Newspaper Page Text
Yepr Valu- Am't Name of Owner Description of Property ation Tax Belcher. Thoe. Jr.,.ne W swVi sett bw *4 sec 23 twp tr 73 ISO 9 100 311 nw Vi sc % ne % bo V* sec 23 twp 2 r 73 1003 100 3 11 Chase, Annie M... Frame house, lots 20 and 21, blk 36, Cen tral City 1009 400 13 01 Frame house, lot 10. blk 36, Central City 1003 210 6 84 Conter, Peter Frame house, Pine St., Central City 1409 266 9 62 Costello, Margaret.. Frame house, Eureka St., Central City 110 J 160 4 8s Chaudock, Mrs. Annie 1-6 Council, Black Hawk ) 1-6 Lola Montez )190D 40 1 02 Surface ground deeded by the city of Black Hawk ) Daly, Pete Frame house, lot 19, blk 34. Central Clt/ POO 3"0 12 40 Davis, Fred Frame house, blk 46 Central < lty POD IPO 1 * Frame barn. Ilk 46, Central City 1009 60 1 95 Frame house, blk 46, Central City 1009 225 7 33 1-27 Hartford lode, Central City P’o9 7 22 Davey, W. J Frame house, Main St., Nevada 1903 115 3 Drake, Alonzo B. ..Frame house, Lake Gulch 1909 75 2 40 Frame house, Lake Gulch 1909 40 128 Ersklne, Oazar ....Brick bul ding, lot 15, blk 17, Central City 1*0) 1050 17 11 Elliott, A. G Stone Imildltnc b’k 2' Central Clyt 1909 375 12 22 Frame barn, lot 20, Central City 1909 150 -4 8 1 * Flna, Frank Mary West 37 ft lot iblk 21, Central City 1909 25 80 Forrett, Minnie est Frame house, pt lotlo-ll blk 16, Black Hawk 1909 285 7 29 Forrett, Chas. D.. Frame house, 45 ft e of Millsite No. 48, Blac k Hawk ICO9 250 6 3 Federal Mining Co. .Shafthouse and Machinery, ltus3e!l Gulch 1903 375 15 76 Fannie B M & M Co n Vi no V* » w V4soc 29, twp 1 r 73. 18 Vi acres 1909 139 3 89 Fish, Chas. J Log cabin. Apex 1503 20 64 Gregory - Buell Cons G. Mg Co 45-stamp mill and fixtures. Central City 1909 6000 163 00 Gilbert, Wm. estute Frame house n pt lot 2, blk 16, Central City POO 210 6 SI Frame house, lot 4, blk 35, Central City 1909 300 9 7 Gray, Wm. C Frame house, lot 4,blk 4, Black Hawk 1909 475 12 15 Gray, Arthur J.... Frame house 16 ft of a iot. Black Hawk I°o9 135 345 Grandman G M & M C 0.... ......Cabin and brick House, Boulder Park POO 75 239 Green, E. M Log cabin and barn near Boulder Co line 1509 100 3 21 Gulltckson, L s e Vi sw Vi of sec 3 twp 2 r 74, 80 acres Black Hawk 1909 40 2 50 ne Vi see 17, twp 2 i; 72. 160 acres,BlkHwk 1909 200 6 42 Goebleman & Baer ..Log cabin bounded w by Cleve & Scott Apex 1909 40 1 28 Hawn, J J Frame bouse and barn, lot 17, blk 22, Central City PO9 13"> 4 40 Frame house, lot IS, b!k 22, Central City 1909 25 81 Hambly, Wm Frame bouse pt lot 22-lot 20, blk 11, Central City 1909 470 15 32 Hale, Mary E Frame house lots 13-14,* blk 28, Central City 1909 375 12 21 Hoskln & Co, Step hen Machinery on Ager-Kansas. Central City 1509 115 3 74 Ilcsklns, Herbert.. Frame house, known as Harper house, Clarence St., Nevada 1909 150 6 00 Hasßeltlne, M D ..Log cabin near Pactolus, Beaver Creek 1909 75 2 31 Hall Construction Co West Vi of se Vi n« Vi ne Vi sw Vi see 4, twp 2, r 73, 160 acres 1909 200 6 22 Irvine. Robert Frame house, lot 12.b1k 37. Black Hawk l'*o9 2 42 Incidental Mng Co . .Shafthouse and Machinery, Russe’l.... 1909 350 14 72 Johns, Edw & Sarah Brick house, lots 15-16, blk 22, Central City 1909 285 9 27 Johns, Elizabeth ....Frame house, Nevadavllle I°o4 360 10 2‘‘ Jenkins, George Frame house, Clarence St., Nevadavllle. 