Newspaper Page Text
Heating Stoves If the one you have does not warm your bou«- the**' -old day,. let us lull you ng<- up that will and lake your old one In exchange. STOVE REPAIRS We rurry In Murk adjustable stove lining to fit any stove. This la the time of year when your rook stove or ranks Is taxed to Hv litninat Don't mint It by liurulnit It too long without the Untune fixed. Call us nh, wo will rail and nee what Is needed. The Cash Bargain Store Phone Trinidad 900 403 North Commercial St’ CLASSIFIED APS. |.ia*i , F.Minvl mill Slluaiion \«U. Free Two |si««rtis,n> Wanted-Mttle Help For 11. S. army. Ahla bodlad un married men beiweeo of 1M mid 35; cltlMus of United State*, of good character and t»**ntH*ratr habits who can apeak, read and wrltD the KngllMh language. For Information ■Vply to Recruiting Officer. 102 ; Weal Main St., Trinidad, Colo. If. Wanted wii>i il*» imi r•*•••-1 •• llielr j <-|,s,.i lr !#•.»»••» I" |»liol»«* Mil* nil Iff 1 iirtvien 1:00 and 7:«0 tlia name; evening. Heeoud hand furniture. Canute b- . ael and Co , Phona TrluKad 630 tf Your films to develop. 10c a roll ] nt CJrcen'a Drug Store. in»o. When von want n good home- j cooked meal this l» the HachHnr*'j home, 521 State St. trj I wont ”»Trlulilxid Hiislnca* Col lege graduate. $65 a month. Phonei Ited t* 1. *' Kxperlenced girl for general house work. Apply morn Inga to 201 K. 2nd nt reel. Re-pair work of ull kind* by rom- • lietrut carpenter. Phone Ited 673 5* . Coml girl for general housework, in.7 Grant Avc. Trln. 357. *• * Men"--Our Illustrated catalogue ex|dan* how we teach l»arl»er trade In few weeks, mailed free. Mnler linrher College. Denver. Colo. 4* ""ll.ooii.ort. Will pay lo i*cr cent Interest. Will pay Interest and part or principal monthly. Addr«*s* “N" thin office. 3* j At once, first clus* lady »tcno-1 snip her. experienced. Apply Jurors 1 .M« Keough, Hell block. Cush paid for cast off clothing, j shoes and hats. Call Trln. 425. lmo; - : Carrier boy. Must have horse. Ap-' ply at Chronlclc-Newa office. tf For Sole Sell off your surplus sturr buy using L'-N want ads. They only cost & cents a line. For new and second hand furnit ure call on Carmichael and Co.. 130- 132 Kim street. Phone Trinidad f*3o. Ten nhare* Trinidad Milling and Mining Co. slock, phone Trln 251. tf I mu leaving Trinidad In the near future, and offer my home plate on Topeka and Alla St*., to the heal bidder. It m a very deal ruble home, thoroughly modern, and some one I* going to get it ai their own price, l/mk It over, and make your offer, lor It goes to Homebody quick. C. 8. I’cllott, Phone Trln. 100 or 520. 0 Twelve hundred pound hotline. 7 year* old. sound and good work horse Call 733 Colorado Ave. 3* Lett Cent lonian's comb in case. Finder plenko leave same at this office. Package tea spoons. Finder please return to this office. 2 Somewhere, either near postoffice on Walnut, Chestnut, or Maple street pocket hook containing a sum of mon ey and other articles valuable only to the owner. Kinder return same to ] 1 o N. Maple. $lO Reward. ’ l7i t lie city, gentleman's open face gold watch, brass tag attached, marked A. h\ Hicks, Co. F. 4 oth Mo. Vol. Return to C-N. Reward. ""^Pocketbook containing traveling card and receipts and money. Finder return to this office and receive re ward. “ 1 ' SATURDAY For Rent. Three room furnished apartment, with bath. Also 2 rooms for $l2. light, lieul and water furnished. 11. 1,. 