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RrH nH • “Tin* vital itiudy fur the employee, IjHWK ,h lu learn everything touching I»»h poaltlou clearly and thoroughly.” —II A WORKMAN. |«M The vital point in financial iuc j ecu, ii adopting the beat plan. Per- WmJ&B,, rf'jrt i aonal and buaineu bills ahould be Mirtf'tyX canceled with bank check*. They J ate voucher*; are liandy for refer- I HAVE! ) ence. Keep your check account— . i „ . . . . 'MONEY here. Our plan u belt. . ,^1 yjrJTt l : THE 90' The BANK M First National Bank Ip Wlxß TRINIDAD. t'OIXJRADO. FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! We take this mean* of announcing In our friend* that the fire in our office Saturday morning. December 21>t. while very unfortunate in many way* did not dritroy onr record* of ex piration* and daily reporta And all iwlicies will be renewed in advance a* heretofore. We arc *'.ill in a position to *ay your polity will not lap*c in this office. We regret to announnr the lot* of most of our 1913 calen dar*. whch were beautiful work* of art. and are *orry indeed that we will be unable to anpply all our client* with the*e, a* waa our intention. We are now located Room 207 Bank Biuldiug. pending re pair* on our old office room, and all butinen* i* having our careful attention a* heretofore. The Home Security-Investment Company laaarance. Loaaa- Real Edate. Bond*. S. c. HALL- President. Oround floor, Pint National Bank Building. EDWARD I*. WIGHT, President. i>. P. Jones, Vice-President. W. It. CHAPMAN*, Caatiicr. II l\. HOLLOWAY. V-Prca. C. It It API*. Aspliludl Cashier. t lhe Trinidad National Bank Cnpitiil i i 00.000.00 Surplus. and Profits f60.t00.00 DIKKCTORB: K. I), Wight. 11. K. Holloway W. J. Murray Phillip Schneider IV P. Jones W. It. Chapman We will be pleated to have your burincmi am) olfer every ac ronimodatoln consistent with safe banking. Intercut paid uu time deposits. HAVE YOU TRIED THE Cas&ba Melons A California delicacy. \\\ have ALL GOOD THINGS IK TO EAT Try our Oregon, iion-irrlguicd up pics. Supcrlutivnly good. Also Cal* I t\ l \ ifornla cnntcloups. The best to cut jj g Sole Agents for Richelieu Phone [pEnMnni 527 Trinidad [|7M|fT|TiClJaAa| North 546 IUkiASIIMNiKSSEp Com l St. Watch Butler’s Ad. , Monday A. H. BUTLER SHOE CO. 108 North Commercial St, SATURDAY m CHXOiaCLX-NRWB, TBUTIDAD, COLORADO PERSONALS 11. I). 11 row ii uf Itatou Is in the t-Uy on a few days* business trip. Mrs. Pruncl* Taylor left this aft t ruuoii for Weston for a day’s visit villi friends. Joint Mayer left tills afternoon for Hast lugs after a day’s busluess trip in this city. Mrs E. Iteuiieti of Indagua was in the i Itv toduy sbopplng and visit ing with friends Mrs. John lleck left ibis tuoruing ft*r Victor, Colo., for m few weeks v islt w Mi friends. Mrs M McGuire left tills after noon !«»»• l.iidlow after a day’s shop ping trlji in ibis city. Miss Adams of Pueblo, who bus been visiting iii Wtttervale, left for her borne tills afternoon. Mr and Mrs. it M. Griswold of A.mllar are iu the city on a day’s shopping and pleasure trip. W W Itoylc, munuger uf the store at Morley was hi the city to day on u day’ll business trip. Miss Jane Alexander left tbls aft ernoon for Weston lor a few days’ visit with Miss Marie Mebrllng. Miss Stella Carey left this morn ing for Forbes where she will spend Sunday visiting with her parents • Mrs. A Aduuison and son left this morning for for a short visit witli friends. | Mrs. I*. L Daw-son and sou left this uiorniUK for Howeit for u day’s visit with friends. Mrs. It. James uud two sous left tbls morniiig for Lynn where they will spend u few days vlsltiug with friends. \V. .1. .Murray, general mauagei of I the Victor-American Fuel company. Is in tbe city on a few days’ busi ness trip. F S. Speeluian. traveling passen ger aegut of tin* Missouri Puciflc rnllroad. Is lii tin* city on a day’s business trii* I; J llerrou returned this morn ing from Claytou. New Mexico. where lie spent a f*-w day- attending to biisiin-ss matters. Mrs A. I*. Coppers and daughter Theliuu have left for lucaid. Kansas, where they will atteinl the funeral nf Mrs. Coppers’ unit her. Kd Hanmeu of Denver ami a former school friend of J. K. Tluuupsou of tuts city In In Trinidad for a abort visit with Mr. Thompson. Mr and Mrs. M. II Lluu ami Mia of Pueblo nrn In the city spending a few weeks visiting with Mr. and Mrs W A. Tribble Mr. Lluu is a brother of Mrs Tribble. F V Clark left his afternoon for Denver on a few days’ business trip. Mrs. A. Iluii her of Raton left Mil* afternoon for Ludlow for a short visit with friends. Th« many friends of Mrs. Clyde Aslieu of too I.