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OBSERVER SUPPLEMENT Pinchot Forestry Landlordism Robbing Miners, Ranchmen and Cattlemen MINER’S PATENT HELD UP; RANCHER EJECTED r FROM ' HIS HOME; CATTLEMEN TAXED FOR WHAT WOULD GOHTO WASTE*, IRRIGATING WATER LOST*, PIN CHOT’S POLICY A CRIME There is probably no part or par cel of the Republican policy cf gov ernment as exemplified in Colorado which is being more roundly damned and censured than the alleged and so called Forestry Reserve fiasco inaug urated by Mr. Roosevelt and carried out with the iron rule of a Russian Czar or Turkish Sultan by Forester Plnebot. whose visionary schemes have made a farce of the Forest Re serve department in this state and have caused numberless farmers, miners, cattlemen and others to rise up In righteous indignation over the shameful manner in which they have been buncoed, robbed, misrepresent ed and treated like serfs and tenants of English landlords, instead of like decent, law-abiding. God-fearing, in dustrious, honest and honorable citi zens of free America and the great commonwealth of Colorado. The cattle Industry of the state has been robbed and an injustice done to the stock-ralserß by an unjust tax upon public grazing land, every speer of grass and fodder upon which would go to absolute waste if the cat tle did not cat it. In hundreds of Instances th * pat ent applied for by the miner uas been and Ib being held up indefinitely, for no good reason on earth, the clnlm being In most instances that he has fallen under the required number of feet of tunnel or shaft wor.t re quired by law. Those miners go to the United States land olllce an ! dis prove these claims made by the For est Hungers, but it seems to make no difference —no patent is Issued In such caseH without the "O. K." of tho Pln chot Ranger, who is now In the posi tion of a little tin god ill -'olorado, whose word goes with tho powera that be at Washington and is law' to all the rest of us. in hundreds of other Instances tho rancher has gone out into the moun tain regions and taken up n little pntch of ground in some valley hob tled among the hills, bulldod for him self and family an humble cabin home and started In to break up and till the soil, only to be evicted by the Plnchot Forest Hungers with all the arrogance of the English landlord over the Irlßh tenant, under the claim, I also in most Instances, that the land may be mineralized, and that at any rntc it contains timber which the Ranger can sell to a saw mill. We mako the nsnertlou without fear of successful contradiction that Plnchot is a great big bladder of hot air who does not know enough about the real conditions and needs of Colorado and tho West to last him over one good night's sleep. We fur- ther assert that he is a Rooseveltian administration pet who gets his orders from the throne, and that his Rangers who are cavorting around this state on horseback and rattling about like hens on a hot griddle are a lot of administration salary minions who care more for their pay checks in a minute than for the welfare and upbuilding of Colorado in all their lives. We assert that they are doing cruel injustice to the farmers, to the cattlemen, to the home-builders and to the miners. We further assert that their claim, and Pinchot's claim, that the treeß hold the snow and thus as sure to the farmer his water f or irri gation is all moonshine as far as it Is applied to the summer season in Colorado, which is when the farmer wants and needs the water; *hat in point of fact at that time there is no snow in the timber, as anyone who has lived long in Colorado knows; that it lies In the summer months above timber line and in the deep gulches where it has solidified into Ice and from thence melts slowly and runs down Into the valleys. Irrigat ing the farms and then on its restless search for the sea. The accompany ing photograph, taken in the month of July, proves this to be true, and it will be noticed that there is no snow in the timber, but no end of it man tling the range above timber line where the atmosphere Is colder. This picture is of the top of "Silver Heels" peak in Park county, nnd is a fair Illustration of any mountain range in the state. We are indebted to Mr. James H. Myers, 408 Exchange Bldg., Denver, a mining man of long experience, for the photo from which the picture Is made, nnd relative to the subject Mr. Myers says: "The only way to conserve water for irrigation is to get it Into reser voirs as soon as possible after it com mences to flow. The trees do not hold tile snow after warm weather, but the gorges of the mountains above timber lino do. The Forest Rangers claim that they cut and sell to sawmill men only matured trees, when In point of fact It is well known and can be read ily proven that as a general rule the only timber left after bucli a cutting by these Ignorant rangers Is the dead timber anil small poles. Tho whole forestry department, as Bhown uy Pinchot's own reports, is in the hands of visionary theorists without prac tical knowledge, nnd the range riders are simply tax-gatliererß on horse back." We will have some more very In teresting reading matter on this For est Reserve matter from the pen of Mr. Myers Inter on before this cam paign closes. Be It remembered that a large com mittee of prominent citizens of Colo rado, appointed by tho Denver Cham ber of Commerce to Investigate this Forest Reserve fnree inaugurated by CENTRAL CITY, COLO., THURSDAY, OCT. 22, 1908. a corrupt and corrupting as well as blighting Republican administration, reported back to the Chamber of Commerce as follows: “We find from our investigation that Mr. Pinchot and his rangers are destroying our forests which serve to save the water to supply our streams, and we submit proof herewith that the trees they are cutting away hv wholesale will require from one to three centuries to replace." One of the finest presentations ot this rotten and *nefarlous forestry sys tem of the Republican administration, as exemplified In practice by Prince Pinchot and his Czar Rough Riders of the Range is made by Statu sen ator E. M. Ammons, of Douglas conn ty, nnd In a later issue of this pupci we will present Senator Ammons' views on the matter, regretting that we have not space In this particular article to do bo. He Is one of the largest cattle raisers In Colorado and lias made this vital subject a study. Farmers, miners, home-owners, cat tiemen, you and all of you are