Wis admin* ihorn* who-remember their family ami friend* with
( lirlHtiiuiH luk. nn. lull QUIT lIEING “A CIIKIBTMAH TIIKK," and
Id ting every loafer who a*k» for It. ad a part of >otir hard earn*
w| money. "CHARITY HKGINS AT HOME.” Itank your motley and
have It for yourself and your family.
Let OUR llauk he YOUR Rank.
The First National Bank
/ ■■ -—s
A reran Room Home on Topekn arenue. Large lawn, tract, alto
large barn. Only $25 a month.
A .even-room home on Eait Firtt Street, three blccka from the
corner of Main and Commercial. Only $lB a month.
For Sale
A new two-room honse on Colorado avenne. A anap for $460.
$lOO down and balance eaay monthly paymenta.
A new live-room home on San Juan adar Colorada avenue- $2,150
$2OO down and balance on eaay paymenta.
We have unlimited amount of money to loan. Try ua for your
next loan. Our apecialtiea aie all kinda of insurance, bonda.
real eatate. and loana.
The Home Security-Investment Company
Insurance. Loans* Real Estate. Bonds.
S. C. HALL. Preiddent.
Ground floor. First Hational Bank Building.
EDWARD l» WIGHT, President. D. I*. Join**. Vice-President.
W. It. CHAPMAN, Cashier. II K. HOLLOWAY. V-Prcs.
C It RAPP. Assistant Cush lor.
The Trinidad National Bank
Ctlpll.il S 100,000.00
Surplus anil Profits #60,000.00
i: l» Wight. 11. K. Holloway W. J. Murray
Phillip Schneider l>. P. Jones W. It. Ch»|iniMti
\\e will Im* pleased to have )»ur business and offer every ac
vommudntoiii consistent with sore banking. Interest paid uu time
If >our bend is stuffed up ami >on
have a hard cold you can (illicitly
gel ri«l of the misery.
rirst. look after the bowels: any
good ealhariie will do: then breathe
I tool If s IAVOMKI which promptly
kills germ life am) heals the mcm
lira tie.
Itreatlie II YUM El f pronounce it
II igh-o-me) in 1 lie daytime through
the little li.ud ruhlier inhaler, and
just before going to lied at night
•lo this, pour a scant tcnspoMiiful of
II YUM LI into a kitchen howl of hull*
Assorted Christmas candies of all
California Fresh Tomatoes.
Hell peppers.
H EggPlont. IV\l\
y Everything In fresh vegetuhles y 1
/ Fine Turkeys, Geese and Ducks.
II:tK water, cover head and bowel with
i.iwel and breathe for nevcrul min
i tea the soot hi up. healing vapor that
. iscs. Tills treatment is also# fine for
i > ore throat and catarrh. Complete
| IIVO.MKI outfit. Including inhaler.
•SI.00; extra liottlea If needed. 50c.
! I ne llaiiaman l»rug Co. la authorized
• to refund your money if dleantinficd.
auuvci ianwomiw
; Regular meeting of the Teamsters*
'union will he held in ( r nion Hall at
‘ :*. o'clock Sunday afternoon. All
members requested to he present.
; Important business and election of
officers S I*. Havslnper. I'res. ••
m offtoinoLt xtws, tmxidad, Colorado.
C. D. Jolly of Priuiero Ik in the
city ini a day’s business trip.
Mrs. A. F. Stanley of PPyor Is In
th«* city on a day's shopping trip.
Mrs. w. 11. Cunningham of Hast
ings was lii the city today shopping
and visiting with friends.
Miss Grace Lily left oil the morn
ing <v k S. for Denver, for a two
weeks' visit with friends.
Mint Frances Shultz left liis morn
ing for Pueblo where ahe will apcml
peverul week with relatives.
Miss Elisabeth Minor, teacher ill
th«* Trinidad high school, left this
morning for D«‘nver. for a two weeks'
Miss Minnie Adamson left this
morning for Pueblo, where she will
Spend the holidays visiting with rel
Miss Neill* Hulrd. principal of the
Kmm Street school, left tills morning
for Denver, where ahe will spend the
Miss Grace Rice, teacher In the
local school left this morning for
Denver .where she will spend her
Mrs. Ernest Zoeller of Cokedale
has returned from Pueblo, where she
spent a few months visiting with
Mrs I* K. Rose and daughter Hel
en left his morning for PiiMhlo. where
they will spend a few days visiting
with friends.
Misses Rub* and Faunle Floyd left
this morning for Denver, where they
will spend the Chrlstuuis holidays
with friends
Miss Asms Toiihy of Oklahoma
City, left his morning for her homo
after a short visit in tills city with
’ Mr*«. John Heck
. Misses Loiiorc. Adelaide and Alice
I Hoyle left his morning for lojiib
tnont. Colo., where they will spend
the hoildu> s with friends.
