Time is Fixing as Fast as Time Ever Fleu)
Every Little Momement has a M waning all Its Own." am! Every
Subscription Secured from This T une on has a Mennintr—Success
—The Opportunity for Victory i - Bifore You
Return This Coupon
. ■ -1 a. 28, m With A
Old Six Months Subscription
* and receive
10,000 Extra Votes
id Alton to th« - l.»i
S \ M rit ho Old Sub-
Name of subacrllicr , M-rlption
; 93.00
* vl Regular Vote#
Sun »'f Contestant 1000
I Bt No
•9 Todaj '* tcR« standing* ar«* +1
•> •:•
•: ♦
*> io the fart tti it no counting ♦
•> .» foM on Sundaj bj the ♦'
♦ Contaat Department. These ❖
• •
♦ up t.. not n PI Id H , ♦
4 Friday and up to noon today. *9*
4 will appear In tomot tow’s lr“ue. 4
Wo have niow fairly started •»» the
PAIGN, and from thi* time on et»- J
••ray and determination will feature,
the work of the enthusiastic candi
dates. even more so than they have
In the past. N»»w l» the time when
even the momenta have value that
eannot he overlooked, and until the
• losing mltiutea of the camplagn..
every Mtbocrlptlon la of the greatest
Lint Half of the Campaign.
The hardest ppe» of your work, the
getting started. now been coin*
pleted. From this time on you i
ahnuld devote your effort* to the In
creasing of your vote total, and every
vote added to this will bring you a I
step nearer success—success, which i
means the possession of the hand-,
some 1913 •■FORD*’, completely
• Muopped automobile, one of the el. -1
gent Kohler .v Campbell up-1
right piano, a handsome and perfect i
$1'"* diamond iltuc. a guaranteed la-j
die*' gold watche or a complete bust- .
• duration in either the Dreher or j
1 rluldnd huslnesK colleges. i
The Shortness of Time
The t me I* short and Is rapidly |
growing shorter. Because you have
dene »<» w.»ll up to the present time
. .
you to « • efforts, evert
tjimigh • • .. !• have a substantial
h ad. While y . ; are resting, secure
.*• hjh'i tut ion of victory, .-••me
. :\ • : may l»e doing the work that
■ ill bring her iahead of you A
the present time it Is anybody’s race.
\n one has yet obtained a lend that
cannot l.» overcome, and any candi
date in the list, even though ahe
«: i«'d but today, eould, by energetic
: | r« • \* ; ng work, win any prize
. thi lltt Suet • >s is bound to come
the end. and the end is not nearly*
far off as it fcoem*. Just four
weeks and all is over If. when the
final votes are rounted. someone else
- shown to bo Just a few votes ahead
of you, and consequently the winner
Coupon Not Good after Jan. 1 Coupon
The Chronicle-News
Trinidad. Colorado
This Coupon Will Count for 10 Votes
Address *
Town District No
flood for 10 votes when filled out and sent to The Chronicle-News of
lie* iiy mall or otherwise, on or bt or. • m .i.-.tion date. No ballot will In*
ilii led In nny way or transferred a”., r ! : i«-»eivvil by the Contest M.m
-» ~.i ; Untera ballot li carefully trimmed iround out Ido lines It will i t *
be counted.
of a handsome prize that "hould have
! t'cen yours, you w!!l feel sore” a:
I yourself, will you not. that you did'
[ not try Just a little harder, when I
'ii'T.-* wa* within your grasp? it.
| might be Just that little subscription
'that you neglet t to secure today, and
, that someone else take* from you. i
t bat spell*, the difference between'
iKi.-ss and defeat. Many and ntau>
a contest has been won on a *ub*crip
'tlon or two, und surely, now that you j
have done so well, you are not going
to allow some one elec to step In
I and take a prise from you after you I
I i ave already tJsted the .«wcetnc»* of
. \ Ictory.
Even If you feel tired now and
,’hen. remember, that after January!
| : > you « an rest, secure in the poas. »-.
jdon of a hamUome prlte. and should 1
‘your effort* tiring you the handsome!
.!Hl2 •’Ford” touring car. all j »ir .
