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Alcohol to Children Ask your doctor how often he prescribes an alcoholic stimulant for children. He will probably say, “Very, very rarely. Children do not need stimulating.” Ask him how often he prescribes a tonic for them. He will prob ably answer, “Very, very frequently.” Then ask him about Ayer’s non-alcoholic Sarsaparilla as a tonic for the young. Follow hiS advice. He knOWS. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowelt, Mass. The lint great rule of health —“Dally movement of the bowels.” Ask your doctorll tUs b not so. Then ask him about Ayer’s Pills. Sold for nearly sixty yean GOLDEN SEAL Mg gM HIGH PATENT FLOUR JjPg . i If your neighbor’s bread and pastry are better than your own, it is evident that she uses Golden Seal Flour and • you don’t. Ask her. THE NORTH AMERICAN SMELTER AND MINES COMPANY GENERAL OFFICES: FIRST FLOOR dOSTON BUILDING, DENVER, COLO. MINE OFFICE: SMELTING WORKS.’ Kiiton Sampler, 700 tons daily capacity. IDAHO SPRINGS, COLO. GOLDEN, COLO. H. A. RIEDEL, GENERAL MANAGER. J. H. ROBESON, GEO. G. VIVIAN, Consulting Mining Engineer. Metallurgist and Manager Smelting Dept. FRED H. NYE, JAMES W. MYERS, Supt. at Mines. Supt at Smelter. BUYERS OF GOLD, SILVER, COPPER ORES CORRESPONDENCE INVITED |The Gilpin Lumber Co 3 SUCCESSORS TO " i THE QUIGLEY LUMBER CO. j Carry . Complete Stock of j ! ROUGH LUMBER, CHICAGO SIDING, CEILING, SURFACE j LUMBER, DOORS, WINDOWS, BUILDING PAPER, ETC. j IN OLD TURNER HALL BUILDING Special Excursion Rates XO DENVER Wecl l i6s cl ay, April Othu HTTHO BROHDJoiHY TH6HTR6, : Mclntyre heath : I “IN HAYTI,” A WHIRLWIND OF MUSI CAL FUN AND FLATTERING FEMINITY THE COLORADO & SOUTHERN RY. NORTHERN COLORADO DAY ■^HTTHE> PURE FOOD SHOW VHT THE^> DENVER AUDITORIUM ROUMD TRIP RATE $1.50 Excursion tickets at the above rates wilj be sold to Den ’ ' ver for all trains on that date, and are s limited to return April 10th, 1910. T. E. FISHER, General Passenger Agent. COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS. The board of commissioners of the county of Gilpin met for the month ] of March and allowed the following I bills: ! County: i Morris Harazd 4.93 Jay Byron 20.40 Geo. Lander 11.10 J. W. McCullough 10.65 J. W. McCullough 9.30 Fred S. Bolslnger 89.30 B. F. Jones 7.40 Frank Hardy 7.65 Agela Gross 4.001 Tony Andreattl 2.15 Harry Ellmann 2.15 Lena Bonatti i. 2.15 Mary Bonatti 2.15 Ernest Koch 2.15 Gilpin Co. L. H. & P. Co 15.80 Denver Typewriter Co. 55.00 Weekly Register-Call 4.40 Colo. Telephone -Co. 8.05 Gilpin Observer 26.85 Frances C. Mayhew 100.00 Frances C. Mayhew 100.00 Henry Cattani .50 John M. Mack ... 50.70 F. J. Altvater .32.37 C. F Hoec.kel B. B. Co. 20.35 Caledonia Ins. Co. 93.75 North American Ins. Co. 93.75 City of Central 19.65 Roads: Martin Rule 7.50 J. W. Koons 5.00 Wm. Roderick 2.50 J. W. Koons 7.50 Perigo Mines 15.00 Shad Reid 2.50 Pauper: J. H. Chellew 28.00 Dougherty & Co. 7.50 Mrs. Feehan 10.00 J. J. Clark 15.00 Cody Bros. 34.00 Dr. C. M. Froid 10.40 Dr. C. M. Froid 16.00 Geo. L. Hamllik 11.40 M. Carr 21.00 Sauer-McShane M. Co, 39.45 Dan Fuelscher 5.00, Hawley Mdse. Co. 21.501 St. Anthony’s Hospital 96.00 ' Mrs. Davis 7.00 Maude Seymour 6.00 Thos. Quinn 30.00 Mrs. Mary Ivey 30.00 Borzago & Co. 1.50 Mrs. Stanton 20.00 Mrs. James 15.00 Mrs. Richards 10.00 Mrs. Mattivi 10.00 Mrs. Rule 7.50 Mr 3. Barnes 7.50 Mrs. Harvey 5.00 Mrs. Cirolini 15.00 Mrs. Bawden 8.00 Mrs. French 25.00 F. J. ALTVATER, County Clerk. Stealing kisses might be termed petticoat larceny. Folks who wear celluloid laundry should be careful about getting “hot in the collar.” Til Cili-Ma MMH I am in the market for any part of 60,000 shares of Gilpin-Eureka [Caldwell] at the lowest market price. If you have any, write me immed