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Heating Stoves If tin- one you have docs not wuiui your house these cold day*. let uh put you otic u|i that will and lake your olil one In exchuugo. STOVE REPAIRS We carry in block adjustable stove liuiiiK to fit any biovc. Title In the time of year when your cook stove or rang* is taxed to Its ulmost, Don't mini It by buruiiig It too long without the liulngs fixed, fall us up. Wo will call and see what is needed. The Cash Bargain Store I’lione Trinidad tjon .103 North Commercial St' CLASSIFIED APS. ... FOR SACE-rOR RENT SITUATION u. AND GENERAL WANTS jK Kkuuil sii»l Hitustlou Fib** Two I *i*«rt *«»**• *"* Wanted-Male Help For U. 8. army. Able bodied un married men between IK** of I** and 35; rltl/cua of Foiled Ktate*. of good character and temperate l.ab.ts who tau speak, read and writ# tbP Knallsh Uukuskiv For Information apply to Recruiting Officer. 102 Weal Mala St.. Trinidad. Colo. tr. Wanted AM who do not receive their rhtiitilili-A'nss to photic this office, between 9:00 end 7:00 the same evening. Sr.-ond hand furniture Carmich ael and »*o . Phone Trinidad 530. tf Your films to develop. 10c a roll nt Rreeu’s Drug Store. *mo. When you want a Rood home rooked meal this Is the Bachelors* home, 521 State St. tf tSIrT for general housework. Apply 259 fill avenue. 3 experienced girl Mr general house work Apply morning* to 201 K. 2nd street. if fash paid for cast off clothing. Shoe* and huts. Call Trill. 426. Imu 'reams to haul coal, apply 302 (ioddard Ave. or phone Trln. 910. tf farrier boy. Must have home. Ap ply nt fhronlde-Newa office. tf For Sale Sell off your surplus stuff buy using f-N want ada. They only coat 5 cents a line. sf fur ro w an.i second hnnil fumlt uro cull on Carmichael and Co.. 130- 132 Klin street. Phona Trinidad (•30. W Appropriate Christina* presentn. hook* and liiblen carefully selected from missionary stock, fall Itev. J. W. Taylor, phono Ited 182-1 rings. 3 Cleanup *i« on Qotaard Cortot*. I*.', per cent off while tlio» last. 428 West First or Phone Trln. 70 t» Ten shares Trinidad Milling mid Milling Co. slock, phone Trln 251. tf Lost Dentlriuan's comb In ease. Finder pleusc leave same at this office. """"Package lea spoons. Finder please return to tills office. 2 Some where, either near postoffice mi Walnut. Chestnut, or Maple street Ituckclliook containing a sum of mon ey and other articles valuable only to the owner. Finder return same to liu N. Maple. $lO Howard. ’”*liT*lhed*ty. gentleman's open face gold watch, brass tag attache*!, in.ll kr<l A. K. I licks. Co. F. 10th Mo. Vo|. Kelurn to f-N. Hew aid. Found Found in the f-N contest ballot box. n small sum of money. Owner limy have same by calling at this of fice and stating amount. Two inllesTlown the river a black mare, branded "HA” on loft hip. Call I ley-Patterson Meat Co. 3 Furniture We buy and sell second hand fur niture. Full Trinidad _4Q3 tf Taxi Cbb ” Xiixl liny «r iliKbt. Call Toltoc 110- I. I, Trill. ~'»l. or Trln. 2»4. *£ Cleaning Clcmilna.* prcMlng anil dyelu*.— Til. Trinidad Cleaning and Dyr Works. “ ABSTRACTS THE TRINIDAD ABSTRACT CO. ROOMS » AND 10. POITHtV BLOCH PHOHI THIN- D1 a 641 TUESDAY For Rent. Three room furnished apartment, with hath. Also 2 rooms for 912. light, heat and water furnished. >l. la. 1,. Anderson. Anderson block, tf "" Furnished housekeeping rooms, tut) Fnlvcrslty. Phono Ited 1442. tf Booms for light hou'kccplng at Lu cerne. Pboue Baca 383 or 418 Beech. tf. One. two or three rooms for house keeping. reasonable, 508 Animas, if i One 7-ruoui house. 1703 Nevada Plioue Bed 2072. 2j Furnished rooms for light house- j keeping. 509 K. Ist Bt. if I I I I Four room house with water at j 121 \V. Baca. $l5. Apply 922 ltobiu-| son. ® Three rot/ii house, w-ltb water $B. | Apply 022 Hoblnsou. 