1909 245 6 99 Krouse, Peter Frame house, Colorado St., Central , City 1909 150 6 84 Kitt. John Frame house, lot 24. blk 44 Central City Kloer. John Frame house, Prize St., Nevada 1909 115 3 28 Krlley A Jackson. .Cabin and barn Baltimore 1909 39 83 Lorah, Rosalie Frame house, lot 7, blk 14, Central City.. 1909 435 14 17 Lyng. John Frame and log house, Kenosha St.. Ne vada 1909 135 3 86 Lot owned by A. Rlethen, Nevada 1909 10 2' McKlbben, Wm.... Frame house, lots 24-25, blk 23, Central City 1909 400 13 01 1 Morris. Mary Frame house, lot 4. blk 19. Central City 1909 150 4 89 Frame house, blk 13. Central City 1909 20 64 Marlacher, Sebastian Frame house, lot 19, blk 24, Central . City 1909 115 474 Maddern, J If est.. Frame house and barn, Nevada .. 1909 210 50> West end Church St., Moon Gulch Gold M Com Shafthouse and Machinery, Moon Gulch 1909 80) 25 6 s Boarding house. Moon Gulch 1909 400 12 84 Bunk house. Moon Gulch 1909 100 3 21 McMann,Mrs.Frances 2 houses on mountain near Rollins ville 1909 6JO 19 26 Mocunt, Eva Frame house, lot 3 and Slot 2, blk 6. Black Hawk 1909 245 6 2'i I Null, Mrs. Henry.. Log house and barn Moon Gulch 1909 60 11 2 O'Mai lev, John & Pauline Frame house, lots 5-6, blk 42. Central City 1909 HO 6 19 Olsen, Ben M.... Frame house, lots I2and 13, blk 47, Black Hawk 1909 150 3 83 Peruz, Louis Frame bouse Havllah St.. Central City .. 1909 265 8 62 P&rshaM. F M Frame bulldlng.Uowortb St.. Central City 1909 433 14 17 Pool, Anna Frame house, lot 17, blkls. Central Cltv .. 1909 265 8 21 Frame house lot 17 blk 15. Central Cltv .. 1909 315 10 26 Penaluna.Mrs. W T Frame house, Henasha St., Nevadavllle 1909 227 4 17 Pascoe, Josiah & Emma Frame house Kenosha Sr., Nevada 1909 265 7 50 Buie, Wm Frame house, lot 9, blk 48 Central City 14 09 245 79" Frame house, lot 2 blk 49, Central Cltv.. ISO 9 60 1 45 Rothwell, E J.... Frame b*'*»se. boundedw by Thos. Chappie, Nevadavllle *. 1909 150 4 2S Richards, Kate....** Brick bui'.dlng. Main St., Nevada .... 1909 450 12 86 Roberts. John Frame house. Clarence St., Nevada .. 1909 19) 5 43 Revnolds, Seymour Frame bouse. Cooper St., Blk Hwak.. 1909 245 6 26 Sella, Mrs. Leona.. Lots 1 and 2. blk 37, Central City .... 1904 50 1 63 Simonl, John Frame house, Willis gulch ........ 1409 225 9 47 Spitlen, B. S Frame house, east * 3 lot 16, and lot 17, blk 18. Tolland 19)9 190 6 33 Shemerman, Mrs. F. K. Frame house near Lutz mine .... 1909 95 3 99 Trenoweth, Annie. .Frame house, lot 9, blk 7. Central City 14*09 440^^1*^^ Trenoweth. Thos. ..Frame house, lot 16. blk 15. Central Cltv 1909"“ 3*9 9 S Thomas, Mrs. Anna Frame house, head or Main St.. Nevada 1909 115 3 28 ! Turner, C. G se of sw *4 sec 22 twp 2 r 72, 40 acres 1909 50 1 60 ne Vi of nw V 4, sec 27, twp 2 r 72, 40 acres 1909 60 1 60 ne V% of se V 4 sec 27, twp 2 r 72, 40 acres 1909 50 1 60 n Vi of nw V* and nw Vi of sw Vi sec 26 twp 2 r 72, 120 acres 1909 150 4 80 Improvements 1909 270 8 66 Updegraff, Evelyn M Frame house, lots 6 and 7, blk 28, Cen tral City Vi 1909 285 4 64 Williams, BenJ. and LHa Frame bouse, south 11 feet, lot 10; all lot 11. blk 46. Centrrnl City 14-09 150 4 89 Frame barn, lot 2, blk 45. Central City 1909 40 1 30 Warren, Thos Frame house ami barn, Nevada 1904 275 757 •Watters, Mary Ann Frame bouse. Main St., Nevada .... 1909 227 6 43 *-. Hickory, sur 11788, Nevada 1909 100 2 86 Wilson, Adrian Frame house, Letcher St.. Nevada 1909 210 fi 0* Wallace, Geo Frame house, lot 1 blk 19. Black Hwk 1909 22-7 5 75 Whalen, Mert Frame bouse, Missouri City 14*09 75 314 Wood, David Frame house, Willis gulch 1909 150 6 30 Williams, John H.. Log house. Russel' 1909 17 ) 7 15 Frame house, Russell 1909 150 6 31 Wacu Wetn M. «fc M. Company... .Shaft house an*! machinery on Inde tt pendence lode. Enterprise district 1909 2'o 800 Williams, J. A Log cabin, Gilpin 1909 60 l 92 Williams. Johnathan Log cabin, Gilpin 1909 20 61 Witness my biuul and seal this 13th day of October, A. D. 1910. (SEAL) CHARLES