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Half Price Sale of Women's, Misses' and Children's Coats, Suits and Dresses One lot of fine Nulls and coats worth up to SCO. Including in thin great lot ure fancy mixtures pluin serges, two-tone velvets and corduroys, velours and chinchillas Former prices 110 to |6O. Mule prices $5.00 *« 930.00 CHILDREN'S TAILORED COATS Made of pluin cloths fancy mixtures and Chinchillas. Ages 3 to 14. Firmer prices |2.6« to |IM. sale prices 91*23 to 90 Silk Dresses Half Price • K. 50 Women's and Misses Silk Dresses for 94.23 I • 10. no Women's and Misses Silk Drosses for 83,00 • 16.00 Women's mid Misses Silk Dresses for 97.30 • 20.00 Women’s mid Misses Silk Dresses for . . 910.00 I •26.00 Women's sud Misses Silk Dresses for . . I • JO.OO Women's and Misses Silk Dresses for . ... 915.00 I Child's Solid Oak Desk and Chair The desk la 28 Inches high, has a 22x17 lop. The chair has a 10x10 Inch sent. The lid of the desk will open. The eonililnatlon Is well hiillt mid finished hi Golden. weathered oak and Early English. Will please any child. We have 25 sets that arrived In the car load of Holiday furniture which arrived about one week late. •1.25 value. Imt in order to close them out quickly the price will be, for Monday and Tuesday, set 92.H5 I Virginia and Voltaire Gloves The two best known brands In America. Virginia Ileal Kid Cloves, 2 clasp. Fans point embroidery, lilnrk and white brown, un. mode, red, green, navy und gray, pair . 91.75 l Voltaire Kid Cloves, 2 clasp. I looser embroidery, black and white, brown, tun, mode, grey red green navy pair 91*25 Toy land in the Basement Air Cuns. Fop Cuns and Pistols with bells, llluck boards. Red Chairs and Rockers, Tool Chests and Moore llooks. Never have we had such a wonderful collection ot good liooks for little folks and the grown-ups—Electric and Mechanical and Iron Trnins and don't forget to see the great New York lllt-ltlngs Mechanical Walking Animals. Cbrlstnuis Decorations galore. Car Load of Holiday Furniture Arrived Late T 7 ] Furniture. Sensible, Lasting Gifts PI ~|7 "IT Special for Monday end Tuesday J j f J|| High Grade Rockers l'\\ j , The largest assortment or good rockers ever shown in aplen n \ did variety new designs and finishes. Frlcn* range from I _sTr| 91.50 '« 965.00 I Ik I EXTRA SPECIAL MONDAY AND TUESDAY. IPPSHSpBi SjSSBm BH Mioses flue rocker. Solid Onk. Auto scat, upholstered In S ■ Brl best chases* leather. Mission style, like cut ahowmJtpee- fig '' FJ ij la I price. Monday and Tuesday, each ... 92.35 I 1 if w 11/ The Famous «. t . M Bissell «"•■** M f Sweepers In Coldon Oalc “Cyco" ball bearing new rubber corners, showing n ° K n Early / RUG SPECIAL and It rns s. I I 27x54 Velvet rug. Cood n „ ,| to choose from ** ** t- 9i*i3 ' Foot Stool rv Mission Style, fumed Ouk finish. / / \ \ rpliolhtered in Moroccoline. Size /^L inch. Special Fine Couches and Davenports From the inexpensive to the better kind. Extra Special Monday Tlf n und Tuesday. ltox couch, automatic raising top. wardrobe box '' underneath.' 27 Indies by six feet. Upholstered in red "▼ ¥ KEN S SMOKERS IN FUMED. EARLY WIOUSH AND o GOLDEN oak. TWO DIFFERENT STYLES JAMIESON’S VANGUARD OF GIANTS SETS OUT FOR TEXAS New York, Her. 21.