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BLACK HAWK NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eoellert re turned Tuesday evening from Rog ge n. where they had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hoppe. George Vogel was a passenger to Denver Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Sweeny left yesterday afternoon for Greeley. Misses Rose and Lizzie Schinherr were up from 'Denver last week, vis iting their mother. John Hill, the barber is working in a shop in Boulder. In the window of Rohling’s dry goods store is a display of the pro ucts of the dry farms near Roggen, raised on the Rohling, Schneider and Hoppe places. The exhibit consists of corn, milo, sorguin, citron and squash and outclasses products rals ed in many of the irrigated sections. The former Black Hawkites who went to Roggen are making good on their dry farms and are well satisfied with their land. Paul Kriley was an arrival Mon day evening and is visiting his broth er, Jud and wife. Louis O’Donnell and wife returned Monday from a week’s visit with relatives in Denver. Mrs. Henry Groth died in Denver Tuedsay evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Cody. Paraly sis is said to be the cause of death. Mrs. Groth was an old time resident of Black Hawk and went to Denver two or three weeks ago to visit her daughter. Thomas Dunstone left Tuesday morning for a mining camp near Buena Vista, where he will have chrage of a property for George Col lins. Monday evening, the Woodmen tendered Mr. Dunstone a pleasant farewell. The family will remain in Black Hawk. Arthur Crook and John Wald hart while out buggy riding in Lawrence street in Central Tuesday even!! got mixed up in a runaway and Mr. Crook was painfully injured. The cldent occurred when the buggy struck a crossing stone. Btartin_- the horse to run. Waldhart jumped and escaped injury. Crook was thrown from the buggy and sustained injuries about the face, hands ar legs. He is a fit subject for the hos pital. The buggy was damaged almost beyond repair. The horse was un injured. George Stroehle and wife drove to Idaho Springs Tuesday, returning yes terday. Tho city has a force of men at work, filling in the main business street. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilsey, of Chicago, who had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Neil Burroughs, have re turned to their home. Mr. Wilsey is an engineer out cf Chicago in the North Western. The pastor will preach here Sun day morning, September 24th, at 11 o'clock. Everyone is cordially invit-; ed to this service, and also to the Sunday school, which meets at ten i o’clock. Immediately after the mom-j ing service the pastor wculd like to meet those who are Interested in blble study. One or more classes will be organized and continued through out the year. Also those wishing to take up the study of the catechism are urged to remain a few moments after the service. Epworth league business meeting in the church Sat urday evening at seven thirty. Fred Bauer went to Denver Sat urday morning. Miss Irene Leverton.who had been visiting several w’eeks with the Fritz family, returned Saturday to her home in Illinois. Sam Orr, John Webster and Mr. Pearson were passengers to Denver Sunday morning. James Oates and brother left Mon day for Lead, S. D., to work. W. C. Stevens left this week fo Salem. 0., to visit for some time. Mrs. L. Pircher was a passenger to Denver Tuesday. Tho Misses Nora and Olga Crook are up for a visit. Miss Nora having been in Littleton, where she Is a popular operator in the Telephone of fice at that place. Miss Olga has been located at Denver. Monday night Gregory Camp No. 504, Woodmen of the World, gave a farewell surprise banquet to Thomas Dunstone. who left Tuesday to take up his vocation in the vicinity of Buena Vista. E. GOLDMAN ALBERT BEIHL (SUCCESSOR) . -DEALER IN -CHOICE WINES AND LIQUORS —roH— MEDICALUNO FAMILY PURPOSES Beat Imported and Domaatio Clgare, Smoking Tobacco, Maeraehaum and Briar Pipaa, and Bmokara’ Artidea generally. BOULDER PARK E. J. Ohruh and wife, of Denver, and E. W. Rich and wife and son, of Hartford, S. D., enjoyed a delight ful visit with Mayor Hatfield and wife, and were most hospitably en tertained. C. A. Wheatley and family, ,o? Boulder, are enjoying a few days out ing at the Jewell cottage in Balti more. P. J. Connor is doing some work for J. W. Hatfield, and making re pairs on all the cottages, so as to be in readiness for next summer. Stotts has been hauling timbers the past week getting ready a shipment to Denver. John Johnson has been working on the county roads, and they are now in good shape. As in every thing else, John can be depended up on, both in work