I tiredness will L- a tiling of the past.
I for you will bo able to ride herraf
j ter. Think what unbounded p!< --|
ure rnd delight would be yours if*
I you should win t.i * hand*nnie car.
jand what a source of pride and sat-j
isfartion It would l*. to know that
you are the "most popular young wo
man in Southern Colorado and I
Noil • • vll k: > N
I then thnnVthe day . u entered the
> out. t and be thankful that you I
didn't give up when you felt wear)
I.IANI’ARY l**. It Is surely worth
; working for and the work required •
•<> win it Is but small in cotoparison i
to th» reward.
| Sn> t«* yourself today. I want that!
j ar rnd lam grins «•* get It" Keep!
(this determination ever before you ■
• and do not allow It to, escape from
'your mind for a single instan; V •
jit vour friend* and tell them of yenr
j desire and what i splendid opportun-,
jlty is before you, and how much l
I pleasure it will gi\e you to connect \
Ithe’r names with your greatest
achievement Prove your earnestness
to them and impress upon them the
necessity of their assistance In help
ing *ou to win your heart's desire.
An interested person I* always the
biggest booster, and by Interesting
them yob will secure their support.
Such an opportunity a.* this comes to
bit lew poo il« more than on< e In a
lifetime, and lu nil probability will
hover come t«* you again. Those
who succeed In life are those who
mnk.* the most of their opportunities,
and nothing Is impossible to those
who try. i can’t ’ never did any
thin.: in this world, bo: 1. t• • i-y i
full of the sccnmplishtnents of tli. "i
The 1913 ’’Fold'" Automobile.
”N.» hill too strep, no sand too
j deep is an expression aptly applied
:ie Ihi 3 > ompletely equipped
FORD’ taurine .nr. which will I*.
:• w ....•. .i as ti: Capital Prlxe *!n the
i • -.l icit V w (Iraml Popularity
(Campaign. This car, which has ai
i. i ;* d so much favorable comment
' wfli those who hive viewed it . ilr
Trinidad Novelty Work*, when 't l*
on, I* the latest and most
orn:.!eie product of the Ford factor
ies, gnd It represent* real worth and
beiuty in automobilft Every feat
ure that the modern utttomoblle
world has to offer to mukr nuto
nr m the delightful pi re • i
-1* emlx*dled in thi> sple car. It j
Is c«implete|y e*|iilppe«! In every re-
Ifpe- t < xtenslon top.
i .*!•: .ire
■ :• ~..t men i
ihi* ear to the auto world. Every
tiling that .an possibly add to the
delight and pleasure of the fortun
ate young woman whose energy and
p ilniltv will make h.*r the winner
of .hi* elegant award on January
Is Tlie handsome nppraranee of
ti • u it' reliability and beauty,
the superb running of the engine
i all *:o to nutke this car the sensation
|of the It* 13 automobile season —a
• ar that i» perfect In every respect.
Can you imagine a prlxe that
; would give you more real pleasure
:u! delight than this handsome Cap- J
Hal Prize "Ford" automobile? Juii [
think what worlds of pleasure it j
means for the winner. Dellahtfu'
tours to any place, with u<* bother- j
.rue waiting for trains. Surely, the ;
up cf happiness of some yotinx wa- J
man now entered In the contest will!
be filled to oxerflowing when th«
'final voto* arc counted and deform-!
lr*e her as the winner And you can
he this fortunate and thrice happy
><mnc woman If you will Such n
reward us this 1* worth year* of ef
jfott Instead of the few hours of time
| here and there It will take to secure
!It Vanjr people would be willing t*
work ye.tra to attain such a prize,
and ::.ati> other* would b<> glad to
I take your present chances, and pay
| \. -..1’ for then*, with the prospect
'•>f -in h a r< ward In sight. Surely.
Ilf you npprecl.*:*- what Is now plactsl
j l.< fore you. you will not allow It to
firm ycur gfkip without at
n i Vnythlng arorl
while !ti this wi rid L worth trying
»r, and *u. h n reward as this 1*
(• talnly x* ;t'i while and worth
j trying for. If you appreciate your
oi»pc:tunith*- you will mak<* up your
mind today to do your very best t<
, v;n and w'nnnlng mean* the possex
•lon of this l-pWndld car.
