Newspaper Page Text
Cheaper and Better = L-I-G-H-T-S = ASK OUR MANAGER Electric Power for Mining and Milling The Gilpin County Light, Heat & Power Company Cherry Cheer Ah, That’s the Drink! Th<? Central sottling Worlds A. BALERIA, Proprietor The Gilpin Lumber Company - - - CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF- - - Doors, Windows, Flooring, Sid- All Orders For Dimension Lum ig ID ig <9 * 19 ' <9 <9 V <9 <9 <9 mg, Ceiling. Building Material, bar Promptly Filled. Phono 42 OFFICE IN OLD TURNER HALL BUILDING jp j* THE dP RocKu Mountain National Bank CENTRAL CITY, COLORADO. HAL SAYRE, Pres’t. J. E. LIQHTBOURN, Vice Pres’t. E. W. DAVIS, Cashier. R. B. BROWN, Asst. Cashier. 2DIBECTOHS H. J. Kruse H. A. Hicks Hal Sayre E. W. Williams Robt. H. Sayre Eugene Clark J. E. Lightbourn Interest paid on time deposits. Drafts drawn on foreign countries Letters of credit for travelers. We make collections and prompt remittances. We invite the accounts of Corporations, Mercantile Firms and Individuals. Inquiries cheerfuly answered. I GROCERIES | *:* f V Sn£E HHVE ❖ A A ♦♦♦ The Finest and Choicest An Elegant Line of China V line of Provisions, Flour, Ware always on hand at V V V A Hay and Grain J» J* Popular Prices J* j» A ? ♦> | The Sauer-McShane Merc. Co. | A MAIN STREET, CENTRAL X A *:» Stamp /Vlill Screens *:* Caps, Fuse and Candles. Agents tor the Old Original California Qiant Powder Quick Silver and Mill Chemicals, Gas Pipes. Steam Fittings, Gold Retorts, Belting, Hardware, Stoves, Rope, Etc. The Jenkins-McKay Hardware Co. CENTRRL CITY. - COLO. COMMISSIONER'S PROCEEDINGS. The board of county commissioners j met for the month of August and al- ( lowed- the following billsi: I County Fund: • John Stevens, commissioner .. 62 80 \ George E. Fritz, commissioner 63 O'. <; C. O. Richards, commissioner 58 or» Isabelle F. Mabee, salary ....100 00 > Caroline Keller, stenographer. Grand g Jiury 47 80 j Gilpin Observer, printing .... 29 90 Jay Byron, Dep. Dis. Atty .... 10 00 j H. E. Hazard, Bailiff, grand jy 7 90 \ Out West Ptg. and St. Co., Election j Supplies 84 97 i John M. Mack, janitor 50 75 ■H. P. Altvater, report 40 00 ( Morris Hazard, elk dis court 8 58 Wm. Mitchell, fees and exp. .213 20 ( W. C. Matthews. County judge 25 95 F. G. Moody, elk and exp. .. 71 75 C. F. Hoeckel , supplies 12 15 • Gilpin Co. L. H. & P. Co. .. 12 05 A. C. Asquith, Examination of Oscar Has®el 10 00 L. J. Williams, Attorney for Oscar Hassel 10 00 John W. Koons, dep. sheriff .. 2 05 Patrick McNevins. wit. jus ct 4 30 Aug Happel, wit jus court ... 430 John Heppberger, wit jus ct .. 4 30 J. H. Toot, wit jus court ... 4 30 - W. H. Evans, wit jus court .. 430 | S. Parteli, wit grand jury ... 265 . L. Unterassner, wit grand jy 2 65 Theo. Steneck. wit grand' jury 2 65 Herbert Spargo, wit grand jy . 265 B. B. Vivian, wit grand jury . 265 J Ben Anierle, wit grand jury . 265 1 Gus. Kruse, wit grand jury .. 2 65 1 Harry Willis, wit grand jury .. 265 j John Henderson, wit grand jy 2 65 ! Willie Fox, wit grand jury .. 265 \ Jos. Flynn, wit grand jury .... 265 S. E. McCallister, grand jury . 750 1 James Moody, grand jury ... 750 M 1 B. E. Seyirour, grand jury .. 7 501 ! J. C. Fleschliutz. grand jury . 7 50 j William Drew, grand jury ... 7 501 William Blight, grand jury .. 750 ] , Griffith Hughes, grand jury .. 750 ' 1 Chris. Paul, grand jury 7 50 j | John Robins, grand jury .... 750 • , F. D. Whitney, grand jury .. 7 50 ’ Mark Harris, grand jury 7 50 I Charles Baer, grand jury 7 50 » H. E. Hazard, jury, county ct 2 65 | Wm. Blight, jury, Co. court .. 