*diversity street will be glad to of her Improved con dition. Mrs. A>lieu bss been ser iously ill for the past week. Mrs I 11. Juhiirou of Atlantic. Texas, and cousin of C. I*, and W. H Howell of this city passed through Trinidad last night enroittc to St. la»uin for an extended visit E Von lliiddcnbrock and A Kauri of the Philip Schneider Drew lug company left this morning for Pueblo where they will spend a few days attending to business matters. James Grisham will return tills evening or tomorrow from Sau An tonio. Texas, where he spent a few ! weeks visiting with Ills wife amt ; daughter who are attending the I winter there. | Miss Myrtle Wilson, daughter of | Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Wilson, left this morning for Sullda for u week’s vis it with relatives, returning In time for the reopening of school the sec on d of January. Mrs. A. Parker and daughter Alice and son Howard returned last night from Canon City where they attend ed the wedding of II Parker and Miss Dorothy Dlnck who were mar ried on Christmas day. Mrs. J. G. GHUthler ami son lion aid. and Mrs. Karl llaller expect to leavet he first of the year for New Orleans where they will spend a few months visiting with relatives. They will be present at the carnival to be held in February. Mrs. 11. K. Holloway and Mrs. Gambler of Denver left for the capi tal city today after spending Crhlst mas week In Trinidad vlsitln with friends. They wero the inspiration for several social functions during their stay in the city. Mrs. Henry Igo of Greeley and Mrs. Robert Girling of Kotehklss. who have been in the city lor Iho past week attending the family re union being held at tho Wiliam Green home on Fourth avenue, left this afternoon for Ludlow and Agui lar on a few da vs* visit with rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Denton of La Vet a. Colo., have left for, their homo after spending the past week tu Trinidad visiting with Mr. and Mrs. D. It. Hindman. They arrived In this i-lty to bo present at the wedding of Miss Florence Hindman and Louis Douglas who were married on Christ mas day. Miss Ida Wolcott. Tor the pust four months school teacher at Scgitndo bus been appointed to take one of the grades at the Park street school, made vacant bv the promotion of Mrs. Norn Clark. Mrs. Clark has been appointed principal of the Co lumbian school. Miss Wolcott’s place in Segimdo lias not been filled as yet. January Ist Is the best time to start a Sav ing* Account for yourself, wife sou or daughter. SI.OO Opens an Account We extend writ It onr Holiday Greetinm* to you. our proniluo to give I hem special attention The Commercial Savings Bank K O Noigren of Segundo is iu the city on a day •. biialm-HM trip iu the Interest of the ColoruUo Supply company. Miss Uafuelitu Vigil left t lalm aft ernoon for Vigil to resume her school duties as teurher. after spending the holidays in Trinidad I kina Id Forker of Denver was iu the city ycMtcrda) for a «diort visit with frieiida. enroot. 10 California where lie will make his |H*rnuiiient home. PERFECT WILL NOT PERFECT ORGANIZATION It Is probable that the Idea of hold ing a poultry show in Trinidad will be fcibai%|ou«-d. unless cottfdderahb more interest Is exhibited tliuu wus noti* ruble um night Only on* Ion*; poultry fancier showed up at Hie ' bauiln r of Comm* r-•• headquarters and after waiting for .