The Other Prizes
( the "Ford" automobile wna the.
only p:ue to he awarded In this]
great <urnpaign. It would still b*
worth entering, even though l>.tt on< i
[candidate could win n big B it
1 ea» h and every distrlet ha* Its own i
fepurate and distinct axvnrds. xvhlrh I
'will be won In those particular dL
trlets regardb* •* of which candidate
wins the automobile. Then every!
m’l'.date who remains active dur
jing t' e contest but dees not win an'
I other pi ixe. xv !! be given a lile ral
,rommi^ion on her business. A* tii>:
prize In each dlx sion will be axvard
• il an elegant upright f:*.’.’.'* Kohler A:
Campbell piano, instruments that
represent real •lass and perfection
in the musical world. The arrat ar
tists of the Musical world endorse
■ thlr. piano ns one of the very best
one that btingH out tone quality hi
a manner that proves its worth.
| Years <*f building pianos have en
abled the iranufa tiiret* of these In-:
Istninients to produce a piano that
1 occupies the top position In its class.
,th«» Kohler A Campbell piano is
(practically guaranteed for a lifetime,
and guaranteed to produce the same
(tone years from now as it will today.
It Is nn insttunirnt without a super-*
j lor and one that is approached. In
lbeauty and construction, by but very
jf« w . These pianos may be seen at
I thi* Knlght-Campbell Music Co.. .1
: \\\ Cooley, local agent.
The SIOO Diamond Rings,
in . ich dlntt • ' w ill be nward* d a
! perfect and handsome SIOO diamond
ring. These rings, xvhlrh are on dls
| play at B. L. Allen s L. H. Hall’s and
i \Y. E. Bauer's Jewelry establish
ments. are splendid stones, splendid
fly mounted in the popular Tiffany
I setting*, and form the most haml
j some and ideal of gifts for a young
! woman. Diamonds are valued not
I only for their beauty ami scarcity,
'but because of clearness, brilliancy
land perfect-cutting. The stones
[which wo wilt award posscr* all of
[these virtues and constitute prizes
(that will be valued ahd desired
'years after tin* contest has passed
Into lr. dorv.
The Ladies* Gold Watches.
.Kverx on*- needs a watch, that is. a
good watch. So many appointments
depend upon punctuality. *?o many
. i ctfdtions, that tlie possession of :i
•oed watch i-' x'friiy necessary to al
most every poison. Those guaruu-
(teiHl ladle*' gold watch*-'-, xvhleh will
i»e given In each district, are not on
ly perfect ami guaranteed ' ine-keep
,••»*. but beautiful rili'le- of Jewelry.
I xx’hieh unr young woman xx’nuld b«
I glad in own und wear. Hunranteed
[movements, nncas* ! in b«*autlful
• tie ■*. the., are prl * worth far more
jihan the small e rt put forth in
their .securing.
The Arintdad and Dreher Business
A knowledge am: understanding of |
business and buci; '•* methods Is a
vital necessity to • n- young xvomuu |
of today xvho enter* the husltu*ss j
world. In the pre.- ut day. the busi
ness man has no time to train
t ho* • who conie to him for employ
ment. They muH be prepared to
hake up the work for which they np
. ply. The modern business college
J supplies thi* uere—ary training and
••duration. But all buslnen* colleges
Ido not train their students In the
-ante manner. Borne adopt a hup
liuzard method that leaves the stu
dent but little better off after com
pleting a co:ir*e than she was before.
