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APPROACHING THE HALF-WAY POST IN THE CHRONICLE-NEWS BIG CAMPAIGN Jut Four Weeks Remaining in Which to Moke Certain of Winning These Handsome Awards • January Eighteenth is Rapidly Approaching Make Every Minute Bring You Its Fill of Votes Special Ballots Dae Candidates on Big Special Offer, Which Closed Last Night, Will be Mailed Tonight. Soon the Second Half of the Campaign Will be Under Way. "TIB* 1* fl,»IIO»" I* *0 apt **- lozunloo. wall known to nil nr u». lai w* never realize bow time doe* Nm until the fan u forrlbly brought borne to un. "Do you,. Mlw OnatnnUol. reullza tbnt we have now nlmtat not bed iho half-way mark Ik the Ofeat Popularity Czapalnn?" Do you realize that but tour week* mania In which to win the haad noan and aplendld prize* which will h* awarded on January Ik? In any ear* the half-way poet la the one froa which th* teal "drive to the •Wlra" begin* In other word*, th* real itrunnle begin* when thr half way poet la reached and the flnl-h le la night. Vhoa utla time on the rare for The ChtonlHa-Nnvr* prlae*. which her proved aurpaanlagly Intereulng «o far. will ha nvea arore no. for during than* four reaalalng week* the prlz m will be won. The aplendld UK. completely equipped "Herd” five par rrfig-t touring car. the elegant lilt apttgkt Kohler ft Campbell piano*, the HOP haadaome diamond rlngr. iho ladle*' guaranteed gold watcher and iha complete roureee of laetntr tlaa I* th* Dreher and Trinidad Puaiaem Colleye* will be won during ■bate remaining day*. Kerry one le worth a* effort. Do you went one al thpm for your own? Then do not lorn * moment that will prove of val ue to you. Rvery one le valuable, had the candidate who appreciate* her ep P*t taalllen aad I* really de tzrmlkzd to win will nor allow a atn gte on* to enrape her f Jwm atop for * aokilt and tonzid er what I* la ator* fur you if you her* ahoava by your efforte tbut you ar* entitled to on* of there prize* wh** th* leal day of the campaign he* closed, end the fluel counting nnuhed: Finn, there I* the Crend Capital Prlae—a aplendld lam mod el. completely equipped, five paeeen g*r "Kard" louring car. rciulpped with every device that the modern automobile world offer* for the cum fort and jonvenieuce of auto owner*. Can you Imagine a prize that would glv* you more real pleaaure. dellghi wad Joy than thlt? Not n car that you would be nahamed to drive HIT ONR OV TUB BEST CARS MADE, n car tbnt vmbodlew everything that u real motor car ahould be. Thle prize I* going to cauae thr cup of happlnesa of with* young woman to overflow on January It. now rapidly uppvoach- Ing. and WHY NOT BE THAT ONE? Why not. Indeed? Ilnve you not ev ery right to win thla handeomr car? are you not a* girted with brain*, en ergy and peneverance and determina tion aa nay other young woman? dhow by your effort* that you apprr riat* the value and handeomenma of ■ thla elegant award #nd INTEND TO WIN IT. and It I* your*. Spacikl Offer Ballot* Mailed Tonight. special ballot* for eitra vote* due candidate* for now euhncrlptlooa turned In during lb* Dig Special Of fer, which cloeed met night, will be mnlled tonight. If your ballot doea not nrrlv* by Monday, be mire to no tify ua ao that wc can Inveetlgaie and make certain that you receive your axtra vote*. Coupon Not Good flftor Dec. 31 Coupon The Chronicle-News Trinidad. Colorado cmio sum cumin This Coupon Will Count for 10 Votes For * * Address Town Diet rlct No Good for 10 vote* when tilled out and eent