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A Big Gift to the Public f The Denver} IkepublicanI [Delivered to Subscribers atjj | 60c A.jVlONTH * A reduction of more than 20 per cent on former rates. g At this price THE REPUBLICAN is the cheapest and best g | paper published in Denver. , g Neither money nor labor will be spared to make THE REPUB- § | LICAW, aa it has always been in the past, the best and most re- § S liable paper in the West. S Si THE REPUBLICAN’S news service has no equal. The Asso- g dated. Press, supplemented by the splendid New York Herald news g 31 service, gives our readers every morning all the news gathered m Di from every part of the world. g • The ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY MAGAZINE section of THE RE- g 5 PUBLICAN contains stories by the leading authors and humorists jg tj of the day and many pages of photographs of great interest. |g | Send in your Subscription today | ? Please fill out and forward this blank. *o i THE REPUBLICAN PUBLISHING CO., Denver, Colo., & * Send to my address until I order it discontinued, THE DEN- *5 J VER REPUBLICAN, Daily and Sunday. •* • Name 1 8 4 Address g I SIXTY CENTS A MONTH 1 j TO THE PUBLIC | • Henceforth all saloons in the county handling Neef’s beer will g f have on draught and in bottles the celebrated Gold Belt brand, g I the highest grade of beer manufactured by the Neef Brewing Com- 8 I pany. g * Saloons handling Zang’s beer both in draught and bottle will || ? be supplied with Vienna Export, Colorado’s favorite brand. •' j Th<? Central 5ottling Worlds 1 1 A. BALERIA, Proprietor 1 1 SA VE A DOLLAR A TON | S> ON YOUR ORE by shipping it to the GOLDEN SMELTER. You £ J may have the kind of ore we want —let us figure with you. Ship a " » J sample car, feel satisfied and know that you are getting a square J f deal. Our local representative, Mr. B. B. Vivian, will be at the Ad- A • + I ler Hotel, Central, Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays of each ■ ¥ • J week and will be pleased to meet the operators and discuss terms. J f THE NORTH AMERICAN SHELTER AND MINES COMPANY • f 107-10 Boston Building, Denver, Colorado. (£ Did the Mail Carrier pass you by? WHY WORRY? A LONG DISTANCE II IwN n MESSAGE WILL BRING YOU THE LI ANSWER. IT'S SIMPLE. CALL LONG DISTANCE. The Colorado Telephone Co. REDUCTION ON SUBSCRIPTION RATES OF The Rocky Mountain News Beginning Monday, January 10th, the subscription rate of the Rocky Mountain News, dully and Sunday, will bo 60 cents per month. Instead of 75 cents per month ns heretofore, on all subscript ions paid In advance. By the year only $7.00. Nothing about the Nows except the subscription rate will bo re duced. On the contrary, many new features will be added at once. THIS IS THE BIGGEST THING ANNOUNCED BY ANY WEST ERN NEWSPAPER IN A GENERATION. Send subscription toduy to THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS, Denver, Colo. PERSONAL MENTION Ralph Chase and Chas. Cox wero among the Centralites to leave Sat urday for Deuvcr to spend tho week end with their families. H. Irving Jones, tho mining man, was iu lowa two or three days last week on mine business. Mr. Jones represents people who ar© desirous of getting some Gilpin county prop erty. .1. \V. Williame and James Brown left Saturday afternoon for Denver. Mrs. Maggie Ross was a visitor to relatives in tho valely Sunday. Miss Clara Mosher, represent'fig t»io Viavi company, returned Sunday to Denver. Mrs. Frank I'.ardy left Sunday for Denver. Mr. and Mrs Frank Beaman, who had been visiling relatives in Den ver and Golden, returned home tbe latter part. *jf the week. Frank GiPbwaii, Sr., was a pesson ger to Denver Sunday on business. Ing. Miss Hazel Stribley, who had been spending her caste** vacation with her parents 1 etui nod Monday to Deuvcr. C. E. Wiley returned Friday from Denver, after consulting a specialist in regard to Lis oars. Abcesses have formed in both ears and almost des troyed the hear.iig. Mr. Wiley is suf fering fro • a vi .iety of ailments. Miss Dolly Beaman was a business passenger to Denver Tuesday morn ing. Miss Beam'*’, has more business than two «ranbcxry merchants. Mr. Vn*l-cy t .' v merly a resident of this city b* t low residing in Den ver, visited '*»' Rancher family this week. Frank Graham, of tho Eureka mill, raned a *vip to Denver Tuesday morn ing. Miss Laura Avers, who is attend ing the Greeley normal, was an arri val Friday to attend the class play and visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Lowe were passengers to Denver Tuesday morn ing. 