The Dreher and Trinidad Btislnes*
colleges have lons enjoyed a reputa
tion for up-to-date methods and roni
pletenes* of instnuHon given their
-tudents \ student is not given a
(llrlonm until the college authorities
ure satisfied that he or she has thor
oughly mastered hi* or her work
Careful attention to detail has glxen
these institutions a reputation
tiiro'svoiit Colorado. Kan*:i* and New
Viesim and posltlm * are alwltxys
i ixvaltlng their graduates
► Consists of the city of Trlnl- 4
► dad. from the cen*«-r of Commer- 4
► dal street and Arizona avenue. 4
► west. +
»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ + + •>♦♦♦♦«
Ndn Fowler. 7?3 flrnnt
\ugit«tn Moset. 1-*::!• Illvd. . 77 29ti
Uratb • Johnson. *'■ li* Willow. 7*1720
Fraud* thirto. 313 College. . . .7*l2*'»t«,
Julia Foliar. *lO2 l'rospsct. . . .72100 I
!.-.h DeWitt. :iJi .-hurt 72««-»
Verlle (latlin. 12s First street. 711 no '
\mi:i Mnlouff. 302 W. Main. 70s'.*oi
Mrs. It Mayfield. ««*.i Park. . .707'J0 !
Rafael i Bei i state . ICO
Qoldle Jett, 113 Nevstto 13740
Blau he Dutton, 311 Top«*ka.r.or.A*
Irene Hufl • • ' W Bat » M6t
\iii.. iti .i\. Nevada s ~ •
\nni Haiti. .*!.*. Nevada. •'•7.'>•.*o
Marjorie lloldsworth, «'.ll
Mayme Browning. 363 Col!* ce 1961<*|
So e Child W Baca 177
Mary Itonato. 915 State . 19900,
Edith So*ler. _‘o-s Anderson.. 4*• >7• •
Edna Seobee. w. Kansas. . if.t’.yo
\* . . B it] Pin IMOO
Effi Roper, •'.3 S. Com 16250
it. u :• a*.'••:k r, San Jtian, Bat i ICJS
Edit*: Carter. l_’t Johnson . . . 13-tno
Nett •• Adaniron. I’nlx . ..43 , j00
Louis* Plaho IS Net ads ... 14110
i.Mr.i. Bonnie D. Horton. T*»C
Atehlson street
Jlkit Bander*. .11 Colorado . . . I’.'tßMi
Nellie Pomerox. s*ji Atchison . *2 I
ji.aura Birring. 316 S. Animas 3 1
[Katherine Uoodrtch. 4*»i; Park 3^52"
I Maud Rosehaugh. 735 Park ... .17370
Nellie 100 rnlv» , r*ny-37t» v "
: Zdla Irwin. 711 Pine 3t*.S7o
| Grace dree r. ;.ll Nevada .... 33621*
i Ui*o Pdlett. Topeka avenue. .. 317Nt»
Mr.-. E. IV Kane. 425 State. . . .31350
j Eva Richards. <n. 501 Convent. 2*. 29"
Esther White, 4•» i Short... .15261
| Virginia Easton. 317 Topeka . . 35 I 2»»
Mrs J W Bartlett, 312*
I Washington 12850
Nina And*-:; 'ii. TUlotson street. 72M»
dladvs Piitenger, 103 Plum... 3920
Consists of the City of Trini
dad. from the renter of Commer
cial street and Arizona'avenue,
oast. ’ •
Bessie Areb- r. Chcatnut street
Krcs* MePhail. 210 Frost.... 75250
Eliza bet h Rankin. 1213 Roaict 72740
ne«sie Hupp. I l E. Topeka .. 031 io
Mis Chonita Flores. 323
Johnson 54320
l.ov Clarke, soo Arizona 54310
Mary McCoy. 7th and Oak. . . .53320
Veda Harris. MP San Pedro. . .33100
Bessie Caskey. 124 E. Seventh f»2370
Teresa Resell, 214 Goddard... 52240
Mabel Detamote.