1- Anderson. Anderson block, tf Furnished housekeeping rooms. 400 University. Phone Ited 1442. tf ; Room* for houskeeping at Lu cerne. Phone Baca 333 or 41$ Beech. tf. I mid 5 roam modern house Phone ! t rln. »<:. or !(•••! KM. tf One. two or litre* room* for house keeping. reasonable, 50$ Animas, tf One 7-room house, 1?03 Nevada. . PliOtie Ited 2072. I Four room bungalow. Phone ll.tca 115 or Call at 511 K. 3rd. tt • Nice 2or 3 room furnished apart ment. downstairs, private entrance, '•lose In Te|. Red 17*1. 12« West j 3rd. e.0.d.3 New modern hroits on car line. I (cheap, Trln. 90. 3 Modern 5 room bungalow. Apply At. A. Kaston. 317 W. Topeka. tf. Furnished rooms for light house j keeping. 223 lleecb. «'• Light housekeeping romr*. Ground floor. Close In. Mil S.m Pedro. 3* Modern rooms for light house keeping. 201 State Street. tf Situation Wanted Free employment bureau, office of ; isMM'lnted Charities. 4 Id Commetcial ; {•treet. Phone He! 2962. Ifelp; r nml*hed and employment secured, tt Printing If you need prlutlng of soy kind j , j route to the Chronicle-News. High i j class work, reasonable prleen. 1 Papering Up-to-date designs of wall papor. | Large selection. Very lowest prices, toe Rurkland. 109 Kent First. Phone bsM^s3^J^usrentee^^^^^Jtf. - WELDING Anything in east Iron welded. H K. Abbot Novelty Works. 118 N. Maple street. 3 TaxiCib Taxi day* or night. Call Tnltec Ho tel, Trln. r. 84, or Trln. :»«■ If Found Hetween Godding and Goddard Ave*. a Vale lock No. 9566. Owner! tall nt this office. 3 i Cleaning Cleaning, pressing and dyelug. — Ihe Trinidad Cleaning and Dys 1 v^ort{ *- Money to Loan On chattel security: reasonable 1 rates. G. O. Newnam, 116 \V. Main. tf Furniture We buy and sell secoud baud fur- : nlture^C!al^Trlnldiij^4tKL^^^tr Many ills come from Impure blood. Can't have pure blood with faulty i digestion, lazy liver anti sluggish J bowels. Rurdork Hlood Hitters Is i recommended for strengthening stomach, bowel* and liver and puri fying the blood. In the textile Industries in Gcr-| many women workers are in the ma jority, 400,000 ns against 371.600 1 men. The clothing Industry employs 228,000 women ami 97,000 men. m CHRONICLE- NEWS, TRINIDAD, COLORADO. THE MARKETS FULL ASSOCIATED PRESS DAILY REPORTS NEW TOES BTOCK EXCHANGE New York. Dec. 28.—The stock ii arket closed heavy. Finding that there wus no demand for stocks hear trader* utude nu attack uguimtl some of the prominent Issues. Little Indi cation of Mipimrt was shown und the market went down sharply in all quarter* with the specialties most af fected. AVeuknesa of Steel bud a dis pirit lug effect on the egm-ral market. Cauadlun Pacific wits u factor. In cpressing the ruilroad list. Ho mis were Irregular. New Yoik. Dec. 28.—Amalgamat ed 752; Sugar 117: Atchison 105$: {Great Northern 129£; New York Cetitral I07;J; Northern Pacific 1204. Rending 1662: Southern Pacific 1054: Union Pacific 159'.: Steel 67: Steel preferred l«f»2. THE MOHET MARKET New York, Dec. 28. —Proroe mar cant lie paper 6 per cent. Sterling exchange firm with act ual business In bankers’ hill* nt 4.80 for 60 davs hill* and 4.85 for de mand. i Commercial bills 4.86 J. liar silver 62 i. Mexican dollar* 48. Covet nnieut bonds steady Railroad bond* easy. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Chicago. Dec 28. —Lower cables und heavy receipts weakened wheat, which opened a shade *i Sir down. Alev started a shade to down, nt 91« vi 4 and fluctuated for n tlm*- within open range. The close was weak. May *, f* 2 down at 914. May corn opened unchanged to 4 down at I*4 to 48 and steadied at the Utter figure. The close was weak. May a shade lower ut 48 4* 484- May oat* »tarted unchanged to 4 depressed at 327*» l to 32! and sold to an et. THE COTTOH MARKET ' Galveston. Texas. Dec. 28 —Cot ton lower. 122. New York. De«\ 28.—Cotton fut ure* cloned steady. Closing bids: De cember 12.59: January I 2.««: Feb ruary 12.7.0; March 12.56: April 12.69. May 12.59: June 12.51; July 12.51. August 12.39: September 11.85; October 11.73. Spot closed quiet. Middling uplands 13 20. j Middling Gulf 13 35. j No sale*. PROVISIONS j Liquidation of January options I continued In the provisions pit. Jan iuuiv | ork eally off 221 to 17.40; ‘January lard receded 71 •» 10 to 9.671 in th first half hour and January ribs 71 off at 9..75J. May pork opened 2}f»sc lower at 17.971 to 17.95: May lard 104*125 depressed at 9.754* 9.725: and May ribs 5 4*714* 10 off nt 9.621 W 9. SO. SUGAR QUOTATIONS New York. Dec. 28.—Haw sugar steady. Muscovado 89 test 3.42: centrifugal. 96 test, 3.92; molasses sugar. 89 test. 3.17. Refined steady. Crushed 5.60: granulated fine 4.90: powdered 5. KAirSAS CITY GRAIN AND HAY Kansas City, Mo.. Dec. 28.—Cash i wheat unchanged to ic up. No. 2 hard S3(?90: No. 3 82 4? 85; No. 2 red 1.0154*1.05; No. 3 934*7 1.03. I Corn unchanged, l«t 1c up. No. 2 mixed 46i*» 17: No. 3 43: No. 2 (white 46(7 464: No. 3 44. Oats unchanged to \r down. No. U White 434145; No. 2 mixed 331. j Rye and hay unchanged. I Receipts: Wheat si ears: corn and oats none. j Close: Wheat, May 852; July *3.7. Corn, May 462: July 464. | Oats: May 344 348. the metal market j St. Louie, Mo., no.'. 2R.—l.oti»! rirm jut i.:o. j Spelter quiet’, 7.15. I '.Now York, Do*'. :s.—Tho metal inaiketn worn .lull ami practically nominal. I.akc anil electrolytic cop ■ per 1 T. 821 «r 17.8 VJ: castings 17.15 I «■ 17.571. Iron unchanged. THE LIVESTOCK MARKET Chicago Litre.took. Chicago. Dpi*. 2S. —Cattle receipts 500. Market sternly. Reeves 5.70 fri 9. *>o; Texas steers 4.60 ((t 5.80; western steers 5.754? 7.60; stockers and feeders 4.25(t 7.40; row s and heifers 2.75 7.00: calves 6.5 ft q 10. HOGS: Receipts 23,000. Market slow', 10c lower. Light 7.05 41 7.421; mixed 7.10 4*' 7.50; heavy 77.5 u; rough 7 10 fi7.20; pigs 7.05 417.20. Itulk of »!tle* 7.30 4(7.45. HIIEEP: Receipts 2,000. Market slow, weak Native 4.204(5.20; western 4.20 4* 6.25: yearlings 4.504(6; lamb)-, na tive 6.1«4| x 65. western 6.43 4* 8.65. Kansas City Livestock. Kansas City. Mo., Doc. 28. -Cntth* receipt* 200, nir|u<liiit: 100 * south erns; market steady. Native stecn- 6.504*. 9.25; south ern steer* 4.85(7 7.25; southern cows and heifers 3.604*6.25: native cow* anil heifers 3.6047 8: Stocker* j and feeders 56*7.45; bulls 4.404 i I 6.50; calves •;'o 10; western steers! 5 504* 9.10; western cow* 3.754/ 6.50. HOGS: Receipts 2.500. Market .. | 4710 c lower. Hulk of sale* 7.104* i 7.35. Heavy 7.30 4* 7.40; packers and butcher* 7.154* 7.36; light 7 4*7.25; pigs 5.6*14* 6.50. SIIKKI*: Receipts none. Market steady. Mutton* 44* 5 25; lamb* 6.504* 8 35: range wether* and yearlings, 5 5o ♦* 7.25; range ewes 34* l .no Denver Livestock. Denver. Colo . Dec. 28.—-Cattle re- , celpt* 100. Market steady. lire? steer-K 5.754* 7.50; cows uml heifer* 44* 6 25; Stockers and Red j cis 54*6.75. calve* 6479. IICMSft: Receipt* !