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4000 ' i • i * I » I » People do their banking with this bank. Do you? If not, why not? < ' i ' ;; *The First N&tion&l Bank • ■ • t g fgs#f r 5=5 FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! We take thii mean, of announcing to our friendi that the tire in our office Saturday morning, December Sltt. while rery unfortunate in many waya did not deatroy our rccorda of ex piiationa and daily report. And all policiea will be renewed in advance aa heretofore. We arc atill in a poaition to aay your polity will not lapae in thia office. We regret to announce the loaa of moat of our 1913 calen dars, whch were beautiful worka of art, and are aony indeed that we will be unable to aupply all our dienta with theae, na waa our intention. We are now located Doom 207 Bank Biulding, pending re pain on our old office room, and all buaineaa ia haring our careful attention na heretofore. The Home Security-Investment Company Iniurance. Loan a- Beal Eatate. Bonds. 8. C. HALL- President. Grotmd floor. Tint National Bonk Building* EDWARD H. WIGHT, President. D. P. Jones, Vice-President. W. R. CHAPMAN*. Cashier. 11. K. HOLLOWAY. V-Pres. C. K RAPP, Assistant Cashier. The Trinidad National Bank Capital t i 00.000.00 Surplus and Profits 160,000.00 DIRECTORS: K. D. Wight. 11. K. Holloway W. J. Murray Phillip Schneider l>. P. Jones W. R. Chapman We will be pleased to have your buaineaa and offer every ae commodntolu consistent with safe banking. Interest paid on time deposits* " EVERYTHING FOR YOUH CHRISTMAS DINNER Fard. I lie best Dates. Fresh Cocoa nuts. ✓’T /wy JMyr Assorted ChristninH enndies of all Giant Pascal Celery. ■Hf) California Head Lettuce. KB California Fresh Tomatoes. m» ff Everything in fresh vegetables fi K Fine Turkeys, Geese ami Ducks. V\ P Phone ||n^KKßrfT| , | j 527 Trinidad 1 North 544 UmijlXlMa! HI Com*l St. SPECIAL WARNIN6 Relative to Christmas Decorations Do not attach tissue paper festoon ing to electric light globes or shades. Do not use cotton to represent snow; uce asbestos fibre. I)o not use can files to give the Christmas tree n brilliant appearance: where Illumin ation is absolutely necessaiy have miniature electric lights installed by an experienced electrician. Watch gas Jets: Inflammable decoratlous may be carried against them by air currents. Head your insurance pol- easaesasaaasssess ■ ■ - tsssssssssssssssssss — ■i 1 WE THANK YOU The people of Trinidad and Las Animas county for the support you have so kindly given us during the last year. Wishing you a Merry Christmas. Three d^lV■ S .VI-ACtCM. Three Stores dgjlStores roou co. TUESDAY | Icy before making any busty or III ■ advised derorutlons and note the ' clause to the effect that this policy unless otherwise provided by agree ment endorsed thereon or udded thereto shall he void if the hazard be increased by uny means within the control or knowledge of the in sured If your premises are damaged . by fire you want your indemnity. Do nothing, therefore, to Impair • your contract. R A. DAUGHERTY, i d Chief Fire Dep t. Look for the bear in Ifey-Patter son's window. 4 1 ‘ Everything in fine peitriei for Chriatmaa, at Kurer'i. 2 ns OmtOHICU.HSWS. TMKTDAD, COLORADO PERSONALS ; W. L. Rees of Pueblo arrived In » the city yesterday 011 a day's business ’ trip. > Forest Remubcrg of Ratou will [ spend Christinas in Trinidad wit a 1 friends. ’ Elmer Mayer of Delagua spent the > day iu Trinidad attending to bust | ness mat tors. » Mrs. Fred Uurkhard returned to \ Delagua this mornlug after a short | visit in this city witli friends and > relatives. J F. F. Oille manager of the West 1 theatre left this afternoon for Raton ; where he will spend Christinas with relatives and friends. | Miss Carrie McClelland of Coke ’ dale left tills morning for Pueblo > where she wlllspciidt beholldsysvisll iug with friends and relatives. 