0 , Modern 5 room bungalow. Apply! M. A. Kastou. 317 \V. Topeka. tf. Modern rooms for llgbt bouse keeping. 2QI Slate 81reel, tf Situation Wanted Free employment bureau, office of \»*orUlcd Charities. 419 Commercial street. Phone He I 2992. Help urnUlo d and croidoyment secured. If Work lu sturo or office by com petent young man. Pboue Hod 3735 IP year old boy wants work with j privilege of going to school. Will j work for hoard. Phone Hcd 2092. 2 Printing If yon need printing or any kind : ••nme to the Chronicle-News. High ; class work, reasonable prlees. Papering _ " U|i to-dalo design. ot w.ll paper. | l.nrgn (election. Very loweet price.. |J-> Ilurkland. 109 Kaet Flrat. Phone j nuca 663. I guarantee. tf. Money to Loan ■ 111 clinllcl wearily: reawinnblo roles. Ik O. Newnani, lib W. Main. STEAMER GOES AGROUND c'uiidy Hook, N. .i.. D. e. 21.--Nos ing her way through a blinding snowstorm I hi* sleamship Turrlalba of the Fulled Fruit company's line went hard aground today on the sandy wastes of the Jersey shorn line between Itarucgnt and Atlantic City. A stiff northwest gale was blowing but this afternoon word was receiv ed my blrelcss that slur was resting easily. The vessel carries nearly six ty passengers. United States reve nue cutter Scncru started for the scene at once. The weather was so thick that the rescuers had trouble in locating the stranded ship and the Seneca reported by wireless that she would have to proceed cautiously. The Turrlalba*s plight first be came known In a wireless message from Captnin Llnduy. her comma nd- TAFT AT COLON folon. Dec. 2 4.—President Taft and his; party arrived here today on board the United States warship Arkansas. They landed at the dock this morning. The party includes the president and Mrs. Taft: Charles I*. Taft. Jr.: Miss Louise Taft, Char les I). Hllles and Mrs. llllles. Beck men Wlnthrop and Mrs. Wlnthrop, Major T. J. Hhoades. U. S. A. Aide De (’amp. Leluteuant Commander J. \\. Timmons, u. s. n. Fruit cake for XmM.— Kttver’l. 2 ” THE CKRONICLE-NEWS. TRINIDAD. COLORADO. THE MARKETS /Ss. FULL ASSOCIATED PRESS (@> DAILY REPORTS Vsg; NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Now York. I>ee. 34.—The early stork market today wua of a typical pre-holiday character. Many of the active speculatora were absent from the street and those who remained took only a perfunctory luterest in prices. Dealing* revealed some Ir regularity but the torn* became bet ter after a futile effort had been made by the hears to attract a fol lowing by selllug the active shores. 111-ports of uti agreement in the sub way negotiations Infused some strength Into the local tractions. The money marked displayed further firmness, call loons renewing ut 9 per cent ns* compared with I, |fer cent yes!ei day Bonds were steady. A few speclaltlea moved wildly but the active list was uegleated. Trans act lons Mr the hour aggregated only alsuit 7.000 thares. Uuwillingness to trade was In creased by u rise iu call money to s points and speculation cuuslitcd ol merely sculping transactions The close was firm. Business was centralized In the locul traction group In the final hour. Brooklyn trunslt rose 3J; Thirl Avenue 3*. and the luterbor ough Metropolitan stock-* I to 2 points. Ilallroad and other special ties were firm on n limited demand. Atchison 1054; Northern Pacific 120: Union Pacific 1594: Amalgam ated 75 J: Cireat Northern 7302: I Heading 1071: St•i:| 072: Sugar 11 7; New York Central 1073: Southern [Pacific 105: Steel preferred 1091 THE MONEY MARKET New Yolk. Dec. 21. Money on Icul| firm. 54» 8 jH-r cent: ruling rate J 0: ( losing bid 54: offered at 0. Time loans weaker: oo days 0 i*cr Leal: 9<i davf* 5 ;©C: six mouths 51 I .. j .