and faithfulness. Eastern parties were up making ex aminations on the Baltimore mine, for future development. George Marsh has a contract on the International, and will put on a force of men, who' will work all win ter. Wm. J. Stull was out to Boulder park the past week, and succeeded in getting a large number of the speckled beauties to take home with him. Mr. E. Fritz, formerly of the Van Noy eating house, is stopping at the Tolland this week. Mr. Rollins was in Denver Friday and Saturday of last week. Harry D. Long, of Twin Falls, Ida., leaves for Denver this week, en route to Liverpool, Eng., and other foreign parts, after spending the summer in Tolland. Mr. Thomas of Salida Mo., regist ered at the Tolland over Sunday, en route to Sulphur Springs. The materials have arrived for Mrs Toll's new summer home. The re ports are that it is to be something ] very fine. The lake, being constructed over by Mr. Iversons, is about completed. It will be stocked with trout. Bruce Cliftcn was in Denver Mon day and Tuesday on business. James McCracken was in Denver Saturday and Sunday on business. Miss Moore re’urned this weik. afte a several days’ visit in Pine Cliff and Denver. Mrs. Dugan, of Denver, is spend ing a couple of weeks in Tolland. The Tolland is doing a big business since tho usual tourist season has closed: Alt the railroad boys say it is the best place in Town to put up. Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin, of Ohio.who had been spending the summer here, left Saturday for Denver, where they will stay a few days before going to California for the winter. Tolland has about got down to normal business again, as the tour ists and picnickers have all gone. > Tents are being put away and cot-1 boared up. It has been a very good season. George Waite and Mr. Adams were seen on our streets Sunday. Louis Boling fell off his wagon and seriously fractured his arm Sat urday. He was taken to Denver to be attended. Ralph Stotts has tak en his place with the team. A couple of expert fishermen of Central came over and whipped the creek all day Sunday.. Did they catch any? Well, not to speak of. Mr. Tompkins, who had been spend ing the week with his daughter, Mrs. Ballard, left Monday for his home in Kansas. Mrs. Eallard, Mr. Tompkins, Lute Tompkins, Harry Long and F. W. Dolley were the guests of Mrs. J. W. Hatfield. Mrs. Benj. Maiden, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stull and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gage, at Baltimore Sun day evening. A most enjoyable time was enjoyed by all. Messrs. W. J. Stull and Chas. Gage, of Central, and F. W. Dolley. made a trip by horse and buggy to Yankee Doodle lake last Monday by the old trail. After encountering many fallen trees, broken bridges and boulders, which were all remed ied, they reached the lake at 9 p. m., and were well rewarded after a night’s fishing by two baskets of nice large trout. Those wishing tc drive, will find an open road now. Mr. Stull, of the Observer, and F. W. Dolley, of Tolland, made a fine catch of trout last Sunday In Mam moth and Boulder creek. Mr. Stull took home a basket full after eat ing three straight meals of fish. Mrs. Toll is going to enclose the park with a fine new wire fence. Work will commence at once. Harry McCutchlns, who had been spendlug the summer here, left for Longmont Monday. Mrs. Brunißtead left for Denver the fore part of the w'eek, after spending the summer in tlielr pretty new cottage Dinner parties are all the go now that there nro no tourists to get din ner for. There has been a new night op erator installed at the Moffat depot. Mr. Stull has returned to his home Sand business, after spending a weel IN ROLLINSVILLE The cool nights make us think of the empty coal bins. Andy Rudin returned from Denver Tuesday, where he had been on bus iness. Geo. W. Orear left for Denver on Monday for an extended visit. W. W. Campbell, of the Mountain Monarch, was called to Denver Sat urday to get acquainted with that new daughter which arrived Friday evening. H. E. Jones has returned from his sad visit to Ohio, where he was call ed on account of the serious illness ahd death of his mother. Mrs. Hall returned to her home In Denver Tuesday, after a few weeks visit with Mrs. Sayre. Mrs. Steve Sperry returned from Denver Friday. M. S. Shanks attended the stock holders meeting of the Mountain Monarch Mining Co., held in Denver last week. H. Longnecker received six cans of trout from the Grand Lake hatchery Monday, and five cans of government fish Tuesday, all of which were plant ed in South Boulder. Mrs. J. L. Jordan is entertaining her brother and his family from San Antonia, Texas. They arrived Saturday. • Mrs. Henry Josephson and her