E. WILEY, COUNTY TREASURER. A HOST TOUCHING APPEAL —\ falls short of its desired effect if ad 9£3Kf3Sfm \ A dressed to a small crowd of interested \ .)' listeners. Mr. Business Man, are \ fre you wasting your ammunition on the 1 small crowd that would trade with - vou an y wa y> or you want to reach tT\S. those who are not particularly inter ested in your business? If you do, • * make your appeal for trade to the ■ largest and most intelligent r audience in your comraun . { ity, the readers of this paper. They have count- C T\ \ less wants. Your ads will f-* re *d by them, and they i -^Syfn^ t will become your custom- , iaMers. Try it and see. TJ!m» JWOOMA Pflflnf G jr« y°“ the reeding matter la ■ B W %MWB ■ which you have the greatest in *■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ to rest —the home news. Its every issue will prove a welcome visitor to every member of the family. It should head your list of pewspaper and periodical subscriptions. SUPPLEMENTARY TAX LIST OFFICE OF THE TREASURER, GILPIN COUNTY, CENTRAL CITY, COLORADO. Public notice is hereby given, that I will, according to law, offer at public sale, at the office of the Treacurcr of the County of Gilpin and State of Colorado, on Monday, November 21st, 1910 and succeeding days, commencing at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore noon of raid day co much of the following described real estate, (which wes omitted from or inaccurately described in the notice and list of property for said tax sale heretofore published) ci'uatc in erid city cr county, on which the taxes for the year 1909 (or years named in the following list) have not been paid, as shall be necersary o pay such taxjs, interest, penalty and costs, to-wit: z z z o < -< > § § ? « 2. 2 3 o i i 0 s s s •*. 2. ££ 3 3 o o o *♦ 3 - - c , 3 i o n co r ■ . , ; - ! ■§ a. f® } ! ! H H " * ; S I co I SP I I is. : | i i i : : ill: ! i' i : I Ashbaugh, Abe .... V» Douglas 7132 Eureka 75 lfOS 1 f5 2-8 White Metal 6962 Eureka 13 1908 40 Beckwith, L C ....7-12 Janitor Lode .. 6217 Quartz Val 91 1109 2 46 Dailey, James .... Va Gold Dollar Xo. 1..18455 Wisconsin 73 190') 2 11 Vz Gold Dollar Xo..2.. 18455 Wisconsin 75 1909 2 10 Va Gold Dollar Xo. 3.. 18455 Wisconsin 75 1909 2 11 Gold Coin Mines Co. Powell 930 Nevada 209 lf09 5 72 Kansas 831 Nevada 200 1£09 5 72 Trusan 932 Nevada 2)0 1909 5 72 Kansas t Shaft house & machy) & pump ) 87 Nevada 230) 1909 65 7 3 Kansas 67 Nevada 200 1109 5 72 Camp Grove S6a Nevada 200 1109 5 72 Camp Grove ) 40 stamp mill&mach) S6b Nevada 6350 1109 153 01 Kansas 212 Nevada .0) 1909 5 72 Kansas Ext 374 Nevada 200 1109 5 72 Karsas Ext , exceot) tliat part deeded to) Book well ) 202 Nevada 200 1909 5 72 £\ un 911 Nevada 200 If09 7 42 Moon 818 Nevada 200 1909 7 42 Express 3)5 Nevada 200 1909 7 42 Hidden Treasure No.2 888 Nevada 200 1909 7 42 Gardner Ext 3'9 Nevada 200 1909 7 4 ; Galton 10023 Nevada 200 1909 7 4° Indiana 409 Nevada 200 1909 7 4 • Irish Flag 405 Nevada 200 1909 5 72 Hoskln, Stephen ..Katie 1538 200 1909 5 1J * . , Goid Brick 1538 I.ake&Oreg 20) 1909 5 12 Me ers. Lucy J ..Carr 442 Gregory 5000 1909 1 28 00 Motz, T B 1-8 I>unkln 11188 Pine 19 ll 09 61 Odgers, J S % of 3-11 of Int-) ere«*t Hogan. Survey i 14081, Ruseell ) 14 1909 68 Ontarlo-Colorado G Mining Co O’Neil and output ..) 7489 Bik Hwk 2175 1109 55 6S Shaft house & machy) Piece of ground adj.) O’Neil, des bk 135, p) 57® —; ••••■• 50 19 ® 9 l 2S Piece of ground adj.) Gregory, dcs bk 150.p) 331. except part deed ed Fifty Gold M Co..) 50 1909 1 *>8 Part of Dump lode.) sur 6875, dcs bk 150) P 344 ) 10 1909 25 A-B-C tracts deeded) to H. Eastman by) city of Black Hawk,) des book 150 p 340..) 