*J per rent. j Close: Prime mercantile paper 6 i per cent. ; Sterling exchange easy with act ual business In bankers' hills at | S|| for On .lay bills and nt 1.553 for demand. Commercial bills 1.807- llnr silver 924. Mexican dollars 49. (lovernraeut Itond* steady. Railroad bonds Irregular. | ka:;sas city oeaih and mat Knnrax City, Mo. De. 21.---Cosh ' Wheal unchanged to 4e higher \o .2 hiiril 83 41 She: No 3 sl* . No. 2 red lo|4<i.o|. No. 3 99© '•os. Corn uiiehuuged to 4«- lower. No j 2 mixed 40: No. 3 ll© 14 4: No. 2 Iwbllo 10; No 2. 4Se 1 Oats unchnuged. No. 2 white 314 . © 35; No. 2 mixed 334*734. | R» 02. i May steady. Choice timothy 1541 13.50; eholeo prairie I 2 4i 12.50. I Receipts: Wheal 77 ears; corn 93 jears; oats II curs. Close: Wheat. May 80',. July 831 © 83jJ. Corn, May 10',': July I7J. Oats. May 31!. CHICAGO 4UABD OF TKADE Uhb-ngo, Dee. 2 I.—Drain and provision* markets opened dull and narrow today with flic* tone generally easier. Traders for the most part were evening up their deals in prep aration for the holiday tomorrow*. May wheat opened J4i to 141 ge down at fit 1 !»l 4r Q. The close was ( wenk. May 2c down at 014U5- I May corn, opening 47* 4c lower nt J 18!© declined t<» 4844(5- The | elore was weak. May 2c lower at i May opened unchanged to a shade up .it 534(*i \ lo 33\ an Udcrlined to 33. There were no early iiuotutioiiH for May pork, hut January started 24c lower at 17.70: May lard opened a shade down at 9.97}, and May rili.s 2fic down, at 9.80. THE LIVESTOCK MARKET Chicago Livestock. Chicago, De<\ 24. —Cattle receipts 5,500. Market steady to strong. Beeves 5.95 If 9.50: Texas steers 4.50© 5.80; western steers 5.7u@ 7.50; stoekers and feeders 4.25(g) 7.10: cows and heifers 2.75 ©• 7.75: cu 1 vc* 6.5 04i 9.9 5. HOGS: Receipts 19.000. Market steady to strong. Light. 6.95© 7.37}: mixed 7.05(3* 7.50: heavy 79? 7.50; rough 7© 7.15: pigs 5 © 9.00. Bulk of sales 7.20 (fi 7.40. FHKKP: Keccipts 10,000. Market steady. 10c up. Native 4 4i'5.30: western 4.15© 5.30: yearlings 5.90©-9.90; lambs, native 9© 8.30: western (*.3o© 8.30. Kansas City Livestock. Kansas City, Mo.. Dec. 21.—Cattle rrretplH 5.500. including 300 south orns. Market stroug to 10c higher. , Native steers©9; soulhorn steers 4.75 41 7.25; southern cows and heifers 3.50 native cow** and heifers 5.4«-• 8; * tuckers and feed er* I 804(7.1". bulls 1.254( 9.25; calves 74( 1" Wi-**leru steers 5.50© 8. western cow* 3.75'•( 9.5(1. HODS: Itccelpts 9.00". Market atrong to 5c higher. Bulk of sales 7.1007.40: heavy 7.354(7.45; pack er* and butcher** 7.20© 7.10; light 7 ©7.30: pig- 5.50© 9.75. 8I1EKP: Receipt* 3,000. Market *t roug. Mutton* 5 :.o© 1.75; luinh* 9.25© fi; r.iuge wrethrri and yeurliug* I © 9.7 5; range .-we* 34i 4.35. Denver Livestock. Denver, Colo. Dec. 24. Cattle receipts 900. Market higher. B*-ef sleet lib 7.50; cow* and heifer* 4'-( 9.50 sockor* and feeder* stf 7. calve* 9 .» 7.50. HDDS: Hecelpts 500 Market higher Top 7 !«•: bulk 7 25© 7.30. SHBBP: Hecolpta Market rtrour Yenilings 5.354*9: wethers 4.35© 5; lamb* 9.7 5© 7.25; ewes 3.75© 1.25. THE WOOL MARKET 8l laOills. Uu . Dee 24 Wool steady. Territory ami western me dium* 2 1 *i 2 Flue mediums 18 *i 20c. Fin** 13© 17c. Boston. Mu©. Dec. 2 1 Transfer* of domes?le wool are b>-*-<*mlni; light, alt hough there is Millie demand for Deere* Valo* are easier but the shading I* noil««*able iu only a few line*. The demand for territory wool both In «*ilgln.»l mill In grade storks ha* fallen off but scoured territory moves freely l ine territory staple Urlug* 99 cent - scoured \ lair I.* r*mm| trade has sprung up io unwashed grade** with Ohio selling nt 28 cents. Texas and California w*m*l is very dull. Kasteru buyers are prepared for Hie annual «rli> to the western rang es for flu- 1913* lip. THE COTTON MARKET Cnlvcston. Texas. Dec. 21.