-*me little time tbe meeting was railed off Another meet tog w ill lie called at u later date when tin* t toil I try raisers of the Sun flower valley and other parts of the • ••unty may attend The pluu is to organise an associa tion to conduct an annual poultry, pel Mock ami «l«ifc show. It was sug gested that late In the mouth of Feb ruary would be th* bet time to hold •h* heal show, a week or two after the Delta exhibit. CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our thanks to Him many friends for their sympa thetic roiirtcAles during the recent il!ne»H of our beloved wife uud daughter. Liule Mitchell, and for the many beautiful floral tributes. --Jam*-’* Mitchell. Wm East 1- NEW ISIS FEATURE Miss Ina KisiMdl, lady baritone spot light” solirtN. i» the newest Mm feature The accomplished sing er appear* at each show and the feature Is proving a favorite with the patrons. Mis-. Kisseli cam** hare from Denver where she has been ap pealing for several months 1 NOTICE Electric current will be shut off lighting and railway • l;i ults on Sunday morning front 7.u«» to 7: 3ft to make some repair*. The Trinidad Electric Tiuiismivdou. Railway and Gas Co. 1 DEATH AT HOSPITAL Frank Xlmiiih ii. an Austrian You I miner, died yesterday at the hos pital. The deceased wus stricken with append!* Ills on Christmas day W'liilc ilaying at the Model routulug house, trout which place lie was re moved late Thursday. He wus '.’l yeurs of tig* and unmarried. REPORT OF ANDY POPLE’S DEATH "GREATLY EXAGGERATED." Some one who viewed the remains of an Austrian miner who died yes terday at San Rafael ho« in tin morgue or the Trinidad Undertaking parlors, remarked that th** deceased resembled Andy l*ople, uud later in the evening wunn other person made the statement that the dead man was Andy I'ople, llie well known local contractor of this city. The state ment waa immediately repeated and spread around tho cty rapdl.v, caus ing considerable excitement and re gret. among Mr. I’ople’* friend*. The rumor was to tho effect that Andy I'ople wiih killed In mi automobile accident, and numerous inquiries weer made of his parent* who reside on Stin Pedro street, who were Inno rent of the Mtntor, rousing them great shock by the false report. Mr. I’ople later iu the evening put In uu uppearance and stopped tlie rumor. "Greatly exaggerated,” he said when Interviewed. COUNTY CLERK BETTER Reports today ar« that County Clerk Sum Garcia’* condition Is slightly Improved. Mr. Garcia has • been confined to Ills lied for two weeks with pneutnoiiia. For over a week lie has been iu u precarious condition and Ills chances for recov ery were slight Hi* friends are pleased to know he is improving. - SPECIAL WARNING Relative to Christmas i Decorations lin nut attach Mmiui* paper fcstoon iir: to wlei'trli* light globes or shades. I*o not use cotton to represent snow: use asbestos filin', ho not iiso ran dl«-K to give tU<' <*liriKtinnM tree a brilliant appearance; where illumiii at lon |k absolutely ui'ceiuuiry have miniature electric lights In Ht a I It'd by an experienced electrician- Watch pan J«ts; Inflammable decoration** may be curried against them by air current*. Head your InsurMiii'i* pol l.v iH'for** making any hasty or ill* ndvlxeil decorations and note the Clause to tile effeet that tills |K>liC>' unlesK other wire provided hv agree* meat endorsed thereon or added thereto shall lie void if the hazard be liurenseil by any means within the control or knowledge of the In* ku red If your premises are damaged by fire you wunt your Indemnity. |>o nothing, therefore, to Impair your iontract II A DAUOIIKIITV. •; Chief Fire Dep’t. |*ub. Dec. I*. IHIS .lan 11. I»I3. NOTICE Healed bids will lie received for the construction of the lais Animat* County Court lloure. until II o’clock a. in January If*. Ihi 11, by the Hoard of County ( "oiiiiii iss ion era of l-a* Ani mat* County, Colo., at their office, corner Main and Cheat nut Streets. Trinidad. Colorado, according to plans nud aped flint lons on file with I. II and w. M llapp company. Ar chitects, Masonlc bulldlnit, Trinidad- Colo. * All bids to l*e marked lilda on Court Mouse, and add reared t«» the undcralgu**d. The Hoard reserves the right to reject any ami all bids. ti F. IIA HI.AN. Chairman. DR. JAFFA RECOVERING l*r Ferry Jolla who wan operated on In iH’iiver ulmiiii wo mouthn ago has utmost regained bln perfect health am! It*' is no longer confined to Ills t«H*m at St Joseph's hospital lie la taking advantage of Ills stay In the capital city and is doing som** I tost graduate work In surgery under Dr. l,ronurd Freeman, the eminent surgeon of that city lir. Jaffa ex perts to return to Trinidad In Jan uary and will resume Ills practice. 