1023 San Pedro street 4 9910
Zotta Re .• - 2*06 Frost 19390
Margaret Dennison, too
Spruce Street 19370
Thelma Coppers. 1111 Ariz . !9190
Lupie Bent. 60 2 First street. i!*ooo
Pearl Ashley. 1314 Linden. . . 1 vt»o*»
Aileen Daugherty. 213 Walnut 4sjou
Hope Barnes, '.*29 Spruce. . . 15220
Maude Glahn. 616 E. Second. »7360
Daisy Rogers. 4304 N. Com.. . 17320
Mrs. .las. Thompson,
119 Maple 46820
Carrie Smith. 616 Arizona. . . . 46320
Myrtle Martin. 214 S. Walnut. 1572'
Edna Hatton. *.14 Chestnut... 45620
Ruth Harris, 7tli A- Baltimore. 15300
Wilnier Chnndb-r. 113 K. 7tli. . I 5 30e
Ruth Perkins, 313 E. Topeka. 4 4 260
J-u //1 to Light for
wB 11 Minutes becomes
ilm \ I Undrinkable
\ This is not our state- I
\ '/VIoSA ment, but the deliberate
opinion of one of the
V »k s » 9 8 4 5 i1) most renowned scientists
m 1 in in die world. Read the
\ 8 KB entire statement:
\ B i “We have tested beers repeatedly,
' ( placing the bottles in the direct
. y flifli sunlight, and testing the same after
' y 7 yMjf one, two, three and five minutes
\ flOhexposure, found that the beer with
_ three and five minutes exposure
N became undrinkable on account of
\ / the peculiar odor developed. The
vWrn B ' detrimental effect of light upon
< H J| Bf / beer can be successfully counter-
B K If acted by the employment of brown
'>!■ jR / or dark colored glass bottles, and
// j //// such botllcs are, therefore, recom-
VV\wW 1 I/ 'll///// incndablc. Wahl-Henius Instl
\V xVvVW'I " ////// ,ute °f Fcrmentology.
3%H 11 is nut enough that *rhc brewed I
_P > \ pure, it must be kept pure.
A' ]=; Many Americans prefer beer in a
1 ijxlit bottle. Most brewers follow the
course of least resistance.
N\XUI Light starts decay even in pure beer.
\V\Jj Dark glass gives the best protection
y, \ against light. Schlitz is sold in Brown
L°“'- S r ° tCtt ' r f pur ‘ ty fr° m the
27 I
That Made\ Milwaukee Famous.
Zot You g. 412 Map 1343 t
111)1 red Irl pa 411
.\n(ia ll*hi. : m Pedro str* • t. 299 10
Mrs. O. L. Davis, Jr..
I • 11 850
t :; He! - 6570
Aila Smith. Knglevlllo Hill. . .4120
Consist# of Huerfano County
and a!t towns In Lr.s Animas
county, north of the La* Ani
mas river. bn* not In* In din 5
towns or tcrri'i.ry ]• * during **n
tho river.
Beat Rya I How 7 041
Gladys Miller. Wnlsenhurn . .77 4 •
Margaret L Leeti 771 S
’*£z**i Maul:. Bowen Tr.oso
Marie l.ognn. Bowen . . 7142 f *
Pauline Unlot, Rugby 74210
Kate nirkerton. Tubas-n «• 7.*»7«*
Mary Mnrtlnolich, Oakvleu ..66940
Dora Moss. Apt liar 62600
Lillian D. linker. D* Ingun. . . 02420
Lucy Bogglo. Aguilar 6 2300
Ktta Bryden, Delngua 00970
Blanche Umfug, Walw 11 u .
Goldie Miller. Berwlnd 50220
Marie Kaieta r, Aguilar " 71
Virginia Toller. Tollerhurg. . .’#7l 60
Anna Shaughnesny. Hastings. 16 42"
l jot ee Muth, \gufla
Ruby Floyd. Thatcher 16060
May Thompi n, Fojix
Bmma Capps, U Veta 52200
Nellie Thomas. Rerwind ‘ll2O
Lela McFarland, La Veta... .50410
Marsolete Feurial, Sharpsdale. *»o 41 n
lx>is Kin r. Tollerburg 10 400,
Annie Rogers. Rouse 164 40,
Mary Stark. .Malachite 43020
Nellie Yasquez. Hicks 131*20
La Veta Springer. Malachite.. 41 11 o
Jennie Wyles. Rerwind 27690
Margaret Woodward. Ludlow . 36970 1
Hazel Mauldcn, La Veta 32270
Isabelle O’Neill. Tabasco 2-7 390
Pearl Wati r . TolU • but g 20390
Lizzie Grady. Rugby 16.120
Lila longhead. La Veta ..11700
11 : *rLR 33. mi;
Con*lets of Las Animas coun
ty -s»f Colorado south c-f tho Las
Anltnns river, including r.’.l
town* and territory bordering
on the river, rnd I'nlon and Col
fax counties, of Ni w Mexico.