—Cotton unchanged. I l New York, Dec. 24.—Cotton spot closed steady. Middling uplands 13.20. middling gulf 13.45; no sales. THE METAL MARKET si I axil*-. Mo.. Dec. 21.—Lend dull. I I" Spelter dull. 7.15. New York. lie* 21. Copper dull Standard *<>ot to March 17© i 17.37; electrolytic and Ink*- 17.92© 17 87; casting* 17.25 41 17.37. Tin rteailv. Spot t** December 5o 2.50.25; January sn© 50.05: Fehruary 4 !».H5 4/ 59.95. Lead dull. 4.20 4» 1.30. Speller dull, 7.204 l 7.10. Antimony dull; Cook*ou*s lui. Iron *iulet trad unchanged. Miss Alice Thaw to Wed Boston Banker Pittsburgh. Pa.. Dec. 23. -Cards have been Issued by' Mr*. Charles Whitney of Boston announcing I In engagement of her son. (Scoffrev W. Whitney, a banker, to Alice Cornelia Thaw, formerly the Countess of Yar mouth. and since her divorce from Yarmouth known ns Mrs. Conley Thaw. The date for the wedding has not been set, but it will prob ably take place In the spring. Whit ney’s fiancee is the daughter ol Mrs. William Thaw and n sister of Harry Kendall Thaw. I | Chronlclc-Nows, r>oc per month. DECEMBER 24, 1912. Incentive for Living. If a man J* an Invalid, and wlahaa lo live*, *lv» turn an engroaatng tank to perform. Thl* la th* leaaou of thn last montba of General Grant * Ilf*, according to Mark Twain, aa quoted tu Harper'* Magaalne. After tbe gen* eral Aatabed Hi* mamotrs, Mark Twain write*, “the larJc of any atrong Inter net to employ bla mind enabled th« tedlona wwrlima to kill blm. I tblnk bla book kept him alive months." Reward. ■very time we do a thing careless ly. falling to pul our highest tbought tnd our greatest akill Into It. we are lessening mr ability to do good work This I* the penalty that unfaithfulness to duty carries with It. lint when ever wn put onr best Into our work, exercising care In tbs slightest detail, wo are adding to our power*. This Is the reward of fidelity to each opportu nity.—Blanche t'oonley Messing. Child's Narrow Escape. A little four-year-old Han Bernardino (Cal.) girl. Harriet Rtrang. recently bad a remarkable escape from death. Bb«* picked up a rattlesnake and car ried It some distance to tbe porch of her home, where she let the reptile bltoe tbe bouse dog The dog died In agony two bourn Inter. The dog's cries attracted notice and the parents dcapatciied the deadly reptllu before It could do further Injury. Bird Sanctuaries Bird sanctuaries recently have been established In lQngland and In Aus tralia. An attempt is now being made to protect the herona of Kgypt. from which country the birds rapidly are disappearing before the guns of the plume hunuvw The bird-protective work la becnmlng world wide In Its manifestation. All countries finally are becoming to realise the service which the birds iwnder to man. Retort Imperative. Kenelnn had repeatedly boned Richelieu for subscriptions to various charitable schemes and the cardinal always refused xr loosen up. One day Kenelcn was telling him that be had been locking at hla I Richelieu's) new picture. "Did yen ask It for a sub scrip'lon?" Inquired the cardinal “No: I saw there was no chance." re plied tendon: "It looked so much like you/* Limit of Quackery. A story Is told cf a noman whose lover had an unconquerable antipathy to red hair, so she applied to a quack to have the color altered. He replied that this was his wife’s department, and that she would furnish the lady with a leaden comb and the antl-Kr> ihraean unguent which "after two or three applies!lona will make you aa fair or aa dark aa you plaaae." Tidal Wave Flooded Graveyard. Terrible scene* were recently wit nessed at the little seaside village of Premia del