1 Mrs. 11. K. Holloway will arrive In the city tonight from Denver mid will s|H*nd the holidays in Trinidad, the guest of Mrs. F. J. Radford. Mrs. A. Parker und son Howard and daughter Alice left this morning for Pueblo, where they will spend Christmas visiting with friends. Misses Fern. Myrtle and llazel lluwkins will leave tonight for lai Junta where they will sj>end the holi days visiting with their grandmother Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McHenry have gone to Carlsbad, N. M., to spend Christmas with Mr. uud Mrs. 11. H. Karr, former residents of this city. Misses Alice and Haze! Thorpe, teachers at Prlmero. are iu the city spending the Christmas holiday’s with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Thorpe. Miss Ml hire n Oxley and Miss Zoe Hunter of Raton will arrive iu the city tbi* evening to spend Christ ms* with Mrs. John Reshour, sister of Miss Oxlev. Mrs. Burton of Deuver and mother of Clarence R. Barton of West Third I street will arrive in the city tonight to spend the holidays with her son and his wife. Mrs. John Macßalu of this city, and uucls, J. 8. Leobart. of Penn sylvania, left this morning for Den ver where they will spend Christinas with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Zimmerman of Ratotr will arrive In the city to night and will spend Chiistmaa here with Mrs. Zimmermans parents, Mr. mid Mr*. J. C. Risher. Allas Itetli Pierce of Fort Collins is in the city visiting with relatives, the guest of Mrs. L. 11. Schuyler and fanily. Miss Pierce will *|»end the holidays iu Trinidad. Mrs. J. W. Evens of Birmingham. Alabama left for her home yesterday after a ten days’ visit in this city with her daughter. Mrs. O. L. Davie, Jr.. 6f Bnu Pedro street. It. Mayfield left today for Raton where he Will Join his wife and to gether they will spend Christmas with their daughters. Mrs. Oscar Of ficer and Mrs. Ed. Kistler. Mrs. .lames Reynold aud son of Hants IV. New Mexico, are In the city spending the Christmas holidays w’ith Mrs. Reynold’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. King of Chestnut street. Mrs. Sidney Itallinger of Hustings arrived in the city this morning to s|M*nd Cheat mas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. If. D. Rice. Mr. Ball- Ingcr will arrive in the city tonight. Mrs. J. G. McGown and daughter Bell aud son James left this morn ing for their home In Iferzon, Colo., after a visit in this city the guests of Mrs. It. A. Brown and Mrs. J. G. Allen. Mrs. F. P. Rayies and daughter Katherine will leave shortly after the first or the year for different places In California for an extended visit. The trip is being made for the bene fit of Mrs. Ilayles* health. Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Abrams and daughter Nell, returned last night from Pueblo, where they spent a day visiting with friends. They woro present at the silver anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Rockwell which was celebrated yesterday. Mr. Rock well Is general superintendent of the D. and R. G. Mrs. Mary Hart Riddle, daughter of the lute John S. Hart who di»>d here a week ago, aud whose will was fib*d in the county court one day this week, will leave tomorrow with her daughter, Margaret Riddle for Tulsa. Ok la., where they reside. Mrs. Kiddle is not a widow us stated at the time of the death of Mr. Hurt. Her husband resides lit Tulsa. FAMILY FEASTS TO BE NUMEROUS TOMORROW The happy Christmas spirit will prevail in many homes tomorrow, and elaborate turkey dinners will be served by unnumbered hostesses. Several out or town guests are In the city spending the joyous yule tide, and will be complimented with din ners given in their honor. The Jin- Ige 01 Christmas bells and laughter will be heard in many homes, for it is realized by all that Christmas comes but once a year, and make it a merry ( buppy day. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Butler will en tertain members of their Immediate family at a 1:30 dinner at their borne on Topeka avenue. Christmas Christmas Is the best time to start a Sav ings Account for yourself, wife son or daughter. $l.OO Opens an account \\V extend with our Holiday Greet logs to you, our protulsu to give them speriul attention. The Commercial Savings Bank decoration* will be used throughout tho house, and Mr. und Mrs. Butler will have us their guest Mr. und Mrs. J. E. Caiiwy, uud Mr and Mr*. Keu n*th Vay Hlyck. Mr*. John Humphre.ys will preside over an elaborate dinner ut her new homo on Tillotson street. Poicetta* and holly will form the centerpiece for the 1:30 dinner Mrs. Humph reys has invited Mr. and Mrs. L. 11. Ilall, Mr. und Mrs. K R. Wood, und sou Kenneth and Dr and Mrs. \ V Wycoff and sons. A family dinner will he served at 1 o’i lock at the F K. fto*e home on Tillotson street. I’oimctta* will form the centerpiece • Covers will be laid tor Mrs. J. E. Ko*e and daugh ter Laura of Colorado Springs. Miss Helen Rose, George and Floyd Rose. K. J. Magurrie of Hasting*. slid Mr. i;iid Mrs. F. E Rose A miniature Christmas tree will form the centerpiece at the perfect ly appointed 1 o'clock dinner to be given by Mr. and Mis O. L. Davis, Sr., at their home on Maple street. The small tree will he brilliantly lighted and decorated with decora tions suggestive of the day. Covers will be laid for the ho*! und bo'tc**. and Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Davis, Jr., K. E. laitchfMd of Denver, uud Gil more Davis. Mr. and Mrs. F. P Ilayles will eu '* tertain a number of their friend* at ' a turkey dinner Christmas bells and • greenery will be used throughout the house. Mr. and Mrs. Bayles will ex -1 tend their hospitality to the mem ger* of their family, and Miss Marie 1 Forhnu. Miss Jeanette Hill. I>. D. Dodge and II 11. Iliihb. [ Mrs. R. It. Young will preside over • 1 o'clock dinner tomorrow Holly I and mistletoe will In* used iu III© table decoration*. Covers will In* i laid for the hostess, and Mr. and , Mrs. Carlton A Kelley, Miss Zoo Young, Walter Campbell and Sam Morse. One of tne smartest of the Christ mas dinners will he given by Mrs. Nina Ittngrose in the dining room of the Hotel Corlnado. A small Christ mas tree will form the centerpiece, and holly and mistletoe will he used in adding uttrartiveues* to the table. Those to whom Mrs. Ringrose will extend her hospitality are Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Abrams and daughter Nell, Mr. übd Mrs. F. S. llipe*. Mrs. D. W. Eastman, and E. R. Gaines. Judge and Mrs. J. G. Nor the. will entertain the members of their family ut a Christmas dinner, to be served at noon A family dinner will be served to morrow at 1 o’clock at the F. C. Mil ler home on Sixth street, covers be ing laid for the members of the- Im mediate family. t.flll! Mr. and Mrs. It. Doveton will en tertain at u fauiih dnner tomorrow noon. Those who wr|| be present be side the Dovctou family will be Har riett. Tot and Roy Mitchell. I Mr. and Mrs. George Mullure will entertain a few of their friends to morrow ut u perfectly appointed 1:30 dinner. Mistletoe aud holly will be used as a centerpiece. Covers will be laid for Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mc- Mahon. Mr. und Mrs. J. Storm, Wil liam Code. Walter sind George Myl lure and the host und hostess. Mr and Mrs. A. L. Branson and family will dine at their homo on Prospect street and will have as their guest. Mis* Kate Branson. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Covington will enttertaln a few friends tomorrow' afternoon at a four o'clock dinner. A small Christmas tree will be used as table decorations. Mr. und Mrs. Covington have invited Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Barnes, Miss Bertha Dietz of Illinois, and C. 11. Smith. F. W. Caldwell, assisted bv his daughter, Mrs. Earl Carmichael, will entertain tho members of their fam ily ard a few invited guests tomor row noon at. a turkey dinner. A bas ket of red and yellow fruit wilt form tliu coutcrpicce, and holly and mistletoe will also be used in tho table decora*loos ll*d roses will form the attractive table decoration* at the «eveii o'- clock dinner to be given tomoirow evening by Mr. und Mrs. John Drury at their home on Muple street. They will have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Gain, Mr. and Mrs. \V. E. Lawler, Mrs. Hetty Smith and Leo Gottlieb Mr. uud Mrs. Isadure Sunders will be host and hostess to a uumber of their friends tomorrow, at uu elab orate turkey dinner. A miniature i'tirMnu* tree will form the «. nter plcce Following the dinner a Christmas tree for the children will be enjoyed alul gifts Will be distrib uted among the lit He ones. A family dinner will be presided over tomorrow noon by Mr. uud Mrs. 11. .1. Kuhu ai their borne in the Radford flats. They will have ns their Ruorts Mm. Kahn’s parents. Mr. aud Mrs. licrt ManKbach, and son Al vin. Mr. und Mrs. F. .1. Radford will presldr over a Christmas dinner of perfect upjMtlntuients tomorrow even ing at seven o’clock at their spacious hoin« on Grant avenue. A miniature Christmas tree, Uecoruted in brll- Hauls and randies will be used ns a centerpiece. Mr. uud Mrs. Radford will entertain Mr. uud Mrs. O. I. Davis, Sr.. Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Nich ols. Mr. ami Mrs. \V. \V. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. 11. K. Holloway, Mrs. It. Doveton and Mrs. Gambler of Den ver. M>*. and Mm. J. C. HudeUon will entertain their daughter and son-in law. Mr. and Mrs. O. l\ Samuel and little daughter Elisabeth. Mr. and Mrs. John lloboar will entertain at a ! o’clock dinner at their liom** on San Pedro street. A miniature Christmas tree will te nsed us a center piece Covers will be laid for Miss Mildred Oxley, .\||m* 2o«» Hunter uud Forest IN-msbcrg. all of Itaton: Mr. Glass and the host und hostess. Mr. aud Mm. C. J. Hawe will en tertain the members of their Imme diate family at a turkey dinner. Bandits Escape After Daring Attempt (Continued from Pag* Quo.) press officials, the bandits secured only a few packages which were of smal value. While the highwayman were working with the engineer and fireman. Flagman Horace Smith slip l*cd away to lies Junction, where there is a telegraph office’and noil lied the railroad officials here and at Hloomington. The robbers worknl forty-five tninul«-H in the express ear. thus giv ing a switch engine, carrying officers time to reach the scene before the tiighwaymeu could Ret away. When the robbers heard the engine ap proaching they fled, firing a few shots at the officers as they disap peared in the darkness. The passenger coaches and sleep ing cars stood on the tracks more than tw*o hours until the engine and express cars were brought hack, and thet rain started on Its way to Kan sas City. A few passengers, some courageous and some going along because they admitted, "they did not want to be left alone." acrompuulod Conductor John C. Iloyd of Chicago when he started to make un investigation. "Got hack there, damn you," was «..oir greeting, emphasized by revolv er shots, when they approached the express car. After that the passen gers were content to remain safely under cover. The pursuit was us spectacular us the holdup. When Klugmun Horace Smith ran back and notified the operator at Hies, the lat. ter wired to the Alton officials in Springfield, a switch engine was pressed Into service and