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List of Candidates for the Primary Election of the REPUBLICAN PARTY FILEiD WITH THE SECRETARY OF BTATE AND COUNTY CLERK OF GILPIN COUNTY, COLORADO, TO BE VOTED FOR AT THE DIRECT PRIMARY ELECTION, TO BE HELD IN ALL THE PRECINCTS OF GILPIN COUNTY, ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1912. POLLS WILL BE OPEN FROM 7 O’CLOCK A. M. UNTIL 7 O’CLOCK P. M. TO VOTE FOR A PERSON MAKE A CROSS (X) IN THE FIRST SQUARE AT THE RIGHT OF THE NAME OF THE PERBON FOR WHOM YOU DESIRE TO VOTE. UNITED STATES SENATOR— Vote tor LONG TERM, SIX YEARS. One CLYDE C. DAWSON 1211 Race SL, Denver, Colo. MERLE D. VINCENT Poonla, Colo. UNITED STATES SENATOR— Vote SHORT TERM, TWO YEARS. * or TO FILL VACANCY CHAS. W. WATERMAN Brown Palace Hotel, Denver, Colo. JAMES H. BROWN 1331 Sherman St., Denver, Colo. REPRESENTATIVE IN 63rd Vote CONGRESS—AT LARGE. SAMUEL H. KINSLEY 1340 No. Webber St., Colorado Springs, Colo. JESSE J. LATON 133 C Madison St., Denver, Colo. AX.BINUS A- JOHNSON 138 So. Grant St., Denver, Colo. JAMES P. MILDER Erie, Colo. CLARENCE P. DODGE 431 No. Cascade Ave., Colorado Springs, Colo. LOUIS J. STARK 636 Gaylord St., Denver, Colo. REPRESENTATIVES IN 63rd Vote CONGRESS 2nd CONGRES- 'or SIONAL DISTRICT. ° ne OHAS. A. BALLREICH Pueblo, Colo. H. VAN BUBKIRK 208 So. Bth St., Rocky Ford, Colo. JUDSE OF THE SUPREME vote COURT, FOR THE TERM OF tor TEN YEARS. ° ne JOHN CAMPBELL 17 Espanola St., Colorado Springe, Colo. REES D. REES 1049 Humboldt St., Denver, Colo. Vote GOVERNOR. 'or One CLIFFORD C. PARKS Glenwood Springs, Colo. PHILIP B. STEWART 1228 Wood Awe.. Colorado Springs, Colo. Vote LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR 'or One EZRA T. ELLIOTT Del Norte, Colo. ROBERT G. DAVENPORT 417 So. Maple St.. Trinidad, Colo. Vote SECRETARY OF STATE. for One JOHN E. RAMER 115 So. Meldruni St., Fort Collins, CMo, Vote AUDITOR OF STATE. for One BENJAMIN C. CATREN Georgetown, Colo. ARTHUR F. MALCOM 770 Steel St.. Denver. Colo. ““Vote STATE TREASURER. for One JAMES B. DICK Walsettburg, Colo. OSCAR D. CASS 725 E. Hth Ave.. Denver, tfolo. Vote ATTORNEY GENERAL. for One WILLIAJM B. GOBIN 404 No. 9th 8t„ Rocky Ford, Colo. BENJAMIN GRIFFITH 1147 Main St., Grand Junction. Colo. SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC Vote INSTRUCTION. o°, HELEN M. VVIXSON 539 E. 12th Ave., Denver, Colo. REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY Vote for OF COLORADO. Two GEJORGH D. STATLER Greeley, Colo. O. J. PFEIFFER 521 E. Colfax Ave., Denver, Colo. REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY Vote OF COLORADO TO FILL VA- for CANCY. ° ne CHAS. R. DUDLEY 1464 Marion St., Denver, Colo. DISTRICT JUDGE, Ist JUDICIAL Vote DISTRICT. CHARLES McCALL. Golden., Colo. WIIiLJAIM C. MATTHEWS Central City, Colo. DISTRICT ATTORNEY, let JUDI- Vote CIAL DISTRICT. ROY' H. BLACKMAN Littleton, Colo. STATE SENATOR, 26th SENA- Vote TORI AL DIBTRICT. Q° r e LEROY J. WILLIAMS Central City, Colo' REPRESENTATIVE IN THE 19th Vote GENERAL ASSEMBLY FOR for THE COUNTY OF GILPIN. One WILLIAM T. WARREN _ Central City, Colo. TRACEY HALL Black Hawk. Colo. HARRY L. BILMANN Central City, Colo. - ■ Vote COUNTY JUDGE. for One WILLIAM C. FULLERTON Central City, Colo. COUNTY CLERK AND RECORD- v ° te ER tor One FRANK G. MOODY Central City, Colo. “"™“ Vote COUNTY SHERIFF. for - One " WILLIAM MITCHELL* Central City, Colo. “^“ Vote COUNTY TREASURER. for One R. 8. HARVEY - Central Olty, Colo. ” Vote COUNTY ASSESSOR. for - One JOHN L. ROBINS Black Hawk, Colo. ALFRED SKEELS Central City, Colo. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF Vote SCHOOLS. o 0 ISABELLE F. MABEE Central City, Colo. Vote COUNTY SURVEYOR. for One S. A RANK Central City, Colo. Vote COUNTY CORONER. for One GUY A. ASHBAUGH Central City, Colo. COUNTY COMMISSIONER, let Vote COMMISSIONER’S DISTRICT. for One JOHN W. JONES Russell Gulch, Colo. COUNTY COMMISSIONER, 2nd Vote COMMISSIONER’S DISTRICT. l° r One CHRIS. CAS AG RAND A Central City, Colo. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE, Vo ‘ e FIRST JUSTICE’S PRECINCT. L. D. BLOOM Russell Gulch, Colo. CONSTABLES, FIRST JUSTICE’S Votc PRECINCT. Tvto JENKIN DAVIS Russell Gulch. Colo. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE, Vote SECOND JUSTICE’S PRECINCT. * or Two JAMES MOODY Central City. Colo. T. O. DAVEY Central City, Colo. CONSTABLES, SECOND JUS- Vote TICE’S PRECINCT. ALBERT CHAMPION Central City, Colo. ANDREW HKDSTROM Central City. Colo. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE, Vote THIRD JUSTICE S PRECINCT. 'or # Two C. JULIUS NORDiLEIN Black Hawk, Colo. PETER PETERSON Gilpin, Colo. CONSTABLES, THIRD JUSTICE’S Vote PRECINCT. tor Two JACOB KUELL Block Hawk, Colo. CAESAR GRANT Rolllnsvllle, Colo. PRECINCT COMMITTEEMAN. Vote Precinct No. 1. PETER McFARLANB Central Ctty, Colo. PRECINCT COMMITTEEWOMAN Vote Precinct No. 1. MRS. MBLITA SEYMOUR Central City, Colo. f PRECINCT COMMITTEEMAN. Vo,e Precinct No. 2. one WILLIAM BLIGHT Central City, Colo. PRECINCT COMMITTEEWOMAN Vote Precinct No. 2. i or One MRS. ALICE SULLIVAN Central City, Colo. PRECINCT COMMITTEEMAN. Vote Precinct No. 3. -? or One FRED BOWDEN Central City, Colo. J PRECINCT COMMITTEEWOMAN Vote Precinct No. 3. ft>r One MRS. MAUDE KRUSE Central City, Colo. PRECINCT COMMITTEEWOMAN v °te Precinct No. 4. ]° r One ARCHIE WATERS Nevadaville, Colo. PRECINCT COMMITTEEWOMAN Vote Precinct No. 4. 'or One MRS. EDITH JAMES Nevadaville. Colo. PRECINCT COMMITTEEMAN. Vote Precinct No. 5. for One JAMES GRENFELL Russell Gulch, Colo. PRECINCT COMMITTEEWOMAN Vote Precinct No. 5. J[ or One MRS. THOMAS ELiLIS Russell Gulch, Colo. A PRECINCT COMMITTEEMAN. Vote Precinct No. 6. 'or One OTTO BLAKH Black Hawk, Colo. PRECINCT COMMITTEEWOMAN Vote Precinct No. 6. ' or One MISS MINNIE SORENSON Black Hawk, Colo. PRECINCT COMMITTEEMAN. Vote Precinct No. 7. PETER PETERSON Gilpin, Colo. PRECINCT COMMITTEEWOMAN Vote Precinct No. 7. * or One MRS. DAISY LONGNEOKER Rolllnsvllle. Colo. PRECINCT COMMITTEEMAN. Vote . Precinct No. 8. * or One C. R. BAER Apex, Colo. PRECINCT COMMITTEEWOMAN Vote Precinct No. 8. ,! or One MRS. MAUDE MEYERS Apex. Colo. PRECINCT COMMITTEEMAN.' Vote Precinct No. 9. & James McCracken Tolland, Colo. PRECINCT COMMITTEEWOMAN Vote Precinct No. 9. MRS. W. O. REDDIN Tolland, Colo. Notice of Primary Election. State of Colorado, i County of Gilpin, i' 8s In accordance with the provision* of Sections 19 and 20 of Chapter XXXIV of the General Statutes of 1883 of the State of Colorado, being the same as Section 2142 Revised Statutes of Colorado, 1908, and In ac cordance with provisions of Section 13, Primary Election Law 1910, Page 18, Election Law’s 1912, notice Is hereby given that a Direct Primary Election will be held In the several voting precincts in the County and State aforesaid, on Tuesday, the Tenth day of September, A. D., 1912, for the nomination of the following officers, to-wit; Two United States Senators (One for Long Term, 6 years), (One for Short Term. 2 years), to fill vacancy. Two Representatives in the LXIII Congress of the United States for the State at Large. One Representative in the LXIII Congress of the United States for the Second Congressional District. One Judge of the Supreme Court for the State of Colorado for the term of ten years. One Governor of the State of Col orado. One