10 1909 25 A-B-C tracts sold by) city of Central to H. > Eastman, des bk 122) P > Central Cy 100 1909 3 26 Gregory ml!l-lte No. . <les book 166 P* 6 - Blk Hwk 25 1909 61 Smock, Ella D ....Frame Hou«*e. hlk 20. central City, Colo, South side Nevada Glilch ’ 245 if 09 7 fi 8 Thomas. Elizabeth. Frame House, Main Street, Nevada 75 1900 2 PS ** 75 1901 2 03 75 1P02 2 06 75 1*03 1 76 75 1P0I 1 S4 75 1905 1 6S V ‘ ' 75 1906 1 53 ‘ 75 1907 2 29 60 1908 1 67 60 1909 1 71 Witness my hand and seal this 15th day of November, A. D., 1910. (SEAL) CHARLES E. WILEY. COUNTY TREASURER. Motion pictures and illustrated songs at the opera house Wednesday Saturday and Sunday nights. Doors open 7:30, curtain 8 o’clock. Admls-, Ison 10 cents, children half price. Three star cut glasses SI.OO a set —worth three times the money. At the Philipps Mercantile company. Our Sympathy is always extended to those in distress, but we have no sym pathy to waste on the man who borrows his neighbor's paper when he can have one of his own at a mere ndtninal expense. Your home paper stands for your intirests and the interests of your home town. It deserves your moral and financial support. If you are not a member of our family of readers you should begin now by seeding in your subscription. * jsfclfjlt TO BE CONSIDERED WHEN ABOUT TO SELECT A LIVERY ESTABLISH MENT FOR THE BOARDING OF YOUR HORSE AND VEHICLE IS THE QUALITY OF SERVICE. WE TAKE CARE TO SATISFY OUR MANY PATRON 3 IN THIS RES PECT AND ALWAYS SUCCEED. OUR LIVERY ESTABLISHMENT POSSESSES ALL THE NECESSARY FACULTIES TO MAKE THINGS AT TRACTIVE FOR YOU. WHY NOT FAVOR IT WITH YOUR LIVERY PATRONAGE? WE CHARGE REG ULAR DAILY, WEEKLY AND MON THLY RATEB. : ; ECLIPSE LIVERY STABLES Phone, Central 19. THE ALAMO "HOTEL* D-E-N-V-E-R, C-O-L-O. Conveniently Located on 17th Street, Only few Blocks from Depot. —Elegantly Fumlehed and Mo,darn— REASONABLE RATES. Rose of the North By Ella M. Bangs (Copyright. 1910, by Awoctated Literary Pros* ) Dark, wistful-eyed, slender and clad In the simplest cotton garments, Fe lipe Rubio stood outside the entrance to La Academia de San Carlos, aa he had stood many times before, hoping that In some way ho might bo permit ted to enter the building. He had no money to pay his way, so It might bo that a miracle would take placo, for had he not prayed Our Lady of Guada lupe to let him pass within to the won ders of which as yet he had only dreamed? Still no miracle came, and It seemed to the boy that he had wait ed much longer than the twelve years which composed his life. On this morning, however, some thing unusual did happen, for as Felipe still hung about the entrance a party of tourUts approached, and the boy's quick eye saw that they were not of hl3 country. They wero doubtless from that other republic north of Mexico, and of which he had sometimes heard. A little girl, rosy cheeked, blue-e; ed and flaxen-haired, danced beside her father and spoke In a language be did not understand. With an adroit movement he followed the party, for he was not without the hope that he might slip In among them unnoticed by the attendant. This, however, was not his flr3t at tempt of this kind, and ho was promptly recognized and thrust out. So pleading a look was in his face that the visitors remarked it, and a man put an inquiry to their conduct tor. "Oh, the little vagabond Is trying to get Into the academy without pay ing,” was the response. followed. In which the white-clad little girl had a voice. Her father smiled Indulgently. Loat to All, Bave the Wonderful Pic turee. "Well, Isabel, If you wish