Mrs. \V. 11. Winter aud baby of
Denver will arrive In the city tonight
io spend the holidays with Mrs.
Winter's mother. Mrs. Newcomb. I
Miss Amelin Maeder teacher Jn the
Trinidad high school left this morn
ing for Denver, for a tow weeks'
\inlt with relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mra. W. K. laoeke will
leave the first of tb« week for Hia
watha. Kansas, where they will
spend the holidays with Mrs. Locke's
Mias Susie Gilchrist, principal of
the Santa l*o school left this morn
ing for Dcuvcr, where she will spend
the holidays visiting with relatives
and friends.
Alvin Mansliaeh and Jake Gold
smith. students In the State Univer
sity at llotilder. nrrlvrd In the city
this monii ig and will spend the
holidays with relatives.
Miss KfCte Ziegler returned this
morning lr4ui Houldcr and will spend
I the holldaya here with her mother.
Mm. A. Ziegler Mlhm Ziegler la n
student at Ihe state university.
laxils Spnlir returned this morn
ing from Port Collins, where he is
a student In tlic Stale Agriculture
School. Mr. Spalir will spend the
holidays in Cokedale visiting with
In’ii parents. •
George Heap returned this morn
ing from llotilder where he Is attend
ing the State University. ami will
spend the holldaya In Trinidad visit
ing with jiis parents, Mr. and Mra.
James Heap.
Mlsh Julia Henson, returned this
morn lug from Greeley, where ahe is
a student in the State Teachers' col
lege Miss Henson w*il| spend two
weeks here visiting with her parents
Mr. ami Mrs. George Henson.
Mrs. K. A Sutton teacher in the
Columbian school left today for Coke
dale, where she will s|u*nd a few*
days with her parents. Mrs. Sutton
will leave the first pari of the week
for lai Junta for a ten days' visit
with friends.
Gilmore Davis returned this morn- ?
ing from Golden where ho is a stu
dent in the State School of Mines.
Mr Davis was accompanied home by
a school mate. R. Litchfiold. who will
spend the holidays in Trinidad, n
guest at the O. L. Davis homo.
Miss Jeanette Hill arrived iu the
jolty this morning from Greeley*,
j where, she Is attending school, and
will spend the holidays here visit
ing with her sister. Mrs. F. I*. Hay
les. Miss Hill wan accompanied
home by Miss Marie Forhan. who
will spend the holidays in Trinidad,
tlie guest of Miss Hill and Miss Kate
Mr. and Mrs. \V. M. Watson and
daughter, Mrs. Charles Taft ami
Howard Taft returned last night
from Denver, where they have been
for the past few weeks. Mr. Watson
has been In delicate health for sev
eral months and has been in Denver
under the care of a specialist for six
weeks. lie Is somewhat Improved
and Is reported out of danger.
Orlando and Forest Northoutt re
turned today from Denver and will
spend the holidays here with their
parents. Judge and Mrs. Jesse G.
Northcutt. Orlando Is a student In
the University of Denver and Forest
attends the State University ut
Houldcr. They were accompanied
home by J. It. McClelland of Denver,
who will he their guest for a few
Miss Flossie La Gere left this
morning for Denver where she will
spend the holidays visiting with her
parents. Miss Lu Gere Is spending
the winter In Trinidad with her
sister, Mrs. Franklin W. Jones, and
a student in the locul high sehool.
Miss La Gere was accompanied home
by her nephew. Leonard Jones, who
will spend the Christmas week In
the Capital city.
I Ml** Agues Carl lies left this after
liuou for lU-rwind att* r a short shop
ping trip In Oils city.
Mrs. M. R Evans returned to Del
agna this afternoon after a short
shopping trip in this city.
Miss Calm-ion returned to Hast
ings this ultcruoon after a short
shopping trip in this city.
Miss Mur> Peterson returned to
Hastings this afternoon after a short
shopping trip lii this city.
Mrs. J. I' Man lon returned to Lud
low this afternoon after a day's
shopping trip in tills city
Miss Manila Lloyd returned to l»<*l
aguu till Hofiornooii after a day's
shopping trip in this city.
Miss Daisy Itaney left this after
noon for Denver, for two weeks'
visit with relatives and friend*.
T. A. Schoiiiberg returned to
Denver this afternoon after a slant
business trip iii this city aud iu Now
Mrs. J. M Padgct left this after
noon for Denver, where she will
spend the Christmas holidays with
Miss laotta Hull leit tills afternoon
tor Colorado Springs, where she will
spciid her vncntlou visiting with her
\V. I). Mooney returned to Greeley
tills afternoon after addressing the
County Teacher's meeting lu this
city this morning
.1 F. Keating returned to I'm-lilo
tills uftcrnooii after attending the
county tea* lia rs' meeting held ill this
city this morning.