265 | John M. Mack. jury. Co. court 2 65 . > J. C. Kloer. jury, Co. court .. 2 65. | Chas. Trenoweth. jury, Co. ct 2 65 ! Wm. Martin, jury, Co. court . 265 * James Moodv, justice fees .. 6 60 | Harry L. Eilmann, justice fee 2 10 . R. B. Hendlv, witness 4 301 ’ W. H. Potts, justice fees .... 590 | Mtn. States T. & T. Co 9 00 > Burroughs Adding Machine Co., re | pairs 14 54 Out West Ptg. Co., sup 25 00 Ira B. Davis, witness 2 60 C. W. Wedoo, witness 2 60 ’ Total County Fund 1152 89 , Pauper Fund: ► Mrs. Stanton 20 00 \ Mrs. Sol James 15 00 j ► Mrs. Richards 10 001 Mrs. Cirolini 15 00 ; Mrs. Matttvi 10 001 ■ Mrs. Rule 10 001 | Mrs. A. Burn 3 7 50. ! Mrs. Harvey 7 501 Mrs. T. H. James 10 00 i Mrs. Bertoluzza 15 00 j 1 Mrs. Amadeo Valentini 10 00 | Maud Seymour 10 Of > Dan Flovd 7 50 ► W. H. Johns 20 00 l Eliza Trezise 7 50 * A. S. Gundy, Boarl F. Zuecher 6 00 J J. J. Clark, Groceries to — , Mrs. Wm. Grenfell .. 10 00 * Mrs. Wm. Harry .... 750 ; Total 17 50 , Borzago & Ga3peri, Groceries to— I ' J. F. Davis 5 00 | Young & Joyce. Meat etc., to — . Mrs. B. Mochen 5 28 ' Wagner & Askew, Groceries to— ! Mrs. B. Mochen 10 00 Mrs. C. Penasa 10 00 ’ Total 20 00 ' Cody Brothers, Coal to— Mrs. Bi3hop 6 50 Mrs. Rule 3 25 O’Malley 6 sft 1 Mrs. Rowe 7 50 , Mrs. Grenfell 7 50 Mrs. Hall 7 50 Miss Trezise 7 50 < , Total 46 25 j Daugherty & Co., Groceries to Am- ! oh Craver 7 50 Sauer-Meßhane Merc.. Co. Groceries 1 Annie Kinnear 6 25 Sam Watters 9 9o Mrs. O’Malley 14 25 ; Mrs. Joe Miller 15 10 . County 1 05 J Total 46 60 Harriett Dunn 7 50 Sarah Sobey 7 50 E. L. Harris, Burial of Frank Zuech* er 20 00 Hawley Mdse. Co., Groceries to— Mrs. Conrad 7 sft Mrs. Hall 7 00 Gerald Leahy* 8 00 Court House 1 20 Mrs. Nels Bishop .... 325 Total 26 95 St. Anthony’s Hospital. Two months Caro of Chas Jaeckel 43 57 Chris. Kasman, 6 wks 32 14 ! Total 75 71 SauerM*cShane Merc. Co., Groceries Mrs. Howe 7 70 Total Pauper Fund 481 99 Contingent Fund: F. G. Moody, Reports and Extra wfk C. B. Forrin, Steel Vault Fixtures Total Contingent Fund ....1245 00 Road Fund: John Stevens r,O 00 Geo. E. Fritz 50 00 Irving Spear 25 00 Merrill Slater 30 00 Wagner & Askew 3 00 John Slntterv 33 00 Emmett McKlbben 30 00 H. Israelson 27 50 Fritz Goebel 30 00 Conrad Goebel 30 00 Joe Cti/sper 7 50 Geo Hcf’so’wood 30 00 A. P. Bdultor 45 00 Clark Hdw. Co. 15 25 C. F. Powers 35 00 Albert Nonck 30 00 E. G. Harrison 30 00 Jo*. Rrlhird T. H. Pelcher, Jr 37 80 James Powers 46 25 Jo«"»nh Hobknecht 67 60 Robert Davis 52 50 W. S. Perrin 65 00 Fred Tucker 52 50 Griff Hughes 32 50 J. H. Chellew 110 00 C. R. Baer 46 25 Henry Baer 27 50' Mike Kane 62 50 W. F. Flok 2 15 W. H. Potts 63 75 George Pyle 110 00 Gus Rudolph 15 00 Neil McKay 68 00 Shad Reid 1 11 Martin Rule 12 50 Conrad Goebel 7 50 Nels. Nelson 27 00 Dave Nelson. 15 00 Dave Nelson 15 00 Fritz Goebel 7 50 C. O. Richards 50 00 Chris. Paul 50 00 William Roberts 15 00 Good Roads Machinery Co. ..147 50 Total Road Fund . 1826 56 Total all Funds: County Fund 1152 89 Pauper Fund 481 99 Road Fund 1826 56 Contingent Fund 1245 00 Total all Funds $4706 44 F. G. MOODY, County Clerk. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the Matter cf the Estate of Fred erick Kruse, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on Monday, the 23rd day of Septem ber. 1912. being one of regular days of the September Term of the Coun ty Court of the County of Gilpin. State of Colorado. Lottie Kruse. Clara Kruse Rogers. Ida Kruse Me- Farlane. as Executrices, and Freder ick Kruse. Jr., and Horace W. Kruse, as Executors, of the said Estate, will appear before the Judge of said Court, present our final settlement of the debts against said Estate, and pray the approval of the same, at which time and place any person in interest may appear and present ob jections to the same, if any there be. Dated at Central City, Colorado. August 21st. 1912. LOTTIE KRUSE. CLARA Kruse ROGERS. IDA KRUSE M c FAR LAN E. Executrices. Estate cf Frederick Kruse, Deceased. FREDERICK KRUSE. Jr.. HORACE W. KRUSE. Executors. Estate of Frederick Kruse. Deceased. Charles W. Franklin. Attorney. Equitable Bldg.. Denver. Colo. First Publication. August 29. 1912. Last Publication. September 19. 1912. Treasurer’s Notice Complying With a Request for Notification so as to Become Entitled to a Tax Deed. Law of 1905. To every person in actual possession | or occupancy of the hereinafter des cribed land, lot or premises, and to j the person in whose name the same ! was taxed or specially assessed, j and to all persons having an inter est or title of record in or to the j same. I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on the 15th day of November. A. D. 1909, the following described prop erty, situate in the County of Gilpin and State of Colorado, to-wit: The Onondaga Chief Lode. Survey No. 15506, in Fairfield and Quartz Valley Mining Districts, was sold for the taxes for the year 1908 and purchased 1 by G. E. Fritz. That the said G. E. Frits: has made request upon the Treaisurer of said County for notification, as pro vided by law, so that he may become entitled to a deed. That the said premises were tax ed for said year 1908 in the name of E. A. Sherwood. That the time of redemption of said real estate from such tax sale will expire on the 9th day of Dec ember. A. D. 1912, and a deed will issue therefor on the 10th day of December, 1912, unless redeemed be fore a deed Issues. Dated this 19th day of August, A. D.. 1912. HENRY P. AfLT.VATER, Treasurer of said County of Gilnin. First pub Aug 22; last Sept 5, 1912. r*URINARY 5 '/^vIrjfk DISCHARQES ■raPEM 24 HOURS j Each Cap the naiiiflir-v y bevxtrr uf cvuntrr/rxt* ALL DKUOOIHTH J Want Long Hair? And you would like long hair? Rich, heavy hair? Beautiful, luxuriant hair? That is perfectly natural, and we are here to help you. Ayer's Hair Vigor is a great 1 aid to nature in producing \ just the kind of hair you de sire. Do not be afraid to 1 use it. No danger of its col- ! oring your hair. The ingre- i dients are all given on each i label, thus enabling your j doctor to wisely advise you i concerning its use. Consult < him freely. He knows. ' Mud, by IS. J. Q, ATXtt Co., L.w.11, Xm. |I 1 CANDIDATES FOR OFFICE. For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for sheriff of Gilpin coun ty, Colorado, subject to the will of the Democratic county assembly and the Democratic voters in the primary election to be held Sept. 10, 1912. ALBERT S. GUNDY, Central City, Colo. For Treasurer. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for treasurer of Gilpin coun ty, Colorado, subject to the will of the Democratic county assembly and the Democratic voters in the primary election to be hold September 10th, 1912. HENRY P. ALTVATER, Central City, Colo. For Assessor. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of assossor of Gilpin county, Colorado, subject to the action of the Democratici party in the county assembly and in the direct primary election. JAS. V. THOMPSON. Black Hawk, Colo. For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the position, of sheriff on the Democratic ticket, subject to the will of the party assembly and the primary. F. S. BOLSINGER, Central City, Colo. Commissioner Second District. I hereby announce myself as a can didate before the Democratic county assembly and the primaries for the office of Commissioner of the Second District of Gilpin county. WM. TREBILCOCK. Central City, Colorado. Clerk and Recorder. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of clerk and recorder, subject to the will of the Democratic county convention and the primaries to be held, September 10th. MRS. MARGARET HEUER, Central City, Colo. County Judge. The Observer takes the liberty of announcing the candidacy of W. J. Stull for the office of county judge, subject to the will of the Democratic voters to be expressed at the primar ies September 10th. Congressman Second District. I hereby announce my candidacy for congress from the Second Con gressional "District on the Demo cratic ticket, subject to the decision of the voters in the Primary to be held September 10th. My candidacy was endorsed by the Democratic as sembly in Pueblo. August 7th by the vote of 319 delegates out of 577 pres ent. H. H. SELDOM RIDGE, Colorado Springs, Colo. Miss Irene Ballantyne came up from Denver Sunday, and i 3 spending a week's vacation with the Misses Lil lie and Laura Rule. This is the young lady’s first vis’: to Central in over six years. She has many friend 3 who are glad to renew her acquaint ance. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the Matter of the Estate of Theodor Clausen. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Monday, the 23rd day of Septem her. A. D. 1012, being one of the reg ular days of the September 1912 term of the County Court of Gilpin County. In the State of Colorado, I, Chester A. West, Administrator of said estate will appear before the Judge of said Court, present my final settlement as such Administra tor, pray the approval of the same, and will then apply to be discharged as such Administrator. At which time and place any person In Interest may appear and present objections to the same, If Any there be. Dated at Central City, Colorado, August 22nd, 1912, CIHEBTEIR A. WEST, Administrator of the Estate of Theodor Clausen, deceased. First pub Aug 22; Last Sept. 12, 1912. 2 ...X H e... * i First National Bank \ J CENTRAL CITY, COL ORADO. 2 | Capital $50,000 Surplus $50,000 a j Resources $BOO,OOO. # d Offers to Customers every Advantage consistent with Sound Banking a A f 0 A # Officers and Directors: a J. C. JENKINS, President, JOHN C. Me SHANE, Vice Pres’t. £ ? H. H. LAKE, Cashier, WM. 0. JENKINS. Ass’l. Cashier. J # WILLIAM FULLERTON LOUIS J. SA'JHft FRANK C.VOUNO 2 a BUSINESS FOUNDED 1862. a. WAVSA V%A«%V y AAWVM WLWVA GILPIN OBSERVER W. J, STULL, Editor and Prop. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One Year In Advance $2.00 Six Months In Advance SI.OO ADVERTISING RATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. OFFICIAL PAPER GILPIN. COUNTY Official Paper City of Central Phone, Central 106 THURSDAY, AUGUST 29th, 1912. iiMERCOLDRMKI illASMlj On sale at Hyndroan’s and Poet Off ice Book Store, Central City; Poet Off ice, Book Store, Black Hawk; Kend rick's Book Store, 16th and Stout Sts., Denver. Single Copies Five Cents. For President, WOODROW WILSON. For Vice-President, THOS. R. MARSHALL. SUMMONS. STATE OF COLORADO, ) County of Gilpin, In the District Court. John C. Jenkins and Daniel J. McKay, sur viving partners of the late co-partnership of