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PAGE FOUR rn revive newspaper—fair— FEAßLESS PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY Xuttti a» S< XaUet »t th- Vortollict e! True did. Colorado JXSSEE G. HOBTHCOTT fteiideat rr.ANK LAV.'LER *»■**“ A R BBOWK „ ■ f“. tor f. e. wmsoß c»ty fg»[ 'abacription Rate* >•« \ , • oar AN ASSOCIATED PRESS OPERATOR t.« K. intf I ~ e 1.. * t»'C Tr.rr t* or man .a Kilataaroo arho “GOOD WILL TO MEN” , ;u •• . v Thi s. : •• Stcr<tir\ : t . ! ; esented :: C - «;•/■ - fftiuil*** »ia(f vlth iait> folks at the bottom. His rf* . ■ 4 «... e»r». >i gu : ‘.here for. if social and rerant \lc*t 4 : iGmmm la .i . ti • J : tiarsi •- ords toiJurt »a f»rw portion ai it U preached , ' ... \ • .RK~t a- ••! pravt tod. 1« that social ch-ag TV coalx o\+T the world. Tfc.i t- fc:- (alUiorf’ r free. btit huruanit' shall be char-1 y<n .t-L.un.-* ctttrcMam hare taught: and”'* - M rr> and peculiar." A useless tT\lZli« w"t^r!~-ra r i l a~ « “ ™,V~7 2Z\ ‘ VV..T-T. If .or .... <k* -fbo t. r< oc ti" Maaara. .. luat .ho th n the THtcher of mnt * ual return of the CkrlttßU fcoll-| - , ‘ r•- -.V**- '* > L . { th- *x<Ml • 1 • Trades rahnln a* * Goa s great daioi on the mountain. and t v impll-v rucibV. w lu »ork in this country . oat- *imo u another. Proxuithc world Y«tf *ft»-r }ear. the-*-. **. '.' * k v^.* Aa l t Uvnut thvtr f.fty** asd their hi**' t Kr ' .. . , .w.iatd nf Aaerican citizenship that we . t 4 . I H’.' tt t» attain will N* re ■". iarrlt m the face Won a* l *** to lh * tlMmi measure. - who trod the shore* of) Toor. r ,-rv.w * r.! • lrcumscr.h- glim* sU c* tb- reason. May each of n \.«-ws not to hate in- you be Mewed as never before. nn«! r - • red -.;pt ■'r. * We believe may the hea-t* of th* m* n who cou nt trol flasßcc and industry be so • * • • ... is*.is! iltTcrr, political op- : fy the few will cea*c. and In place -r.. l-l for .: till- *t a ill - • acer to bestow r - - £ ,• :Tl I*,-*, of ha- ' on tl' men and wotn«‘R Bt Of | •■ a, .. v'lupen o J>r the labor that «-cli cne fc . . . . .' . . j. gHes to the upbuilding of oar fair ' •-N - ’ v .• v -*v . .-‘w v . . . . . .. I y- 'll ■ " ' i V | sanfa C/aus u;i7/ be here tomorrow night, are you ! ready for him. Leave orders at our store LINCOLN H. HALL, Jeweler MONOCT Brad’s Bit o’ Verse By J. C. BRADSAW THE DERBY HAT L.iMirlity . r.«i *n.uc. it la>» all P *\ 1« > ujk u trone, it flu tb' u'.rbr tile a i! f»tl !.»■. than A kluy. . \ \.;ur crown; fur you can buy. :a town; £9 a derby with >i»ur I •junk and let your circlet sit « ■ j ;,arth » diudiir.a will all lock pluak i • . ua tb w.«!k >ou •*tr. >. T: idctby mse. the derby rate. It la :» • lord!. tl ;nr. but I’ll n"t r > old 1 tt* rev 1 praise t« ►'«* or | ihoucb It roako* the hunr !«t tn-nj ; Id pay and festive fan who w ~r*i IX?F.