mother, Mrs. Hawn, were Central vis itors Saturday, doing some shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Duffield, ceme up on Friday for a months’ visit and rest at the cabin in Gambol gulch. Mrs. Allgood, of Golden, spent Saturday and Sunday with her moth er, Mrs. Hawn. Mrs. Frank Hawn returned from Denver Saturday, after a brief shop ping trip. C. A. Farrington, W. J. Nickles, E. S. Gilbert, J. R. Gray, H. M. Cooper, came up from Denver Satur day, to look at the Mountain Mon arch property, in which they are in terested. Mrs. M. M. Hinmen spent Sunday with friends here. The stockholders meeting of the Mountain Monarch Mining company was held at the Oxford hotel in Den ver, September 12th. The following: stockholders were present: C. A. Farrington, W. J. Nickles, E. S. Gil bert, H. M. Cooper, C. J. Wood, of Centerville, la., J. R. Gray, of Gales burg, 111., Geo. Smith and J. Hardy, of McCook, Neb., and Jake Huver stuhl and M. S. Shanks, of Rollins ▼ Hie. The following officers and di rectoYs were elected for the ensuing year: W. W. Oliver, president, C. A. Farrengton, vice president, W. J. Nickles, secretary and treasurer, E. S. Gilbert, assistant secretary and treasurer, M. S. Shanks, manager. They have outlined the work for the corning winter along liberal lines and expect to push work will all possible speed. APEX BREEZES George Waite left on Saturday for tbe state metropolis, to spend sev eral days. . (Miss Carbis made a trip to the county seat Friday, to spend the week-end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pyle were! shop pers at Black Hawk and Central Saturday. The bovine of the Bergs’ ranch, that had been sick for the past week and unable to stand, was put out of its misery last FYlday.Mr. Berg shoct Ing the animal. We are sorry for his losb. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan made a visit to Tolland and Nederland Saturday, to visit relatives. Col. E. J. Adams left Wednesday for Cripple Creek on a business trip for several days. Mtb. E. C. Doty arrived Sunday from Denver, on a visit with Mrs. G. Pyle. J. R. Braid wood, who recently pur chased the Mackey mine, arrived on Monday from Denver. He was ac companied by an engineer, w-ho will look after hts property here. The parties who have had a bond and lease In the London mine, have taken over the property and Intend Installing heavier machinery. Exten lsve development will be prosecuted during the winter. Mrs. Percy Alsdorf spent Wednes day with Mrs. Ripley at American City. Captain Stedman and Mr. FTed Johnson left Tuesday for Denver. fishing In the park anil on the Fraz ier and Ranch creek. Mrs. Ellis, of the Van Noy eating house, has gone to Denver, as the house will be closed Sunday for the season. John Gundy, the distinguished may or of Novadavllle, was out last week. He made a trip to Tabernnsh, and caught one fish In Ranch creek the I alzo of a Uttlo Tom cigar. Notice of Final Settlement And Determination of Heirship. In. the Matter of the Estate of John Turner, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that on Monday the 23rd day of October, A. D. 1911, being one of the juridical d®yt» of the September .term A. D. 1911 of the County Court of Gilpin County, Colorado, I, Chase Withrow, administrator of said estate, will ap pear before said Court, present my final report as administrator, ask its approval and apply to be discharged as administrator, at which time and p.'ace, any person, interestc-d may ap pear and present objections to the same. Notice is alBo hereby given, that Misses Irma M. Kroger and Zer.a G. Kroger, whose place of residence and po3t office address is No. 2419 Or chard Street, Chicago, Illinois, have filed in said estate, their duly veri fied petition, alleging that the said John Turner died interstate, and that he died seized and possessed of an undivided one-half Interest in the Susan Mary Lode Mining Claim, Min eral Survey No. 694, In Gregory Min ing District, Gilpin County, Colorado, and that he left surviving him, his widow, Mrs. M. P. Turner, as his only heir at law; that the said Mrs. M. P. Turner departed this life on or about the 13th day of March, 1889. and died siezed of said property,and that she by he.r last will and testa ment. left said property to her daughter, Mrs. Mary AT. Kroger, for her life and at hen death to her issue; that the said Mrs. Mary M. Kroger departed this life interstate January 30th, 1910, leaving said Misses Irma M. and Zena G. Kroger, her only is sue, and that they the said Misses Irma M. Kroger and Zena G. Kroger, under the said will of said Mrs. M. P. Turner, deceased, at the death of their mother, the said Mrs. M. M. Kroger, became and now are, entitled to said property as