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PAGE TWO I WE'RE BUSY TAKING I INVENTORY j But will take care of our cuatomcrs. giving them tome rcul bar* J I gains. Must make room for new Spring stock. a THE BEE HIVE | 423 Commercial Street Trinidad, Colorado t STOPS ITCHING SCALP OVER NIGHT Ouaiaaterd by The Hauxaiaa Drug I! Co. to Stop FallißE Hair and i Dandruff. Itching scalp, keeps you stratch -1 n*; a ini feeling miserable all the time. Wat*lt your hair tonight unit houp ami water, rub ou u goodly I •luautity of PARISIAN Saga ami the distressing Itch I ness will bo goue la , the morning. PARISIAN Sage is a pure, rofresh- I lug ami invigorating hair dretialng. Reside* putting an cud to scalp itch, dundruff and falling hair It nour ishes tin* hair roots ami preserves the < o|nr of the hair, uml puts n 'splendid radiance into fuded and unattractive hair It should bo used by every tm-ni* ber of the family to keep the scalp free from dandruff germs ami pro* vent baldness. Igtrgn liottlo 50 cents at The llausman Drug Co. and drug gists everywhere. BEVERIDGE WILL ANSWER SENATOR LA FOLLETTE St Paul. Minn.. Dec. 26. Former Senator Beveridge will answer Sena tor lat PDlhtte 111 his address before the Progressives of Mlehlgsu. Minne sota. Wisconsin. North and South Dakota, at a meeting to he held In St Paul January 21. The Wisconsin senator will address \u meeting of Progressive at the Min neapolis auditorium next Monday. Senator I.t Follctto will discus* the Pnigresslve movement Monday night, lie will he followed January 22 by Senator Kenyon of lowu. Big Bargains In uuredi'ctucd diamonds- rings, watches and other Jewelry. LOAN OFFICE POLIAK BROS. g“ 2"6 North Commercial St. Telephone Trinidad 418. TRINIDAD UNDERTAKING CO. UNDERTAKERS 321 WEST MAIN ST II. 11. BIPH :: :: Funeral Director HOTEL CORINADO Announces to its friends and patrons that It has Installed a first class A* la Carte service, with exceedingly moderate prices and a cuisine sec ond to none. I In addition to our A’ la Carte hill we serve from «l n. in. to 10:30 n. tn. special Club breakfasts. Prices rang ing from 15 cents to 50 cents. A feature Is our noonday luncheon for 35 cents. An especially attractive Table D' Note dinner will ho served on Sun day from 12:30 to 2 p. in. for 50 cents Your patronage respectfully so licited. CARL STEVENSON VIOLIN TEACHER I N lON MUSIC FURNISHED FOR ALL OCCASIONS Phone Red 1533 147 Tillotson St. y Good Old | I Schneider Beejr f Y The favorite drink of the community ♦ V for more than thirty years V X Century Bottled Beer 1 X Light A X Muenchener Bottled Beer X Dark A X DEFIES COMPETITION Y i PH. SCHNEIDER BREWING CD. f .*• Phone Trinidad 54 Trinidad. Colo. X <■ >• >-«♦*❖❖❖❖❖ ❖❖ ❖ ❖ THTJBSDAT „ DM. T. Folia Oouraud'a Oriental Orssm or Magleal ■••utifss fEET 3ft, wa 5% »rvAI It.ll -4ia IbNtwa 1. 1 ltd »>«y tfen..4 ■ gr.l • a b-Mlf. aa4 ** g ! 4l ff Jr l&irstxta s?i| j < fr sonatas r - riy ray. \ Sajm w 4 Vo\ 1 1 lair u« tui 1 j/j C "4‘ T'" J Wbi ‘(iearaa4'« reran* u tk« Vs* LamVui “TavJ Mia MT*«raiie-.t - ait by at •Inux*'* a sttaacj OuuSa IVaUteiath. IliwJ ami Saw.a IBtT.MfIOU, ha. V M km IM. Im Ink Iron Workers Guilty | Says Dist. Attorney (Continued from Page One.) month to carry ou dynamiting and b* which lie was enabled to send hi lit other to Los Angclea at the holies* of Tvt-ltmoe and t'lanry ami then with one Infernal machine kill 21 persons." -aid Attorney Miller. * flamy was once vhe prealdcnl o the union lie wut familiar will ulini was going ou. On August 31 I* * -i, tlict-- wan na explosion nt Sc at tie ami Clancy was there. ••Clnnticy was in float on with M J Young when the law Angeles explos lion occurred Hut he hurried hack tt .miii Fran. I*«o after telegraphing thu ct id* i »-e ohmild la- destroyed, '(‘leaf house*, he -aid. • This Clancy, who aaeisted If planning tin- l*»* \ugeb-* Times ex I iu-I'.ti. who