*. vy HAH SEE VICE jueek No. 3 did act *to;» here an*. a ( before the ('''amber **? the tr.attrr 1# not ad. if.rd a race!Inc May Robson Pleases in “A Night Out” rr* of the day w.i» seen at s'-. Writ thea.rr last tiight in one of btr cr . -r***. ' A Klflfktl • To • that M«* Rohsou v. s entertaining and clever In the role .nr.: iu’. • puttlna It mildly. Tb pla* afford* her ample oppor- ! turlt> to make the best «»f h«h* l*e cd. after all left somethin*; to lw* de-tlred. t splendM Interpretation of the rol«-1 of Crantnuxn.. w - ma' -i' w tl out niomlizins that t'pe of prandmum • [to appro\e We rather fa'Or. the) w* know in boyhood or ; rlhoil lay. —the grat-dma that admint-t-r* d to 'car every wan*, -nd loan* >1 the .. ’ - lug hand in the hour of nr d. hut I mho * • f‘t quite . > >r > a*; ■* mother of Mrs. liaslcm. Tal - If I all around the plot amused nr. * .hat .» w... t iLc theatre goer loo—- BIRTH RECORD. Mr and Mrs John Kaif arc : •' 1 parents ct a scion pound b. . .i | little folicw arrived ycterd , nd 1 .til . ■ 1 ft.g Llv* !.-• THE CHTi'KICLE 'CEW? -RIXIDAP. COLORADO Social Affairs l.oc \I- 1' rN C T IONS and society news Fu.i Xichol* H f. ; ied N.rhe’s of i. and son J • ti with relatives and -n 1* Mt } nr and w he ;■' - UD*, .* • '.• • d Mr* i 11 who * . *. *a 1 e«v« r months In N l- Mt* Tivlor Re*; ring. * :r. .«.*•* of .\ P : T-i> - . Jr. sill be glad i ar cf nv** ■ ttr.pi. 1 con lltlon. Mr* Tsylnr has tt r :*t< ntd with prou.a. but ’•* r«;c.rted better today ■ B . • 1 tide spirit * : hin erl- j j : cc. and rla ns are br. t r ide for :.'.an>* so«:tl functions be given ,u; th holiday season among the | . . Seesral it wlllj fii . i numerous *rties wU! take place during Christmas week. 1 : .i rf thc.r young lit*-, and no de will I*, left on don. tM*t will work In the l.ttle one’s \1 I : • i rt th. Mate theatr. ■ u Tuesday I • :• t • »:• a- if l‘if nager at, ■/. a children’* m a tine r. i! t glv-J -1 it the Wi *i theatre, fre of charge , !.• the yrui.«*ters, who w . be the „uc.t* c( the Elk* lodge. *'l)u-. Bar n * the production to be glv-| e.! !M*»;. .i-« not th- > nly one* J ' » v: ill njoy themselves during the j . . .-t ?’ ’grown u.»* * well, j i*. 1 t » *t> ap.' » • r faml- ; ‘ r i . ir*.- cn Thursday cv* at g. and a 'r. : j*jllv titi 1« nrt.. a *•»!. The A: • dub dan • will be the laat J of *i«* *r»-. isl . iiutlon. t*» tie given J *::.•• ’ • •' a tht b. a N«-W , : Year’s t-vc dance will bring thej • k * g.. *. :*» :p. rime <:id- | ink. CaQ'ieilTriri O ■ Hr- the Chrl»tni3* \ idiot* took pint yeotetday morn- , .t. n ' *- k ~'t Mary a Epis-.: . n • • Anita Pearl and John Graham fad- < n p. .'formed ■> flea. J. O. Ferric | ‘the n'lithf; and n f. x friends of the ' \out:c triple T' bride wa* a;- :♦ n»*• <1 by MiM J»>an Caddell. sister ... •■ I t f I. W. I ..,1 the wcddlrc march and Ed t i .Ml and F Clatk wore the t»-h-i i\ (on o - lh cwcBOfly the | • « '• - party served an elab-I a f'.': at the honu- of thol 1 . . the daughter cf Mr*. ' ;* j -.trl o. Aguilar .nnd ha* a larsc i • tl I mod • . »• V. k:-'vn In this city. J • r;: « : of -.ii? stale on their ; FrfrrtV..- : i-. fine pn.rici icr ' J; Chriltma*, r.t Kliver's. - EIVOECr I> GKAKTED * ■ *» I '■ P* i •> ' formerly J j i • - •> . . - ;-,b;kv.d. A r Conrad. In the } £ 'took I lottff Who .1?-.. Vpril 35 + ne and n half |t ; Ing to *rt Defer. !. who is In Omaha. 