Horn Fou ret. St ark Vile 76110
Mrs Robert Powell. F» !so:n. . . 71010
Rnc Che. Tf rclo 7 46.50 J
, Rafael Garcia. Sopri*. . 7 1201'|
I‘ilsoi rlll 739 1
’.i’ -<r. p o Box 122 :. ilO
i Marie Mcrhling. Weston... . 63750 J
Kl*lf ifpnhr, Cokcdnle. . . .. . 62.50 u
Mr* G. J. Church, Trlnchcra . .17260
ib'jlah Barnes. I*. O. H«»x 160.17020
[Wilma Hardin. Clayton. N M .16320
' May Filer, R. F. D. No. 1 . . . .16000
j Fern Ferguson, Jansen 11100
Maude Werdeman. Jansen .. . . 144 H" \
(Clara Be \rmonil. Cokedale. . . 1-*2oo j
Mrs. Walter Raton. 12620
Norn iiene'.ey. Folsom, N. M . . 1u720
Fay Teneyckc. Jansen 104 10 I
Kllzabeth Dawo. Sopris t'.’lioj
Virplo HHsoti, Bos Moines. ... 39260
Vnnn Meek. Starkville 45930
Mrs Margaret Wnish, Valdez. 41190 !'
Mrs Beva B'Atnbroslo. Soprls. 12300 h
Floreme Morgan, Folsom.. ..41631)!'
'.ucile White. Folsom. N. M . 36920
Mattie Richardson. CokednJe . .3 1920
Kathryn Hollenbeck. Trln
i chera 34670
1 Gra'-o Hendricks. Cnkedale. . . 216t)0 1
Kllzabeth Rothmel, Simpson .. 21 720
i.aura Crow. Folsom, N. M . . 20K50
Mrs. May Henderson. Dcs
Moines, New Mexico 1.7340
Laura Henerson. Hoehne. . . .13720
, Mrs. J. C Cooper. Simpson. . . . 13620
I Mrs. W. W. Clark. *Folsotn. . . . 1226.0
i \nnn Corredo, Gray Creek.. .1610 j !
j Local people are surprised at the
IQI ICK results received from simple
buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., a**
mixed in Adler-i-ka. the German ap
ipendlcltls remedy. The llausmau Drug
(Co. staten that this simply remedy
I antisepticlzcs the digestive system
! and draws off the impurities so
thoroughly that A SINGI.K BOSE
| relieves sour stohineh, gas nti the
I stomach and eonstlpation INSTANT-
r v - _
Frlntlng of every dcserlptlnn neat
ly and quickly executed at the
Chronicle-News Job rooms Sample.*
and quotations on request. Fsp the
telephone. Trinidad 4 10. tf
Statements That Mav Be Investigat
ed. Testimony of Trinidad Citi-
I .... tens.
\* hen a Trinidad citizen comes to
[the front, telling his friends and
j neighbors of his experience, you can
rely on his sincerity. The statements
[of people residing in far mvny places
do not commaud Vour confidence.
Home endorsement Is the kind tuat
backs Bonn's Kidney Pills. Such tes
timony is convincing. Investigation
proves it true Below is a statement
of a Trinidad resident. No stronger
proof of merit can he had.
1.. Walden, 1301 Nevada. Ave..
Trinidad. Colo., says: had p-iins
in the small of my lmek which 1 at
tributed to disordered kidneys and
"hen I straightened after stooping.
I became very dizzy. My condition
showed that my kidneys were not
,‘doln gthclr work properly, and I was
finally led to get Doan’s Kidney
. Fills at the Hnusman Drug Co. They
[soon fixed me up In good shape and
''hen ! have taken them since' then.
: I have always received relief.”
Cor sale hy all dealers. Price 10
'e:y*s. Foster-. Mil burn Co.. Buffalo.
.' « w York, sole agents for the Fulled
LVinrniber the name—Donas
land take no other.
1 1