went to Salt Igtke Clt; to help nJm«-* It M> Nnmara. tin m'irderrr, flee from the scene of lib • time ought now to be on trial fo. murder Instead «*f being hero. Frank C Webb of New York, who wrote tc McNamara that Clancy's mind secmcc in wander to the Golden West. I» there any question as to why Clancy** mind wandered to the Golden West when ho read of the killing of 3J people? Whose mind wouldn't wan der to the Golden West?" Yet a United States senator, paid by Hi,- public to perform duties In the treat cut law making body In the world, lias dared to stand here and dt fend flam y. Will that senator or any lawyer explain to this Jury what flamy meant In his telegram to •Clean house?' " All argument was ended nt 3:55 • loek this afternoon. Judfte An d-rsnn proceeded to Instruct the Jury i *lhe Annual jj Inventory (todies next. There are some odds and ends of vnrious goods to lie dls|Nised of. Special prices are made to move them. Fresh vegetables as usual for Friday ami Saturday. White House Mercantile Co. J. J. HILL SAYS FARM YIELDS CAN BE DOUBLED (tcnult ef Year'* TetU on ISO Fermi Explained by Railrocd Executive who hax now Demonxtrated PowlMllty of Increaxiny Qraln Yield* 100 Per Cent. , N»:\v Yokk, D«*c. Figures which I |sre now roming in (min tr*t- conducted' [‘on more than one hundred ami fifty Warm* in the Northwest, through the lencouragemcnt • I lames J I Jill, already 'show that the l'hri*in gilt of (lit j railroad head to the iuriurr* of the country will !•< . < of ilir mot valuable Ihey have ever received, taking the form I of a proven mrtlmd for doubling liteir grain yield* For many .-car* Mr. 11 *l4 j luis been preaching better I'arining I methods, but it was only .1 year ago that his efforts f.nallx t<-«.k tLc* concrete form :«l the trials which have nude thi* ic markable gift a reality. The re*uli* of lhr»e te ts winrli are now coming in demonstrate that l»> following the methods advocated * Mr Mill it is possible for the farmers of this country to double their yields of wiieat. oat and barley, and even to •ii'pu** the greatly superior y ields secured m Germany In undertaking thr*e experiments Mr. Hill was influenced by the 1 gores which 1 show that, ill spite of • - increased population, the rural ixaiti'iti n has been shrinking rapidly and tlir . odd per acre of corn, wheat, oats an. 1 huley for the ten year period following J9of) was less than it was thirty years .go. In other words the* necessity for a remedy irf this farm decadence has beuune more and more pressing and it i% -inh a remedy that Mr. Hill has been working out. turvaiCHT, r ss.ii bko* James J. Hill "Thi?." he explained, '‘means rotation of crops; thorough atid tepeated culti vation. chemical -oil aitalvsi* to discover In what i-lcmi-ut* of fertility if any if is, deficient, am! supplying them, the keep ing of livestock and the liln-ral u*e of harnvnrd manure; tlir selection **i only the best products for u c u» seed, and a careful test for gcrminaiion I* tore plant ing. then alway * more atid l*e:trr culti vation. In this way the yield may lie made sure and profitable beyond our tw*t experience in litis country Ti e *t:»tix ties of comparative production here and abroad give urine incs-urr « f our •rglected opportunity." To put these principle* into :.. U-.n the nr st 'tep and Mr Kill wisely decided againU a “tnodri tVrm** prnie«-t, preferring to show the farmers »»n their own land. So 151 farmers in Minnesota and North Dakota were persuaded ts, set a»ide ti\c ceres nt their land winch they were to work, v.ith the : r own f.i-ni la!- r. along the -cientitic principle- lai«l down hv Mr. Hill The first returns lave just been received from these farm plots and their average yield |>e .1. re i» ( interesting, particularly a* compared with the average yield in the United States and Germany. , These returns show that the average 1 1912 HIS HOODOO Denver. (*olo.. Dec. 2ti.