to The Chronicle-Newt of fit* hy mail or otherwlae, on or before ezpirntlon date. No ballot will be altered In any way or traneferred after being received by the Content Man ager. Ilnlee* ballot la carefully trimmed around outeld* lines It will not be counted. unnmav Vote* Cannot be Bought. Sold or Traded. The vote* which are given for xub scription* In this <umpulgn nr# ab solutely free. hut they cannot l»«* Mild or traded. After ihw ballots lmv« once been Imihl for n cand hint#. they ran not b# vot#d for anyone #l*#. and should any case arlv* whem? It |h known that vote* hav# been bought or sold. or au at tempt made lo do no. the** will b# CAmellii) at onr#. A t#rord I* kept of #arh ballot I nailed and the num ber voted and th#** will be imme diately voided where It in fouud that any candidate baa been guilty of buy ing or selling; votes. Thin In an ab solute rule of the contest and will he strictly adhered to Every Brig* Worth as Effort. Kvery one of tbe vpleodtd prlif» which will, within a few short week*. be awarded to the young wo men now entered In the content, Ik worth a world of effott. No <uch exaction. however. In plured upon candidate*. They are only tudred to work aloag pleasant linen among their frlendn and acquaintance* for a few abort weekn and then a reward com n»en*u rate with the energy and popularity »hown will he awarded them. Coatett Office Hoar*. The Co a teat Office Is open all day up to 1 o'clock la the evening. Can d Ida ton. their friend* or anyone In terested In U»a content, are welcome at all time*. FV>r the benefit of fhoee who mnnot come during the day we rem un in the office In the evening, a td If you cannot make your visits during the day. do not hesltat.- to rotor In the evening before a o'clock You Will be aa courteously received and aar tinted every bit a* much mm. any other candidate. Future Subscriptions. In many ca*ca candidates will meet people who deslr© to assist them by subscribing for Tbe Chronicle- New*, but are already taking a dally paper, which la paid in advance and do not desire to have two dally paper* coming Into their home* at the *ame time. To aiuilat candldute* In every way and to enable them to secure the benefit* of *uch atvalKtancc. we have arranged to accept all such subscrip tlona. with the amount of the sub-* sertptinn, and hold them for delivery at any future date named by the ! *ub*c rlber. Something Important. 2nd Payment* Here i* an important lip that every candidate ahould take advantage of You have probably approached many peraona for subrcrlptlbn* and these have obliged you with subsorlptiotiß for one, two or three month*. Now. If you Induce the*# people to extend their aubaerlptlon* for longer period*, and they undoubtedly will after see ing what a REAL newspaper the Chronicle-New* I*, you receive the benefit of many additional vote*. For example: A peraon who subscribed for one month and paid 50 cents, gained for you SOP vote*. If a new subscriber. If you secure thla per son's *ub*rrlptlon for an additional 11 month*, or one year in *ll. you receive the benefit of these votes giv en on a regular new yearly aubscrlp- m onomou-raws. nnmtAD. oolosado. lion. 20,ftuA. In* the ion already re-. reived, of 19,&0t* fm i li*» -Second I l*ayro.•nt■• of 14 f»n, while the sub scriber. by paving lb#- additional* fl.iO rerclvert the paper for n lull, year. Till* ruling ul*o applle* to an) I ••Second I'ayroi'Ui" you tuuy • but always lie mih* 10 mark thr stub* 1 ' "Sernnd Payment" when turning In «U Inter! pilot)*. Rein.