5c A DANCE AT MADDENS Iterinnlug Next tint unlay. -W JANSEN BOYS LECTURED Fbur Jansen liovs were brought .uto the count* conit this morning tor f ghtlng. The bo's have been lit the habit of fighting among them* selves and have never hern noticed A day or so ago the grandmother of one of flies tuallcr bays made a com* : plaint because her boy happened to lip on the losing aide The bovs were given a beverr Icc* ] lui** bj Judge ItoKft ami sent hone FUNERAL OF MRS. GRIFFITH Funeral services over the remains, of Mrs. Sat ah Clementine tSi lffith, who died yesterday afternoon at Iter home Cl!* West Kansas avenue, will j lie hdil from the South Methodist j church tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock. CALLED A STRIKKE-BREAKER; SEEKS $10,000 DAMAGES Salt l.ake City, L'tali, Dee. 28. - For publishing his name among a list of strike breakers, Austin Ribbons, a furnace man at the (iarfield smel ter today filed suit in the district court against the littermuuntuln Worker I'uhlMilng com puny for $ 10,000 damages. Thu case Is uni que in l'tali courts and the decision considered Important |u the fight be twoen labor unions uud non-union employers. MINERS’ o TOOLS International P k State Bank Beal Shovels Scud their money away 60c, 65c, 70c Each ■ < ■ i from Trinidad and buy their Beal Picks. 40c Each ! , J"?! f " ,,u i ! doing they take the profits Miner s Pick Handles 15c Each ] away from the homo tuor* Carbide Lamps $l.OO JkQfl lh «"'t curtailing bis busl . . .. _ 6# if J nei;a nnd reducing his pro- Satisfsction Guaranteed i\fi f(t „. Ul||H lnjurlng U|ni> |W | PAID ON TI MIS j •«- -»o “ >-■ I DEPOSI I S Do your bunking bust* J | ness with tin* only batik In A HT Q 'l*r in Is owned and ■ ■VCeRIIIIjP K controlled by liouio capital, Übll The profits of the bunk will HARDWARE COMPAQ noSlLn S! ™T* i 130 AEh l OK KEN 1 not sent to outside owners. 117 Eait Main Street . Phone Trin 86 ! j DECEMBER 28. 1912 ROYAL ARCANUM XMAS PROGRAM | laist uighi tin* local lodge of the Itoyal Arcanum held its annual iChrlalmtiH exorcises. After the pro gram Santa Claus distributed pres ents ami lamly and nuts to the ehll- Urea and parents. Over one hundred aud fitly children were present at the annual fisttivltles. The Koval Arrutiuiu (..'lirlstuius en tertaliimeiit, wliieb is an annual af fair is looked forward to with iih much Joy in tin* hearts of the little ones as the Cliruch Christinas enter tainments Tin* following program was given last night. I'rnyer .1 W Compton, talk A F Hollenbeck. Song—Miss Helen llauawiild Duet .1 R Clifford ami II I. Morris Headings—J. R. Clifford iMano Solo -Fredn Hawkins, S«'|ect|ons by tin* Koval Arcanum orchestra. F. O HUSTED. Osteopath uud Chiropractor. for acute and chronic diseases. No drugs examination free (looms 218-1!* An derson block. NOTICE Itegulur Uie*'t llig of Millcolu Coun cil f*7 I). of I*., Dec. 30. All mciuhers requested to be present, Instil Hat ion ic k. Sherrie, Pocalionttw, \V, d Warren. K of If. 5c A DANCE AT MADDENS lleginulng Next Saturdu*. Ins . 28. Chronicle New ■» 50c u month TIRES, TUBES and all acceoanrlea for the Automo bile. Motorcycle and lllcydv carried at all lliuea. Vulcanl/lng our tpec laity. TtoTriildad Novelty Works Pbona Trinidad 138. Qualify printing anything everything at the Chronicle-Now* office. Work delivered when prom- A LOOK INTO OUR SHOW WINDOW ! Will cou% Inc* mu that *« carry in stock All Ike Intest improved Elec tric appliances | Rood Christman suggestions In I rcadlugH lamps, etc. Trinidid Gas and Electric Supply Co. I’h. Trio, It SIS K Kiln. Dress Slippers We l.avo the humlHuuicat and da In- Unit creations In vvomeii's dress slip perm and puiups we've ever shown! \ THEY'RE BEAUTIES! SaUiih 111 blue, white, black. S \ lavender, green red. black ami K grey $11.50 91 "i' w 95 “ P. 6 W. Shoe Company EXPERT SHOERS PAGE FIVE "Alow did tli«* bird Know that" You can bu> wherever you plcnxe of courme! You will be belter plcaaed if you buy hero! • /*r*— Wc vc tutted tlic ball toll iiik thia winter. With our new ideal in Suita and Overcoats! Never before to manv smart creation!—to many cxcluiive pattern*—so many distinctly different models as there are this season. Winter Overcoats are all the ra«e! And our styles are all the R° —icoinn fast. Just as many new ideas at* most as there are in suite—nnd just ns interesting’ sls, $2O Ingram-Powder Clothing Co* Its blng. torturing skin eruptions dltfigurc. uuuoy. drive one wild l*oun’x Ointment Is praised for its good work. 50c at all drug store*.