1 • • ' • ' t tl * set ion for divorce. | -T VICTIM? ~ THE PANIC ;• vn.E rr '-d io death v _______ •> u 1 ; ■ v- SI. —Of the - live* graph theatn J . ! ‘:.r-l.v.-t tiltht. t'.ot • <1. c\.i ■ . ;’.n- bodies showed I v to I> :: te~r.;.l h -rrr: _ - caused by pree- la attempting to escape. The Xi| nlc the audltt lam was frlght * : ; T the . w s capable of ac re o 1 > people with .•f r: > . :r. . tl. .r. 7- ■. including *;• Idren. had T • : . tb flamee broke <? : •• - ' ■ :af'rs jumped Xj in their 1 the lot* baleon* | -• ogling J troupe Mow 1 * fatal. DECEMBER 23. 1912 Pythian Sister*. th . • * • Hi. o'clock :»*• CmOo HalL—I \: & C. Stotk Brings Girl. Hera to Mr. nmi Yi.a . L. Harr.:# , .1 . T 10 little *1 I arrived Saturday, and mother and baby are dome nicely. — Jolly-Water*. 1 ltoi>« rty Jolly ot Toilcrburg and I Mis Pearl Waters were qalMl) tear- | rivi! Saturday after:»ocn by Jut > Only at jccesry witness v< Aft* I lor th* cores any the newly marrleJ I couple !■ rt fur Dearer ami tn . • will epead th*!r honeymoon, return-1 canon: home. ISIS GIVUS AWAY TOYS T L Qabt. r - .. I Claus today and save away flee bun - Trinidad. Etc-;- lfttl,* uil that. ia'. • ' : erf; it toj Never were there many harpy hearted children psu-j 1 Ire up and down Commercial otroet lea today werded their way* to and •. .ay* for everybody at the !*!». GAMBLING CASES IN COUNUY COURT ARE DISPOSED OF i The bal-tue of the gambling cane* v«r* dliiKitril cf in the county court l«hl* afternoon, when Ell Greea re turning from Oklahoma where he nj» killed by the lllnee* of hi* moth* • r. entered .» plea of guilty to keep .ng can; bli ng room*. four sejiaraie |Va#e* ami wo* fined f3O and OOOtS. If*harle>* Veltle alx) pN-jnl- cuilty an*! ' vVallle Leace: Each were assessed Ithe minimum fine. IMstrlit Attorney Mcllcndrle en tered .» nolle In th** »a-e« again*t M J. Berger, t* 11 Kiehter. Veltrle aud ! ragllueo. fhral-* Nlcolll and Bruno Slcollt, • ** of the gambling <mk». the result !nf the September md October Infor- I mat ions. Twenty-five charged w.tb keeping I gambling room* entered picas of cuilty In the county court Us. Tu-s* iday aud w- re fined. A few ca»t» are -.•t for ttial by Jury early stx month. Everythin!; in fine for Cniistmas. a: Enver's. 2 I If you arc troubl'd with chronic J «*on»tlpatlon. the mild and gentle cf*' tret of Chamberlain * Tablets makes , hem especially suited to your case, for *ale by all dealers. Everythin}: in fine pastries far |Christmas, at Kuver's. 2 Chacon Takes Over Barela’s Weekly I Eusebio Ctncon. deputy district j . - I ha! Ist. Senator Caslmiro Barela re- ! tires frem the newspaper field :a 1 (w hich he ha-* been a: lvo for twenty-j 'five years and intend* to devote the i ji.mainder of his time to his own af- 1 .tairs. maintaining hi* residence or his ranch near El Mojo. The senator "ill convey on Christina* day to hi*{ son-in-law K Chacon, the plant and j jcwnershlp of “El Progresso”. thr] jSpanlsh-American weekly. Chscon; becomes editor and owner aud jbereaftcr conduct the policy of th' paper and at the same time attend 'tu Ms