Lieutenant Governor of the State of Colorado. One Secretary of State. One Auditor of State. One State Treasurer. One Attorney General. Ome Superintendent of Public In struction. Two Regents of the University of Colorado. One Regent of the University of Colorado, to fill vacancy caused by the death of Ralph Talbot. One District Judge in the Ist Ju dicial District. One District Attorney in the Ist Judicial District. One State Senator, 2Gth Senatorial District, consisting of the counties of Gilpin, Boulder. Jefferson and Clear Creek, to succeed Hon. Bernard O’Connell. One Member of the House of Rep resentatives, to represent the Coun ty of Gilpin, to succeed Hon. Leßoy J. Williams. In testimony whereof, I have here unto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Colorado, at the City of Denver, this 19th day of August, A. D.. 1912. JAMES B. PEARCE, (SEAL) Secretary of State. State of Colorado, i County of Gilpin, ) Pursuant to the above notice and provisions of Sections 19 and 20 of Chapter Thirty-four (34) of the Gen eral Statutes of the State of Colora do of 1883, entitled “Elections,” no tice is hereby given that a Primary Election will be held In the several voting precincts in said county of Gilpin, in the State aforesaid, on Tuesday, the 10th day of September, A. D., 1912. That on said day the following of ficers are to be nominated, to-wit: One County Judge. One County Clerk. One County Sheriff. One County Treasurer. One County Assessor. One County Superintendent of Schools. One County Surveyor. One County Coroner. One County Commissioner, Ist Commissioner’s District. One County Commissioner, 2nd Commissioner’s District. Two Justices of the Peace, Ist Jus tice Precinct. Two Constables, Ist Justice Pre cinct. Two Justices of the Peace, 2nd Jus tlce Precinct. Two Constables, 2nd Justice Pr« cinct. Two Justices of the Peace, 3rd Jus tice Precinct. Two Constables, 3rd Justice Pre cinct. One Committeeman and One Com mltteewoman for Ist Election Pre cinct. One Committeeman and One Com mltteewoman for 2nd Election Pre cinct. One Committeeman and One Com mltteewoman for 3rd Election Pre cinct. One Committeeman and One Com mittee worn an for 4*th Election Pre cinct. One Committeeman and One Com* mltteewoman for sth Election Pre cinct. One Committeeman and One Com mitteewoman for 6th Election Pre cinct. One Committeeman and One Com* mltteewoman for 7th Election Pre cinct. One Committeeman and One Com mitteewoman for Bth Election Pro* cinct. One Committeeman and One Com mitteewoman for 9th Election Pre cinct. The polls in the several Election precincts will open at 7 o’clock, n. m. and will remain open until 7 o’clock P. M., Tuesday September 10, 1912. UST OF JUDGES AND POLLING PLACES. Precinct No. 1, McFarlane’s Foun dry—Grace Tonkin, Maggie Heuer and Lizzie Clark. Precinct No. 2, Morris Building, old stand of Golden Rule Store —Lena Griffin, Mary Cody and Mary Grab mair. Precinct No. 3, Peter Leldlnger’s Store —Mary E. Warren, Mary Ellman and Alma Berryman. Precinct No. 4, School House— Leonard Nicohls. Mrs. Harry Arm field and John C. Chappel. Precinct No. 5. Union Hall—Jcmkin Davis, Mark A. Harris, John Edwards Precinct No. 6, Black Hawk Odd Fellow’s Building—Pearl Kriley, Mr* Anna WUltnsky and George Kurtz. Precinct No. 7, Rolllnsvllle Hot< —F. D. Whitney, R. J. Doyle ar. Brooks Glbeon. Precinct No. 8. Town Hall —Shu Held, C. A. McNeill and R. C. Russe Precinct No. 9. Bruce Clifton ** Building—James McCracken, Bruce Clifton and Jake Kriley. In witness whereof. I have here unto set my hand and official seal at Central City, Colorado, this 21st day of August, A. D., 1912. (SEAL) FRANK O. MOODY. County Clerk.