iately. CHAS. A. DUDLEY, 839 Equitable Building, Denver, Colo. COLONIST RATES -1 * San Francisco Los Angeles San Diego At a, A A Saoramento Bl fIC fill San Jose U V ■ W Hi Portland rbara Seattle March Ist to April 15th Jlolona Butte [Vancouver, B. C. Thru Tourist Car Service to California, Dining Cars and the World's Finest Scenery. Literature upon application. Hid Route C. H. SPEERS, Cl, P. A., Denver _ * ■ • • - . - • ti • “ METHODIST CHURCH NOTES. The Women’s Home Missionary so ciety met with Mrs. Yackey on Wed nesday afternoon. After a business session refreshments were served. The Messenger Boys met with Mr. Green on Tuesday evening. As usual a good time is reported. A good sup ply of Ice cream and cake greeted the boys at the proper hour. Miss Nellie Vincent entertained the D. D. circle Tuesday evening In hon or of Mr. and Mrs. Shuck, who are moving to Denver. The circle pre sented Mrs. Shuck with a handsome piece of cut glass. Next Saturday and Sunday will oc cur the Third quarterly conference. Dr. Hollenback, the district superin tendent will be here and administer the services as follows: The quarter ly conference at 7:30 on Saturday evening in the pastor's study: the Love feast at ten o’clock Supday morning, and preaching at eleven fol lowed by the Sacrament of the Lord’s supper. The Sunday morning service will be of more than ordinary in in terest. Let all the members of the church and congregation be present. It will be pleasing to all church goers, as well as to all citizens, to know that the Rev. B. T. Vincent, D. D. will deliver a series of four lect ures in the church beginning Wed nesday evening, April 6th. The gen eral subject is the “Churchman." and the lectures will be given as follows: Wednesday evening, “The Church,” Thursday evening, “The Man,” Fri day evening, “The Church and the Man.” The last one will be given on Sunday evening, “The Churchman and the World.” These lectures will be given free to the public. Dr. Vin cent is so well and favorably known that his coming ought to warrant a good attendance. The Easter offering from the Sun day school for the cause of missions amounted to twenty-six dollars. CARD OF THANKS. We want to thank our good, kind hearted friends for the generous as sistance and words of comfort dur ing the Iflness, death and burial of our loving father. We feel most grate ful to Elks for their kindly ministra tions during our hour of bereavement, and thank them and others for the flowers. George Phillips, Brother and Sisters. Mince meat like mother used to make and father enjoyed, at Haw ley's. The clerks are circulating a peti tion asking the merchants for their half holiday on Wednesdays during the summer months as has been the custom In the past. The clerks are hopeful that the merchants will ac cord them the same kindly considera tion in this respect that they have always shown. IN ROLLINSVILLE Mr. Geo. M. Ashmore was a Den ver visitor Tuesday, taking down a nice retort from the Smuggler. Mr. F. A. Burnell was up from Den ver Sunday looking after his mine near Gilpin,and making arrangements to start his mill this week. The A. K. R. G. M. Co., shipped a car of concentrates to the Modern smelter at Utah Junction last week. Mrs. Rose LeFever was called to Denver last Friday to see her daugh ter, Mamie, w T ho has been quite sick for the past month. j - . Mr. H. Everst was a Denver visitor last week and purchased some ma chinery for the Sea Bird mine, of which he Is manager. Mr. C. R. Slugger was up Saturday from Denver, making arrangements to start the little Gold Dirt mill soon. Mr. Hal Sayre’s house at Los Lo gas was burglarized last week and the perpetrators got away with sev eral dollars’ worth of goods. At this writing no clew has been discovered. The Golden Flint mine, at