an- estate of in heritanee, and that they are entitled to the whole thereof, and are the only persons who have any title therein. Therefore on said date above men tioned, or at some other date to w'hich raid hearing may be continued the said Court will proceed to hear proofs and ascertain and determine who are the persons entitled to in herit said property, and will render a decree accordingly, at which time all persons claiming to be interested in said estate, may appear and pres ent their proofs. Central City, Colorado, September ISth, 1911. CHASE WITHROW. Administrator. First pub Sept. 21—Last Oct. 12, Tl. Notice cf Final Settlement And Determination of Heirship. In the Matter of the Estate of Mrs. Mary M. Kroger, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that on Monday, the 23rd day of October, A. D. 1911, being one cf the regular days of the September term A. D. 1911, of the County Court in and for Gilpin County, Colorado, I, Chase Withrow, administrator of the estate of Mrs. Mary M. Kroger, deceased, will appear before said Court, pres ent iny final report as such adminis trate r, ask its approval and apply to be discharged as such administrator, at which time and place any person may appear and present objections to the same, if any there be. Notice is also hereby given, that Misses Irma M. Kroger and Zena G. Kroger, whose place of residence and post office address is 2419 Orchard Street, Chicago. Illinois, have filed in said estate their duly verified peti tion. alleging that the said Mrs. M. M. Kroger, died interstate on or about the 30th day of January, A. D. 1910. and that she died seized of an undivided one-half interest in the Susan Mary Lode Mining Claim. Min eral Survey No. 694, in Gregory Min ing District, Gilpin County, Colorado, and that they tbe said Misses Irma M. Kroger and Zer.a G. Kroger are her only issue, and that as such only issue they are entitled to an estate of inheritance in said prop erty, and that they are the only per sons who are entitled to any inter est therein. Therefore on said day or on some day to w'hich the said hearing may be continued, the said Court will proceed to hear the evidence and de termine who are the persons entitled to inherit the said property, and will render a decree accordingly, at which time all persons claiming to be in terested in said estate may' appear and present their proofs. Central City, Colorado, September 18th, 1911. CHASE WITHROW, , Administrator. First pub Sept. 21—Last Oct. 12, ’ll! NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the Matter of the Estate of Joslah Stedman. deceased. Notice Is hereby given. That on Monday the 23rd day of October. A. P. 1911, being one of the regular days cT the September term of the County Court of Gilpin County. In the State of Colorado. I, E. M. Sted man. executor of said estate will ap pear before the Judge of said Court, present my final settlement as such executor, pray the approval of the same, and will then apply to be dls chargde os such executor. At which time and place any person In Inter est may appear and present objec tions to the Bunie, If any there be. Dated at Central City, Colorado. September 20th, 1911. E. M. STEDMAN, Executor of the Estate of Joslah Stedman, decenstd. First pub Sept. 21—Lart Oct. 12, ’ll. Our new fall and winter floor cov erings are commencing to arrive. Fine large assortment to select from and prloos the lowest. The A. L. Anderson Furniture Co. If you want a good cigar A mild satisfying smoke, that won't tnmpcr with your nerves, smoke u ROTJ1ENBERG 10c CIGAR. The finest and bast flavored or anges and apples In the city can be found at Philipps'. SUMMONS. STATE OF COLORADO, ) County of Gilpin, ) 88, * In the County Court Joseph Borzago and' Bart Gasperi, part ners doing business under the firm name of “J. Borzago&Co. ’ ’ Plaintiffs, \ 8ummoni vs. Chailas D. Forrett, Defendant* THE , PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO: To Charles D. Forrett, the defendant above named, Greeting: You are hereby required to appear in an action brought aginst you by the above named plaintiffs, in the County Court of Gilpin County, State of Colorado and answer the complain therein within twenty days after the service hereof, if servedw ithin this service hereof if served within this County, or by publication-, within thir ty days after the service hereof, ex elusive of the day of service; or Judg meat by default will be taken against you according to the prayer of the complaint; and if a copy of the com plaint In the above entitled action be not served with this summons, or if the service hereof be made out of this State, then ten- days additional to the time hereinabove specified for appearance and answer will be allow ed before the taking of judgment by default as aforesaid. The said action is brought to re cover judgment against you in the sum of one hundred and four dollars and seventy-five cents, upon an ac count stated between you and the said plaintiffs on the 7th day of Aug. A. D. 1909, with interest there on) at eight per cent per annum from the said the 7th day of August A D. 1909,and for costs of suit, as will more fully appear from the complaint in said action to which reference is here made; a copy of which com plaint is hereto attached. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear, and to answer the said complaint as above required the said plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the prayer of their said complaint. Given under my hand and official seal at Central City in said County, this 15th day of August, A. D., 1911. WILLIAM C. MATTHEWS, (SEAL) Clerk. First pub Sep. 14 —Last Oct 5, 1911. Administrator’s Sale of Real Estate. STATE OF COLORADO, ) County of Gilpin ) 88, In the County Court in Probate In the Matter of the Estate of J. O. D. Keleher, deceased. By virtue of a certain decree for the sale of real estate entered Sept ember sth, 1911, by the Judge of the County Court or Gilpin County, Colo rado, in probate, in the matter of the estate of J. O. D. Keleher, de ceased, whereby I am directed to sell at public vendue, ail the right, title and interest of the said J. O. D. Kel eher, In and to the following mines, properties and premises for the pur pose of paying the debts allowed against said estate, ar.d costs of ad ministration, I, Fritz J. Altvater, ad ministrator. will on Saturday. Oct ober 7th, 1911, at the hour of one o'clock p. m., at the front door of the Court House, in* Central City, Gilpin County, Colorado, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash j in hand, at not less than the ap- | praised value of the whole, all the right, title and interest of the said J. O. D. Keleher, deceased, in audi to the following mines and mining claims, all situate in Independent Mining District, Gilpin County, Colo rado, to-wit: The Wolftone lode mining claim and mill site, Sur. No. 965 a and b, (this subject however, to an indebt edness of SIOOO.OO and interest, se cured by trust deed thereon); An un divided one-half of the Boston Boy lode mining claim, Sur. No. 5373,; the J. O. D. Keleher lode mining claim; the Gov. Chas. S. Thomas lode min ing claim; the Michael Davitt lode mining claim; the Shack lode mining claim; the Governor Orman lode min ing claim, all patented, and the Pro ponitis lode claim; the Col. Dormer lode claim; the Carlin lode claim; th Promethius lode claim; the Robert Morris lode claim; the Golden Vault lode claim; the Moondine placer claim, and the Kerry Chief mill site, all locations. FRITZ J. ALTVATER. Administrator, first pub. Sept. 14; last, Oct. 5, 1911 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the Matter of the Estate of Mrs. M. P. Turner, deceased. Notice Is hereby given. That on .Monday, the 23rd day of October A. O. 1911, being one of the regular days of the September 1911, term ot the County Court of Gilpin Coun ty. In the State of Colorado. I, Chase Withrow, administrator with will an nexed. of said estate will appear be fore the Judge of Bald Court, present my final settlement as such admin istrator, pray the approval of the same, and will then apply to be dis charged as such administrator. At which time and place any person In Interest may appear and present ob jections to the same, If any there be. Dated nt Central City, Colorado. September 18th. 1911. CHASE WITHROW, Administrator with Will annexed, of the Estate of Mrs. M. P. Turner, Deceased First pub Sept. 21—Last Oct. 12. ’ll. THE ALAMO HOTEL D-E-N-V-E-R, C-OL-O. Conveniently Located on 17th Street. Only few Dlocka from Depot. —Elegantly Furnished and Modern — REASONABLE RATES. SHERIFF SALE ON REDEMPTION. Whereas George Stroehle and Sons, did at the March term 1909 of the County Court held In and for Gilpin County and State of Colorado, re cover a judgment against the Gold Collar Mining and Milling Company, a corporation in a suit wherein the said George Stroehle and Sons were plaintiffs and the said Gold Collar Mining and Milling Company was de fendant for the sum of eleven hun dred and 70-100 dollars damages and also the further sum of twenty-seven and 90-100 dollars costs of suit. • And whereas the said George Stroe hle and Sons did cause a special writ of execution dated on the 31st day of January, A. D. 1911 to issue out of the said County Court and under the seal thereof and placed in the hands of the sheriff of said County to execute. And said sheriff did levy said execution upon certain