-mber, that u •niliM ilUr who wai “XKW" at lb*’ •tarl of the content In "NEW throughout lb-* ronlMl, no mailer j how many payment, In nt *l»e may* make Sbiftiac of Subscriptions. A very iimuutant ib'.UK »*>« every' candidate to keep in mind la that the m«-rc changing of the name of on** aubirflb#! to another at tin* *atne ad-: dre«* itnrx noi constitute a NEW sub. ncrlptlon. All such sublet lotion* air OLD. and will b« so counted dating the contest. During the uper'a! of fer now on every nilwripllnn will be . verified and unlesu an absolutely honuftdr NEW subscriptions, will be marked backhand will‘not t»* count• ( rd on fhr offer Any prrson who wa* taking thr paper at tbr time thr *4>n-‘ test started. Novrrabrr l'"*. Is an OI.I>* trubitcrlbrr. Vie» tlu Prim Tonticlf. If you wish to fully realize what Is in stor** for you. visit thr places! wber the prizes air on display and view ibetu for youraelf. Tbr Grand! Capital Prize 11*13 completely-1 equipped "FORD' tourlu* car mar | be seen at the Tr»nld**t Works, where It was purchased The |32f. Konler £ Campbell piano, nre brine exhibited at the Knight-' ( ampbell Music Co.. J W. Cooley, b» . cal agent, of which they were pur- j chased The $|n« dinmond ring*' may be viewed ut the Jewelry estah-! Ilshmcnt* of L. II Hull. W K Itauei and K L. Allen, while the 20-yenr J guaranteed Udlrn' Hold Wat* lies - an } hr seen at K. L. Allen's and I. It.* Hairs Jewelry More*. .♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ DISTRICT NO. 1 ♦ ♦ Consists of the City of Trial- ♦ 4 dad. from the center of Commer- 4 ♦ dal afreet and Arizona avenue. 4 4 west ♦ **♦**♦44444444444 4444444444444*444 Ada Fowler. 723 Grant. TH98f*' Augusta Mosei, 1231* lllvd ..77296 I Gratlee Johnson, 619 Willow . 76726 | Francis Curio. 312 College- .762601 Julia Kellar. 602 Prospect. 72100 Leah DeWitt. 329 Short 72060 Verllc Gatlin. 42S First afreet.71 iso Anna Malouff, .**02 W. Main..70*90 Mm. If. Mayfield. -16L Park. . .70720 Itnfaelita Sena, 321 Slate . .66020 Goldin Jett. 413 Nevada.. .63710 Plan he Dutton, 311 Topeka. 60630 Irene Hughe*. 313 W. linen. ..'*9620 Alice limy. 427 Nevada. .58760 Anna Rntti, 015 Nevada. ..57590 Marjorlo lloldnworth. HI I Wiliow street .. . 0070.i Mayme Drowning. 360 College! 4 9610 Susie Child*. 110 \V. Baca. .47700 Mary Bonnto. 910 State 19900 Edith Soder. 208 Anderson. . . 16870 Edna Scobee, W. Kansas. . . 46690 Mmn'e Butler, 003 Pine. . . 46280 Effle Roper, 323 S. Com 46280 Helen Walker, San Juan, Baca 462*. 0 Edith Carter, 121 Johnson. . .40400 Nettle Adamson, 336 I’niv.... 43200 Louise Flatter, 012 Nevada. . .44910 Mrs. Bonnie D. Horton, 706 Atchison street 4 3390 Dot Sanders, 214 Colorado. . .42600 Ndllo Pomeroy. 821 Atchison . 42400 I .aura Herring, 316 8. Animas 3S620 Katherine Goodrich, 406 Park 38020 Maud Roscbaugh. 730 Park. ..37370 Nellie Sullivan, 100 rnlveraity-37080 Zell a Irwin, 714 Pine 36870 Grace Green, 311 Nevada.... 30620 flee Pellett, Topeka avenue. . .31780 Mm. E. P. Kane. 425 State. . . .31300 Eva Richardson. 001 Convent. 20290 Esther White. 401 Short.... 15260 Virginia Easton. 317 Topeka. .30420 Mr*. J. W. Bartlett. 512 Washington 12850 Nina Anderson. Tlllotsnn street.7280 Gladys IMttenger. 103 Plum...3920 DISTRICT NO. 2 Consists of the City of Trini dad, from tlie center of Commer e.lal wtreet and Arizona avenue, east. Bessie Archer, Chestnut street. 78430 Knt* Mrphall. 21" I'm/t 752 50 { Ellxubeth It.tnk lit 12<2 ltc.