being nnd have been systematically robbed and wronged by the methods of this Forestry myth, and you owe it to yourselves, your families, your own Interests and to your fellow men that you look Into the matter carefully and weigh It well before you cast a Re publican vote on election day that will perpetuate us nefarious a politi cal graft nnd ns conscienceless a lot of tax collecting plrateß nnd timber murderers as ever disgraced a state. You will not do it if you will thor oughly post up on the subject, anti that you ought to do. for tho reason that It Is vital and comes right home to your own individual pocket book. WILL COWS STOP GIVING MILK? Addressing himself to a large audi ence of farmers, Mr. Bryan referred to a news item that appeared in one of the morning papers. He said: “A press dispatch announces this morning that a Pennsylvania manu facturer of separators has given notice to his employes that the fac tory will close down for an extended period if I am elected. This is the most discouraging threat that 1 have yet read. I had supposed that the cows would go on giving milk under a Democratic administration as well as under a Republican administra tion, but if as the result of my elec tion the cows are going to dry up in November and not become fresh again for four years, it will really be a serious matter. “There must be some mistake about this separator business. The men may be manufacturing the separ ator that the Republican par y has been using, for it has been using a separator that has separated the cream from the milk and it has given the cream to the monopolies and the skimmed milk to the rest of the peo ple. That kind of a separator will no longer be used and those who manu facture it may find their occupation gone, but for the rest of the people it will be a glad day, a day of great re joicing.” senator simon Guggenheim says Bryan is a dangerous man. He is that. He is an ever-present menace to such as Guggenheim and the grinding trusts he represents. The Democratic party denounces arbitrary interference with labor trusts by injunctions without bearing or trial by jury. Every organized labor man should vote the Democratic ticket, as Samuel Gompers and other great leaders are doing. There is an easy way to put a stop to these in junctions without hearing or proof, or trial by jury .and that is: Pu 4 an X opposite the word “Democratic." NATURE PROVES PINCHOT A LlAß—Photo Taken in July. Trusts and Tariff Hand in-Hand with G. O. P. PEOPLE SHOULD? LEARN A LESSON NOW, BEFOPE IT IS EVERLASTINGLY TOO LATE—IF YOU EAT MEAT OR WEAR CLOTHES, THINK BEFORE YOU VOTE — The vital issues before the Am erican people should not be lost sight of. The trouble with the masses of the people is that they are apathetic and forgetful, and it is doubtful if one-half of them to-day could tell off hand the name of the present vice president of the United States. The trusts and money jugglers band to gether .and stay banded together, and so they win, while we poor fools fol low off a dozen different false gods. That is the difference. Everybody knows, who know any thing, that- it is the trusts that are pinching every man, woman and child in America, and that no state is being squeezed harder by them than Colo rado, and every thinking perst.n also knows that they will never be broken up or properly curbed by the Repub lican party. Take the item of meat alone. That comes right home to us, as we all have to eat meat, and many of us raise it to sell. On the one hand the beef trust is paralyzing our cattle in dustry to a larger extent than any law ought to permit, and on the other hand it is systematically robbing every man, woman and child who con sumes a bite of meat, and every cattle raiser and every butcher will tell you this is true. Two years ago wnen the price of beef at our markets all over the country went up to figures that pinched every family in the land, we were told by this great beef trust, manipulated by the Armours and others of their ilk. that the cattle raisers charged so much more for their steers that the retail price of beef had to be raised. They Med, as usual, for the facts are that the trust at that very time was paying the stock-growers 20 per cent, less for all live stock than ever before. The fall ing off to the producer in the year 1907 was $865,000,000, as shown by the reports of the National Live Stock Asociation, yet the prices to the con sumer, to every one of us who can afford to eat meat, was raised at the same time, and has never been low ered since, until every housew'fe has to figure that item of expense very closely. Thus both our Colorado pro ducers and consumers are robbed, while the beef trust sits in the middle like a huge bloated reptile and ab sorbs all the profits on all sides. DEMOCRATS AND BEET SUGAR. Mendacity can go no further than the misrepresentation of the Demo cratic position on the Beet Sugar question that is daily dinned into the ears of the people by Congressman Bonynge and The Denver Republican. Vv'e urge upon every reader of this supplement to read again the Demo cratic platform carefully. We stand upon our state platform squarely, and so do the Democratic nominees for Congress. The beet sugar plank Is a clear-cut, definite statement that Mr. Taft purposed to put beet sugar on the free list, to aid his Filipino pets, which is contrary to Democratic policies and gross discrimination against the farmers of beet sugar raising states. So long as Colorado pays tribute to the protective manu facturing barons of the Bast, we de nounce the policy of Mr. Taft, so fre quently advocated by him, to reduce tne tariff on sugar, and put all farm work on a plane with coolie labor which produces sugar in the Philip pine islands. The language is plain; he who can read can understand. It says: “We favor and demand reduction of the tariff schedules in accordance with the national platform adopted at Denver. We regard the declared policy of Wm. H. Taft to single ona for attack the sugar beet industry hy admitting free of duty sugar raised in the Philippine islands as a dis crimination against the farmers of this country and this state in .he in terest of Asiatic coolie labor, and as the first step in adoption of a perma nent policy of exploitation of the is lands by trusts which will render it impossible ever to obtain the consent of congress to recognise in the inter est of liberty and humanity the inde pendence of the people of those is lands.”