Perigo, shipped a car of concentrates last week to the Modern smelter. Did you ever see a fellow that every thing he owned was better than anyone else had of the same kind? If not we can sight you. Mr. and Sirs. Hal Sayre were up from Denver last Thursday. Making garden and lawn cleaning seems to be the order of the day. Mart Hlnman went to Nederland Tuesday to attend the wedding of his brother, Walt. Mr. George Hlnman, of the firm of Hlnman Bros., running a line of teams here, has taken his team of fours and gone to Denver,where work is more plentiful. Mr. Ike Tregay is reported very, sick at this writing. Dr. Froid is in attendance. Both Mr. and Mrs. Scotney are very sick at this writing. Mr. Homer Smelzer, the assistant forest ranger, left for Denver Sunday night, for a couple of weeks work in the main office there. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gooch were Den ver visitors last Saturday, returning Sunday. PUBLIC SCHOOL NOTES. The Alpha Zeta literary program will be held FYiday afternoon. April 15th. Visitors are welcome. Spring vacation next week. The base ball boys will take advantage of the vacation to play a match game with the city clerks at city park, on Tuesday afternoon, beginning at 1:30 o'clock. Tuesday will be a holiday to many people because It is election day and the boys are making a spec ial rate of 15 cents for admittance to the grand stand, hoping in this way to get substantial aid In keep ing up the expenses of the team. Let everybody patronize the grand stand and boost for the best high school team Central ever had. The line-up for the game and batting list are as follows: Reynolds, r.f; Brown, 3 b.; Campbell, p.; Carbls, 1 b.; Harvey, c.; Barbee, c. f.; Mc- Coy, s. s.; Carter, 2 b.; Keleher, 1. f.: Quiller and Dollahan, subs. The school sympathizes deeply with Regina and Lavlnia Philipps in their affliction. A beautiful floral offering was sent by the high school and the freshmen and senior classes were excused to attend the funeral ser vice. Mr. John Driscoll, representing the Hyndman book store, entertained the high school Wednesday morning with some fine phonograph records. Mr. H. H. Lake presented several volumes to the liberary this week. We would be glad to have others do likewise. There are still 19,200 acres of mountainous, mineral, and grazing lands open to entry in this < inty under the homestead laws. Holmes & Teats have been busy yesterday and today repapcrlng and decorating the Interior of the Day cigar store. The Indian is to receive a coat of paint, too. Oscar Williams drove up from Den ver Sunday evening with a fine team of bays. They are hlgh-stcppers and as stylish as Arabian steeds. They will be used by the patrons of the Williams stables. Laverna, the seven year old daugh ter of Mrs. Wm. Grenfell, of Nev ada, died Saturday of nephritis. She was burled Tuesday in the Bald Mountain cemetery In the same grave which contains the remains of her father, who died on the 20th of last month. The little girl was 111 at the time of her father’s demise and has been hovering between life and death since. Mrs. Grenfell has been dealt with very unkindly by the hand of death and In her grief and affliction has the symapthy of a host of friends. APEX BREEZES Miss Slgna Goldberg has been quite sick with la grippe, but Is Improving. Mr. Shad Reid and Geo. Holland moved the Marsh family to Yankee Saturday. It was a hard trip and Mr. Reid does not care to go into the moving van business any more. Miss Gertrude Carbls left Friday to spend a few days with her par ents In Central. She returned Sunday. Mrß. R.C . Russell lost some of her fine plants In the last cold snap. The snow la three feet deep In the Apex streets. Frank Marsh and family have mov ed Into the Pyle residence