It," ho said, and tho next moment, to hla unspeak able delight. Felipe was told that he might go in with the others. He turned to thank the gentleman to whose kindness he was Indobted when that person, with a smile, point ed to the child at his side. With a graceful sweep of his lithe body Felipe exclaimed what was In English: "Thank you, thank you, Rose of the North." "He thanks you. and calls you Rose of the North," their conductor ex plained. Already the boy had turned from them, and was soon lost to all but the wonderful pictures that spread around him. This was what he had so longed for, to see these paintings, for then he believed he could make a picture himself Here were the works of Titian, of Murillo, Vun Dyke and others of whom he had never heard, but the one object which he was eager to see wub the painting of Felix Parra, Mexico's own artist. At last he stood before It. forgetting all else as he gazed at the strong fig ures, the priest clasplug his crucifix, the Indian woman at his feet, the touches of red In her rehosn and tho Btaln, the life blood of the man fallen beßlde her, being the only colors to stand out amid the softer tints of the painting. Long the hoy stood here and again as long before Velaßco's beautiful "Valley of Mexico." Was it possible for men to paint like this? Felipe had no thought of time, and It was not until the gallery was about to be closed for the day that ho left the building. "Without doubt, you have enjoyed yourself," au attendant remarked. "St, senor." was the response, for ho had no words to express what he felt. He seemed to have been In an other world. He was tired now, very tired, and hungry, no doubt, but It had been the happiest day of his life. Tho Inspiration of It all stayed with him, and he dreamed of it often sit ting apart from his childish com panions In their play. He dreamed, too, of wonderful pictures which be had never seen, but which he himself would paint one day. It was months later when an artist saw aome of his crude drawings, and, recognising talent offered to help him. Hla work was encouraged, and In one way and another he worked i on, surmounting obstacles, till his | teachers declared they could teach I him nothing more. He was an artist and It came about ‘.hat he, Felipe Rubio, was to have n picture exhibited In the Academy of San Carlos! To this, his greatest work as yet, he gave the name "A Dream of Achievement,” and In It he had pictured himself, a small, bare footed, bare-headed boy, sitting on the ground with hands clasped about his knee, and wistful face upraised, and dark e; es that seemed gazing at beautiful visions that floated vaguely In the upper distance, while In more pronounced shades stood out the fig ures of his playmates about him. He was at work upon another painting. This showed a flaxen haired little girl standing half smil ing as her blue eyes looked Into those of the spectator. There was color in her cheeks, and In her white dress she presented a dainty little creation, the original of which was not to be found among natives of the artist's own city. That he realized the truth of this was shown by the name he had given his work. Felipe called this painting, "Rose of the North.” It was painted from memory, but memory had served him well. Fifteen years had passed since the day when this little Rose of the North had been the means of opening up to him a new world, and now Scnor Felipe Rubio would see other countries, the work of artists other than those to be seen at San Carlos. He sailed to the old eastern lands, and at length -reached once more the western world, and there came