Mar. Spain The recent torrential rmlnfull has destroyed the churchyard, washing ir.o corps*-* 1n«o the sen. Twenty coffin* floating In the sea were saved by fishermen of tho village. Sharpening Scissors. The simplest way of sharpening scissors la to take a knife and cut sway at the back of ft. as If you wish ed to rat the hind** «f the knife In two with tbe scissor*. IV* this ten nr twelve time*. Th« efhsct Is marvelous. Thn poker can take tho place of a knife. Nothing There to Find. •'Well. Minks." said Dnbblelgh, "1 see that they have just hnd their cam ir.enormcnt up at your boy’* college. Hew d'd he stand the examination of hi* mental baggage?" "AH right." said Minks, "they didn’t find aovibing dutiable." —Harper's Weekly. Conditions to Fear. Of one thing we may be certain, tfou our times of norrow* and dlnmay are but the natural sign* that, we are mot»»lng fast—we need not fear thrmC What «-e have rather to fear are tlm time* when we recllno In In dolent content.—A. C. Denson. Not Much Disconcerted. A workman on a building In New York city was recently buried under tons of earth. After being rescued he shook the aand from hi* clothing and announced that he was "all right" and resumed work with a shovel. Not Sought After. A great CMrman doctor let It be known that he eras blessed with a wife "who could make red hair as white aa a lily," but no modern woman would wish to patronise her. Its Root Value. "This poem wae written by a promi nent lawyer of this city. Has It. any ▼alas?** "About aa tnuoh value." said the editor, "aa a legal opinion written by. a post."—Washington Herald. The Beneficiary. GUaat—So the Jury gave me SI,OOO. That’s great, eh? Lawyer -Yes. my boy. You don’t know how badly I needed ItriLlfa Clear Mind. To clear tho mind of life's obscuri tleg-v-jhat l* to live.—*\ P. Sayipjeu. NATURE AND SCIENCE UNITE TO MAKE E Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey j A MEDICINE FOR ALL MANKIND I licit in cases < f :»om*rl>, tl-mit B *n«l 1 ""if trouble I•» •» i**n»o stimulant Ami hotly builder. t ...Ir-muk rJDk WLy i nti rj -I p W MMmr ir« piTt-n> -"no *«*n iumuii i t lUlTbr .11.1 -ir.lna |l "• 4 >•*** * '"A Wrtu l-t arfvM-r And 1. i-hl '»*£. |™****tem p*>aw> ia*i» iuw»Au»r. n. %. j gj KERN PLEADS FOR ALLEGED DYNAMITERS (Continued from page one.) -••iialor. “Would you permit n con test over a row to Im» decided by t lie word of such u man?’* “It lias lui-ii said ttint Hi*- National Kreclois’ nsMH'lallon un*l tin- I’nltcil Slate* Steel corporation has had nothing to do witli this raw But it has been shown here that th** ag*-tit* of the National ICrectors* n*s*M'|atloii t*mk flout the Iron Worker*’ union Iw-ailquuiler* tin.utiu letters I-'kuii th*-** Ho- government. l*s»k Ino let ter* In which It was sought lo show a conspiracy existed. "Did the government read all of « Store Imu letter*? No. only p.nt* of th*.-• i* tiers, tho parts which tu«- proscrutlon thought show**! » .on splracy. "Why, since the time f.o .1 . hang*- In the ndniliiHtratb-n thl* country ! approache*. I have reel veil .or. of I letter* on a variety of subjects it '>l*ll read those letter* literally you j might convict the writer* with al ! most any charge you wished to make , against them " • The erectors* n- uu latl-111. t.» which ; Senator Kern referred was mi organ j Izaihm of open .hop 1 cntrio tor* against whom th*- Iron worker-' tin- I lon had ended :t strike Iteferrlng i«> what h«- • ailed "the interests which wanted th> tin-11 pros. • uted. Senator Kern - .id: "When the grenteyt crlinln.i if the eeiitury Is prosecuted- and it will In it will ho an gt t «.. ret lb 1 01 it these lalMiriug men now on trial were called upon 10 pas* upon tin 1.