Mrs. Clara Jamieson and Missi
Anna GrC'-n |#-fi bin morning foi i
Ituby where they will pluv for a
dance ut that place tonight.
lion. Juan Ir Monies, of lluqrfn-1
no county, and I lon. Antonio Valdez
representative elect from that coun
ty are in the city on business.
Miss Minnie Parker left this aft
ernoon for her home lii Fort Collins,
after an exf<*ndci| visit iu this city
with Mr. and Mrs. C. It. Lyttle.
Miss Ida Wolcott, sclieel teacher
at Kegundo |h in the city spending
| tin* Christum- holidays with her pur
< nts, Mr. and Mrs. 8. \V. Wolcott.
Miss Geiia-va Snodgrass and Miss
Mi uu la* Siiodgruss returned to De|a
gua this afternoon after N|M.*mllug
the morning lii this rity Christmas
Prof. J. R Morgan, superintend
ent of the Tnnldnd public schools
will leave Monday for Saugurhc.
Colo, where In* will spend the holi
days with ills mother ami other rel
The bigg* t moving pietuic aver
offered the Trinidad people will he
reen at tbe Maze theatre tomorrow
Tile picture |s The Vutlenii alld
Pope Pin. X". showing for tin* first
time the Interior and exterior gar
dens of the Vaila-ati anal Hi** lloll
ne.-s. ilia- most xcciuded |H*r>onaga
in Ih** world. Tills picture was tak
en with til** special nermlssion of t*.s•-
Pop.* The wonderful feature will
be seen at tile Maze tomorrow for
ten cents Special music has been
arranged for.
Till** picture show:* ihe • liur. Ii of
Ft. pater, the donia* of St. Peter's,
the terrace* of the Vatican, ihe pon
tifical gendarmn, the Swiss guard,
the gardens of the Vatican, replica
of the grotto and the linsilica of the
lot&rdes. the casino of Paul IV. hir
Holiness, Pope Plus and the last
world-notable eucharistle congress.
This film Is pronounc'd to be tlu*
greatest achievement known to the
moving picture world because of iln
flict that the Pope ha* never before !
given pa-rmiHslon for the pontifical j
resldem. and surroundings lo lie I
photographed for the public of tin*
outside world. (Adv.) 1
I Marriage Ureases were issued to
day to John W. Grecnle of Spokane.
Wash, and Agnes Hall of Tiinldad:
It. A. Jollyr of Ilerwind and Pearl
Waters of Segundo; II G. Col lard
of Rugby and Mntule Kesm-r of Ilig
For the Hone. U»tful and Greatly Appreciated.
Univeraal Percolator, ., $2.50 to $4 00
Carring Set $l.OO to $lO.OO
Pocket Knivet 10c to $3.00
Safety Baton SJ.OO to $8.50
Soya’ Wißona 90c to $6.00
Soya* Folding Sleds $1.25 to $3.00
Rifle, and Shot Guna $4.50 to $35.00
satisfaction guaranteed
Is tha- lies! linn- to start a Hav
ings Account for yoursell. wife
sou or daughter.
Opens an account
\\ a* extend with our Holiday
Greetlugn lo you, our promise
to glvo them special attention
Savings Bank
| .l«»li ii Mayer. for I:: yinirM proprlt*- !
lor' of till* llUHttllK* hotel. 1 1.0% -ol'l
11 In* hot.| i«•o. C Warns. Mr. Warns J
iin a hotel mail of comddcrabli! e\* i
; licrl lienee, Inning been connected]
with tin* |). ami It. i; Kilting lioiim-•
for i hi* past I years anil will roll-j
tinue to run tin* liot«-1 on tin- same*
iliikli standard
Mr. Mayer wan otic of lla-t.na
,ui«st prominent anil Hurmofiil rill- J
I sells ami will ln> greatly missed •• *
jliin many friends In the ramp Tin- j
Hastings hotrl Ih Olll* of tile llirg**St j
• amp lintclH In tin* southern pari hi
Itlii* Mat.-, ami linn n a n< II pay-’
liikIiik pro|M>s|t|on Mr. Mny«*r anil wlf* ,
will move to thin rli > ami occupy J
, I Iwli home on Nrvmla aii'iim
I’ttb. lire. :». IKI'J .1.111 II. MH3 •
Sealed bill- will Im< | reel veil foi 1
the count ruction of the I.iih Aninuo'j
.County Court I Inure. until II uVlorl
|.i m Jnnunry IT.. I SI lit. by the Itonril j
jof County CommlM'loiier* of (41* .Mil 1
JniMM County. Colo., ut their office, j
lorncr Main uiol Client nut Street*. J
j Trln IiIii tl. Cnlnrtofn. nirorillnt: to.