a day when he found himself In New York. In this metropolis of the new world he decided to remain for the present. He sent for his paintings, and In due time the; arrived and were placed on exhibition, and soon it became quite the thing for society to visit the studio of the young Mexican artist. Among the visitors one day there came a middle-aged man and his daughter, a yound lady whose golden hair seemed to have captured all the sunshine of her sunny life. Felipe gave her first a long glance of purely professional admiration, then as her deep blue eyes turned to his, he look ed again with a more personal ap proval and stirring of memory. Of whom did she remind him? There was an elusive familiarity about her smile. The visitors stood looking at the "Dream of Achievement,” when the man said, laughingly; "See, IsabeL here's jour little Mexican.” The girl was puzzled as to her father’s meaning; not so Felipe, who had overheard the remark. Isabel was the name of the child |to whom he owed so much, his Rose jof the North. It was she; he could ! not doubt it. Why had he not recog nized her at once? Feiipe had ac quired many accomplishments since i their first meeting; among them was ' the knowledge of the English lan guage. Now, moving over beside the man, he asked: "The gentleman has seen my country, Mexico, has he not?” "Yes, years ago,” was the reply, "when my daughter here was a j child.” "Like this,” said the artist, draw ing the man’s attention to anoth er painting. It was his "Rose of the North.” "The visitor gazed a moment In growing astonishment. "Isabel!” he exclaimed; then turning to Felipe: "What does this mean, sir?” ”It means that I was the little boy who waited outside the doors of San Carlos until this little girl, your daughter—this Rose of the North— brought about my admission. My , life work dates from that day. lam most happy to express my thanks once more.” "Do you hear this, Isabel?” the man asked, turning to his daughter. She hpard. Indeed, and the beauti ful color deepened In her cheeks till it was no wonder that an artist 1 should find it hard to look away. Soon they seemed to be old ac quaintances. A little later Felipe waa Invited to their home, and it was not long before the young man waited upon Mr. Clayton and with true Mexi can formality craved the honor of hia daughter's hand. "I begin to think it was foreor dained,” the father said after they had talked the matter over; “at any rate, go to my daughter. Isabel usu ally decides such cases for herself.” Only too gladly Felipe went to her. “Is It to be my Rose of the North at last?” And Isabel's blue eyes answered even before he heard her low spoken words of assent. The Bishops' Wigs. Bishops show no Inclination to dis card the gnlters wiilch. according to the Tailor and Cutter, fitted their legs fairly well at the church congress. Rut they have shed the wig which at one time weighed heavily on the epis copal brow. When wigs ceased to he generally worn several bishops en deavored to obtain the royal permis sion to dispense with them. George IV. would not allow this, but when the Bishop of London upked bis sue cessor If ho might appear before him without a wig. William refilled that "the bishop Is not to wear a wig on my account; 1 dislike It as much as ha does, and shall bo glad to see the whole bench wear their own hair." Bishop Blomfleld thereupon discard ed his wig. and was Imitated by hie episcopal brethren. Comes Out Weekly. Mra. Hoyt e—Your husband's busi ness keeps him out of town all the week, I understand? Mrs. Doyle— Yea, be la at tome only one day; 1 call him my Sunday, sup plement.