near the Booster mill. C. R. Baer has received his com mission as one of the census enu merators for Gilpin county. Mrs. Albert Johnson and master Cull were C'u’.r 1 shoppers .S;.t:i day. Shad Reid was in Central Monday, after supplies for the store. C. R. Baer left Sunday for Black Hawk, going to Denver Monday to visit his parents and to take in the Pure Food show. Mr. Baer wants to get posted on some of the new dishes suitable for bachelors to prepare. George Pyle and Albert Johnson broke a trail to the Black Hills this morning, going horseback to Black Canon. NEVADAVILLE NOTES Miss M. Paul is able to be up and around after a sick spell of over two months' duration. Prof. Roach is spending his Bprlng vacation in Denver. He went down Saturday. • Rich. Trezise Is making some Im provements about his house. Mrs. Rowling and daughter went to Idaho Springs Saturday of laso week to spend Easter with relatives. Mlsb Gladys Bolslnger was an ar rival the latter part of the week from Denver, accompanied by her cousin. Miss Lucille Neumeyer. Matt Kramer was granted a liquor license at a meeting of the town trustees, held Wednesday night. P. O’Brien, who had been visiting In Golden, returned Thursday even ing. A meeting of the Mountain Daisy Cricket club will be held at the town hall Saturday evening. Matches wdth outside teams will be arranged for this season. Abe Mills Is able to be about the streets again after a brief Illness. Mrs. Wm. Roberts and Mrs. J. Prouse took the former’s little girl to Denver Saturday to have an op eration performed. Delmar Brown took his depa lure for the valley Friday, Intending visit in Denver and Golden. Mrs. J. W. Enos is a recentarrlval to Nevadavllle from California. The doctqr met her in Denver and accom panied her here Friday evening. Dr. and Mrs. Erics Intend to spend the summer in Nevadavllle and have rented the Rowling house. Mrs. T. H. James is rapidly re covering from a siege of sickness. School was closed Friday for the regular spring vacation of a week. There was a good attendance at the Easter services at the Metho dist church Sunday. The 30th anniversary of the Red Men was celebrated by Rising Sun “tribe last Saturday evening. The at tendance, which was of good size, was made up of the lodge members and their families. A delightful pro gram was rendered and filling re freshments were served. A genuine ly good time was had by everyone. A French doctor says that you are liable to bring on insanity unless you lay in bed fifteen or twenty minutes after you wake up. There is no need of special asylums this way. < Dr. E. C. Dudley stirred up a row in Chicago recently by giving Instruc tions regarding how to tell a wo man’s age. The safest way Is to go Into a corner by yourself and then tell It below your breath. A mannish woman must be one who hasn’t much to say. There are those who believe that our battleships wear their armor too decollette. If it Is true that sinners do not go to heaven, the census taker up there must have a snap. There’s one time when a man can always get credit for all he’s worth. That’s when the assessor comes around. Men are equal only after death,and If they could be nothing but equals during life, this old world would be a dead one. A Chicago woman, when fined $5, threw two overripe eggs at the judge. The calm judicial atmosphere of the court room was somewhat disturbed. A Boston goat recently made a meal of a valuable manuscript which the author carelessly left In roach. When even animals develop a liter ary taste the world must surely he getting better. There are some things that women pass from lip to Up that don’t cause any harm. They are kisses. Do not sneer at the beam in your neighbor's eyes. In these days of high priced lumber It Is a valuable Asset. • :■