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For Belt Making •HIS design for a belt may be done very simply in linen with colored T threads or a silk material. The linen FASHION HINTS FROM PARIS Some Idea* of Btyles Which Are to Be Popular in the Next Few Week*. From Paris comes the announce ment that the new spring lines will shew trimmings. Although up to the present time no extreme novelty in trimming has developed, the new lines will at least have some braid and cotton trimming. The new spring ribbons are expect ed to be especially beautiful and artis tic, and there Is certain evidence that they will be very popular and much worn. Tea gowns will be built en tirely of lace and ribbons and gauzy evening cloaks will be poems com posed of the same airy stufTs. The daintiness and richness of the mate rials make them especially pleasing to the eye. There Is a simple evening cloak made of three yards of rose pink brocade, with one side of the Bquare caught together In the middle to form a false hood effect. An edging of gold embroidery on net and two gilt tassels complete an evening cloak that Is everywhere admired and that can easily be made at home. To Wash Plannels. Flannels should be washed In warm suds that have had a little. ammonia added to them. The flannel* should be rubbed between the hands, not on a hoard, and dipped up and down In the suds until they are free from dirt and atalns. Squeeze them with tha hands ' until as much water as possible la re moved, and then rinse In water of the same temperature as that tn which they 'were washed. Wring out again, hang tn the shade, and preas them out on tha wrong aide while still damp. Flannels should never be placed in the sun to dry or they will shrink. Special care should also be taken when rubbing the garments to see that all the dirt Is removed before they are wrung out and bung up to dry. Simple Frocks for Small Girls. Shepherd plaids in black and white, and blue and white, are always good for children’s frocks, when enlivened by a bit of color, and when properly handled have a delightfully childish and simple air. Some smart little models In this ma terial have belts of patent leather, and the accompanying scarf of these dresses, which are nearly always made up in Russian or sailor effect, are either black or rad. belts are more popular, however, and much more practical, as they may be laundered easily. HOME DRESS. Any fine woolen material would make up admirably in this design, which is dainty In Its simplicity; It has a panel taken down front of skirt, and an added piece arranged at the foot of sides and hack; .this Is piped with satin of a contrasting color. Summer Dresses. In making dresses of silk or any light weight material, Instead of French seaming them simply baste the seams up In the usual way. then hem them on the foot hemmer. This makes a smaller, neater finish than French seaming, and you have the seam sewed up and finished with one atltchlng. When one has a number of dresses to make, especially skirts with many gorea, this will be found to be an Immense saving of time and en ergy, and will be much nicer than French seaming or overcasting, as the seam will not draw. WESTERN MINING NEWS IN BRIEF the thi;.vi> of metal phicem. Silver . V * $0.62% ESST5.*.i::::: speUer \ $5.40 ( Colorado. » * \ The Wanakah company of Ouray afe working steadily ahead on their plans of development. f., v Operations in the Ophir by. the 'West ern Investment Company of Cripple Creek, will be resumed in the near future. * ■' In February the Stratton’s Indepond; ence, Cripple Creek, hapdldd . 9,22$ tons, with aa average value of gStift per-ton. The Hollister Mines Company.'hraa been incorporated to taae over the holdings of the old Cripple Creek & Manitou Company, defunct. ’ • • •’ The Scotia mill, which is being fed. from the Burleigh tunnel dump, at. Cripple Creek, is running steadily, an average of fifty tons being handled daily. The Anaconda cyanide mill on Gold hill, Cripple Creek, is running at in tervals. Whenever there is enough ore at the mill to run it two weeks or so the wheels are started. Nardine & Co., leasing on the East Griffith, Georgetown, are stoping on a body of galena twelve to eighteen, inches wide that returns $50 and bet ter per ton in silver, gold and lead. Good ore has been opened up in the 600-fcot level of the East Notaway mine by Borzago and company, in Gil pin county, a shipment of four tons bringing values of 5.G5 ounces gold or $113 a ton. •.*..