait Remedy. Pure healthy blood is a most es sential factor to good hcolth. Poor, thin, devitalized blood may be caused by a weakness of the «li • gent Ivc organs, un accumulation of ,waste matter In tlic system, uu Innc ttve liver or lack of exerlcse. Whatever the cause the best rem edy wh know is onr delicious Cod liver and iron tonic. Vino!. It will purify huil enrich the blood, tone up jlhe digestive organs, give you n |lica!tliy upiietltc and create strength. ; A case Jius Just come to our at tention from Schnertady. N. Y , Mrs. {Hattie Hall says: "I was forcibly re <minded that my system was run down and mv blood in bad condition by an abcess forming In my side which required treatment for sever al weeks. Under the regular use of Vlool to purify and enrich my blood and build up my streugth this was soon healed, and my general health was milch improved. ' If you have the slightest indication of pbor hlood take Vlnol. Tf It fulls to help you we will give hack your mon ey. The Hausman Drug Co. trinidad P. S 4. Fczcma sufferers! We guar antee our skin remedy. Saxo. CASH tEOISTER SUIT j Cincinnati. 0., Dec. 20.—Further I testimony regarding the existence of. 1 a "historical room” in which wus a j jdiaplny of cash register machines {which had been discarded und put out of business nnd In which cus tomers were taken and put through I the "gloom” process was taken when jtbe trial of John H. Patterson and j 29 Officers and former officers of the j National Cash Register company was | resumed today. ■ F. f! Osborne of Detroit, who after jrt vlst to Dnyton sold out. to die Na tional company was again on t.l»n wit ness stan^. " DECEMBER 20, 1912. B*st for Old People rwvovno wmv ti i hvn Duffy’s Pur* MaH WNskm prevents excess waste of ti- uo in in*' aged. overworked or rundown, ami because it tones up tlir stomach, sharpens the apitctite and improves the digcfttioii it furnishes the system with richer tt»Mic-huihlmg hlood. It is especially valuable at this time t<• prepare the system to easily stand the rigors of winter. It is gentle, invig orating and stimulating. Induces r< freshing, nerve*soothing lecp. Make the old and young feci strong and vigorous. Sold in SEALED BOTTLES ONLY by druggists, grocers and dealers, tl.oo a large Im*mlc. Advice •nd booklet free on request. m aorn rut nun tw.'.'n, tontent » t TAFT TO TAKE YALE JOB Now I la von. Conn.. !»••< -«» President Tuft will make Ills inanoiit residence in iliIh oily "lien ' hr tilko« up I ho <1II11on of llo- l\oi|l professorship at Ynh- next spring llr liUH requested u filrinl In find him 14 bourn 1 . Ilcsldcs filling llio dill ion of Knit professorship (llr president will In turo on liilornntloiinl ami count Hu iloiiul law in llir law mcIiooI and uul vomity. ranking :u* a faculty mem ber mid fill professor and will In- en titled to a *nlar> to ho fixed hero* after aside from thr Income fioni tlir Kent foundation. BODY OF MOB VICTIM FOUND Meridian. HIM. lice SO TIlO tin 11« i riddled body of an unidcnil llod negro who lant night niurderrd IVrry Wilkinson wan found today in a swamp near Co I l>a. Ala. After tin* killing the negro wan arrrnted luit ciu-m|mmI A mob t<Hik up the elianr and fired mail} shots at the fugitive hut finally lost night of him When tlir neareli wan renewed at daybreak (lie body wan discovered MILLIONAIRE’S SON FALLS UNDER TRAIN Morristown. N. J., ltd- -o. John If. lltl>lor. aged 10. the yOllllgent non of fho late John 8. lluylrr. million aire randy manufacturer was fatally injured hern today when lie fell be neath a train. Itotli legs were entail ed to the klleen n«> that lintiiedlate amputation wan noccmarx and lie died a few bourn later SEA GIVES UP BODIES OF CALIFORNIA AVIATORS lam Anglen. (,’nllf.. Her. i’u "Ar-. ridrntal drowning" wan given in iho coroner's rcrtlflcaten today an the caune of the deatlin of lloraer Kear- • ny, the aviator, and Chester l.nw rener. his panm-iiger. who nix dayn ago ntnrtcd upon a hydro-aeroplane j flight to San Francisco and who flow only a few miles before their craft met disaster. I tot It bodies were re covered yesterday near Kedondo beach. COAL MINE EXPLOSION: TWO KILLED. 