-itern that wouldl lie produred " Senator Kern attempted to show that tile evidence again-' Olaf \ Tvellnioe and Kilgeiu* \ ('lain v of San Krnnelsco; l-*rnnk K l*nlnt*-r of iOiiiiiliii: Michael .1 llannon. S.•ran i lon, I'a : and against other d*-f< ml ants. •’was not sufficient to convbt I Item.** j .SeuuUir Worn deserlbed as “the ■ third degree ' certain federal ligation.* in |.os Angel*-* Oscar Lawler, special assistant to ill.- :*t j torney general and Arthur I. Witch. I deputy district allorney of Lo* An j gcli * county liad test If led that IClnticy was examined in Lu- Aug'des. that heenuse of heart trouble In- was attended by a nurse and that lie fainted. Tho third degree hn- liecunu- so ol»- noxious that recently a congressional Investigation was ordered. said Ke r. "We had suppnseil It was practiced only by the police. No I one ever thought of Ms being used j by higher. "Thai was done In Clancy's cn-c. Almost collapsing and in such :i con dition that stimulants had tn he given lie was put through a third de gree by those who engaged In It against all contempt of law and de cency.*' Senator Kern said the only evi dence prodnerd was that concerning I the flight front ralifornin of Mrs. Flora Caplun, wife of James M. Mc- Namara's accused accomplice. Clironlclc-Nows, r»oc n month. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, ni they cannot reach tho scut of th<- dlsca**-. Ct tiirrh Is a blooil «»r constitutional dlaciive, mu) in order to euro li you tnurt taka In ternal r-mcdles. ll.ill’s l.’-itnrrh Cur- l.i taken Internally, uml a 1. directly upon the tilood and menus surface*. I..tils Catarrh Cure I* 11 >t a *|U i- 1; ni i. u-• >’ tens prescribed by *c.o of the h-..t p’iv— siclan* In thin lovntry f r y- urn snn r; a regular proscrlp'l'ci. I ' • ♦ho hr*: tonics known, .-ml vv" - »• heat blood purlfi r.:. r-’tiv.g dir-*-n tJ-. mucous sm faces. T jvrfrn tlon of the two Ingredlc.vt.-. I- *“h 1 r" 1 - duces ouch wonderful i'* , s"P- i 11 catarrh. ft«-nd fee 1 *im .1' I*. lr«-c. F. • ■ ill NI V • - -• Pi ro! »: »• t. Take Unlt’u t auid/ i dl-t for c- ;stq>ouou. PAGE SEVEN SALVATION ARMY TO PROVIDE BIG CHRISTMAS DINNER A rimml Mib-tautial t'lillstma- din ner will bo provldotl •>' tho Salva tion Army t*» every family In Trini dad that would otherwise not have .1 (’hrlstma* dinner Ihi-lgii ''a**- b hMiking after every poor fnmllv md tho baakt 1 d< llvort -i tut key. chicken or roast. with pota to**, crunberrlo*. vegetable* aml other thing* that go lo make ti good ClirlMma* dluti'-r Th*- kind hearted people «*f Trinidad have **.n ti |butt d lib rail) to tho mlu boil ilactnl at different plan iboul ami to Ho- pot on th.- corn- > «•♦ the city Knalgn Cast kept bus) lod • y delivering the t’hrlsiina-* *lluncr Imskcla. ut thl* I* only a i».' t of what tin- Salvation \nn> will do to Inlrg Chi I*l me* t*i i-vciji horn* Next Saturday ululit there will I*** •» Christ mat tret •> tht halva lion \ b| barracks, with • im.y ami tiul* and .1 little gift for the children of tjlo poor Donation* f*i*»*l ami • l«»i <• - have been coming In. and the tin • i a led l*»r t«'moriow TRADED JOBS WITH "$500 TO BOOT”: PUNISHED BY COURT 1.. 1 • U K Rich ter, 11 • ' < • • I ler who *-x* hang >1 hi |o»ltlon with 1 D-nver carrier and paid '$ f*» !.- .1 . w.i. lit* n-•-•I v. lcn>/ 1r- Fedci a I Judge Wcllm. m- to pay a Hi**- of 91 and to ir-rve on* day In Jail. ltl« liter pleaded guilty. lie said In- v . -. in hud health and thought a . hail,, ni clHuut c -■••M 1 -u* f■’ l 1 m V"* Mardi Gras tlii* \ - ir vm Y--u'.- .- it ui' ' - n..t ana: m.« : < t!..1» l-.» cm trip .it tin- if •' tim' ' ! 1 -nvi - - - • . •• ' im .1». ll;c-ic • tlic Southern Pacific Steamships . • Only $6O w. k. McAllister. Cm. A c t. 313 Railway Lxchnnua bltfit. j | DENVER. COLO. |