* The Gladys Gold Mining & Devel opment Company of Boulder, was or ganized in September of last year. Since that time the company has tak n out $2,200 in ore which paid all operating expenses. . It is hinted in mining circles that a deal will be closed within a month whereby the Centennial mine on Eea venworth mountain, Georgetown, will pass to a syndicate of Pennslyvania capitalists for $125,000. Holcombe & Co., lessees of the Aet na vein at the Capitol mine, George town, have started a shipment of 20o : tons. The product is to receive con centration at the Capitol mill, and is worth in the crude $18 per ton. The Baxer mine, on Quartz hill, In Gilpin county, operated by Alexander Nesbit of Golden and G. R. Gibson Of Central City, is producing some high* grade ore, some of which carries val use of fifteen ounces gold to the ton. i The Isabella mill at Cripple Creek 1 is working full force. It is proposed ! to handle the tailings of the mill, send ( ing them back through the mill. The tailings average about $1 per ton and it is expected a profit of 30 cents a ton can be obtained. A. D. Bryant, leasing on the Seven Thirty vein through the Hercules lev- I el, Georgetown, shipped a w’agonload of smelting ore recently that returned ‘ 275 ounces silver per ton. He is stop ing on a streak of ore six to ten inche*. | wide and regular shipments are prom ised. — ..... A bonanza discovery has just been made in the Gold Dirt mine, on Co vode mountain, Georgetown a three foot body of solid smelting ore having been exposed that assays 7.80-x>unces gold per ton. , The shoot is showing for 100 feet and within a month heavy shipments will be made. What is believed to be a strike of importance has been made in the Hull City estate of the Vindicator at Crip ple Creek, in drifting north on one o* the veins in the 700-foot level the ore has shown values which appear to im prove each day, and there is every in dication that this vein will prove per manent. Ericson & Co., leasing on the East Griffith mine, Georgetown, shipped fifty tons of dead-zinc ore recently. The product went to the Newton mjll I at Idaho Springs for concentration. These lessees are stoping on a body of ore from three to four feet wide. A streak of galena 'six to 'eight- Inches wide and milling $55 to $G0 per Ion in gold, silver and lead,-also Is showing New Mexico. J. C. Dunn has struck pay dirt run ning more than $40 a ton on his claim in the Sacramento mountains near Al amogordo. He is down 135 feet. According to the latest Information the total developed tonnage at Santa Rita has reached-the enormous totat of 44,957,333 tons of twenty-three per cent copper.' On 12V6 cent copper this gives Chino shares a market value of $95 each. A mining deal which It la believed marks the beginning of a new epoch of prosperity for the Socorro district,' was consummated when .A, _Il ..Coons sold the Dewey group of mines in the Socorro mountains to H. Ralph Brown of Providence, R. I., for a considera tion said to be In Itie rietilhbdrhOod of $100,000. , /V Development in the lowest level (17 west) Ernestine mines, Mogollon, as well as In the main tunnel west con tinues in good ore. The clean-up for the first ten days of March ’resulted in 6,920 trop ounces and silver bullion. The papt f week forty-three sacks of concentrates were produced from 6G0 tons ore crushed. The Philadelphia Mining Company has opened nine vflns of lead at Or gan, Dona Anna county, and returni are very encouraging. BETTER TEETH FEWER DENTIST’S BILLS Your teeth decay because particles of food get Into crevices between and around the teeth and create germß of decay. Ordinary tooth powders sad washes are entirely Inadequate to prevent It. Try Paztine Toilet Antiseptic, a de licious. harmless germicide. Just a llttjje in a glass of water, and rinse the jnbuth and bruqh the teeth thon/l^ily. It will whiten the teeth, invent and remove tartar, destroy all firms' of decay and save you dentist's tdlls. thoroughly cleanses, de .Ddorlies and keeps pure and odorless false teeth and brldgework. Paxtlne Is, far superior to liquid antiseptics and peroxide for all toilet and hy gienic uses. At Druggists 26 and iJOc, or sent postpaid upon receipt t>f 3 tee by The Paxton Toilet Co., Bgußb, Mass'. Send for a free sample,. SURE SIGN. "Des yo' belleb dat Jim Johnson am really converted?” '"Deed I does, I’se bln visitin' his house fo’ do last free months, an’ dey hasn't had a mouthful ob chicken.” His Interest. "You are going to interest yourself In this reform enterprise?” "Certainly,” replied Senator Sor ghum. "But I thought It was unfavorable to your friends.” . "It Is. And I’m going to Interest ‘mysfclf In It far enough to let me of fer . suggestions that will render it impractical.” SCALES ALL OVER HER BODY ‘‘About three years ago I was af fected by white scales on my knees and elbows. I consulted a doctor who treated me for ringworm. I saw no change and consulted a specialist and he claimed I had psoriasis. I contin ued treatments under him for about six months until I saw scales