-:*-i 727 |oj I Seville It ii pp. 311 K Topeka 631 40 \l«e Chon 11:1 Flores. Johnson 51320 ; l.ov l‘lnike, son Ar. -n 15431 U vi ?i v McCoy 7tb on > *».k Veda llarila. 819 San I*, dm ittlu 'l llhilp Caskey, 424 E s*-venth 5237 u! Tefem.l 211 C«d«l:ird 5224« .\lub*-i D*-tainote. 1(12*. San I'edro street I99M'! 7a nil R.wves. 205 l*i< • 1939 l* { Marr.aier in-nnlMin. i«6 Spruce street. . . 19370 I Thelma Copjeis. I 111 Ml* 19190 Lupin Bant, Fli tieel Ptorl Aihlejr, 1311 Muden 18900 A!' Dai; ;lierty. 213 Walnut Is.'Cii Hop-* llnrnee. 929 Sptuce 482 20 Maud,l Glahn. 616 KSe -ml 1736" Da!*/ Rogeix. I3OJ \ C«mi 17320! Mr** Jas Thompson. 419 Maple... . 468 20 Cai* r Smith. 616 Artsonu 4632.1; Myrtle Martin. 214 S Wulmil 1*720 Ed 1.1 Hatton 614 Chr-tnut 4 si.2'i| Hath llwirl-. 7th & Baltimore i53«0 Wllnier Chandler. 41 :K. 7th i.Uftn Ruth Perkins. 315 K To|u*ka 41260 J */«v Young. 4 12 Maple «aO3U | | Mildred Thomas. 112 M lamia 4 1290 | Anna Hern. Fan Pedro street 39910 j Mr* t> L l*.iv is. .li . 1623 S«n Pedro »tr-+t 3S*st»j lull • lllaaon, 62" E Eli ' 10•* • A >Ads Smith. Knglevllle 1111 l 112"! WBTWUCSO » Consists of Huerfano County and all town* *n I*.'- Animas county, north of the I-a* Ani mas river, bu* not Inepidlng towns or territory bordering •*«» the river Beftkie Itynu. Ludlow 7*o 10 j Gladys Miller. Walsenburg. 77450: 'Margaret Lloyd, lender •7 I • llnzei Miiuk. Howen . 7d"So| Marie lAJgiin. Bowen 75120, Pauline Mnlhu. Rugby . 74210 Knit* Ulckerton. Tabasco 67570 j Mary Martinollch. Onkvlew 66940 j Dorn Moss. Aguilar. . . 62600 Lillian D Hak* Ib-lagun 62 120 Izucv Hoggin, Aguilar . 62300 Etta Itryden. Delaguu. . '*0970 j ll'nnche Cmfug. Walsenliurg 60200* Goldie Miller. IbTWlnd. . 59220 Marie Kuleftnr. Aguilar .. .57970 Virginia Toller. Tollerburg. 57160 Anna Flinughnesay. Hasting*. 5642'* l/jr-e Mill It. Aguilar 56150 Ruby Floyd. Thatcher. . 56060 May Thompson. Forbes 35500 Enimn Capps. I.n Vetu ..2200 Nellie Thomas. B.rwlnd. . . 51420 |«e|a McFarland. I.a Veto. -50410 Mnr*oletc Feiirial. Sharpsdnle. 504 10 Izois Kin Tollerburg. 19400 Annie Rogers. Bouse 464 10 Mary Slack. Malachite. 4 5920 Nellie Vasquez. Hicks. . . . . 13920 La Veto Springer. Malachite .454 10 Jennie Wyles. Rerwind 37690 Margaret Woodward. Ludlow . 369 • " Hazel Maulricn. I.a Vein... 32270 Isabel!** O'Neill. Tabasco 2.1290 Pearl Waters, Tollerburg.. -20390 LUxlo Grady. Rugby 16520 I.IIh Longhead, l.u Vetn I*7oo DISTRICT NO. 4 Consists of Las Animas coun ty of Colorado south of the Las Animas river. Including all towns and territory bordering on the river, and Union and Col fax counties, of New Mexico. . . . . . L .1. A A A A A A A * Dorn Fouret. Starkvlllc 76110 Mrs. Robert Powell. Folsom. . 75010 llae Coe. Tercio 7 1680 Knfaelita Garcia. Sopris 74200 May Wilson. Markvillo 73930 Ethel Prosser. P O. Box 422. .72130 Marie Merhling. Weston 63780 Elsie Fpnhr, Cokedale 6280** Mrs G. J. Church, Trinchera . .57260 Beulah Barnes. P. O. Box 169.57020 Wilma Hardin. Clayton. X. M.. 56320 May Flier, it. F D. No. 1. .56000, Fern Ferguson. Jansen. . . .555nn Maude Werdenian. Jansen. . .54480 Clara Dc* Armond, Cokedale. .5420" Mrs. Walter Sherman, Raton. 52920 Nora Hensley. Folsom, N. M .50720 Fay Teiieyeke. Jansen... ...504 10 Elizabeth Dnvve, Sopris 4 9650 Vlrgie Hitson, Des Moines. . .39260 Anna Meek. Starkvillu 48930 Mrs. Margaret Walsh. Valdez. 45590 Mrs Hevii D'Ambrosio, Sopris. 