'Mrs. Peter McFarlane and attrac tive daughter, Miss Yetta,. left for Denver Tuesday morning to visit rel atives. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Lowe wore passengers to Denver Tuesday morn ing. L. J. Williams escaped from tho legislature Friday and came home. Bennett Moyle went to Idaho Springs Sunday afternoon, intending to remain a week. Mrs. Ed. O’Neil was among the passengers to leave Sunday afternoon for Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Stevens of Den ver, after a visit with their parents, returned home Sunday. Miss Van Gilder, who was a for mer ceachcr in the high school two or three seasons ago, was up from Denver visiting Miss Cody'. Miss Laura Edwards returned on Monday morning to Denver, after a visit with her ssiter, Mrs. Wm. War ren. \. E. Henley was called to Dakota Monday morning on account of tho serious illness of his brother. Miss Kate Miller was a visitor to Denver tbc latter part of the week. B. B. Vivian, of the Golden smelt er was in town Friday and Saturday, comi."S over from Georgetown. Mrs. W: sley left Saturday for Gal veston, Texas, to visit a month or two. Next month, tho city will repair tho flume in tho park so that it will be passible to have ball games this season. This is a wise idea. Were it left in its present condition and another flood come this year, the entire business section of tho town would be washed away. Only $2.00 per year—the Observer. JULIUS NORDLIEN Stone Mason BRICK —AND—CEMENT —WORK Phono Orders 1122 Black Black Hawk, Colorado. NOTICE OF ADJUSTMENT DAY. Estate of Frederick Kruse, Decensod. The undersigned, having been ap pointed Executrices of the estate of Frederick Kruse, late of the City of Central and County of Gilpin, In the State of Colorado, deceased, hereby gives notice that they will appear be fore tho County Court of said Gilpin County, at tho Court House in Cen tral City, in said County, on Mon day, the 24th clay of April, A. D. 1911, at tho hour of 9:30 o'clock A. M., of said day, at which time all persons having claims against said .estate are notified and requested to attend for tho purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to tho un dersigned. Dated at Central City, Colorado, this 7th day of March, A. D. 1911. LOTTIE KRUSE, IDA KRUSE McFARLANE, CLARA KRUSE ROGERS, Exocutrices of the estate of Fred erick Kruse, deceased. Franklin & Tedrow, Attorneys. First pub Mar. 9; Last, Mar. 30, 1911. NEVADAVILLE NOTES On last Monday night the follow ing young ladies and gentlemen met at tho home of Miss Edna James and from there proceeded to the home of Miss Velma Nichols. Their visit came as a complete surprise to Miss Velma and was in honor of her seventh birthday. 4 very plesant evening was spent in playing games and etc., after which ice cream,cake, fruit, candy and coffee were served. The little folks left wishing Miss Velma would soon have another birh day. The following wore present: Richard Davey, Elmer Rowe, Janie Grenfell, Maggie Walters, Verona Gundy, Mary Lyng, Lawrence Thomas Dorothy Berlin, Loraine William;!, Wm. Walters, Annie Lyng, Hesper Slmonds, James Williams, Annie Hut chins, Irilla Paul, George Simonds, Leota Prowse, Theodore James, Ruth Semmens, Orville Bolitho, Clara Wat ers, Carry White, Edna James, Eddie Waters, Willie Bartel, Grace Gren fell, Willie Grenfell. H. Bolslnger, Jr., has been laid up the past week with a very severe case of grippe. John