real prop erty and improvements as the proper ty of said defendant The Gold Collar Mining and Milling Company, a cor poration and which is described as follows to-wit: Tlie Hydrant Lode Mining claim and Mill site, survey number 123, A. & 8., The Carrie G. Lode Mining claim survey lot number 8919; and the Carrie G. Lode Mining claim, as described in Book 122 at page 97 of the County records of Gilpin County, Colorado, together with all buildings, machinery and other fixtures on said described premises, all situate in Gil pin County and State of Colorado. And whereas said sheriff under and by virtue of said special writ of execution so issued on said Judgment, did cause said real property and im provements hereinbefore mentioned, to be advertised for sale, and did sell the same on the 27th day of Feb ruary A. D. 1911 at the front door of the Court House in Central City in said County to the highest and best bidder for cash. And whereas at said sale the said George Stroehle and Sons being the highest and best bidder, therefore the said real estate and improvements hereinbefore described, were struck off and sold to said George Stroehle aDd Sons for the sum of fifteen, hun dred twenty-eight and 5-100 dollars. And said sheriff made, executed and delivered to said George Stroehle and Sons a certificate of purchase for said property, premises and improve ment as provided by law. And whereas John C. Jenkins, Dan iel J. McKay and David Henderson Co-partners, at the March term 1908 of the County Court of said Gilpin County. Colorado, did recover a judg ment in said Court for the sum of five hundred eighty-eight and 45-100 dollars damages, besides the sum of fifteen and 50-100 dollars costs of suit, against said The Gold Collar Mining and Milling Company, a cor poration. And whereas said John C. Jenkins, Daniel J. McKay and David Hender son co-partners, did on the 14th day of July A. D. 1911, cause an execu tion and Fi. Fa. and Fee bill to be issued on said judgment, out ©f and under the seal of said County Court. And to the shariff of said Gilpin County, directed and placed the same in my hands, and whereby I, as such sheriff am commanded to make the amount of the judgment above set forth, against the said The Gold Col lar Mining and Milling Company, a corporation, and in favor of said Jen kins, McKay and Henderson co-part ners, out of the lands, tenements, goods and chattels of the said Gold Collar Mining and Milling Company, a corporation, together with the sum of sixteen hundred four and 45-100 dollars, the amount necessary to re deem from the sale on said Judgment so rendered in favor of the said George Stroehle and Sons, by virtue of which I have levied upon all the following described property, prem ises and improvements as the prop erty of the said defendant. The Gold Collar Mining and Milling Company, a corporation, to-wit: The Hydrant Lode Mining claim and Mill site, survey number 123, A. i & B. The Carrie G. Lode Mining | claim survey lot number 8919; and the Carrie G. Lode Mining claim, as ! described in Book 122, at page 97 of ! the County records of Gilpin Coun j ty, Colorado, together with all build ' ings, machinery and other fixtures on said described premises, all situate in Gilpin County and State of Colo rado. Whereas the said John C. Jenkins, Daniel J. McKay and David Hender son. co partners, did on the 28th day of August- A. D. 1911, pursuant to said levy and as provided by law, caused to be paid to me as such sheriff of said County the sum of sixteen hundred four and 45-100 dol lars being the amount necessary to redeem from the said Sheriff’s sale of said George Stroehle and Sons, un der the Judgment above mentioned, and did cause to be issued by me as such sheriff a certificate of Re emption. which said certificate is re corded in Book number 179, at page 126 of the records of said Gilpin County. Now, therefore according to said command, I shall offer for sale at public auction all the right, title and interest of the above named defend ant. The Gold Collar Mining and Mill ing Company, a corporation, in and to all the above described property ► premises and improvements, at the j front door of the Countv Court i House, in Central City, Gllpm Coun | ty, and State of Colorado, on Mon i day the 25th day of September, A. iD. 1911, at the hour of ten (10) o’clock A. M. of said day. Dated Central City, Colorado, this 30th day of August, A. D. 1911. WILLIAM MITCHELL. Sheriff of Gilpin County. By THOS. H. MITCHELL. Under Sheriff. First publication August 31st, 1911. Last publication September 21st, 1911. Get your fruits, melons and fresh vegetables at Hawley’s. DISCHAROES rttlfi f A RELIEVED IN Hggja24 hours the B**<*reqfeomntorfnli ALL DHUOOlttTfl