35 TRAPPED IMttnhrgli. Dee. 20. — It in rc|>orted here that two miners were killed and others entombed by a mine ex plosion In Clinton county Pcunsyl vaniu today. MAS KINO OTTO TO BE DETHRONES. REPORT Munich. Ilavurla, Dee. 20.—Prince Ludwig, the new prince regent of Davarla will bccomo king ami the Mad King Otto, in all probability will bn dethroned next year. SUB-TREASURY TELLER FREED OF THEFT CHARGE Chicago. Dee. 20.—George \V. Fitzgerald, former associate teller In the United States subtreasury at Chi cago, charged with the theft of $17.*{,000 from tlie government In February, 1907, was found not guil ty l»y a jry in Federal Judge Car penter's court today. MERRY AFTERNOON CLUB ~ The Christmas meeting <»i the Merry Afternoon club was held this afternoon m the home of Mrs. A. L. Stone on linen street. An unusual large number were present, and Mrs. A. V. Mumuicy was the guest of the afternoon. Christmas bells and greenery wore used in the decora tions. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Miss CJus si e Monroe. INSURANCE l\ T• l won; .IS BIST COMPANILS DLNIAVY AGENCY CO. rOITHFY BLOCK. Phone Trin f>4 1 "Sunkist” Oranges The Finest Gift for the Holidays Not a Seed in the "Sun kist*—Luscious—Thin-Skinned’-Juicy Buy SUNKIST' ORANGES by the Boxof Your Dealer. No other Christmas Gift so appreciated "SUNKIST" Wrapper* hung Rogers Famous Guaranteed Table Silver ware. Send your name and full ad dress for free Premium List and Pie miitin Club plan. California Fruit Growers Exchange chLJ;. c ii' rk Slrcct ' YOU ARC CORDIALLY INVII CD. To the Central Park Greenhouse, opening Sat. Dec- 21. Also Sunday, the 22nd for the benefit of thoxe who cannot attend Saturday. Start ing with these special days we will ( accept orders and reserve stock from our special holiday line of cut flow ers. Foliage. Blooming plants for Xmas delivery. Central Park Greenhouses Uliom* Tilii. '!.:7 stonewall Ave. We wish to call your attention to the fart that most infectious discus l '.’ such as whooping cough, diplhrrin and scarlet fever are contracted when the child has a cold. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will quickly cure a ‘ cold and greatly lessen the danger of contracting these diseases. Till-* ( remedy is famous for Its cures of• The Lamp THE LAMP that bums right because it is made right. The shape of the wick, the size of the chimney, the size of the inlets for air—all these, and countless other details— have been determined with utmost care. An Efficient, Economical, Inexpensive Lamp has heon the aim sought, and secured. r \ A lamp that gives a steady, white light—clear, S’* n diffused. The RAYO can he lighted without removing chimney or shade. Easy to clean and rewick. Made of solid brass, nickel-plated. 2 At Dealer* Everywhere. CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY Dttivar, Puabln, Albuqutrwt. Ch«r#na«. Bull*. Bom*. Sail Lab* City. Real Comfort,Courtesym^Cleanliness ARE FOUND AT THE - HOTEL METROPOLE «»■ Denver's Only Popular Priced ABSOLUTELY FIRE-PROOF HOTEL Tit<- M«-troptdr. becaus.- i* ■ « *-.s-ildlitv I" Union ! •t. .m<l • •: recognized li Under the management of E. E Nichol*. also of the Clin’ House. Manitou. PAGE SEVEN «old* Ii • •iiilaiiis no opium or oth»*r imp * tic ami limy ho given to a child with implicit confidence. Sold by all •tcnlcra. Quality printing anything j •-»■'.vtlili.g nl the Chronirlr Now, ! oifirr. Work dclhorcil when pioin i Iscd.