Quintrell returned Tuesday to •Golden. John Cannon was slightly injured while working at the Ashtabula mine this week. this week, James Nichols struck him- While working in the Old Town self in the head with a hammer,while drilling an “upper.” The blow from the hammer made a very painful wound in Mr. Nichols’ heaa. The little son of John Hutchins i 3 improving nicely from an attack of pneumonia. Wm. Wells returned the fore part of the week from a business trip to Denver. Nick Prouse left last Thursday for Wardner, Idaho. H. C. Bolslnger returned the latter part of the week from a trip to Den ver. John H. Grenfell had a relapse in his sickness and is obliged to re main at home. John Hutchins was a visitor to Idaho Springs Sunday. Ed. Hambly returned last Saturday from a trip to Denver, much improv ed in health. Dr. Enos returned last Thursday from a trip to Idaho Springs. "Red” Ferganchich, better known as “Gilpin Red,” was an arrival Mon day from Argentine, to attend the Rod Men banquet. Mr. Andrew Ellis, of Morrisville. Now Jersey, is visiting with James Williams and family. Mr. McDottle and family have re ; moved to Idaho Springs. | John Doran and Arlo Kloer took the • Chiefs degree of Rising Sun Tribe, j No. 2, Monday evening. After the | ceremonies were performed a Dutch 1 lunch was served and a general good time was enjoyed by the large crowd present. PRESBYTERIAN NOTES. The pulpit at the Presbyterian church will be filled next Sunday either by the pastor who has been absent for a short time or by a sup ply from some source. The ladies of the church surprised Mrs. Bergen on her birthday the 14th inst. They took with them some re freshments and a very substantial present, which she appreciated very much, and they spent a very pleas ant evening. The occasion made Mrs. feel that birthdays are something to be proud of, even at age 25. Trado at the store of the Philipps Merc, company if you are desirous of saving money; also get the best In tho grocery line. ftflfl/fTHINK SHORTHAND p f r L/'j Think , \\J -»•*» * w >.l Will prove 1 1 »efor*S committee ol nTmnnUJnimja Court Reporter#. Our graduate* VyUUUYyUnlityr know more, ran write falter thanall other teachera. 30 Colorado Court Reporter*.faatoat shorthand writer, faiteat typewriters tu Colo, to our credit. luTcatlcate. WOODWORTH SHORTHAND COLLEGE 17.0 O.l*. *1... U'&rk Hill C.r) D....r,C.1.. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In tho Matter of tho Estate of Anna Dl Po?7.i, Deceased Notlco Is hereby given. That on Monday tho third day of April, A. 1). 1911, being one of the regular days of tho March term of tho County Court of Gilpin County, In the State of Colorado, I Angelo Halerin, ad ministrator of snld estate, will ap pear before tho Judge of said Court, present my 'lnal settlement as such administrator, pray tho approval of tho saino, and will then apply to bo discharged as such administrator. At which time and placo any person In Interest mny nppeur and prosent objections to tho same, If any thoro he and further have heirship to said estate Judicially ascertained and de creed by the court. Dated at Central City, Colorado, March 2nd, 1911. ANGELO BALERIA, Administrator of tbo estate of An na Dl Pont, deceased. First pub. Mar. 2; last Mar, 23, 1911. alorTiN A new creation by Dr. Price, the well-known Pure Pood * Expert A combination of Cereals — Wheat, Oats, Rice ana Bailey. Ask Your Grocer. Treasurer’s Notice Complying With A Request for Notification So As To Become Entitled To a Tax Deed, Law of 1905. To every person in actual possession or occupancy of the hereinafter described land, lot or premises and to the person in whose name the same was taxed or specially as soFsed, and to all persons having an interest or title of record in or to the same. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 11th day of November, A. D. 1907. the following described proper ty, situate in the County of Gilpin and State of Colorado, to-wlt: Soden Extension Lode, Survey No. 951 Nevada District; Leontine Lode, Survey No. 952 Nevada District: Maraposa Lode, Survey No. 953 Ne vada District; Ninette Lode, Survey No. 1032 Nevada District; Osceola Lode, Survey No. 1032 Nevada Dis trict; Octavia Rachel Lode, Survey No. 796 Nevada District; Soden Lode, Survey No. 388 Nevada Dis trict; Kent County Lode and Mill site, Survey No. 350, a and b, Ne vada District, was sold for tho taxeo for the year 1906 and purchased by F. J. AltYater. That the said F. J. Altvater has duly assigned the certificates of pur chase issued on account of such pur chase to Hal Sayre, who hath made request upon the Treasurer of said County for notification, as pro vided by law, so that he may become entitled to a deed. That the said premises were taxed for said year 1906 in the name of Duquesne Gold Mining Company. That the time of redemption of said real estate from such tax sale will expire on the 21st day of Juno A. D. 1911 and a deed will issue therefor on tho 22nd day of June, 1911, unless redeemed before a deed issues. Dated this Bth day of March, A D. 1911. I SEAL) CHARLES E. WILEY, Treasurer of Said County of Gilpin. First pub Mar. 9; last Mar. 23, *9ll. jyjjf We ve just received our new Wyj “Queen Quality " styles for Spring WT and they're beauties. • did not fcj believe such footwear possible at the *!} jr\ f>rice. The mahers have outdone «£ nr themselves. Smart, snafifiy styles with jr plenty of comfort and service—just iLj what you have been looking for. You’ll UST buy here eventually. W’Xy not to-day ? r The New York Store Mercantile Co. jy THE RIGHT LIGHT! IN THE RIGHT PLACE. THAT’8 WHAT YOU WANT. THE LIGHT IS THE ELECTRIC, THE PLACE 18 YOUR HOME. NOW 18 THE RIGHT TIME TO GET IT. WHY PUT IT OFF ANY * LONGER? Electric Power for Mining and Milling the GILPIN COUNTY L. H. &. P. CO. ♦The Gilpin Lumber Co. «(, — TO - + THE QUIGLEY LUMBER CO. ♦ Carry a Coaiplat. Stock of 1* ROUGH LUMBER, CHICAGO SIDING, CEILING, SURFACE, + lumber, doors, windows, building paper, etc < X OFFICE IN OLD TURNER HALL BUILDING^ NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. Central City, Colo., January 17, 1911. To Arthur J. Manser, and to Alfred J. Wettstein and his heirs, execu tors and administrators; and to al) whom it may concern: You and each of you are hereby no tified, that I have expended, during the year 1910, one hundred dollars, in labor and improvements upon each of tho following named Lode Mining Claims and upon said Placer Mining Claim all situated in Hawkeye Mining District, Gilpin County, Colorado, viz: The White Rock No. 1 Lode Mining Claim, the White Rock No. 2 Lodo Mining Claim, the White Rock No. 3 Lode Mining Claim, the White Rock No. 4 Lodo Mining Claim, the White Rock No. 5 Lode Mining Claim, the White Rock No. 6 Lode Mining Claim the White Rock No. 7 Lode Mining Clitim, the White Rock No. 8 Lode Mining Claim, tho White Rock No. 9 Lode Mining claim, and the Golcon da Placer Mining Claim, tho location certificates whereof are found of rec ord in Book 174 at pages 394, 395 and 399 and Book 155 at page 270 in tWfe office of tho County Clerk and Re corder of said Gilpin County, Colo rado; in order to hold said claims, under the provisions of section 2324, of the Revised Statutes of tho Unit ed States, and the amendment there to, approved January 22nd, 1880, con cerning annual labor upon mining claims, being the amount of labor re quired to hold the said Lode Mining Claims and said Placer Mining Claim for the period ending December 31st, A. D. 1910. And if, within ninety days from the date of personal ser vice of this notice on you, or within ninety days after the publication thereof, you or either of you fall or refuse to contribute your proportion of such expenditure as a co owner, your interest in the said mining claims will become the property of the subscriber, your co-owner, who has made the required expenditure, by tho terms of tho said section of said statute. WILLIAM EUTENEUER. Ist pub. Jan. 19; last April 20. 1911.