—As viiimiiarij to the New York Nationals annual invasion of Marlin. Texas. ground keeper John Murphy, or the ** o, ° grounds started Tor Marlin today to put the haHeball park there in readi ness for the training season. The New York team has become an insti tution at Marlin, where the citizens have presented the club with an up to-date park. Murpby mado a fine 1 SATURDAY diamond «»f it last year, but he con templates a number of improvements Including a drainage system, an oc casional flower bed and a new sod ding of grass. Doan's Rogulets are recommended bv many who say they operate easily wit bout griping and without bad aft er efleets. 25c at all drug stores. Qualify printing anything everything at the Chronicle-News office. Work delivered when prom ised. THE CHRONICLE NEWS. TRINIDAD. COLORADO Pretty Aprons All kindM, dainty and prac tical. .hint received a large shipment, cleverly made of lawns la«e and ribbon trim med and embroidered, spe cial values, each ■ ■ 23f Head Scarfs Made of pluin aud funry silk crepe. Dotted and plain mulls. Embroidered nets and eiiiffous. A complete assort ment of blues, pink, laven der. white, black etc. A splendid variety at 3»r I 050 "■ 91.00 Fancy Neckwear Neweit Style* linlmy Kolmpiprri' i-ollnr* »' 25C 50C 91.00 Fancy stock collars at 25C I 50C 11 ,u * 75c 25c 50c Uco Dutch rollura 23f lo 93 Large Dutch collars. 91 "• i 95 Chemisettes 2.>c* «•* 73r I Newest pleating* * w 73c Vliulsor ties 15C ltd 25C I Four in bauds 330 I Ijirge assortment bows at -15 - 35C ‘"‘ ll 5*C Extraordinary Values for Monday o»9 Tuesday From the Basement Store Framed pictures, choice of any In our stock of beautiful pictures. One-third off the regular price. Dressed Doll*—-One great lot to select from a! •!.«« dressed dolls •1.50 dressed dolls 91.00 • l.uii drums for 75c Electric Inmim one-third off. Don't delay as varieties are grow ing less. Children take BALLARD'S HORE HOUND SYRUP willingly boenuse it tastes nice. There isn't a better rem edy anywhere for children's coughs, hoarseness and bronchitis. It's a good medicine and easy to take. Price 25c, [.•Or aud JI .Oft per bottle. Sold by Hausman Drug Co. CHIPHESTERSPILLS UQflB i*ui, in H,s h i a,id B.,unic^fs i-*„. »iu» si., Riuwa. Is Jp ymitnuxiiy baimt. Al*ty* K«ll,i>l« r SOU BY DRUGGISTS EVEKYWNttf THE MARKETS rvi. 1. associated miss DAILY REPORTS NEW YOU STOCK EZCHANOE New York. De* 21 The stock market closed Hlrixly Notable exhibitIons of strength from outside order* wen* received in ICrcatci* volume today titan for n Iouk time back ami they imparted strength to the early market. Tl»«* ii|iwunl movement wus impeded lat er by an unexpected breag In South ern I’udfie to tile lowest price of the year. The stork went off a point at a time to 103$ ami there was a sym pathetic break all throiiKh the list to a level well below last night's filial figures. Reading manifested acute weakness and losses of a imltit or so were recorded in Smelting, Le high Valley and I'niou Pacific Short covering puller the market up smart - lv attain before the close. Itolids were unchanged. Atchison Iflti; Northetn Pacific 121 I'nton Pacific ItiO; Amalgam a ted 7ti$: Great Northern 131? Reading 11*7 ' ; Bleel t'.K; Sugar II9J New York Ventral ins;*. Southern Pitelflr in 12; Steel preferred llttj. THE MONEY MARKET 1 New York. IV. 21. Money on ••all nominal. Time loans weaker, do and !