—A. K. !»••- Kicqulea fell oil a slippery sidewalk his morning and broke his hip Thin s the third serious accident this year. Onto he fell and brike an arm and again lie had an arm broken when ■sirn -red by a steer iu Hie Denver Union stock yards. N. Y. LANDMARK DOOMED New York, Dec. 20.—Likiy so many old teeth New York is pulling out one by one most of the lew obi liuidmnrkH that ure left atnoug the newer buildings. The passing of the Old Grapevine, a little gable roofed a«- house at Sixth avenue and Elev enth street is announced for the new year to give place to u modern structure for other pui|>oses. Alex •McClelland, a Scot, who has presid ed over Its musty ale and mutton pic for forty years, is going into retire ment. The old two story frame house has many traditions and in its time liuh been visited by many dis tinguished persons. The last mug of ale will lie served across Its bar when the old year passes out. GOETHALS IS SLATED FOR GOVERNOR OF PANAMA I'unaina, Dec. 2C.—President Toft has decided not to nominate the ch. governor of the Panama canal zone or the sulKmlinnte officials until lie returns to the United States. It is, however, generally conceded probable that Colonel (I. W. Goethnls will l»e appointed civil governor. Today's program included a visit by the President to the Culebra cut in the canal zone automobile to the ruins of old Panama City which was sacked mid then raised In l(’*7t by the bucaneer, Henry Morgan, who was nindo a knight by King ChArles If. on his return to Fngland. Chrouiclc-Nows 50c a month. XU CHRONICLE-NEWS, TRINIDAD, COLORADO. I j yield necured r.u the farniv on which l'tc-t- have been conducted were apj proximate!) ;<• follows, wheat All ■ jiu-heU, barley. 47 huvhels and oats, 75 btinhcb. a- compared to an average for ■, tlie whole country of 158 bti«helv of ■ wheat. 24..1 hr lirU of barley and Jo3l ■ bushel* ot oat- In oilier words tliescl II te t* have <fein ii-trated tlie practicability! •|of douldmg gram yield- and even sur-j > I pasting the bi]:h iigu're- which the cubl tivaiion of ibr -ngar l»eri has brought' ! about in (Germany. That they are far. , 111 ever*- of tlir yields *ecured from 'the -aim- land under the old metliod* is : indicated by the fact that Minnesota's wheat yield for this year is estimated at 17 hn-h-L an .. ir. "Tbis." explain- Mr Mill, "is but the beginning 0/ an educative process which ; will br carried • it on a larger scale next * ** Tlir German farmer, who tbiriy-five ago. averaged no greater yield per acre than hi* American cousin, has 11 mcrea «nl hi* «u !d nearly 100 per cent, in that period I. plantiiur his prain crops 'in rotation wit 1 »!>•• * • r Iwef Ind . dentally the otilintion sugar beet i ha* enabled Germany t>* produce all her own -ngar with a $50,100,000 annual surplus foe export. Mr. Hill is emphatic I in his advocai «»f the l»eet a* a farm \ rejttvenator. * The beet adviwates,** he saya. "argue tlut sugar bret cultivation raises ’ the average #*f all otlier crop* raised ini the -atue di*tri- The figures show thud to Ik- true It • due to the fact that it cannot he gr« . n successfully without deep plowing, frequent harrowing, and ai general re*o t u» more intensive cttltivaA lion. That will in*ure large crops of anything where the soil 1* not sterile. Whatever the valuable and suggestive sugar beet stati-tv* may prove in «nhe» ' respects, they r«tabli li conclusively, hy ’ -nch comparisi :•.« as that between the I'nitrsl State* :.m| Gernumy. the practic ability of doubling hy better methods the acre yield of alt our principal farm product* ” In fact, statistics gathered from scored of farmers scattered through the sugan I h«Ti states, who have plained beets irl I rotation with other crop* one year outl of four, show e»cn more remarkable! |.re*ult« ilun Mr. 11 ill's experiment*! Their average teld per acre is: Whe .