ir> deputies, I*o|lce officers and detectives wore sent to the scone. Engineer O. 0. Hunks commanded the switch engine. To muke the ap proach less noticeable, lie darkened bis head light and sped his train lot-ward, depending only on the bright glow of the moon. When the switch engine approach* ed thr scene, the officers could plain ly see two of the men at work, rifl itig an express package two hun dred yards from the train. At first the pair paid no heed to the switch engine's arrival, but when the offi cers stepped down the'tneu fled. The officers tried to surround the men, whom they were sure they would capture, but the bandits mys teriously disappeared. Most of the deputies returned to the city at day light reporting "nothing doing." Sheriff Mentor sent out another force of men and Police Chief Un derwood tmt all the men at his com mand on the Job. It was believed tile bandits crept back into the city which Is being searched thoroughly and several suspects have been ar rested. It is possible they boarded a Wabash Trelght train then passing tiles cene oT the holdup. If definite clews are not found to day Sheriff Mester will probably re quest Governor Deneen to Issue a proclamation offering a reward. DECEMBER 24, 1912. MERRY CHRISTMAS j We extend to everyone our best wishes for a MERRY and HAPPY CHRISTMAS Ingram-Powder Clothing Company "HOME OF GOOD VALUES" I TIRES, TUBES ~ odb A Bbow wSroow ~| ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Will convince wo - carry In stock ■ml all urrctiborl-a (or the Aulnmo -1)11-. Mntorrrcl- and Hl< rfl« carried *“ JSfffLjuK!?* **"' at ull times. Vulcanizing our spec. . ■PP l “* cei IjUj. Good C Print mas suggestions In readings lumps, etc. TheTriiidid Novelty Works ,T ri ?i ,u i c «»“? Pbou Trinidad is*. Electric Supply Co. , I Ph. Trio. 11. 311 B. Mala. Quality printing anything everything —at ths Chronicle-News '""■" ■•"•■ ■■i ■■• ■■■sMiHnß ofric—. Work dallv.nd when prom- Pmil nke for Zui-hm’l. t Merry Christmas THE BEST YOU HAVE EVER HAD Store Open Until 10 Tonight P. & W. Shoe Company H. .1 PALMQITST J. C. CALDWELL LAST OF THE GAMBLING CASES Tin* Inst of ninety-throe gambling cases were disposed of In the county court today when Joo Malouff and Max Franch entered plea* of guilty to the charge of keeping gambling rooms, and were uhhosomI the mini mum fine. $30 and costa. Two other eases against Franch were nulled at the request of the district attorney. All the cases are now wiped off the court slate save those of Frank Con ant, K. M. Cook, Elmer Ithodes. Clarence Ithodes and W. R. Rhodes, whose cases have been set for trial in January. Fruit cake for Inm.—Kuver'r. 2 I . Some laMnnal P Ie State Bank Send their money awgy <!■■■■■ m in———— from Trinidad aud buy their goods from outsider*. By so doing they take the pcpflt* i _ away from the home mer- JA chant curtailing hia busl /|j doss and reducing his pro fits, thus injuring him, the PAID ON TIME DKPOSITS Do your banking btial* ness with the only hank in Trinidad that. Is owned and controlled by home capital. QAI’RTV ni IYKIT The profits of the bank will OAF IV I i IJl'.l IJOI l be spent In Trinidad and BOXES FOR KENT not Rent to outside owners. I I I! PAGE FIVE Pub. Ik-c. 9. 1912— Jab. It, 191:1, NOTICE Peali-d hid* will be received for the const ruction of the |«a* Aoltsua County Court llotinc. until 11 o'clock a. ni. January 15, 1913, by the Board of County Commissioner* of La* Ani mas County, Colo., at their office, corner Main and Chestnut Street*. Trinidad, Colorado, according to plans and specification* on file with I. II. and \V. M. Rapp company. Ar chitects. Masonic bulldiug, Trinidad- Colo. All bids to he marked hide on Court House, and addressed to the undersigned. The Hoard reserve* the right to reject any and all bids. 0. F. 1IAKLAN. Cb i*lrtnau.