42300 Florence Morgan, Folsom,. ..4 1630 SSCSIOEB 21, 1912. I.ucilc While. Folsom. X. M -36920 Mottle Richard in Cokedale 14900 Kathryn llollenbck. Tim «heia 84070 Grace Hendrick*. Cokedale 25600 Elizabeth Both met, Simpsuii 21720 11-aura Crow, Ko|«om. N M 20850 j Mu*. May Hiuiderson. Des i Moines, New Mexico 1534" j Laura lleneiKOii. Hoehue 137 2" {.Mis I 4* Cocvper, SilllpMin 1362" Mi*. \V v\ Clark, Folsom • \uiiu Corredo. Gray Creel. 565 u Billingsgale is Feature of Wordy War in Commons IzOndun, Dei.. 2" Mum hard lan guage was indulged in and vmeinour feeling urousecl In the House of Coin mc.iiH ibis ufternnon over (he »• -«I«• ment of Vice* Admiral Fir Fianel*. c llrl'l;;eiiioit fnuii lb** po-itlnn of lint -.-a loid of tile IIIIU.II udiulrnliy Admiral l.utd Cliarle* |leiex|<u<l. who L » member of parliament, mi' Win* .on spencer 1 bun hill, fli •( l«»icl of admiralty, revaled each other n* [the i:inio*t limit allowed in th.- Itiit ish p;trllam*nt llurkstnii .•» un t bod- 111 lb- - -in" ill reals'. "gro»** Inslnuuiions* and "Skulking" were some of the choice ( phraser exc hanged. Ilr(ell). IzOrd Chari** lletrsford j.liaige'i Churchill with pnisning n ' poll, yof brines and threats. If. h<- | said, the xra lord* disagreed with I Churchill'' aulorrafl' ussuinplloii of [Hie executive ur well :»* tbe adnilril* [native authority, they were di tul. -' '' in Insolent letter*. Mr Chur? htll'r reply \*a* crisp and !slinging Lor" Churl** It rejfnd. lie h.ut made 1 number nf Inxlnus tlon* of s very uro*,. ehsracter lie lias skulked in the background waiting for mu opportunity to muke cliurgiN unsupported by fact*. ' Mi 'Churchill said "He le*oiled »Mir||. •Jo is a'P-ast!"Us of e>|M»nage, fo'orlt -I|r 111. black:iimll. r.nd Ineffb iency I a gal 11-1 me but I have never taken h:u too seriously lie U"e* not in*an 1 |ii» b- a- offensive a* lie really 1* I | .l m sorry be was not made admiral of J mli«. fleet, a* I know* bow sore h»* Is, !about It. but since I bsvc been •" the I !admiralty I have discover'd that 11 I would if very difficult c get a| (board of naval men to approve Of such an npoplntnicnt. j .Mr Churchill stuck t«» his guns *«» j Saying he had written to Admiral Brldgoipan Insisting •••' bla realgun j i tlon solely 011 aecnint of the ad- 1 ! mirul's health render lug him Inrap able of adequately fulfilling !»!»- du- 1 ties. WRECKS FREIGHT TO SAVE PASSENGERS Arlington. N. J-. lb**-. 21. — "Bill Martin, engineer, in mined a runaway freight ear with his engine, derail ed It and saved the lives of many on an Incoming passenger. BORROWS FROM WIFE 2 TO BURY WIFE NO. 1 London. Dee. 21.—At the trial of an accused bigamist. It was shown that he bortowed from wife No. 2 $175 which he used to pay the ex pense of burying wife No. I. Chronlcls-Nawa, 600 per month. CARDUI WORKED LIKE A CHARM After Operation Failed to Help, Cardul Worked Like ■ Charm. Jonttvllle. S. C. —"I auffered with womauly trouble," writes Mrs. J. S. Ktndrlck. lA a letter from thla placa, “sad at could not bear to stand on my fest The doctor said I would nsvsr bs any better, aud that I would havt to hav# an operation, or I would havs a cancer. I went to ths hospital, snd they oper* ated on me, but 1 got no heller. They said medicines would do me no good, and I thought I would have to dis. At Inst 1 tried Cardul. and began to improve, so I continued using it. Now, I ant well, and can do my own work. 1 I don't feel any pains. Cardul worked like a charm." There must be merit In this purely vegetable, tonic remedy, for women— Cardul—for it has been in successful ' use for mors thau 60 years, for tha treatment of womanly weakness and disease. Please try It. for your troubles. N. B.