*. Barley Oatd Bu-hels 43 l 50.14 60. d , These results we-e not from experi ment station* or mode! field*, but com-J 1 mercial farm run for profit. They bear! . out the statement that the *ugar beet cam - do for the Ijutcd States svliat it a hasl , t done for Kuropr. and that the American! .' farmer, by taking thought, can do betterl f than hi* P.uropean cousins at their owtu * g;;’ tc. The sticcr*s of the *ugar beet inj , this country huh a« a crop of fteatj . -..hie in itself an*! as a means of l*H . creasing the yield of other crops grown! : in rotation with it has already been, 1 demons!rated. Nearly 700.000 tons of, . lieet* were ha«se*ted this year and unless* | adverse hglilMjji 1 tenders the indtsslnr* ,- unable lo continue in competition with. the k»wer wages ami the bounties and tariff protfc:ion used to stimulate it in. * foreign countries it i* believed that its! expansion will b- rapid, since once the * farmer has seen hi« neighbor with the r .1 id of a very profitable sugar beet crop 1 doubling hi* yield -if grains he is more ’ and m-re rapidly making a similar on * portmuty f or himself. At present while j American farm progress has tagged until * i: Ins fall-n far Itehind tiiat of F.urope. k For this reason the tests which Mr. Hill * j has he-n carrying on have been of '•particular importance and their results ‘ a* they* notv coming in are looked 1 upon as of the greatest significance for the farmers of the country in their effort s' to improve this condition. m MEXICAN AMBASSADOR TO RETURN TO MEXICO Washington. Dee. 2f*.—Ambassa dor Cnlcro of Mexico experts to leave Washington for Mexico City Decem ber 31 and the probability Is, It wits said nt the vntbnasy today, that he will i.ot return ns he desires to retire and practice law. Honor l«ts Curaln. Mexican minis ter of foreign affairs, who is now in New York, will come to Washington In a few days after Honor Calero leaves, but it Is announced positively that Honor Lns Curaln is not to be the new ambassador OUTLAW HORSE KILLS SELF TRYING TO UNSEAT BRONCHO BUSTER Los Angeles, Calif.. Dee. 26. —An "outlaw" to the Inst. Gray Fugle, notorious as an untamable row pony and victor over many daring broncho busters, met death yesterday In his efforts to unseat Arthur Heheitz, an 18. year old rider. The horse slipped and fell during the furious battlo for mastery and dashed out his brains against n stone curb. Heheitz sus tained a fractured skull iu the fall. Gray Kaglo had been the main stay of "wild west" and moving pict ure shows for years and there is no record of his huvitig ever been mas tered by any rider. TWO HURT IN FIRE Chicago, Dee. 26.—Two boys were severely injured in Jumping from n fire escape and 25 girls fled to the i street through smoke-filled hallways when fire today attacked a four-story brick building occupied by u half dozen manufacturing firms on the west side. Two hundred men and women were nt work in the building when the flames broke out. The building was damaged $20,000. Chronicle-News 50c a mouth. WEST THEATRE TONIGHT AND ALL THIS WEEK THE SPEDDEN AND PAIGE STOCK COMPANY Change of play each night. Specialties lln wren Acts 12- iM:ori,M 12 Hperiul Scenery Tonight l a« t Comedy "THE MAN WHO DARED" 10 cents and 25 cenft Tin WEST THEATRE SUNDAY. DECEMBER 29th BY CHARLES KLEIN AUTHOR OF THE LION ~ -AND THE MOUSE’ -THE GAMBLERS— MAGGE PEPPER.ETC Prices 50c, 75c, SI.OO, 51.50 Scat sale Friday ‘ Dr. J. B. Murphy Who Spoke to Sur geons at Cin. Dec. 20 M- * ' LA FOLLETTE IS BACK ON LECTURE PLATFORM Madison, Wls., lx»c. 2G.