private law* practice. He ha cstaMifacd lr.w office at the El !P- crisso office. He has about three | weeks more to serve as depu - ; dis trict attorney. I El I’rocrcsso was established ,twenty-five years ago acd for twenty ' oars has been owned aryl conducted* y Senator Barela, who has used the organ to further his political ambi tions. He turns this newspaper and: •-■ • • ton as a Christmas elf;. Tnc senator] •tcvls that h* has reached that place jin his career where he is unable to I give the newspaper the required at-! • tenfion. Mr. Chacon ..* the <on of Major Ra fael Chacon, a pioneer resident and Civil war veteran. He declares that he intends to make the Spanish- American organ a first-class weekly. Th*' first issue under the new own ership will appear the first week in January. When you have a bilious attack give Chamberlain's Tablets a trial, i They are excelent. For sale by all | dealers. Christmas Specials lock her;—yon ought to b; able to pc: what yon want for your Ckr.ittrns dinner from thi. list: TURKEY. DUCES. GEESE. CHICKEN'S. CELEEY. LETTUCE. CAULIFLOWER TOMATOES, RADISHES. PARSLEY. GREEN ONIONS, BRUSSEL SPROUTS. ARTICHOKES. SPINNACH. OYSTER PL.'.NT CUCUMBERS. PEP PERS. SWEET MANGOES. SWEET POTATOES FULL AND COM ELITE LINE OF FRUITS. CANDIES. NUTS. ETC. Headquarters for Santa Claus at the Big Emporium Partial List of What the Big Store Contains Ur 7 G::d\ Groceries, Meats, Home-made Bake:; Ooais. f . L«d;e«. and Children. Clothing, Gent* Fumifhings. Slices, lurniture. Carpets. Rugs. Gla»s and Tin it are. Crcckcrjrwais, etc., etc. • « m EMPORIUM D. R. HINDMAN. Manager l * Smoke Commercial YoV S Boquet Trinidad^^^J Come to the Grand Christmas Shoe Sale T o-night Prices Tumbled Again A. H, BUTLER SHOE GO. IoS North Commercial St. CHRISTMAS DOVES SI.OO TO 54.00 PER BOV WHY SALVES CANT CURE ECZEMA t. o old-f *. one<l theory-of *kln troubles but none that wy can curing eczema through the blood ha* I recommend ;u» highly aa this for w * . . • ata, aanj know that i».i».i». atop* the Itch at different salve# have be. n tried for unco. We Ju*t want yon to gl\ • fain • i.• ha* • i i.D.D. a trial. That will be enough [that these #alv,>* clog the pcrc* to prove it. . . •-• • (not Of ■ outm all oUur drag its bar* *kin below the epidermis where the l*l».l) rrc*criptlon—go to them if lefmi |ed. u can't <on •• t- ui <. ; ac ept son big roflt Uut 1 probably explains the tremend.-m- But if you come to our store, wo success of the well known liquid are so certain of wlut D.IVI). will k"xe:ra remedy. r;l of w:r.tergrccn do for you that " offer you n full thymol, i h•. • mponnd- |aln bottle on 1 gu -If you ! ei j-j pdp Prescription. dont' find that it take* awa> the itch We haVe sold o • AT ONCE, It Mta yon not a oent.' Hansxcan Opera Houto Pharmacy. R Ircralde Drug >t n Practical Presents P*l Arv flic kind that Plra« f SO WHY NOT GIVE A SAFETY RAZOR. A POCKET KNIFE. A TOOL CHEST PERCOLATOR. CHAFING DISH ELECTRIC IRON. Coaster Waßon. Air Rifle. See onr Baby Quick Meal Ranße in window- Buy one tor vour little daughter. H. B. BROWN HARDWARE COT