Jenkins McKay ami Company, k SUMMONS. plaintiffs, vs. Bruce M. Myers and Charles B. Myers, Defendants, The People of the State of Colorado. To Bruce M. Myers and Charles B Myers the defendants aboved named. UKKhTINU: You are hereby required to appear in an action brought against you bv the aboved named plaintiffs in the District Court of Gilpin County, State of Colo rado, and answer the complaint therein within twenty days after the service hereof, if served within this County; or, if served out of this County, or by pub lication, within thirty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of service; or judgment by default will be taken against you according to the prayer of the complaint. And If a copy of tlie complaint In the above entitled action be not served with this sum-* mons, or If the service hereof be made out of this State, then ten days addi tional to the time hereinbefore specified for appearance arid answer will be al lowed before the taking of judgment by default as aforesaid. Said action Is brought to recover a judgment and decree declaring that cer tain deed heretofore made and executed by the defendant Bruce M. Myers to the defendant Charles B. Myers on the 18th day of March. 1904, conveying the property hereinafter described to be set aside and held to be null and void. And that said Charles B. Myers be de clared a trustee holding the title to tlie undivided eleven sixteenths (11-16) In terest In and to the easterly eight hun dred and thirty-three <X33»‘ feet of the Carr Lode Mining Claim,known nnd de signated as mineral survey lot No. 4 41*. Also an undivided seventeen twenty- I fourths (17-34) Interest in and to the : Plymouth Mining Claim. known 1 and designated as mineral survey iot No. ,876. al! situate in Gregory Mining Dis trict, Gilpin County, and State of Colo rado; together with all shaft houses and machinery situate on each or any of said Lode mining claims; also all build ings, machinery equipment and Im provements of every kind and character situate upon said ’mines and premises or connected therewith, for the sole use and benefit of said defendant Bruce M. Myers,his father, and without any right, title, benefit or claim in him the said Charles B. Myers, and that said inter est be sold by the sheriff of said Gil pin County, Colorado, to satisfy that I certain judgment recovered In the Dis trict Court, held In and for said Gilpin County, on the 19th dav of April, 1910. in favor of the plaintiffs and against said defendant Bruce M. Myers for the sum of $3.3X8.83, together with costs taxed at $43.83. free clear anil discharg ed of and from all claims of said Charles B. Myers, and that the pro ceeds arising from said sale be up | plied to the satisfaction of the said j judgment or us much thereof as may be necessary be applied to the payment of said Judgment and costs therein and costs of sale. That said Charles B. Myers be in the meantime enjoined from disposing of said property or otherwise encumbering the same. That plaintiffs ma\' have such other and further relief as to the Court may seem Just and proper and recover his costs herein. Given under my hand and official seal at Central City in said County, this 3rd day of May, A. D. 1911. (SEAL) ~, MORRIS HAZARD, Clerk, rirst pub Aug. 16; Lust Sept. 6, 1913. Ihe ARCADE SALOON Tony Andreatta, Prop. —Fineat Of— WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS . . . Nice Place , . , To Spend a Leisure Hour. Main Street Above Post Office. •+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+