- United States Senator La Kollelte will make his first public appearance since the election in the Minneapolis auditor ium next Monday evening under the auspices of the Minnesota Progrcss ivc Repuglican league, lie will talk "on a new deal in polities." KING GEORGE INDISPOSED London, Dec. 2il. King Gcorgo, wlni is staying at his country house at Sandringham was unable on ac count or a chill to attend church on Christmas day and v. a* Mho prevent ed from being present at the Christ mas dinner given j >v Queen Mother Alexandria It was officially Mated today that his majesty has quite recovered,- DECEMBER 26. 1912. Vt CRYSTAL Where Everybody Cues ■m VAUDEVILLE * THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SAT URDAY AND SUNDAY THE DAWNING 50 cent show Tor 10 ccuts Magnificent Vitagraph Produc tion in Two Pails CART. D. J. POWERS Presenting the grandest of all Scenic Ventnloqual comedy productions: "A Cyclone at Sea.” Featuring. Paulina, the big wax doll, a whole boat load ol scenery and effects. BILLY AND 6RAYNELL EVERETT ■ The Hub, »nil Tin- D.inctr " i GRAND HOTEL 1 | An* you experiencing (hem?! I lybt us show you how we ■ kc/p busy, and how *« in creased one business 125 perl cent In eight months. Wo have I plenty to do; so havo our ell-' cuts. Why? PUTATURO BROS. Advertising Experts. Corner Main and Santa Fe« JEFfRYES COAL & MINING COMPANY i ——————— Dealrr, in Bloom. Forhc* nr.d Morley lump rolls. For «um mor me Inr Jewel nnd Morlcy Nut Coal- I Phone Trinidad 225. I I gy> The Arcade Saloon arid Corinado Bar ! Robert Branagh. Prop. Manhattan Cafe C. F. KIRKPATRICK. Prop. OPEN NIGHT AND DAY EVERYTHING IN SEASON And up-to-date. Drop in and get ac quainted. Assuming One’s Risk IN THE MATTER OF Eire or Accident, Is a daugerous policy, let us fully iusuro you In a strong old-lino policy. Bennett 6 Wilson AGENTS Suit 1 McCormick Bldg. Phono Trinidad 103. *The Coleman Coal Company Is now in operation with the Farrell and Glhbs Mine. Our coni will he oil the market Monday. MINE RUN $3-00. LUMP COAL $3.50. NUT COAL $4.00. PHONi: TRIN. G4O. | Eighty Acre f 1 Tract | £ Fine KO sere tract border- % » lug rity limits and ono of the (v largest snaps Wu have had since Y* )> we have been tu the business. <' v > ou nru looking for uu lu- V» » vestment, it would pay you l“'s< << Investigate this. See us at oucu » | Hubbartt t | Agency Company ■ HOO.M 3. COI JO. 111.1)0. . | l-Uuus Trln. 3'J». WILLIAMS Transfer and Storaga Company 331 CIIKBT.NUT ST. I i:n s' Hod 2593 rHE HALL-McMAHON Undertaking Company —UNDERTAKERS— -137 E. Main 8l —Phone Trin- 605. FOR OOOD THINGS TO EAT AND DRINK GO TO THE / Baron? BIGO Cafe i ... *...... i... • I Palace Cafe and Bar: : : OEO. CLERCI. Prop. 119 West Main Street. I *• MERRILL’S : Carpet Cleaning Works v j We Clcamc Cmrprti. Feath an and Mattreuea. and Do Upholatcrinr and Repairing. Carpet Work n Specially— . Phone Baca'4ls. 511 E. 3d ! ; Rowland Plumbing and Heating Company —Phone.(lnc* 238 15U WEST FIRST ST. Estimate! Cheerfully Furnished F. W. CLARK j Attorney-at-Law Suite 3, Color.idu Ituildin^ I—-1. —.- ..... _ *The Pierce Lumber and Manufacturing Co. & I , Everything in Building Material Mill and Job Work n Specialty STOVES anil FURNITURE NEW AND SECOND-HAND FURN! TURE BOUGHT AND SOLD POLIAK 6 RATNER Phone Trinidad 410—418 N. Coin] 'I ' PUHNITUKIS NEW AND SECOND-HAND Bought nnd Sold A. M. CLEAVINGER Telephone Baca 121 M>. 3D I WEST .MAIN .STREET Call JORDAN roil quick Parcel Delivery arid Messenger Service 215 East Main St or Phono Trin. 123 WANTED TO GIVE ESTIMATES and figures on Edwards Motto roofs and tellings, anything in sheet inelnl ‘ paint, content block', anything in ce ment. \V«> manufacture, build and re- / pair. Circulars mailed. CAST STONE CO. I’IIONK ItKI) Ir. 11. 11.I 1 . 11. IIOX ITS J. G. GATES Scientific Optician All work done satisfactory Trinidad 8!) Red 1832 ROOM S—OPERA HOUSE BLOCK AUCTION OF FURNITURE. CARPETS, DRAPER ERIKS every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. THE J. R. WARD FURNITURE AUCTION COMPANY 311 W. Main St. Trinidad. Colo. IIGHTNIHG MESSENGER Day and Night Calls, 10c. WALTER McHENRY Phono Trin. Oil. Longcuccltcr DM,.