•<> days pet rent. six nionths 5 | *t H 1. Dose: Prime meirnnllle pa|M-r ti per cent Sterling exchanite ;teaily with art ual tms:tiess lii hunkers' hills at 4.81 for fto day hllla and at 4 85ti for de mand. Commercial bills 4 80$. liar silver «3J. Mexican dollars 4 9J. Government bonds nteadr. Itailroad bond* steady. THE LIVESTOCK MARKET Chicago Livestock. Chicago. D«S* 21 fettle receipts .700. Market steady lleeves 5.4r.<19.7.7; Texas steers 4.40<1 G.ti5: western steers 5.2.7*1 7.70; Ktorkefn and feeders 4 20fi 7.GO; rows and heifers 2 7<Ht 7.70; calves ♦; Git*? 9.75. [ IIOGS: Receipts 9.000. Market | j strong. j Light 6.8,7 *l 7 221. mixed II.9.7*1 , 7.4**; heavy r..9u*i 7 40; rough ti.!in ' *t 7.40; pigs Gfiti.KA Hulk of sales 7.|0ft 7 .7.7 SHEEP Receipts 1.000. Matket st rung. Native 3.90f?.7.1G; western 4 *t .7; yearlings .7.7G*i ti.85; lambs, native | .7. 8 5 *i K. 1 .7. western ti.2GfrK.IG. Kanui City Livettock. Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 21 —Cut tie receipts 200. No southerns. Market steady. Native steers d.G0#< 10: southern steers I 77*i 7.10; southern cows and heifers 3.40ft ti.2G; native rows and heifers 3.ti0ftS: Stockers and feeders .7fi 7.2.7; hulls 4.2.7ft fi.2.7; calves f.*» 10. western steers G.Go 'it N; western cows 3.75*1 ti.GO. HOGS: Receipts 1,500. Market strong. Hulk of salt's 7.0.7fi 7.30. Heavy 7.30*i'7.3G; packers and butchers 7.15<t 7.33; light 6.93 6? 7.20; pigs G.7.7*i ti.75. SHEEP: Receipts none. Market rteady. Muttons 3.7.7*i 4.75; lambs 66i 7.7.7; range wethers and yearlings 1.75 fli ti.75; rn nge ewes 3 ft .7. Denver Livestock. Denver. Colo.. Dec. 21.- -Cattle re ceipts 300. Market steady. Ileef steers 5.75*i K; cows and heifers 1 fti ti.20; stoekers and feeders 5.756? 7. calves tiff 9. HOGS: Receipts 100. Market steady. Top 7.15; hulk of sales 7 10 fa 7.15. SHEEP Receipts none. — KANSAS CITY GRAIN AND HAY Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 21 —Cash: Wheat unchanged. No. 2 hard S3*? 87$; No. 3. 82$ 6/85; No. 2 red l.ot 6| 1.04 ; No. 3 9»i{? 1.07. Corn unchanged to ','c down No. ( 2 mixed 48. No. 2 white 18 1 } No. 3 4 ti $. Oats steady. No. 2 white 31$ 6T 35; No. 2 mixed 33$6t33£. Rye unchanged. Hay unchanged. Receipts: Wheat 84 cars: no corn or oats. i (’lose: Wheat, May R56T853; July 83} ®fi. Corn, May 415?# 47; July 472#$- 1 Oats, May 34?#35. THE WOOL MARKET ! j St. Louis, Mo.. Dec. 21.— Wool j steady. Territory and western me- j riitims 21 fit 25c. 1 Fine mediums 18fi20e. Flue 1 3 (si 1 7c. THE METAL MARKET | St. Louis, Dec. 21.—Lead weak. 4.10®'12J. ! Spelter dull, 7.15. | WCEMBER 81. 1912 Now York, Dee. 21.—The metal markets were quiet Jim! prm-tlcally uouiluul l.ak«» ami electrolytic cop* per 17 G2& fti S" J; earn In,;* 17 2.’. <i» 1 *.3« 1. Iron unchanged. CHICAGO HOARD OF TRADE ClilcaK" Dn 21. l«ower rabln* am! Ion of rain* in Argentina influenced model ate lli|iililiilion of wli« at i!i<* opening today, prleow ranging from 1 '•» 2 '*» ! under yester day's rinse May opened 'u 4 to 2 •* i down at UlSliHli, inui’hwl U12*i Jam! tlit*n to Pit- Tlu» close was heavy. May 2c on iler yesterday at Pit May i-orn started a hIi.iiIi 1 to down at 2 and Hold to IP The t’lotM* wan weak. May l<iS r down at 4KJ<i 2 May oat* o|M*ned a -hade to !