iplmis mol npeelflrui Ioiin on file with I
I II mol \V. M ICn |*t* company. Ar* I
ililtectr, Miinonh- IiuIHIiik. Trlnlilnil-1
All lililn to lie tu.nl.eil lililn oil
'Com I Iloune, mol tiUilreniieil to the;
I tunic mi mini The Itonril rr*rr\en
the tight to reject any mol nil Mil*
C. F. II Alll.AX.
W. (J. Itrrsr. charge*! with Im\il
mg a hoard hill at th* Ilnz*ldlm* ho
irl was arrested at Pueblo yesterday
and returned to this rii\ last night
hy under sheriff I.ulh K reran
Itreae was arraign* *1 before Justice
Mowers this afternoon ll** was
lortnerly connected with a clothes
pressing estahllshiiicnt her*
A rare Christmas present was re
ceived hy Mrs. J. I» Horton of this
city In thr form of a 1•• pound buf
falo roast, sent her h.v her brother-
In-law. It. Dye of Coodtilght.
Texas. Mr. Dye is a liankrr and
iMttle grower <»t Texas ami an old {
time friend of Cnlom*l Hoodnight l
whose ranches Join, ami tin* wild
meat was killed from Colon* I Cood
night's herd.
i Touita Con sales, daughter «*f Mr.
and Mrs. Antonio Vlvll, succumbed
in tuberculosis last night at her home
jat Cokednle. Deceased was forty
two years of age ami is survived hy
I h»*r Imshaud and several children.
Kuneriil will take place from the
I residence tomorrow afternoon and
I Interment will be in tin* Vigil eeine*
DECEMBER 21. 1.12
Every man expects to t»ct h Christinas tie and nearly cvciy
mail will get one or more- It every wife, sister or best girl would
come here to look at our assortment we believe we would sell all
the Christmas neckwear sold m town.
Our styles nre so handsome and our variety is so large and
complete. Prices pleasing too. 50c. 75c. and $l.OO.
Ingram-Powder Clothing
Company “iiuMK or I'ItACTM AL ciifts
TIDCQ TIIDCQ a look into
I InCO) I UDIO our show window
carry In Block
* All tllr Ihtrat improved Eire
! " ,Vl v Ci ' r tiioappliances
... Ml tlmo. Vulcanising our .pc
i '■ readings lumps, etc.
The Trinidad Novelty Works r 7 ri . nid *l“l?
I’tione Trimd.d km Electric Supply Co.
l'h. Trill. 212 K. Main.
Quality pi luting - any thing
I -\ »»r>thing at lll** Chronicle-News ——————
lufflc«*. Woik delivered when protu- C \ \V\.XT ADS TIIK lIKST
Christmas Shoes
Don't forget Mi- Footwear needs of the Children' .Nothing in
the world woiihl l*«- more appreciated hy the children or iiink**
more K'drllilc ami upproprlattf Christmas gifts
"« 91.25 *o $3 • *’*“«• r TT :jU I
High Cut Storm Moots t**r » T V w I V '
iln* hoys, nothing would \ | /.'* J
please them heller, ami i-iM 1 i ITf
the thing for winter weai 1
s2.sr. »• 9-1.25 ■ p-i- 1 V 0>
l.eggln** 111 n vurl**ty **t I • 9W/'
styles and material)*. sp« * I V'7- Cl u 1
l-ilh prlci'd at 0*»0 •' l ,a -r. A
Then there are house slip- £r\ w * J /
pers. in tan kid. Koine*) ,ind fl
Opeia styles. Kelt slippers. Wk N. J/ \-/ >'
fur Irlmmed .lulleis ami \
Comf.vs. In red. grey. i-.-u V. /
nml blue at 85( k «•» 591.50
P. & W. Shoe Company
, . ‘ Th \. . Some
International p eop i e
State Bank
Send lli«*lr money invny
from Tl'iuldud and buy their
gomlH from outsiders. My *<• |
doing they take the profits
away from the horn-- mer-
Jk |j J chant curtailing li.h husl- !
BA /|l ness and reducing his pro-
fils, thus injuring him, thC
town and thems'-Ives.
DEPOSITS Do your hanking busl* !
ness with th** only bank In j
Trinidad that is owned and I
controlle-l hy homo capital.
The profiis of th** bnSik will j
SA I' K I N DITTOS l r i„. in Trltildud nml
BOX LOS i*”Ol< KENT not sent to outside owners. ;