*•** Market low- j er Top 7.30 bulk «*f sales 7.20*i | 7.30. SIIKRP: It* eel|»t* 1.200 Market, strong. Yearling* 5.504* 6.10; w«*th-j Of 4 4.50 4* G'• 11l m Its 675 4* 7 25. I ewes 3 404* t. 25. — THE WOOL MARKET St. l,oul*. Mo.. De. 28.—W00l steudy. Ten ilory an western medl urns 21 4? 26< | Fine mediums 18 47 20c. j Fine 13 47,7 c KELLOGG DEFENDS COURTS Omaha. N'el*.. Nee. 28.—Frank R Kellogg of Kt. Paul, speaking before the meeting *»f Ibo Nebraska State liar alitorlntion today vigorously de fended the Integrity of the American judiciary and condemned what he said wa* o disposition of these days to criticize the court*. He said that of all the branches ol ■. the government the Judicial In Ills | 'opinion, was the least subject to the t exercise of arbitrary power, to scan- j idul or to Improper Influence. ; Mr. Kellogg MUi«l he believed to in : a fact that the Miimpreme court of j the United State* Is the most pro gressive nml liberal branch of this governm«*ut and that it ha* always been sollcltou* of the rights of iln people. Swellings of the flesh caused by inflammation, cold, fractures of the bone, toothache, neuralgia or rheu matism can be relieved by applying IIAI.LARD’S SNOW LINIMBNT. It srould be well rubbed In over the part affected. It* great healing and penetrating power enaes the pain, reduces swelling and restores nat ural condition*. Price 25c, 50c and SI.OO per bottle. Sold by Haustnan Drug Co. 1 Efißoraons Wo have winter excursion* to principal cities in the following states: Alabama, Florida. Georgia, l«ouislana, .Mississippi. New Mexico, Texas and South Unrollnn, also to Cuba nnd Mexico. Mobile and return $58.00 Juckeontrille and return .. $67-50 Lake City. Fla., and return $75.50 Auguita. On., und return . . $80.35 B*»nnah- Ga., and return . $65.20 Thomatville. On., and return $64.50 Hew Orleans and return . .. $44.00 Meridian, La., and return .. $46.40 Deming. N. M.. and return $33-90 Carlsbad- N M„ and return. $23.95 Charleston S. C.. and return $65.85 Austin Tex., and return . . $31.50 Reaumont. Tex., and return . $35.20 Brownsville Tex., sad return $46-80 Corpus Christi, Tex.- and re ..turn $40.00 Dallas. Tex., and return . . $28.50 El Peso, Tex., and return . . $33.90 Ft. Worth. Tex.- xnd return .$23.00 Oolveeton, Tex., and return .. $35.60 Houston. Tex-, ond return . $33.30 Waco. Tex.- nnd return $27.20 On s»lc dally to April 30, 19t3, Final yet urn limit. Juno I, 1913. Liberal stopover privilege*, if you are contemplating a southern trip, have n little chat with Little about It-. R. W. HOYT. Agent C. B. LITTLE- Ticket Agent Phone Trinidad 35 Trinidad. Colo I DECEMBER 38. 1913 Makes the Food Finer, More Tasty, Wholesome, Economical The economy is absolutely positive. A housekeeper said: “ O I course I know Price’s Baking Powder makes better food, and I always use it for fine cakes and Sunday food, but for ordinary baking I use > another powder because it is lower priced.” The following statement is easily verified: In making a dozen tea biscuits the difference in cost between the use of Price’s Baking Powder, a pure, healthful, cream of ! tartar powder, and the low priced or alum powder is one fifth of a cent. To Save one-fifth of a Cent do not risk having the biscuit tainted with alum, inferior in taste and unwholesome. 1 It pays best in the end to use j □ DR. PRICES, a pure, cream of tartar powder. |L = - - --4L-A?' 1 : SCRIP SYSTEM TO BE ABANDONED !; I foot t tiued from Page One.) I various mute* hits tun mi .