break- Ing out all over my body save my (ace. My scalp was affected, and my hair began to fall I then changed doctors to no avail. I went to two hospitals and each wanted to make a study , of the case and Beemed unable to cure it or assure me of a cure. I tried several patent medicines and was finally advised by a friend who has used Cuticura on her children 1 since their birth, to purchase the Cuticura Remedies. I purchased a cake of Soap, the Ointment and the Resolvent. After the first application the Itching was allayed. , “1 am still using the Soap and Olnt ment-and now feel that none other Is good enough for my skin. The psor iasis has disappeared and I every where feel better. My hands were so disfigured before using the Cuticura Remedies that I had to wear gloves all the time. Now my body and hands are looking fine." (Signed) Miss Sara Burnett, 2135 Fltxwater St., Philadel phia.- Pa., Sept. 30, 1910. Cuticura Soap (25c) and Cuticura oin-.ment (50c) are sold throughout the world. Send to Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., sole props., 136 Colum bus Ave., Boston, (or free book on af fections of the skin and Bcalp. Generous Advice. "If-the Japanese want to fight us," said the nervous man, “why don't they beßlnT" "Perhaps.’! replied the calm and col lected person, "they are waiting for morq- tip* from our military experts on how to -proceed.” \ USE ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE th* Antiseptic powder to be shaken into the shoes (or tired, aching feet. It takea the sting oat of corns and Minions and makes walking a delight. Sold evert where. She. Rtfutt lubstitufs. For FKBK irUi package, address A. B. Olmsted, La Hoy, N.T. It's no use a church advertising the Bible when it Is dodging Its bills. O.rfteld Tea purifies the blood, eradi cate, rheumatism, gout sod other diseases. Go to Bleep without eupper, but rise without debt—Talmud. Up-Set Sick Feeling that follows taking a doss of castor oil, shite or calomel, is about the worgt yon can endure —Ugh —it gives 'tone tbs creeps. You don’t have .to have it—CASCARETS move the bowels —tone up the liver— without these bad feelings. Try them. u C4.IC A SETS we* to* tor S week's Mffsaf&eusKSS PUTNAM FADELESS DYES S olor mot* goods brishtsrssd fatter colors than any seer (be. One lOepacksse colon sllflben. Tbtydyo in cold wator bettor than any other dvo. You on »« »nr garment without rimkp* sport. Writ# foe «W booklet—How toßiro. Bleech sod MU Cobra HSONBOE patio COMPANY, palter, lit. How He Averted a Duel. The following Is told of former Sen ator Joe Blackburn of Kentucky: In the days of his youth the Ken tuckian was asked by a friend to sec ond him In a duel. He consented, and at sunrise the parties met at the ap pointed place. Now, It was this Ken tuckian’s duty to say the last words touching the terms of the duel. But, duty, the duel never took place. A murmur of “Why not?” Invariably goes around whenever this story' Is told, whereupon the answer Is as fol lows: i "For a very simple reason. When Joe finished speaking It was too dark for a duel.” —Harper’s Magazine. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CABTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature ofi In Use For Over 30 Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought. It Is a great thing to be trusted, but It is a far higher thing to be worthy of trust.—Henry Lee. Household troubles: Headache. Tooth srhe. Earache. Stomach ache. Hamlins Wizard Oil cures these aches and paina so why don’t you keep a bottle in the house. Keeps Horsethoers Busy. There are used In the British army 28,500 horseshoes every month. Mrs. Winslow*, Soothing Syrup for Children teething. aoftena the guvs, reduces Inflamma tion, alla/a pain, cures wind colic. S&c a bottle. A suspicious woman raises a large crop of doubts. / To restore a normal action to liver, kid neys, stomach and bowels, take Garfield Tea, the mild Herb laxative. All druggists. It Is no use running; to set out be times is the main point.—La Fontaine. The Fountain Head of Life £ Is The Stomach\J^k A man who has s week end impaired atomech eod who doee not properly digest his food will soon find that his blood has become week eod impoverished, end that his whole body is improperly eod insuftciently nourished. Dr. PIERCE’S GOLDEN m ED I CM. DISCOVERY ■ makes the mtommek , treat, promotea tbo flow ot H digestive lalcee, rssfsres (fie tout appetite, mekea maslmllatlea perfect, Invigorates the liter aad purifies and earlchea the blood. It la thg treat blood-maker, tleah-ballder aad remtermtlve nerve tonic, it makes meu ■Ms! la hadf, active la mlad aad cool la ledpememt, 1 This “Discovery” is ■ pare, glycerio extract of Americas medical roots, absolutely free from aleohol and all injurious, habit-forming drags. All its ingredients are printed on its wrappers. It has no relationship with secret nostrums. Its every ingredient is endorsed by the leaders in ell the schools of medicine. Don't acoept a sedret nostrum aa a substitute for thia time-proven remedy os knostn composition- Ass voun npiohbors- They must know of many cures made by it during poet 40 years, right in your own neighborhood. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R.V. Pierce, Pres., Buffalo, N. Y, ®f°« niITV7 pirn distemper LIIIMK Lg Vld CATARRHAL FEVER g InllV ri £, AND ALL NOSE * 41 MU M M 4 AND THROAT DISEASES Cures the skin and acta as a preventive for others. I tquld given on thetongue. Safe for brood mares and all others. Best kidney remedy ,50 cents and $l.OO a bottle; $6.00 and $lO.OO the dozen. Sold by all and horse goods houses, or sent express paid, by the manufacturers. SPOHN MEDICAL CO, Chemists, GOSHEN, INDIANA ■W, L. DOUGLAS/ > x |TOe *2 S 0 *3 *3 6 °&*4 Shoes ewoSS sfi-.g..-. W. L. Douglas shoes cost more to make than ordinary shoes, rSRt tfiCS because higher grade leathers are used and- selected with greater *Cai care. These are the reasons why W. L. Douglas-shoes are guar- \ , . jSJJ an teed to hold their shape, look and fit better and wear longer l ij than any other shoes you can buy. US CTBE WARE OF MUBSTiTUTEM. 11 A The genuine have W. L. Douglas name and the retail yL %i • tamped on the bottom, which guarantees full value /] fflk and protects the wearer against high prices and inferiorshoes. In L/i«^ REFUME SUBSTITUTES CLAIMED TO BE‘JUAT AM GOOD’ ?89 ** Iff" supply you with the mulac W.L.Don«las shoes, writs for Msil order < s'slo*. Rhoee seat direct from factory to wearer, all charges BOVS BHOCS prepaid. W. 1,. Dwwglgso, US Spark a*.. Biocktss, Mrm. 82.00,*2.50493.00 Miss Bangs and Miss Whiton’s School for Girls WITHIN BABY ACCEBB of all parts of tha city, and of the great libraries and museums. Opportunity given for attendance at public entertainments of educational and artletic value. THOROUGH AND CONSERVATIVE TRAINING, moral. Intellectual and physical, with expert supervision in every department, thus Insuring definite and certain results. FACULTY LARGE, sach teachsr a specialist; and pupils assured the Indi vidual attention adapted to their respective needs. PRIMARY. PREPARATORY AND ACADEMIC DEPARTMENTS; also a unique department known as the UPPER HOUSE, for graduate ami special students desiring to spend the winter In New York In a congenial social atmos fnhere. under the most favorable conditions for culture of social graces and for Hitelllgent advancement. The UPPER HOUSE Is In a large degree free from the ordinary restrictions of a school. BEST ADVANTAGES of New York available for the study of Music, Art, Elocution. Languages and Dancing. PHYSICAL EXERCISES. Special attention given with the object of promot ing health, grace and easo of motion and repose of msnner. The gymnastic ex ercises are in charge of a graduate of Dr. Sargent, of Cambridge, Mass. SUM MER CAMP In New Hampshire. THE SUCCESS OF THE SCHOOL has been so pronounced that It haa re ceived the highest commendation of the leading educators of the country as well ne of the highest officials of the U. 8. Government; Miss Bangs and Miss Whlton refer by permission to the presidents of ten colleges and universities and to President and Mrs. Taft. Ex-Vice-President and Mrs. Fairbanks, Ex- President and Mrs. Roosevelt, and the Chief Justice. Spring Humors Come to most people and cause many troubles, —pimples, boils and other erup tions, besides loss of appetite, that tired feeling, biliousness, indigestion and head ache. The sooner you get rid of them the bet ter, and the way to get rid of them and to build up the system is to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla The Spring Medicine par excellence as shown by ynequaled, radical and perma nent cures. • Get it today in usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called Saraatabs. The Army of Constipation Is Growing Smaller Every Day* CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS ate saaponziblc —they —S , only gi~ rsliri— mum r« prerif they psrmsnrady JgOßM 1 cure | IYER lions usa BPILLff. l°v pr ArnmA ■sss, lafifiitiaa. Sick HaJads, Sallow Skis. BULL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE Genuine nnian Signature ft fik THE BEST STOCK gritt saddles::-- m wh *ble prices, write for free m $ illustrated catalogue. Oy A. H. HESS A CO. M Travis SU Ueuaton. Tex. DEFIANCE ST*RCH-LT^: —other starches only 12 ounce*—name price end “DEFIANCE** I* SUPERIOR QUALITY. BATCIITS Fortune; ere made In patrntn. Pro ■ N I SIM ■ w tect your Ideas, our 64 page book free. Fltsgerald A Co., Box K, Washington, D. C. W. N. Us, DENVER, NO. 14-1911.