—Write lo: 1-aJ'e*' Adviwry D#t**. Chat's noafft .Mriklne < <• . * l.*r«n.-«.i. T<*nn tor Jnsfrurtii‘t\i. **• n»«** *'•»•*> Horn* | i*ftU«ftftl lar Wmwb. * ram in »l«in wrspen . w« NOMINATION BLANK GOOD FOR 2,000 VOTES I iiom I in* i«• Mm or Ml ii< .... A'lilir** Downtown add rasa, If .i>\ . . Orriipailon DlMtrln No (&«•* nutria Divisions.) by Ail«lr«»» Onl| I lie first nomination I llot i red for oath • mdldate will mum for 2.000 vulr Fill out all the liiu .. i.l this hull* t veiy . itefnlly ami mull AT OX(*l* t.i ll»»* i.'unlfvl Miiiiuk"'. I ' h > •.:> i« Nfft *. l'-u'- il.iil. I'olnrailo. Tin- manaircmi'nt the right to r* . ? • i>v i* •n • t»i•- non. - nations. Fill mil thin Manic, writ.- plainly, nud sent it t Contest MenunV.' wllli your mime or the name and ad divan of your i.»v<>r|ie •nndidate The names of iwrsons making nomination! will not bed aquaatad. MAKE YOUR NOMINATION TODAY Get Busy ami Win one of these tlnndkomr avinit Only a limited nurr.bri of nominations will br accepted Be suir youi uanir is on this list. VOTING POWER OF SUBSCRIPTION PAYMENTS DAILY CHRONICLE-NEWS Amount Votes (Jl\l'U _ Prl* Nr«r 9!» On.- Mnnlhn * 1,00 Two llnlilh. •• 60 ° ” r,u Thr~ Modllm *.«®» ».»«• Sl« Month. 3110 s ou " Twelro Month! (In «dr»nc« ' l# ,ooo Two odninc*) "J *® WEEKLY CHRONICLE-NEWS \motinl Votes Given Price New Old. Twelve Mont Its . .... * ' Two Yoars »-®0 t.OdO Changing from iu«- Weekly the Dally Chronlcle-Newi will be con sidered a NKW subscriber Suhsrrlpllons may by mail, paid ni Hie Chronicle-News office °r paid t.. the candidate In person. Cnndldatee are fiirnMi'd with receipt book*. and will l*»ue receipts when accepting payment for subscription*. ABSCONDER SETTLES mfffPaPPMni FROM HIS WINNINGS lit IJ I I | ■ I 11IJ ■ *•. .*n ali«r T.!■»;,: i.;ail*.l Ki«l " • .i. •-ini■ \ - ftoMi m<• me to m^TTTTYTMTTT^MJAM ih<* H^i|i|mAlma|HnaAn^H gu.iiMv - everything at the Chronicle-New* . offleo. Work delivered when proni- Chronlcle-rcewß. u month. What is a New Subscriber? For the benefit ef all candidates, we wish to clcnily explain what will be considered a NEW subscriber. Any petson who was not taking the paper at the time the con test started, November 25. is a NEW subscriber Changing the Name from one member of the family to another at the same address is NOT NEW Ordering another paper and stopping the one now going is NOT NEW. Special Ruling F.vrry subscription will be carefully certified and checked dur ing the Big Special Offer, as well as throughout the contest, and any votes secured on a subscription marked “NEW", which is in reality “OLD", will be cancelled. In order to be fair to all candidates this rule will be rigidly enforced during the contest. Contest Mathematics Just Think: Two NEW 12-month subscriptions hiing you 40.000 votes Five NEW 12-month subscriptions bring you iOO.OOO votes. Five NEW six-month subscriptions bring you 40.000 votes. Five NEW three-month subscriptons biing you 10.000 votes. THESE ARE THE REGULAR VOTES ISSUED ON SUBSCRIPTIONS THROUGHOUT THE CONTEST During the Big Special Offer many thousands of extra votes arc to be secured on ull new subscriptions. DO NOT OVERLOOK THIS OFFER. IT IS IMPORTANT TO YOUR SUCCESS. If there is anything pertaining to the offer that you do not understand, be sure to come in and have it explained. By bringing your pencil into play you can always figure out where you stand and just how mat. v subscriptions it is going to take 1 to place you in the top position. PAGE SEVEN