-ml m tii.s ! iin-Atiifrlcnn ohIoiii. I Though iIim limns* lias nttaehed I itself to I Its* *y*tent ii-m-iI by th cm* - Iroda Supply ("o.. It ia argued that ill la In reality untiling Ilk*- It* «mu> 01 n naim-aako. Scrip .*. .tis-«| • itlM Reward. $100 Tho render* «*f thin paper will he ' pleased in l*-nrn 111 *1 lit* r i • .it I- n:: « 1 flr*-M<l*-<| dla****** Ui it • »• - I i I# • a abl** to cure In .ill it-* *•.*. ■* .. . t iut .*« 1 4'alarrh. Hall** futarr'- •' i t« •• -ilv . positive ruto now kn-iun to ll.-* ».*■ •»:• il frill* rnlty*. Cot.*rth !»• n.~ < • •a«tltut‘-mil disease, rc*iulr« ■* a • omitlUit■« !. .! u-. - .- mrnl. Hull’* *’.•' rrti fn- l> i . . i i*i ternallv. acting directly *:*►*.-» ti. m - I nnd mucoua aurfa. ••* *.f ih>-«*vsi.m * by destroying Hn- foun l.*ti -n *•( " - t one. and giving t•*« pail-m rir- -i :* 1 building up lli«- ■ onstltuti. 1 n-l ■ : | nature m doing it-* v .»*. i*: -t>. » have ro nuicli filth t*i It-* «s that they offer •> •• 11 •: -it •' '-•Harr i for any ra**** th it I* f !.** t » < • -. s .J - for H"l *»f teat I monln la. A-Mr-w. r .1. • 'llCN i. V A- CO . Toledo. Oil t. , K..I.1 hr nil I>ruri*l«* . T'«*. lakaUall'- family Mila for r»>n*.itp*Uun. 1APPLE5 a j ORCHARD PRICES* — ■ — - ■ - ■■■ -■ ■ ■ ■■ 1 — I STRICTLY FANCY STORAGE STOCK ! ; •: CAN EAT BLOSSOM. STEM AND CORE WITHOUT EVEN A SION OF A WORM * A chance to net away from cheap junk at reasonable prices. Will keep all winter ill proper stomge. <• : SEE HERE I * STRICTLY FANCY STOKACK (SAXO. PKIt BOX 9t.30 % * STRICTLY FANCY STORAGE JONATHANS, |»KR BOX $1.55 J ‘ STRICTLY FANCY STORAISK WINK SAPS. PKR BOX $i.€I5 •> ! STRICTLY FANCY STOKAOi: ROMAN BFAFTY. PIOR BOX .. . S1 .455 * . *•* | And just to start something \vc will offer : 300 BOXES CHOICE STORAGE JONATHANS. PER BOX SI 25 % J. W. f LEMINti * din N. Coin I St. At Salvation Army Hall Rhone Trinitlml -'•I. •_> * ;i; +<* *:• ❖ ❖ 4* •:* *:• *:* *:* * *:• * * * * * * * * * * * * * •*'• * * * * «ttiplo) *•*. ii In H.ild, Iitor • a* a uiclll* s* I of keeping account* and mil. after !!•*• employs* 1»isk kIjcii*‘*I nu order hi ll mining Ilia employer to pay Ilia *.«.*•;.n to th** Stl -ply romps 11V. and I then only to in**a who *!• sire to (Iran iheir rngi's h**for»* the tegular pay day. Tlx* aerip la thou lH»*u«*d In nit . . - jwialtt** lo draw and I * exchangeable lor good** if ally nrrlp I - unused at [pay *ir*' it will la* honor* *1 nt It** nfr** va|u- at any rompnny atom lu runs* ih** employs* mi ilcHirc* It In polrit**«l out. lunv.-.* r. Ihtil i iIlls* pulilir h.i* nuiliilalnril a proju [*Mr** again*! III** ayat«-iu and for this reason H i* to In- abandoned com |.l* t* |\. \ I»**kImilt>jc v-.u* marl** *»*-v «• r-iI iii**ii tIts up) at tin* I’tii-hl** on and “a Inn. 1st tho "• onipan i.* will !*.- a thing of*th* in*l On*- thousaml ho**, e.rnln- alrmt f f.r.u weekly, ha\*- hern thrown out of employment In the l(hon*i*l:i v:»l- I* Walt*?, hy the new coal mines art, whleh prohibit* employment of lioya under I I Tw* nty-ia-ven alaii-s enforce «onl lary regulation* in factories PAGE SEVEN — — — c Ibt Annual Inventory * . - * nexl * ■ • > otldff .ii«i oml* *if various Rood » t • ! I am lii.**l.* lo i.iov** them. I**re* h .. . .ihi* ** a it it. I for l-':l*i Saturday. White House Mercantile Co. 1 Alter a h**iriy meal, ink** In* n *« !•* -.iilct* and ami**! your alomach, tv cl It 1 u