«• lower at 232 r o \ and aoIiI to 221 PRO V18I0IIS Chicago. Der. 21 -Provisions were Inactive. May |*ork opened un hanged to 2 ft** up at I K.22| '»i 26: May lard a shade up at Id and May rllis a shade down at P.77}. SUOAR QUOTATIONS Ww York, I lee 21 - lUw sugar sternly Mu»eova*lo HP lent 2.12. centrifugal, Pfi te/t. 2 P2; molas**** sugar. HP test. 2.17 Iteflneil steady (’rushed 6.60; granulated fine 4 P‘» powdered 6.00. THE COTTON MARKET Calves ton. Te\as, Her. 21 —Cot ton lower. I2J. HEW AHD IHBTRUCTIVE BOOKLET with U(f|iHlito ialotnutioo regarding TUBERCULOSIS ASTHMA and Kindred !>»*■**»» FREE TO ALL Write Bee t«» C. J. BORLAND, 304 Century Bldg. d»:n » ■teUDKpwMr NATURE'S CREATION DENVER’S MAYOR CITED FOR CONTEMT l»onver. Dec. -I. Mayor llrnry .1. Arnold won cited for contempt of court thin morn I life l»y District Judge Greeley Ws Whltford, because the mayor ignored the court's order and paid the memliorii of I In* fin* and police force their salaries when tin* payroll won not approved by civil ser vlce commission The approach of Christmas won given bv Arnold an reason for lilh action. At the meet I iik of the civil ser vice commission yesterday Mayor Arnold demanded that the honrd ap prove the |»uyroll *nbmltted to It hy the fire and police hoard. The commission then Rigneri the payroll under protest, and warrants were immediately drawn hy the city auditor. Today the comniiHsion ap pealed to .liplkc Whltford with the result that the mayor was cited for contempt of court. Mayor Arnold will appear In court Christmas eve to show can He why he should not he sentenced for contempt. In speaki iik of the citation today, the mayor said: • 1 do not care anything about this citation. 1 may go to Jail, and f ex pect to ko to Jail. Hut I have the satisfaction of knowing that every man under me. In the employ of the city will have his pay check to take home to his family today. "The evil civil service commission has acted stubbornly and done noth ing luit play at small politics. I tell >oii I will lie far happier in Jail I Christmas day, knowing that. I have mode others happy, than to be out enjoying the day with my family and friends and have to suffer the thought that through me many fam ilies have been cheated of their rights and Christinas cheer. ’* Itching, bleeding, protruding or blind piles have yielded to Ooan'i Ointment. lillr at all stores. Dft. T. Falls Oouraud't Oriental Cream or Magloal |!kJ R#mo*»* Tan. gi™ t rvcfeltt., i’.Hli-i, ss:, Hath, an.l >hln t> 2*4;. anil trtrj blnuidi ,JM on bwity. and it*- Mjo’X JK -Yr l*a» aloud u.« tMt - j E tl / It/ of M f rare. and Ts"B i V At Uhi ri arm 1-M »• *5 1 |a*tr it toßlaar^n 'UMraad't (>«•■' a* lb« Watt hartnfel i.f all tt>« akla preparation. Fit aalt bjr a. I dru**i»t, a.«lrancy Oooda Dealer* in lit Untied Staia.. Canada and Europ*. iui. i.mnnt, rrap, n imt jm im Im t«i Jewelry the Best Gift for Christmas Itecaiifte it is something Hint every one appreciates and is useful, long lasting mid appropriate. If it’s from Allen’s you know it’s good I teen use Allens gtMids are not only guaranteed to give satisfae* tton but lie bus the oldest- established Jeweler) in die city und has won for himself a reputation of honest dealings (Jen's 16 Jewel 29-year gold Itoger's is 17 Sliver knives filled watch . . *12.00 fMt, and Fork*, |M*r dor. *n.s» l.adv's 29-vein gtdd filled | (Juudi upls Tea Spoons. j*er 'vatel, «1 C"t H3.SO Cent's 17 Jewel 20-year Ai Solbl Silver Tea Spoons, |**r gold rilled wati'ii 9fMM> net KCi.riO Cent's 7 Jewel nickel watch y llaby S|mioiis, special lie *:i.r>o "• *.vo» «m»» • *i.<m> ui. E. L. ALLEN The Jeweler Look For the Big Street Clock* Real Comfort, Courtesy^Cleanlinets ■ —— ARK FOUND AT THE = HOTEL METROPOLE Dcuvrt’i Only Popular Priced ABSOLUTELY FIRE-PROOF HOTEL The Melropole. be. uu»e ol its central location ac reasihlllty to Union # Depot, and superior ser vice, Is being recognized an u home for t'(dorado People Under the munagement of E. E. Hich »1», »l»o of the Cliff Home, Manitai. "WOULD YOU CONVICT ON EVIDENCE OF DYNAMITER?” ASKS ATTY. FOR UNIONISTS Indianapolis, lud . Dee. 21.— M Are you golug to convict these om-ii on the testimony ot n dynamiter? You have the word of M< Munigal against the denial of these defendant* Which are you koluk to believe?" In tliepe words today Attorney Al fred It. Ilovey summed up his argu ment that the forty defendants In tin* "dynamite conspiracy" trial were not implicated in the McNa mara plots. Attorney Ilovey culled attention especially to Frank .1 IligKins or Itmton, former New Kuglaud or ganizer of the Iron Workers' I'tilon. and to Henry \V l.elg|eittier, former ly an Iron Worker. In Pittsburgh “McMauigal tells of going to llos ton to cause an explosion. Then lie tell* of seeing ladgN'lt net coiM«* Into the Iron Workers* headquarters with a suit cave especially designed to tarry nitroglycerin. Tin* defendants deny this. Which nre you koluk to IxiHovr?" Mr. Ilovey referred to the government's expense In calling ' » - i ■■ w If I flll1 11 P f i»■ ■ tr. * R I ■ ~— At-L-Ja. The KOHLER & CAMPBELL PIANOS Twin pianos exactly Hite the above sold to The Chronicle-News to lie given away In their subscription contest. Absolutely reliable and the best value on the market today. Stein way, A. 11. Chase, Ho bart. M. Cable and other makes at specini prices and terms for the Christmas. Some special bargains in used pianos. Host I’layer pianos on exhibition at Knight Campbell Music Co. store. See the Twins at 138 B. Main street. life Knight-Campbeli Music Company 135 East Main St. J. H. COOLEY, in Charge PAGE THREE witnesses from the Pacific. * "Think of the ••xpense* of bringing hotel clerks from San Franeh»eo and Lon Angeles merely to corroDorato McMnnigal." said Mr. Ilovey. “All the trifles were corroborated but none of tho essentials. Ton ara •sited to eonvlet most of these de fendants on the word of MrManigat. tin, government's hero, whose story reads like .i dime novel. "In not a single instance has this dynamiter’s story been corroborated in relation to the four Chicago de- Tcodatits It |i ha i»d IL. Hollsloii. James Coney, William Shitpe and Jamen A Coughlin. I The National Krectors’ Associa tion ha* show'll its«*ll to be gieatly I Interested In this prosecution tail lb* American peofile don't want to see I innocent men convicted." | For any pain, burn, scald or bruise apply Hr Thomas' Klectrle Oil— toe household remedy. Two sizes, 26c and f.tic nt all drug store*.